KNA Supplier Quality Manual Rev 0 KNA Supplier Quality Manual Rev 0 KNA Supplier Quality Manual Rev 0
Revision 0
Manual 2016
We shall contribute to the future of mankind by the continuous creation of new value.
We shall challenge ourselves to any matter with ambition and vitality
We shall give importance to theory, ideas and time.
We shall respect sincere conduct and endeavors.
Revision History
Revision Date Description of changes Requested By
0 11/30/16 Initial Release J. Bilbrey
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Scope........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 GENERAL REQUIRMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Contact Information................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Registration ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Continuous Improvement .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Record Retention ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Sub-Supplier Control................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.0 QUALITY SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 ADVANCED QUALITY PLANNING ............................................................................................................................................... 5
5.0 QUALITY PROCESS DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Past Problem History ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Process Quality Control Table .................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.4 Operation Standards ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
5.5 Process & Equipment Check Sheets ........................................................................................................................................ 6
5.6 Training ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.7 Trial Maturation Results ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
5.8 Minimum Process Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 7
6.0 QUALITY PROCESS CONTROL .................................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1 First Piece Confirmation and Retain ......................................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Poka-Yoke & Inspection Devices .............................................................................................................................................. 7
6.3 EP100 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
TABLE A - Basic Development Flow .................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.0 PACKAGING AND LOT CONTROL & TRACEABILITY .............................................................................................................. 11
7.1 Packaging and Lot Control Sheet ........................................................................................................................................... 11
8.0 PROCESS CAPABILITY DATA COLLECTION / SUBMISSION ................................................................................................. 11
9.0 MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 12
9.1 Calibration ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
9.2 Measurement System Analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 12
10.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE VISIT .................................................................................................................................................... 12
10.1 Initial Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
10.2 QAV1 – Development Evaluation............................................................................................................................................ 13
10.3 QAV2 - Trail Readiness Evaluation......................................................................................................................................... 13
10.4 QAV3 – Approval Evaluation .................................................................................................................................................. 13
10.5 Quality Approval Notification ................................................................................................................................................... 13
10.6 Special Audit – Continual Improvement Evaluation ................................................................................................................ 13
11.0 NONCONFORMING MATERIAL................................................................................................................................................. 14
11.1 Nonconforming Material at the Customer ............................................................................................................................... 14
11.2 Advanced Notice ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
11.3 Disposition / Sort / Rework ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
11.4 Corrective Action..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
11.5 Corrective Action System ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
11.6 Costs of Nonconforming Material ............................................................................................................................................ 15
12.0 QUALITY WAIVER/DEVIASION ................................................................................................................................................. 16
13.0 CHANGEPOINT CONTROL SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................ 16
13.1 Initial Production Parts Advance Approval Request (IPPAAR) Procedure .............................................................................. 17
13.2 IPPAAR Planning .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
13.3 IPPAAR Supporting Documents and Approval ....................................................................................................................... 17
IPPAAR Change Point Approval Flow .................................................................................................................................................. 19
13.4 Identify the First Lot for IPP Tag ............................................................................................................................................. 19
13.5 New Model IPP Shipment ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
14.0 MARKET / WARRANTY QUALITY.............................................................................................................................................. 20
15.0 SUPPLIER QUALITY RANKING ................................................................................................................................................. 20
15.1 Determine Supplier Class Ranking ......................................................................................................................................... 20
15.2 Quality Improvement Program (QIP)....................................................................................................................................... 20
16.0 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FOR ANNUAL SUBMISSION ................................................................................................. 20
17.0 QUALITY REGULATION REVISIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 21
18.0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
1.1 Purpose
This Keihin Supplier Quality Manual (the “Manual”) defines the basic quality requirements/standards for
companies supplying material to Keihin North America, Inc. ("KNA") as agent for its subsidiaries Keihin IPT Mfg.,
LLC ("KIM"), Keihin Carolina System Technology, LLC ("KCST"), Keihin Aircon North America, Inc. ("KAC") and
Keihin Michigan Manufacturing, LLC ("KMM"); hereafter KNA, KIM, KCST, KAC, KMM collectively sometimes may
be referred to the "Keihin Companies", “Customer”, or “the Customer”. All sales by the Supplier to each of the
Keihin Companies shall be covered by this Manual.
