Florida AG Moody Orders Investigation Into Bloomberg's Pledge To Help Felons Pay Debts

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STATE OF FLORIDA ASHLEY MOODY ATTORNEY GENERAL. September 25, 2020 Mr. Michael F. MePherson Special Agent in Charge Federal Bureau of Investigation 5525 West Gray Street Tampa, FL 33609 Mr. Richard L. Swearingen Commissioner Florida Department of Law Enforcement P.O, Box 1489 Tallahassee, FL. 32302-1489 Dear Commissioner Swearingen and Special Agent in Charge MePherson: Governor DeSantis has asked that my office review recent allegations found in the enclosed September 22, 2020 Washingion Post article and relevant law. My office has reviewed the following enclosed materials: + Washington Post article, “Mike Bloomberg raises $16 million to allow former felons to vote in Florida”; ‘* Florida Not-for-Profit Corporation Annual Report of Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, Inc. dated June 23, 2020; ‘© Section 104.012, Florida Statues; ‘© Section 104.061, Florida Stat ‘+ Florida Department of State, Division of Elections, Advisory Opinion 16-02 ““Voting-Offering Incentives to Vote; Political Committees Expenditures; §§ 104.045, 104.061, 104.0616, 106.011, and 106.11, Florida Statues" (hereinafter “DE 16-02"), ‘+ Title 18, United States Code, Section 597; and ‘© Title 52, United States Code, Section 10307. PLO}, The Copito Tallahsse, Flor 32399-1050, Telephone (950) 414-3300 Fas (450) 487-2564 In DE 16-02, the Florida Department of State, Division of Election, in responding to an inquiry by a politcal committee, stated: Even otherwise innocuous offering of an incentive simply to vote could run afoul of section 104.045 or section 104.061, or both, pending upon the circumstances involved. That is, incentives could be offered fo a voter in a way that would be designed to directly or indirectly cause the voter ora larger group of voters to vote in a particular manner. In such a case, the person giving the incentive could be guilty of violating section 104.061, Florida Statutes, which makes it illegal to “directly or indirectly give or promise anything of value to another in casting his or her vote.” DE 16-02, at 3 (footnote and citation omitted), After preliminarily reviewing this limited public information and law, it appears further investigation is warranted. Accordingly, I request that your agencies further investigate this ‘matter and take appropriate steps as merited Sincerely, Attomey General ccc: Mrs. Maria Chapa Lopez, United States Attomey Mr, Nick Cox, Statewide Prosecutor The Washington Post Mike Bloomberg raises $16 million to allow former felons to vote in Florida 5) Michael Scherar Septomibor 22,2020 at 10:50 a.m. EOT Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg and his team have raised more than $16 milion to poy the court fines and fes of nearly 32,000 Black and Hispanie Frida voters with felony convictions, an effort aimed at boosting turnout for Democratic presidental eanldate Jo Biden “The money wll fnd a program organized bythe Florida Rights Restoration Coat o pay the fines, fees nd restitution cust for former prisoners who are alteady registered to vote in Florida ung debts. but barred by law from participating in the election because of those outs "Bloomberg, who has committed at least $100 milion to clectng Biden in the state, raised the ‘money from individuals and foundations ove the past week his advisers sid He sv the donations asa more cast-ffective way of adding votes tothe Democratic column than investing :money to persuade voters who already have the right o vote, a Bloomberg memo si. ‘We have identted a significant vote share that requires nominal investment," the men read. “The data shows that in Florida, Black voters area unique universe unlike any other voting blo, ‘where the Democratic support rate tends tobe 90%-35%." ‘The memo noted that Biden was polling worse among Cuban American voters than Hillary cc nton, the 2016 nominee, while winning other Hispanic groups by margin of 0, ‘The Florida Rights Restoration Coalition ia