Layout of The Field: Irobot
Layout of The Field: Irobot
Layout of The Field: Irobot
CS 440/ECE 448
Fall 2020
Margaret Fleck
statistical (e.g. Bayesian)
neural nets
engineering (e.g. signal processing, 3D geometry, optics, kinematics, ...)
Application areas
Mathematical applications have largely become their own separate field, separate from AI. The same will
probably happen soon to game playing. However, both applications played a large role in early AI.
We're doing to see popular current techniques (e.g. neural nets) but also selected historical techniques that may
still be relevant.
Intelligent agents
Viewed in very general terms, the goal of AI is to build intelligent agents. An agent has three basic components:
We often imagine intelligent agents that have a sophisticated physical presence, like a human or animal. Current
robots are starting to move like people/animals but have only modest high-level planning ability. 1/6
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Other agents may live mostly or entirely inside the computer, communicating via text or simple media (e.g.
voice commands). This would be true for a chess playing program or an intelligent assistant to book airplane
tickets. A well-known fictional example is the HAL 9000 system from the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey"
which appears mostly as a voice plus a camera lens (below).
Many AI systems work well only because they operate in limited environments. A famous sheep-shearingn robot
from the 1980's depended on the sheep being tied down to limit their motion. Face identification systems at
security checkpoints may depend on the fact that people consistently look straight forwards when herded
through the gates.
Simple agents like the Roomba may have very direct connections between sensing and action, with very fast
response and almost nothing that could qualify as intelligence. Smarter agents may be able to spend a lot of time
thinking, e.g. as in playing chess. They may maintain an explicit model of the world and the set of alternative
actions that it is choosing between.
AI researchers often plan to build a fully-featured end-to-end system, e.g. a robot child. However, most research
projects and published papers consider only one small component of the task, e.g. 2/6
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Increase in computing power and amount of training data.
The second has been the most important. Some approaches popular today were originally proposed in the 1940's
but could not be made to work without sufficient computing power.
AI results have consistently been overly hyped, sometimes creating major tension with grant agencies.
History: details
Early 20th century
On-paper models that are insightful but can't be implemented. Some of these foreshadow approaches that work
Computers with functioning CPU but (by today's standards) very slow with absurdly little memory. E.g. the IBM
1130 (1965-72) came with up to 11M of main memory. The VAX 11/780 had many terminals sharing one CPU. 3/6
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Graphis mostly used pen plotters, or perhaps graphics paper that had to be stored in a fridge. Mailers avoided
linux gateways because they were unreliable. Prototypes of great tools like the mouse, GUI, Unix, refresh-screen
AI algorithms are very stripped down and discrete/symbolic. Chomsky's Syntactic Structures (1957) proposed
very tight constraints on linguistic models in an attempt to make them learnable from tiny datasets.
Computers now look like tower PC's, eventually also laptops. Memory and disk space are still tight. Horrible
peripherals like binary (black/white) screens and monochrome surveillance cameras. HTTP servers and internet
browsers appear in the 1990's: 4/6
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AI starts to use more big-data algorithms, especially at sites with strong resources. First LDC (linguistic data
consortium) datasets: 1993 Switchboard 1, TIMIT. Fred Jelinek starts to get speech recognition working usefully
using statistical ngram models. Linguistic theories were still very discrete/logic based. Jelinek famously said in
the mid/late 1980's: "Every time I fire a linguist, the performance of our speech recognition system goes up."
This century
Algorithms achieve strong performance by gobbling vast quantities of training data, e.g. Google's algorithms use
the entire web to simulate a toddler. Neural nets "learn to the test," i.e. learn what's in the dataset but not always
with constraints that we assume implicitly as humans. So strange unexpected lossage ("adversarial examples").
Speculation that learning might need to be guided by some structural constraints. 5/6
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