Commercial Dispatch Eedition 9-23-20

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Wednesday | September 23, 2020

Wright, Chism head to runoff for Dist. 37 House seat

Williams, Yates earn spots in District 15 Senate runoff 719 votes in New Hope alone.
He finished third in both Clay
and Oktibbeha counties.
BY SLIM SMITH AND TESS VRBIN cent of the vote and appeared didate race for the District 15
[email protected]; Columbus businessman
headed to an outright win Senate seat.
[email protected] Chism collected 914 votes (32.1
over his two opponents, David Wright shrugged off disap-
percent), leading the way in
Chism and Vicky Rose. pointment of not securing the
By 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Lynn But when Oktibbeha County House seat outright Tuesday. both Clay and Oktibbeha coun-
Wright had racked up almost results arrived, Wright had fall- “I guess it’s three more ties, while motivational speak-
a 600-vote advantage over his en 14 votes short of a majority weeks to get out there and work er Vicky Rose, of West Point,
Wright Chism finished out of the runoff with
closest competitor in the spe- and will now face Chism in a some more,” he said. “We’ll
cial election for state House runoff. focus on all three counties, Wright, the former Lowndes 529 votes (18.5 percent).
District 37 representative, but It was one of two special but Oktibbeha and Clay coun- County School District super- Until the Oktibbeha County
the night was not without dra- legislative elections in the area ties are where we fell behind. intendent, piled up a big lead votes arrived, Chism thought
ma — nor was the race over, as headed for an Oct. 13 runoff, as We’ve met some great people in Lowndes County, which ac- the election was over.
it turned out. Bart Williams of Starkville and (in those counties) and we’ll counted for 1,806 of the 2,840 “I’m surprised with how
With all ballots in Lowndes Joyce Meek Yates of Eupora be ready to get over there and votes cast. Of his 1,407 votes things turned out,” he said
and Clay counties counted, placed first and second, respec- work some more. That’s really (49.4 percent) , 1,146 were cast soon after it became clear he
Wright had collected 54 per- tively, Tuesday in the four-can- what it comes down to now.” in his home county, including See RUNOFF, 8A

Many voters felt comfortable, safe Community

casting ballots in person Tuesday leaders discuss
Poll workers, citizens hope special election serves as smooth test run for Nov. 3
workplace racism
in second ‘Let’s
[email protected]; [email protected]

Changes made in response to

Talk Columbus’
COVID-19 were apparent even before
voters entered New Hope Community
Center to vote in the District 37 House
of Representatives special election.
A poll worker stood outside the cen-
‘How do we get better if
ter, handing pens to each voter. The we don’t address it?’
pens, he explained, could be used as a
stylus to vote rather than use the stylus BY ISABELLE ALTMAN
attached to the voting machine. [email protected]
Inside, “six feet separation” signs
were placed on the floor in front of the Columbus Police
three sign-in tables. Plastic partitions Chief Fred Shelton
separated workers from voters. Hand said there have been
sanitizers were available at each table times in his 30-plus
as well. year career as a po-
Poll workers encouraged voters to lice officer when he’s
wear masks but did not require it. responded to a call
By 11 a.m., 318 people had voted at and had the com-
the center, so social distancing didn’t plainant say, “I didn’t
produce much of a problem. According want a Black police officer.”
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
to the Lowndes County Circuit Clerk’s Angela Howe used her visit to New Hope Community Center to vote in Tuesday’s “What gets lost is, I’m doing my
office, more than 5,000 voters are regis- special election as an opportunity to show her nephew, 10-year-old Brett Beaird, job,” he said. “... (The complainant
tered to vote at the location. how the voting process works. Howe said she believes election officials have done will ask), ‘Why are you here?’ Be-
“It’s been pretty smooth,’’ said poll a good job in making voting safe during the pandemic. cause you called me. We’re doing
worker Lee Roy Lollar. “We’ve been un- our job. We just overlook it.”
der this COVID requirement for what, Tuesday’s District 37 election (2,840 at the same location to avoid whatever He’s not alone. Columbus Mu-
nine months? I would say that it’s no dif- votes cast in parts of Lowndes, Clay crowding there might be, was decidedly nicipal School District Superin-
ferent now than it’s been before. People and Oktibbeha counties) is a preview of not reassured. tendent Cherie Labat said she’s
are used to it. We’ve had no problems what to expect Nov. 3, when turnout will “I totally believe that if you can go had people refuse to shake her
and no complaints. People aren’t stay- be high for the presidential election, is other places with your mask on, you can hand, and Glenda Buckhalter said
ing to socialize as much as they used to, open to speculation. come vote with your mask on,” Howe when she worked retail, customers
but that’s about the only difference I’ve Angela Howe, who brought her neph- said. “I feel very safe. If it’s like this in wouldn’t place money directly into
noticed.” ew with her to vote at New Hope, was re- November, I’ll have no problem with it her hand, instead leaving it on the
By its nature, special elections pro- assured by the safety precautions. Kaye whatsoever.” counter so that they didn’t have
duce low turnouts, so to what degree Truitt, who said she timed her arrival See VOTERS, 8A See RACISM, 3A

Base commander: Space Force formed to protect

American satellites, other interests in space
Space Force will be a ‘relatively small’ operation with a clip from a “documentary”
he said, which turned out to be
that should not affect CAFB in the short term the trailer for Netflix’s comedy
“Space Force.”
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN 14th Flying Training Wing at Co- Despite the light-hearted start
[email protected] lumbus Air Force Base is training to the program, Graham said the
pilots how to fly airplanes — de- Space Force and its mission is Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff
When Rotarians asked Col. cided he had some research to something to be taken seriously Columbus Rotary Club member Roger Burlingame speaks
Seth Graham to speak to their with Col. Seth Graham, commander of Columbus Air Force
do. in an era of increasing reliance on
Base, after a club meeting at Lion Hills Center on Tuesday.
club about the newly launched So he jokingly opened his pre- space — not just for the Air Force Graham came at the Rotary’s request to speak about the
Space Force, Graham — whose sentation to the Columbus club and other military branches, but Space Force, which was just established last year to help
specialty as commander of the at Lion Hills Center Tuesday See SPACE FORCE, 3A defend American interests in space.


1 What does the GOP stand for in U.S. politi- Saturday MEETINGS
cal terms? ■ Art in the Park: The
Sept. 30:
2 Which philosopher said the “unexamined Lowndes
life is not worth living” — Socrates, Plato or Starkville Area Arts Council
County Board
Aristotle? presents this creative
of Supervisors
3 According to Freud, which is the strongest event for kids 9-noon at
in a healthy person — id, ego or superego? J.L. King Memorial Park, meeting, 9 a.m.,
Weston Shapley 4 Which pair of animated, prehistoric best 400 N. Long St., Starkville. Lowndes County
friends are on the Water Buffalo Lodge bowl- Free art boxes for children Courthouse,
Second grade, Annunciation
ing team? in Oktibbeha County.

74 Low 62
5 What South American region spanning
High Argentina and Chile is also the name of an
Cloudy with rain
outdoor apparel company? Oct. 8 Mississippi/
Oct. 5: Lowndes
Full forecast on Answers, 8B ■ New date for Art
Walk: The Downtown County Board
page 3A.
Art Walk in Columbus of Supervisors
scheduled for Thursday meeting, 9 a.m.,
INSIDE has been rescheduled for Lowndes County
Oct. 8, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Courthouse,
Classifieds 8B Food 5B
Comics 4B Obituaries 4A due to inclement weather Jacob Jefferson lives in New
Crossword 6B Opinions 6A forecasts. 662-328-6305, Hope. He said playing football LowndesCounty-
141st Year, No. 166 Dear Abby 4B 662-328-2787. is the only thing he does. Mississippi/


2A WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Senate GOP plans vote on Trump’s

court pick before election
‘I guess we have all the Cuban-American judge Barbara
votes we’re going to
need. I think it’s going Lagoa on Trump high court list
to happen.’ The Associated Press
President Donald Trump
MIAMI — A daughter of Cuban exiles who has had a swift rise as a
BY LISA MASCARO, ZEKE MILLER lawyer and judge is on President Donald Trump’s short list to replace
Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Associated Press
The president said Monday that he does not personally know Barba-
WASHINGTON — Votes in ra Lagoa, but praised her as “terrific.” Barely veiled was the fact that,
hand, Senate Republicans are as a Cuban-American from South Florida’s city of Hialeah, her selection
charging ahead with plans to con- could benefit Trump in the Nov. 3 election, when Florida could be the
firm President Donald Trump’s ultimate kingmaker. Lagoa grew up in a heavily Hispanic suburb of Mi-
pick to fill the late Justice Ruth Bad- ami.
er Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat “She’s excellent. She’s Hispanic. She’s a terrific woman from every-
before the Nov. 3 election, launch- thing I know. I don’t know her. Florida. We love Florida. So she’s got a
ing a divisive fight over Democratic lot of things — very smart,” Trump said in a call-in interview with “Fox
objections before a nominee is even and Friends.”
Trump said Tuesday he will possible Republican holdout, Mitt senators spoke up in favor of voting
name his choice Saturday, confi- Romney of Utah, said Tuesday he before the election. None advocated
dent of support. Democrats say it’s supports taking a vote. a delay.
too close to the election, and the Still, with early presidential Elsewhere, as tributes poured in
winner of the presidency should voting already underway in sever- for Ginsburg with vigils and flowers
name the new justice. But under al states, all sides are girding for at the court’s steps, Democrats led
GOP planning, the Senate could a wrenching Senate battle over by presidential nominee Joe Biden
vote Oct. 29. health care, abortion access and vowed a tough fight. The Senate
“I guess we have all the votes other big cases before the court and Democratic leader, Chuck Schum-
we’re going to need,” Trump told sure to further split the torn nation. er, said “we should honor her dying
WJBX FOX 2 in Detroit. “I think it’s It is one of the quickest confir- wish,” which was that her seat not
going to happen.” mation efforts in recent times. No be filled until the man who wins the
Republicans believe the court court nominee in U.S. history has presidential election is installed, in
fight will energize voters for Trump, been considered so close to a pres- January.
boosting the party and potentially idential election. And it all comes But that seemed no longer an op-
deflating Democrats who cannot as the nation is marking the grave tion. So far, two Republicans have
stop the lifetime appointment for a milestone of 200,000 deaths from said they oppose taking up a nom-
conservative justice . The Senate is the coronavirus pandemic. ination at this time, but no others
controlled by Republicans, 53-47, During a private lunch meeting are in sight. Under Senate rules,
with a simple majority needed for Tuesday at Senate GOP campaign Vice President Mike Pence could
confirmation. The one remaining headquarters, several Republican break a tie vote.

Trump, Biden fight to define

campaign’s most pressing issues
GOP and Democratic pollsters believe to stop Trump from giving
conservatives a larger ma-
ic National Committee’s
Midwestern Caucus. “It’s
the Supreme Court is not an animating jority on the nation’s high
court. Not only has Biden
a motivating issue for the
issue for persuadable voters been reluctant to embrace
the topic, he also broke
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and Biden have fought to from his more liberal pri-
define the lens through mary rivals earlier in the
S WA N - which voters view the year by opposing calls to
TON, Ohio 2020 contest. Biden wants add seats to “pack” the Su-
— Presi- the election to be a ref- preme Court.
dent Donald erendum on Trump and Biden, who ran a rel-
Trump was his failure to control a atively centrist primary
interrupted pandemic that has killed campaign and spent 36
twice during 200,000 Americans or ad- years in the Senate, is con-
an Ohio rally dress the nation’s larger cerned that such a move
this week by Trump health care issues. Trump would worsen divisions
sign-waving wants to focus on the court during a particularly po-
suppor ters fight to unite the party and larized moment in Amer-
chant ing, energize the GOP’s base. ican history.
“Fill that Biden openly acknowl- And Trump, by lean-
seat!” edged his reluctance to fo- ing into the issue, risks
“I will fill cus on the Supreme Court alienating swing voters
that seat,” during an interview with in key states who don’t
Trump re- WBAY, a local Green Bay, see the court debate any-
s p o n d e d Biden Wisconsin, news station, where near as important
before launching into an when asked whether he’d as issues related to the im-
extended riff on his plans support liberal proposals mediate threat of the pan-
to quickly nominate a suc- to add seats to the high demic and the sluggish
cessor to Supreme Court court. economic recovery.
Justice Ruth Bader Gins- “It’s a legitimate ques- There is little polling
burg. “They say it’s the tion, but let me tell you data so soon after Gins-
most important thing a why I’m not going to burg’s death, but Repub-
president can do.” answer that question — lican and Democratic
During a swing because it will shift the pollsters believe that the
through Wisconsin a few focus. That’s what he Supreme Court is not an
hours earlier, there were wants. He never wants animating issue for per-
no big crowds for Dem- to talk about the issue at suadable voters. Those
ocrat Joe Biden, whose hand, and he always tries close to the Trump cam-
campaign is strictly fol- to change the subject,” paign privately acknowl-
lowing protocols to com- Biden said of Trump. edge it’s helpful most-
bat the coronavirus. The He insisted discus- ly because it shifts the
battle over the future of sion should be about why conversation away from
the Supreme Court was Trump “is moving in a Trump’s divisive leader-
largely missing, too, with direction that’s totally in- ship. And Democrats be-
Biden far more eager to consistent with what (the) lieve the court simply isn’t
talk about the pandemic, founders wanted.” a top-of-mind issue for
health care and the econ- Each candidate’s strat- the working-class voters
omy. egy carries risk. they’re trying to reach.
Since Ginsburg’s death Biden’s measured “I don’t know that
on Friday sparked a bat- approach risks alienat- swing voters are motivat-
tle over the future of the ing his party’s left wing, ed by it,” said Ron Harris,
Supreme Court, Trump which desperately wants who chairs the Democrat-

Court, COVID, race are topics for first Trump-Biden debate

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS topics were selected by the debate’s mod-
erator, Fox News’ Chris Wallace, and will
WASHINGTON — President Donald each be the subject of 15-minute “blocks”
Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the debate.
will face off on the Supreme Court, the The topics are: “The Trump and
coronavirus pandemic and race and vio- Biden Records,” “The Supreme Court,”
lence in the nation’s cities next week when “Covid-19,” “The Economy,” “Race and Vi-
they meet for their first presidential debate. olence in our Cities,” and “The Integrity of
The nonpartisan Commission on Pres- the Election.”
idential Debates on Tuesday announced The topics are subject to change be-
the six topics for the first face-to-face event cause of news developments, the commis-
scheduled for Sept. 29 in Cleveland. The sion said.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 3A

Attorneys: Mississippi gov properly vetoed parts of bills

House Speaker Philip Gunn and Speaker Pro Tempore Regional Medical Center,
a hospital that is closed
were briefly in session in
August, they overrode
declare that Reeves’ par-
tial vetoes of the relief
Jason White said in their Aug. 5 suit against the in Tate County. The gov-
ernor said because it
Reeves’ partial veto of
the education budget bill.
money were invalid.
Earlier this year, legis-
governor that Reeves was encroaching on legislators’ was closed, North Oaks
had not provided care
They then passed a sepa- lators prevailed in a power
rate bill to put money into struggle with Reeves over
power to make budget decisions to COVID-19 patients. the school recognition who has the authority to
Reeves also vetoed $6 mil- program. That leaves the spend coronavirus relief
BY EMILY said in their suit against priations,” his attorneys lion to the MAGnet Com- partial vetoes of the coro- money from the federal
WAGSTER PETTUS the governor that Reeves wrote. munity Health Disparity navirus relief money as government. Reeves said
The Associated Press was encroaching on leg- On July 8, Reeves ve- Program. He wrote that the only unresolved issue. he did, but legislators as-
islators’ power to make toed parts of two bills to he was uncomfortable In papers filed Friday, serted control over the
JACKSON — Missis- budget decisions. The fund state government spending that money be-
sippi Republican Gov. an attorney for Gunn and money by saying the state
lawsuit says the Missis- programs for the year that cause he was unfamiliar White asked a judge to constitution gives the leg-
Tate Reeves acted within sippi Supreme Court has began July 1. with the program. uphold the previous Su- islative branch the power
his constitutional powers ruled in multiple cases He vetoed multiple sec- The House leaders’ preme Court rulings and to make budget decisions.
when he issued partial that the state constitution tions of House Bill 1700, lawsuit says the Mississip-
vetoes of budget bills this prohibits a governor from the education budget bill, pi Supreme Court ruled in
year, the state attorney vetoing a portion of a bud- because it did not include 1898, 1995 and 2004 that
general’s office is arguing get bill. nearly $25 million for the a governor cannot veto
in court papers. However, Reeves’ attor- school recognition pro- parts of budget bills.
The attorneys filed neys argue that his partial gram that provides bonus Referring to the 2004
their arguments on behalf vetoes were different than pay for teachers in public case, the lawsuit says,
of the governor Thursday those by previous gov- schools that show signifi- “our high court made it
in Hinds County Chan- ernors because Reeves’ cant improvement or that clear that it meant what it
cery Court. They were predecessors had tried maintain high perfor- had said in the course of
responding to a lawsuit to veto conditions that mance. the previous century —
filed Aug. 5 by the two top legislators put on specific The other partial ve- the governor of our state
leaders of the Mississippi spending plans. toes were in House Bill still does not have the le-
House, who are also Re- “Governor Reeves did 1782, which allocated gal authority to pick and
publicans. not veto a condition of an federal coronavirus relief choose line items of appro-
House Speaker Philip appropriation. Instead, he money to various agen- priations bills he likes and
Gunn and Speaker Pro vetoed two separable, dis- cies. Reeves vetoed $2 line items he doesn’t like.”
Tempore Jason White tinct, and complete appro- million to North Oaks When legislators

