MATENL2004Vol24 3-4 Final
MATENL2004Vol24 3-4 Final
MATENL2004Vol24 3-4 Final
Newsletter of the Moroccan Association of Teachers of English, Volume 24 (3-4), Winter-Spring 2004
Quality Education should be more than exception. Consequently, and as it is stated
a mere display of figures and facts in all the official documents related to the
By Said BERDOUZ reform, public schools programs should
help our children acquire the values of our
Last year the educational authorities organized a series of symposiums, all society which is known by its openness
throughout the country, about the current educational reform seeing that it and its cultural diversity and teach them
has had very limited tangible encouraging effects on our educational system. and train them on the use of the higher-
Apparently, most of the driving forces, I mean people supposed to put it into order skills they will need to lead a life
effect, are not aware of the consequential role they have to assume as they better than the one led by their desperate
seem not to be fully convinced of the beneficial upshots of the challenge the elders who have been easy targets to hiring
nation has to meet in this millennium. Something has gone wrong somewhere terrorist organizations or by those who
and, unless the educational authorities put in more efforts to bring round make the new generation of boat-people
education stakeholders to contribute to the success of this enterprise, nothing and who foolishly squander their youth
will come of this reform. In my point of view, people have not been and their relatives’ money, seeking illegal
sufficiently informed about this utmost issue, that is why they have not come immigration into European countries.
to realize that ensuring its success is a part of the duties of any scrupulous Official texts and figures clearly state that
citizen, not to mention all educational practitioners. by 2015 every child, be it a girl or a boy,
will have profited from a high standard
Almost 5 years have passed since we started implementing the 2000 quality education; all necessary measures
educational reform and another new academic year is to be added to the will be taken to ensure school drop-outs
calendar of its implementation. It is the year 2004-2005, the year which will and school failures will be reduced to the
be forever marked by the merging of all departments involved in public least percentages one would think of if not
education under the umbrella of one ministry. This is a very important eradicated.
decision if we take it for granted that it is going to help fill up the gap of (Continued on page 2)
coordination that apparently lacked in the previous way of managing
education in our country. Until very recently our formal education used to be
managed by the MENJ, The MHE, and the state secretariat of scientific Published with this issue,
research and almost everything showed that there was little coordination
between these departments; each seemed to be working on its own. Seeing a supplement containing
that the deficit in the sector of education has been so significant, other state 14 reading
departments have been called upon to intervene; some of them have been in
charge of supplying some systematic education, whereas others have been comprehension tests for
made responsible for informal education; namely, adult vocational and Level 1 of English
literacy programs. A lot of efforts and big budgets have been and still are
spent on both kinds of education; however, we are apparently still lagging
behind the worldwide-recognized standards of education. Some concerned On the Inside
people would say that even if dozens of thousands of children are enrolled
every year in primary schools, only very few of them would finish their
* Minutes of the 1st & 2nd G.C. meeting
tertiary education, not only because of necessary funds university studies
* Reports on MATE Activities
would require from an average Moroccan family, but also because most of
* The theme-based approach to CBI
the time our students find themselves unprepared to cope with the requisites
By M. Redouane
of university studies.
* Textbooks don’t have meaning;
Teachers give meaning to textbooks
Now that education in its broad sense has become the concern of only one
By E. Fahmi
Ministry which declared its intent to make “Quality, Proximity and
* Synchronous online conferencing:
Regionalization” its motto for the future, people, mainly parents, would
Possibilities for the Moroccan teacher
probably want to be assured that no problems will prevent the achievement of
By M. Hassim
the reform objectives. Our education reform has been put forward with the
* MATE coming events.
view of assuring a qualitative improvement of the educational outcomes; it is
meant to make the educational system provide our children with quality
academic knowledge the highly required types and levels of skills and Edited by:
competencies they will need to survive in the world of globalization, where M. Hassim, E.Fahmi & S. Berdouz
only the fittest people can live. In other words, with the reform, our children
are entitled to be prepared to contribute, as accountable citizens who are This issue has been printed with a
proud of their being Moroccans, to achieve the nation real durable contribution from the British Council.
