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Volume II
(Gabon to Norway)


Encyclopedia of World Constitutions

Copyright © 2007 by Gerhard Robbers

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Encyclopedia of world constitutions / edited by Gerhard Robbers.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-8160-6078-9
1. Constitutions. 2. Constitutional law. 3. Comparative law. I. Robbers, Gerhard.
K3157.E5E53 2006
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Republic of Latvia Latvian 57.6%, Russian 29.6%, Belorussian 4.1%,
Ukrainian 2.7%, Polish 2.5%, Lithuanian 1.4%,
CAPITAL Jewish 0.4%, German 0.1%, other 1.6%
POPULATION November 18, 1918 (from Soviet Union,
2,300,000 (2005 est.) August 21, 1991)


24,938 sq. mi. (64,589 sq. km) Parliamentary democracy
Unitary state
Latvian (official), Lithuanian, Russian, other
RELIGIONS Unicameral parliament (Saeima)
Lutheran 24.17%, Roman Catholic 18.71%, Orthodox
15.22%, Old Believer Orthodox 3.48%, Baptist 0.28%,
February 15, 1922
Seventh-day Adventist 0.17%, Methodist 0.04%, Mormon
0.04%, Jewish 0.03%, Muslim 0.02%, unaffiliated or other DATE OF LAST AMENDMENT
37.84% January 3, 2006

L atvia is a unitary republic based on the rule of law and

the principles of proportionality, justice, and legal
certainty. It is a parliamentary democracy with a pluralist
Soviet's occupation in 1940. The Republic of Latvia was
restored on May 4, 1990.
The Republic of Latvia's first legislative institution was
system of political parties. There is a clear separation of called the People's Council. A protoparliament was
powers with checks and balances. Fundamental rights are established with the agreement of eight political parties as a
guaranteed and widely respected. Religious freedom is body of 40 members on November 17, 1918, at a time
guaranteed, and state and church are separated. when elections could not yet be held. Mandates in the
council were granted not to individuals, but to parties. Each
party had a certain number of seats in the council, and these
were filled by the members it authorized.
CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY The People's Council adopted several important laws,
Despite the fact that the fundamental law of the state— the on rural local governments and their election, on the Lat-
constitution—was adopted more than 80 years ago, it is still vian monetary system, on educational institutions, and on
at the beginning of its development. One of the major citizenship. Council elaborated a political platform that can
reasons is that in 50 years of Soviet occupation, the state of be regarded as the first provisional constitution of the Re-
Latvia and constitutionalism could exist only in the public of Latvia. On August 19, 1919, the People's Council
imagination of the people. The Republic of Latvia was adopted a law calling for a constitutional assembly, which
established on November 18, 1918, and existed till the was duly elected and held its first session on May 1, 1920.