nonpartisan group that has been fundraising to return al former felons in the state to the voting rolls. Desmond Meade, the group's president std the group doesnot share Bloombergs goal of empowering only one politcal side inthe ‘upcoming lection, "Different people may give for different reasons, but we aren this for one reason and that reason, isto place people oer polities,” Meade said. "Weare concerned with people fom all walks fife, from al sorts of polities” esa that through separate efforts, his organization has raised about $7 milion fom about 44,000 donors to help pay the debts of ciizens with felony’ convitions so they can return tothe voting roll The average debt, the group sai, is about $1,000. ‘ter organizing by Meade's group, Florida voters passed a statewide constitutional amendment in 2018 that gave former felons, except thse convicted of murder or felony sexual offenses, the ‘opportunity to vote in upcoming elections. The Republican-contolled legislature subsequently turn to the voting rolls passed, and the Republican governor signed, a aw that colitioncd ‘onthe payment ofall fees, fines and restitution that were part oftheir sentence. Subsequent court challenges upheld he power ofthe legislature to condition voting right on the ayn resident Trump asa possible replacement for Supreme Court justice Ruth Rader Ginsburg, cast nt of debts by former felons sdge Barbara Lagos, who is unde consideration by 2 concuring opinion on the mth Cieelt Court of Appeals upholding the state la requiting payment of debs ‘The Republican effort is expected to limit what some viewed asa politi benefit to Democrats of the constitutional change, which passed by ballot initiative with 65 pereent suppor. A study by the University of Florida found that nearly 775,000 former felons still owed money elated to ‘thee convitions and would be barred from the voting booth by the la. The vast jority are too poor to pay ther outstanding debts, according to evidence presented in court documents challenging the law Several philanthropic groups including « nonprofit founded bythe profesional basketball player LeBron James, have since committed donations to pay the oved money. The Bloomberg effort, which his aides said wil be pooled with about $5 million already ruse by the Fora Rights Restoration Coalition, is marowly focused onlyon Black and Hispanic voters who ae already eistredto vote and whose debs ae es than $1,500. Bloomberg's advisers identified that group a8 both key to vote for Biden and moe kel to vote than other groups of former felons, ‘Mike wanted to get this done fortwo reasons,” sada Bloomberg adviser, wh spoke onthe condition of anonymity to discus private conversations. "One, because i's the right thing todo for the democracy. And two, because it immediately activates tens of thousands of votes who are predisposed to vote for Joe Biden.” ‘Bloomberg aides said the former New York mayor, who is worth more than $50 bilion, had raised ‘the money for this effort from others and tha the sum would not count agaist the $100 milion ‘or more he has personally commited to spend on beh of Biden in the state. ‘The Bloomberg memo pointed out thatthe 3,790 targeted voters, including 25,548 who are Black, are nearly equivalent tothe margin by hich Gow, Ron DeSantis (R) won election in 2018 and about three times big as the margin that elected Sen, Rick Seot(R-Fla) that same yer. Te sid Fords voters have largely already made up their minds about the November election, Jeaving “only small margin of voters that ate targets for persion.” “We know to win Florida we will need to persuade, motivate and add nev votes tothe Biden red column,” the document read. “This means we need to explore all avenues for finding ‘votes witen so many votes are already determined.” ‘Meade si his group would be in charge of spending the money raised by Bloomberg and wil continue fundraising to enftanchise more Floridians with felony cometions No person reilly dictates howe we are operating,” he said Election 2020; What to know Uve updates: Get te atest on the