Assuming the Supplier and KNA have executed the KNA Supply Agreement, if there is any inconsistency
between the Supply Agreement and this Manual, the Supply Agreement shall control.
As a condition of sales to the Keihin Companies, the Supplier acknowledges and agrees to achieve or implement
a system to achieve: (1) 100% on time delivery; (2) zero defects in all products sold to Keihin Companies; (3)
immediate and complete failure analysis and countermeasures; (4) an aggressive cost containment policy; (5) a
continuous improvement system; (6) products/services that are environmentally conscious in accordance with
KNA policies.
1.2 Scope
Where KIM, KCST, KAC, KMM is the Customer, KNA has authority to act on its behalf.
Through the remainder of this Manual, the Supplier shall be referred to as "Organization" or “the Organization”.
Through the remainder of this Manual, any entity receiving products from Keihin Companies will be referred to as
“Subsequent Customer” or “the Subsequent Customer”.
This Manual shall apply to all parts, components, raw materials, etc. that are intended for use in the Keihin
Companies’ or the Subsequent Customers’ manufacturing processes.
The requirements contained herein are part of the purchase agreement and supplemental to any other purchase
terms, conditions or specifications. No action taken by the Customer or the Organization shall relieve the
Organization of the responsibility to supply useable product that conforms to all purchase orders, agreements,
quality agreements, prints, and requirements.
Organizations are encouraged to use the Customer-supplied forms, however, alternative forms maybe be used
providing they contain all required information and are approved by the Customer prior to use.
1.3 Acronyms
GR&R - Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility QAV - Quality Assurance Visit
IPP - Initial Production Parts QCS - Quality Check Sheet
IPPAAR - Initial Production Parts Advanced Approval QCSS - Quality Characteristic Summary Sheet
Request QIP - Quality Improvement Process
KCM - Keihin Change Management QLVS - Quality Level Verification Sheet
LNDD - Lot Number Display Detail QMP - Quality Maturation Plan
MCS - Machine Check Sheet QSD - Quality System Database
MPR - Minimum Process Requirements SPQ - Supplier Part Quality
MSA - Measurement System Analysis TMR - Trial Maturation Results
OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness
PFMEA - Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis
PLCS - Packaging & Lot Control Sheet KAC - Keihin Aircon North America, Inc.
PPH - Past Problem History KCST - Keihin Carolina System Technology, Inc.
PPLH - Parts Per Labor Hour KIM - Keihin IPT Mfg, LLC.
PQCT - Process Quality Control Table KMM - Keihin Michigan Manufacturing, LLC.
QAN - Quality Approval Notification KNA - Keihin North America, Inc.
QAS - Quality Assurance System
2.2 Registration
The completed contact information will allow registration of the Organization to have access to review supplier
quality rating and non-conformances. For further information and assistance in the registration process refer to
SPQ representative.
This is a list of key record and their retention schedule. For a complete list of record types and current retention
schedule consult the Customer SPQ representative.
The Organization shall be responsible for planning, generating, implementing, and maintaining a Quality
Assurance System (QAS).
The QAS shall assure the production of parts that conform to all specified requirements. These requirements shall
include the following:
• Verification of compliance to all standards, procedures, and quality requirements
• Systems to prevent the production of nonconforming parts
• Defining and recording of quality problems
• Implementation of timely and effective corrective actions
The Organization shall establish a Quality Maturation Plan, (QMP), which shall be a system of tracking the
development of Supplier's Quality System status. The QMP shall be developed and maintained by Supplier for
each new part or model development. Consult the supplier quality representative for the minimum tooling
maturation level requirements for each new model trial build.