514 Latvia

The Declaration of the State of Latvia was adopted on many invaded and occupied Latvia. The country fell into
May 27, 1920. It proclaimed Latvia to be an independent, the Soviet sphere after the war as an involuntary republic of
sovereign republic with a democratic political system the Soviet Union.
vested in the people of Latvia. This declaration together Taking advantage of the gathering collapse of the So-
with the Temporary Provisions of the State of Latvia of viet Union, Latvia renewed its independence as did its two
June 1, 1920, functioned as the country's second temporary Baltic neighbors. On July 28, 1989, the Supreme Council of
constitution. the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic adopted the Decla-
The Constitutional Assembly (Satversmes Sapulce) ration On the Sovereignty of the Latvian State.
was Latvia's first elected legislative body. On February 15, Elections of the Supreme Council of Latvia were held
1922, it adopted the Latvian Constitution (Satversme). on March 18, 1990. For the first time since the Soviet oc-
After that, a period commenced that may be called the cupation, candidates from various political movements
period of parliament, lasting until 1934. were allowed to run for parliament.
The political atmosphere grew favorable to authoritar- On May 4, 1990, the Supreme Council adopted the
ianism. Latvia was surrounded by nondemocratic regimes Declaration on the Renewal of Independence of the Re-
such as Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland. In the unstable lead public of Latvia. As a start toward dismantling Soviet law
up to World War II (1939-4S), a significant crisis of in the country, the declaration proclaimed that de jure the
democracy and constitutionalism seized Latvia. After the state had never ceased to exist; the principle of continuity
recurrent resignations of Latvian administrations, Karlis was applied to the laws of the republic of November 18,
Ulmanis became prime minister. He overturned the state on 1918. The old 1922 constitution was thus once more in
May 15, 1934. Revolution followed quickly, with neither effect.
bloodshed nor resistance. On the pretext of internal riots, Independent Latvia has since taken its place in the
martial law was proclaimed for six months. community of nations. It is a member state of the European
Freedom of speech was restricted, and censorship was Union and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty
introduced. Labor unions and hundreds of other associa- Organization (NATO).
tions were closed. More than 100 organizations of that time
were closed, without any exception. Unlike other au-
thoritarian countries of the time, Latvia did not even retain a
leading party. All processions and political meetings were FORM AND IMPACT OF THE
prohibited. Dozens of newspapers and magazines were CONSTITUTION
closed, and hundreds of books were banned. Several
hundred social democrats were sent to a concentration The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (Latvijas
camp, although they were set free after a year of work on Republikas Satversme) is a written, codified single doc-
peat marshes. Many officials, municipal employees, ument. It is quite short and laconic. Because of the relative
teachers, and others lost their jobs for political reasons. The ease of amendment, it may be classified as a flexible
total number of the arrested and dismissed people was constitution.
approximately 3,000. During that time, anybody could be
handed over to a court martial for any crime.
President Alberts Kviesis had remained in office, but
when his constitutional term was over on April 11, 1936, he
handed over his powers to Ulmanis, who remained STRUCTURE
president and prime minister until the Soviet occupation.
The Republic of Latvia is a unitary republic; the country
His initial authoritarianism developed into a dictatorship, as
may be defined as a parliamentary republic. As far as the
he controlled the executive, legislative, and judicial powers.
administrative division is concerned, the territory of the
On June 16, 1940, the government of the Soviet Union
state of Latvia, within the borders established by interna-
issued an ultimatum that the Latvian government resign.
tional agreements, consists of the regions Vidzeme, Lat-
The following day the Soviets invaded, in violation of basic
principles of international law, and occupied the country. gale, Kurzeme, and Zemgale.
Karlis Ulmanis signed legal documents dictated by the
invaders once the country was occupied. The incorporation
of Latvia into the Soviet Union was carried out under the
direct supervision of Moscow.
Elections to the Parliament of occupied Latvia were PRINCIPLES
conducted in July in conditions of political terror under an
According to the constitution, Latvia is an independent
illegal and unconstitutional election law. The new Par-
democratic republic. It rests on the rule of law and the
liament adopted the Constitution of the Latvian Soviet
principles of proportionality, justice, and legal certainty.
Socialist Republic—a copy of Stalin's constitution. At first
There is a division of powers.
Soviet power lasted only a year as World War II Nazi Ger-
As a key principle of the constitution, Latvian is the
official language in the Republic of Latvia. The sovereign
Latvia 515

power of the state is vested in the people of Latvia. All state grant clemency to criminals against whom a judgment of
authority must therefore be justifiable as the will of elected the court has come into legal effect.
representatives of the people and thus, ultimately, of the The head of state can propose the dissolution of Par-
people as the sovereign. Parliament is chosen in general, liament, subject to the approval of a majority of votes in a
equal, and direct elections by secret ballot, using national referendum. If the voters agree, Parliament is
proportional representation. considered dissolved and new elections occur within two
Another fundamental constitutional principle, which is months. If more than half of the votes in the referendum are
gaining increasing importance, is openness to European cast against the dissolution of Parliament, the president
integration. It is no longer possible to understand Latvian shall be deemed to be removed from office, and Parliament
law without taking into account the laws of the European shall elect a new president to serve for the remaining term
Union. of office of the president so removed.