election and Supreme Court Polling from The Washington Post and ABC News Shows former vee resident Joo Bien with a narrow edge inthe key bategound state of Wisconsin and 3 vide lead in Mionesot, How to vote: Fins out tne rules inyourstate, Some states have already started sending out mail ballots; see now to make sure yours counts. Abgontee and mai bats aro two terms forthe same thing, mostly used interchangeably. Barring 3 landslide, we may at have aresultin the president etction on Nov. 3 Electoral college map: who sually votes ana who do they te for? Explore how shifts in tumout and voting pattems for key demographic groups could affect the presidential race. Policy: vnere Biden and Trump stand on key sues defining te eleton Battlegrounds: Want to understand the swing states? Read about ‘Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida, Ponsytania and Minnesota, and sgn up tor The Taier and got more states, plus more news and insight from the trail, in your inbox three days a week Coming up: Trump and Biden are scheduled to debate three times this, fall here's what to know about the 2020 presidential dates Sign in to join the conversation ‘Support journalism you can trust when it matters most, Get one year for $29 £2020_FLORIDA NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT DOCUMENT N1 1000011745 Entity Name: FLORIDA RIGHTS RESTORATION COALITION, INC. Current Principal Pace of Busine 4081 LB MCLEOD RO, UNIT ORLANDO, FL 32611 US FILED Jun 23, 2020 Secrotary of State 4121563173CC FE Number 30-0746703 Certificate of Status Desired: No Namo and Address of Curront Registered Agont SIGNATURE: Tea Spe a OtfcerDiector Detail SIGNATURE: OESMOND MEADE PRESIDENT 232020 “Berane Sipance Sigg cao Sunshine Page Lot ‘Statutes & Constiution :View Statutes : Onli Select Year: [2019 || Go ‘The 2019 Florida Statutes Tite Chapter 104 ew Entire Chapter ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS ELECTION CODE: VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES 104.012 Consideration for registration; interference with relstration;slkting registrations for compensation; alteration of reistration application (1)-ny person who gives anything of value that is redeemable in cash to any person in consideration for his or her becoming a registered voter commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided ‘ns. 75.082, s. 115.083, of. 775.084. This section sal not be interpreted, however, to exclude such services as transportation to the lace of restration or babysitting in connection with the absence of ‘an elector trom home for rehtering, (2) & person who by bribery, menace, threat, or other cozuption, directly or narectly, nfuences, decelves, or deters or attempts to influence, decelve, or deter any person inthe fee exercise ofthat persons right to register to vote at anytime, upon the fst conviction, commits a felony of the tid eqroe, punishable as provided i. 775,082, s, 775.083 rs. 775,084, and, upon any subsequent onvtion, commits a felony ofthe second degre, punishable as provided ins. 725.082, 5. 775.083, oF 575.084 (2), & person may not solicitor pay another person to slic voter relstrations for compensation that is based upon the numberof registrations obtained. person wh violates the provisions ofthis subsection commits felony ofthe third degree, punishable as provided in . 778.082, s. 775.083 ors. 175.084 (4) A person who alters the voter registration application of anyother person, without the other person's knowledge and consent, commits a felony of the thied degree, purshable as provided 775.00, s. 775.08, ors 725.084 Watery eh 6198; 5 25h PK 8.2, ch 77475 2.39 ch #4226; HK ch, BEATS 3B, ch. 97H: oprah ©1995 2020 The Foi Legature «Pray Statement» Contac Us ?App_mode=Display Inupy/www Jeg state fu STATUTES inde, tatued’Search St... 9723/2020 Statues & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine Page Loft eect Year: [2019 v)| Go The 2019 Florida Statutes Title Chapter 104 Wiew Entire chapter ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS ELECTION CODE: VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES 104.061 Cocruptly influencing voting. (1) Whoever by bribery, menace, tes, oF other corruption whatsoever, ether aectly or indiectly, attempts to influence, deceive, or deter any elector n voting or lteter with him or erin the fee exercise ofthe electors right to vote at any election commits a felony ofthe third degree, unishable as provided ins. 775.082, 5. 