Ritograph Graph: Goodbye College Lake

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ritograph Student Voice of University of Lynchburg
September 23, 2020 Volume 105, Issue 7

Goodbye College Lake of them made it downstream and did the stream restoration ecologist, [who]
Grave Cavanaugh not necessarily die in the draining. Of designs the stream restoration process. He
Editor-in-Chief course, we saw that there were a lot of
fish killed from the dead fish in the lake
is taking that kind of sediment balance into
account,” said Dr. Henry-Stone. “What is
[email protected] bed afterwards and on the stream banks the best sediment balance for a stream like
afterwards. But it is unclear really what Blackwater Creek? We want to let some of
Construction has begun on a bridge the figure really was.” that go downstream. But the challenge, of
to replace the part of Lakeside Drive that She continued, “There are a couple of course, is that there is so much of it built
runs over College Lake’s dam. different problems with the sediment that up in College Lake. We do not want all of
In an announcement on the City of has built up in that washed downstream that to go downstream and we want to
Lynchburg’s official website, it was then and could get downstream again in capture as much as possible in that like
stated: “The City of Lynchburg and the the future. And one is that the sediment just that and in the wetlands. The main thing
University of Lynchburg are pleased suffocates aquatic organisms, especially that AECOM and the city are planning to
to announce that the first phase of the what we call macro invertebrates that do is to drain the lake in stages. It will be
College Lake Dam Removal Project is live on the rocky bottom of stream. That a slower drawdown, which means it will
underway. The purpose of the project is macro invertebrates form the foundation allow some of those upper reaches of the
twofold: to remove the 85-year-old high- of a whole ecosystem, a whole aquatic lake bed to dry out before they draw the
hazard dam and to restore the resulting ecosystem. Another one is that there next stage down. By drying out, it will
lakebed to a thriving environment where is also a lot of fecal coliform and E. coli stabilize a bit and it will be less likely to
Blackwater Creek can re-emerge after bacteria that has built up in that sediment all just run off in the next storm event, and
College Lake after it was drained in Aug. of 2018. Photo retrieved from http://www.
more than eight decades.” in that lake from various sources in the also allow vegetation to get established to
Dr. Laura Henry-Stone, Assistant watershed and the sediment probably has help hold that sediment in place as well,
Professor of Environmental Studies, said, removing the dam. And we have hired an ecosystem, they will flood the streams and
some of that bacteria embedded in it. So because that is the long term goal, to have
“The city has two different departments engineering firm called AECOM that is James River with sediments when they
that could be a human health concern, of vegetation throughout the whole lake bed
who are working on this project. The doing the design of the dam removal and remove the dam. It is inevitable.”
course, because E. coli and fecal coliform to stabilize the sediment into what the
Department of Public Works is overseeing the preliminary engineering report.” Dr. Henry-Stone shares the same
can make people sick.” native ecosystem would be in that in that
the building of the new bridge. That is An infographic released by the then sentiment, saying, “The challenge we
On another note, the sediment could area.”
actually what is happening right now Lynchburg College in 2014 stated, “In are facing is that College Lake has been
be good for some of the downstream The current plan is to replace
down there on Lakeside Drive and the addition to flood control and aesthetics, collecting sediment from the upper
environment. Dr. Henry-Stone said, College Lake with a Wetlands Learning
lake where they have cleared a lot of the any dam modification will need to address watershed for decades. There are places in
“There has been some evidence that some Laboratory. Prior to contrary belief, “[w]e
trees and there is construction going on. the impacts to wildlife, sedimentation, the lake where […] that sediment is 20 feet
of the downstream sections of Blackwater mean what is it that we are going to learn
That is to prepare to build a new bridge. and water quality downstream. The deep. When the lake had to be drained
Creek have been what is called sediment from this ecosystem as it transitions from
They will not remove the dam and drain conceptual plan alternatives will in 2018 after the flood in August, it had
starved, which means that they are not a lake to a creek and wetlands area,” said
the lake until that new bridge is finished. specifically address sedimentation to be done quickly because the city was
getting a recharge of sediment like there Dr. Henry-Stone.
That is scheduled for December of 2022. coming from the watershed above College concerned about the safety and integrity
would be in a sort of naturally flowing She continued, “This is basically a
[…] So it’s a massive, multifaceted Lake.” of the dam after the flood. A lot of the
creek ecosystem. And that recharge of project, an ecological restoration. [...]
project.” Concerning the sediment problem that sediment washed downstream and there
sediment might provide nutrients to the There is a lot of evidence that suggests
She continued, “[The] city’s Department draining the lake will present, Dr. Thomas were no precautions taken for fish or any
ecosystem and habitats, especially along
of Water Resources is overseeing that, the Shahady, Professor of Environmental of the other wildlife. And it is unclear