The Cabinet of Ministers

CONSTITUTIONAL BODIES The cabinet of ministers is the a d mi n i s t r a t i o n and the
The constitutional bodies are Parliament (Saeima), the highest executive body of the country. It consists of the
president, the cabinet of ministers, the State Audit Office, prime minister and the cabinet ministers chosen by the
and the courts. prime minister. The cabinet is assembled by the person who
has been invited by the president to do so. The cabinet of
ministers starts exercising its duties only after receiving a
Parliament (Saeima) confidence vote in Parliament. Parliament has the right to
The Latvian Parliament consists of 100 delegates elected submit requests and questions to the prime minister or to an
for a term of four years. The Parliament itself reviews the individual minister; one of them, or another responsible
qualification of its members. It makes decisions by an ab- government official duly authorised by them, must answer.
solute majority of members present, except in cases spe- The number of cabinet ministries and the scope of their
cifically set out in the constitution. responsibilities, as well as the relations among s ta te
Delegates have broad immunity. They can refuse to institutions, are provided for by law.
give evidence in court and may not be called to account by
any judicial, administrative, or disciplinary process in The Lawmaking Process
connection with their voting or their views as expressed The right to legislate is given to Parliament. Draft laws may
during the execution of their duties. However, court pro- be submitted by the president, the cabinet, Parliament
ceedings may be brought against members of Parliament if, committees, any five members of the Parliament, or any
even in the course of performing parliamentary duties, they group that totals one-tenth of the electorate. Legislative
disseminate defamatory statements that they know to be initiatives must generally be drawn up in the form of draft
false or any defamatory statements about anyone's private laws, but the state president is entitled to submit proposals
or family life. Delegates may not be arrested, their personal that are not in the form of draft laws.
liberty be restricted, or their premises be searched without All international agreements that might require new or
the consent of Parliament. Delegates may be arrested if changed laws need ratification by Parliament. I n t e r n a -
apprehended in the act of committing a crime. Without the tional agreements that delegate state power lo inter national
consent of the Parliament, a criminal prosecution may not institutions must be ratified by Parliament, with a quorum
be commenced; nor may administrative fines be levied of two-thirds of all members and the approval of two-thirds
against its members. of members present.
The president has the right to suspend the proclamation
of a law for a period of two months; he or she must do so if
The President requested by at least one-third of the members of
The Latvian president is elected by secret ballot by a ma- Parliament. In either case, the decision must be made within
jority of the votes of members of Parliament, for a term of seven days of the adoption of the law by Parliament. The
four years; he or she may be reelected once only. Any suspended law must be submitted to a national referendum
person who enjoys full rights of citizenship and who has if so requested by not less than one-tenth of the electorate.
attained the age of 40 years may run for president. The If no such request is received during the two-month period,
president may not hold any other office concurrently. If the the law is proclaimed. Parliament can prevent a national
person elected as president is a member of the Parliament, referendum by voting on the law again and approving it by
he or she must immediately resign from the mandate. The a three-quarters majority of all members of the Parliament.
president is not responsible to Parliament or the Finally, the cabinet of ministers has the right, if there is
administration in the fulfillment of presidential duties. an urgent need during the time between sessions of the
The president is the head of the army of Latvia in times Parliament, to issue regulations that have the force of law.
of peace. He or she can declare war on the basis of a
decision of Parliament. The president has the right to
516 Latvia

Such regulations may not amend the law regarding elec-

tions of the Parliament, laws governing the court system The Constitutional Court
and court proceedings, the budget and rights pertaining to The Constitutional Court is an independent institution of
the budget, or laws adopted during the term of the current judicial power. It reviews cases concerning the compliance
Parliament, and they may not pertain to amnesty, state of laws with the constitution, and it has the right to declare