development liable to guarantee the welfare for all Moroccans without any
Before the SC started, a meeting was held with the CPR On July 17th, a pedagogical meeting was held for the
trainees where 32 expressed their wishes to take part in benefit of the trainees. It focused on the following issues:
the implementation of the course. However, only 20 of - Classroom management and lesson planning (Mr.
them kept their promise. This number was fortunately Berdouz)
large enough for the small amount of classes we had. - Teacher self-development (Mr. Blibil)
This also spared us the trouble of having to deal with - A video show related to the SC and different teaching
extra expenses and that of providing opportunities for all materials that teachers could use in their classrooms
the participants to teach the three levels formed on the (Mr. Rasmy)
basis of the placement test administered on July 09, - A former CPR trainee from Settat gave a brief account
2004. The number of classes (2 beginners, 2 pre- of his experience as a teacher and the difficulties he was
intermediate, and 1 intermediate) was just enough for the faced with.
20 trainees to teach at least one session a day.
The social aspect of the course was also given its due
The daily work load consisted of 3 sessions: importance. A surprise birthday party was offered to all
Session 1: 8.00-----9.30 the participants. It celebrated the birthday of the only
Session 2 : 9.45-----11.15 student whose date of birth happened to coincide with
Session 3 : 11.30----13.00 the period of the course. Another party was held to
celebrate the closing day and the distribution of both
Each group of 5 trainees was in charge of teaching the students’ and teachers’ certificates were awarded with
five classes in each session while the others peer the presence of parents who openly expressed their
observed. This greatly enhanced team, cooperative and gratitude towards MATE, their appreciation concerning
well planned teaching. The frequent visits of qualified the quality of the course, and their plea to see the
teachers from different schools and that of the experience reiterated next year.
supervisors from Marrakech Academy have contributed
a lot to the success of the training course and encouraged Reported by Mustapha Blibil
Content-based approach is a method of teaching foreign At least three general models of content-based language
languages that integrates language instruction with instruction exist: theme-based, adjunct, and sheltered
instruction in the content areas. In this approach, the second (Scarcella & Oxford, 1992). In the theme-based model, a
or foreign language is used as the medium of instruction for language curriculum is developed around selected topics
mathematics, science, social studies, and other academic drawn from one content area (e.g., marketing) or from
subjects; it is the vehicle used for teaching and acquiring across the curriculum (e.g., pollution and the environment).
subject specific knowledge. The theme-based approach is The goal is to assist learners in developing general academic
the most useful and widespread form of content-based language skills through interesting and relevant content. The
instruction (CBI) today, and it is found in many innovative theme must be very interesting to students and must allow a
ESL and EFL textbooks. wide variety of language skills to be practiced, always in the
service of communicating about the theme. In the adjunct
The objective of this paper is to provide the theoretical model, language and content courses are taught separately
framework of the approach through discussing its context, but are carefully coordinated. In the sheltered model, the
rationale, the view it has to language and language learning subject matter is taught in simplified English tailored to
as well as teacher’s qualities. The weak and strong points of students' English proficiency level. This model was
CBI are also considered. Mention should be made here that originally developed for elementary foreign language
the theme-based and CBI are used interchangeably in this immersion programs.
Language in CBI
Key terms - CBI approaches “view the Target language as the
* In CBI, content can refer to academic content -subject vehicle through which subject matter content is learned
matter- or content in terms of cultural themes. rather than as the immediate object of study”. (Brinton
* Stoller & Grabe (1996) define Themes as ‘the central ideas et al, 1989:5)
that organize major curricular units; they are chosen to be - “Language is not just a medium of communication but
appropriate to students’ needs and interests, institutional also a medium of learning across the curriculum. The
expectations, program sources, and teacher abilities and goal of integration is both language learning and
interests’. content learning. Content-based classrooms are not
merely places where a student learns a second
Context of CBI language; they are places where a student gains an
Content-based instruction is hardly a new phenomenon, education.” (Mohan, 1986:8)
although it is most often associated with the genesis of
language immersion education in Canada in 1965. However, Language learning in CBI
it is believed that using a second language as the vehicle to Successful language learning occurs when students are
deliver content has been practiced for thousands of years presented with target language material in a meaningful,
throughout the world. Swain & Johnson (1997) pointed out contextualized form, with the primacy focus on acquiring
that “until the rise of nationalism, few languages other than information and knowledge. The following assumptions
those of the great empires, religions and civilizations, were illustrate how language learning is viewed in CBI:
considered competent or worthy of carrying the content of a - Students learn language best when there is an emphasis
formal curriculum”. This can be seen in the evidence that on relevant meaningful content rather than on the
Latin was used as a medium of education for a thousand language itself (Curtain, 1995).
