Unit D - Electrical Principles
Unit D - Electrical Principles
Unit D - Electrical Principles
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
4.0 The use of electrical energy affects society and the environment.
4.1 Electrical Energy Sources and Alternatives
4.2 Electricity and the Environment
4.3 Electrical Technology and Society
A Tesla coil
A Tesla coil vividly demonstrates electrical energy. This interesting device
was invented over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla, one of the pioneers of
electricity. The Tesla coil can generate large amounts of electricity and
create spectacular discharges. Amazing to watch, it operates with enough
electricity to be very dangerous, even lethal. Tesla coils have often been
used in films for special effects, but they are also used in laboratory
studies of high voltage electricity.
Another device that you might have seen at the movies is the Jacob’s
ladder. It sometimes appears sparkling and crackling in the background as
the villain tries to use huge machines and large amounts of electricity to
take over the world.
The rising, crackling arcs of electricity in a Jacob’s ladder are caused
by electricity jumping from one piece of metal to another. When the
electricity jumps, it heats the air that it passes through. This hot air rises
and carries the electrical discharge upward. Unfortunately, this very
impressive device has limited practical use. However, both the Jacob’s
ladder and the Tesla coil dramatically illustrate an important feature of
electricity—its ability to move from place to place. Using technology, we
can generate and move electricity to where it’s needed in a wide range of
A Jacob’s ladder applications that affect all parts of our lives.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To experience the nature of electrical forces • small pieces of cork or
Procedure • tape
Trial 1 • thread
• acetate rod or plastic
1 Attach the cork to about 15 cm of thread. Hang the cork from the end of your
drinking straw
desk by taping the opposite end of the thread to the edge.
• wool or fur
2 Rub an acetate rod or plastic drinking straw with some wool or fur. • water tap
3 Slowly bring the rod close to the hanging cork. Record you observations.
Trial 2
4 Now rub the cork on the wool or fur, and then rub the acetate rod with the wool
or fur.
5 Slowly bring the rod close to the hanging cork. Record your observations.
Trial 3
6 Turn on a water tap so that only a very thin stream of water comes out.
7 Rub the acetate rod with the wool or fur once again, and slowly bring the rod
near the stream of water. Record you observations.
8 Describe the behaviour of the piece of cork and the water in this experiment.
9 Explain your observations for each trial.
Exploring 273
1.0 Electrical energy can be transferred
and stored.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• electric charge and current
• circuits
• electrical energy storage
• energy transmission
• measures and units of
electrical energy
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between static and
current electricity and identify
evidence of each
• assess the potential danger of
an electrical device by checking
its voltage and amperage
• distinguish between safe and
unsafe activities when dealing
with electricity
• identify electrical conductors
and insulators
• evaluate the use of different
chemicals, chemical
concentrations, and designs for
The late evening weather report warns that thunderstorms are developing
electrical storage cells
in your area. You step outside to view the skies and look for funnel
clouds. You notice a dark gray cloud, and BOOM! A bolt of lightning
strikes just down the street, the clap of thunder startling you. You decide
to stay safe and go inside to bed. In your dark room, you pull your
sweater over your head and see a shower of small sparks as the fabric
rubs over your hair. You wonder for a moment: Are the sparks you see in
the sweater related to the lightning you saw outside? Yes, they are! Both
are examples of static electricity. In this section, you’ll learn more about
static electricity and the current electricity that powers the many devices
you use in your home. You’ll also learn about electrical safety.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To observe the characteristics of static electricity • plastic drinking straw
• confetti or gelatin powder
Procedure • 2 balloons
1 Sprinkle some confetti or gelatin powder in a small area on your desk. Push a • Van de Graaff generator
plastic drinking straw through your hair several times and bring it close to the • thin paper strips
• tape
confetti or gelatin powder. Record your observations.
• 3 aluminum pie plates
2 Inflate two balloons and knot the ends. Rub one side of each balloon on your
• clear plastic cup
hair or clothing. Hold the balloons by the knots and bring the rubbed surfaces • polystyrene “peanuts” or
slowly together. Turn one balloon so that its rubbed surface faces away from “popcorn”
the other balloon. Again bring the balloons together. Record your observations. • metal rod and lab stand
3 If your classroom has a Van de Graaff generator (VDG), your teacher will assist
you with the following experiments. In each case, put the materials in place,
then turn on the generator, and record your observations.
a) Tape the thin paper strips to the VDG.
b) Place a stack of 3 aluminum pie plates on the VDG.
c) Place a clear plastic cup full of polystyrene “peanuts” or “popcorn” on the
VDG. Put a loose-fitting lid on top of the cup.
d) Attach a metal rod to a lab stand and place it close to the VDG.
4 Provide an explanation for any movements that you observed.
5 How could you use the VDG to make someone’s hair stand on end? Test your
hypothesis with the VDG. Did it work? Explain why or why not.
Electrical Discharge
Static electricity may not flow like a current, but it does sometimes
discharge. The built-up charge on an object may be attracted to another
object and jump to that object. This is what happens when you feel a
shock as you reach for the doorknob after walking across a carpet.
When your feet move across the carpet, electrons transfer from the
carpet to your body. This excess charge of electrons in your body repels
like charges repel the electrons in the doorknob as you get close to it. The side of the
doorknob closest to you becomes positively charged. As you move
closer, the electrons in your hand are attracted to this positive charge
on the doorknob. You may feel a shock or see a spark as you reach to
touch the doorknob. The resulting spark is usually referred to as
electrical discharge.
We can summarize the behaviour of electric charges in two laws.
These laws describe what happens when two charged particles or
objects are brought close together.
Figure 1.2 Charged particles exert • Opposite charges attract each other.
force depending on their charge.
• Like charges repel each other.
The Question
What is the effect of charged objects on each other and on neutral objects?
The Hypothesis
Reword the question in the form of a hypothesis.
Materials & Equipment
• 2 vinyl strips Procedure
• tape
1 Copy the following table into your notebook.
• ring stand
• paper towel Hanging Object Approaching Object Observations
• 2 acetate strips
Charged vinyl Charged vinyl
• beaker
• watchglass Charged acetate Charged acetate
• metre-stick Charged acetate Charged vinyl
Metre-stick Charged vinyl
Metre-stick Charged acetate
2 Tape one end of a vinyl strip to the ring stand so the strip hangs down. Rub the strip
with the paper towel to charge it. Now rub the other vinyl strip with the paper towel,
and bring it close to the suspended strip. Record your observations in your table.
3 Repeat step 2, using the two acetate strips and the paper towel. Record your
4 Bring one of the charged vinyl strips close to the suspended acetate strip. Record
your observations.
5 Place the beaker upside down on the desk or table, and place the watchglass on top
of the beaker. Balance the metre-stick so it is lying flat and centred on the
watchglass. Bring a charged vinyl strip near, but not touching, one end of the
metre-stick. Record your observations.
6 Bring a charged acetate strip near, but not touching, one end of the metre-stick.
Figure 1.3 Balance the metre stick Record your observations.
on the watchglass on top of the
beaker. Analyzing and Interpreting
7 Usually, charged vinyl is negative, and charged acetate is positive. How does this
information explain your observations?
8 Do your observations agree with the laws of electrical charges? Support your answer
with your data.
Forming Conclusions
9 Describe the effect of charged objects on each other and on neutral objects. Use your
observations in your description.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To observe the characteristics of electrical current • 1 dry cell
• 5 wires
Procedure • 2 light bulbs
1 Using any of the materials provided, make one light bulb light up.
2 Using the dry cell, one bulb, and one wire, make one light bulb light up.
3 Using any of the materials provided, make two light bulbs light up.
4 Make two light bulbs light up so that when you unhook one bulb, the other one goes out.
5 Make two light bulbs light up so that when you unhook one bulb, the other one stays on.
6 Draw your set-up for each step from 1 to 5.
7 Write captions that explain what happened to the electricity in each step.
transmission line
power wires
Figure 1.6 An electric power grid transfers energy from the generating station to the users. Multiple
wires are needed at every part of the grid (including the devices you use in your home) because the
whole grid is a complete circuit.
