Topic 1: Lasallian Identity The Door Narrative

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Module 2: a free school for boys in Reims.

Nyel was
calling upon the Sisters for their aid, and that of
Topic 1: Lasallian Identity The Door
young Father de La Salle, to whom he bore a
letter of introduction. Since he was a stranger in
Let us start our new module with a prayer. town, Nyel was invited by De La Salle to be his
house guest while they both worked on the
LET US REMEMBER THAT WE ARE IN THE preliminaries necessary to start a free school.
MOST HOLY PRESENCE OF GOD. People would be less inclined to discover (and
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of jeopardize) Nyel’s plans if he stayed with De La
the Holy Spirit, Amen Salle than if he stayed elsewhere. The Sisters
proudly display an early drawing of the
encounter between Nyel and De La Salle.

In The Footsteps of De la Salle

When De la Salle opened this door of the

Motherhouse of the Sisters of the Child Jesus
Convent and let Arien Nyel comes in, De La
salle never did knew   that it will be the start of
his commitment that will led to mere
commitments.  never did he knew that God is
already directing him for other plan…
establishing a school for the boys.
St. John Baptist De La Salle, pray for us! Live “God, who directs all things with wisdom and
Jesus in our hearts, forever! moderation, and who does not force the will of
men, wishing to have me completely occupied
with the care of the schools, involved me
1. The Meeting of De La Salle and Adrien Nyel unexpectedly and in a short time, so that one
commitment led to another without my being
aware of it.”

— De La Salle, In The Footsteps of De la Salle

The Lasallian

It was at the door of this convent that Adrien 2. What is a Lasallian?