Continued from Page 1A
to touch her. Sometimes approach, he pointed out
they call those instances racism is a very emotion-
out, and sometimes they al topic for people like
ignore them, they said. him. As an African Amer-
Shelton, Labat, Buck- ican, he said, he’s chosen
halter and several other to ignore instances of
community members people refusing to shake
shared those and oth- his hands or otherwise
Labat Buckhalter Graham McConnell behaving unprofession-
er stories at the second
meeting of “Let’s Talk feels comfortable where are marginalizing team- ally, echoing Shelton,
Columbus” — a series of they’re working and even mates. … It degrades our Labat and Buckhalter.
meetings for community why they felt it’s import- entire ability to do what He thinks it’s time soci-
leaders to talk about race ant to have those conver- we do.” ety put a stop to that by
relations in the Columbus sations. He went on to say he calling out instances of
area — at the Municipal “We are given a cer- thought the conversa- racism, both unconscious
Complex Tuesday eve- tain amount of people to tions the city is having and conscious.
ning. The city plans to do our mission with, and and that other organi- “I don’t think talking
host a meeting once a when you marginalize zations are having will about it can make it
month, and this month’s somebody, they’re no lon- help solve the problems worse,” he said. “It
topic was on racial dis- ger a part of the team,” of systematic racism and doesn’t matter what the
crimination in the work- said Col. Seth Graham, racism in the workplace, passions are or how vig-
place. commander of Columbus provided the people hav- orously we talk about it,
The discussion ranged Air Force Base. “And it ing those conversations because it is a passionate
from personal stories like makes the whole team approach them in a calm, issue, especially for those
the one Shelton shared have to work harder when non-adversarial and who experience racism.
and how easy it can be you make people feel like non-emotional way. … What it’s going to do is
to overlook instances of they’re no longer part of While Germain Mc- make people uncomfort-
racism in the workplace the team or they don’t Connell, executive direc- able, but just because it
— both conscious and feel like they are able to tor for the Mississippi makes us uncomfortable
unconscious — to how contribute to the team. School for Mathematics does not mean it makes
employers must commu- So for me, it’s about our and Science, agreed with it worse. In fact, how do
nicate with their workers mission, and we can’t Graham that it was best we get better if we don’t
to make sure everyone do our mission when we not to take an adversarial address it?”

Space Force
Continued from Page 1A
for almost every aspect of the United States’ GPS ly, the force took applica- on Friday.
American society. satellites, it would affect tions from all across the “I’m sure that in 1947,
“If you’ve ever used an far more than navigation. Department of Defense, those airmen didn’t en-
automatic teller machine, It would affect comput- filling more than 6,000 vision where the Air
that relies upon space,” er systems throughout positions so far. Force is today,” he said.
he said. “The weather, the country and possibly That’s still a “relative- “So I wonder in 73 years
when you pull up on your throw computer timeta- ly small” operation com- where these pioneers of
phone and look at your bles out of sync. pared to other military the Space Force may en-
weather app, it relies on “‘The GPS (system), branches, Graham said. vision us being.”
space. I navigated here we think of it as giving us The Space Force will
today on my phone reliant the ability to navigate, but operate under the Air
on space. Amazon, Face- what it’s really doing is Force’s administration,
book, Apple, all are reli- it’s synchronizing, across answering to the secre-
ant upon space. … Our the world, time,” Graham tary of the Air Force the
prosperity and economic said. “We all work off of same way the Marines
security are increasingly one time reference. And Corps answers to the sec-
reliant on the peaceful use when we don’t work off retary of the Navy.
of space. So our ability to that time reference, or Space Force’s respon-
defend ourselves in space that disappears, our abil- sibility will be to ensure
becomes more and more ity to navigate goes away, the United States has the
important every day.” our ability to use an ATM freedom to interact in
He showed an image goes away. space, to defend satellites
of the earth showing a “I would argue that and other national assets
red cloud of debris orbit- we’ve gotten to the point in space and provide the
ing it — a depiction of the where we are so reliant military with protocols
debris caused when Chi- on computer networks, and options for what to do
na fired a missile at and it may break apart the if those assets are threat-
destroyed one of its own very fabric of our society ened or attacked. It will
satellites. because we’ve lost the require service members
“(They were) testing a capability to do some of with expertise in every-
technology that could de- those things that we now thing from orbital or
stroy satellites,” Graham rely upon computers and electromagnetic warfare
said. “That debris today handheld devices to do,” to cyber operations and
has made that particular he added. “So I would engineering.
orbit almost unusable argue that to lose GPS Graham stressed he is
from all that’s left from is maybe one of the most not an expert in the Space
that one satellite. But it critical things that could Force, but he has done
was an eye opener I think happen, not only from a research and heard Ray-
to us about the technolo- military standpoint but mond speak. He said the SOLUNAR TABLE
gy that was out there and from a whole society Space Force likely won’t The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
a recognition that our standpoint.” affect CAFB — at least Major 6:14a 7:13a
adversaries around the The Space Force was not at first. Minor
world have seen how re- created in December Of course, that doesn’t Minor 11:29p 12:22a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
liant we are as a society 2019, and in May, Gen. mean Space Force won’t of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

and as a military upon Jay Raymond, first chief grow into a massive or-
Moreover, he said, if
China, Russia or another
of Space Operations,
swore in the first class
of 86 Air Force gradu-
ganizational force like
something out of “Star
Trek,” he said. He pointed
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
country obtained the ca- ates going straight to the out the Air Force just cel- Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
pability to destroy one of Space Force. Additional- ebrated its 73rd birthday Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Tell your child a bedtime story. Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip: [email protected]
4A WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Joyce Kellogg James Corder officiat- Banks and Charlene Southern Baptist Hos- In addition to her
OBITUARY POLICY ing. Visitation will be Banks; 1o grand- pital Mather School of
STARKVILLE — parents, she was pre-
Obituaries with basic informa-
Joyce M. Kellogg, 93, from 1-3 p.m. Sunday, children; and five Nursing in New Orle- ceded in death by her
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided died Sept. 22, 2020, at at Lavender’s Funeral great-grandchildren. ans and the University husband, Al Dugard;
free of charge. Extended her residence. Services. Lavender’s of Southern Mississip- siblings, Johnny Coker,
obituaries with a photograph, Graveside services Funeral Services is Joanne Dugard pi. She was formerly
Robert Earl Coker and
detailed biographical informa-
will be at 10 a.m. in charge of arrange- MADISON — Jo- employed as a surgical
tion and other details families ments. nurse with Tupelo Hos- James Donald Coker.
Friday, in Memorial anne Coker Dugard,
may wish to include, are avail- pital. She was a mem- She is survived by
able for a fee. Obituaries must Garden Park Cemetery 83, died Sept. 17, 2020,
Betty McElrath at The Terrace in ber of Highland Colony her daughter, Karen
be submitted through funeral of Starkville. Welch
homes unless the deceased’s Funeral Home of COLUMBUS — Bet- Priceville, Alabama. Baptist Church. Lawler.
body has been donated to Starkville is in charge ty McElrath, 64, died Welch Funeral
of arrangements. Sept. 22, 2020, at her Home of Starkville is
Ollie Edwards
science. If the deceased’s
body was donated to science,
Mrs. Kellogg was residence. in charge of arrange-
the family must provide official
proof of death. Please submit
born to the late N.B. Arrangements are ments.
Graham and Carrie incomplete and will be Mrs. Dugard was Col. Ollie Herbert Edwards
all obituaries on the form pro-
vided by The Commercial Dis- Collier Graham. She announced by Lown- born to the late Na- was born on February 6, 1933, in
patch. Free notices must be was formerly employed des Funeral Home is than and Inez Coker. rural Scott County, Mississippi.
submitted to the newspaper as an accountant. in charge of arrange- She was a graduate of He had fond memories of being
no later than 3 p.m. the day In addition to her ments. a young boy, trudging along
prior for publication Tuesday
parents, she was beside his Grandpa Weems
through Friday; no later than 4 behind a plow and mule in
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
preceded in death by Danny Banks Forest. He grew up in West
edition; and no later than 7:30 her husband, Thomas WEST POINT —
F. Kellogg; five sisters; Point, Mississippi, graduating
a.m. for the Monday edition. Danny W. Banks, 67,
Incomplete notices must be re- and two brothers. from West Point High School in
died Sept. 15, 2020, in
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. She is survived by 1951 in a class of 43 members, most of whom he
for the Monday through Friday her son, Richard Quinn remained in touch throughout his life, including
Graveside services
editions. Paid notices must be
McKee of Starkville; attending class reunions frequently. He attended
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion are at 11 a.m. today, in
and three grandchil- the University of Mississippi for two years in
the next day Monday through Greenwood Cemetery, pharmacy school before becoming a cadet at
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 dren. with the Rev. Freddie Lackland AFB, San Antonio. After training
p.m. for Sunday and Monday A. Longstreet officiat- in electronic warfare at Biloxi AFB where he
publication. For more informa- Fannie Harris ing. Visitation is from
tion, call 662-328-2471. COLUMBUS — Fan- 10:30-11 a.m. prior to Ed Edmonson was commissioned, he was assigned to Little
Graveside Services: Rock AFB, just under construction. He was the
nie L. Harris, 73, died services at the ceme- Friday, Sept. 25 • 1 PM
first 2nd lieutenant on base where he served in
Sylvia Beasley Sept. 14, tery. Carter’s Mortuary Friendship Cemetery
2nd Ave N. location multiple positions. As the new base expanded,
ABERDEEN — Syl- 2020. Services of West Point
Lee- he became a crew member on a B-47. During his
via Brown Beasley, 84, is in charge of arrange- Donnie Parker 24 year military career, his favorite assignment
died Sept. 22, 2020, at Sykes ments. Incomplete
Funeral was the Strategic Air Command at Columbus
Monroe Regional Hos- Mr. Banks was College St. Location
Air Force Base in Columbus, MS. He served as
pital of Aberdeen. Home of born April 9, 1953, in electronic warfare officer on B-52s for six years.
Services will be Colum- West Point, to the late Shirley McDill During the Cold War with Russia, he found a
at 11 a.m. Friday, at bus is in Emmett Banks Sr. and Incomplete
charge of Harris 2nd Ave N. location lasting camaraderie with his peers, flying 24 hour
Tisdale-Lann Memorial Ida Pearl Bradshaw chrome dome missions and spending days and
Chapel, with the Rev. arrange- Banks. He was former-
ments. nights in the alert shack. He delighted in telling
Mary Hutson officiat- ly employed as a city the story of the midnight adventure of ejecting
ing. Burial will follow Mrs. Harris was employee.
born Sept. 15, 1946, to from an out-of-control B-52, along with all crew
in Oddfellows Rest He is survived by his members except the pilots who were able to get
Cemetery. Visitation the late Ozzie Moody children, Diallo Banks,
Blewett and Ezell. She control and land on base. Ironically, this ejection
will be from 9:30-11 Terrence Banks, Erika happened about 25 miles from his hometown and,
a.m. prior to services was formerly employed Dobbs and Latricia
with Cook Elementary. much to his chagrin, his midnight adventure was
at the funeral home. Banks; siblings, Curtis headline news in the daily paper the next day.
Tisdale-Lann Memo- In addition to her
Col. Edwards was stationed at Takhli AFB

Ed Edmonson
rial Funeral Home of parents, she was pre-
in Thailand during the Vietnam War where
Aberdeen is in charge ceded in death by her
he was a crew member on EB66s, flying 123
of arrangements. siblings, John Blewett
Robert Lawrence “Ed” Edmonson, age 78, combat missions. He then served two tours
Mrs. Beasley was Jr. and Annie Kate
passed away peacefully on Tuesday September at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio,
born Dec. 31, 1935, in Blewett.
22, 2020, at his residence in Columbus. working in electronic warfare research and
Aberdeen, to the late She is survived by
A graveside service will be held Friday development divisions, ending his career with
Dr. James A. Brown her daughter, Rosetta
September 25, 2020, at 1:00 PM at Friendship the assignment as Chief of the Avionics Research
and Arlene Nelson Harris of Memphis,
Cemetery, with Rev. Anne Russell Bradley and Development Lab.
Brown. She was former- Tennessee.
officiating. During his military career, Col. Edwards
ly employed as a legal logged approximately 4300 flight hours and
secretary and law clerk Edward Deal Mr. Edmonson, born in Columbus on August
29, 1942, was the only son of the late Robert received numerous medals, including the
in the Federal Court COLUMBUS — Ed- Legion of Merit, a Distinguished Flying Cross,
System. She was a ward James “Ed” Deal, Lawrence Edmonson Sr. and the late Wilda
Frances McGahey Harrison. He is survived and seven Air Medals. He retired on March 31,
member of First United 88, died Sept. 22, 2020, 1977. During his military service, he received a
Methodist Church. at his residence. by his loving wife, Theresa Gore Edmonson,
of 58 blessed years of marriage; his half-sister, Bachelor of Science degree in Math and a Master
In addition to her Arrangements are of Science in Mechanical Engineering, both from
incomplete and will be Lillian Gayle Edmonson of Houston, Texas;
parents, she was Auburn University.
announced by Carter’s his daughter, Robbie Edmonson Upton (Tim);
preceded in death by After retiring from the Air Force, the Edwards
Funeral Services of his son, Randall Arthur Edmonson; and five
her husband, Marvin family returned to Auburn where Col. Edwards
Columbus. grandchildren, Sanders Lawrence Edmonson,
Ford Beasley; and son, flew for Auburn University, was an instructor pilot
Samuel Paje Edmonson, Robert Colby Upton,
Tommy Beasley. and an assistant professor for Auburn’s School
Timothy Cayden Upton and Arthur Cale Upton.
She is survived by Mary Wilder He is preceded by his half-brother George Larry of Aviation, retiring from AU in 1993. Then, he
her children, Larry ALICEVILLE, Ala. earned two degrees from Alabama Aviation
Ford Beasley of Ab- — Mary Virginia Wild- College to become a certified airplane mechanic
Mr. Edmonson attended Demonstration
erdeen and Charles er, 92, died Sept. 21, to work on his Cessna 210. He continued to
school, Lee High School and the University
Nelson “Chuck” Bea- 2020, at her residence. serve as a consultant with the University
of Mississippi. Being a natural athlete, Mr.
sley of North Tonawa- A graveside home Aviation Association and FAA helping American
Edmonson enjoyed many sports including
nda, New York; seven going will be at 11 football, basketball, bowling, swimming, racquet universities develop their aviation programs. In
grandchildren; and six a.m. Monday, in New ball and tennis. During his tennis career, Mr. addition to cheering on Auburn’s sports teams,
great-grandchildren. Cemetery, with Johnny Edmonson and his doubles partner, George especially baseball and football, Col. Edwards’
“Juddie” Boyd, were ranked #1 in Mississippi 11 passions were always flying and hiking. Helping

