Science5 4Q Key To Correction

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NAME: _________________________________________


stream pool stream banks rapids river

wetlands producer intertidal zone bathyal zone neritic zone

abyssal zone marine ecosystem precipitate riffle Cagayan River

channel feeding relationship estuary ecological niche run

consumers detritivores herbivore carnivore omnivore

trophic level food chain sun food web

Stream 1. A _______________ is a body of running water that occupies a channel.

River 2. A _______________ is a large body of interconnected streams.
Precipitate 3. Both stream and river may be shallow or deep, depending on the amount of
_______________ it receives.
channel 4. A _______________ is the deep part of the stream where the water collected flows
pool 5. The area of a stream where the water is deep but flows slowly is called a
riffle 6. The shallow stream areas characterized by a fast flow agitated by rocks are called
run 7. The area of fast-moving water between riffle and pool is called a _______________.
rapids 8. _______________ may form where the water flows downhill in a sharp curve, producing
strong water current. This is where you see the very turbulent water flow.
Stream banks 9. _______________ are sides of the stream channel where plants could grow.
Cagayan River 10. The lasi and ludong or lobed river mullet are only found in _______________.
wetlands 11. _______________ are transitional zones between land and aquatic ecosystem . It is
a link between land and water.
marine ecosystem 12. A _______________ is a diverse aquatic ecosystem that houses a
multitude of living organisms in ocean and sea environment. It includes shorelines, coral
reefs, and the open ocean.
intertidal zone 13. _______________ is where the ocean meets the land.
Neritic zone 14. _______________ is a shallow marine environment extending from the coast to
200 meters deep.
Bathyal zone 15. Zone located beyond #14 is called _______________. It extends from the
surface water to the base of the continental shelf. Its depth ranges from 200 to 2,000 meters.
Abyssal zone 16. _______________, which lies below 2,000 meters, is the layer next to #15.
Sunlight cannot reach this zone, thus, no photosynthetic organisms thrive here.
Estuary 17. An _______________ is formed when freshwater from rivers or streams meets and
mixes with a`saltwater from the ocean and seas.
Detritivores 18. _______________, such as earthworms, feed on dead and decomposing matter.
ecological niche19. _______________ is the role played by an organism in an ecosystem.
Producer 20. A _______________ (also called an autotroph) makes Its own food through
photosynthesis. They are the bases of energy in ecosystem.
Consumer 21. _______________ (also known as heterotroph) depend on other organisms or food.
Omnivore 22. _______________ feed on plants and animals
herbivore 23. _______________ feed on plants; 2nd trophic level
carnivore 24. _______________ feed on animal meat; 3rd trophic level
feeding relationship 25. _______________ They show how energy flows from an organism to
another organism. These include food chain, food pyramid, and food web .
Food chain 26. _______________ is the process of eating and being eaten.
Trophic level 27. _______________ refers to the level of nourishment of organisms
sun 28. _______________ main source of energy in the ecosystem
food web 29. A _______________ is an overlapping food chains
T or F.
T 1. Most of the water collected in streams and rivers come from surface runoff and rainwater.
F 2. A stream is divided into areas based on length and width.
F 3. Snails, mollusks, and worms thrive in riffles.
F 4. Only animals that can cling can survive pools like stoneflies, caddied flies, algae, and
T 5. Runs could have little turbulence. Fish, like minnows, end up living here.
Bonus 6. The shallow stream areas characterized by a fast flow agitated by rocks are called .
Bonus 7. The area of fast-moving water between riffle and pool is called a .
T 8. The width of the middle part of a stream or river increases due to the force water exerts.
T 9. Plants found on stream banks prevent soil erosion.
T 10. Wetlands are some of the most productive ecosystems in the world. It is a land or an
area that is often covered with shallow water. Examples of wetlands are swamps and
F 11. Woody plants dominate marshes while swamps are dominated by grasses and emergent
F 12. Compared to marine ecosystem, a freshwater ecosystem has more saltcontent.
F 13. During low tide, intertidal zone is submerged; during high tide, it is exposed .

Give examples.
Stream River Wetland Intertidal Bathyal Neritic Abyssal Estuary

Plant floating seaweed seaweed,

inhabitant algae, sea
pond lilies grasses

Animal Snails, Lasi, Worms, Shrimps, squid, tuna, Sea detritivore

inhabitant mollusks, ludong crabs, snails, viper angel fish urchin, phytoplan
worms birds, crabs fishes , sea ktons,
turtles whales, cucumber zoopla
octopus, sea lilies, nktons,
sponges giant barnacles,
squids, mussels
angel fish

1-5 Give the 5 major oceans in the world
1. Atlantic
2. Antarctic
3. Pacific
4. Indian
5. Arctic

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