Figure 1.7 shows a light bulb lit by electrical current flowing through a
simple circuit. A circuit is a path that controls the flow of electricity. If
you compare electricity with water again, the water system in your house
is like an electrical circuit. The pipes and taps in the water system control
the flow of water.
In most electrical circuits, the path that the electricity flows along is
made of solid metal wires. But circuits can also include gases, other fluids,
or other substances. A circuit usually includes a conductor, an energy
Figure 1.7 Current electricity source, and a load. The load is a device to convert electrical energy to
flows continuously through a another form of energy. For example, in Figure 1.7, the light bulb is the
circuit. load. It converts electrical energy to light and heat.
The simplest way to measure voltage is with a voltmeter. Many voltmeters
have sensitive needles that can be damaged if connected improperly. Make
sure to attach the red lead to the positive terminal and the black lead to
the negative terminal.
Some voltmeters have more than one red terminal. These are used to
change the range of voltage readings on the voltmeter. For example, the
meter could indicate either 0 to 5 V or 0 to 15 V, depending on which red
terminal is used. If your meter has several ranges, you may not be sure
which one to use. Start with the highest one and work down until you get
a clear reading.
Figure 1.10 A
digital voltmeter
Your teacher will provide you with cells of various sizes and shapes. Use the voltmeters
you have in your class to test and report on the voltages of the cells. Note the voltage
numbers that are written on the cells.
• Can you account for any difference between your voltage readings and the numbers on
the cells?
• Suppose you connected any two of the cells in this activity. (Connect cells by placing
positive and negative terminals together.) Can you predict what the voltage reading
would be? Use your voltmeter to see if your prediction is correct. Explain your results.
Figure 1.12
Voltmeter reading
for question 9
Figure 1.16 Three-prong plugs (a), fuses (b), and
breakers (c) help prevent electric shocks and overloads.
Materials & Equipment
Purpose • D-cell
To observe the function of a fuse • connecting wires with alligator clips
• switch
Procedure • 15-V bulb and holder
• steel wool
1 Connect the cell, switch, wires, and bulb as shown
in Figure 1.17. Leave the switch open.
2 Remove a single strand from the steel wool.
Clip the alligator clips onto the ends of the
steel wool strand.
3 Close the switch and observe the bulb and the
strand of steel wool carefully.
4 Explain your observations.
5 Why is a fuse a safety feature in a circuit?
Use your observations to support your answer.
Some people have problems with the small electrical signal that the body
uses to control the beating of the heart. Doctors can implant a device
F called a pacemaker to help such people. The pacemaker delivers a small
amount of current at regular intervals to keep the heart beating normally.
The electricity used to operate a pacemaker comes from an
electrochemical cell that supplies a steady current. An electrochemical
cell is a package of chemicals designed to produce small amounts of
electricity. The electricity the cell produces comes from chemical
reactions. The tiny cells used in pacemakers are made with lithium and
C iodine and last from 5 to 12 years. Other cells, made with different
chemicals, are used in devices ranging from toys to cars to computers.
There are two main types of cells: dry cells and wet cells.
The electricity-producing cells that we use every day in flashlights and
portable radios are dry cells. They are called “dry” because the chemicals
are in a paste. They are also sealed so they can be used in any position
A – zinc powder and
electrolyte, where
without the chemicals leaking out. Figure 1.20 shows an example of a
electrons are released typical alkaline dry cell, used in flashlights and other devices.
B – electron collecting rod The chemical reaction in the cell releases free electrons. These
C – separating fabric electrons travel from the negative terminal of the cell, through the
D – manganese dioxide
and carbon, where electricity-using device, and back to the positive terminal of the cell.
electrons are absorbed While at first glance this cell may look complex, it is simply two different
E – negative terminal, metals in an electrolyte. An electrolyte is a paste or liquid that conducts
where electrons leave
electricity because it contains chemicals that form ions. An ion is an atom
F – positive terminal,
where electrons return or a group of atoms that has become electrically charged through the loss
or gain of electrons from one atom to another. You can learn more about
Figure 1.20 An alkaline dry cell ions in Unit B: Matter and Chemical Change.
lead terminals
electrolyte Figure 1.22 A car battery made up
of six lead-acid wet cells. Each cell
contains alternating positive and
negative metal plates (electrodes) in
individual cell made up of alternating a sulfuric acid electrolyte.
positive and negative electrodes
4 What do you think would happen if you reversed the connections on the
electrodes? Explain.
5 Would it be possible to use two or more fruits linked together to produce
voltage? Draw a diagram of how you might accomplish this, and predict the
voltage results. Test your prediction by connecting several fruits to a
The dry cells and wet cells you have read about are called primary cells.
Primary cells produce electricity from chemical reactions that cannot be
reversed. However, the chemical reactions in a rechargeable cell can be
reversed by using an external electrical source to run electricity back
through the cell. The reversed flow of electrons restores the reactants that
are used up when the cell produces electricity. We can say that the
chemicals in a rechargeable cell store electricity supplied by the external
source. Rechargeable cells are also known as secondary cells. They are
used to start cars and to operate portable electronic devices such as
notebook computers and cellular phones.
Not all reversible chemical reactions are suitable for use in
rechargeable cells. The reverse reaction must occur efficiently, so that
hundreds of recharging cycles are possible. Nickel oxide and cadmium is
one combination of chemicals often used in secondary cells. You may
have seen them advertised as Ni-Cd or Ni-Cad batteries. Applying
electricity to the rechargeable cell reforms the original reactants. This
process does not reform the electrodes perfectly, however, so even
rechargeable cells wear out in time.
The Question
What type of solution is the best electrolyte for a wet cell?
The Hypothesis
Form a hypothesis for this investigation based on the question. Use the terms
Materials & Equipment
“manipulated variable” and “responding variable” in your hypothesis.
• two 500-mL beakers
• voltmeter or voltage sensor Procedure
• zinc and copper electrodes
1 In your notebook, make a table for recording voltages for the different solutions.
• electrode clamps
• connecting wires 2 Attach the clamps to the copper and zinc electrodes. Place the electrodes in the
• distilled water for rinsing beaker, making sure they don’t touch each other. Your set-up should resemble the
• various liquids including one in Figure 1.23.
distilled water, tap water, sugar 3 Use connecting wires to hook the electrodes up to the voltmeter. Connect the
solution, salt solution, lemon negative terminal of the voltmeter to the zinc electrode.
juice, vinegar, dilute
4 Fill the beaker with distilled water, so that the bottom halves of the electrodes are
hydrochloric acid of varying
immersed. Note the level of the liquid or mark it on the beaker. Record the voltage.
concentrations, dilute
potassium hydroxide of 5 Disconnect the electrodes and empty the beaker, then rinse them all with distilled
varying concentrations, or water.
other solutions provided by 6 Set up the beaker and electrodes again, using a different solution. Fill the beaker to
your teacher the level noted in step 4 with one of the solutions you want to test.
7 Repeat steps 4–6 until all the solutions have been tested. Each time, be sure to rinse
the beaker and electrodes with distilled water before pouring in the next solution.
8 When you have finished testing the solutions, follow your teacher’s instructions for
disposing of them.
Forming Conclusions
11 Write a summary describing the type of solution that is the best electrolyte for a wet
cell. Use your data to support your conclusion.
A variety of substances can function as electrodes in cells. These include aluminum, iron,
carbon, tin, lead, and nickel. Design and conduct an experiment that tests different pairs
of electrodes to see which pairs produce the greatest voltage.
Alessandro Volta made the first practical battery around 1800. He piled
many copper and zinc discs on top of each other, separating them with
Figure 1.24 This 6-V battery is electrolyte-soaked paper discs. When scientists realized that connecting
made up of four 1.5-V cells.
many cells together could produce more voltage and power, innovation
soon followed. For example, in 1807, Humphry Davy, a professor in
England, filled a whole room with 2000 cells to make one massive battery.