Nyel met Father De La Salle for the first time –
The word "Lasallian" is a handy label which can
March 1679. Nyel was in town at the request of
be used to indicate a whole variety of things
Mme. Jeanne Dubois Maillefer, a wealthy lady
that look back to Saint John Baptist De La Salle
of Rouen and a relative of De La Salle. She had
for their inspiration.
given Nyel money and encouraged him to begin
 "Lasallian" refers to an attitude to  
children, an attitude of respect and
Read and reflect on the following articles in
reverence for them as valuable and
order to understand more the characteristics of
important in the eyes of God. This leads
a true lasallian: 
to a view that the education of the
individual is something supremely Most Lasallians who choose to live their
valuable and worthwhile for its own baptismal vocation by participating in the
sake, not just for the convenience of Lasallian ministry of education and
society. evangelization recognized by the Church, are
believers in Jesus Christ. However, we readily
 "Lasallian" refers to the view that
recognize the many sincere women and men of
education is primarily about gospel
other faith families who center their professional
values and is a means of making
and at times personal lives, on the founding
available to all, especially the most
Lasallian story. So therefore, Lasallian is
deprived, the material and spiritual
anyone (married, single, consecrated, ordained)
freedom which is a fundamental, God-
who is personally committed to living the gospel
given right, summed up in the word
values and working to provide a human and
Christian education to the young, especially the
 "Lasallian" refers to an understanding of poor.
the role of the teacher, the nobility of it,
Being a Lasallian can take on a variety forms. In
the value of it and the sheer hardness of
its broadest sense, the word "Lasallian" is about
attitudes and views of education rather than
Saint John Baptist De La Salle set up his formal structures. The Lasallian vocation to
schools in the poor quarters of Rheims, Paris, compassion, commitment and togetherness
Rouen and other French cities 300 years ago. It comes in various shapes and sizes. It has
is easy to imagine the living conditions of the already done so in the course of its history, and
pupils and the working conditions of the it is set to develop completely new forms to
teachers. Where did they get the strength to meet the needs of today. This is the story of
carry on? Where can those who work with Lasallian Association today.
young people today find strength to carry on in
Characterictics of a Lasallian
spite of all the pressure and stress?
3. Characterictics of a Lasallian
Lasallians draw on two sources of strength in
their mission of Christian education: Being a Lasallian means being competent
 firstly, the individual's inner drive, A Lasallian knows what to do, when to do and
inspired by compassion and how to do things properly. He does not act on
strengthened by prayer; mere chance but knows the value of careful
planning and prudent actions. He is aware of
 secondly, the strength that comes from
himself and continues to improve himself
doing things together, "by association",
through available medium. He is aware of his
sharing the successes and the
needs and the needs of other. John Baptist De
difficulties, supporting one another,
La Salle saw that it is not enough to just provide
encouraging one another, learning from
food and shelter for the teachers. He
one another.
recognized that they need to be trained in order experience is shared with persons who call
for them to provide the children to have proper each other friends.
education. He knew that they have to be
Being a Lasallian is being concerned for the
together so he formed a community of teachers
which eventually became the religious orders of
the Brothers of Christian Schools. This is an act of love which means sacrificing to
some extent one's legitimate freedom and
Being a Lasallian involves compassion.
independence, but it also means being enriched
A Lasallian is one who is moved by Christian
by the energies and resources of so many
compassion for a neighbor in need, but it is
others. Lasallianism includes a strong sense of
specifically on the needs of the so-called the
community as something which adds strength
last, least and the lost. He is aware of the plight
and stability to the mission and enriches the
of the poor and on the disadvantages, they
lives of those who choose to participate in it.
suffer if they are deprived of the opportunity to
grow to their full human potential in the eyes of  
God, intellectually, morally, spiritually and in
practical skills for living. This is a human need Just as De La Salle went through a process of
and it is also a God-given right for all children, personal conversion, which made him face up
regardless of the random circumstances of their to the full logic of his faith in Christ and the
birth, their family background, their social effects of applying the call to discipleship to his
position or their geographic location own life, a Lasallian is committed to the respect
and reverence of others as valuable and
Being a Lasallian means living important in the eyes of God. This leads to a
in communion with others. view that the education of the individual is
something supremely valuable and worthwhile
A Lasallian is committed to Christian service,
for its own sake, not just for the convenience of
but in the specific form of a commitment to the
work of providing underprivileged young people
with education. Commitment gives stability to
the mission. Lasallians are people you can rely
on when things get difficult. Vision, Mission and Institutional Learning
Outcomes of De La Salle Lipa
A Lasallian values community.
Vision and Mission Statement of De La Salle
He is a sociable being, someone who sees the Lipa
value in working with others rather than alone
and feels a real need to do so. But the Lasallian
instinct for association is more than just a
preference for team work. It is based upon
people's commitment to join with others, to be
associated with them, to pool one's energies
and resources for the sake of the mission.
Lasallian believes that effective teaching and
learning happens in a community. According to
Br. Luke Sam, a lasallian historian, an authentic
community is where people meet people, minds
speak minds, hearts to hearts, and learning
The Vision and Mission of De La Salle Lipa was
revised and approved by the Board of Trustees
in 2016 to answer the fast-changing educational
landscape particularly for 21st century learners Institutional Learning Outcomes
like you. It is divided into three major parts as
seen in the picture below. The first part tells us What kind of students and graduates does the
of our heritage and reminds us of the works and school wants to produce? This is very important
legacy of our founder, St. John Baptist De La because we want you to be truly Lasallian who
Salle. As La Salle students, we are asked to can partake in its mission of teaching minds,
always remember his life and emulate the touching hearts and transforming lives. There
values in our everyday activities. The second are five major characteristics that the entire
part is the school’s mission, that together and educational program of De La Salle Lipa is
by association, the school follows the charism designed to form you to be:
of the founder to provide quality, human and  CHRIST-CENTERED INDIVIDUALS
education that is based on the gospels of Jesus
Christ and tradition of the Catholic Church. And  LIFE-LONG LEARNERS
the last part is our vision. A just society founded  SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS
on equity not just equality where fair-
mindedness and right relationships are valued  COMPETENT PROFESSIONALS
and prioritized. We also envision a society
wherein the participation of everyone regardless
of race, gender, color, economic status,
religious affiliation s enticed and encouraged.
We dream of a better world by ensuring that
future generation will still get and enjoy the
same resources that we have now or better.