Grafton Trull times between 1984 and 1996. They won on many others learn to fly was a highlight for him. In
occasions together over the years including 7 addition to his private pilot’s license, he also held
Senior Invitational Tournaments. Mr. Edmonson both instructor and commercial pilot’s licenses,
Grafton D. Trull, 83, of and his partner were both later inducted, as the and logged approximately 5500 flight hours
Kennedy, AL passed away on first doubles team, into the Mississippi Tennis in those areas. He was also an avid hiker and
Monday, September 21, 2020, Hall of Fame on January 5, 2007. added to his life-story by hiking approximately
at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Also an avid outdoorsman, Mr. Edmonson 175 miles on the Appalachian Trail and hiking all
Columbus, MS surrounded by excelled in his hunting skills and dog training. the trails at Roosevelt State Park, GA, numerous
his family. He was particularly partial to squirrel hunting, times. He said he felt closest to God when he was
He was born on June 6, because he loved to watch his dogs hunt. He flying among clouds in the sky or hiking in the
1937, in Kennedy, Alabama, to trained many squirrel dogs and was one of the deep woods.
Gray and Effie May (Godfrey) first hunters in the United States to own and Col. Edwards was a man of deep faith and
Trull. Funeral services will integrate Russian sleigh dogs, known as the West enjoyed his membership at Auburn United
be Thursday, September 24, 2020, at 2:00 PM Siberian Laika, into squirrel hunters due to their Methodist Church. He was active in the Lacy-
at Dowdle Funeral Home in Millport, Alabama, heightened sense of smell. Mr. Edmonson won McGehee Sunday School class, a men’s Bible
with Bro. Ronnie Elmore and Bro. Raymond countless hunting competitions, was a member of Study group, and Harvesters. He will be
Spann officiating. Visitation will be one hour the National Cur and Feist Breeders Association remembered by family, friends, and students for
prior to the service in the chapel. Interment and was once featured in Full Cry magazine for his sharp wit, love of telling jokes, and his affinity
will be at Meadow Branch Cemetery under the his unrivaled success. for perfection and punctuality.
direction of Dowdle Funeral Home. During his career, Mr. Edmonson, at age 14, June 18, 1955, Col. Edwards married his West
Grafton served his country in the U.S. Air started working at the license-tag plant operated Point sweetheart, Virginia Mitchell. After East
Force from 1954-1958. He worked at Omnova by Columbus Marble Works and owned by his AL Medical Center helped them celebrate their
in Columbus, MS., retiring after 32 years. He grandfather, Thomas Arthur McGahey. After 65 th anniversary while both were patients with
enjoyed fishing, gardening and being outdoors. college he continued work at the Columbus Covid-19, Col. Edwards died on Father’s Day,
Grafton loved his family and spending time with Marble Works and owned several businesses in June 21. He leaves behind Virginia, his loving
them. He had many nieces, nephews, extended Alabama and Mississippi, including the Pinsetter wife of 65 years; three children, Sherry Edwards,
family and church family. Bowling Lanes in Columbus. He went on to Gary Edwards (Anna) and Candy Avera (Dave);
He is survived by his wife, Gynda Trull; become the president of the Columbus Marble five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a
son, Tim Trull (Bernadette); daughters, Anita Works and the company is still owned and brother, Bobby Edwards (Brenda) of West Point,
Aldridge (Ray), Angie French (Mark) and Lisa operated by his family today. MS; many nieces and nephews; and his beloved
Aldridge; brothers, Bill Trull (Rita) and Bob Throughout his life, Mr. Edmonson had cat, Hallie.
Trull (Rita); and sister, Margaret Hodges. many endeavors and hobbies, but none could He was preceded in death by his parents, Ollie
He is also survived by grandsons, Aaron be compared to his greatest interest which was and Eloise Edwards; and two sisters, Carolyn
Aldridge, Daniel Aldridge, Caleb Aldridge, his grandchildren. There was never a moment Edwards Smith and Joyce Edwards Lynch.
Jordan Aldridge, Jacob French, Tyler French, where he was not actively present in all of his Graveside services will be held Friday
Trey Aldridge, Alan Aldridge and Austyn Trull; grandchildren’s lives and he would not have it morning, September 25th at 10:00 AM, at Auburn
and granddaughter, Alex Trull. He also had six any other way. There are no words to describe Memorial Park Cemetery, Auburn, AL. He will
great-grandchildren. the love and devotion Mr. Edmonson had for his be buried with full military honors. A time of
He is preceded in death by his parents; family and he will always be a part of them. visitation with family will be held following the
brother, Banks Trull; sister, Ethel Vann; and funeral. Due to the concerns of Covid-19, the
infant daughter, Tina Michelle Trull. family requests masks be worn.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations To honor Col. Edwards, please send any
are made in memory of Grafton D. Trull to memorial gifts to the Wounded Warrior Project,
Baptist Cancer Foundation - GT, 345 Baptist Blvd. St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, or a charity of your
Sign the online guest book at
Columbus, MS 39702, Attention: Luke Johnson.
Paid Obituary - Dowdle Funeral Home 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS Paid Obituary - Jeffcoat-Trant Funeral Home
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 5A

Thousands expected to honor

Ginsburg at Supreme Court
On Friday, Ginsburg will lie in state at the Capitol, Donald Trump would visit the court
before he leaves town Wednesday
the first woman to do so and only the second afternoon, though he did pay re-
spects when Justice John Paul Ste-
Supreme Court justice after William Howard Taft vens died last year and President
Barack Obama visited the court
BY MARK SHERMAN Hall, her casket will be moved out- after Justice Antonin Scalia’s death
The Associated Press side the building to the top of the in 2016.
court’s front steps so that public The entrance to the courtroom,
WA S H I N G T O N mourners can pay their respects in along with Ginsburg’s chair and
— Thousands of peo- line with public health guidance for place on the bench next to Rob-
ple are expected to the pandemic. erts, have been draped in black, a
pay their respects at Since her death Friday evening, longstanding court custom. These
the Supreme Court to people have been leaving flowers, visual signs of mourning, which
the late Justice Ruth notes, placards and all manner of
Bader Ginsburg, in years past have reinforced the
Ginsburg paraphernalia outside the sense of loss, will largely go unseen
the women’s rights court in tribute to the woman who
champion, leader of Ginsburg this year. The court begins its new
became known in her final years as term Oct. 5, but the justices will not
the court’s liberal bloc and feminist the “Notorious RBG.” Court work-
icon who died last week. be in the courtroom and instead
ers cleared away the items and
Even with the court closed to the will hear arguments by phone.
cleaned the court plaza and side-
public because of the coronavirus After the private ceremony in-
walk in advance of Wednesday’s
pandemic and Washington already side the court, Ginsburg’s casket
consumed with talk of Ginsburg’s will be on public view from 11 a.m.
Following past practice at the
replacement, the justice’s former to 10 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to
tradition-laden court, Ginsburg’s
colleagues, family, close friends casket is expected to arrive just 10 p.m. Thursday.
and the public will have the chance before 9:30 a.m. EDT Wednesday, On Friday, Ginsburg will lie in
Wednesday and Thursday to pass the court said. Supreme Court po- state at the Capitol, the first wom-
by the casket of the second woman lice will carry it up the court steps, an to do so and only the second Su-
to serve on the Supreme Court. which will be lined former Gins- preme Court justice after William
The sad occasion is expected to burg law clerks serving as honor- Howard Taft. Taft had also been
bring together the remaining eight ary pallbearers. president. Rosa Parks, a private
justices for the first time since the Chief Justice John Roberts and citizen as opposed to a government
building was closed in March and the other justices will be in the official, is the only woman who has
they resorted to meetings by tele- Great Hall when the casket ar- lain in honor at the Capitol.
phone. rives and is placed on the Lincoln Ginsburg will be buried beside
Ginsburg will lie in repose for Catafalque, the platform on which her husband, Martin, in a private
two days at the court where she President Abraham Lincoln’s cof- ceremony at Arlington National
served for 27 years and, before that, fin rested in the Capitol rotunda in Cemetery next week. Martin Gins-
argued six cases for gender equali- 1865. A 2016 portrait of Ginsburg burg died in 2010. She is survived
ty in the 1970s. by artist Constance P. Beaty will be by a son and a daughter, four grand-
Following a private ceremony displayed nearby. children, two step-grandchildren
Wednesday in the court’s Great It’s unclear whether President and a great-grandchild.

200,000 dead as Trump vilifies science, prioritizes politics

BY JASON DEAREN safety of the process, his control to bolster his po- was ineffective. Still, he
The Associated Press insistence that one would litical position in his cam- gives himself high marks
be ready before the elec- paign against Democrat on his handling the pan-
NEW YORK — “I did tion is stoking mistrust in Joe Biden. demic — except for bad
the best I could,” Presi- the very breakthrough he In hindsight, Trump messaging.
dent Donald Trump said. hopes will help his reelec- “On public relations I
says, there’s nothing he
Huddled with aides tion. give myself a D,” he told
would have done differ-
in the West Wing last Today, he is pushing Fox this week. “On the job
ently, citing his early
week, his eyes fixed on hard for a resumption of itself we take an A-plus.”
move to restrict travel
Fox News, Trump wasn’t normal activity and trying from China — a move that
talking about how he had to project strength and
led the nation through the data and records show
deadliest pandemic in a
century. In a conversation
overheard by an Associat-
ed Press reporter, Trump
was describing how he’d
just publicly rebuked one
of his top scientists — Dr.
Robert Redfield, a virolo-
gist and head of the U.S.
Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention.
Redfield had angered
the president by asserting
that a COVID-19 vaccine
wouldn’t be widely avail-
able until late 2021. So
hours later, with no sup-
porting evidence, Trump
called a news conference
to say Redfield was “con-
fused.” A vaccine, Trump
insisted, could be ready
before November’s elec-
Mission accomplished:
Fox was headlining
Trump’s latest foray in his
administration’s ongoing
war against its own scien-
It is a war that contin-
ues unabated, even as the
nation’s COVID-19 death
toll has reached 200,000
— nearly half the number
of Americans killed in
World War II, a once un-
fathomable number that
the nation’s top doctors
just months ago said was
Over the past six
months, the Trump ad-
ministration has priori-
tized politics over science
at key moments, refusing
to follow expert advice
that might have con-
tained the spread of the
virus and COVID-19, the
disease it causes. Trump
and his people have rou-
tinely dismissed experts’
assessments of the grav-
ity of the pandemic, and
of the measures needed
to bring it under control.
They have tried to muz-
zle scientists who dispute
the administration’s rosy
While there is no indi-
cation that Trump’s des-
peration for a vaccine has
affected the science or
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Can we still be a country?
ltimately, it any honest observ- same McConnell who denied court — increasing the num- rules the other side ignores?
comes down er. But the events Obama’s choice the courtesy of ber of justices to 11 to enable If two teams cannot agree
to a set of of the last few days a hearing, now rush to install a presumed President Biden on the rules, they cannot play
rules. offer vivid evidence a Donald Trump nominee. to craft the liberal majority the game. Similarly, if Repub-
Meaning norms, of just how deep the Again, the hypocrisy does not Republicans have connived to licans and Democrats cannot
practices, guide- rot extends. surprise. But the brazenness of forestall. agree to be bound by the same
lines — some Republicans it, the absence of even a fig leaf Granted, equally serious principles and norms, they
written as law, some like Senate Major- of principle, the plain contempt people have warned that this cannot effectively govern a
just respected as ity Leader Mitch it embodies, is breathtaking is an arduous and unlikely country. Or even be a country.
customs — to which McConnell, South nevertheless. course, but to focus on the That’s the threat this behavior
we all adhere, even Carolina Sen. Once again, the political difficulty is to miss the point. poses.
when that gives Lindsey Graham party whose views on hot-but- Which is that angry Democrats It is yet another reason it’s
advantage to those Leonard Pitts and Florida Sen. ton social issues like guns and now seem ready to abandon the imperative the Republicans be
with whom we dis- Marco Rubio, you reproductive rights are shared rules — starting with the one not just defeated, but emphat-
agree. It’s a covenant pluralistic will recall, gnashed their teeth by a minority of the elector- that says packing the court is ically crushed in November. It
self-government demands. and rent their garments in ate seeks to win power over an abuse of power that ulti- can’t be close. It has to be a po-
And it’s one America is in the 2016 when President Obama the majority in the only way mately undermines its legitima- litical massacre, leaving abso-
process of shredding — as put forth a nominee to replace it can. By lying. By cheating. cy. Franklin Roosevelt’s failed lutely no doubt America rejects
seen anew in the Republican conservative icon Antonin Sca- By breaking the rules. In this attempt to do so is the excep- what these people stand for.
Party’s response to the death lia on the top court. Too close case, the unwritten rule of tion that, well, proves the rule. Until and unless that happens,
of Supreme Court Justice Ruth to the election, they said. Let simple fairness. Still, one can hardly blame it is an open question whether
Bader Ginsburg. the people decide, they said. This time, though, their the Democrats. Having we can still be a country.
Understand: that response It was then eight months until shamelessness has ignited watched the GOP snub the And indeed, whether we
tells us nothing about the Election Day. visceral fury. Ginsburg’s death emoluments clause, ignore the should.
GOP we did not already know. Four years later, the liberal has led to a record-breaking extortion of a foreign govern- Leonard Pitts Jr., winner
That it is one part thugocracy, icon Ginsburg dies just 46 spike in donations to liberal ment, brush aside the Hatch of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for
one part kleptocracy, and all days short of the election and groups and candidates. And Act and now, conspire to steal commentary, is a columnist for
hypocrisy unencumbered by the same people who thought serious people are talking the court, who can be shocked the Miami Herald. Email him at
principle has long been clear to eight months was too close, the seriously about packing the they refuse to be bound by [email protected].


Voice of
the people
Believes more than Section 230
amendment is needed
Sen. Wicker says he wants to amend
Section 230 because social media ma-
jor platforms are being biased against
The Facebook that I glance at
occasionally is 99.9 percent in favor of
right wing users, with over 50 percent
downright silly, but nationwide, they
claim right wing users are 4 to 1 over
left wing users.
Mr. Emmerich’s column on the pro-
posed amendment puts a lot of empha-
sis on riots that are caused by section
230, and of course most people would
probably think of the ones happening
now. We know what caused them.
The biggest riots, I think, are the
Watts riots in Calif. over 50 years ago,
when we had no social media compa-
Trump uses Twitter more than a lot
and he lies a lot, and that’s the reason
for the bill.
Twitter fact checked him on some
tweets about glorifying violence
and that children are immune from
All the social media companies have
made it clear that they will not tolerate
misinformation on the global pandem-
So Trump issues an executive order
demanding they can’t do that to him,
but an executive order won’t do it, it’s
has to be a “bill.”
The bill that is really needed is one
to hold Trump and his inner circle ac-
countable for their many lies they keep
telling the people. But, no doubt, Biden
will be the author of that bill.
Sen. Wicker and Mr. Emmerich, if
I’m wrong about the bill, I stand to be
corrected. How about you two?
In April, the USPS was set to deliver
5 face coverings to every household
in America, but was canceled by the
White House for fear of creating panic.
Better late than never, I suppose.
At a rally in Dayton, Ohio Monday
night, Trump assured his admirers
that the coronavirus isn’t really that
bad, noting it only kills elderly people
and people with other health problems,
adding it affects virtually nobody.
On January 28, Trump was warned
that the virus would be the biggest na-
tional security threat in his presidency.
Bob Woodward, in yet another book
coming out about Trump, says Trump
has lost his way, not just as president,
but as a human being trying to assess
what’s real and what’s unreal.
James Hodges

A letter to the editor is an excellent

way to participate in your community.
We request the tone of your letters be con-
structive and respectful and the length
be limited to 450 words. We reserve the
right to edit letters for clarity, grammar
and length. While commentary on na-
tional issues is always welcome, we limit
candidate endorsements to one per let-
ter-writer. We welcome all letters emailed
to [email protected] or mailed to The
Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO
Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 7A

House easily passes stopgap

funding bill, averting shutdown
Agreement gives the administration continued In return, Pelosi won COVID-re-
lated food aid for the poor, including
immediate authority to dole out Ag Department an extension of a higher food bene-
fit for families whose children are
subsidies in the run-up to Election Day unable to receive free or reduced
lunches because schools are closed
BY ANDREW TAYLOR authority to dole out Agriculture over the coronavirus. Another add-
The Associated Press Department subsidies in the run- on would permit states to remove
up to Election Day. House Speaker hurdles to food stamps and nutri-
WASHINGTON — In a sweep-
Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., retreated tion aid to low-income mothers that
ing bipartisan vote that takes a
from an initial draft that sparked a are more difficult to clear during
government shutdown off the table,
furor with Republicans and farm- the pandemic.
the House passed a temporary gov-
state Democrats, who said she was The deal permitted the measure
ernment-wide funding bill Tuesday
night, shortly after President Don- interfering with the routine imple- to speed through the House after
ald Trump prevailed in a behind- mentation of the rural safety net as a swift debate that should ensure
the-scenes fight over his farm bail- low crop prices and Trump’s own smooth sailing in the GOP-held
out. tariffs slam farm country. Senate before next Wednesday’s
The stopgap measure will keep “It’s a big deal. This is cash flow deadline. There’s no appetite on
federal agencies fully up and run- to mom and pop businesses all over either side for a government shut-
ning into December, giving lame- rural America,” said Texas Rep. Mi- down.
duck lawmakers time to digest the chael Conaway, top Republican on On Monday, Democrats released
election and decide whether to pass the House Agriculture Committee. a version of the stopgap measure
the annual government funding “They get them every year in Octo- that did not contain the farm bailout
bills by then or kick them to the ber. They come like clockwork.” provision, enraging Republicans
next administration. The budget In talks Tuesday, Pelosi restored and putting passage of the measure
year ends Sept. 30. a farm aid funding patch sought in doubt. It became apparent that
The 359-57 vote came after by the administration, which has Pelosi did not have the votes to pass
considerable behind-the-scenes sparked the ire of Democrats who it — Senate Majority Leader Mitch
battling over proposed add-ons. said it plays political favorites as it McConnell, R-Ky., dismissed it as a
The final agreement gives the ad- gives out bailout money to farmers “rough draft” — and negotiations
ministration continued immediate and ranchers. continued.