Figure 1.25 Humphry Davy connected 2000 cells together to form one battery.
electrons electrons
electrolyte solution
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• electric current
• circuits
• energy transmission
• measures and units of
electrical energy
• electrical resistance and
Ohm’s law
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify electrical conductors
and resistors
• compare the resistance of
different materials Specially equipped remote-control (RC) vehicles like the ones in these
• use switches and resistors to photos protect people from risky situations. Robotic video crawlers can
control current
be sent into dangerous or hard-to-reach places to provide remote “eyes”
• predict the effects of switches,
for experts. Bomb disposal robots can help with inspection, removal,
resistors, and other devices
and disposal of suspicious packages. These sophisticated RC vehicles
• use models to describe and
relate electrical current,
can do a variety of difficult and dangerous tasks. They are powered with
resistance, and voltage electric current and controlled with the help of special circuits.
• measure voltages and When you manipulate the controls of an RC vehicle, it moves and
amperages in circuits turns. But behind these seemingly simple actions are devices that
• calculate resistance using control the flow of electric current. A small battery in the transmitter
Ohm’s law unit that you hold provides current that allows the antenna to produce
• develop, test, and troubleshoot radio waves. These radio waves travel through the air and induce a
circuit designs current in the antenna on the RC vehicle. This antenna is connected to
• draw circuit diagrams for toys, circuits. The circuits control current through wiring that leads to the
models, and household battery-powered motors inside the vehicle. These control speed, turning,
direction, and other special equipment such as limbs and video cameras.
• compare and contrast micro-
The transfer and control of electrical energy in an RC vehicle is one
electronic circuits and circuits
example of the application of electrical technologies. In this section, you
in a house
will learn about technologies for controlling electricity, how to measure
electricity, and how to analyze and build electric circuits.
Neon signs usually consist of a glass tube, twisted into the desired shape.
The tube is filled with gas and metal terminals are sealed into the ends.
The metal terminals of the tube are then connected to the positive and
negative terminals of the electrical source. So the sign is a circuit, but
unlike the wire circuits you saw earlier, this circuit includes a gas as a
Signs with more complex designs may have several different tubes,
each with its own electrical connectors. These tubes may have special
coatings or contain different gases that produce different colours. A
mixture of neon and argon provides a purple light. Helium provides
yellowish-white light.
Usually, neon gas is an insulator—it does not conduct electricity. But
when current is applied to the tube, electrons in the neon atoms are
“excited” by the added energy, and free themselves from the atoms. The
negative electrons leave behind positive neon ions. This creates a mixture
of charged particles inside the tube, which is excellent at conducting
current. As the current continues to add energy to the neon gas, some of
the electrons “fall” back into the neon ions, releasing their energy as the
orange-pink neon light we see in the sign.
- -
+- +- + + - + + -
- + - + -
+ + - +
+- + + +
+ + - - +
- -
- - + - + - + - + -
+ + -+ - + - + - + - +
(a) Insulator: The electrons (–) are bound (b) Conductor with no voltage applied: The (c) Conductor with voltage applied: The
tightly to the nuclei (+) so they resist electrons are not as tightly bound to the electrons flow toward the positive terminal
movement. nuclei. They can drift away from the nuclei of the voltage source.
but do not flow in any one direction.
Figure 2.2 Electrons in a conductor are free to move, while those in an insulator are not.
Metals such as silver, copper, mercury, and gold are all excellent
conductors, but they are not perfect conductors. Electrons travelling
through them encounter some resistance. This resistance varies from metal
to metal, which is why one metal is a better conductor than another.
However, it is possible for metals to superconduct. Superconductors are
perfect conductors—they have no resistance to electron flow.
Superconductivity was discovered by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh
Onnes in 1911 when he brought the temperature of mercury down to near
absolute zero (273˚C) using liquid helium. At this temperature, Onnes
found that mercury was a perfect conductor, with no resistance to current
flow. Since that time, substances have been found to superconduct at
temperatures well above absolute zero. But these temperatures are still too
low for practical applications. Research into superconductivity continues.
The Question
How does the conductivity of different solutions compare?
The Hypothesis
Reword the question to form a hypothesis.
Materials & Equipment
• 100-mL graduated cylinder Procedure
• 250-mL beaker
1 Design a table to record the conductivity readings of the solutions you will test.
• distilled water
• conductivity tester 2 Put 50 mL of distilled water into a 250-mL beaker.
• tap water 3 Place the metal tips of your conductivity tester in the distilled water.
• salt water 4 Record the conductivity reading of the distilled water in your table. If your
• vinegar conductivity tester is a light bulb, describe the brightness of the bulb.
• copper(II) sulfate solution
5 Repeat steps 2–4 with 50-mL samples of tap water, salt water, vinegar, copper(II)
• other solutions provided by
sulfate solution, and any other solution you wish to test. After each conductivity
your teacher
measurement, empty the beaker and rinse it with distilled water. Also wipe off the tips
of the conductivity tester. Make sure that you insert them to the same depth in each
6 When you have finished testing the solutions, follow your teacher’s instructions for
disposing of them.
Forming Conclusions
9 Write a summary of your results that answers the question: How does the
conductivity of different solutions compare?
Design and conduct an experiment to investigate the relationship between the amount of a
dissolved solute (such as salt) and electrical conductivity.
Figure 2.5 The tungsten filament in an incandescent bulb and the element in a heater
both radiate heat and light because of resistance.
5 What happened to the brightness of the bulb when you moved the Figure 2.7 Apparatus for controlling current
alligator clips? Explain your observations.
Discovering Electricity
Michael Faraday, Luigi
Galvani, and Joseph
Henry all made major
contributions to the
science of electricity.
Write a brief profile of
each person, describing
his life and work. Begin
your information search
at www.pearsoned.ca/ A B
Figure 2.9
(a) Both switches are closed, so the current flows through both bulbs.
Careers Profiles
Figure 2.11
A computer network technician helps computers network
communicate. This job involves dealing with many technician at
computers, electronics systems, and wires. work
A computer network technician must have a good
understanding of switches and wiring. You have to run
new wires to connect computers to the network, and
you have to understand computer operating systems
in order to configure computers to the network
1. How does this job affect how much work other people do?
properly. You have to be a good troubleshooter in
order to find components that are malfunctioning in a 2. What kind of training would you need to be a computer
network. Your job might include maintaining the network technician? Is this the type of career that would
computers and wiring for a local area network (LAN) sometimes require extra training? Why or why not?
in an office. In critical networks, you also maintain 3. Does a computer network technician sound like an
redundant systems. These are special computers that interesting career? Why or why not?
can run the network if the main computer fails.
2 Have your partner start the timer as you start to pour 150 mL of water
into the funnel quickly and smoothly. When all the water is in the
beaker, stop the timer. Record the time.
3 Repeat step 2 with the larger funnel and tubing. Record the time.
4 Explain how your results can serve as a model of current and
Figure 2.13 Waterfalls can model current, voltage, and resistance in a circuit. Waterfall A has a large flow of water.
Waterfalls B and C are the same height, but B has more rocks that slow the flow. As an electrical circuit, waterfall A
would have the greatest flow of current. Waterfalls B and C would have similar voltages, but B has greater
resistance, and therefore less current flow.
Ohm’s Law
Voltage V V=IR voltmeter
3. Use the correct formula. R =
V 240 V
4. Solve the problem. R = =
I 20 A
R = 12 Ω
Recall that voltage is the potential difference between two points. To
measure the potential difference across a cell, battery, resistor, or other
device in a circuit, each terminal of the device must be connected to the
appropriate positive or negative terminal of a voltmeter. Many electricians
refer to the potential difference across a resistor or device as voltage drop.
Note that meters used to measure small voltages are sometimes called
Connect a battery, light bulb, and ammeter in a loop as
shown in Figure 2.17. Record the reading on the ammeter.
Now add another bulb to the loop. Record that
ammeter reading. Repeat this until you run
out of bulbs. Explain your observations.
Often, meters are made with several different measuring circuits mounted
in the same case. By turning a selector switch on the front of the case, you
can set such multimeters to measure voltage, current, or resistance in a
circuit. You must be careful that you have selected the right setting for the
quantity you want to measure.
When you read a multimeter with a needle display, you must first find
the scale that corresponds to the setting on the multimeter’s selector switch.