the stream banks to different kinds of
dam removal and lake bed restoration. I Science, said, “The fish were killed during because nobody was really tracking how
am working with the City Department the first draining Aug of 2018. I estimated many fish might have actually made it
There are people in charge of making
of Water Resources as the liaison from well over 10,000 fish were killed by
the city. Concerning the surrounding
downstream before the lake was totally
empty. I believe that probably some
sure the sediment does not destroy the on page 4
the University to create those plans for downstream ecosystem. “They called

Democracy Feeling Emotional? Womens Volleyball

Ideally American Animal Assistancet New Faces
Page 2 Page 3 Page 8
@TheCritograph /The Critograph /The Critograph /The Critograph
2 News Wednesday, September 26,
Critograph Democracy and American Ideals in and out of the Classroom
Editor-in-Chief Cassandra Matthews protests, which definitely
Grace Cavanaugh
Assistant Editor had the largest influences
Assistant Editor
Cassandra Matthews [email protected] on me in terms of modern
Copy Editor discrimination in U.S. society.
Kamryn Schnieder The University of Lynchburg’s I do enjoy the fact that the
Web Editor
Alyson Draper senior symposium topics for class discussions provide
Graphic Designer/Illustrator the fall 2020 semester focuses me with an opportunity to
Daniel Skutvik on democracy and American share that information and
Mulitmedia Editor
Joshua Price
ideals. the things that I have seen/
News Editor Dr. Edith Simms who has learned throughout the
Selena Wimouth taught the senior symposium protest though.”
Sports Columnist Illustration by Daniel Skutvik
class since 2014 said, Dr. Salmon also noted, “Let
William Masselli
Social Media Manager “participating in students’ me be clear in saying that the
Stephanie Arnold growth as writers and critical made to the course is the and that we analyze older goal of the course is not to
Business/Marketing Manager thinkers” is central. introduction of unit papers. documents to show progressive promote a particular agenda
Jessica Head advancements over time.
Staff Writer This semester she is Salmon said, she “implemented or position--it is to invite
Kelli Carter facilitating the class in-person unit papers in order to allow for However, the discussions students to bring their own
Faculty Advisor with a strict social distancing a revision component, which also point out a large array experience and expertise to
Dr. Ghislaine Lewis of areas in which U.S. society
and mask wearing policy. She was in response to our Writing the discussion and to interact
also stated that even with the Enriched initiative on campus has been lagging behind, with the lecture presentations
The Critograph is the official
social distancing and bouncing and best practices in writing.” so the discussions are all- and readings. Senior Sym
University of Lynchburg
student news and information between in-person and online, This now means that there are encompassing in a sense.” is not a course that intends
source, published weekly “students are [still] engaging in fewer weekly papers and exam An example of this would be to convey a particular body
during the fall and spring. having to write a paper about a
wonderful class discussions.” essays for students to complete. of knowledge; it is a course
All copy, photographs and Dr. Nina Salmon has been Senior accounting major, contemporary issue while citing that teaches thinking and
graphics are the sole property of the director of the senior Nicole Diienno is currently Whitehead’s “The Underground use of reading, writing, and
The Critograph and may not be Railroad,” The Declaration of
symposium for three years but enrolled in the senior speaking to discover and
reproduced without the specific
consent of the Editor in Chief. studied under Dr. David Freier symposium class and believes Independence and a Webinar explore ideas.”
for approximately nine years that it is important for everyone called “Interpreting Slavery at More background on senior
Letters to the editor are
before stepping into this role. to take because of the topics Monticello.” symposium can be found here
encouraged. Submissions should
Salmon’s major challenge for being discussed this year. She Louvros also believes this https://www.lynchburg.
be sent to critograph@lynchburg.
edu by 6 p.m. on Sundays. this year was determining the said, “If not for this class, I class to be important because edu/news/2020/08/we-the-
Letters are limited to 250 words class would be taught in light would never have read The he has, “…spent a lot of time people-theme-of-2020-senior-
or less and must include name, in Richmond during the
of the pandemic restriction. Underground Railroad, which symposium/
address and a current email
is a book I have discovered I
address or phone number.