AP-NORC poll: Views of economy stabilize as election nears

About 4 in 10 Americans — 43 to improve in the next
year, about the same as in
President Donald
Trump is seeking reelec-
percent — say they expect the July. But just 28 percent
said they expect things
tion against Democrat
Joe Biden with stock mar-
economy to improve in the next year to get even worse, a slight ket gains as a rallying
improvement from the cry. The unemployment
BY JOSH BOAK Public Affairs Research, 35 percent who said so rate has improved, but
AND EMILY SWANSON 60 percent of Americans in July and a significant remains high at 8.4 per-
The Associated Press describe the national improvement from May, cent, and lawmakers have
economy as poor and 40 when 40 percent expected failed to agree on addi-
WASHINGTON — percent deem it good. things to continue getting tional aid for Americans
Most Americans view the That’s a rebound in con- worse. This month, 27 suffering financially due
nation’s economic situa- fidence from low points percent expect no change to the pandemic.
tion as bleak, but a rising in April and May, when in economic conditions in Meanwhile, the con-
percentage also see signs just 29 percent called the next year. tinued toll from the virus
of stability six weeks be- the economy good as the That relative hopeful- — including the loss of
fore Election Day — if not coronavirus pandemic ness may say more about schooling and revenue
reasons for optimism. took hold of the country. the nation’s politics than shortfalls for state and
According to a new About 4 in 10 Ameri- the underlying health of local governments —
poll from The Associated cans — 43 percent — say the world’s largest econ- threatens the prospect for
Press-NORC Center for they expect the economy omy. a wider recovery.
8A WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
had made it to a runoff. cial totals, and Yates gar- and Montgomery coun- us to do,” Williams said. said. “I can’t wait to meet
“About 30 minutes ago, I nered 2,442 votes (27.9 ties. Miller outpaced Yates more people and talk to
thought it was a given that percent). Williams, owner of by a slim 15 votes in more people.”
Lynn Wright was going Miller earned 2,154 Security Solutions Inc., Montgomery County, 150 The four candi-
to win outright. I’ve got votes (24.6 percent), received 1,448 votes in to 135, or 34.6 to 31.8 per- dates raised more than
some work to do, but to according to unofficial Oktibbeha County while cent, but Yates secured $156,000 combined for
force a runoff with some- totals. Business owner Miller received 1,350, 1,282 votes (48.6 percent) their campaigns, accord-
one of Lynn’s background Levon Murphy Jr. of Ack- Yates received 554 and in her native Webster ing to previous Dispatch
and name recognition, I Williams Yates
erman placed fourth with Murphy received 522. County, compared to Wil- reporting. Miller, who
feel honored. I really do.” race would head to a run- 1,214 votes (13.9 per- Williams told The Dis- liams’ 804 votes (30.5 per- raised the most money
The winner of the run- off, with Williams as one cent). patch he was “very happy, cent), Miller’s 400 (15.2 for her campaign with
off will fill the unexpired of the two candidates. It is unclear exactly ecstatic and honored” to percent) and Murphy’s $65,140, told The Dis-
term of Gary Chism (a The results for second how many affidavits for have qualified for the run- 149 (5.7) percent. patch she appreciated
distant cousin to David), place were not certain the district are still to be off. He plans to campaign Yates is the former the support she received
who retired in June after until the entire district’s processed Wednesday, for the runoff in areas of director of the Health throughout the cam-
21 years in the House. votes were counted. Yates but it will not be enough the district where he saw Promotion and Wellness paign.
The term runs through narrowly led Oktibbeha to change the outcome. less support, he said. Program for students at “Even though this is
2023. County Supervisor Brick- The candidates are “We’ll start breaking Mississippi State Uni- not the outcome we want-
lee Miller with three of running to replace Gary down the precincts to see versity. She said she was ed, I am blessed to have
Close race for second the district’s counties Jackson, of French Camp, where we feel we might “overwhelmed, grateful had this opportunity, and
in District 15 counted, before Choctaw who retired from the Sen- have done better, and and overjoyed” to have I look forward to continu-
It was clear soon af- County’s tallies secured ate earlier this year due we’ll go out and start at- another chance to cam- ing to serve the people of
ter Oktibbeha County her spot in the runoff. to health reasons. tacking those areas, try- paign for the Senate seat. Oktibbeha County,” Mill-
announced its vote totals Williams hauled in The Senate district ing to get our message “I’m speechless,” she er said.
Tuesday that the District 2,942 votes (33.6 per- includes parts of Oktib- out and seeing what the
15 Mississippi Senate cent), according to unoffi- beha, Webster, Choctaw people of District 15 want

Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff

Kaye Truitt casts her ballot in Tuesday’s special elec- Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
tion at New Hope Community Center. Despite safety Among the new features designed to protect against
precautions put in place due to COVID-19, Truitt said COVID-19, election officials at New Hope Community
she would much prefer to vote absentee and fears that Center handed out pens that can be used as a stylus
the anticipated heavy turnout for the Nov. 3 election to cast their votes instead of having voters use the
will compromise safety efforts and put people at risk. stylus attached to the voting machines.

Continued from Page 1A
Truitt disagreed. like a good turnout for 12
“I think it’s ridiculous o’clock.”
that we have to come Safety precautions also
here, given the current included bottles of hand
situation,” Truitt said. “I sanitizer throughout the
would have preferred the room, plexiglass shields
opportunity to vote absen- between poll workers and
tee, either in person or by voters and signs at the
mail, but I don’t meet the doors encouraging voters
requirements. I wish we to wear protective face
had that opportunity. coverings.
“I know (election offi- “It’s good that we’re
cials) are doing what they having this special elec-
can,” she added. “This tion because it gives us
wasn’t a highly-publicized a chance to exercise the
election. If it’s like this in new procedures,” said Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
November when we know Laroy Rushing, a poll Mary McCoy, left, adds her name to the list of voters
there’s going to be a big worker at the National at the National Guard Armory on Highway 12 while poll
workers Darlene Fisher and Laroy Rushing supervise.
turnout, it’s going to be Guard Armory on High- Southwestern Starkville and Oktibbeha County chose
horrendous.” way 12. the successor to retired State Sen. Gary Jackson,
The safety precautions Ellis said the safety R-French Camp, in Tuesday’s special election.
found in New Hope were measures in place made
common at polling loca- him feel like he could vote
tions across Oktibbeha without putting his health
County as well. at risk, and awareness of
Polling places in south- those safety measures
western Starkville and could affect turnout in
rural Oktibbeha Coun- November.
ty, where citizens cast “If you put it out there
their ballots in the state that it’s safe to (vote),
Senate District 15 spe- that’s going to make it a
cial election, provided lot easier,” Ellis said.
Q-tips instead of styluses The polling places
for the voting machines. will likely have twice as
Election officials there many voting stations and
also put tape on the floor poll workers in order to
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
to mark six feet between move people in and out Diane Wall, left, and Renee Ellis, second from right,
people waiting in line of the polling place more vote at the Starkville Sportsplex in Tuesday’s special
to vote, which came in quickly, District 1 Elec- election for state Senate District 15. Ellis’ husband Get promoted? Win an award?
handy around noon at tion Commissioner Greg Tyrone, right, said the safety precautions such as Send us your business brief.
the Starkville Sportsplex Fulgham said.
[email protected] subject: Business brief
protective face coverings, social distancing in lines and
when one of the lines Turnout on Tuesday several bottles of hand sanitizer made him feel safe
stretched halfway across appeared “slow, but de- voting and likely will in November as well.
the basketball court. cent for a special election”
Tyrone Ellis, a former by 1 p.m., Fulgham said. in November.
state representative, said Mary McCoy said she “With the larger num-
he was the 292nd voter felt comfortable voting in bers of voters, I’m going
in that line since the polls person on Tuesday, but to be casting an absentee
opened, and “it seemed she plans to vote absentee ballot,” McCoy said.

Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff

A sign on the door of the National Guard Armory on Highway 12 in Starkville encour-
ages voters to wear protective face coverings to curb the spread of COVID-19 during
Tuesday’s special election for state Senate District 15. Poll workers cannot require
voters to wear masks or implement any other rules that restrict the ability to vote,
poll worker Laroy Rushing said.


Photo courtesy of Mississippi State Athletics

Mississippi State will have its hands full when it attempts to upset No. 6 LSU on the road at 2:30 p.m. Saturday.

BY BEN PORTNOY Tigers take the field on at 2:30 Most notably, it will be forts, but the Tigers should still fense is not where he wants it
[email protected] p.m. on CBS. Brennan, a Mississippi na- air things out plenty Saturday to be. With starters like Lon-
tive, tasked with overhauling in an offense that must replace dyn Craft and Esaias Furdge at
someway, game week has ar-
Myles Brennan vs. Mississip- an LSU offense that lost a two starting receivers and a strong safety and cornerback,
Heisman winner in Burrow and tight end. respectively, that’s likely to re-
rived for Mississippi State. pi State secondary passing game coordinator Joe Enter MSU’s secondary. main the case for the time be-
Myles Brennan better tie
Following an offseason that Brady, now with the Carolina Of the 23 players listed on the ing.
his football belt tight should he
felt as long as my 24 years on Panthers. Bulldogs’ defensive two-deep That said, playmaking will
hope to avoid a Joe Burrow-es-
earth, MSU is finally set to que mooning at the hands of the A season ago, Burrow fin- Monday, 12 were freshman or likely fall on sophomore corner-
play football against defend- MSU defensive line. I digress, ished second in the nation in sophomores. That issue is mag- back Martin Emerson and ju-
ing national champion and No. but this is a new year for LSU passing yards behind only nified in the secondary, where nior safety and West Point prod-
6-ranked LSU in Baton Rouge and one that saw 14 players Washington State quarterback seven underclassmen appear. uct Marcus Murphy, among
on Saturday. With that, here’s a from last season’s national title Anthony Gordon. Brennan like- MSU defensive coordinator others. More vocal than he was
look at the prime matchups to team selected in the 2019 NFL ly won’t be expected to equal or Zach Arnett has been frank a season ago, Emerson has no-
watch when the Bulldogs and draft. surpass Burrow’s herculean ef- throughout camp that his de- See MSU, 3B

Heritage Academy girls soccer doesn’t let up against Laurel West Point up to third overall
in new Mississippi football poll
[email protected] [email protected] points for a first-place
vote, nine for a sec-
As soon as eighth The West Point foot- ond-place vote, and so on.
grader Caroline Peal ball team is moving up in
West Point earned six
opened the scoring for the rankings.
the Heritage Academy of nine first-place votes,
The Green Wave (2-
girls soccer team in Tues- including The Dispatch’s
1) jumped a spot to third
day’s home match against vote, in MHSAA Class 5A
place overall in the state
Laurel HomeSchool, Pa- and held onto its ranking
in Tuesday’s new Asso-
triots coach Tom Velek ciated Press Mississippi as the top team in the
delivered an important high school football poll, class. West Jones (3-0)
reminder. trailing only Starkville earned two first-place
“Do not come off the (3-0) and South Panola votes, and Picayune (3-
gas!” Velek shouted from (3-0). 0) received one. Nesho-
the Heritage Academy Nine Mississippi me- ba Central (3-0) ranked
bench. dia outlets, including The third in Class 5A.
The Patriots listened. Commercial Dispatch, The Green Wave will
Freshman Chloe Boyd Garrick Hodge/Dispatch Staff were polled on the top host Lafayette (2-1),
scored six minutes later Heritage Academy’s Chloe Boyd (24) moves the ball away from a Laurel attacker as five teams in each class which was ranked fifth
See SOCCER, 3B teammate Hanna Hardy, back, maintains a defensive position. and the top 10 overall. See POLLS, 3B
2B WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Ozuna, Braves beat Miami, clinch 3rd straight NL East title

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS become an MVP candi- “We’ve been grinding this celebration, due to social
date. He pushed his bat- year and we’re going to distancing rules in the
ATLANTA — After ting average to .347. grind again.” pandemic. He said Major
clinching their third After Jorge Alfaro’s Miami remained in po- League Baseball “pretty
straight NL East title, the game-ending lineout to sition to earn its first play- much restricted all that”
Atlanta Braves set their Freeman, Braves players off berth since winning due to space constraints
sights on ended a much hugged on the field and the 2003 World Series.
longer streak. in the clubhouse.
exchanged high-fives in “We’ve got to keep fo-
After losses in 10 “I think we go in and
the dugout. Players wore cused and keep our heads
straight postseason ap- up all the time,” said José air high-five to every-
“Respect Atlanta” T-shirts
pearances, the Braves Ureña, (0-3), who allowed body,” Snitker said.
and posed for photos on
are desperate to end the the field with the 2020 four runs in six innings.
“If you ask me, it’s
banner. Ozuna hit a first-inning Wilson’s surprise
From the visitor’s dug- homer, Ozzie Albies hom- It was an unexpected
World Series or nothing,” out, Marlins manager ered in the second, and showing by Wilson, the
said Ronald Acuña Jr. said Don Mattingly watched Ozuna added a two-run 22-year-old right-hander.
through a translator after double in the fifth and
the low-key celebration He had a 7.04 ERA in four
Atlanta clinched the divi- drove in Freeman with a
with respect. relief outings and had
sion title by beating the 450-foot homer to center
“They’ve been prob- been at the team’s alter-
Miami Marlins 11-1 on field in the eighth.
ably the class of the di- nate training site until
Tuesday night. Starling Marte led off
vision over the last few Monday. He had not start-
Bryse Wilson pitched the sixth with a homer off
years,” Mattingly said.
five scoreless innings, Josh Tomlin. ed since July 16 last year
and Marcell Ozuna drove “They’re the gold stan-
at Milwaukee.
in five runs with four hits dard. They’re the guys
you have to go after.” Trainer’s room “Bryse was awesome,”
that included two home Snitker said. “That was
runs. Wilson (1-0) allowed Marlins: INF Sean
three hits and one walk, Rodriguez, who was des- a big start for Bryse. He
Atlanta hit five hom- hadn’t pitched in a while.”
ers, including drives by striking out a career-high ignated for assignment
Dansby Swanson and seven. on Sunday, has cleared
Freddie Freeman off Nick Atlanta clinched its waivers and reported to Up next
Vincent in a five-run sev- record 20th division ti- the alternate training site Marlins: RHP Six-
enth. Freeman drove in tle, one more than the in Jupiter. to Sánchez will look for
two runs with three hits. New York Yankees. The Braves: Wilson is the
his second win over the
“I think when it’s all Braves won 14 straight in 13th starting pitcher for
Braves in about two weeks
said and done, this is completed seasons from Atlanta this season. He
was recalled on Monday on Wednesday night. He
the most satisfying with 1991-2005 but have not
when LHP Cole Hamels allowed only three hits in
all we had to go through won a postseason series
since 2001 and have not was shut down with left six innings in an 8-0 win
this season to get to this
won a championship since shoulder fatigue after at Atlanta on Sept. 8.
point,” said Freeman, who
missed the start of the de- 1995. making only one start. Braves: LHP Max
layed season with a high “Everyone has got the Fried (7-0, 1.96) will try to
fever and other symptoms taste the last couple of Low-key celebration strengthen his Cy Young
after testing positive for years and we’ve had a lot Manager Brian Snit- Award candidacy. Fried
the novel coronavirus. of heartbreak, especially ker said the Braves were has allowed 12 runs in his
Freeman rebounded to last year,” Freeman said. prepared for a low-key 10 starts.