If the needle falls between numbers on this scale, you can estimate the last
digit of your reading. For example, if the needle rests between 2 and 3 volts
on the scale, but is slightly closer to the 2, you may estimate the reading as
2.4 volts. Digital displays do not require estimates. Some digital meters even
Figure 2.18 Multimeters can allow you to select the level of precision (how many digits are displayed).
be used to measure voltage, Meters range from extremely precise instruments to simple, inexpensive
current, or resistance. testers that are accurate to only 5% of a full-scale reading.
The Question
Do different materials have different values of electrical resistance?
1 In your notebook, set up a table for recording your data. The table should include the
Materials & Equipment
following headings: Substance, Length connected (10 cm or 1 cm), Voltage (from
• D-cell and holder
step 2), Current, and Resistance. In the “Resistance” column you will calculate the
• 10-cm length of copper wire
resistance for each observation.
• 10-cm length of Nichrome wire
• 10-cm length of solid graphite 2 Use connecting wires to connect each end of a D-cell to a terminal on a voltmeter.
(pencil lead) Record the voltmeter reading in your table. Disconnect the voltmeter.
• 10-cm length of rubber tubing 3 Connect one wire from the D-cell to a terminal of an ammeter. Attach another
• optional: 10-cm lengths of connecting wire to the other terminal of the ammeter.
various other materials
4 Clip the free ends of the connecting wires onto the ends of a 10-cm length of pencil
• connecting wires
lead. Record the reading on the ammeter.
• voltmeter
• ammeter or current sensor 5 Move the clips on the pencil lead so that they are only 1 cm apart. Record any
• ruler change in the reading on the ammeter.
• calculator 6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other lengths of substances that you have.
Forming Conclusions
11 Write a summary that answers the question: Do different materials have different
values of electrical resistance? Use your data to support your answer.
3 Suppose you had to design an emergency flashlight with a light at each end.
How would you add the second bulb to your flashlight without making the
first bulb dimmer?
Engineers and designers of electrical circuits use special symbols that load
show the components and connections clearly. These symbols make it
easier to plan and analyze a circuit before you build it. A drawing made
with these symbols is often called a schematic or schematic diagram.
Knowing the basic electrical symbols can help you analyze existing
circuits. By studying the pathways of wires and components in a
device, you can draw a schematic for the circuit. This drawing can
make it much easier to understand where the current flows and how the
device functions.
Parallel Circuits
Many sets of decorative lights are not connected in series, but in
parallel. Parallel circuits have a separate current path for each
section of the circuit (Figure 2.25). In a parallel-wired string of lights,
for example, each bulb has its own path to the current source. An
interruption or break in one pathway does not affect the rest of the
pathways in the circuit. Similarly, adding a new pathway with more Figure 2.25 Parallel circuit—each
resistors does not affect the resistance in any of the other pathways. component has its own path for
In fact, adding extra resistors in parallel decreases the total resistance current.
of the circuit. This might seem strange, but remember that adding
more paths for the current to take means less total resistance. Think
about how much less resistance there is when you drink through two
straws instead of one.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Discuss and sketch designs for your lighting system. Keep in mind the criteria for
success and convenience for the homeowner.
2 Consider the materials you have to work with. Remember that you must build what
you include in your schematic. You will have access to general electrical supplies such
as wires, bulbs, and switches. Do you have all the components you need?
3 Predict which of your designs will best meet the criteria for success.
Figure 2.26 Photoconductors
Build a Prototype
4 Assemble the materials you will need to build your circuit model and construct it.
Figure 2.27 Photoconductor
6 Have classmates examine and test your circuit. Examine the circuits your classmates
have built, and suggest an improvement for one of their designs. If someone
suggests a design improvement for your circuit, test it.
House Wiring
Household wiring is one of many applications that use parallel circuits.
You wouldn’t want the power to your refrigerator to go off if a bulb burnt
out, would you? This could happen if you wired your lights and wall
Figure 2.29 A combination
sockets in series instead of in parallel. However, as you read earlier, you circuit. The switch in this
must use a series circuit for switches. A switch in one branch of a parallel circuit can turn all the bulbs
circuit controls only the devices in that branch. But a switch in series on or off.
with all the branches controls all of them. It is an important safety feature
to have switches wired in series because it is sometimes necessary to turn
off the electricity in part or all of a home.
Conventional switches are practical and convenient for a home. But for
the tiny circuits in advanced electronics applications, transistors
must be used instead. Transistors are often referred to as solid-
state components because they are made of a solid material with
no moving parts. Most transistors are constructed with three
layers of specially treated silicon. These layers are arranged so
that a small voltage through the middle layer controls a current
between the outer layers. In this way, transistors can act as
Microcircuits (also called integrated circuits) are made
up of microscopic transistors and resistors. A microcircuit is
exactly what its name suggests: a circuit on an extremely
small scale. The latest microcircuits contain more than a
million components in a square centimetre!
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key concepts:
• forms of energy
• energy transformation
• generation of electrical energy
• energy transmission
• measures and units of electrical
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify, describe, and interpret
examples of mechanical,
chemical, thermal, and electrical
• describe evidence of energy
transfer and transformation
• identify forms of energy inputs
and outputs
• apply appropriate units,
measures, and devices in
determining and describing
quantities of electrical energy
• construct, use, and evaluate
devices for transforming
mechanical energy to electrical
energy and electrical energy to Energy is all around us in many different forms—light from lamps,
mechanical energy sound from stereos, heat from furnaces and stoves. Yet we rarely think
• evaluate modifications to about how much energy we use in a day. It has been estimated that it
electrical devices would take 2800 hours of strenuous manual labour to produce as much
• apply the concepts of energy as a typical Canadian uses daily. You would need a team of 350
conservation of energy and people working for eight hours straight to supply the energy for just one
efficiency to the analysis of person.
energy devices
In this section, you will learn about four common forms of energy—
• compare energy inputs and
chemical, electrical, mechanical, and thermal—and how they can be
outputs of a device, and
calculate its efficiency
transformed into other forms. This will help you understand and
• describe techniques for reducing measure energy inputs and outputs, and calculate the efficiency of
energy waste in common devices and systems. You will also use this knowledge when you
household devices consider ways to reduce energy wasted by household devices.
Chemical Energy The energy stored in chemicals. This is a form of potential or stored energy. This
energy is released when chemicals react.
Electrical Energy The energy of charged particles. Electrons are negatively charged. Electrical energy
is transferred when electrons travel from place to place.
Mechanical Energy The energy possessed by an object because of its motion or its potential to move.
A thrown baseball has mechanical energy because of its movement and its potential
to fall.
The total kinetic energy of all the particles in a substance. The faster a particle
Thermal Energy
moves, the more kinetic energy it has. Compare two cups holding equal amounts of
water: the one containing more thermal energy will feel warmer.
Examine the photo of the shopper in Figure 3.2, and
answer the following questions:
• The shopper is using his muscles to push the grocery
cart. What energy transformation is involved?
• Thermal energy is constantly produced by chemical
reactions in our bodies. What transformation or transfer
takes place when we are in an environment that is
cooler than our bodies?
• The wheelchair is powered by a battery. What energy
transformation takes place in the wheelchair?
• What form of energy does the wheelchair have when it
is rolling?
• Suppose the battery fails and the wheelchair must be Figure 3.2 Every activity involves energy transformations.
You have probably felt weak and tired when you have gone for long
periods without a meal. This results from a lack of energy-producing
molecules in your bloodstream and cells. Chemical energy is the energy
that is found in chemicals, including food. A common molecule used for
the production of energy in humans is glucose, a type of sugar (Figure
3.3). Your cells use glucose molecules and a series of chemical reactions to
produce thermal energy to keep you warm and mechanical energy so that
you can move.
Figure 3.3 Glucose molecules are used in the production of energy for your body.
Figure 3.4 Part of the mechanical energy in a building demolition is transformed from the chemical
energy of explosives. Much of the energy in the demolition comes from the gravitational potential
energy of the building itself. The collapse of the support columns triggers the release of this energy.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Discuss how to convert electricity produced by a thermocouple into a display of
temperature. Keep in mind that the system should be convenient to use and read.
info BIT
Vacuum Cleaner
Vacuum cleaners work
with the help of an
electric motor. The motor
has a fan attached. When
it spins, the blades of the
fan force air out, which
creates suction inside the
vacuum cleaner. Air from
the room forces its way
into the vacuum, carrying Figure 3.7 Electricity flowing through the wire causes the compass needle to deflect.
dirt with it.