The QMP shall show development / testing schedules for the following items:
• Trial and / or production schedules, including EP100 (Section 6.4)
• Tooling / machine / equipment, purchasing and development schedules
• Part testing / qualification plans
• Quality document / systems implementation schedules
The Organization shall reference the QMP on the KNA Quality Portal under “Forms” for the
Quality Maturation Plan document, and also below Table A for the documentation timing and basic development
5.4 Operation Standards
The Organization shall create an operation standard for each distinct job process. The OpStd shall be linked back
to the PQCT.
Operation standards shall be controlled documents and on hand near the work covered by the standard.
Operation standards do not have to be on display at all times, but they shall be accessible by operators in
seconds, not minutes. The Organization must have a documented procedure for the creation, control, approval &
revision of operation standards.
Operation standards shall include:
• list of materials and components;
• description of process steps and sequence;
• list of tools/measuring equipment to be used in the process
• description of process settings;
• part specifications;
• lot control, first in-first out, or labeling requirements;
• critical points in the process, including failure modes if operation standard is not followed;
• limit samples, master samples or poka-yoke samples;
• abnormal handling procedures;
• control points from past problem history (PPH);
5.6 Training
The Organization must have a documented procedure for training, qualification and re-qualification of associates
using predetermined objective criteria. Training records shall be maintained, including a training matrix of
associates and which stations they are trained on.
Training shall include start up (including quality checks, machine checks, poka-yoke checks, etc.), normal
processing, change point control, handling suspect/non-conforming material, abnormal handling, repair/rework,
recovery and shutdown.
The Organization must have a documented procedure for when it is necessary to use an associate that is less
than fully qualified. This procedure must include required safeguards, data collection and approval requirements.
5.8 Minimum Process Requirements
The Customer requires the Organization and its sub-supplier’s to meet minimum process requirements (MPR).
These requirements present the controls and methods that are required for manufacturing parts to prevent future
process related defects. The MPR’s shall be reflected in the PQCT and the PFMEA. The MPR’s will be
evaluated during QAV1and QAV2 (Section 10). If a supplier cannot meet the requirements, they shall submit a
concern in writing to SPQ. The concern will be reviewed by SPQ and an agreement will be reached. If an
agreement cannot be reached; the issue will be escalated to the Customer’s management.
This procedure applies to the following processes:
• Casting • Machining
• Stamping • Electronics (Printed Circuit Boards)
• Injection Molding • Welding (Projection, Mig, Resistance)
• Wire Harness • Wire Harness
• Heat Treatment • Error Proofing
• Fluid Fill • Hot Plate Welding
• Label • Painting
• Leak Test • Part Marking
• Torque
Organization shall reference the MPR on the KNA Quality Portal under “Minimum Process
Requirements” for the Minimum Process Requirements documents.
6.3 EP100
EP100 is a production simulation event to provide early verification of process maturation and capability of
meeting mass production targets to help ensure a smooth startup. The EP100 verification process applies to new
model projects and significant mass production change points. Keihin’s SPQ representative will determine if
EP100 is required.
EP100 Planning
Establish the timing for EP100 verification and enter it on the QMP and project SAP during project
development. EP100 should occur at least two months prior to the first MP-level customer trial for NM
(E2 for MP change points).
The Organization will utilize the Capacity Planning / Confirmation form to estimate targets for
CT/DT/SR/OEE prior to Die-Go / Maker Layout. These targets will be verified at each trial build and
finally at EP100. By EP100 the Organization’s process must meet or exceed the targets set. If the
Organization’s process does not meet the set targets explanation must be submitted to the Customer’s
purchasing representative.
Set the EP100 verification quantity. Reference the commodity matrix (Appendix A) for minimum
quantities. Any deviation from minimum quantity must be approved by the SPQ representative.
The team should have a minimum of two training builds prior to EP100, one for equipment verification and
one (or more) for associate training maturation.