Murray, Nuggets hang on in Game 3, cut Lakers’ lead to 2-1

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a playoff career-high 26 Nuggets who raised their had a six-game winning
points and Nikola Jokic game and played from streak snapped and fell to
LAKE BUENA VISTA, had 22 points and 10 re- ahead, ending a streak of 10-3 in these playoffs. ...
Fla. — They had just lost bounds for the Nuggets, six straight games where Dwight Howard started
a playoff heartbreaker, who will try to even the they trailed at halftime. the second half at center,
and two nights later the series on Thursday. “Maybe they can beat replacing JaVale McGee.
Denver Nuggets quickly LeBron James had 30 us by 20, 30, they can beat Nuggets: Denver’s
went from in control to in points, 11 assists and 10 us by a last shot, but we
last halftime lead had
trouble. rebounds — his 26th play- just cannot quit,” Jokic
Escaping trouble is been a 59-57 edge over
off triple-double — for the said. “Effort needs to be
what these Nuggets do there.” the Clippers in Game 3
Lakers, who remain two
best. wins from their first NBA The Lakers built leads of the West semifinals. ...
“Everybody always Finals appearance in a de- of 15 or more in the sec- Malone wished his par-
has us packing our bags cade. Anthony Davis, who ond quarter of the first ents a happy anniversary
and leaving, but we’re not made the winning 3-point- two games. This time during his interview after
ready to go,” coach Mi- er at the buzzer in Game it was the Nuggets who the third quarter. His fa-
chael Malone said. “For 2, scored 27 points. started to run away in that ther, Brendan, was a long-
some reason we love this The Nuggets led by period, even with Jokic on time NBA assistant coach
bubble.” 20 with 10 1/2 minutes the bench resting for their who also coached the To-
They’ll get at least two left and soon after were big run that started it. ronto Raptors in 1995-96,
more games in it. hanging on after the Lak- Denver began with their inaugural season.
Jamal Murray had 28 ers charged back with a 7-0 spurt, the last five
points, 12 assists and two a 19-2 run, turning to a from Michael Porter Jr.,
late 3-pointers to halt a zone defense and forcing to open a nine-point lead. The air up there
Lakers charge, helping turnovers that led to easy After a dunk by James, The Lakers came into
the Nuggets to a 114-106 baskets. Murray made a 3-pointer the game 4-0 in the play-
victory Tuesday night “We played some pret- and Monte Morris scored offs as the designated
that cut Los Angeles’ lead ty good ball in the fourth the next five to make it a road team. Vogel said
to 2-1 in the Western Con- quarter, but those first 36 15-2 start to the period nothing really changes
ference finals. minutes, that hurt us obvi- and give the Nuggets a in the Walt Disney World
The Nuggets lost al- ously,” James said. 44-29 advantage. bubble except the bench-
most all of a 20-point lead With Denver’s lead It would grow to 18 and es the teams are sitting
in the fourth quarter but down to four, Murray could have been worse if on, but he joked about the
held on, avoiding a 3-0 made a 3-pointer with 2:16 not for Davis, who scored big difference that would
hole that would have been remaining. He then found nine straight Lakers
have awaited his team in a
daunting even for this Paul Millsap under the points. Markieff Morris’
normal situation.
never-out-of-it team. basket for a score before 3-pointer trimmed it to
63-53 at halftime. “You know, I did make
“We feel that we should hitting a long 3 to push
The Lakers got the first sure our guys did what-
be up 2-1 right now, to be the lead back to 111-99
five points of the third to ever they needed to do
honest,” Murray said. “So with 53 seconds to play.
we’re just going to move Coach Frank Vogel cut the lead in half, but to adjust to the altitude of
on to Game 4.” acknowledged the Lak- Denver regained control playing in Denver tonight
Denver has set a record ers were fortunate to win and led 93-75 after three. because Game 3, you’ve
by erasing two 3-1 deficits Game 2, in which they Murray finished with always got to account for
in this postseason, but no committed 24 turnovers, eight rebounds. that altitude,” he said.
NBA team has ever come and would have to be bet- “Maybe we don’t have to
back from 3-0. ter Tuesday. Tip-ins account for it tonight in
Jerami Grant added Instead, it was the Lakers: The Lakers Orlando.”

Lightning’s Vasilevskiy standing tall in Stanley Cup Final

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Game 7 in the final against about him, what he’s done the goaltender, Cooper
Calgary to become the for us. Just chalk up anoth- said Vasilevskiy’s contri-
For all the hype Dallas only Russian goaltender to er for outstanding,” Coo- bution to the team’s suc-
goaltender Anton Khudo- win a Stanley Cup title. per said. cess has been important.
bin is receiving for help- Vasilevskiy is back on The 26-year-old Vasi- Anhony Cirelli, Ryan
ing the Stars reach the hockey’s grandest stage levskiy — the 19th player McDonagh, Ondrej
Stanley Cup Final, fellow for the first time since and first goalie selected Palat, Alex Killorn, Yanni
Russian Andrei Vasilevs- 2015, when he came off in the 2012 draft — has Gourde, Blake Coleman,
kiy is reminding everyone the bench to get his first played every minute of Pat Maroon, Kevin Shat-
the Tampa Bay Lightning career postseason victory his team’s 21 postseason tenkirk, Barclay Goodrow
have a strong presence in
as a backup to Ben Bishop, games, going 15-6 and al- and Zach Bogosian have
net, too.
who is now with the Stars lowing two or fewer goals all been key contributors
“If you’re going to make
and sidelined by injury in 14 of those starts. this postseason.
any sort of noise in the
again. Three more wins No one’s outshined Va-
playoffs you need some-
body back there,” coach Tampa Bay rebound- against the Stars, and the silevskiy, though.
Jon Cooper said of the ed from losing Game 1 of Lightning, who have trans- “You just have guys
three-time Vezina Trophy the best-of-seven matchup formed themselves from that on every single night
finalist whose 15 wins this against the red-hot Khudo- an offensive juggernaut somebody comes to the
postseason are the sec- bin and Dallas, with Vasi- into a team that under- forefront. The one differ-
ond-most in a single year levskiy stopping 27 shots stands defense is the key ence with the goaltender
by a Lightning goalie. in a 3-2 victory Monday to winning in the playoffs, is he has to be there every
“Quarterback in foot- night. Game 3 is Wednes- will hoist the Stanley Cup single night,” Cooper said.
ball is a pretty big posi- day night. for the second time in fran- “They probably get tak-
tion,” Cooper added, “and The Lightning im- chise history. en for granted a little bit,
I think goaltender in hock- proved to 6-0 following While it may be easy to especially when you have
ey is right up there.” a loss this postseason. focus on big names such one. But he’s not over-
Nikolai Khabibulin won They are 11-2 in one-goal as Nikita Kucherov, Vic- looked in our locker room.
16 playoff games for Tam- games. tor Hedman and Brayden Everybody knows the val-
pa Bay in 2004, including “You can’t say enough Point playing in front of ue he brings to our team.”
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 3B

A note from the sports editor ahead of college football season

BY GARRICK HODGE welcome sight, but be- Ben Portnoy will contin- roots for the Bulldogs. the Bulldogs, including the results will still be
[email protected] tween us friends, I was ue to write captivating Alabama and Ole Miss having a dedicated beat printed in the Dispatch,
unsure that we’d ever game stories and side- fans make up a good reporter for MSU athlet- it just may have to wait
In the last two weeks, make it to this point. bars, while I will file an chunk of our reader- ics, we are determined
college football has a day later than usu-
Nevertheless, it seems instant reaction titled ship, which leads me to to ensure the breadth of
returned to television al to ensure we meet
the moment is here, so Bulldog Bullets imme- deliver some less than our MSU coverage ap-
screens on Saturdays. our print deadline. The
I thought I’d use this diately after the final ideal news for that de- pears in every Sunday
This weekend, the space to update the gun and file a postgame mographic, but followed paper. same goes for Ole Miss,
Southeastern Confer- readers of The Gold- column in the following by news I hope you’ll We understand that although the Rebels
ence is finally kicking en Triangle about what hours. We feel confident find reassuring. may mean we go to have an earlier kickoff
off its football slate. The Dispatch’s cover- that you will be in great The Dispatch has press before Alabama than MSU this week so
Mississippi State will age plans are for Sun- hands with MSU cov- not been immune to or Ole Miss finish play- getting them into Sun-
travel to Baton Rouge to day papers throughout erage. As always, prep changes forced by the ing. That unfortunately day’s paper shouldn’t be
face off against defend- the fall. football results from global pandemic, with means those gamers a problem.
ing national champion As always, we will Friday night will also be the most notable being won’t run in the Sunday
I’m hopeful the SEC
LSU, Ole Miss will host continue to bring you included. our press time for Sun- paper, but bear with us.
Florida and Alabama can execute a safe and
Mississippi State foot- Of course, while we day papers fluctuating If for whatever rea-
will travel to Missouri ball coverage each and know MSU fans make to accommodate when son, MSU kicks off at complete football sea-
for a bout with the Ti- every Saturday online up a good portion of the MSU plays. Because we an earlier time than say, son, and that we can
gers. and in print Sunday. Golden Triangle, not have invested ample re- Alabama, which will be continue to bring you
Of course, this is a Dispatch MSU reporter every Dispatch reader sources into covering the case this Saturday, the latest updates.

Prep softball roundup: Big first my 0, 4 innings with four digs apiece. Emily Clark had 29 assists, four aces
Nettles led New Hope with eight aces, and three digs, and Lily Rose Nodine
inning leads Oak Hill Academy to Prep volleyball roundup: New Hope and Annie Woolbright had four. had five digs and four aces.
victory beats Grenada in straight sets New Hope’s next match is Thursday Kordelia Bergstrom added a block for
WEST POINT — Oak Hill Academy DISPATCH STAFF at home against Tupelo. Caledonia, which will play at South Pon-
used a 15-run first inning to beat Cen- totoc at 6 p.m. Thursday.
tral Holmes Christian 25-10 in Tuesday’s NEW HOPE — New Hope volleyball Caledonia 3, Itawamba Agricul-
home game. earned a sweep of Grenada in Tuesday’s tural 0 Tuscaloosa HomeSchool 3, Heri-
Baylee Smith went 2 for 2, walked home match. CALEDONIA — Caledonia swept tage Academy 0
twice and drove in a team-high four runs Set scores were 25-9, 25-10 and 25-11. Itawamba Agricultural in Tuesday’s TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Heritage
for the Raiders. Micaela Hudgins led the Trojans with home match to improve to 10-4 on the Academy was swept at Tuscaloosa Ho-
Oak Hill drew 19 bases on balls in the nine kills, while Daylyn Nettles and season and 6-0 in district play. meSchool on Tuesday.
contest. Madyson McBrayer each had eight, and Set scores were 25-20, 25-23 and 25- Set scores were 25-19, 25-22 and 25-
It was the final game of the regular Zoe Goodman had two. 22. 11.
season for the Raiders (5-16). Annie Woolbright had a team-high 17 Libby McMurphey led Caledonia The Patriots (1-3) play at Pillow Acad-
Other scores assists, while Kensley Woolbright and with 10 kills, and Megan Chandler had emy at 6 p.m. Thursday in Greenwood.
Leake Academy 13, Starkville Acade- Maci Coleman tied for the team lead nine. SOURCE: Dispatch Staff

Continued from Page 1B
in the class, Friday. 1) kept its No. 3 ranking in The Patriots are still behind 3. Newton County (3-0)
Class 3A despite its loss at Madison-Ridgeland Academy Class 1A 4. Pontotoc (2-1)
In other polls West Point last week. The
Tigers are still behind the
(5 -0), Jackson Prep (4-0) and
Leake Academy (5 -0). Green-
1. Nanih Waiya (3-0)
2. Lumberton (2-1)
5. Bay (3-0)
— Starkville (3-0) re-
mained the top team in the same two teams, Columbia ville Christian (3-1) was fifth. 3. Biggersville (3-0) Class 5A
state and in Class 6A, but and Jefferson Davis County, Heritage Academy’s only loss 4. TCPS (1-2) 1. West Point (2-1)
though the order has f lipped. was at Jackson Prep on Aug. 5. Resurrection Catholic (3- 2. Neshoba Central (3-0)
the vote wasn’t unanimous.
Jefferson Davis County was 21. The Patriots have a road 0) 3. Picayune (3-0)
Oak Grove (3-0) once again
in first place in last week’s game at Pillow Academy on 4. Lafayette (2-1)
earned a first-place vote in
poll, but the Jaguars (2-1) Friday in Greenwood. Class 2A 5. West Jones (3-0)
both categories, while the
lost to Hattiesburg on Friday 1. Taylorsville (2-0)
Yellow Jackets garnered the and fell out of the top spot. 2. North Side (0-0)
other eight. Oak Grove was Class 6A
The Wildcats (3-0) took over Here’s the ballot Theo DeR- 3. Enterprise Clarke (3-0)
fourth in the overall rankings, 1. Starkville (2-0)
No. 1 with five first-place osa submitted for The Dis- 4. Walnut (3-0)
and West Jones was fifth. In 2. South Panola (2-0)
votes, while the Jags had patch: 5. Scott Central (2-1)
the Class 6A rankings, War- 3. Oxford (2-0)
three. Magee (1-1) and West Overall top 10
ren Central was fourth, and Marion (2-1) rounded out the 1. Starkville (3-0) Class 3A 4. Oak Grove (2-0)
Oxford was fifth. Starkville top five. Noxubee County re- 2. West Point (2-1) 1. Noxubee County (2-1) 5. Madison Central (2-0)
boasts wins against Louis- ceived one first-place vote, 3. South Panola (3-0) 2. Columbia (3-0)
ville (ranked second in Class which came from The Dis- 4. Oxford (2-0) 3. Jefferson Davis County Private schools
4A), West Point and Merid- patch. The Tigers are off this 5. Oak Grove (2-0) (2-1) 1. Madison-Ridgeland Acad-
ian so far this season. The week before playing at Hous- 6. Madison-Ridgeland Acad- 4. Magee (1-0) emy (5-0)
Yellow Jackets face off with ton on Oct. 2. emy (5-0) 5. Choctaw County (2-1) 2. Jackson Prep (4-0)
second-ranked South Panola n Heritage Academy (4-1) 7. Picayune (3-0) 3. Leake Academy (5-0)
in a huge contest Friday in stayed No. 4 among private 8. Lafayette (2-1) Class 4A 5. Heritage Academy (4-1)
Batesville. schools after a 48 -13 home 9. Warren Central (3-0) 1. Corinth (2-1) 5. Presbyterian Christian
n Noxubee County (2- win over Bayou Academy. 10. Corinth (2-1) 2. Louisville (2-1) (4-1)

