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Training of Trainers: Enabling Developing Countries To Seize Eco-Label Opportunities

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Training of Trainers

transfer of capacity on eco-labelling to national experts

14 - 18 September, InWEnt Bonn

UNEP/EC project
“Enabling developing countries to seize eco-label

The project is carried out with funding from the European Union and
the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)
Module C

Marketing Eco-labelled Products

Ernst Leitner & Martin Lichtl

Learning Objectives

• Get comprehensive understanding of a

new green way of selling products
• Get an overview on general trends and
Agenda Module C
09:00−9:45 Basics in Eco-marketing Ernst Leitner / Martin Lichtl
Green marketplace
Ongoing trends in consumer behaviour
Consumer types
The style of eco-marketing: emotions or facts?
9:45−10:30 Key elements for successful Eco-label marketing Ernst Leitner
Set up a partner network
Below the line marketing
Point of Sale presence
10:30−11:00 The use of practical tools Ernst Leitner
EU Ecolabel marketing guide
EU Ecolabel acquisition guide
11:00−11.15 Coffee Break
11:15−12:15 Group Exercises: Develop a consumer profile and cost-efficient Ernst Leitner
marketing strategies on textiles, footwear, TV and paper.
12:15−12:45 Best practice story Blue Angel, Germany Martin Lichtl
12:45−13:15 Best practice story “Peaceful2gether” Ernst Leitner
13.15−13.30 Wrap-up session Ernst Leitner / Martin Lichtl
Module C

Part A

Basics in Eco-Marketing
Overall Goals

• System Marketing
− Gain knowledge about the promotion of an
eco-labelling scheme
• Product marketing
− Gain know-how for marketing of eco-labelled
• Acquisition
− Provide techniques to targeted acquisition
− Assisting companies in the application process
Why marketing?

• Marketing know-how is necessary to sell goods

& services successfully
• With the appropriate strategy and the right mix
you do not waste time and money!
− Up to 50% of the product price goes to marketing!
− This includes advertising, promotion, distrib., profit
• With marketing you gain your customer’s trust
(build up a customer relationship)
 Based on a strong customer loyalty
A clear marketing-mix

• Plan your marketing in detail, implement the

activities at the right time and control it
 Set milestones
• Marketing needs understandable and
transparent objectives
− Only clear objectives can be verified!!!
• Gather information as much as possible
− Habits of consumers
− Income, gender, education, age ....
• Identify all the benefits
− Environmental, Health

Product Distribution


Communication Pricing

• You need a marketable product or service
which satisfies the needs of somebody,
there must be recognizable benefits
• In terms of eco-marketing: decide to
launch an organic product, energy-saving
product, or a long-durable good.

• You need to plan a distribution channel
how to reach your customer, by retailers or
direct sales (with face-to-face contacts)
• In terms of eco-marketing: delivery by rail
or trucks (offer a climate compensation)

• You have to set a price – high level or
discount level (mass market)
• In terms of eco-marketing: eco-products
do normally cause higher production
costs, for that reason the retail or shop
price is above traditional products, find
arguments for that (= env. benefits)

• Communicate information about your products
by advertising, PR, Sales Promotions etc.;
find a unique selling proposition
• In terms of eco-marketing: find ways and
messages to communicate your customers on
the eco-friendlyness of your products,
get your eco-labelled product sexy, find an
environmental claim (no green-washing)
Define a target market
• Develop a target market and avoid divergence
− Regional market, mass market or market niche ...
− Find the appropriate consumer
• Marketing takes place in a dynamic
environment. Things changes!
− There are enabling/disabling forces (political,
competitive, legal, technological, sociocultural)
• Positive example: Eco-innovation initiative
 Funding scheme for eco-friendly products
Local or global economy

• Give local productions a higher preference!!!!