Communicate EP100 quantities and requirements to sub-suppliers to ensure an adequate number of MP
level supplied parts are available at EP100. Monitor sub-supplier progress and report any concerns to
SPQ as soon as possible.
* If maturation levels are not met, schedule additional EP100 verifications as necessary to ensure
proper maturation.
Assign roles and responsibilities for the EP100 Team. Suggested Roles and Responsibilities for
verification are:
• ENG – Die and Equipment Condition (MP level)
• MFG – Associate Condition (Head count & MP level)
• MFG – Performance Verification (Cycle Time / Down Time / Straight Rate / OEE)
• QA – Quality Verification (Cpk)
• S.Mgr – Overall Evaluation
Establish a data collection plan for EP100 performance verification. Identify resources to ensure proper
data collection is achieved during EP100. Establish a plan for collecting sample pieces for quality
verification. Quality data (n=30 minimum) should be collected from the last 100pcs of the build.
Performance data shall be taken for each process. Summarize findings on the Trial Maturation Results.
Develop an action plan for concern items identified during EP100 verification audit and record
countermeasures on the Trial Maturation Results. Review root cause analysis and proposed
countermeasures with SPQ representative for approval. Review the status of countermeasures during
regularly scheduled team meetings. Follow up on the EP100 verification action plan. EP100 Verification
is not complete until all action items have been implemented and judged effective by SPQ.
Prepare EP100 Summary Report per Appendix B.
Appendix A: Commodity Matrix MIN Quantities
Process Category Guideline
Molding Die cast 500 pcs / 1 shift
Molding 500 pcs / 1 shift
Machining Precision Cutting Tooling Change
General 500 pcs / 1 shift
Assembly Light Assembly / 200 pcs / 2hrs
Responsible Basic Development Flow
Inform Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Consult 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
RASIC -105 -101 -97 -92 -88 -83 -79 -75 -70 -66 -62 -57 -53 -48 -44 -40 -36 -31 -27 -22 -18 -14 -9 -5 -1 4 7 10
QCSS CCP 5pcs CCP 30pcs Trial Data Trial Data Trial Data Trial Data Trial Data Trial Data MP Data Handling
Use Keihin issued bubble dwgs and QCSS. Determine CCP measurement
R R S metho d and the inspectio n frequency to guarantee in spec parts ship to the
custo mer.
Initial Ev al QAV1 QAV2 QAV3 QAN
Keihin visits to the supplier to judge current pro cess readiness. QA V1, judge
R R S supplier capability to meet Keihin requirements. QAV2, judge pro cess is M P
level and ready fo r trials. QAV3, judge pro cess ready fo r M P .
Analysis fo r critical co ntro l po ints to be used to develo p PFM EA, Draft Documents Updated Documents Final Documents
R I Equipment specs, and Quality co ntro ls.
Co nfirm traceability o f units pro duced and co mpo nents used.
Draft Documents Updated Documents Final Documents
TABLE A - Basic Development Flow
Draft Documents Updated Documents Final Documents
Gage co ncept appro val and Gage M SA
Draft Documents Updated Documents Final Documents
Develo p and implement a technical training plan fo r QA asso ciates to
R I assure co mplete understanding o f QA equipment, pro per usage, and QA
metho ds fo r smo o th trial and start up quality and custo mer claim
Draft Documents Updated Documents Final Documents
Co nfirm pro per packaging spec. P LCS
Co nfirm M P pro cess by evaluating that Cycle time, Direct Ship Rate, Defect EP100
R S S Rate, Pro duct Co nfirmatio n, etc. meet pro ject targets as a result o f M P
quality maturatio n.
The Organization shall establish a comprehensive system that ensures traceability from end product supplied to
the Customer continuing back through supplied product to the Organization. All product supplied to the Customer
must be clearly identified on a bar coded label with the following information unless otherwise specified by the
• Part Number and Part Name
• Quantity
• Organization Name, City and State
• Serial Number
All information must be submitted to the Customer as a readable bar code entry. The Serial Number, which will be
a sequential number for each container of a lot, must be traceable back to the Organization’s lot number.