The vision-mission statement forms part of our

ideals and identity as members of the Lasallian
community of Lipa City. It allows us to look back
at our heritage and uses the inspiration of the
founder as we work on our mission to learn and
to teach in order to make our world a better
place for everyone.
  for its own sake, not just for the convenience of

MODULE 2 TOPIC 2: Lasallian Spirituality

What is Spirituality?

Our society is in the middle of a huge cultural

shift. And vital in this kind of environment is the
so-called Generation Z or those born anywhere
  between 1995 and 2015.  They are the most
ethnically diverse generation. They are
individualistic, lonely, and social justice
oriented. They are technology savvy and their
lives are often built around the online world.
They are sexually fluid. They are activists and
volunteers (Links to an external site.) who want
to make an impact on the world. Some of them
are stepping into either the workforce or the
world of higher education. And they will change
the landscape of our society with their ideas
  and values – many of which omit the idea of
Christian faith and a clear understanding of

According to Philip Sheldrake, A Brief History of

Spirituality (2007), spirituality is centered on
the deepest values and meanings by which
people live.

It involves the recognition of a feeling or sense

or belief that there is something greater than
myself, something more to being human than
sensory experience, and that the greater whole
of which we are part is cosmic or divine in
Just as De La Salle went through a process of nature.
personal conversion, which made him face up
For further understanding of the definition of
to the full logic of his faith in Christ and the
Spirituality read the article What is
effects of applying the call to discipleship to his
Spirituality by Maya Spencer at this
own life, a Lasallian is committed to the respect
and reverence of others as valuable and
important in the eyes of God. This leads to a
view that the education of the individual is
sfvrsn=f28df052_2 (Links to an external site.)
something supremely valuable and worthwhile
Spirituality is very much different from religion. It HEARTS...FOREVER!" that continues until this
is more than the physical. It is manifested day.
concretely through a person’s attitudes,
A Lasallians is a living witness to scripture.
behavior and how he/she looks at the life
They take their religious obligations
he/she lives in. Spirituality starts with
seriously, have a devotion to Jesus Christ
awareness. Awareness of yourself as a human
and to the Blessed Virgin Mary, live their
being, awareness of the world around you and
faith and they lead healthy lives.
awareness of the existence of a Supreme being
that guides you in your everyday lives.

With regards to being a Lasallian, spirituality Five Core Principles of La Salle Schools
means acting as an authentic Lasallian
 A Lasallian expresses his spirituality based on
Saint John Baptist de La Salle went through a five core principles and lived with it holistically
process of personal conversion, which made and in no particular order of priority.
him face up to the full logic of his faith in Christ
and the effects of applying the call to
discipleship to his own life. This is the
foundation of Lasallian spirituality: -
meditating on the person of Jesus in the
gospels and praying for the enlightenment to
know what the Lord wants me to do here and
now to follow in his footsteps.

Lasallian spirituality is following the footsteps of

Jesus in your present situation and living the
Gospels in your own little ways.

Authentic Lasallian

Who is an Authentic Lasallian?  