775.083, os. 778.084 forthe first conviction, and felony of ‘the second desree, punishable a provided ns, 75,082, «. 75,083, os. 775.084, for any subsequent (2) to person shall drety or indrecty ve or promi anything of value to another Intending thereby to buy that person's or another's vote orto comupty influence that person or another in casting his rer vote. Any person who violates this subsection s guilty of a Felony af the tid degree, Ponishable as provided ins. 775,082, s. 75.083, 5.775.084. However, this subsection shal not apply to the serving of food to be consumed a a political rally or meeting oto any em of nominal valve hich is used as apolitical advertisement, including a campaign message designed to be worn by a person, ooyriht © 1995-2020 The Fora Lepsatre »Pricy Statement «Contac Us hap: ley states. us'STATUTESindes efiy?App_mode-Display.StattesSearch St... 9/23/2020 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT Of STATE KEN DevaNER Sereno January 21,2016, (Me. Leonard Sehmiege, Caiman League of Voters, Exrandinire 3004 25th Avenue North St Petersburg. Florida 33713, Re: DE 16-0 Voting - Offering Incentives to Vote, Polit Commitees = res, §) 1OADAS, 108.061, TOs, and 106.11, Florida Dear Me Schmieg: ‘You ate the chairman of a Florida politcal committee and ask whether your plital committee may legally pay’ lector to vote among cher reste questions. The Division of Eetions has the ater to issue you sn advisory opinion pursuant fo section 106232), Foida Saute, Facts Your political committee propose 1 increase voter tumout by offering cash checks, of st cards fo persons in rete fr “completing the of voting,” for*roquesfng] ovate by mal OF far convineing others 10 vote in person os hy mal. You emphasize tal the incentives our political committee proposes would only be to encourage cers suply to ve, nt to vote fn putcular manner or for particule candi. ANALYSIS. Flori aw explicit prokibits “vote-buying” and “vte-seling.” The roibition against “vote buying” is found in section 104.0612), Florida States, adress follows No person shall directly o indie give or promi anything of valve to smother intending thereby to Buy tha person's or another's vote oF 10 Asa24e20 "3942419 a) DORNF eae someltin Leonard Schmioge Sapuary 21,2016 Page of 4 coraply influence that person of another in casing his 0: her vote. Any person who volte this subsection i uit of a ony ofthe tid degre, ‘onishable as provided in . 795.082, 8.775083, ors. 775084, However, {his subsection shal aot apply to the serving f fnd tobe contumod t 3 political lly or mestingo ean iter of nominal value which sued asa political advertisement, including a campaign messige designed to be worn by aperson, 104.0610), Fa Stat The prohibition aginst “vot-selling™is Found in section 104048, which eas as flows: ‘Any peeson who (1) Comply offers o vote for or against, orto rein from voting for oF ‘guns, any candidate im any election in rtur for pacaiary oF other benefit or (2) Accepts a pecuniary or other benefit in exchange fora promise o vole foro agin, oro refain fom voting for or agaist, any cna in any lection, ‘sypilty of felony ofthe tied degre, punishable as provide ins 775.082, 978.083, orm 75.084, 104045, Fle, Stat “Together, these tw provisions make till to pay a perso to votcin particular manner (nother words 0 "vote-buy), oF toagre to vote or fran for voting foro aginst a parieua ‘ndate n exchange for a”pocunary or ther benefit (i ther word, "vole se"). Both of ‘hese provisions contemplate that the incentive offered must be connected oa wae thas cast in ‘a parteuar manner (or, 8 the ese maybe, a vote tat sno eastin a particule manne), support your