Continued from Page 1B

to give Heritage Acad- Velek said, was that didn’t need a 6 - 0 cush- “ This was one of “opposites” on the right With just one dis-
emy some breathing the Pats kept adding on ion — nor a water break her best games,” Velek and left sides, respec- trict win and only one
room and added anoth- when it needed to. — to beat the Hawks on said. “It was really nice tively. more district match to
er goal within the fi- “Our team has a ten- Tuesday. to see her back in the They helped the Pats play, Heritage Acade-
nal 10 minutes to give dency to feel like they They maintained groove.” get back to .500, a criti- my won’t qualify for the
the Patriots (5 -5) a 3- 0 have a game in hand, possession in the at- Boyd scored from cal milestone for Velek’s postseason this year.
shutout win over the and so they stop,” he tacking half of the even further out on the program. Before the But the Pats have three
Hawks on Tuesday. said. field nearly all evening, left side in the 74th min- match, he gathered his more regular-season
“We kind of domi- Senior right winger getting chance after ute, using her strong players and told them matches to play in order
nated from beginning Sarah Curtis said she chance on goal. A fter left foot to curl the ball that a third straight
to extend their string
to end, and we’re click- and her team know that Peal scored from close in from distance. winning season would
of winning seasons to
ing,” Velek said. habit no longer f lies range in the 15th min- “She just keeps pro- be the first of its kind in
three. That’s what mat-
With Boyd and Peal with Velek — no matter ute, Boyd steered in a gressing every sin- the history of Heritage
bringing the offense, the score. shot from a tough angle gle year,” Curtis said. Academy girls soccer. ters, Velek said.
Kelly Bell and Destinee “ That is not allowed,” on the left border of the “She’s our only real Last year, the Pats final- “Our goal is kind of
Flowers locking things she said. “No matter if penalty box. left-footed person, so it ly broke through with to change the trajectory
down on defense and we’re (up) 6 - 0, never let Velek said he was gives us an advantage.” two straight winning and the mindset of Her-
Haven Tuggle turning off the gas, even if we’re glad to see Boyd re- Curtis, who returned seasons for the first itage girls soccer,” he
away the few chances so tired. If you need a bound after a series Tuesday from a frac- time ever. said. “We’re disappoint-
she faced in goal, the break, come out for a of matches where she tured fibula — she was “If we can go three ed we missed the play-
Patriots looked solid in second, get some water hadn’t been connecting out just three weeks in a row,” Velek said, “ offs, but if we can pull
all phases of the match. and go back out.” on her shots, routinely — said she and Boyd … that’s something we off a winning season,
But most important, But the Patriots missing wide or high. formed a strong duo of can hang our hat on.” then that’s good for us.”

Continued from Page 1B
ticeably taken charge of eligible after his fresh- an Under Armour there’s a good chance he ing junior running back This isn’t to say Hill
the youthful MSU second- man year. He’s that good. All-American coming moves around the forma- and Columbus native won’t be involved. Wash-
ary after appearing in all Now facing an MSU re- out of high school but tion. Kylin Hill will have less ington State running
13 games last year. ceiving corps and passing had to spend two years at “Him being a fresh- than the 242 carries and back Max Borghi led the
“Coming in, I know I’m attack that will test him Copiah-Lincoln Commu- man last year, doing all 1,350 rushing yards he team with 86 receptions
a young guy, but I can’t and the rest of the LSU nity College before final- the great things he did totaled last season in in 2019 and its expected
really think like that be- defensive backfield, it ly arriving in Starkville. last year, of course it’s Leach’s air raid offense. Hill should play a simi-
cause I’m one of the more should be telling where Coaches have been high going to be a challenge How much less remains lar role.
experienced guys on the Stingley lines up snap to on his play through for us going out there to be seen. “In a way this system
back end,” Emerson said snap. camp, but he has yet to and trying to beat him During Leach’s eight- couldn’t have been bet-
Tuesday night. “I want MSU’s receivers are suit up at the FBS level. on every route,” Payton year tenure in Pullman, ter for him from the out-
to be a vocal leader and deep but unproven. Se- Senior JaVonta Pay- said. “But of course all of the Cougars finished side looking in, before I
lead by example. Show ev- nior Osirus Mitchell is ton has also received our guys, they’ve been dead last in the FBS in came here,” senior quar-
erybody the way and the the Bulldogs’ leading re- rave reviews this fall as a motivated, they’ve been rush attempts seven terback K.J. Costello
turning receiver but fell speedster out of the slot, dedicated to go out there times and never finished said. “I’m a football nerd,
Bulldog mindset.”
behind Alabama Tyrell though he recorded just and beat any opponent higher than fifth-low- but he kind of reminds
Shavers on the depth nine passes for 147 yards that’s up against them.” est in the nation. Most me of Jamaal Charles.
Derek Stingley Jr. vs. chart. Shavers, a former a season ago. recently, the four Wash- Any running back can
MSU wide receiving top-100 recruit in the Stingley spent most of Mike Leach vs. ington State players that work on catching the
corps class of 2017, is unprov- his time in 2019 on one the run game received touches a sea- ball. It might take some-
I’m not using hyper- en in his own right after side opposite Kristian Ok, this isn’t exact- son ago combined for one four years to make
bole when I say Derek spending the bulk of his Fulton, but given he’s as ly an MSU versus LSU 210 carries — the low- the progress that he can
Stingley Jr. would’ve been time with the Crimson talented as he is coupled matchup, but it bears est total touches of any make this year because
a first-round pick in the Tide on special teams. with a new defensive co- merit. Leach-coached Cougar of the amount of reps
NFL draft if he had been Malik Heath was ordinator in Bo Pelini, It goes without say- team. he’s getting.”
4B WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Saints normally dynamic offense looking sluggish in 2020

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS down, in a victory over Tampa season. After completing better have now, and it’s good enough on being a great decision-maker,”
Bay. than 74% of his passes during the to have them still tied atop the Brees said. “My job is not to have
NEW ORLEANS — Saints But when New Orleans’ de- past two seasons, Brees connect- NFC South as they chase a fourth the most air yards or throw down-
quarterback Drew Brees doesn’t fense struggled against the Raid- ed on 60 percent in Week 1 and straight division title. field the most. ... We just need to
quibble with the notion that New ers, the Saints offense couldn’t 68.5% in Week 2. be more efficient.”
Orleans’ normally dynamic of-
fense has looked somewhat out of
keep up. An early 10-point lead “We’ve got to be precise with What’s working
sync to start the 2020 season.
was gone by halftime after Brees’ what we’re doing in the passing Getting the ball to versatile Stock up
first interception of the season led game route-wise,” Payton said, running back Alvin Kamara. He Tre’Quan Smith was more in-
That was arguably the case to a Raiders field goal. And by the adding that pass blockers are was among the few bright spots volved in the offense with Thom-
even before Michael Thomas
end of the Raiders’ 34-24 triumph, “still not protecting the way we’re for New Orleans in Las Vegas, as sidelined. Smith, a third-year
was sidelined by an ankle injury
Las Vegas had possessed the ball supposed to.” with 174 yards and two TDs from pro out of Central Florida, had
in Week 1, and the absence of the
for 12:36 more than New Orleans. In all, Payton said, “the last scrimmage, including nine catch- five catches for 86 yards.
two-time All-Pro receiver only
seemed to further hamper the Saints coach Sean Payton, who two weeks, it’s been average at es for 95 yards. Both of his touch-
Saints’ aerial attack during a loss designs and calls the offense, best offensively.” downs came on runs. Stock down
in Las Vegas on Monday night. stressed that there are several The good news for New Orle- The whole secondary, which
“We’re not even close to what factors largely beyond a quarter- ans is that it’s early, and the Saints What needs help struggled to deal with Raiders
we are capable of,” Brees assert- back’s control that can make the have a record during recent years The passing game, particular- tight end Darren Waller and
ed. “We’re just inconsistent right passing game look good or bad. of regrouping effectively after ly downfield. Brees’ emphasis on committed multiple pass inter-
now.” Namely, it’s the quality of block- early season stumbles. avoiding sacks has led him to opt ference or defensive holding
Inconsistency makes it tough ing and receivers’ route-running. New Orleans won more regu- for quicker, shorter throws. Brees penalties totaling more than 50
to sustain drives and score points. If either are off, it can affect lar-season games than any NFL says he’s fine with doing that as yards. Safety Malcolm Jenkins
That mattered less in Week 1, a quarterback’s timing and ac- team during the previous three long as the offense is in rhythm was among the primary defend-
when the Saints’ defense came curacy, two things which have seasons despite failing to start and sustaining drives. But that ers — but not the only one —
up with a pair of interceptions, in- appeared below Brees’ standard any of those better than 1-1. hasn’t been the case lately. on Waller, who finished with 12
cluding one returned for a touch- during the first two games this That’s the record the Saints “I’ve always evaluated myself catches for 103 yards and a TD.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: DO think it is time expressed your feelings and
My 7-year- you start talking concerns to your daughter. If
old grand- to your grand- that’s the case, then you must
daughter, “Leyla,” daughter about accept that she is an adult and
has a playmate gender and what capable of making her own
who is a transgen- makes a girl a girl decisions.
der girl. My fear is and what makes Should you help plan the
that she may find a boy a boy. wedding? Yes, as long as you
out the truth and At some point, are not paying for it. Should
feel betrayed by her friend may you attend even though you
her playmate as feel comfortable don’t approve of her choice of
well as me. Should enough about husband? Absolutely! If he’s a
ZITS I explain it to her? the friendship violent abuser, she is going to
It doesn’t — and herself need family around her so she
matter to me — to tell Leyla doesn’t become isolated and
that her friend herself. When totally under his control. Her life
is transgender that happens, could depend on it.
because I have Dear Abby be prepared to DEAR ABBY: Sadly, my son
always believed answer any ques- passed away (suicide), leaving
that a person’s most important tions your granddaughter may his two younger sisters. I am of-
trait is having good morals. I’m have. PFLAG, an organization ten asked how many children I
an upfront and honest person. I have mentioned before in my have, and I’m never sure how to
However, with respect to this column, is an excellent resource respond. I feel it would be disre-
subject, I feel that if I remain si- for LGBTQ issues and will be spectful to my son’s memory if
lent, it’s as though I’m somehow helpful to you if you reach out. I don’t include him. However, if
betraying my granddaughter. Its website is I do, it invariably leads to more
Leyla is very accepting of DEAR ABBY: My worst fear questions than I care to answer.
GARFIELD all people, and I don’t believe
it would change her relation-
has come true. My daugh-
ter just became engaged to
Any insight would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you. — RE-
ship with the child as long someone we do not approve MEMBERING HIM
as I explain everything to her of. They have been together for DEAR REMEMBERING: I
about people who are trans. three years, and it has been am sorry for your loss. While a
Any advice would be appreciat- three years of drama — from not question about children is a way
ed. — PROGRESSIVE GRAN IN working because they have to people often use to establish
ARIZONA be together 24/7 to domestic a common bond, it can be
DEAR GRAN: Do Leyla’s par- violence. Must I attend the wed- an emotionally loaded one.
ents know about the friendship? ding? Should I help her plan it? Consider offering this response:
Assuming they do, have a chat She is my first born and I adore “I have three children. One of
with them, as well as the play- her, but I feel she is making a them is in heaven.” If you are
mate’s parents, to make sure huge mistake. — RELUCTANT pressed further, it would not
you’re all on the same page. I IN OHIO be impolite to respond that the
do not think you should “out” DEAR RELUCTANT: I am subject is painful and you would
Leyla’s playmate to her. But I going to assume that you have rather not discuss it.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. to improve the experience. what’s right while tempted with
23). First comes the over- TAURUS (April 20-May 20). ease takes an even mightier
whelming sense that you were The stars indicate a weak force character.
meant for something, and then becoming powerful or a meek LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Take
the discovery of just what. Your person coming into a position of an idea, mix in some emotion,
ancestors planted the tree. This authority. There will be a reck- and, suddenly, it all feels very
solar journey, you sit beneath it oning. Those who would take alive, special and real. But that
having vivid dreams that weave advantage of the small will now doesn’t make it so. Stay aware
their wishes and intentions into have something big to deal with. that sometimes our egos trick
your own. You’ll shine in a way GEMINI (May 21-June 21). us into thinking things are more
they couldn’t, fulfilling a destiny. Expressing emotions changes important than they really are.
BABY BLUES Cancer and Aries adore you. them. Many feelings cannot live VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Your lucky numbers are: 2, 9, the same way out in the open. Novelty and discovery are the
31, 5 and 16. They only had power when they orders of the day, especially in
ARIES (March 21-April 19). were contained. Free reign regard to people you’ve known a
Hands off! You’ve done all you dissipates them. while now. You’ll be amazed at
can and brilliantly so. Everyone CANCER (June 22-July 22). how new situations and relation-
will take away something dif- To stick to what’s right while ships bring out different sides
ferent from today’s scene, and encountering difficulty takes of people.
there’s nothing you need to do a strong character. To stick to LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
You may not realize it, but
you’re starting to pay attention
to different things than before.
This is the beginning of a new
interest, a fresh tangent, and
one that will wind and curl
BEETLE BAILEY around many opportunities.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You need a system for
going back through your work.
You’ve missed a few gems. May-
be the timing wasn’t right back
then, but now you could mine
these with great success.
21). The idea that life should
be, at least some of the time,
amusing is a relatively modern
one. With so much available
to amuse you today, the best
things around are still two eye-
MALLARD FILLMORE balls looking back into yours.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). This long wait will get
tedious. When you’re not feeling
patient, it’s hard to force your-
self into the virtue. Perhaps,
it will help you to reframe this
period as one of “anticipation”
instead. There really is some-
thing to savor here.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You have plenty of initia-
tive, and yet it is still possible to
become bored, especially when
you’re a bit trapped. A secret
FAMILY CIRCUS part of you longs for escape —
that’s the part that can block
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Create your own reality.
You don’t need any special
license to do this, and yet you
forget to exercise the right.
Inspiring people in your environ-
ment will help you remember.