• Advantages:
− Reduce CO2-emissions
− Fair distribution of income
− Improvement of local economies
(LED= Local economic development)
Brand marketing

• Develop a unique image for your product

• Create a professional brand awareness
• Advantages:
− Helps to develop a better customer-relationship
− Better listing in search engines
• Approach green consumers with green brands
− Understand that green branding affects consumer
purchasing decisions in some countries differently
(e.g. Germany 30%, France 14%)
Brand marketing
Green Marketplace

• Green market is more than a niche

− Upcoming opportunity and challenge for our
• Figures for Europe
− Turnover € 227 billion, Turnover 2.2% of GDP
− Create 3.4 Mio. Jobs
• Figures for US
− NMI estimates 420 Billion Dollar by 2010
− Of that 117 Billion for pers. health, 10.5 b. for life-st.
• Figures for AT
− LOHAS -segment up to 30%
Consumer segmentation

• An adequate communication strategy needs to

identify target groups
• Trends: Homing, Luxury and simplicity in
industrialised countries  increasing preference
of luxury combined with high quality
− Faith Popcorn is claiming a new pattern of
consumption for middle class with a simple lifestyle
− LOHAS = Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability, a
new trend with ‚Super‛-Consumers

• US-research institute NMI developed a model

to classify consumers, based on their attitudes
towards health and sustainability
− In use since 2002
− Helps manufacturers to understand the green
marketplace and to design appropriate marketing
− Developed for US market, but expanded outside
LOHAS Segmentation
Percentage of U.S. Adults

CONVENTIONALS - Unconcerned about the
- Practical environment and society
- Interested in LOHAS
behavior when they can
make a difference to their 16%
budget also LOHAS
26% - Active stewards of the environment
- Dedicated to personal and
LOHAS planetary health
- Lifestyle-oriented
- Heaviest purchasers of green and
socially-responsible products
- Secondary target for many
- Good intentions, mixed action mainstream LOHAS products
- Trendy and engaged in green - Personal health is their primary
- Price sensitive motivation
- More likely to use LOHAS-related
consumables (compared to
Source: NMI LOHAS Consumer Trends Database ® durables)
The TGI Model

• TGI is a global network of single-source market

research survey from 60 countries across 6
• The consumer types are ranking between
engaged greens and green rejecters
TGI Segmentation
Engaged Greens are
passionate green
Green Supporters care
about the environment,
but won’t make big
Neutral Greens awaits
effective benefits
Green Cynics are
doubtful of env. init.
Green Rejecters are
Comparison NMI-TGI models

NMI-Model TGI-Model

LOHAS 17 10 Engaged Greens

Naturalites 17 20 Green Supporters

Drifters 24 40 Neutral Greens

Conventionals 26 20 Green Cynics

Unconcerned 16 10 Green Rejecters

Some further theses

Thesis I: Eco-Adopters will act as green

- Demonstrate willingness for environm. actions
Thesis II: Women are more likely to buy eco-
- More aware of health and environm. issues
Thesis III: The lovos are on the move
- LOVOS = Lifestyle of Voluntary Simplicity
Trends of Consumers

• Demographic changes have been apparent and

influence the sales of products
− Singles: up to half of all households are singles
− 50plus: this group is increasing very fast
− Family with kids: growing demand of env.-friendly
products (compare Danish Baby Flower campaign):
issues are comfort, safety standards, funct.
Consumer behaviour

• Homing: Consumers attach more importance on

their home, familiarity and security
• Luxury and simplicity: increasing preference of
luxury combined with high quality
− Faith Popcorn is claiming a new pattern of
consumption for middle class with a simple lifestyle
− LOHAS = Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability, a
new trend with ‚Super‛-Consumers
Trends of Materials

• Is plastic out?
• The use of natural resources became an
upward trend!
− Wood: Solid wood (Example Team7), FSC, PEFC
− Textiles: organic cotton is a trend,
example Lenzing (Top-ranking worldwide) with
viscose fibres
Green Entrepreneur

• Is thinking of a new idea or opportunity in

• Combines personal obligation to environment
and economic development
• Takes into account that products will have an
influence on next generations
• Open-minded to social issues
• Initiates a positive change
Media Relations

• Identify homogenous dialogue groups and

initiate a vital dialogue
• Disseminate information for …
− Potential licence holders: Additional value,
criteria, application process, costs, facts & figures,
success stories
− Public purchasers: Additional value, criteria, how
to use criteria, facts & figures, success stories
− Consumers: Additional value for consumers
(health, environment, etc.), success stories
− Licence holders: How to market the label, success
stories, facts & figures
Style of Eco-Marketing

rational emotional
Old style: Facts & figures

Environment as a serious problem:

• Scientific proof
• Credibility
• Text, text, text, figures and hard facts
Old style: Facts & figures
Success of this communication approach:
• Effective with consumers being highly involved
in environmental issues and products
• Seeking vast information about new trends and
new problems to confirm their attitudes and

Failure of this approach:

• No awareness with low involved consumers
• They turn to more attractive media
New style: Emotions
Works more like conventional brand
• Create positive emotions and fascination going
with the environmental product or theme
• Presenting attractive, colourful and modern
• Pictures instead of long text, fancy events and
New style: Solutions
Success of this communication approach:
• Focus on solutions and not so much on the
environmental problems
• Optimistic view: fascination of sustainability
• New technologies which are developed e.g. in
solar energy, new concepts for housing and
traffic, smart and sustainable products
Credibility Management
How to avoid ‚green washing‛
• Positive emotions and solutions in the focus,
but problems have to be mentioned
• Eco-label is granting credibility
• Third-party endorsement: alliances in
communication with NGOs and state
organisations which have a lot of credibility in
the view of the public.
Module C

Part B

Key Elements for successful

eco-label marketing
Marketing Process

• Plan your marketing as a systematic process

− Assessing opportunities and threats (SWOT)
− Determining objectives and strategies
− Steps of implementation
− Control of the entire process
• Your plan needs to be confirmed by all relevant
decision makers
• Enhance your plan with a quality management
system (QMS)
− QMS improves the organizational culture
− Meet the stakeholder’s perception at best
Helpful Harmful
To achieve the objective To achieve the objective

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats
Marketingmgmt and QMS
Mission Statement






Source: www.euecolabel.eu
Marketing Plan

• Develop your plan over several years

 Set milestones
 Identify a defined market segment with targeted
• Allocate sufficient financial and organ. resources
• Set up a network of partners
 Identify key stakeholders
• Develop information tools
• Start media relations
• Start communication with presentations
Phases of Development
Year 1 Year n Year n

Scheme Marketing

Active Marketing
Kick off with eco-label products
of Applicants

Preparation Pioneer phase: Penetration phase:

-Find first movers - Increased number of products
-Start pilots / tests - Strong product marketing
-Cluster strategy (campaigning)

€ ..... €€€ .....

Example ELTAS
Number of
EU Eco-labelled accommodations

Optimistic scenario

Realistic scenario

1,400 Pioneer Penetration Sustainability

334 TAs/2009
Pessimistic scenario

Mid-2003 2008 2013 2018

• Are a party who have a ‚stake‛ or a claim in

some aspects of a product
• Stakeholders have – potential – influence in
many areas
 Control key resources
 Strong political influence
• They often interact in a complex product supply
 Likely/unlikely taking actions
 Likely/unlikely forming co-operations
Types of Stakeholders
Internal External
Stakeholders Stakeholders

Suppliers Society

Employees Media

Manager Company,
NGO‘s, Environm.

Types of Stakeholders

High Low

Stakeholder # 1 Stakeholder # 2
High Strong supportive Supportive
Strategy: Strategy:
Committing Involve
Stakeholder # 3 Stakeholder # 4
Indifferent Non-supportive
Strategy: Strategy:
Monitor Defend

Source: Abe Bakhsheshy, David Eccles School of Business

Types of Stakeholders

High Low

Stakeholder # 1 Stakeholder # 2
Strong supportive Supportive
• The mainHigh
criteria to check are:
Strategy: Strategy:
 Does the keyst. control key
Committing resources?Involve
 Is there a strong political influence?

 Does the keyst.Stakeholder #3

likely/unlikely Stakeholder # 4
take action?
Indifferent Non-supportive
 Does theLowkeyst. likely/unlikely form co-operation with us?
Strategy: Strategy:
 Does the keys. likely/unlikely
Monitor form coalition
Defendwith others?
 Is there an existing communication channel?
 …..
Five key success factors
For eco-label product marketing 2008
Provide articles,
AV-media, Advertorials
Success is…
- High brand recognition
- High availability at P.O.S.
P.O.S. Promotions, Events

- Product density

Focus on environmentally-friendly LICENCE HOLDERS
products - Best practice marketing

Source: www.euecolabel.eu, EU eco-label Marketing Project for Products 2008

Set up a partner network

• Social Network is a structure of nodes

• Networks extend social connections
• Social networks often exercise strong
influence on the attitude of persons
or organisations
• Enables to forward green ideas
• Dynamic networks can be highly
successful as long as there is a control Source: Wikipedia
Synergy workshops
• Synergy workshops have proven as a very
useful way of communication
• Use synergy workshops to motivate key
• Use synergy workshops to improve
acquisition techniques
• Organise synergy work-
shops with retailers
• Provide an exchange of
interests amongst licence
Below-the-line marketing