taxes, customs duties, and loans. These regulations shall laws or other enactments or parts thereof invalid. The
cease to be in force unless submitted to Parliament not later Constitutional Court also reviews international treaties
than three days after the next session of Parliament has entered into by Latvia, to verify their compliance with the
been convened. constitution; it may rule even before Parliament has
confirmed the agreement. The court reviews the compliance
of other normative acts with legal norms of a higher legal
The State Audit Office force (such as ordinary law vis-a-vis the constitution). It has
(Valsts Kontrole) responsibility to ensure that Parliament and the cabinet of
ministers, president, chairperson of the Parliament, and
The State Audit Office is an independent collegiate body
prime minister all act in compliance with the law (except in
that reports to the Parliament on the utilization of public
their administrative acts). It also rules in cases of ministers'
funds. The tasks of the State Audit Office are to supervise
overruling local council regulations and checks the
the legal, effective, and accurate collection and spending of
compliance of the national laws of Latvia with the
resources in line with the basic budget and special budget
international agreements entered into by Latvia, as long as
of the state and local governments and to moderate the use
they are not contrary to the constitution.
of state and local government property. The State Audit
Office provides annual reports to the Parliament on actual
implementation of the state budget of the previous year and
issues opinions on the collection and spending of state THE ELECTION PROCESS AND
resources and handling of state property. Auditors general
shall be appointed to their office and confirmed pursuant to POLITICAL PARTICIPATION
the same procedures as judges, but only for a fixed period, All citizens of Latvia who have reached the age of 18 have
during which they may be removed from office only by a the right to vote. Elections to Parliament are secret and by
judgment of the court. proportional representation.
Any legally registered political organization (party) or
association of political organizations (coalition) may submit
The Courts a list of candidates for Parliament. Any citizen of Latvia
The judiciary is composed of district (city) courts, regional who has reached the age of 21 by election day may be
courts, the Supreme Court, and the Constitutional Court. nominated as a candidate. Only those candidates on lists
The court system is financed from the state budget. In the that have received at least 5 percent of the total number of
Republic of Latvia, only a court can administer justice. votes cast will be elected to Parliament. In the seventh
Judges in Latvia are independent and subject only to the Saeima elections of October 3, 1998, six lists of candidates
law. Judicial appointments are confirmed by Parliament and received more than 5 percent of the total number of votes,
are as a rule irrevocable. Parliament may remove judges in 21 candidate lists, which contained a total of 1,081
from office only in the cases provided for by law, on the candidates.
basis of a decision of the Judicial Disciplinary Board or a A national referenda may be initiated if the president
judgment of the court in a criminal case. The age of proposes a dismissal of the Parliament; if the president
retirement from office for judges may be determined by suspends the publication of a law for two months; if at least
law. Latvian courts work in accordance with the following one-tenth of the electors request a referendum; if Par-
principles: legality, openness, presumption of innocence, liament amends Articles 1, 2, 3, or 6 of the constitution; or
equality of parties, and collegiality. if one-tenth of the electors present a complete draft law to
A judge has immunity during his or her term of office. the president and Parliament does not accept it.
A criminal matter against a judge may be initiated only by The constitution prohibits referenda on the following
the prosecutor general of the Republic of Latvia. A judge
topics: the state budget, loans, taxes, customs, or railroad
may not be detained or subjected to criminal liability
tariffs; conscription; proclamation of war and opening of
without the consent of Parliament. A decision concerning
hostilities; entry into a peace treaty; proclamation or
the detention, forcible conveyance, arrest, or subjection to
termination of a state of emergency; mobilization and de-
search of a judge shall be taken by a Supreme Court justice
mobilization; and treaties with foreign countries.
specially authorized for that purpose. An administrative
sanction may not be applied to a judge, and a judge shall
not be arrested pursuant to administrative procedures.
A party (a political organization) can be formed by any
group of at least 200 people. The Communist Party and
Latvia 517