Eleven years later, Michael Faraday constructed a device that used
electromagnetic forces to move an object. The design was crude and
produced little power, but it proved that electricity could produce
continuous motion. In Faraday’s device, a hanging wire circled around a
fixed magnet. A pool of mercury maintained the connection to the moving
wire. We now know that mercury is highly toxic, so an open container of
mercury would never be used today. Faraday also made a device in which
a magnet rotated around a fixed wire. Faraday’s devices led to the
development of the electric motors that we use.
support arm
(conducts current) rotating wire
battery mercury
The Problem
The toy manufacturer would like you to test the kit. They would also like you to write
instructions for users on how to alter the motor so that it will spin at different speeds and
in the opposite direction. The manufacturer has encouraged you to design your own
motor, if you wish, and write building instructions for it.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Before you begin, read Toolbox 3 about the problem solving process.
2 Make a sketch of what your motor will look like when it is completed. Show it to your
teacher for approval.
3 Consider the materials you have to work with. You have to build a working model that
must be easy to adjust.
Figure 3.12(a) The motor’s armature (b) The finished ends of the wire
7 Bend two paper clips so that they can support the wire coil and be attached to the
ends of the D-cell. Use tape to hold the bent paper clips in contact with the metal
ends of the cell, as shown in Figure 3.11. Attach the circular magnet to the D-cell as
shown in Figure 3.11.
8 Place the coil so that it rests on the clips. Give the coil a small push to see if it will
spin. Adjust these components to minimize friction and get the loop spinning as
smoothly as possible.
10 Explain why the coil of wire in your motor spins.
11 Did your coil spin better in one direction than another? Explain why it did or did not.
12 Suggest two ways that you could change the design of your motor to make it
function better. Make these changes and test your motor again.
13 Have your classmates examine and test your motor. Examine the motors of your
classmates and suggest modifications that could improve their designs. If someone
suggests a design improvement for your motor, test the suggestion.
14 Write clear instructions on how to build a motor like yours. Include advice on how to
make adjustments like the ones you made. Use diagrams wherever they would be
helpful. To see if your instructions are easy to follow, have another student or group
read them. Revise your instructions as necessary to make them clearer.
S T. L O U I S M O T O R
A St. Louis motor is designed to show how an electric motor works. Materials & Equipment
• St. Louis motor
To identify the parts of a St. Louis motor and examine its operation
1 Draw a diagram of the motor, identifying all the parts: wire coil, brushes,
commutator, magnets, and armature.
2 Use connecting wires and a battery to supply electricity to your motor. Start
the motor by giving it a spin. Turn off the lights in the room and observe the
commutator closely.
3 Alter the position of the magnets in the motor to move them closer, then
farther away from the armature. Carefully observe the armature.
4 Explain what you observed in step 2.
5 Explain what you observed in step 3.
current source
In 1831, Michael Faraday made one of the most significant electrical
discoveries: electromagnetic induction. He demonstrated that electrical
current could be generated by moving a conducting wire through a
magnetic field. Faraday moved a magnet back and forth inside a coil of
wire that was connected to a meter that could detect small electric
currents. His discovery changed the world by introducing a way to
generate a steady supply of large amounts of electricity.
The hand-held generator in Figure 3.15 moves a coil of wire past
permanent magnets. As long as you keep turning, electricity will be
produced. The faster you turn, the more current is generated. The same
principle of electromagnetic induction is used in large-scale power plants.
Massive coils of wire rotating in huge generators produce enough
electricity to power whole cities. Such generators provide the electricity Figure 3.15 Both generators have
we use every day. coils that rotate in a magnetic field.
The Question
How can mechanical energy be converted to electrical
Power is the rate at which a device converts energy. The unit of power is
the watt (W), named for the Scottish inventor and engineer, James Watt. A
watt is equal to one joule per second. The faster a device converts energy,
the greater its power rating.
Figure 3.18 Cars powered by For an electrical device, the power is the current multiplied by the
batteries (top) and hydrogen voltage. Mathematically, the relationship between power (P), current (I),
(bottom) and voltage (V) is P = I V (watts = amperes volts). Think of our model
using waterfalls. The power of a waterfall is equal to the amount of water
flowing times the difference in potential energy between the top of the
falls and the bottom. This is just like current flow times potential drop in
a circuit.
info BIT A hair dryer has a power rating of 1000 W. It is plugged into a 120-V
outlet. What is the current flowing through the hair dryer?
Garbage In… Energy
Out! Steps to Solving the Problem Information and Solution
Some cities burn garbage
to generate electricity. 1. Identify known quantities. power (P) = 1000 W, voltage (V) = 120 V
Tokyo has a waste-to-
2. Identify the unknown quantity. current (I)
energy plant that burns
1800 t (tonnes) of 3. Use the correct formula. I = P/V
garbage a day to produce
4. Solve the problem. I = P/V = 1000 W/120 V
50 MW (megawatts) of
electrical power. I = 8.33 A
A microwave oven has a power rating of 800 W. If you cook a roast in this
oven for 30 min at high, how many joules of electrical energy are
converted into heat by the microwave?
Kilowatt Hours
It doesn’t take common electrical devices long to consume a large number
of joules. For this reason, the kilowatt hour is often used as a unit for
energy. The energy calculation is the same, except that hours are
substituted for seconds, and kilowatts (kW) are substituted for watts.
For the microwave oven in our example, the calculation would be
E = 0.8 kW 0.5 h = 0.4 kWh.
Figure 3.20 An energy bill
Electricity meters measure the energy used in kilowatt hours. The for a household shows the
electric company then bills you for every kilowatt hour used. This cost amount of electricity used in
can add up—a Canadian family’s energy bill can be over $100 a month. kilowatt hours.
Use a list from your teacher or use electrical devices at On some items, you may find voltage and current listed
home to look at power ratings. Be careful! Unplug an instead of power. In these cases, calculate the power
electrical device before you handle it. Look at items rating of the device.
such as light bulbs, curling irons, coffee makers, and
Estimate the amount of time that each device is used in
clock radios. Record as many ratings as you can in a
a month in your home or in a typical home, then
calculate the amount of energy it consumes.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 You will be working in teams. As a team, brainstorm possible approaches to solving
the problem and providing the required analysis. Once you have decided on the best
procedure, proceed to the next step.
Build a Prototype
2 Draw a schematic for the series and the parallel circuits you will build. Note on your
drawings where you will be connecting your voltmeter and ammeter. Make a rough
Figure 3.21 Materials you plan of the table(s) and graph(s) you will use to report your results and calculations.
could use to demonstrate Show your design to your teacher for approval.
circuit analysis
3 Assemble your materials and build your circuits.
5 How did the power used by the components in the two circuits compare? Can you
explain any differences?
6 Look at the circuits and results produced by classmates. Are their results similar to
yours? If they are different, can you explain why?
7 Suggest one improvement to your procedure.
Scientists have found that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy
info BIT
does not just appear or disappear—it can only be transformed from one
Heat from Lighting
form to another. This fundamental principle is known as the law of
The heat from lights is
conservation of energy. However, we usually find that the output energy
not always wasted.
of a device or system is smaller than the input energy, sometimes much During the winter, the
smaller. heat from lighting helps
Most often, the missing energy is lost or dissipated as heat. For keep buildings warm. In
example, when you heat a beaker of water on a hot plate, the hot plate fact, some office
transfers some heat to the surrounding air instead of to the water. The hot buildings with extra
plate also radiates heat to any other objects nearby, including you. All insulation and specially
heating devices lose some heat to their surroundings. designed ventilation
Mechanical systems also dissipate energy to their surroundings. systems can capture
However, their heat losses may be less obvious than those in heating enough heat from
devices. Suppose you were using an electric motor to pump water from a lighting that they don’t
need furnaces.
well or river to irrigate a crop. You might find that the motor used 100 kJ
of electrical energy for every 75 kJ of work done raising water up to the
field. The other 25 kJ of energy is “missing.”