years after the fall of the Roman Empire. Since then the - Second language acquisition is enhanced by
thread of teaching language through content has been visible comprehensible input; however, comprehensible input
through a variety of program models, most notably alone does not suffice -students need form-focused
immersion and bilingual education, and has had an content instruction (an explicit focus on relevant and
increasing presence in other second language education contextually appropriate language forms to support
programs. content learning) (Swain, 1985, in Grabe & Stoller,
Yet the balance between language and content varies - Both form and meaning (content) are important and
depending on the settings. In immersion and bilingual work together naturally; to separate them is unnatural
settings “the success of these [C-B] programs is critically (Met, 1991).
dependent on students’ mastery of the academic content to - CBI promotes negotiation of meaning, which is known
the same degree and level as students in native-language to enhance language acquisition (students should
classrooms.” (Genesee, 1994) negotiate for communication related to both form and
content) (Grabe & Stoller, 1997)
Models of CBI - Language learning becomes more concrete rather than
Although estimates of the number of language minority abstract (as in traditional language instruction where
students in U.S. schools vary, there is consensus that the the focus is on the language itself) (Genesee, 1994)
numbers are rising dramatically. In response, a number of
program models have been developed to meet the needs of Teacher characteristics in CBI
language minority students, many involving the integration The following characteristics are embodied in successful
of language and content instruction. language teachers who incorporate a content-based approach
in their teaching. Such teachers
Main types of OLC Email Chat Threaded Desktop Audio/Video Instant Directories/
discussions applications conferencing file Personal
Internet services & listservs sharing transfer contacts list
Hotmail, Yahoo, Caramail
MSN Messenger, Yahoo
iVisit, PalTalk, CUseeMe,
Nicenet, Blackboard,
Every software provides a help/manual of use with available at any time, virtually, whenever the
examples and templates that explain in details how to use it participant logs on.”
(I cannot go through this because the newsletter space does
not allow). The software programmes are constantly Generally speaking, what makes a successful conference is
changing so as to improve their service by simplifying not whether it is synchronous or asynchronous, or whether it
applications, introducing more services and improving their is text-based or audio/video-based, but how it is conducted
appearances. regardless of the medium. What does a SOLC consist of and
how should it be organized and conducted?
After solving the material and technical problems (i.e. 4.1. Prerequisites for a successful SOLC:
money and technical skills), then comes the real work: The following prerequisites are important for the success of
conducting a SOLC. Let’s go back to the definition of a a SOLC (they may not apply to one-to-one communication):
SOLC. Jim Shimabukuro (2000) provides the following
detailed definition: - Like in traditional conferences, there are certain basic
“Like its F2F (face to face) counterpart, the online prerequisites: preparation, a work plan, contacts,
conference runs on a real-time schedule. It has a organisation, etc.
starting date and a closing date. It also includes - For technical reasons and skills adjustments of the
activities such as livechat that begin and end at a participants, you had better start with the easiest form
certain time. However, unlike the traditional of SOLC, i.e. text-based conferencing (chat).
conference, the online event (1) is not tied to a - The roles of the coordinator, moderator and facilitator
specific geographical location; (2) doesn't require the are very important for the success of the conference.
participant's physical presence; (3) includes Generally speaking, the coordinator takes charge of
numerous opportunities for interaction with fellow contacts and disseminating information related to the
participants, presenters, keynoters, and conference conference both before and after it. The moderator’s
hosts and staff; (4) is archivable, i.e., most if not all role is to organise and manage the conference while it
the discussions in the various media can be recorded is going on. She/He may also take charge of editing
for future review; and (5) isn't, for the most part, and archiving the conference. The facilitator is
timebound, i.e., presentations and forums are responsible for helping with the technical matters.
Venue: Agadir