political commite's proposed incentives fr vig, you sitet advsory ‘opinion DENT-08 In questions wo and thee of DE 87-08, the Division was asked wheter it was permissible for a person to give an lector a it ceritcate, paraphersali, rahe consideration ot redeemable in cash, rato subsequent tothe casing OF the vote. See Div. of Elections Op. 37-08 (Aug. 3, 1987) tn answering both questions in the affirmative, the Division considered sections 104045 and 104.06, Fonda Statutes" The Division concluded that section 104088 tls nt prohibit a person from giving an elector “sgt certificate or ether consideration i the ‘onsderation sna inlende to buy or eomaply influence anothersvote," apparel because tat "xt the time the 1987 opinion was veered, section 104.045 provide ha “vote-sling” ‘vas amisdemeanor. Curent Florida law makes “ste-slling”afdony. See § 10404, Fla. Sst (1987); § 104 085, Fla Stat, (2015). Leonard Schmiege Janaary 21,2016 Page 3 of 4 section contemplates the situation where» person atempting to stay “buy a person's vote — thats, where the person offers the eletor something of valu in exchange for ihe eletors poise to vote for or against «parcular candidate DE. 87-08 futher interpreted section 8095 0 roibit a person from offering something of value to an elec in exchange Tor the eletr's Promise to vo ina patiula manner. The Division also noted tat the "ote buying” provisions Sf Seton 104.061(2), Florida States, would not prohibit candidate's giving an fem of value to a voter as long as the candidate vas nol attempting to "bu [the] persons vot.” See Div. of ‘ecions Op. 87-08 (Aug 3, 1987) citing to Ds of Eletions Op 8-1 (Ape 22,1988). Consistent with sections 104.045 and 108.061 and DE 87-08, the Division etre ha itis legal to buy votes or se votes, regardless of whether the “buying” of “sling” is accomplished by cas, check, git ear, git oer tem of value. Even the otherwise innocuous ‘fering of an incentive simply to ote could run afl af section 104,045 or seton 104.051 both, depending onthe parielar circumstances involved. That incentives could be offered to s'voter ina way that would be designed to direly or odirety ease the voter or ager grou ‘of voters vote inapaicular manner.” In sucha eas, the perm giving the incentive could be ‘ily of volting setion 10405, Flori Sates, which makes Meal oie or inrcty five or promise anything of value to another intending thereby to buy that persons or anaes ‘ote oF fo corm infoence that person or another in casting his or her vote” § 108 051(2), la Sat Similarly, in such a stuation the voter eould run afoul of the prohibition against "wate selling in section 104045. Putadfferem way, inentves oa vot east ve mano legally be offered in 8 manne tat altempts to eicurvet the prohibitions against “wte-buying” and “yote-slling” conta in setons 108.061 and 18 045, In igh of these prosriptons against “vote-buying” an “wote-seling” your polal ‘omits could no legally pay an elector to vole and have that espendture boa valid one under ‘chapter 106. A political committe may only ake expenditures. See § 106 11(IKa) Fla. Sit Cimuting poiticalcomminoe primary depository to use “only forthe purpuse of depositing ontebutions and mnking expenditures"). “Expenditures” by story defo, must only be rade “or the purpose of influencing the resus af an election” § 106.01 1(L0Ka), Fla Sta. For 7 shouldbe noted that section 104.061(2}, Florida State, has undergone some revision since 1987 A nonvenhastive list of examples where the person offen inceatves a voters simply 'o voe could un afoul of sections 103.048 and 104 061 snclde the flowing” (1) incentives 10 ‘te might be offered to a group of people haown tobe repitered under patcular pty iflition; 2) ncenivsto vote might be offered to voters who live nw patcular location where 2 disproportionate numberof voters support particular candidate ar party, ut (3) incentives 0 ‘ote might be offre toa group of people tending «paula politcal event orally In such Situations, st would be possible thatthe stent ofthe parson oer the incentives could ran ful of