Let’s examine your pumping system. You can hear it running, so a bit
of mechanical energy is being dissipated as sound. If the motor has been
running for a while, it will be warm, perhaps even too hot to touch
comfortably. Current flowing through the wires in a motor always
produces some heat, and the friction between the moving parts generates
heat as well. There is also friction between the moving parts in the pump
and between the water and the walls of the pipe. The heat generated by
this friction warms the water and pipe slightly, then dissipates into the
surroundings. All of the “missing” input energy has been transformed into
energy you cannot use.
In fact, all mechanical systems dissipate some energy, so their usable
output energy is always less than their input energy.
For example, let’s look at the input and output energies of an ordinary
incandescent light bulb, as shown in Figure 3.23. The percent efficiency
of an incandescent light bulb is 5 J/100 J 100 = 5. In other words, only
5% of the energy used by the bulb becomes light energy. Light bulbs
transform the remaining 95% of their input energy into heat, which is
often wasted. This heat is put to use in toy ovens where a single light bulb
is used to bake a small cake.
5 J light energy
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Write out the steps of a procedure and calculations you will perform that will allow you
to successfully determine the efficiency of the kettle. (Hint: Do not allow the kettle to
boil the water—it is very difficult to measure the heat gained by steam that has
2 Have your procedure approved by the teacher.
7 Report your efficiency results for the kettle (and any other devices you tested).
Compare your results with those obtained by others in the class.
8 Would you make any changes to your procedure to increase the reliability of your
results? Explain your answer.
9 Could your procedure be safely altered to determine the efficiency of other heating
devices not meant for heating water, such as a blow dryer? Explain.
Figure 3.27 The pistons in a combustion engine move inside cylinders and create friction (indicated
in red) as they stroke back-and-forth. Many other moving components in the engine create friction.
Lubricants and component design can minimize the friction in these engines.
Figure 3.28 An electric motor has few moving parts and much less friction than a
combustion engine.
Figure 3.29 These labels can help you choose energy-efficient devices.
Background Information
Many energy choices are available to us in our daily lives. When choosing appliances,
vehicles, or heating systems, we can look for more energy-efficient designs. Older
equipment can be maintained, adjusted, modified, or replaced to increase efficiency. Don’t
forget to consider the energy it takes to make the changes you desire. For example,
replacing a complete computer system for a gain in efficiency of 1% may not save energy
because of the energy it takes to make a new computer.
1 Brainstorm a list of different ways you could increase the efficiency of the devices
that you use daily. Also consider your purchase options when choosing new devices.
2 Research the energy savings impact of the items on your list.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• energy transformation
• energy transmission
• generation of electrical energy
• energy storage
• renewable and nonrenewable
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify and evaluate alternative
sources of electrical energy,
including oil, gas, coal,
biomass, wind, waves, and
• describe the by-products of
electrical generation and their
impacts on the environment
• identify example uses of
electrical technologies and
evaluate technologies in terms
of benefits and impacts The world has a huge appetite for electrical power, but how do we meet
• identify concerns regarding this growing demand? Technology is not a limitation in generating large
conservation of energy amounts of power or in getting it to where it is needed. A power-plant
resources generator like the one above can produce up to a million kilowatts of
• apply the concept of electrical power.
conservation of energy The total output of all the electrical generators in Canada is more
• evaluate means for improving than 100 million kilowatts. All the world’s power-generating facilities
the sustainability of energy use together produce about 3 billion kilowatts. Every second, enough
electrical energy is produced to light a 100-W bulb for 951 years. In this
section, you will learn more about the generation of electricity from
different energy sources. You will also learn about the impact that
electrical generation can have on the environment. You will consider
how to balance the benefits of using electricity with the need to conserve
energy resources.
coal in
combustion cooling tower
exhaust steam
superheated steam
Burning fossil fuels is not the only way to provide heat for a steam-
powered generator. In Ontario, the United States, and parts of Europe,
nuclear reactors are used extensively to produce steam in power plants. In
a nuclear reactor, atoms of a heavy element, usually uranium, are split in
a chain reaction. This splitting, known as nuclear fission, releases an
enormous amount of energy.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 345
Heat from Earth’s core can also be used to generate electricity. In
several places in the world, hot water and steam naturally come to the
surface after having been heated by hot rock within Earth’s crust. This is
called geothermal energy. The steam is channelled through pipes and
used to drive turbines. In some applications, water is injected back into
the ground to take full advantage of the hot geothermal energy source.
Another interesting source of fuel is biomass. Biomass could
accurately be described as garbage, but it’s a particular type of garbage.
Most cities and towns bury their biodegradable waste in landfills. When it
decomposes, it produces combustible gases that can be collected and used
Figure 4.2 Geothermal as fuel for steam-driven generators. Yard clippings, dead trees, unused
energy heats this hot spring. crops, and food-based garbage can also be burned to produce steam.
Some industrial processes, such as glass manufacturing, use very high
temperature furnaces. The waste heat from the manufacturing process can
be used to produce steam. This steam can then be used to drive a turbine
to generate electricity. Fuel is burned in the manufacturing process to
produce the heat in the first place, but no new fuel is needed to produce
the electricity. Making double use of energy in this way is called
water flow
In 1839, French scientist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel soaked
two metal plates in an electricity-conducting solution. When
he exposed one of the plates to sunlight, he was able to detect
a small voltage. Becquerel had discovered the photovoltaic
effect and invented the first solar cell. Unfortunately, the
voltage from his invention was too small to be useful as a
source of power. In the 1950s, scientists began using silicon to
make solar cells. Silicon-based solar cells are much more
efficient at producing current. It is now common to find solar
modules (several cells connected together) and arrays (several
modules) used to power everything from calculators to Figure 4.5 The
spacecraft. International Space
Station uses 2500 m2
of solar cells to
generate its electricity.
e- Figure 4.6 A solar cell consists of several layers. At the heart of the cell are
two specially treated silicon layers that create current when in sunlight.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 347
Batteries are a convenient source of electricity for portable devices.
However, large banks of batteries are rarely used because they are
expensive and bulky. For example, an alkaline D-cell would light a 100-W
light bulb for about 15 min. You would need a room full of batteries to run
all the appliances in your house. Obviously, batteries are not practical for
lighting whole cities.
Rechargeable batteries are widely used to provide backup power for
emergency lights and computer systems. However, these batteries produce
electricity only after they have been charged using electricity from an
external source. Since rechargeable batteries are never 100% efficient, they
actually use more electricity than they produce.
Recently, much research has been done to develop fuel cells. A fuel
cell generates electricity directly from a chemical reaction with a fuel such
as hydrogen. The hydrogen comes from sources such as gasoline or
alcohol. More fuel is added as electricity is produced, so the cell is not
used up as an ordinary cell would be. Larger fuel cells can be used to
power electric vehicles. Smaller ones are being developed for use with
portable devices such as laptop computers.
Now that you’ve learned a bit about Earth’s energy sources, it’s time to dig deeper. All
energy sources have advantages and disadvantages. Your task as a reporter is to find
out more about two energy sources, and compare them. Compare any two of the
• wind • natural gas
• nuclear • fuel cells
• geothermal • coal SOLAR
• waves • tidal WIND
• solar • biomass
Use your library or the Internet to find out more. If possible, interview an expert. On NUCLEA
the Internet, begin your search at www.pearsoned.ca/scienceinaction. GAS
• Compare as many factors as possible. For example, you could consider availability, COAL
cost, sustainability, environmental impact, applications (what the source can be
used for), and safety.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 With your team, brainstorm possible solutions. Once you have several solutions,
choose the one you think will work the best to meet the criteria above. You may want
to read Toolbox 3 to help you with the problem-solving process.
Build a Prototype
2 Create a plan of how you will build your windmill. Include a diagram and a list of the
materials that you will need. Show your plan to your teacher for approval.
Figure 4.7 Designing a windmill
3 Assemble your materials and build your windmill. Remember that you may need to
modify or change your design as your windmill progresses. Make sure to note any
changes on the original design you submitted to your teacher.
5 How well did your windmill function under varying wind conditions? If your windmill
functioned better under one wind condition, explain why.
