Topic 1: Lasallian Identity The Door Narrative
Topic 1: Lasallian Identity The Door Narrative
Topic 1: Lasallian Identity The Door Narrative
Nyel was
calling upon the Sisters for their aid, and that of
Topic 1: Lasallian Identity The Door
young Father de La Salle, to whom he bore a
letter of introduction. Since he was a stranger in
Let us start our new module with a prayer. town, Nyel was invited by De La Salle to be his
house guest while they both worked on the
LET US REMEMBER THAT WE ARE IN THE preliminaries necessary to start a free school.
MOST HOLY PRESENCE OF GOD. People would be less inclined to discover (and
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of jeopardize) Nyel’s plans if he stayed with De La
the Holy Spirit, Amen Salle than if he stayed elsewhere. The Sisters
proudly display an early drawing of the
encounter between Nyel and De La Salle.
The Lasallian
What is Spirituality?
With regards to being a Lasallian, spirituality Five Core Principles of La Salle Schools
means acting as an authentic Lasallian
A Lasallian expresses his spirituality based on
Saint John Baptist de La Salle went through a five core principles and lived with it holistically
process of personal conversion, which made and in no particular order of priority.
him face up to the full logic of his faith in Christ
and the effects of applying the call to
discipleship to his own life. This is the
foundation of Lasallian spirituality: -
meditating on the person of Jesus in the
gospels and praying for the enlightenment to
know what the Lord wants me to do here and
now to follow in his footsteps.
Authentic Lasallian
All the Five Principles are interconnected and the spirit of faith,
not one is more relevant than the other. Faith in
zeal for service, and
God’s presence leads to the belief that God is
present in our very own person as His image communion in mission.
and likeness. The belief in God’s presence in
each person leads us to respect one another.
Taken as one spirit, the spirit of faith, zeal on the presence of God and I can do this,
and communion provide a paradigm for because the Lord is not only there, but he also
living the Lasallian story today. leads me in my own history and in the history of
humankind. This is one of the principal Lasallian
ideas: God seeks us first, before we seek Him;
1. The Spirit of Faith God is already present, God guides us. It is up
to us to open ourselves to Him, recognizing Him
The Spirit of Faith flows from a relationship of by faith.” (Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echevarria
communion with the Triune God who wills to FSC)
save all people by drawing them into a life-
giving communion with him and with one
another in the Lasallian tradition. The Spirit of
2. Zeal/Service for the Integral Salvation of
faith is the spirit that allows one to:
Discover God’s active presence in His
Zeal is the active expression of faith in gospel
Word, in men and women, in the poor, in
witness and service. It is oriented towards the
nature, in history and in ourselves.
integral salvation of persons, particularly the
Look and evaluate things in the light of poor and the excluded.
the Gospel
Zeal is the enthusiastic and total gift of self for
Search for God’s will in order to carry the sake of the mission expressed in such
out His saving plan qualities as gratuity and generosity creativity
and fortitude, compassion and commitment. It
Unite one’s action to the ongoing saving involves a preferential concern for the poor and
action of God in the world, and the vulnerable. The desire to be of greater
Trust in God’s loving presence and service to others conditions the quest
providence in our every action. for excellence and continuous self-improvement