If you have a correction or clarification,

She said, “We usually bring
speakers to campus and have like a lot. I am learning things Security Blotter
all seven or eight class sections about slavery and racial/
e-mail [email protected]. Friday, September 18
of Senior Sym together in the social injustice in America,
If you are interested in placing an Larceny (Petty<500) - Three separate vehicles broken into;
advertisement in a print issue or Ballroom on Mondays,” but that I had never learned in items stolen
online, please e-mail Critograph@
due to Covid, those lectures are school before or been exposed
Latest issues and archives can be now posted online for students to.” She believes that without Friday, September 18
to watch from the safety of their this class, she would have not Harassment- On-going dispute between hall mates; harassing/
Contact Us homes. been exposed to these ideas threatening message left on white board
Critograph This semester the lectures and issues in a critical thinking
1501 Lakeside Drive include a webinar, an interview, environment rather than from Wednesday, September 16
Lynchburg College, Schewel Hate Crime- Verbal argument involving ethnic slur & possible
Hall Newsroom 116 the musical Hamilton, and the news or social media.
Lynchburg, Virginia 24501 lectures from professors Laura Senior Nickolas Louvros said threat of weapon
434.544.8301 Kicklighter, Adam Dean, and he appreciates, “the fact that
[email protected] Security Blotter reprinted verbatim from online
Naomi Amos. the discussions are centered campus crime log.
Another change Salmon has around contemporary issues
Wednesday, September 26,
News 3
Adjusting to the Hybrid Curriculum
Rachel Parent least limited in-classroom he is still enjoying all that
Assisstant Copy Editor experience while so many the University has to offer.
[email protected] other colleges around the Senior Nicole Diienno
country have been forced stated, “I appreciate the
As the University of to go completely online weekly update emails
Lynchburg moved to as they haven’t been able we are being sent out.
a hybrid curriculum, to control the virus to It provides a sense of
there have been some the same level that we security that there is
adjustments both for currently have in place. constant communication
students and faculty. UL Rocks!” so we fully understand
Assistant Professor of It has also been the situation.”
Criminology, Daniel challenging for students Image retrieved from Shutterstock As the Covid-19 cases
Murphy, stated, “I will to stay on top of their decrease, students are
I do not find it overly thankful that I am a senior
be glad when we can schoolwork and balance finding comfort in the
challenging. That being and can be relatively self-
teach in a traditional the online and in-person regular email to keep
said, however, I do much sufficient to the point that
setting again as I miss the alternations with their students informed about
prefer the connection of this pandemic and the
constant interaction with classes. Senior Andrew the state of the campus.
being in the classroom restrictions are not having
my students. However, McCracken, stated, While there have been
more and I think I learn a large negative effect on
I am proud of all the UL “It is a little harder to several adjustments
more in that setting too. my experiences here.”
students who have taken pay attention in class overall the responses
Unfortunately, this is McCracken noted that the
the COVID virus seriously online and hold myself have been positive within
happening during my shift to hybrid classes is
allowing us to have at accountable, but overall the student body.
senior year but I am not affecting his last year,