Nervous breakdown
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Bake it
A dairy-fueled dish like this cauliflow-
er “risotto” with shrimp and peas
rates high in essential nutrients.
for breakfast
Dairy dishes
deliver taste
and nutrition

ooler weather calls for com-
fort foods, and it’s hard to top
risotto for a heartwarming
dish to share with the family on
chilly days.
To achieve delicious taste
without ditching your healthy
eating plan, consider nutritional-
ly balanced one-pot recipes like
those from “Whole in One” by Ellie
Krieger, several of which call for
dairy to help fuel your loved ones’
meals. Milk is commonly viewed as
a versatile staple to have on-hand
for cooking and a nutritious bever-
age for families with essential nutri-
ents such as calcium that promote
bone health in children and teens.
“I’m always trying to create rec-
ipes that make it easier for people
to cook and eat well,” Krieger said.
“As a food lover and dietitian, I’m
always looking for that amazing
balance between health and taste.
Dairy really can help get you there
because it provides you not only
great nutrition, but also great taste,
texture and satisfaction.”
Turn to dairy-fueled comfort
foods with recipes from Krieger
like nutrient-dense Cauliflower
Risotto with Shrimp and Peas. This
dish offers a balanced, health-con- Breakfast casseroles, like this “eggsquisite” choice made with bacon and beef, are a convenient way to please a
scious way to enjoy flavorful meals fall brunch crowd. Or, make one for yourself and enjoy a serving each day for the rest of the week.
while delivering essential nutrients
found in dairy.
“Milk, cheese and yogurt all
BY JAN SWOOPE long-ago holiday mornings when tuting cauliflower for calorie-laden
[email protected] we would visit my brother’s family, bread. Oats, berries and chickpeas
contain protein, and I think most

people don’t realize that a cup of hot breakfast casserole was often can be included, good sources of
here’s something about the center stage on the table. Who can fiber.
milk has 8 grams of high-quality teasing taste of fall we’ve had
protein, which is more than an argue with eggs, cheese, bacon, Breakfast casseroles are big on
that stirs thoughts of plaid sausage or ham all together in convenience. Instead of the frenzy
egg,” Krieger said. “When I tell stadium blankets, wood smoke,
people that, it’s really news to one helping? Options are endless: of trying to make separate dishes
cozy sweaters — and comfort shredded potatoes, mushrooms,
them. Protein really is key in many all come out at the same time the
foods. Like seasonal clockwork, our grits, onions, green peppers. Or
ways because people are often morning-of, prepare your casserole
palates begin that inevitable tran- you might lean toward the sweet
looking to get more protein into the night before and pop it in the
sition from summer’s salads and side, like a French toast or fruit-
their diets.” oven in the morning. Some recipes
poolside fare to visions of satisfying filled pancake casserole.
Find more family meal solutions can be made in a slow cooker.
casseroles, chili and soups, foods Yes, these popular dishes tend
at Complement your casserole with
we picture ourselves enjoying in to be heavy on carbs and fats, but muffins, biscuits or bagels. Add a
front of the fireplace or around a ta- you can trim them up. Seek out cold fruit salad to the feast, maybe
CAULIFLOWER “RISOTTTO” ble decorated with autumn colors. recipes that use whole wheat flour a medley of watermelon, canta-
I, for one, am ready. or quinoa. Spinach, kale, chia seeds
WITH SHRIMP AND PEAS We all have certain foods that and nuts can have a role to play,
loupe and honeydew, or an ambro-
Servings: 4 sia salad with pineapples, mandarin
fall and winter bring to mind, that says Use zucchini,
oranges and coconut.
2 tablespoons olive oil tickle our memory. Breakfast broccoli or squash to bulk up a sa-
1/2 cup chopped shallot casserole is one of those for me. On vory casserole. Read up on substi- See BREAKFAST, 6B
3 cups cauliflower rice
1/4 teaspoon salt, plus additional, to

A perfectly dreamy dessert Foods to fuel


ome desserts deliver
sweet taste that satisfies FAMILY FEATURES
taste buds while others

provide a rich flavor that lin- ull days of learning and ed-
gers long after you’ve finished ucational growth, whether
that last delicious bite. When taking place in the class-
you’re pondering which type room or at home, require filling
of dessert you’d like to make breakfasts, snacks and family
at home, it may be difficult to dinners. Help fuel your loved ones
decide which direction to take.
and students with tasty recipes
Instead of making that near-
that cover everything from morn-
ly impossible decision, keep in
ing meals to nighttime treats.
mind you can have the best of
Start the day strong with
both worlds with this Choc-
olate Caramel Peanut Butter Pastry Brunch Cups perfect
Pie. On top of the hard-to-beat for separating into appropriate
flavor, this recipe requires a servings. Serve up a comforting
short list of ingredients and meal in the evening like Cheesy
limited time in the kitchen Baked Mushroom Chicken then
for an easy-to-make treat to cap off the night with Homemade
satisfy your loved ones’ dessert Oatmeal Creme Cookies that
desires. can also be enjoyed as a daytime
Just mix together cream snack.
cheese, powdered sugar, pea- Find more comfort food reci-
nut butter, milk and whipped pes at
See DESSERT, 6B Try out this chocolate caramel peanut butter pie recipe this fall. See FUEL, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B

Nonstick cooking spray
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 cup flour
4 tablespoons butter
8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1/4 cup green onions, sliced

n Heat oven to 375 F. Prepare baking

dish with nonstick cooking spray.
n Cut each chicken breast in half. Place
flour in resealable bag. Place chicken in Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

resealable bag with flour; toss to coat.
n In large skillet, melt 2 tablespoons
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
butter. Add chicken to skillet; brown all placing puzzle based on
sides. Transfer chicken from skillet to Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 2 6 1 3 4 7 9 5 8
11-by-7-inch baking dish. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 3 9 8 5 6 2 1 4 7

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Serve up a comforting family meal with this cheesy baked mushroom chicken.
n In skillet, saute sliced mushrooms based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 5 4 9 8 1 6 2 3
in remaining butter until softened. Add grid
chicken broth, salt and pepper. Bring to
and golden sugar on medium-high speed 1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 8 6 4 7 3 2 1 5
boil then cook 5 minutes. Spoon over until light and creamy, about 2 minutes. given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 5 1 3 2 9 6 8 7 4
chicken. Add eggs and vanilla; mix until combined, object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
scraping down sides of bowl as needed. numbers 4 7 2 1 5 8 3 6 9
n Bake 15 minutes. Sprinkle with chees-
Set aside. contains the1same to 9 number
8 4 9 6 1 5 7 3 2
es and green onions. Bake 5 minutes, or the empty spaces so
until cheese is melted. n In medium bowl, whisk flour, baking only once. The difficulty 6 3 7 8 2 4 5 9 1
soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and oats. that each row, each
(Source: level increases from
With mixer on low, slowly add oat mixture column and each 1 2 5 7 3 9 4 8 6
to wet ingredients, mixing until just Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 9/22


n Using large cookie scoop, scoop dough
the same number only once. The difficulty level
CREME COOKIES onto prepared baking sheet, leaving about
increases from Monday to Sunday.
Prep time: 45 minutes 2 1/2 inches between each cookie. Bake
Cook time: 15 minutes 12-14 minutes, or until lightly golden Ham, eggs and Swiss cheese star
Servings: 10-12 brown around edges. Allow cookies to sit in these bite-sized breakfast bites.
on pan about 3 minutes before removing
Oatmeal cookies: to wire rack to cool completely. 2 tablespoons flour
1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature n To make vanilla nean creme filling: In 1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup Domino Dark Brown Sugar bowl of stand mixer fitted with paddle 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese
1/2 cup Domino Golden Sugar attachment or in large bowl with electric 2 sheets puff pastry
2 large eggs mixer, beat butter on medium-high speed 18 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. 2 cups diced ham
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour n Turn speed to low and gradually Chopped fresh green onions
1 teaspoon baking soda add confectioners’ sugar, mixing until
1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt completely incorporated. Add vanilla n Heat oven 375 F.
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon bean paste and heavy cream; mix until n In small saucepan, melt butter. Whisk
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves combined. flour with butter. Gradually pour in milk,
3 cups rolled old-fashioned oats n Turn mixer to medium-high speed and whisking each time. Bring to simmer,
beat 3-5 minutes until buttercream is whisking until mixture starts to thicken.
Vanilla bean creme filling: fluffy. If necessary, add cream 1 teaspoon
3/4 cup unsalted butter, room tempera- Remove from heat; stir in Swiss cheese.
at a time until desired consistency. Set aside.
ture n To fill and assemble, pipe or spread
2 1/2 cups Domino Confectioners’ Sugar n Use rolling pin to thin out puff pastries.
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or vanilla about 1 1/2 tablespoons Vanilla Bean Cut each into nine squares. Line pastry
extract Creme Filling on bottom halves of Oat- squares in muffin cups, pressing bottoms
1tablespoon heavy cream meal Cookies; top with remaining halves. down firmly and moving pastries up sides
(Source: Courtesy of Michael Johnson on for edges to come up just over muffin
n To make cookies: Preheat oven to behalf of Domino Sugar) tins. Fill each cup with 1 teaspoon cheese
350 F. Line baking sheet with parchment sauce. Crack one egg into each cup and
paper and set aside. sprinkle each with diced ham.
n In bowl of stand mixer fitted with BITE-SIZED BREAKFAST n Bake 10-15 minutes until eggs set.
paddle attachment or in large bowl with Sprinkle with chopped
electric mixer, cream butter, brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter (Source:

Continued from Page 5B
You don’t need a evaporated milk and salt. In bacon or sausage, onions, 1/2 cup maple syrup
special occasion for a another large skillet, heat but- green pepper, salt and pepper, Blueberry syrup
ter until hot. Add egg mixture; and 1 cup shredded cheese in
delicious casserole. Make cook and stir over medium the crock pot in two or three n Lightly grease a 9-by-13-
one up at the beginning heat until eggs are completely layers. inch baking dish. Arrange half
of the week and savor a set. n Sprinkle the remaining 1 the bread cubes in the dish,
serving to begin each n Place half of the eggs in cup shredded cheese over the and top with cream cheese
day. Cooking for one a greased 13x9-in. baking top evenly. cubes. Sprinkle 1 cup blueber-
dish; pour half the sauce n Beat the eggs, milk, and dry ries over the cream cheese,
or for a brunch crowd, over the eggs. Repeat layers. mustard together. and top with remaining bread
today’s recipes are suited Cover and bake at 350° for n Pour the egg mixture over cubes.
to the season. 55-65 minutes or until a knife the cheese layer evenly in the n In a large bowl, mix the
inserted in the center comes crockpot. eggs, milk, vanilla extract,
out clean. Let stand 5 minutes n Cook on low for 7 to 8 ACROSS
and maple syrup. Pour over
before serving. hours or until eggs are set and 1 Racket
EGGSQUISITE (Source: thoroughly cooked, start this the bread cubes. Press the
bread cubes down into the egg 5 Muffin makeup
Bess Fischer) at midnight and wake up to a
BREAKFAST CASSEROLE delicious breakfast! mixture with a spatula so they 9 Inverted v
Prep time: 20 minutes Notes: With a base of a dozen soak it up. Cover, and refriger- 11 Move
Bake time: 55 minutes eggs, 1 cup milk and hash ate overnight.
Makes 12-16 servings SLOW COOKER n Remove the bread cube smoothly
browns, you can play around
with the rest of the ingredi- mixture from the refrigerator 12 Last letter
1 pound sliced bacon, diced BREAKFAST CASSEROLE ents. Exchange the meats for about 30 minutes before 13 Head out
2 packages (4-1/2 ounces Prep time: 20 minutes mushrooms, spinach, or other baking. Preheat the oven to 14 Decimal base
each) sliced dried beef, cut Cook time: 8 hours veggies for a vegetarian op- 350 F.
into thin strips n Cover and bake 30 min- 15 Joined a
tion. Add cumin, canned green
1 can (4 ounces) sliced mush- 1 package (32 ounces) frozen chilies, pepper jack cheese, utes. Uncover and continue melee
rooms hash brown potatoes and serve on a tortilla with baking 25 to 30 minutes, until 17 Fished with
1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 pound sausage browned salsa as breakfast burrito. center is firm and surface is
1/8 teaspoon pepper and drained or 1 pound bacon a net
You can also make the slow lightly browned. Serve with
4 cups whole milk cooked and crumbled (or use cooker egg casserole in your blueberry syrup.
19 Attempt
16 large eggs both) oven by baking it for 1 hour at Notes: Depending on pref- 20 Grate stuff
1 cup evaporated milk 1/2 cup green onions, diced 350 F. erences, use whatever type 21 Corn core
1/4 teaspoon salt optional (Source: of bread you choose. The
1/4 cup butter, cubed 1 medium green pepper, diced 22 Fall flower
heartier the bread, the more 24 Butter bit
Chopped fresh parsley, optional
filling the casserole. Crusty Henri work
optional 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
OVERNIGHT BLUEBERRY French or Italian bread works 26 Egg outlines 41 Manipulative 18 “Could you
n In a large skillet, cook ba- 2 cups shredded cheddar FRENCH TOAST well. Blueberries can be sub- 29 Vacuum’s one repeat that?”
con until crisp. Remove bacon cheese or Colby jack divided Prep time: 15 minutes stituted for any type of fresh lack DOWN 21 Gullet
to paper towel to drain; dis- 1 dozen eggs Cook time: 1 hour, 15 minutes fruit. Apples and chopped nuts 30 Moved on all
would be really good. Also, 1 “Ivanhoe” 23 Steered clear
card all but 1/4 cup drippings. 1 cup milk fours
In the same skillet, add the 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard 12 slices day-old bread cut if you would like your French author of
beef, mushrooms, flour and optional into 1-inch cubes toast casserole to have more 32 Talked like a 2 Phone feature 24 Sea rover
pepper to the drippings; cook 2 8-ounce packages cream of a bread pudding texture and Texan 3 Sports spots 25 Turkish peak
until thoroughly combined. n Spray a 5 or 6-quart slow cheese cut into 1-inch cubes not be as crusty, decrease 34 “Exodus” 4 One of the 27 Andean
Gradually add milk; cook and cooker with no stick cooking 1 cup fresh blueberries cooking time by 10 minutes.
stir until thickened. Stir in spray or use a slow cooker 12 large eggs beaten Check to make sure the center hero “Little Women” carriers
bacon; set aside. liner and spray it. 2 cups milk has set up and is not runny. 35 Opera’s 5 Gusted 28 Peaceful
n In a large bowl, whisk eggs, n Layer frozen potatoes, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (Source: Callas 6 Theater district 29 Let in
36 Chaser of 7 Adjective 30 Potter’s stuff
Bugs modifier 31 More dreadful

38 Florence’s 8 Poor 33 Devious trick
home 10 Café fixtures 37 Lucy of “Kill
Continued from Page 5B 39 Lane of film 11 Delighted Bill”
40 Head, to 16 Do museum
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen minutes. until shrimp are pink and no
black pepper peas n Sprinkle flour over cauliflow- longer translucent, and sauce
2 tablespoons, plus 1 tea- 2 tablespoons fresh basil er and stir to incorporate then has thickened, about 5 min-
spoon, all-purpose flour leaves, cut into ribbons add milk and cook, stirring utes. Season with additional
1 3/4 cups 1 percent low-fat occasionally, until it comes salt, to taste, then garnish with
milk n In large, nonstick skillet to gentle boil. Stir in 1/2
3/4 cup freshly grated Parme- over medium heat, heat oil. cup Parmesan cheese until basil and remaining Parmesan
san cheese, divided Add shallot and cook until incorporated then add shrimp cheese.
1 pound medium shrimp (26- softened, 2 minutes. Stir in and peas. (Source: Recipe courtesy of
30 count per pound), cleaned cauliflower rice, 1/4 teaspoon n Return to simmer. Continue “Whole in One” by Ellie Krieger
and tails removed salt and pepper; cook 2 cooking, stirring occasionally, on behalf of Milk Means More)

Continued from Page 5B
topping before layering together in Chocolate chips
a graham cracker crust that adds
just enough crunch to the creamy BUTTER PIE Caramel syrup
texture. Top with chocolate chips n In bowl of stand mixer, beat cream
and drizzle with chocolate and 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, cheese until fluffy. Add powdered sugar
caramel syrups before freezing, softened and peanut butter; mix until blended. Add
1 cup powdered sugar milk; mix until blended. Fold in whipped
serving and putting smiles on all 1 cup peanut butter topping.
the faces in the room. 1/2 cup milk n Pour into crust. Sprinkle with chocolate
Find more dessert recipes at 1 container (8 ounces) whipped topping chips. Drizzle with chocolate syrup and 1 graham cracker crust caramel syrup. Freeze until set.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 7B
ded in Deed of Trust Book

1297 at Page 374 in the Of-
fice of the Chancery Clerk of
the County of Lowndes, State
of Mississippi; and Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
WHEREAS, the aforesaid deed
of trust was assigned to
Bankers Trust Company of Cali-
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
fornia, N.A., not in its individu-
al capacity but solely as Trust-
ee, or its permitted suc-
To place ads starting at only $12,
cessors and assigns, on be-
half Vendee Mortgage Trust
call 662-328-2424 or visit
(2000-1) by instrument dated
February 24, 2000, and recor-
ded in the Office of the afore- THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 n 8B
said Chancery Clerk in Book
1317 at Page 245; and

WHEREAS, the aforesaid,

Legal Notices Legal NoticesBank National Trust
Deutsche Manufacturing Commercial Property For Rent

LEGALS Garage Sales Vehicles

Company formerly known as
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Bankers Trust Company of Cali- Maintenance Technician 8000 SQ ft. dock height
fornia, N.A., as Trustee of needed for local manufac- warehouse w/ office
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Vendee Mortgage Trust 2000- turer. Electrical back- space. $2000/month.
Call us: 662-328-2424 MONROE COUNTY, MISSIS-
1, the holder of said deed of
trust and the note secured ground w/ mechanical ex- Call Bud Phillips Two free signs Ads starting at $12
thereby, substituted Under- perience preferred. Quali- 662−549−2302
Legal Notices IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF A wood Law Firm PLLC, as Trust- fied applicants should be Estate Sales Campers & RVs
CHILD ee therein, as authorized by familiar w/ hydraulics, Houses For Rent: North
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION the terms thereof, by instru- heavy machinery & PLC’s, Shuqualak Estate Sale
ROBERT OWENS, JR., AND JEN- ment dated August 17, 2020 have good problem solving 508 19TH STREET NORTH:
NIFER OWENS and recorded in the Office of 30 JC Skipper Loop
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF skills & be flexible to work 4BR/2BA, brick house, Shuqualak, MS 39361
MONROE COUNTY, MISSIS- PETITIONERS the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in extra hours or weekends as central heat & air, single
SIPPI Book 2020 at Page 20260; Sept. 25th − 27th
CAUSE NO. 2020-365B and needed. Email resume to carport. Available now, Fri. & Sat. 9am−4pm
[email protected] $775/mth. Deposit, credit Sun. 1pm−4pm
CHILD, B.T.T. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI WHEREAS, default having been check, references. Selling the Living Estate of
made in the terms and condi- Call Long & Long, Ralph & Cindy Skipper
tions of said deed of trust and