• Classical campaigns put millions of dollars in

• Below-the-line marketing contacts cost a split of
a TV or paid-ad contact
• Focusing mainly on below-the-line must be
established properly to be effective
• In the long run, classical measures cannot be
replaced by below-the-line marketing
Example ATL-BTL
Above-the-line coverage:
Target: 25 % of total population
100 %
ATL covers 50% with costs for 50%,
25 % divergence loss (half costs)
 guaranteed coverage
75% Marketing mix with ads, TV-
commercials, radio, billboards


Below-the line coverage:

Target : 25% of total population
25% = BTL covers 25% with costs for 25%
Target  unguaranteed coverage
Internetmarketing, mailings, direct
communication …
Low-budget means

• Organise Direct Mails with highly targeted lists

of addresses
• Use two-way communication
• Participate in key stakeholder seminars
• Provide numerous customer response channels
• Keep abreast of latest development by keeping a
dialogue with customers
• Invest in Surveys
• Find co-operation partners ...
Internet tips

There are numerous ideas how to use the internet:

• Put your URL everywhere
• Submit sites at search machines, directories
• Blogging
• Pay per click
• Establish a free on-line-newsletter
• Podcasting or newsfeeds
• Viral marketing
• Online press activities
• ......
Win with Cross Marketing

• Cross Marketing is a partnership of companies

with the objective to bundle common resources
• Check your key stakeholders and clarify possible
 Licence holders, retailers, NGO’s, media, ....
• Criteria for Cross Marketing
 Win-win-situation
 Common interest
 Balanced input of resources
 Commitment based on a written contract
Example Cross-Marketing
Promotion 2007 „Sleep healthier in your hotel“:
• Promotion in Lifestyle magazine „Healthy living!“
Win a weekend in Tyrol, AT, (with a free stay in the
Hotel Bergkranz, Stubai)
• Co-op partner Hotel-chain Landidyll
• Co-op partner JOKA – Mattress producer
• Co-op partner Lebensart, Lifestyle magazine
• Co-op partner Leiner, retailer (seller of mattresses)
• 3.000 readers sent a coupon to the magazine
Example Cross-Marketing

Promotion „Sleep healthy in your hotel“ 2007:

The benefits:
• Promotion in Lifestyle magazine „Healthy living!“
• For Joka: a presentation in the newspaper, and a financial profit by selling
Win a weekend
mattresses in Tyrol
for the entire hotel(with
(the a freewas
hotel stayequipped
in the totally with environ.
friendly Bergkranz,
mattresses, Stubai)
one mattress is about 1,000 EURO)
• Co-op
• For partner
the hotel: newHotel-chain
mattresses atLandidyll
a special discount rate (one free mattress
• Co-op
for the hotel
partner plus a–free
owner)JOKA presentation
Mattress in the magazine
• For the hotel
• Co-op chain:
partner a perfect Lifestyle
Lebensart, presentation that in their hotels (approx 25
hotels) guests are able to sleep in eco-friendly mattresses
• Co-op partner Leiner, retailer (seller of mattresses)
• For the magazine: a interesting story plus a free weekend for their readers
• 3.000 readers sent a coupon to the magazine
• For the retailer: promotion in the newspaper; they distributed the magazine
in their outlets (in the mattresses corner)
• For the Eco-label: cheap and very efficient advertising activity
Point-of-Sale Presence

A promising core element of Eco-label marketing is

the co-operation with retailers
 who are willing to promote the Eco-label and
 to place eco-labelled products in the shelves.
A POS-Mix should consider following aspects:
- A long-term commitment from the retailer to eco-
labelled goods
- Establish green product ranges
- Get the Eco-label visible at the market with crowners,
displays, posters, pillars etc.
- Provide Eco-label branded shelf-stoppers
- Set consumer promotions with give-aways, quiz games
Guidance system at POS

The German Verbraucher initiated a survey on how

the sales of sustainable goods can be improved.

Together with Quelle, a mail order house, and OBI,

a do-it-yourself retailer, the survey revealed:
- Better visualization and understandable declaration of
quality labels
- The use of a guidance system with coloured signs
(ceiling, floor) and shelf-stoppers
Identify product cluster

A good basis for marketing is a cluster analysis

built on products available at POS
- Helps to allocate personal and financial resources
- Provides an overview about the POS-density of
Check also the types of markets with eco-friendly
- DIY, building chains
- Super markets
- Home & Garden, furnishing houses
- Textile chains, perfumery chains .....
Cluster Model

Extend the analysis with products of other label schemes Source: Andreas Scherlofsky, 2009

(national label, FSC, Organic labels, …..