Getting Emotional Support Animals At Lynchburg University

Evy Brunelle ESA is recommended ... it would to have an ESA and is applying paperwork is in before deadlines.”
News Editor be important to think of the long- for another. Kalesoo’s ESA was a She also reinforced the concern to
[email protected] term responsibility the ESA would cat names Zeke, who she decided understand how much work an ESA
require. It would also be important to “return ... to my parents house will be. She added that individuals
There have been ongoing discussions in considering what type of ESA because he’s very social and missed “...make sure you are willing to do
at the University of Lynchburg about would be appropriate for you,” if his big brother.” During her first whatever is right for them.”
the implementation of emotional you are debating getting an ESA. application, Kira was rejected. Emotional Support Animals
support animals. It is wise to also recognize that Her second application, once Zeke are not Service animals, and
An Emotional Support Animal an ESA is not simply a pet. Wood was older, was during the COVID although both are approved by the
(ESA), according to Dr. Emily Wood, added, “I think it’s important to lockdown. She said “it was tough University’s Center for Accessibility
a counselor at the University o, is consider all the ways the ESA will to try to get all the paperwork when and Disability Resources, a trained
an animal with “the purpose … to impact your life positively and you cannot just go see your doctor. service animal is given special
help provide comfort and support to negatively … students get excited Overall it was tough, but worth it privilege and access as medical
someone who struggles with mental about having an animal with them in the end.” Although she ended equipment according to the
health issues.” Almost any animal Kira Kaseloo’s former Emotional Support and all the positive impacts they
Animal Zeke. Taken by Kira Kaseloo up having to search for a new ESA, American Disabilities Act, while an
can be an emotional support animal, might bring, they fail to look at the Kalesoo explained, “Zeke is the ESA has limitations and restrictions.
but are not the same as family pets, service is not too involved with responsibilities of taking care of an best cat I could have as an ESA. He If you are interested in registering
which according to the University’s the registration of ESAs on animal.” She also comments that a loves people. It was comforting that an ESA, contact the Center for
Emotional Support Animals campus. Instead it is handled by common issue with ESA in the past whenever I had a flare up of any Accessibility and Disability
Residential Policy, “is defined as an disabilities services. However, is students “struggling to take care condition I could just scoop him up Resources, and read the relevat paper
animal kept for ordinary use and Wood recommends “talking to of [their] needs and [their] health,” and calm down.” work at https://www.lynchburg.
companionship.” your physician and psychiatrist which makes it “difficult to care for Kalesoo also advised those edu/academics/disability-
Despite ESAs being more for about your personal mental health an ESA.” looking into getting an ESA to “[r] services/registration-intake-
emotional and mental comfort than issues and whether or not an ESA Kira Kalesoo is a sophomore ead everything and make sure accommodations/animal-policies/
physical comfort, the Counseling would be appropriate. [...] If an music education major who used you understand. Start early so all emotional-support-animals/
4 News Wednesday, September 26,