section 104.061(2), Forde States, in away thal would constate “vote buying” or comply influencing voting Similar, the person ofeing a vot or votingin exchange fr he incentive ‘ould violate the prokbition against "voeselling” i section 108 S, Loonatd Seige Jaguary 21,2016 Page dof 4 1 payment fom your political committee an elector to be vad and penisible expenditure, itm be to ifluece he results ofan election, (to influence he eestor to vote a eran ‘manner, But sucha payment would be llgal under sections 104 04S and 104.061. Yous political Commitee could ot lawfully pay someone to vote without thal expenditure Being invalid ander Sections 106.111} and 106.011(10K0) ‘SUMMARY Sestons 104045 and 108.061, Flovida Statutes, expicily prohibit “vote-buying” and “vote-seling” I would be illegal 10 offer inoentves fr votng ifthe lent were to ereunvent the prohibitions against “vote-buying” and "vote-slling” in sections 104045 and 104.051. political committe can only spend money to influence the rests of an election. political ‘ommites's payment oan elector to vote ould only be valid under chapter 106 it were done 0 Influence how that elector voted, which in tum would be iegal under sections 104048 and To4061. Thorfire, a polical committee could not lawfully make © valid expenditare to pay Respectaly, A fal Directo, Division of Elections nce voung, BUSCA. 8587 United States Code Annotated - 2016 United Sate Cade Annotated “il 1 Crimes and Criminal Procedure (els Anno) art Crimes (Rf e Anos) Chapter 29, Hetions an Polite Aettes ISUSCA S507 4597. Expenditures to influence voting etv:Ortber 1, 1996 Whoever makes fers 6 make an expends ay pero, ho ola With iste 0 ole Fro api oy dts Whosver sais. cps eee ay sth exper in costo hi vote rh wing of his te Shall be ined ude hs ie or mprisned at ore ha Sa Bath and ie ton as wifi shall eid under his ior npr notre ha 0 yea, bh wa ane 25.1988 «615,62 Sa 724; PHL 103 14204 TaleVL, fateh Ost. 196, lH, So. 108 St. 2147; Pt HISTORICAL AND STATUTORY NOTES Revision Nes and Legis 19H Acs Bad on $8 Repons "or Tie 5636 Tle HL, §§ 31,314 S.C. 1968, The Congres (Feb ‘Ths seton onsite the provisions of §§ 2nd 2. Tile USC. 1940 The Congres Refenc 1petsons ating rocing was omit swine iew of defoon ofa” in § 2a is ie The punishment provisions of $282 of Tie 2 USC. 10 ed, The Congres, were incepta of ston upon tory ference in ach ton maki he apple thst, ‘Words hat wera cof he lost ives ol the puis provisos ofthis ie ‘Changes wer made i phraenoey, 1994 ets House Report No 193-124, Howse Repat No 1019, an Hons Contre Rept No 10871, 56 1901. Code Cong and Ad News, 101 1597 Exper it Ke voting, WUSCA.§ 587 1996 Acts Hose Rep No, 104-78 1961S Cade Cong and An New, p40 Amendments 196 Amendments, POL 104.298.5612, subtest fr “Fined not moran St4900 1994 Amendments Pub 05322, § 30016 1H) sae ander hs ile fr-nt ret 00 (CROSS REFERENCES “smear ed by Unit Sis mags exchanges pane under hi section se IS USCA LIBRARY REFERENCES, Amecan Digest System Key Naber Stn Topi No 12 [RESEARCH REFERENCES ALR Lab (AL 177, Contin of Cap Practices Ae Encglaedine ‘J 2 ston 450 Bb “retusa Practice Ads os $2825, voing Ife ot tern Wah Ns onsinonlty 1 Gran jy inset Indictment La oven § Mundane 9 Pes 3 Time of expen 1 Consttonay {697 expends ointuonce voting, 18 USCA. 5 587 Indtermiing te consiainaiy ofthis seston he US. Const. 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Bano, ED Me 1948.77 F Sap 12 Elson Lay 2 6 Former § 250 of Tale 2 oow this section] prohitiing expense nen ing es not weston ge tha sich section eveel tons ove hich Cones a cota tha cven iach etn as ie ial tens, ita to ucean beste sine ich etn read ol ih Famer $24 of Teno § 50 of isting the rm canes we in oer haptr was ae lest a wih era anaes secre reseed fr elton U8 5 Fonte, CDs 983 12 FSapp 717. Const Law 11504 Flecon Law 2 Comtrucion ‘Under omer 3250 ie no hi section probing the making fing make amex oan person,“ tote e with oe oto ste ro ag aa” Cores intended he ve quoted phase fe eal ab 1 hola a rea sich section ws ne test whch cae the word wos defined ie ‘ite freer fs, as resend fr ton, nw of the ler purpose ofS eon orn soation pic eketons US Fonte, DC Del 113. 