All critical features shall have a Cpk of at least 1.33 to be considered acceptable. Any critical feature with a Cpk
below 1.33 but higher than 1.0 must have increased inspection, lot acceptance testing and countermeasure plan
by the Organization. Any critical feature with a Cpk below 1.0 must be 100% inspected by the Organization.
The Organization shall supply a complete QLVS with each trial shipment. The data must be identified with the lot
number and correlate to the actual parts in the shipment. Failure to supply the necessary data, as determined by
the Customer, may result in the rejection of the affected shipment.
In addition, the Organization shall provide 100% dimensional layout of at least one part per cavity, tool, machine,
etc. This data must be accompanied by a ballooned (numbered) print.
The Organization shall reference the QCSS on the KNA Quality Portal under “Forms” for the
Quality Characteristics Summary Sheet document.
The Organization shall reference the QLVS on the KNA Quality Portal under “Forms” for the
Quality Level Verification Sheet document.
9.1 Calibration
Where applicable, the Organization shall periodically assure the continuing acceptability of master samples,
inspection and error-proof device test samples, and process jigs and fixtures. The Organization shall maintain a
list of such samples and process items requiring confirmation and a schedule for confirmation. Responsibility for
confirmation shall be documented and a report of confirmation results issued to management on periodic basis.
10.2 QAV1 – Development Evaluation
After initial product development, the Customer shall meet with the Organization at the Organization's facility to
conduct a Development Evaluation. The following are pre-requisites for the QAV:
• Customer may witness actual production of a similar part(s).
• Organization shall provide documentation per the similar part(s).
• Organization shall provide process capability data per the QLVS.
All of the above items shall be as close to mass production levels as possible. When one of the above is not at
mass production level, the Organization shall provide a detailed schedule for the completion date of mass
production readiness.
The Customer will notify Organization as to their approval by signing and issuing the QAN.
Organization shall reference the QAN on the KNA Quality Portal under “Forms” for the Quality
Approval Notification document.
It is the sole responsibility of the Organization to guarantee the product to the Customer’s line. In the event that
the Organization’s QAS has failed to prevent delivery of nonconforming parts to the Customer, the Customer, at
its sole discretion, may require the Organization to do one of the following:
• The Organization personnel arrive at the Customer in order to inspect or repair suspect parts.
• The Organization representative and Customer approved temporary personnel arrive at the Customer in
order to inspect or repair suspect parts. (Contact Quality for approved source.)
• Replacement parts are immediately shipped to the Customer. These parts must be guaranteed to be free
from the defect. To guarantee these parts, the Organization must 100% inspects these parts prior to
shipment, or have already isolated root cause and proved to the Customer why the replacement parts are
not affected. An identification method must be in place for easy part identification at the Customer.
• The Organization to provide additional data showing critical control points and customer attach points are
conforming to specification and capability for up to 3 lots after occurrence
It is the Customer's policy to not use any part that does not meet the Specifications. However, due to extenuating
circumstances, the Customer may agree to use a waiver for a specific period of time or quantity of parts assuming
the below criteria has been met:
The Organization may request for nonconforming parts to be used.
• The Organization has isolated and documented the scope of the problem (i.e. suspect lot #'s).
• The Organization has documented the severity of the problem (i.e. measured actual parts).
• The Organization has found root cause and has already determined C/M. Note: the problem must have a
C/M before the Customer can give waiver approval.
• The Customer has had sufficient time to do testing that guarantees functional and durability performance.
• Quality Waiver shall not violate end users’ requirements.
Organization shall reference the Quality Waiver on the KNA Quality Portal under “Forms” for the
Quality Waiver document.
There are three levels of control in the IPP Process. These are defined in the chart below. If unsure consult your
Quality Representative.