interests. I was on the interview construction.” not be the end, though. According to Dr. is going to be a really cool resource
committee, we wrote […] the call to In an article published by Virginia Henry-Stone, “I have done a lot of a lot as well when that goes live, having
get proposals from engineering firms Places about the dam removal, it was of work on understanding the cultural that story mapped for the community
from page 1 to do this work for us. I helped write stated, “The bridge was expected to cost history of College Lake as well. Four or to learn more about the project. That
that proposal. I helped review the six $28.5 million, and lakebed restoration five years ago, I taught a capstone course is a great example of what the city is
that it’s better to let a river run free than to different applications that came in from would cost an additional $20 million. In in environmental studies in which the doing for us, too, you know, for the
dam it up. [...] We are going to be learning six different agencies. And then I helped the 2019 session of the General Assembly, students interviewed folks and collected university to create a resource like this
about how an ecosystem like this changes interview the four different agencies or Lynchburg’s representatives succeeded in some oral histories about their memories for our faculty and our students.”
over time and how we can help facilitate firms that we narrowed it down to. The getting a $5 million state matching grant of College Lake. The goal was to There is also the issue of naming
restoration over time. This is a learning consensus decided on the firm that we included in the budget.” understand that while College Lake very the wetlands College Lake will leave
opportunity for the university and for the chose. I share that story to represent the When asked about what she was most well might not always be there, it does not behind. Dr. Henry-Stone said, “We
whole community that we can share with fact that while, yes, the city is the entity excited for, Dr. Henry-Stone answered, it has to go away in our in our collective are thinking about what to call this
other communities that are also removing that AECOM is working for. It has been a “You know, we cause problems in the memory. It has been a really important space in the future when it is no longer
old dams. Certainly, pollution is going to collaborative process in identifying what ecosystem when we dam something up cultural asset for our community for a going to be College Lake. I keep talking
be a part of that sort of learning process, we want the organization to do for us.” like that. So I am excited about seeing that long time. And I think it is important to about it is like the Old Lake, that and
so monitoring things like the sediment Finances also play a role. According to long term change because I am probably in honor that place and that lake in our in the College Lake Dam. What I have
flow and nutrient run off, nitrogen and Dr. Henry-Stone, “Yes, the financial aspect this for the long haul. My collaborator of our collective history.” been calling it sort of tentatively is the
phosphorus runoff will be a part of that. is a part of it, because the city has already the city is a woman named Erin Hawkins, She continued, “The same with Blackwater Wetlands. In the future,
In fact, […] agencies like the Army Corps allocated quite a bit of funding from their who is the director of the Department Dr. Shahady’s contributions. He has we will have Blackwater Creek with
of Engineers, they will require the city to own resources, as well as secured funding of Water Resources. She and I really see made important contributions to our the Blackwater Wetlands, so students
be monitoring some of those parameters, from the state of Virginia, for this project. this as a real opportunity to contribute community in the work that he has done in the future will be able to have a
like water quality. Those are not fully Yes, that has been awarded to the city and to our community and to the long term around college, and it is important to different experience instead of a lake
articulated yet. The Army Corps has not it is part of the city’s financial management knowledge about dam removals and honor those contributions while also and that will be Blackwater Wetlands.”
decided what all of the parameters are plan. But again, we are working aging infrastructure, urban environments looking ahead to the future about what Future opportunities for questions
that they are going to be monitoring. But collaboratively on identifying additional during this time of climate change, when is best for the future of this watershed’s are coming. “The city is planning on
that is one of the things that AECOM is funding sources that the university might we are going to have more extreme community. That is what I want, a little having some sort of virtual public
writing up in their report and working also be able to pursue and contribute to weather events and more significant bit of that historical perspective, too. And meeting process in November to share
with those agencies to clarify.” this project through especially research stormwater management issues. I am the city has been, I have found, really with the public what the engineering
To answer the question about who is funding grants and research education. excited about the opportunity to see how fantastic to work with and that they are firm has designed for this restoration
running the program, Dr. Henry-Stone We are less likely as a university to be able to how this ecosystem is going to change actually putting together a story map, a project,” said Dr. Henry-Stone.
said, “The city is not controlling the to solicit construction grants. The city will and how we can facilitate this restoration website with [an] embedded map that has
project. I am at the table with them as have more opportunities for pursuing process to the best of our ability.” links with pictures and information about
a partner representing the university’s additional funding if we need it for more The final draining of College Lake will the project and about College Lake. That


Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo

Feb 19 – Mar 20 Mar 21 – Apr 20 Apr 21 – May 21 May 22 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – Aug 23
With regard to finances, you Practice some humility when Put the brakes on and go Your career progresses A tendency to rush into
may have some unpleasant you’re at work, in your quest
Take a relaxed view of
easy on how you treat positively romance scares off potential life and let grass grow
experiences today and are for success conduct yourself
your body candidates for your love
forced to become aware of appropriately, always behave over old feuds
your own weaknesses fairly and use restraint

Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius

Aug 24 – Sept 22 Sept 23 – Oct 23 Oct 24 – Nov 22 Nov 23 – Dec 21 Dec 22 – Jan 19 Jan 20 – Feb 18
It is quite possible that The situation with Find your voice and don’t miss this Re-establishing family Re-establishing family In your relationship you
today some important your former, current
opportunity, maybe that special
ties benefits you in many ties benefits you in many feel more and more that
person you seek, your dream
decisions for your it is getting boring
or potential partner is partner, is waiting for you to different ways different ways
relationship are being taken respond in a positive way
Horoscopes from: https://www.astrosofa.com/horoscopes/daily-horoscope/2019/September/4/Pisces. Graphics from: https://www.ganeshaspeaks.com/horoscopes/weekly-horoscope/aries/.
Wednesday, September 26, Opinion 5

The Buzz
Week in
[catches hornet opinions in writing] US death toll from coronavirus hits
The columns in “The Buzz” do not represent the opinions of The Critograph or its staff, but instead captures the views of their authors. 200,000

College Life: The Journey of my

The U.S. death toll from the
coronavirus topped 200,000 Tuesday,
by far the highest in the world,
hitting the once-unimaginable

threshold six weeks before an
election that is certain to be a
referendum in part on President
Donald Trump’s handling of the
Kelli Carter pull out toxins from mediation and to I definitely will crisis.