ROBERT OWENS, JR., AND JEN- TO: LATASHA LABELLE TERRY, 662−328−0770. Photos & Details @
NIFER OWENS NATURAL MOTHER OF B.T.T. the entire debt secured
thereby, having been declared 2007 45 Luxury Newmar
PETITIONERS Houses For Rent: Starkville Stewart’s Estate Sales
TO: BOBBY RAY REEVES, LEG- to be due and payable in ac- Essex Diesel Pusher 30K
AL FATHER OF B.T.T. cordance with the terms of said Benny Shelton miles. Sale price $34,500,
CAUSE NO. 2020-364B
deed of trust, and the legal Ads starting at $25 3BR/1BA house in the 662−251−1515 Everything works properly
TO: PUTATIVE FATHER OF holder of said indebtedness, country. 20 mins from on it. TEXT 2283672671
B.T.T., A MINOR CHILD Deutsche Bank National Trust Apts For Rent: North MSU. No HUD. $500/mo +
TO: LATASHA LABELLE TERRY, Company formerly known as dep. 662−549−0144. Garage Sales: East
NATURAL MOTHER OF B.T.T. DEFENDANTS Bankers Trust Company of Cali-

fornia, N.A., as Trustee of FOX RUN APARTMENTS Houses For Rent: Other
1 & 2 BR near hospital. LIVING ESTATE SALE
TO: BOBBY RAY REEVES, LEG- All defendants are not to be Vendee Mortgage Trust 2000-
found and their residence is 1, having requested the under- $595−$645 monthly. Sat. 8a−3 & Sun. 1p−3p.
AL FATHER OF B.T.T. 3BR/2.5BA, CUSTOM− Contents of 3 b/r home.
not to be known after diligent signed Substituted Trustee to Military discount, pet area, BUILT−HOUSE ON 40
TO: PUTATIVE FATHER OF search and inquiry and the post execute the trust and sell said pet friendly, and furnished ACRES. 10 minutes from
Great prices. Cash only. Ads starting at $12
B.T.T., A MINOR CHILD office address of the defend- land and property in accord- corporate apts. Must load own items.
ants is not known to the peti- ance with the terms of said CAFB, 5 minutes from West Masks required. Limited
24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL Point. Very private. CH/A. Lost & Found Items
DEFENDANTS tioners after diligent search deed of trust for the purpose of GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. parking− Church parking lot
and inquiry. raising the sums due thereun- Fenced backyard. Ceramic near home.
der, together with attorney’s ON SITE MAINTENANCE. tile throughout. Pets
All defendants are not to be ON SITE MANAGEMENT. 1013 Bennett Ave. DIAMOND PENDANT lost
found and their residence is You have been made a Defend- fees, Substituted Trustee’s negotiable. No HUD. 9/14 around 10:30a at
not to be known after diligent ant in the suit filed in this fees and expense of sale; 24−HOUR CAMERA $1,200/mo + $1,200 dep.
SURVEILLANCE. Benji & East Col. Post Office or
search and inquiry and the post Court by Robert Owens, Jr., and 864−634−4192 11a at MUW cafeteria.
office address of the defend- Jennifer Owens, same being a NOW, THEREFORE, WE, Under- Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
Petition for Termination of Par- wood Law Firm PLLC, Substi-
Reward if found.
ants is not known to the peti- Mobile Homes for Rent Call 662−574−2292 or
tioners after diligent search ental Rights. tuted Trustee in said deed of Apts For Rent: West
and inquiry. trust, will on the 7th day of Oc- 662−327−1349.
You are summoned to appear tober, 2020, offer for sale at 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.

You have been made a Defend- and defend against the Peti- public outcry for cash to the $650 dep + $650/mo. No Travel & Entertainment
ant in the suit filed in this tion and/or Complaint filed in highest bidder, and sell within pets, quiet area. Leave full

Court by Robert Owens, Jr., and this action at 9:00 A.M. on the legal hours (being between the name & message,
Jennifer Owens, same being a 19TH day of OCTOBER, 2020, hours of 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 205−712−6697. PUBLIC CATFISH POND
Petition for Adoption of the in the Chancery Courtroom of P.M.) at the Main front door of
the Monroe County Court- the County Courthouse at @ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
minor child, B.T.T.
house at Aberdeen, Missis- Columbus, County of Lowndes, Apartments & Houses RENT A CAMPER! Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
sippi, and in the case of your State of Mississippi, the follow- CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! 662−386−8591
1 Bedrooms
You are summoned to appear
and defend against the Peti- failure to appear and defend, a ing described property situated Utilities & cable included, You’ll find the best deals Call for pricing.
in the County of Lowndes,
2 Bedroooms
judgement will be entered
tion and/or Complaint filed in
this action at 9:00 A.M. on the against you for the relief de- State of Mississippi, to-wit:
from $145/wk − $535/mo
Columbus & County School when you advertise
and shop here!
3 Bedrooms
19TH day of OCTOBER, 2020, manded in the Petition. You are locations. 662−242−7653 Pets
in the Chancery Courtroom of not required to file and answer Lot Twelve (12), of Green Acres or 205−442−2011.
the Monroe County Court- or other pleading but you may Subdivision, Second Extension,
house at Aberdeen, Missis- do so if you desire. to the City of Columbus, Furnished & Unfurnished Akc German Shepard
sippi, and in the case of your Lowndes County, Mississippi, RV/MOBILE HOME SITE Puppies − Black and tan,
failure to appear and defend, a Issued under my hand and the as shown by the map or plat of 1, 2, & 3 Baths East or West Columbus or very smart and great with
seal of said Court, this 8th day same recorded in Plat Book 2 kids, with papers and 1st
Lease, Deposit
judgement will be entered near CAFB, Caledonia
against you for the relief de- of September, A.D., 2020. at Page 80 in the Office of the schools. 601−940−1397. shots, available Oct 1st,
& Credit Check
manded in the Petition. You are Chancery Clerk of Lowndes non refundable deposit
not required to file and answer RONNIE BOOZER County, Mississippi. required, $250! $500.
Chancery Clerk of Monroe
Real Estate
or other pleading but you may 662−341−0862
do so if you desire. County, Mississippi WE WILL CONVEY only such
(SEAL) title as is vested in Underwood
Law Firm PLLC as Substituted
Ads starting at $12
Issued under my hand and the BY: Valerie Whitfield, D.C.
seal of said Court, this 8th day
of September, A.D., 2020. PUBLISH: 9/16, 9/23 &
Apts For Rent: Other Ads starting at $25 Burial Plots
Five Question:

1 Grand Old
RONNIE BOOZER this the 10th day of Septem-
ber, 2020. Farms & Timberland 3 BURIAL PLOTS
Chancery Clerk of Monroe IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Friendship Cemetery, South
County, Mississippi
Underwood Law Firm PLLC
SALE. We are accepting
West corner. $1,500 total.
Call 662−574−5420. Party
BY: Valerie Whitfield, D.C.
RE: LAST WILL AND TESTA- sealed bids for the right to
2 Socrates
PUBLISH: 9/16, 9/23 & Control# McCrory, purchase 470 +/− acres of
9/30/2020 Michael/CMS
KINGSBURY, DECEASED prime Noxubee County
PUBLISH: 09/16/2020, farmland & mobile home
NO. 44CH1:20-pr-00152-JNS FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
3 Ego
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF 09/23/2020, 09/30/2020 located on Highway 388,
Brooksville, MS up to & not Various lengths.
SIPPI NOTICE TO CREDITORS later than Friday, October 662−295−2274.
9, 2020 10:00a.m. The
Notice is given that Letters
4 Fred
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- parcels are 153−18−
TATE OF WILLIE GEORGE ED- Testamentary have been gran- Furniture
ted to the undersigned, Jen- 001.00, 40 acres & 153−
Flintstone and
WARDS, DECEASED 18−001.01, 431.60
nifer Lynn Kingsbury, in the SPOOL CABINET, cane
MONICA EDWARDS PETITIONER matter of the Estate of Chad Call us: 662-328-2424
Barney Rubble
acres. The bids will be bottom chairs, old set of
Downing Kingsbury, deceased, opened at 10:00 a.m. at
by the Chancery Court of china, antique table lamps,
CAUSE NO.:2019-0125-F the office of Ricky Walker,
Lowndes County, Mississippi, General Help Wanted Attorney−at−Law, 2962
pewter, amber glass,
collector plates & more.
5 Patagonia
NOTICE TO CREDITORS and all persons having claims Jefferson Street, Macon,
against said estate are re- CONSTRUCTION LABORERS Call 662−312−6207.
quired to have the same pro- MS. After all bids are
Letters of administration hav- Local residential contract- opened, the top 3 bidders
ing been granted on the 28th bated and registered by the or looking for laborers. Ex- will have the opportunity to Houses For Sale: Other
day of July, 2020, by the Chan- clerk of said court within ninety perience preferred. Com-
cery Court of Lowndes County, (90) days after the date of the petitive wages. Serious in-
make a second bid. The
Mississippi in Cause No.: first publication of this notice, right to reject any & all bids
or the same shall be forever quiries only. Call 662-549- BE NEAR IT ALL IN
2019-0125-F to the under- HISTORIC DOWNTOWN is reserved. Accepted bid
signed Administratrix upon the barred. The first day of publica- 1278 for more information. must be approved by
tion of this notice is Septem- COLUMBUS.
Estate of Willie George Ed- 2 SPACIOUS Probate Court. Send all
wards, deceased. ber 23, 2020.
RETAIL STORE needs entry CONDOMINIUMS NOW bids to Ricky Walker,
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on level employee. Part time, AVAILABLE − 2BR 2BA Attorney−at−Law, P.O. Box
Notice is hereby given to all
persons having claims against this 21st day of September, flexible hours, ideal for loc- & 1BR 1 1/2 BA RENT 427, Macon, MS 39341.
said estate to present same to 2020. al college student. Mail let- FROM $1000−$1350 For more information call
the Clerk of said Court for pro- ter of introduction to PER MO. LEASE & Judy or Stan Miller,
bate and registration accord- /s/Jennifer Kingsbury Blind Box 676 c/o The 601−260−7712 or
ing to law within ninety (90) Commercial Dispatch SECURITY @ 662−418−8266.
days from the first date of pub- EXECUTRIX
lication of this notice or they Columbus, MS 39703. PARKING, GRANITE Lots & Acreage
will be forever barred under PUBLISH: 9/23, 9/30 &
Mississippi law. 10/7/2020 COUNTER TOPS,
Licensed Cosmetologist Good/Bad Credit Options.
/s/ Monica Edwards SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE’S NO- Needed! No booth rent. No SS APPLIANCES,
Monica Edwards, Administrat- TICE OF SALE WASHER/DRYER, Good credit as low as 20%
clientele needed. For more down, $499/mo. Eaton
rix of the Estate of Willie info, call or text 662-312- WATER AND SEWER
George Edwards, deceased WHEREAS, on October 21, INCLUDED. Land, 662−361−7711.
8727 or email
1999, Michael David McCrory, 662−251−3367
Submitted by: a single person, executed a [email protected]
Chynee A. Bailey, MSB 99513 deed of trust to Bobbe Burkhal- 180 acres in Liberty
Bailey Law, PLLC ter, Trustee for the benefit of Manufacturing
Community. Good hunting
Post Office Box 8121 Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
Columbus, MS 39705 & road systems. $850/
which deed of trust is recor- WANTED: Full Time Industri- acre. Other tracks
601.857.8100 (Telephone) ded in Deed of Trust Book al Journeyman Electrician
601.857.8010 (Facsimile) 1297 at Page 374 in the Of- RENTALS available. Call 205−799−
with experience in conduit TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
fice of the Chancery Clerk of installing, pull wire, read
9846 or 205−695−2248.
Publication dates: 9/23, 9/30 the County of Lowndes, State
& 10/7/2020 of Mississippi; and drawings, repair lights, 1 BEDROOM
make terminations & trou-
WHEREAS, the aforesaid deed bleshoot electrical prob- 2 BEDROOMS
of trust was assigned to lems. Foreman experience
Bankers Trust Company of Cali- a plus. 401k, paid insur-
3 BEDROOMS It’s a classified
fornia, N.A., not in its individu- ance, paid holidays offered. LEASE, rule-of-thumb:
© The Dispatch

al capacity but solely as Trust- Valid driver’s license re-

ee, or its permitted suc- quired. Email resume to: DEPOSIT
All notices must be cessors and assigns, on be-
half Vendee Mortgage Trust [email protected] AND We tell readers
emailed to (2000-1) by instrument dated CREDIT CHECK
February 24, 2000, and recor-
ded in the Office of the afore-
what they need said Chancery Clerk in Book
1317 at Page 245; and Read local. 662-329-2323 to know to buy
WHEREAS, the aforesaid, 2411 HWY 45 N what they need.
Deutsche Bank National Trust
Company formerly known as COLUMBUS, MS
Bankers Trust Company of Cali-

Service Directory
fornia, N.A., as Trustee of

Looking for goods

Vendee Mortgage Trust 2000-
1, the holder of said deed of
trust and the note secured
thereby, substituted Under-

or services?
wood Law Firm PLLC, as Trust-
ee therein, as authorized by
the terms thereof, by instru-
ment dated August 17, 2020
and recorded in the Office of
Promote your small business starting at only $25
the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in
Book 2020 at Page 20260; Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Painting & Papering
WHEREAS, default having been Bucket truck & stump Ext/Int Painting.
made in the terms and condi- removal. Free est. Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
tions of said deed of trust and Serving Columbus Repair. Pressure Washing.
the entire debt secured
thereby, having been declared since 1987. Senior Free Estimates. Ask for
to be due and payable in ac- citizen disc. Call Alvin @ specials! Larry Webber,
cordance with the terms of said 242−0324/241−4447 662−242−4932.
deed of trust, and the legal "We’ll go out on a limb for
holder of said indebtedness, you!" SULLIVAN’S PAINT
Deutsche Bank National Trust SERVICE
Company formerly known as DAVID’S CARPET & Special Prices.
Bankers Trust Company of Cali- WORK WANTED: Licensed
UPHOLSTERY & Bonded. Carpentry, minor Interior & Exterior Painting.
fornia, N.A., as Trustee of CLEANING
Vendee Mortgage Trust 2000- electrical, minor plumbing, 662−435−6528
1, having requested the under- Fall Special: 4 Rms $99 insulation, painting, demo−
signed Substituted Trustee to 1 Room − $50 lition, gutters cleaned, Tree Services
execute the trust and sell said 2 Room − $70 pressure washing, land−
land and property in accord- 3 Rooms − $90 scaping, cleanup work. J&A TREE REMOVAL
ance with the terms of said Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars Work from a bucket truck.
deed of trust for the purpose of 662−242−3608.
Call for more info! Insured/bonded.

Find it in classifieds
raising the sums due thereun- 662−722−1758 Lawn Care / Landscaping
der, together with attorney’s Call Jimmy Prescott for free
fees, Substituted Trustee’s estimate, 662−386−6286.
fees and expense of sale; Got leaky pipes? LAWN SERVICE
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, Under- Sell idle items Find a plumber in the Mowing, cleanup,
Are you a painter?
tuted Trustee in
wood Law Firm PLLC, Substi-
deed of
with a quick action
classified ad.
classifieds. landscaping, sodding,
& tree cutting. Advertise here!
trust, will on the 7th day of Oc- 662−356−6525
tober, 2020, offer for sale at
public outcry for cash to the

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