6 Evaluate your design for the factors listed below. For each factor, describe how well
you think your device would work if it were built to full size.
a) reliability b) safety c) current generating efficiency
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 349
Fusion Alberta has substantial coal reserves, enough to last over two hundred
Fusion reactions occur in years at current rates of consumption. However, coal is a nonrenewable
the Sun and provide all the resource—it cannot be replaced as it is used up. Alberta’s other fossil fuel
energy for life on Earth. resources are also nonrenewable. Crude oil (petroleum), and natural gas
Scientists are investigating will eventually run out. When the supplies of these fossil fuels are gone,
the potential of fusion as they are gone forever.
a limitless, pollution-free In contrast, renewable resources can be renewed or replenished
source of energy. Find out naturally in relatively short periods of time. Some are continually
more about fusion. Make replenished. Wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy, geothermal energy,
a chart comparing fusion and biomass are resources that naturally renew themselves, so they can
with the nuclear energy last forever. If tree harvesting is managed carefully, replanting can ensure
we use today. Start your
that wood supplies for energy can last indefinitely. However, if wood is
information search at
used faster than trees can be grown, then the renewable resource cannot
meet energy needs indefinitely.
The burning of fossil fuels results in the release into the atmosphere of
many problem-causing substances. For example, when coal burns, it
leaves behind a powdery ash. Some of this ash is carried up the
smokestack of the power plant and escapes into the atmosphere. This
airborne ash is often referred to as fly ash. In Canada, air pollution
produced by coal-burning plants has been reduced over the last 30 years
by improved methods of cleaning the coal and capturing the fly ash.
However, considerable amounts of fly ash still escape. This is a concern
because the fly ash contains small amounts of mercury, a poisonous metal
that can damage the nervous system.
Many other molecules are released into the air when coal is burned.
Some of the most harmful are sulfur dioxide (SO2(g)), nitrogen oxides Figure 4.8 Burning fossil
(NOx(g)), and carbon dioxide (CO2(g)). Sulfur dioxide causes acid rain and fuels produces air pollution.
contributes to air pollution. Nitrogen oxides are major causes of air
pollution. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been identified as a
cause of global warming, which leads to climate change. You can learn
more about these chemicals and their effects in Unit C: Environmental
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 351
info BIT The mines and refineries that produce fuel for nuclear reactors can
also damage the environment. The reactors create radioactive wastes that
remain dangerous for thousands of years. Hydro-electric plants produce
Nuclear Waste Storage
Radioactive waste from
no pollutants, but their dams flood many hectares of land and alter the
nuclear power plants ecosystems of rivers. Wind farms and solar cell arrays require large tracts
requires long-term of land to generate practical amounts of energy. Also, the process for
storage. Canada’s plans making solar cells creates some chemical pollution. The steam from
for storing this waste geothermal plants produces a small amount of pollution. Generators using
include placing tidal or wave energy may disrupt the habitat for fish and other marine life.
corrosion-resistant However, the “green” sources of energy—especially wind, tide, and
containers in vaults deep geothermal—harm the environment much less than fossil fuels do.
within the Canadian
be 500 to 1000 m deep
and will likely be in We know that reserves of oil and gas are decreasing, but it is likely that
Ontario. nonrenewable fossil-fuel supplies will last for your lifetime. So why
bother trying to conserve energy? If demand for energy decreases, there is
a lower demand for the resources that fuel electrical generating plants.
Those pollution-producing plants that are already in operation would not
need to operate at full capacity and may even be able to cease operation.
The obvious benefit is less pollution, which is a good reason to try to use
less electricity whenever possible. When your actions lead to a lower
demand for natural resources, you are practising energy conservation.
You may not have to worry about fossil fuels running out in your
lifetime. However, even temporary shortages can cause hardship and big
price jumps. When fuel prices skyrocket, poorer countries cannot afford
the energy they need.
Suppose you want to conserve fossil fuels and reduce pollution. You
consider buying an electric car instead of one with a gasoline engine, but
you know you have to look at more than just engine efficiency. Electric
cars reduce the need for gasoline, which comes from oil. Burning less
gasoline conserves oil reserves and reduces pollution. The electric car,
however, must get electricity from somewhere for its rechargeable
batteries. If a coal-fired plant supplies this electricity, you may not be
saving fossil fuels or reducing pollution overall. However, if a hydro-
electric plant or windmill farm supplies the electricity, fossil fuels will be
conserved and pollution will decrease. Both personal and societal
decisions must be taken into account when considering conservation.
4. Explain why you agree or disagree with the 8. A friend brags to you about her new electric
following statement. “Green” sources of car that uses rechargeable batteries as an
energy such as solar and wind power have energy source. She says, “My new car
no environmental impact. doesn’t have an internal combustion
engine, so no fossil fuels are needed to
Connect Your Understanding provide energy for it.” Is this an accurate
5. What is the difference between energy statement? Explain your answer.
conservation and energy sustainability? 9. In 1906, many steam-powered cars were on
6. Does replacing the soil removed by strip- the roads. The record for the fastest steam
mining restore the environment? Explain car was approximately 206 km/h. A British
your answer. team is now working to build a modern
7. Explain how each of the following actions steam car that it hopes will travel over 300
affect energy sustainability: km/h. While this car will be fast, will it
a) replacing a coal-fired power plant with conserve energy? Explain.
several fields of solar arrays
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 353
info BIT
4.3 Electrical Technology and Society
Less Luggage
A business traveller used
to have to carry a cellular
telephone, an organizer,
and a laptop computer.
Now digital wireless
technologies let people
on the road phone their
offices and clients,
manage their contact
information and
appointments, and
connect to the Internet,
all with a device small
enough to fit in a pocket!
In 1844, the first electrical communication took place with the help of
Samuel Morse’s invention, the telegraph, shown in Figure 4.11. Morse
developed a code of dots and dashes (short and long electrical signals) to
send messages down wires from one city to another. Today, electrical
technologies continue to make fast and efficient communication possible.
With the rapid development of personal computers in the 1980s and the
Internet in the 1990s, we now have the ability to collect and transmit vast
amounts of information.
You will compare the time taken to do a calculation without and with a calculator.
• In what way is an electronic device better for doing calculations? In what way
is it worse?
If you are looking for a device that has brought radical changes in speed
and convenience, look no further than the computer. Computers have
revolutionized the way we accomplish many tasks, including writing,
calculations, and communication. Computers convert all information—
even audio and video signals—into numbers and then perform
calculations with the numbers. Computers use binary numbers, that is,
numbers with just ones and zeroes. These numbers correspond to the on
and off states of the millions of tiny transistors in the microcircuits.
Because the data is converted to strings of digits, this method of storing
and transmitting information is often referred to as a digital technology.
info BIT
Programming Pioneer
By 1952, Grace Hopper (1906-1992) had developed a working compiler, a program that translates
English words into the special codes needed to run computers. Such compilers are the key to all
the high-level computer languages we use today. Hopper also co-authored COBOL, a widely
used programming language for businesses. The term “computer bug” originated in 1951 when
Hopper found a moth jamming a relay in one of the first large-scale computers.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 355
Different techniques can be used to store and transmit information, but all
of them take advantage of electrical current in one way or another. For
example, a compact disc (CD) player scans a CD with a laser. Tiny pits
stamped into the surface of the shiny disc cause the laser light to be
reflected in pulses. A photodetector converts the light pulses into
electrical pulses. This produces a digital signal with exactly the same
sequence of ones and zeroes as the master recording used to make the CD.
Internet signals can be sent by A home computer can connect Groups of computers that are
radio signals, allowing wireless to the Internet through an connected together can share
connections to the Internet. Internet service provider. information in a network and
also connect to the Internet,
which is a huge global network.
