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Factory Cad

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3D factory layout design for better factories faster

Benefits Summary
• 90 percent faster than typical FactoryCAD is a 3D layout application that gives you everything you need to
3D modeling create detailed, intelligent factory models. Instead of having to draw lines,
• Able to create 2D/3D models arcs and circles, FactoryCAD allows you to work with “smart objects” that
in less time and effort represent virtually all the resources used in a factory, from floor and
• Early discovery of layout overhead conveyors, mezzanines and cranes to material handling containers
design problems and operators. With these objects, you can “snap” together a layout model
• Expensive redesign without wasting time drawing the equipment.
problems avoided
• Data re-use makes layout FactoryCAD business value
information more valuable Because FactoryCAD makes layout creation, modification and visualization
• Reduced interpretation errors easier and faster, design flaws and issues can be identified and eliminated
• Usable with other analysis earlier in the design process, prior to physically building or modifying the
packages factory. Re-using the layout data in other related applications saves time,
• As much as 95 percent allows more design iterations to be assessed, and makes the layout
reduction in file sizes information more valuable. Overall, getting factories into production sooner
with fewer last minute modifications provides significant financial benefits.
• Object builder toolkit The FactoryCAD advantage
• Smart objects have With FactoryCAD, 3D models can be created faster than 2D drawings using
built-in rules conventional CAD. With smart object technology, stored file sizes are smaller
• Generic tool for adding than 2D drawing files, thus avoiding the data size and performance problems
intelligence normally associated with modeling complete factories. FactoryCAD enables
• Symbol library manager engineers to create full 3D models that provide much more information than
• Object enabler for non- 2D drawings, helping them discover potential layout problems early in the
FactoryCAD users design process.
• Cost information extraction Since these layout
• Automatic floor space models can be
reporting leveraged directly in
• Read/write of lightweight visualization,
visualization (JT) files material flow and
discrete-event simu­
lation programs,
they offer consid­
erable time savings.



What are the major Using FactoryCAD Additional material handling objects You
advantages of FactoryCAD? FactoryCAD enhances the AutoCAD and will find a comprehensive list of material
FactoryCAD gives you an AutoCAD Architecture products to deliver a handling devices ranging from bridge
unmatched tool for quickly complete factory design solution by cranes and jib cranes to lift tables and turn
creating a wide range of providing a library of smart objects that tables for containers.
accurate factory layout models represent factory equipment and
with built-in intelligence. It resources. Each object has both 2D and 3D Ability to create objects with object
enables you to drag, drop and views and incorporates key performance builder With the object builder toolkit, you
snap models together without factors. Similarly, cost factors can be can build custom 3D factory equipment
having to draw lines and extracted from the FactoryCAD layout for objects of your own. These objects then
create blocks. estimating purposes. For equipment that is can be modified on the fly similar to the
not already represented in the FactoryCAD smart factory objects already available
FactoryCAD provides an library, the object builder enables users to within FactoryCAD.
effective solution to the create their own lightweight, parametric
common and difficult problem object models. Ability to share objects with object
of communicating the full enabler The object enabler toolkit, which
factory design. It allows for Major capabilities can be passed to and shared with non-
viewing of 3D factory designs FactoryCAD users, enables FactoryCAD
and promotes design View 3D models with non-CAD viewers models and drawings to be viewed in other
collaboration, which helps Technology has been embedded into AutoDesk programs.
uncover layout design FactoryCAD smart objects allowing viewers
problems early in the factory such as Teamcenter® visualization mockup Block and symbol management tools
design process. You can obtain software, Volo View, Viz 4 (3D StudioVis) In addition to smart factory objects,
more value from the factory and many others to view the factory FactoryCAD includes hundreds of tradi­
model by being able to easily models. tional symbols and blocks. FactoryCAD
present 3D layouts, output data enables you to move freely within the
to simulation, use models as Conveyor objects All kinds of conveyors libraries to select, add, copy, move and
the basis of material flow are available for use from package delete blocks.
analysis and create cost and conveyors, such as belt conveyors, v-belt
other relevant reports. driven live roller conveyors, gravity roller Clearance detection As the factory is
conveyors, structure track conveyors, being designed, you can constantly use
palletized assembly conveyors to highly clearance detection features to validate
sophisticated conveyors, such as auto­ your layouts early in the design process.
motive floor conveyors, cross transfers, lift
systems, chain-on-edge and power and BOM generation You can also generate
free conveyors. intelligent BOM (bill of materials) reports
of equipment in your plant. This is
Robot objects Many highly detailed especially important for complex, multi-
models of popular robots such as ABB, segmented equipment, such as cable trays
Fanuc, Kuka and Kawasaki are available as and fences.
objects. With built-in forward kinematics,
you can articulate these robots into any CAD data import Product and tooling CAD
position desired. data from NX™ software, Parasolid®
software, VRML or JT™ formats can be
imported as smart factory objects.

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