Synergy co-ops are a win-win-situation for all and extends
the range of labelled goods at the market!
Example POS-Cluster
Main target: Increase the available products at the POS

Campaign: OBI Austria with TV, Print …

Slogan: More than 1,000 environmentally friendly products

POS: With promotion pillars, shelf stoppers etc.

Participating schemes: Austrian Eco-label, FSC,
Blue Angel, Sustainable Weeks
Module C

Part C

Practical Tools
Marketing Guide

• Is a small booklet for licence holders

and interested companies
• Main purpose: make the Flower
visible on products and in marketing
• Target group: mainly SME’s
• In EN, CZ, FR, GE, GR, PO, ES
• Attached with a 2-page checklist
• Downloadable at www.euecolabel.eu
The M’Guide: Content

• What are the consumers’ needs?

• Strategy and arguments
• How to implement the Flower
successfully in your marketing
 Packaging and POS
 PR and advertising
 Fairs and promotions
 Office supplies
• Effective Green Campaigning
The M’Guide: Arguments

Find key arguments for the EU Ecolabel

• Lower environmental impact
• Strong and reliable criteria, verified by
independent auditors
• Official certificate from the EU Member
States & EU Commission
• Contribution to sustainable economy
• Improves quality of life (health aspect)
The M’Guide:Implementation

• Use the Flower logo actively

• Adopt marketing measures at the POS
• Inform your retailers about the award
• Launch a press release or organise a
conference on the occasion of the award
• Use communication channels from the CB
• Inform your employees about the award
• Set a message on your office supplies like
envelopes, stationery
• Use promotional material from the CB or EU
The M’Guide: Campaigning

Effective Green Campaigning with

best practice examples:
• Danish Baby Flower Week,
• Shrink-proof strategy by Lenzing
• A Sharp success
The M’Guide: Checklist

Useful checklist to identify your potential

• Product information
 Flower logo is visible on product packaging Y/N
 Flower is explained in your product catalogues Y/N
 Information available at the product website Y/N
• External Media media work
 Information available in press releases Y/N
• On-site and Point of Sales
 EU Ecolabel door plate & certificate fixed Y/N
 Price tags show the Flower logo Y/N
 Staff training in retail-shops organised Y/N
Eco-label Ambassadors

• Strategy which has been used during the LIFE

Flower Week campaign 2004 by the Danish CB
• The objective is to attract, involve key
stakeholders to carry out promotional activities
• Campaign ambassadors can be appointed to be
active for the eco-label in schools, stores, at
public events, as PR-partner etc.
• They will mainly be recruited from
 licence holders
 environmental and/or consumer organisations,
NGO’S ...
Acquisition Guide

• A handsome tool to approach companies

• Developed within the framework of an eco-label
project of the EU Commission 2008
 by Andreas Scherlofsky and Nick Paxevanos
• The Acqui-Guide provides
 Know-how and strategies
 Tools and checklists
 Basic research and mgmt
 Contacting
 Argumentation-line
... the minimum threshold
... in three key dimensions:
The lowest value is
the bottleneck of 2. Brand strength
the total result! .. to be raised by continuous multiplyer
lobbying, regular campaigns with commercials,
promotion events, and by education



1. Criteria strength 3. Product density

.. to be garantueed by strong .. can be raised by efficient
criteria covering a wide range of acquisition and retailer
product groups lobbying
Acquisition is to get …
.. a relevant number of Eco-label products into the shelves:
Comparing the number
of all products with that of..

.. eco-labelled


.. and with the

potential of .. we come to the conclusion:
We need to raise the number of
EEL products until we achieve a
relevant impact on the market.
Example POS-Cluster
Main target: Increase the available products at the POS

Campaign: OBI Austria with TV, Print …

Slogan: More than 1,000 environmentally friendly products

POS: With promotion pillars, shelf stoppers etc.

Participating schemes: Austrian Eco-label, FSC,
Blue Angel, Sustainable Weeks
Tailor your strategy
Strategy and mix of your acquisition means and measures
need to be tailored to the specific situation.

