Grade 9 English - Modalas LP

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Grade 9 English

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Analyze the proper usage of Modals Expressing Ability
b. Perform tasks in relation to the message of the song
c. Reflect on the different abilities they possess

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Modals Expressing Ability
Reference: Magallona-Flores, Magelende; et. Al (2013) Proficiency in
English: Growth in Cultural Understanding.
Lyric Video:
Materials: Visual aids, Laptop, Speaker, Pictures, Video Clip

III. Procedure
A. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
Motivation: Good Morning, Sir!

Good Morning, Class!

Today, we are going to have a new and

exciting lesson. But before we begin, I have a
set of pictures here in front.

Student A: I choose the pencil and sketchpad

because I can draw.

Student B: I choose the microphone because I

can sing.

Student C: I choose the ball because I can

play basketball.

Student D: I choose the palette because I can


Student E: I choose the theater because I can


Student F: I choose the pen and notebook

because I can write poems, essays, and short

Student G: I choose the guitar because I can

play it.
I want you to share with us your abilities by
choosing a picture related to your talents.
Wow! This class has amazing talents and

Don’t be afraid to show them to the world!

Based on the statements that you provided,

what are the phrase you used that denotes the I can
ability to do something?

Very good! Today, we are going to discuss

about Modals.

Now, before we start our discussion, here are

our objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students

should be able to: (Students will listen to the objectives.)
a. Analyze the proper usage
of Modals Expressing
b. Perform tasks in relation to
the message of the song
c. Reflect on the different
abilities they possess.

B. Lesson Proper

Class, I want you to listen to a song. I will be projecting

the lyrics on the board. I want you to listen attentively
and ponder the lyrics and meaning of the song.
(The teacher will play the song and project the lyrics on
the board.)

What did you feel after listening to the song?

I feel motivated.
What did you realize?
I realize that I can do what I want.
What is the message of the song?
I can do whatever I want just as long
Very well said! You really understood the song! as I am doing the right thing.


What is the dominant word in the song?

What does it denote? I Can

Between “I” and “can”, which one denotes ability? It denotes ability.

What part of speech is it? Verb

Very Good! Let’s go back to the lyrics of the song. It is followed by another verb.
What do you notice after the word can?

What does can do to the verb next to it? It helps the verb to denote ability.

Perfect! Can is an example of a helping verb known as


Modals are helping verbs which are used by other verbs

to express ability, permission obligation,
recommendation, possibility, etc.

We have 6 types of modal verbs. Look and analyze

these sentences:
1. I can dance.
2. You may go.
3. I must follow the rules.
4. You should drink water instead of soft drinks.
5. He may be at the office.

What does the modal on the statement no. 1 denote?

It denotes ability.
How about statement no. 2?
How about statement no. 3?
How about statement no. 4? It denotes permission.
And statement no. 5 It denotes obligation.
It shows recommendation.
Amazing! These are the kinds of modals: It denotes possibility.
Modals expressing ability
Modals expressing permission
Modals expressing obligation
Modals expressing recommendation
Modals expressing possibility

But today, we are going to discuss about Modals

expressing ability

Aside from can, what other modal shows ability?

When do we use each? Could

Please give one sentence using Modals expressing

ability. We use could denotes past ability.


Why do we need to use modals expressing ability?

Very good! Do not be afraid to show your skills and

talents! To show other people about our

The teacher will divide the class in to 4 groups. The students will go to their
respective groups.
Group 1 will think of a similar song which help us
realize our abilities.

For group 2, is to make a slogan related to the message

of the song “I Can.”

Group 3, you will present a tableau which depicts the

message of the song “I Can.”

And group 4 will draw a symbolism for the message of

the song.

Here are the criteria for grading your presentations: (The students will comply.)
Criteria Points
Content 50%
Creativity 40%
Teamwork 10%
Total 100%

You have 5 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to present (The students will present their
your work. work.)

Any questions?
No, Sir.
(After the presentation, the teacher will provide the

**Before we end, I want you to watch this video.

(The teacher will play the clip:

Class, remember that you can, no matter how hard

or whatever obstacle you face, always keep in your
mind and in your heart that you can because you are
not alone. Just like on the clip, our Father is with us.
God is with us.

IV. Evaluation
Think of your unique and best ability which you can use to reach your dreams in life in at
least 5 sentences.

V. Assignment
Write an essay about the things that you can do to be a better student in at least 10 sentences.

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