42F Sip 717 Eston an 2 61 Feder states in fr a probing nrence wiht of age and com passin common wt lectins fe Sentra Represents ia Congres ate pram and apes any ling sie gato Inv ohn CA 2 ANY 1982.62 2029 Ses 2729 Time of xpendiare Absent some precio arene, payments mae 10 tes ar seston woul samtise ao offense US. Bru INDDILIOSS. THE Sap 393 Beton Law = seriary (297 Expedia tontunce voting, 18US.CA. 9887 ta pay protection rig of chars th aed wore ity tat he i ot pay ny person or oie hee unt alr sho the wines eds all may hve een lnk, ice isnt whether hey had ‘etl vt the question sing whether dled pad pers hn tat hey shoul te US» Pale CCAS (et) 198, 1328600 Poy 290) Reco of ste etn fr Senn and Representatives, peeved er ste aw. wee lean 1 an) enon by Feder rand jury intefrence with hf lrg and corr pacs. Inve Cen CCA2INVV 1952 6224209, ‘ing macins ening ess of sae eestor Sears and Represents in Cong were ean inestgaton 1 flea jr f interference ih igh of salage and crt paces I Coben, CCA (UY) 1952.63 2d Ieuance of sbpaeas dices tem by feral rnd jr investing ste eto or Somos and Repent in Congres fr proton of ese a ing nchines in cidy of ne ofl, we ta ilon OFS CA Cons ACI § ct | autor Ste Less 1 esi ine, plc. ne of lig eto Ire Cohen, CCA 2 ‘Whether sand jay, ee which psa wa alley commited, ad bes a fl coined wa mater which deft oul nly ie by prope sin rapotel by sco vis and whe colt sess claim ht stent a ‘deen ete ht rani haber conus vsti of posible vt eal dingo lean, Showed har jy hd mt ben engaged im nveniganens gases Sere 5+ Reet. NOT isdton fdr ou in cae inoing payee of ney 0 oer des st flo spy eee olen ecu tle in which eerie was ob te fo, bt nie chars ft os wh tos hat eon feral fcr ete as inlet er ns subj oprobbiy of wl ene US. oon. ED Mk PM. 77 ‘scare ht defend a ince oer candi feral ie on he ate that tended ely Indgodvotst ener lection a ich eed i ft uti bal rere sande, US rn, SDT which leet an accepts pn! forthe oe rth ion tere were wii the pre oth cin 8 al DPA 1984, R6PSigp 2K lets Lae 18 Am ince chrging hat deena dh vlfly make expends 1 dad india we expend By her to ers bout th psy dem and conection the vers cing ci tes, ut which i a allege hat 9 807 Expenditure ontuance voting, 185.6. 5 887 ‘he defend pid he indie, citero Yte or wl ther ts and Which contin 0 coat Kr cn. inten o cage a fens andr hisses) Vila, WAN P4158 126 F Sapp THR Heston 8 Counts finden in ngage of Farmer $250 of Tle 2 now this st chasing expendi infec tes was Indien lasing cospacy 1 commit Memes ait lf Unie Sa by king and caning 0 fe ade an penta an py and cans 0 be pi crtin nso monet ives pros ona eee leon which mes of cats fr Ue Ss Sen nd Ui Sta Hous of Repsetaties ppd mile ae sensi » Bln ED Me 1948, 77 FSapp 812. Elst Law 718 A inkicent ching vison offre § 20 of Tle 2 no this] was sb the cout which hae keen sith rider of pean knoe the randy vote forts” at gen lection hed iy of ‘Wilmington on cerain dae and wt ery operons kno he rand jy to oe he elton, since he pe of ems af lleged offen west aie odin rf sch sae ao sey th ina oii ene ‘ah cous wok nt a fr subsequent ar ery ofa apcified ter US» Fake DC Dal 1981 F Sup 717 cnet A Inmaton 1716 Under ui as elaingthe stn sj hs seo wel tha he rac do poner compel "igh heer by mana ove Higdon. ED Mo 192,20 F150, HUSeA.ss07 ERINeN g 97 Caen tho PL 1-11 approved 12-28-2015 West (C1 2018 Thomson Reuter No lai 19 Orig US. Govt. Woks, 510007, roniied ate, $2 USCA § 10307 United states Code Annotated Tiles Voting and Hlctions (Rel Anno) Subie Ving Rights {Chaper w09 Enonerent of Vong Rights s2USCA.§ 0307 Formerly ited as 42 USCA 510735 §10307. Prohibited acts (a) Pitre or renal a permit casting ablation a oe ‘No paso ating declaw hl lores to pemiaypeon tte who ie oe ender ison ‘of chars 103 107 of his tile hee gli 0 vt, wll fi oslo aie cot ep (Iain, ret Noes whether acing color aw rte hl tide etn eo ph nimi, ae, ‘or ore any prs fr voting orate te. 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