Staff Writer your body. It was incorporate them be using them “It is completely unfathomable
[email protected]
hard at first but if into my everyday in my morning that we’ve reached this point,” said
Jennifer Nuzzo, a Johns Hopkins

This week you find something use. meditations and in University public health researcher,
eight months after the scourge first
has honestly been a to do while doing it I loved how yoga. reached the world’s richest nation,

spiritual journey for then time will pass the crystals I got I did get tarot with its state-of-the-art laboratories,
top-flight scientists and stockpiles of

me. I have always faster. were making me cards but I am medical supplies.

been spiritual but This week I had feel so I started to still learning how
I have never really the opportunity of do more research on to use them. My Ginsburg, a feminist icon

chosen to learn going to Grounded more things I can do housemates are Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader

more about different earth which is a shop and found a crystal really excited for Ginsburg died on Friday due to
complications of metastatic pancreas

rituals. For example that has spiritual that I really wanted. me to learn them so cancer, the court announced. She

I have been learning books, tarot cards, It is called Moldavite I can practice it out was 87.
Ginsburg was appointed in 1993 by

more about crystals, essential oils, which is a stone for on them. Honestly President Bill Clinton and in recent
years served as the most senior
tarot cards and herbs. crystals, etc. There total transformation. I need more time member of the court’s liberal wing,

For some I got 5 crystals, I ended up getting to learn before that consistently delivering progressive
votes on the most divisive social

reason I have been Himalayan Salt and this at a different happens. issues of the day, including abortion

really feeling pulled tarot cards. store but when I was The last thing rights, same-sex marriage, voting
rights, immigration, health care and

to doing more Some of the getting it the lady that I got this week affirmative action.

meditation and Crystals that I got in the store read my is chaga tea. Chaga Vanessa Bryant sues LA sheriff

better understanding were Fire Crackle energy and was spot is a mushroom Vanessa Bryant, the widow of

my energy. Agate, BloodStone, on and confirmed my that is packed with basketball star Kobe Bryant, has

Everyday so Goldstone,Green perceived notions on antioxidants and filed a lawsuit against the Los
Angeles County sheriff claiming

far I have been doing Apatite and getting this crystal. can benefit your deputies shared unauthorized
photos of the crash that killed her
Oil Pulling which is a Amethyst. All of At this store I overall health. husband, their 13-year-old daughter

practice of Ayurveda these have different got Moldavite and I am really and seven others.
After the Jan. 26 crash, reports

which is an old healing forms but I Rose quartz which excited about the surfaced that graphic photos of

herbal medicine. tried to get similar is a crystal for self spiritual journey the victims were being shared.
Vanessa Bryant was “shocked and

Oil pulling so when ones that relieve love. I am so excited I am about to devastated” by the reports, the
lawsuit states.
you swish coconut stress,anxiety and to see the impact embark on to better
in your mouth for 20 self love. I wanted that my stones will myself mentally Information compiled
from various sources.
minutes in order to to get these for have on my life and and physically.
6 Opinion Wednesday, September 26,
The Promised Neverland
Kamryn Schnieder and control mirrors The grimoires have a
Copy Editor and light, as well lore for themselves,
[email protected]
as the Wizard King a legend of sorts.
This week I who can control time, Each leaf of the
want to talk about a amongst other unique clover represents
longer show that is magics. Additionally, something: faith,
currently airing and there exists the hope and love. Yuno,
has stocked up over sinister demon magic, the other brother,
140 episodes. “Black as well as the unique possesses a mythical
Clover,” produced and dangerous four-leaf clover on
by Studio Pierrot, is antimagic, possessed his grimoire, the extra
a fantasy adventure by one of the two leaf representing
anime based in a main characters. luck. However,
magical world of four The story revolves Asta possesses the
kingdoms: Clover, around a wide cast ominous five-leaf
Diamond, Spade, and of characters, but it is black clover, which
Heart, where each safe to say that Asta is said to possess a
country has its own and Yuno, orphaned demon.
magical style. The brothers, are the main But, a grimoire is
story focuses on a set characters, Asta more a grimoire, which
of wizards (or mages, so. Asta is unique in means that Asta and
the translation mixes his struggle in the his brother, at the age
the two) in the Clover way that he possesses of 15, are clear to join
Kingdom, who use no mana, or magic, to the ranks of the mages
grimoires as a focus his name. Within the and wizards and Promotional Poster of the Show taken from myanimelist.com
for their magic and first episode (which is pursue their dreams
cast specified kinds why I did not spoiler to become the Wizard give fair warning the scream for a long time.
of spells through it. tag this), we learn King and protect the in both the original I promise it is worth
One example is the that Asta has such Clover Kingdom. Japanese and the it though, especially
character Yami, who little magic that he is Things get bumpy real English sub, the first if you like to binge
uses dark magic. actually the holder of quick, however, when 20 or so episodes will things because as the
Another is Yuno, who a unique grimoire that a group of violent be very hard to get show progresses, it
uses wind magic. allows him to wield a wizards from the through, both in terms gets better. You can
The magic is not sword of anti-magic. Diamond Kingdom of just acclimating find “Black Clover” to
limited to elements or Related to that, begin attacking the to the characters and watch on Funimation,
objects, however, as the title of the show Clover Kingdom. story, but also because Crunchyroll, Hulu,
there are characters comes from the I will not give much Asta is a loud kid and even Netflix, both
who can also create grimoire Asta uses. else away, but I will who does nothing but dubbed and subbed.
Wednesday, September 26, Opinion 7