parties of national socialist (Nazi) disposition are outlawed. their language and their ethnic and cultural identity. The
At present, there are about 40 political organizations in Latvian constitution guarantees everyone the inviolability
Latvia, of which eight parties are represented in Parliament. of private life, home, correspondence, free movement, and
choice of residence, Everyone has the right to depart from
Latvia freely. Everyone who has a Latvian passport shall be
protected by the state while abroad and has the right to
CITIZENSHIP return to Latvia freely. A citizen of Latvia may not be
Latvian citizens have equal rights and obligations irre- extradited to a foreign country.
spective of the manner in which they have acquired citi- In the sphere of labor rights, everyone in Latvia has the
zenship. Latvian citizens are persons who were Latvian right to choose employment and workplace freely according
citizens on June 17, 1940, and their descendants who have to his or her a b i l i t i e s and qualifications. Forced labor is
registered in accordance with the procedures set out in law prohibited; participation in the relief of disasters and work
and who have not acquired the citizenship of another state pursuant to a court order shall not be deemed forced labor.
since May 4, 1990. Persons can acquire Latvian citizenship Every employed person in Latvia has the constitutional
by naturalization or otherwise in accordance with the right to receive commensurate remuneration for work done,
procedures set out by law. which must not be less than the minimal wage established
A noncitizen, as defined by the "Law on the status of by the stale. Everyone has the right to weekly days off and
those former U.S.S.R. citizens who do not have the citi- a paid annual vacation. Employed persons have the r i g h t
zenship of Latvia or that of any other state," has the right to to collective labor agreements and the right to strike. The
a noncitizen passport issued by the Republic of Latvia. state must protect the freedom of trade unions. The La t v i a n
Dual citizenship is not allowed for those who acquire state recognizes the freedom of scientific research and
Latvian citizenship. Even if a Latvian citizen, in accordance artistic and other creative activity and protects copyright
with the laws of a foreign state, is simultaneously and patent rights.
considered a national of that state still, in legal relations The state must generally protect human honor and
with Latvia he or she shall be considered solely a Latvian dignity; as a result, torture or other cruel or degrading
citizen. treatment of human beings is prohibited, freedom of pre-
viously announced peaceful meetings, street processions,
and pickets is guaranteed. The state supports marriage, the
family, the rights of parents, and the r ig h t s of children.
FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS The state is obliged to provide special support to disabled
The state undertakes to recognize and protect fundamental children, children left without parental care, or children
human rights in accordance with the constitution, laws, and who have suffered from violence. Human health must be
international agreements; all people in Latvia have the right protected with a basic level of medical assistance. Every-
to know about these rights. All are equal before the law and one has the right to live in a benevolent environment; the
the courts, as human rights must know no discrimination of state must provide information about environmental
any kind. All people have the right to defend their rights conditions and promote the preservation and improvement
and lawful interests in fair court proceedings. Courts shall of the environment.
judge trials irrespective of a person's origin, social and Everyone has the right to the liberty and security of the
financial status, race or nationality, sex, education, person. No one may be deprived of or have his or her
language, attitude toward religion, type and nature of liberty restricted, other than in accordance with law. The
occupation, place of residence, or political or other views. constitution guarantees freedom of thought, conscience, and
All people have the right to court protection against threats religion, and freedom of expression, which includes the
to their life, health, personal freedom, honor, reputation, right to receive, keep, and distribute information and
express views freely. Censorship is prohibited. The right to
and property. Everyone is presumed innocent until guilt has
form and join associations, political parties, and other
been established in accordance with law. Everyone has a
public organizations is guaranteed, as is the r i g h t to
right to commensurate compensation when rights are
address petitions to national or local government in-
violated without legal basis, and everyone has a right to the
stitutions and to receive a materially responsive reply in the
assistance of counsel. The right to life of everyone must be
Latvian language. There is a right to own property,
protected by the law.
although such property may not be used contrary to I he
According to the Latvian constitution, all citizens have
interests of the public.
the right to participate in the activities of the state and of
Social security in old age, for work disability, for un-
local government and to hold a position in the civil service,
employment, and in other cases as provided by law is
as provided for by law. Local governments shall be elected guaranteed. To guarantee the right to education, the state
by Latvian citizens. The working language of local must ensure that everyone may acquire primary and sec-
governments is Latvian. Persons who are members of ondary education without charge. Primary education is
ethnic minorities have the right to preserve and develop compulsory.
518 Latvia