If … Then ...
.. your CB has a strong staff and differentiated  adjust acquisition and co-operate with the CB, use
mix of measures with campaigns & promotion the existing tools and materials, adjust with the
and clear acquisition focus and contacts .. planned promotion
.. the CB offers mainly administrative and  focus on tracing and contacting and convincing new
technical support to potential applicants applicants and then hand the contact over to the CB
.. your CB is small and just at the beginning of  help building up the EEL capacity and acquisition
building up the marketing.. system
.. there is a national eco-label ..  establish synergy with EEL: criteria harmonisation,
double awarding and double marketing
.. the knowledge and recognition of EEL with  strengthen pull factors: win media and retailers
industry is very low ..  run your first contacting rounds but don‘t expect to
much. Next rounds will be more successful.
.. there are many licence holders ..  initiate retailer campaigns and promotion and
involve licence holders to keep them satisfied
The way it should run …

Criteria & system + + apply for the EL
Acquisition +
+ + +
Relevant range
+ Multipliers and density of
recommend EL products at P.O.S.
branch and NGO
+ representatives, schools,
Multiplier media, authorites etc.
+ +
communication +
+ +

+ promote
Consumer Consumer and Purchaser EL products
communication prefer EL products
Find your path
Branch newsletters,
events, websites,
Branch contacts

Licence Workshops
On-site Follow-up
Hot list of (e)mailing + meetings support
potentials phone-call

Key events and branch


start company
Retailer strategy: green line contacting again later
and POS promotion, GPP
Get the key persons

Key personnel of
potential applicants: Key personnel of Green demand:
• CEO/Product manager retailers: • Green consumers
• Quality/Environmental • General manager or • Green public
manager product (range) purchasers
• Marketing/Sales manager
• Procurement
manager/PR • Central purchaser of managers of eco-
a retailer chain minded
• Marketing manager companies
• POS shop managers (EMAS, ISO
(listing, placement) 14000 etc.)
A handsome protocol
 Tables in text files
 Calculation files (excel)
 Special workflow
Module C

Part D

Marketing Exercise
• Identify different types of consumers and
• Find ways to approach them with cost-
efficient below-the-line marketing
• Four groups for following product groups
 textiles, footwear, TV, and paper
• Choose your home countries!
 Group work: 25’
 Presentations: 20’ (each group 5’ one speaker)
Exercise − Methods
• Participants work in four groups with
approx. eight ‚marketers‛.
• Each group chooses one product group.
 Group 1: textiles
 Group 2: footwear
 Group 3: TV
 Group 4: Paper
• Each group identifies one moderator and
one writer (who takes the minutes)
Exercise − Initial situation
• You are an international (or national)
company who enters into a new market
segment with eco-friendly products.
• Try to assign roles:
 Product manager
 Marketing & sales leader
 Environmental manager
Exercise − Initial situation
• Before starting the group work, define your
products roughly:
 Textiles, e.g. baby suit (made of organic
 Footwear, e.g. sport sandals (long durable eco-
 TV, e.g. LED TV (up to 50% less energy than
traditional LCD screen)
 Tissue paper, e.g. new product line for hotels
(paper towels …)
Exercise − Instructions
• Don’t get lost in discussions on individual
problems. Try to get out from the problem by
finding assumptions. If a solution cannot be
achieved in a short time, the moderator should
declare a decision.
• To collect contributions from all team members,
please use the ‚card-method‛. Each member gets
sufficient small cards (A4/3) to formulate
keywords. The moderator collects all of them and
after the group discussion, the writer summarizes
the main result for the final presentation of the
Exercise −Procedure
• Part I: Identify your consumers
A successful communication strategy needs to
focus on the appropriate consumers. Take into
account the segmentation models mentioned in
the chapter ‚Basics in Eco-Marketing‛.

Define your consumers and try to get a profile of

the consumption pattern.
Identify the marketplace at which consumers are
getting contact with the products.
Exercise − Procedure
Part II: Find out appropriate marketing
Due to the present financial crisis the marketing
budget has been cut to a minimum. Try to set up
a marketing strategy based on below-the-line-
marketing measures (e.g. cross-marketing co-
operations, internet marketing, PR-activities …)
Formulate 5 top measures (please rank!) how to
sell your products best!
If possible, find an emotional claim how to reach
your consumers!
Exercise − Presentation
After the group work each moderator presents
the results and a short analysis of the common
process as well as open (unresolved) questions.
Time for each presentation: max. 5 minutes

Clarify following issues:

- Your consumers
- Your marketplace
- Your Top 5 below-the-line-measures
- Your Claim

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