Mystic Magic: Cleansing LPD News

The Lynchburg Police

Grave Cavanaugh
Editor-in-Chief For protection and Department is investigating
after a breaking and entering
[email protected] cleansing, I would that occurred at Lynchburg
recommend Dragon’s Skillz over the weekend
As the spooky
Blood incense.
season descends On September 20, 2020 at
Patchouli also smells
upon us, and with 1:23 p.m., officers responded
nice. One of my to 1990 Fort Avenue for a
Mabon behind us,
housemates loves report of a police alarm and
it should be about found a window broken
burning mugwort
time to think about in the business. Security
and frankincense. Of
cleansing. The next Photo retrieved from https://www.google.com/amp/blog.wisdomproducts.com/index.php/2017/06/10/ footage showed the suspect
course, you should burning-incense-sticks-part-i/amp/.
taking multiple items and
full moon is Oct. 1
also do your research Politely ask any ways you should cash from the business before
and that is the perfect fleeing on foot. The suspect
about the different negativity to leave, not cleanse your
time to clean your is a black male, who wore
incense properties, in invite good energy space. Palo Santo a grey shirt with “TB” on
space and start fresh.
case one of them has in, and have a calm, and White Sage are the back, black pants, blue
First of all, crystals hat, and red hoodie used
properties other than good time. both very important
are a great way to as a mask. He entered the
cleansing, but smoke Of course, with all to Native Americans, business around 7:11 a.m. on
cleanse your space.
cleansing is one of of these, you should and White Sage is an September 20, 2020.
Selenite, charged
the more popular have your windows endangered plant. If
by the moon, is This is an ongoing
routes. open. If you are you are not Native, or investigation. Any additional
a great cleanser.
Third, sound cleansing a space have not been invited information will be released
Hematite will ward as an update to this news
cleansing is nice for but do not have at into their practices,
off bad energy. Black release.
people who do not least a door cracked, then you cannot use
Tourmaline is a
want to deal with the negative energy these to cleanse your Anyone who may have
spiritual protector.
rocks and smoke. will have nowhere home, period. No ifs, captured video of the
Amethyst also incident on a security or
You can use a to go. It is essentially ands, or buts. It is a
has protecting doorbell camera is asked
tambourine, a sound the same as swirling closed practice and to contact the Lynchburg
properties. There
bowl, a bell, or really spoiled milk in a should be respected Police Department at (434)
are tons of crystals 455-6065 or share the footage
anything that makes cup, instead of just as such.
out there, and all of on the Neighbors portal.
noise. Go through pouring it down the The full moon Additionally, anyone with
them have their own
your house and make drain. Windows are is the best time to information about this
properties. Do some incident is asked to contact
some music. best, but if you cannot cleanse your home,
research, find one Det. Campbell at (434)
Fourth, and final, open your windows, but you can really 485-7267 or Crime Stoppers
you like, and go get
is that if none of these crack your doors. do it whenever you at (888) 798-5900. Enter an
it. anonymous tip online at
sound like a good Have some way for feel as if things are
Second, if you http://p3tips.com or use the
option, just go to the negativity to dusty and need some
are living off P3 app on a mobile device.
each room and think escape. sprucing up. Blessed
campus, you can
positive thoughts. There are also be!
burn some incense.
8 Sports Wednesday, September 26,
Women’s Volleyball: New Hornets Bring New Hopes
William Masselli first few months, I did most stop talking! It made me couple of weeks, practicing
Sports Columnist of my work recruiting and so happy to have everyone with my team has pushed
[email protected] getting ready for the fall back together again.” me to be a better athlete
University of Lynchburg season that we thought we Givens also said, “This and made me hungrier
Interim Women’s Volleyball were going to have. Once first year has been crazy for an ODAC win in the
Head Coach, Hannah July rolled around and we because of COVID, Spring.”
Givens is enthusiastic about realized that we would protocols, and not having a Senior player Natalie