Impact and Functions of MILITARY DEFENSE AND

Fundamental Rights STATE OF EMERGENCY
To implement fundamental rights further in practice the The Parliament determines the size of the armed forces
Ombudsperson (Tiesibsargs) is an independent institution during peacetime. If in accordance with the constitution of
that promotes the observance of human rights. It is the Republic of Latvia (Article 62) the state is threatened by
contributing to the creation of a society in which human an external enemy, or if an internal insurrection anywhere
rights are genuinely respected. The office is independent in in the country endangers the existing political system, the
its decisions and activities and can only make recom- cabinet has the right to proclaim a state of emergency.
mendations to the competent administrative authorities in The leading institution of state administration in the
order to prevent and to remedy injustices. defense field is the ministry of defense, which is directly
subordinated to the minister of defense. The minister of
Limitations to Fundamental Rights defense is a civilian who has political responsibility to the
Parliament and to the cabinet.
The rights of persons may be subject to restrictions in cir-
The president of state is the commander in chief of the
cumstances provided for by law in order to protect the
armed forces. During wartime the president appoints a
rights of other people, the democratic structure of the state,
supreme commander. The president has the right to take
or public safety, welfare, and morals.
whatever steps necessary for the military defense of the
state, should another state declare war on Latvia or an
enemy invade its borders. Concurrently and without delay,
ECONOMY the president must convene Parliament, which decides as to
the declaration and commencement of war.
The Latvian constitution does not mention economic mat- During peacetime, military units are recruited from
ters directly. It does, however, secure the right to own prop- Latvian citizens via conscription into mandatory active
erty. Property may not be used contrary to the interests of military service. No one may be accepted into military ser-
the public, but property rights may be restricted only in vice if he or she has been sentenced for a criminal offense;
accordance with the law. The expropriation for public pur- is a suspect, accused, or defendant in a criminal case; is
poses is allowed only in exceptional cases on the basis of a unfit for service because of health; or is or has been a staff
specific law and in return for fair compensation. employee or a supernumerary of the security service, intel-
ligence, or counterintelligence service of the Soviet Union;
the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic; or any foreign state.
RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES There is an alternative service of 24 months for
conscientious objectors, 18 months for those who have
The separation of church and state has never implied seg-
higher education.
regation of religion from society or complete exclusion of
the church from social life. This would not be possible in a
democratic country, as religion and religious associations
form one of the structural elements of society. The role of AMENDMENTS TO THE
the church in the internal national processes in Latvia CONSTITUTION
should not be underestimated. Public polls show that 70
percent of Latvian citizens and 60 percent of noncitizens Parliament may amend the constitution. The amendments
trust the churches. Embracing this potential, churches have require three readings and must be approved by two-thirds
sought to influence state policy and laws. Latvia is a of the members present (with a quorum of two-thirds of all
multiconfessional country, where the three largest de- members). Amendments that affect the form of the state,
nominations are the Catholics, the Lutherans, and the the sovereign power of the people, territorial components,
members of the Orthodox Church. There are about 170 the state language, the election of Parliament, or certain
different denominations and religious groups. other basic elements must be submitted to a national
The Law on Religious Organizations, special agree- referendum. Any group of one-tenth of the electorate may
ments with the traditional denominations, and special laws submit a fully elaborated draft amendment to the president,
for churches govern the state-church relationship in Latvia. who must present it to Parliament. If Parliament does not
It is based on separation, respectful neutrality, religious adopt it without change, it is submitted to national
freedom, and the delegation of some peculiar powers. The referendum.
government has delegated the right to register marriages to
some denominations only; their clerics thereby assume the PRIMARY SOURCES
responsibilities of state officials, but they are not provided Constitution in English. Available online. URL: http://
with any compensation from the state. www.saeima.lv/LapasEnglish/Constitution_Visa. htm.
Accessed on September 8, 2005.
Latvia 519

Constitution in Latvian. Available online. URL: http:// www.saeima.lv/Lapas/Satversme_Visa.htm. Accessed on September 6, 2005.