A IPPAAR • The Organization initiating the IPP must • Delivery of IPP parts must be
obtain the Customer approval prior to use in done according to FIFO
MP (use the IPPAAR form) • The Organization must keep the
• An IPP tag must accompany the first IPP following information
parts for MP and the parts must be properly o Content of the IPP tag
labeled. o Date of IPP’d parts
Note – if the first shipment of changed parts is for production
cage stock (in-process parts), additional IPP o Date of delivery
tag needs to be placed on the first shipment o Quality confirmation data
that will go directly to the Customer production. such as inspection or testing
B IPP • The Organization must document, verify and
approve the change internally. (This
documentation must be made available upon
Customer request.)
• An IPP tag must accompany the first IPP
parts for MP and the parts must be properly Same steps as level A
Note – if the first shipment of changed parts is for
cage stock (in-process parts), additional IPP tag
needs to be placed on the first shipment that will
go directly to the Customer production.
C Organization Internal at the Organization The Organization tracks these
changes. Information is made
available to the Customer upon
13.1 Initial Production Parts Advance Approval Request (IPPAAR) Procedure
It is necessary to issue an IPPAAR when there are A Level changes to parts or processes that make those parts.
The IPPAAR form is used when a change requires advance approval form the Customer prior to the Organization
shipping the part for MP.
The table below explains each change type; list some examples changes (change type not limited to examples),
and how to determine the level of control (A, B, or C).
Item Explanation / Examples A B C
Design Change A design change is done when a new part drawing or a manufacturing X
instruction has been issued.
• New part design
• Design change that affects the part
• Design change with no effect to the part,(name/number, etc.). X
New Sub- A sub-supplier, who has never produced the part or component, X
Supplier begins manufacturing this part for the Organization.
• Addition or change of a sub-supplier
• Addition or change in delivery/manufacturing location
• Change from in-house to external production (or vice-versa)
Material Change The material(s) used to manufacture the part is changed. X
• Change of material type
• Change of supply from outside to self-supplied (or vice-versa)
• Change of composition (including anti-rust or lubrication oil)
Manufacturing A process method, setting or condition used in manufacturing the part
Change is changed or modified. This includes any change which effects the
way the parts are produced as reflected in the PQCT. This applies
when the normal control range changes, not for routine adjustments.
• Process method
• Process standards or setting method
• Process order
• Jig/Fixture (New, Revised, Repaired, etc.)
See Note
• Die/Mold (New, Revised, Repaired, etc.)
• Inspection Method
Organization shall reference the IPPAAR on the KNA Quality Portal under “Forms” for Initial
Production Parts Advanced Approval Request submission document and instructions.
Organization shall reference the IPP Tag on the KNA Quality Portal under “Forms” for Initial
Production Parts tag document, instructions and order information.
IPPAAR Change Point Approval Flow
produces parts for
Customer Approval Designated By: mass production
• IPPAAR# utilizing IPP tags
• PASS circled on IPPAAR form with the initial
• AND the Customer approval signatures shipment of
changed parts
including IPPAAR#
The Customer receives warranty parts and information weekly from Subsequent Customers. The Customer
analyzes the parts and data and maintains records of the results. When a potential defect has been identified
related to the Organization’s product, the Customer will forward those parts and information to that Organization
for analysis.
The Organization has responsibility for the quality of its products sold to Customer and is financially responsible
for any and all product that is returned to the Customer under the Customer’s current warranty system. A 5
principle of problem solving report may be required for any defects that are determined to be the responsibility of
the Organization or Organization’s sub-supplier. In addition, the Organization may be financially responsible for
any costs related to the warranty claim including but not limited to the costs of parts, labor, shipping, etc.
This quality requirement and reimbursement applies to product determined to be defective within the vehicles
basic warranty period as determined by the Subsequent Customer.
Any changes or modifications to this agreement must be mutually agreed to and memorialized in writing executed
by Customer and Organization.