resuming the postponed not have a fall season, I fall season. I have learned Lavelle said, “While not
volleyball season in spring found myself working on so much though, and having a fall season is not
2021. touching up areas of the can only imagine how how I wanted to kick off my
Givens said, “When locker room, working on smoothly the next few senior year, I am grateful
I stepped foot on the gear, and preparing for my seasons I coach will be! My for this opportunity to
campus, I easily realized assistant [Ryan Turner] to message for the freshmen continue to train during
how special this University come in. During this time, players was to just come the fall season with my
is. I never in my wildest we were in a limbo when in ready to practice, make Photo retrieved from https:// teammates. It affords us
dreams thought I would students were coming back relationships with your www.lynchburgsports.com/ more time to work as a
and when we were going teammates, and focus on sports/wvball/coaches/ team and work out the
become head coach, but
I am so thankful that to start practicing to get grades. This will be one of kinks before touching the
to play/coach the sport
I have been given this ready for the season that the hardest semesters, so court to compete in the
you love. This could be
opportunity. I wanted to got pushed to the spring. they always have to make spring season. I see it as a
taken away from us again
become a hornet because The athletic department, sure that they are on top of blessing in disguise. I think
in a heartbeat, so we walk
I saw the community our athletic director, and all their grades.” having this time to train as a
into the gym everyday
that the individuals here of the athletic training staff The volleyball team group will prove to be very
giving 100%.”
shared. When you talk to worked so hard to make is adhering to strict beneficial in the spring.
New recruit Alexis
the students, faculty, and sure that we understood all pandemic protocols. Returning to practices has
Horner said, “Initially,
staff, it is obvious that the protocols to keep our Givens said, “Our team gotten me more excited for
when I found out that the
being a hornet is something students safe. Throughout response has been positive, a spring season, I can finally
conference games would be
that everyone is proud of.” the past few weeks, we especially after seeing the see it getting closer. I have
postponed to the Spring, I
Despite not being able have been able to practice case numbers go down so maintained confidence in
was slightly disappointed.
to coach any matches yet in small groups and with drastically! We are all very a spring season since we
However, I quickly realized
as head coach, Givens has masks on. It has been so aware of what needs to be returned back on campus
that this was the best-case
experience as she was the much fun, and the girls are done to stay on campus, in August. Our team has
scenario for our team. The
assistant coach last year for so appreciative to be back and the team has taken that taken advantage of every
opportunity to have all
Head Coach Beth Ellinger, in the gym.” very seriously. Since we opportunity to get better
fall to train and practice
her predecessor at the Despite the are one of the only indoor and dominate in the spring.
with my teammates is
University of Lynchburg. unpredictability of the sports able to practice right The potential of not having
one that I don’t take for
Givens said, “This is my fall season Givens said, “I now, we are wearing masks a spring season has stayed
granted. While we may
first year as the interim think my most memorable during practice, and can far out of our minds. We are
not be playing games at
head coach, and it has moment was the first team only take them off when fueled by the motivation
the moment, our practices
been such a blast. I was meeting when everyone getting water (making sure that spring 2021 is our
cultivate a healthy
promoted to interim head was back on campus. The that we sanitize before and year to rise and we will
competitive environment
coach in April, so in the girls were so excited to see are 6 ft. apart). My message keep it that way until any
that inspires each player to
beginning of the COVD each other after so many to everyone is to just enjoy decisions are made about
learn and grow. In the past
period. Throughout the months, and they wouldn’t being back and being able not playing in the spring.”

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