Ringolds Balodis, The Constitution of Latvia, Legal Policy Forum Series, vol. 26. Trier: Institute for Legal Policy, Trier University, 2004.
"Constitution as a Legal Base for a System and Functions of Organs of the State." In the Fourth Baltic-Norwegian Conference on
Constitutional Issues, March 1996. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1996.
Talavs Jundzis, ed., "First Year in the European Union: Current Legal Issues." In Proceedings of the International Conference, April 29-30.
Riga: Poligrāfists, 2005.
Talavs Jundzis, ed., Latvia in Europe: Visions of the Future. Riga: Baltic Center for Strategic Studies, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004.
Talavs Jundzis, ed., The Baltic States at Historical Crossroads. Riga: Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2d edition, 2001.
Caroline Taube, Constitutionalism in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Uppsala: Iustus Förlag, 2001.
Ringolds Balodis
Valststiesību zinātņu Katedras uadītājs

Latvijas RepubliKas Konstitucionālo tiesību evoūcija un

transformācija 20.-21. gadsimta mijā
1 .Latvijas konstitucionālisms pasaules kontekstā Ja padome, kura panāca Latvijas valsts pasludināšanu
latviešu tiesību zinātni salīdzina ar Lielbritānijas, 1918. gada 18. novembrī. 1922. gadā tiek pieņemta
Vācijas, Francijas vai Amerikas Savienoto Valstutiesību Satversme, un var jau sākt runāt par konstitucionālo
zinātni, nākas secināt, ka objektīvu iemeslu dēļ Latvijas tiesību zinātnes izveidošanos Latvijā, jo konstitūcija
jurisprudence (arī konstitucionālās tiesības) ir tikai savas bez tās dogmatiskas iztirzāšanas nav iedomājama,
attīstības sākumā. Lai gan kopš valsts pamatlikuma - bet tulkošana var sākties tikai no konstitūcijas
Satversmes pieņemšanas ir pagājis vairāk nekā pieņemšanas brīža. Lai gan, kā atzīst Trīres
astoņdesmit gadu, var atkārtot to, ko pirms kādiem Universitātes (Vācija) salīdzinošo konstitucionālo
septiņdesmit gadiem rakstīja profesors Kārlis Dišlers: tiesību profesors Gerhards Robers, juristu galvenais
"Latvijas valsts-tiesību zinātne atrodas vēl tikai tapšanas uzdevums konstitucionālo tiesību jomā ir konstitūcijas
stadijā."1 Tam ir objektīvi iemesli, no kuriem galvenais - interpretēšana, ne mazāk svarīgs tiesību ekspertu
padomju okupācijas 50 gadi. Turklāt runa ir nevis par uzdevums ir sekot visiem notikumiem un apstākļiem,
vienkāršu latviešu valstiskuma neesamību, bet kas ietekmē vai var ietekmēt konstitūciju. Lai ielūkotos
pseidovalstisku funkcionēšanu no demokrātijas pilnīgi tiesību sistēmas rītdienā, jāsaprot tās vēsture un
atšķirīgā politiskā sistēmā. Runa ir par Latviju kā šodiena, jo konstitūcijas pastāvēšana un tās pozitīvā
padomju republiku, jo padomju, sociālistiskā tiesību regulējošā ietekme ir nesaraujami saistīta ar valsts
izpratne, bez šaubām, nevarēja neietekmēt valsts sociālo un politisko stāvokli valstī vai izmaiņām
institūtu atjaunošanu un tiesību aktu jaunradi pagājušā sabiedrībā.
gadsimta 90. gadu sākumā. Kas bija Latvijas Satversmes pieņemšana 1922.
Pašreizējā brīdī atšķirībā no Dišlera laika situācija, gadā: atsevišķs unikāls gadījums, nejaušība vai
protams, ir krietni vien labāka. Mums, pirmkārt, ir pirmā loģiska likumsakarība, kas saistīta ar globāliem
neatkarības laika pieredze, otrkārt, par Latvijas procesiem? Latvijas Konstitūcijas pieņemšana iekrita
konstitucionālo tiesību sastāvdaļu kļuvusi Eiropas tā saucamajā "starpkaru periodā" jeb laika-posmā pēc
Savienības jurisprudence, kas ir neizsmeļošs juridisko Pirmā un līdz Otrajam pasaules karam. Procesi
ideju ģenerators. No vienas puses, tas, ka Latviju Latvijā, tāpat kā līdzīgie notikumi Igaunijā un Lietuvā,
ietekmē Eiropa, ir brīnišķīgi, jo ļauj mums aizpildīt iekļāvās pēckara demokrātiju triumfu ķēdē. Tāpat kā
padomju okupācijas iecirsto robu un sniedz unikālu citās valstīs, arī Latvijas Satversme bija
priekšrocību aizgūt sev noderīgāko un efektīvāko. No konstitucionālo tiesību recepcijas produkts*, un
otras puses, pastāv risks pārņemt savā arsenālā arī citu šai laikā vairākās Eiropas, Tuvo Austrumu .un citās
trūkumus, un tas nākotnē var izraisīt neparedzamas valstīs notiek jaunu konstitūciju pieņemšana: Vācijā
sekas. Lai tas nenotiktu, ārkārtīgi svarīgi ir apzināties un Somijā (1919), Grieķijā un Austrijā (1920), Polijā
reālo situāciju un redzēt savu vietu un lomu kopainā. To (1921), Igaunijā (1920 un 1938) Lietuvā (1922,1928
var izdarīt, tikai veicot zināmus hronoloģiskus un un 1938), Ēģiptē (1923), Turcijā (1924), Irākā
vēsturiskus pētījumus; centīsimies to paveikt. (1924), Libānā (1926), Sīrijā (1930) un citur.
Pirmā latviešu pretenzija uz neatkarīgas valsts Arī Latvijā šai periodā notiekošais līdzinās
izveidošanu izskanēja 1917.gada 19.novembrī, kad daudzās citās valstīs notiekošajiem procesiem. 30.
Latviešu Pagaidu nacionālā padome pieņēmu rezolūciju gadu sākumā valda nopietna demokrātijas un kon-
par nepieciešamību sasaukt Satversmes sapulci un stitucionālisma krīze, kas iznākumā noved pie
izstrādāt Satversmes projektu. Latvijas neatkarības konstitucionālās iekārtas gāšanas un autoritāra
realizētājs dzīvē tomēr bija Tautas
* Recepcija - parādība, ja kāda valsts pārņem otras
valsts tiesības par valstī spēkā esošām tiesībām.