the values of St John Baptist de la Salle that are
rooted in the life and teachings of our Lord The Lasallian school nurtures in its members an
Jesus Christ.  He is a reflection of the Lasallian awareness of the living presence of God in our
spirituality. Lasallian endeavors to become world. It calls all to a deeper awareness of their
faithful to his calling as a Christian as he seeks saving relationship with a caring and loving God
to consecrate everything that he does for God and moves all to see the world through the
as he humbly prays "I will continue, O my God, "eyes of faith."
to do all my actions for the love of you." In all CONCERN FOR THE POOR AND SOCIAL
things, a Lasallian does he starts with God, JUSTICE
proceeds with God and ends with God with
the prayer of "Let us remember that we are The Lasallian school calls its members to a
always in the Holy Presence of God. A solidarity with the poor and victims of injustice.
Lasallian's life is inspired and led by a 300-year- It calls all to a life-long commitment to respond
old prayer "LIVE JESUS IN OUR
to their needs through programs of community Out of respect for each other, we neither
service, advocacy, and justice education. discriminate nor exclude anyone but rather
include them in our families and communities.
Our respect for God and our own humanity
The Lasallian school provides an education that requires us to better ourselves through quality
prepares students not only to contribute to education.
society but to transform it. It calls all to use their
Faith in God’s presence, respect for our
knowledge and talents to critically examine and
humanity, inclusion & quality education leads us
engage the world in light of the message of the
towards a concern for the poor & social justice
—a commitment in building God’s Kingdom
RESPECT FOR ALL PERSONS here on earth. This is how we feel God’s
presence on our lives, that is, through others in
The Lasallian school engages its members in a community.
concerted effort to respect the dignity of all
persons. It calls all to respect-filled relationships The Core Values of De La Salle schools
as the heart of Lasallian education and a key
The five principles are animated through
expression of their identity as children of God.
experiences and actions that express the core
INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY values of Faith, Service and Communion. This
summarizes the true lasallian spirituality – the
The Lasallian school is a united community deepest values and meaning by which De La
where diversity is respected and no one is left Salle lives.
out or left behind. It calls all to recognize and
embrace one another's unique stories and
qualities as unique and sacred features of the
Body of Christ on earth.

The preamble of the Foundational Principles of

Lasallian Formation articulates the core values
of Lasallian identity.

All the Five Principles are interconnected and  the spirit of faith,
not one is more relevant than the other. Faith in
 zeal for service, and
God’s presence leads to the belief that God is
present in our very own person as His image  communion in mission.
and likeness. The belief in God’s presence in
each person leads us to respect one another.
Taken as one spirit, the spirit of faith, zeal on the presence of God and I can do this,
and communion provide a paradigm for because the Lord is not only there, but he also
living the Lasallian story today.  leads me in my own history and in the history of
humankind. This is one of the principal Lasallian
ideas: God seeks us first, before we seek Him;
1. The Spirit of Faith God is already present, God guides us. It is up
to us to open ourselves to Him, recognizing Him
The Spirit of Faith flows from a relationship of by faith.” (Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echevarria
communion with the Triune God who wills to FSC) 
save all people by drawing them into a life-
giving communion with him and with one
another in the Lasallian tradition. The Spirit of
2. Zeal/Service for the Integral Salvation of
faith is the spirit that allows one to:
 Discover God’s active presence in His
Zeal is the active expression of faith in gospel
Word, in men and women, in the poor, in
witness and service. It is oriented towards the
nature, in history and in ourselves.
integral salvation of persons, particularly the
 Look and evaluate things in the light of poor and the excluded.
the Gospel
Zeal is the enthusiastic and total gift of self for
 Search for God’s will in order to carry the sake of the mission expressed in such
out His saving plan qualities as gratuity and generosity creativity
and fortitude, compassion and commitment. It
 Unite one’s action to the ongoing saving involves a preferential concern for the poor and
action of God in the world, and the vulnerable. The desire to be of greater
 Trust in God’s loving presence and service to others conditions the quest
providence in our every action. for excellence and continuous self-improvement


 “The Spirit of faith invites us to look at life, 3. Communion in Mission, Mission as

events, history, as places where God is made Communion
manifest. Here we are speaking of looking at Communion recalls the dynamic
everything in the light of faith or in the light of of association by which the first Brothers
God, and to discover Him present in his Word, bonded together for the sake of the particular
in men and women, in the poor, in nature, in mission entrusted to them by God. It has four
history, and in ourselves. “ -Br. Alvaro dimensions:
Rodriguez Echevarria FSC, the Superior
General (July  As a relationship with God, it is the
2002) source of all mission and ministry;
 as a way of accomplishing mission, it
The Spirit of faith involves always trusting God, suggests the solidarity and collaboration
abandoning myself into his hands. And I can do that comes from sharing in one vision,
it because the Lord is always there, in my inner one spirit and one mission;
being. Therefore, De La Salle always insisted
 as a way of relating to others, it
suggests openness to all persons and
the desire to be brother or sister to all
especially those in need;

 as a goal of mission, it suggests the

unity that comes through reconciliation
between God, human beings and

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