Figure 4.13 Electrical signals sent between computers around the world make internetworking possible.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 357
re SEARCH Can you trust all the information that you find over the Internet? With
huge volumes of information stored worldwide, some of it will be wrong
Encryption or misleading. Most people have good intentions, but some will post
Ever since the transfer “facts” that they have not checked properly. Others may deliberately send
of information became out wrong information.
possible, people have Another concern is “information overload.” With greater and greater
been developing ways capacity to store information, it becomes increasingly more difficult to
to protect it. Such find the particular piece of information that you need.
protection is especially Search engines were developed to help sort through the vast amount of
important for the transfer unorganized information on the Internet. A search engine is an application
of financial information that searches the Internet for keywords or phrases that you enter in a query
such as credit-card field. Internet sites that match your keywords are then reported back to you.
numbers over the
However, search engines work in different ways and may not be as
Internet. Find out more
helpful as you might expect. For example, some search engines report
about encryption. Use an
example to show how
only results from sites on the Internet that have been manually entered in
encryption is done and a database. Useful sites that have not been entered in the database are not
how it is used. Start your reported. Other search engines report only the most-visited sites on the
information search at Internet; that is, the most popular sites. Because of this, a more useful, less
www.pearsoned.ca/ popular site may be overlooked. This explains why using different search
scienceinaction. engines may provide different results for the same keywords or phrases
that you are searching for.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 359
2.0 2.0 Technologies can be used to transfer and control electrical energy.
• electric current • Different substances provide various levels of resistance to electric current. Electricity
• circuits flows more easily in conductors than in insulators.
• energy transmission • The amount of electrical resistance is measured in ohms. Voltage is measured in volts.
• measures and units of Current is measured in amperes.
electrical energy • Ohm’s law states that the current flowing through a conductor is proportional to the
• electrical resistance and voltage applied to it.
Ohm’s law • Meters are used to measure electricity. Voltmeters measure voltage. Ammeters
measure current. Ohmmeters measure resistance. Multimeters measure all three.
• Series circuits provide a single pathway for current. Parallel circuits provide multiple
pathways for current.
3.0 3.0 Devices and systems convert energy with varying efficiencies.
• forms of energy • Energy exists in different forms, such as chemical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical
• energy transformation energy.
• generation of electrical • Energy can be transformed from one form into another. For example, a thermocouple
energy can change thermal energy into electrical energy.
• energy transmission • Electric motors transform electrical energy to mechanical energy.
• measures and units of • Power is the rate at which a device converts energy. It is calculated by multiplying
electrical energy current by voltage. Energy is calculated by multiplying power by time.
• Input energy and usable output energy can be compared to determine the efficiency of
an energy-converting device.
• Reducing the amount of energy wasted by devices that convert energy increases their
4.0 4.0 The use of electrical energy affects society and the environment.
• energy transformation • A variety of alternative energy sources can be used to generate electrical energy. These
• energy transmission include fossil fuels, nuclear energy, geothermal energy, biomass, hydro-electricity,
• generation of electrical tides, wind power, and solar energy.
energy • Energy sources are either renewable or nonrenewable.
• energy storage • Electrical generation can produce by-products and effects that harm the environment.
• renewable and nonrenewable • Energy and nonrenewable resources can be conserved through choices that reduce
energy consumption.
• Sustainability means using resources at a rate that can be maintained indefinitely.
se d
S t u
Yes No
The dam may be able to stop The dam presents an even worse
devastating flooding. The dam’s flooding danger if it fails. Millions of
control mechanisms may be able to people live downstream of the dam. A
save lives by managing water levels. failure of the dam would be
The dam would produce much The dam requires almost 2 million
needed electricity. The poor of rural people to be uprooted and relocated.
China do not even have refrigerators. The reservoir will flood thousands of
Electricity would provide the possibility farms and villages.
of modern conveniences.
Electricity would provide the means The dam’s reservoir will submerge
for modernization. Rural China has many priceless artifacts and natural
few of the advantages of even the treasures. Over a thousand
smallest Western communities. With archeological sites will be ruined.
electrical power, rural Chinese can
begin to modernize their economy.
Getting Started
Designing an electrical device offers many opportunities to
discover answers for yourself. In this activity, you will plan
how to build an electrical device that performs a particular
function. Then you will build and modify a prototype. Using
your choice of materials and what you have learned about
electrical circuits, you will design a device or model of your
own choice.
Your Goal
Demonstrate your understanding of electrical circuitry and
energy conversions by using your imagination to pick a
device or model to build. It can be any device that uses
electricity to perform a task. Your goal will be to build the
device that can successfully performs the task(s) of your
choice. For example, consider building one of the
following: Steps to Success
• a reversible escalator with an emergency switch 1 With your group, brainstorm ideas for solutions to the
• a model electrically wired home, with special features problem. Sketch ideas as you come up with them.
such a pressure-sensitive welcome mat light 2 Decide what equipment you will need. Are there
• a model animal kennel with doors that open materials you can collect from home? Ask your
electrically teacher for help with any of the materials that you
• a rescue truck that moves and has a ladder that can be cannot collect yourself.
raised or lowered 3 Carefully consider safety before you begin to construct
• a switch-operated animal feeder that allows you to your prototype. Show your teacher your final plan for
release food remotely approval, and then begin building your device.
4 When you have built your device, test to see if it
What You Need to Know meets your goals. After your test, you may need to
This project involves designing electrical circuits. Review make some changes and repeat the tests.
what you have learned about electrical circuits and 5 Look at your classmates’ devices. Make a quick sketch
converting electrical energy into different forms. Recall of one of their designs and of a modification to
how to supply current to a circuit and then control the improve it. Discuss this modification with your
current so that the circuit performs the task you desire. For classmates.
your design to work, you will have to combine these
concepts successfully. Before you begin, you may want to How Did It Go?
review Toolbox 3 to help you with problem solving as you 6 Now that you have planned and constructed your
develop your device. You may also want to consult Toolbox device, write an evaluation of your approach to solving
13 to review the electrical symbols you need to use in your this problem. Did it work well? What would you do
circuit diagrams. differently and why?
11. What do the terms “work” and “energy”
12. What is the role of the commutator in an
electric motor?
13. Would it make more sense for an electric
company to charge by the joule or by the
watt? Explain.
5. What is a short circuit? Is it dangerous?
6. Explain how an electrical wet cell functions.
14. Solve the following power problems: 24. Describe the advantages and disadvantages
a) The current running through a coffee of transmitting information electronically.
maker connected to a 120-V source is
8.0 A. What is the power rating of this
device? Connect Your Understanding
b) A 120-W motor draws 1.2 A of current.
25. Explain why a cow that touches an electric
What is the voltage across the motor?
c) A 5000-W dryer is connected to a 240-V fence gets a mild shock, but a bird sitting on
source. What is the current flowing the same wire doesn’t feel any electricity at
through the dryer? all.
26. A classmate would like to connect multiple
15. How much energy does a 100-W light bulb
use in an hour? motors together in a circuit. But every time a
motor is added, an undesirable side effect
16. A 500-W hot plate adds 250 kJ of energy to a occurs—all of them spin a little slower.
container of water while heating for Discuss possible solutions and explain how
10 min. How efficient is this heating they would correct the problem.
27. You receive a nasty shock from a kettle with
17. Use the example of a gasoline-powered car a frayed cord, and your arm temporarily
to explain the concepts of input energy, feels numb. Is this numb feeling caused by
output energy, and efficiency. current or voltage? Explain.
18. Describe three methods for reducing the
amount of energy wasted in the home.
Extend Your Understanding
4.0 28. Does a decision to conserve a resource mean
that the resource now becomes sustainable?
19. Could a thermal generating plant be effective Explain.
without a turbine? Explain. 29. Does it make any sense to spend more
20. What is meant by a “non-thermal” method money for a more efficient appliance?
of generating electricity? Describe an Explain.
example of such a method. 30. Thinking that a loose electrical cable has
21. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of been turned off, a construction worker tries
generating electricity with coal, nuclear to move it. The voltage contracts the
power, and wind power. worker’s muscles, so they cannot let go of
the wire. A wooden pole and a copper pipe
22. Describe the difference between renewable
are nearby. Could you use either of them to
and nonrenewable energy sources. Give two
nudge the victim away from the live wire?
examples of each.
23. If current world oil reserves will last longer
than your lifetime, why should you bother
to conserve energy?
Self Assessment
33. List two questions about elecctricity-related
issues that you’d like to explore further.
34. How could you improve the results of your
work in the problem solving and inquiry
activities you did in this unit?
35. How could you improve your work in group