Valststiesibu zinātņu sekcija

režīma izveidošanas. Tālāk seko padomju protek- laika pagaidu konstitūciju noderēja 1918. gada 17.
torāta izveidošanās, valstiskuma zaudēšana un novembrī izveidotās Latvijas Tautas padomes
padomju okupācija. 1941. gadā Latvija, līdzīgi citām politiskā platforma. 9Tā bija izstrādāta lielā steigā,
valstīm, tiek ierauta pasaules kara virpulī un kļūst par tāpēc tajā iekļautās konstitucionālās normas bija
karadarbības teritoriju. Otrajam pasaules karam pārāk izplūdušas un virspusējas. Piemēram, platformā
beidzoties, Eiropa un arī pasaule sadalās divās bija tādi formulējumi kā "republika uz de-
naidīgās ideoloģiskās nometnēs. Latvijai, tāpat kā mokrātiskiem pamatiem" vai "pie Pagaidu Valdības
citām Austrumeiropas valstīm, nepaveicas, jo sastādīšanas jāievēro koalīcijas princips". Tas liecina
liktenim labpatīk, ka tā nokļūst padomju zonā. Pat par lielu dokumenta ideoloģiski politisko nozīmi,
sliktāk: Latvija atkal kļūst par Padomju Savienības nevis par tā nopietnu juridisku vērtību. Var pat teikt,
republiku - LPSR, un tie latvieši, kas cīnījušies pret ka platforma bija "priekšparlamenta"10 izstrādāts
padomju okupantiem vācu armijas rindās, tiek plāns, kurš vēlāk izvērtās par ideoloģisku bākuguni
definēti kā dzimtenes (LPSR) nodevēji. Pēc PSRS Latvijas Satversmes izstrādātājiem. Tas arī ir
sabrukuma Latvija, līdzīgi citām post-sociālistiskām saprotams, ja ņem vērā tos apstākļus, kādos tika
valstīm un padomju republikām, iegūst neatkarību. izstrādāts dokuments. Labi apzinoties, ka valsts
Jaunajā realitātē Latvija atrodas tādā politiskajā varas leģitimitāte rodas no demokrātiskās
telpā, kur dažādu apstākļu un faktoru ietekmē vēlēšanās gūta tautas deleģēju-ma,11 Tautas
konstitūcijas kļūst aizvien demokrātiskākas un arī padome pēc tam, kad valstī bija nodrošināts miers,
viena otrai līdzīgākas. Šo tendenci dēvē par ķērās pie šī uzdevuma izpildes. Lai novērstu politisko
"konstitūciju internacionalizāciju",5 kas Eiropā, oponentu apgalvojumus, ka Tautas padome ir valsti
bez šaubām, vēl saistās ar Eiropas Kopienas proklamējusi, pati nebūdama vēlēta, vispirms bija
konstitucionalizācijas procesu (The nepieciešams sasaukt konstitucionālo sapulci
constitutionalization ofthe European community).6 No (asambleju), kuras galvenais pienākums būtu pieņemt
2004. gada Latvija, tāpat kā pārējās Baltijas un valsts pamatlikumu, kas noteiktu turpmāko Latvijas
Austrumeiropas valstis, kļūst par šī procesa subjek- valsts iekārtu.12 1919. gada 19. augustā tika pieņemts
tiem un līdzīgi Vācijai, Lielbritānijai vai Francijai Latvijas Satversmes sapulces vēlēšanu likums.13
ietekmēs tālāko Eiropas Savienības attīstību, no kā Pamatojoties uz minēto likumu, 1920. gada 17. un
savukārt ir lielā mērā atkarīga pašu konstitucionā- 18. aprīlī Latvijas Republikas Satversmes sapulce
lisma attīstība. tiek ievēlēta un uz savu pirmo sēdi sanāk 1920. gada
1. maijā. Mēneša beigās, 27. maijā, tiek pieņemta
2. Konstitucionālisms Latvijā "starpkaru periodā" Deklarācija par Latvijas valsti.14 Latvija deklarācijā
2.1.Valsts un tās tiesiskā pamata veidošanās laiks tiek pasludināta par patstāvīgu, neatkarīgu repub-
Latvijas Satversmes pieņemšana 1922. gadā bija liku ar demokrātisku valsts iekārtu, kuras pamatā
nācijas politiskās vienotības7 un nācijas politiskā ir tautvaldības princips. Ar dienas intervālu 1920.
brieduma liecība. No vidzemniekiem, kuršiem, gada 1. jūnijā ar balsu vairākumu Satversmes sapulce
zemgaļiem un latgaļiem latvieši bija izveidojušies pieņem Latvijas valsts iekārtas pagaidu
par tautu, kas spēja pati izteikt savu gribu politiskā noteikumus. Tautas platforma vairs nav spēkā, un
konstitūcijā un visaugstākajā līmenī nostiprināt savas pagaidu noteikumi nodrošina valsts pilnvērtīgu
valsts galvenos politiskās filozofijas pamatus. funkcionēšanu no 1920. līdz pat 1922. gadam. Tos
Konstitūcijas pieņemšana bija latviešu tautas triumfa var uzskatīt par Latvijas otro pagaidu konstitūciju,
brīdis, kā arī vienlaikus konstitucionālo tiesību kas darbojās demokrātijas nostiprināšanas perio-
izveidošanās brīdis.
Protams, valsts izveidošanās ir atskaites punkts * Pats pirmais Tautas Padomes likums tika pieņemts
jebkuras valsts konstitucionālisma attīstībā, tāpēc 1918. gada 4. decembra sēdē, un tas bija "Latvijas
nedaudz jāpieskaras arī laikposmam līdz Satversmes Pagastu Satversmes pagaidu likums". Daudz
pieņemšanai. Šo laiku, vadoties no Latvijas "pagaidu normatīvu aktu izdeva Pagaidu valdība, piemēram,
satversmju" statusa, kas bija pamatā Latvijas kā "Mācības valoda Latvijas skolās un skolotāju
valsts juridiskai funkcionēšanai, var iedalīt divos ievēlēšana" (V.V. 14.dec, 1918.g., Nr.l.),
periodos: "Rīkojums par bezzemnieku apgādāšanu ar zemi"
1) no 1918. līdz 1920. gadam; (Latvijas Sargs, 13.febr., 1919.g., Nr.35.) vai
2) no 1920. līdz 1922. gadam.8 "Latvijas dzelzceļu pārvaldīšanas un ekspluatācijas
Pirmajā periodā (1918-1920) tika pieņemti paši kārtība" (Latvijas Pagaidu Valdības Likumu un
nepieciešamākie likumi un uzsākts darbs pie valsts Rīkojumu Krājums. - 1919. - 10.augusts) u.c.
konstitucionālā pamata izveidošanas.* Par šī


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