Thirteen Chakras

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Thirteen Chakras and the Cosmic Human

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to everybody who made

the publication of this book possible.
Thirteen Chakras
and the Cosmic Human
Their Meaning and Use in the Aquarian Age


Publishing House De Gouden Kroon

© 1999: S. Bos-Koning,Voorschoten.
Original title: Over dertien chakra’s gesproken!
Published by: De Gouden Kroon,Voorschoten,The Netherlands
ISBN: 978-90-75343-40-3
NUR: 728
First published in English: 2008
Cover illustration: Gea Hollestelle-Melinga
Translation: Elke Valkenaers
Editor: Frieda Bos
Printed by Alfa Base, Alphen a/d Rijn

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint,
microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher.

The author and publisher of this book do not dispense medical advice or prescribe any technique
as a form of treatment for physical or emotional problems and therefore assume no responsibi-
lity for your actions.The intent of this material is to provide general information to help your
quest for emotional and spiritual growth.We encourage you to seek professional assistance for
all areas of healing.


Sonia’s Work 7
Preface 9

Universal Transformers 11

1. Transforming the Suffering of Man 13

Introduction 13
Fig. 1: The Chakras of the Cosmic Human 14
Thirteen Transformations and their Specific Attributes 16
How to work with these Symbols 20

2. Thirteen Chakras and their Attributes 22

The Thirteen Chakras 22
Fig. 2: The Chakras of the Earth Human 23
Our Universal Tasks 24
The Spiritual Attributes of the Thirteen Chakras 25

3. Thirteen Chakras and our Health 29

Chakras, Body and Consciousness 29
Developing our Consciousness through Transformation 31
Table 1: The Chakras of the Cosmic Human 34

4. Chakras and Higher Consciousness 36

The Path to a Higher Consciousness 36
From Microcosm to Macrocosm 39

5. Chakras and Epidemic Diseases 42

The Origin of the Main Epidemic Diseases 42
New Epidemic Diseases 45
Table 2: Chakras and Epidemic Diseases 50
The Creation’s Wish List 51
Mastery 52


6. Chakras and Light-beings 53

Our Light-beings 53
The Consequences of an Instable Spiritual Body 56
The Way Back 59
Observations 61

7. Universal Meditation and Universal Guidance 65

Introduction 65
The New Universal Messenger 67
The Universal Transformers 70

8. Suggestions for Meditation 72

Meditation and Preparation 72
The Stages of a Meditation 74
Closing the Meditation 76
General Suggestions 77

Glossary 79
Notes 89

Sonia’s Work

Sonia’s work can be divided into three main phases:

1. Designing the Aquarian blueprint (1985-1992)

From 1985 to 1992 Sonia was called upon to help design the Aquarian
blueprint in the spheres. In the Chronicle of Time, which consists of
the twenty-four courses that she received during these years, she
gives an eyewitness account of this process. Receiving these courses
made her inner mystical connection grow stronger and helped her
to learn how to channel information from the Akasha of Life. This
is how Sonia became a mystic.

2. Ratification of the Aquarian blueprint, phase 1 (1994-2000)

From 1994 to 2000, Sonia helped with the first phase of the ratifica-
tion of the Aquarian blueprint. During this period the heart center
of the Creation opened to all of life. Because of that it became pos-
sible to ratify the basic laws of Universal Love in the blueprint.
Sonia assisted in this ratification process during her seminars and
lectures. By doing so, a foundation of Universal Love was created,
which was being explained at the same time by the mystical infor-
mation that she received. In this way, Sonia was given the oppor-
tunity to record universal teachings for all of mankind: the basic
mysticism of the Aquarian Age.

3. Ratification of the Aquarian blueprint, phase 2 (2004-2011)

In 2004 Sonia was called upon to facilitate the second phase of the
ratification of the Aquarian blueprint. Besides the heart center, also
the Creation’s throat center would be disclosed and its basic laws
recorded in the blueprint to support life in the Aquarian Age. The
Aquarian blueprint would be grafted onto Love and Unity (Light).
The laws of Universal Love had already been ratified in phase 1
and the laws of Unity (Light) are currently being added. Sonia faci-
litates this second phase of the ratification of the Aquarian blueprint
during her seminars and lectures. At the same time, she receives


and channels further mystical information, helping to widen the

new foundation of life and to spread the Aquarian mysticism.

In addition to facilitating the ratification of the Aquarian blueprint

and recording Aquarian mysticism, Sonia has also written a large
number of articles and books. Her work is being published by the
Sofia Foundation, which takes care of the editing, styling and distri-
bution of her inspired universal information. The Sofia Foundation
owns a publishing house for this purpose called De Gouden Kroon
(The Golden Crown, see Addresses).



This book is the result of the fact that I was given the opportunity
to write for the Spiegelbeeld magazine. I never made the conscious
decision to write a book about the chakras of the cosmic human.
In fact, it would be more correct to say that this book is about the
thirteen universal transformers of life of which the thirteen chakras
of the cosmic human are a pure reflection.

Initially, I wrote an article about the thirteen universal symbols of

transformation that can be used to transform our suffering. Later on,
these symbols were linked to the thirteen chakras system of the
cosmic human. In the process of writing these articles, more and
more mystical information was revealed. The Mystery of Life was
explained at deeper levels. Eventually, the articles only talked
about the thirteen universal transformers of the human being.

The thirteen universal transformers are an answer to many of the

important challenges and problems that we are faced with in life.
It seems that the teaching of the universal transformers embraces
the basic principles of life, which can provide the solutions to our
most important problems. This book reveals part of the mysticism
about the cosmic human and invites us to develop it further and
learn how to use it in our daily lives.


Universal Transformers
Universal Symbols of Transformation
The Chakras of the Cosmic Human

For individual life

1. The White Rose
2. The Crystalline Diamond
3. The White Lily
4. The Ark (boat)

For life in general

5. The Grail (chalice)
6. The Crystalline Crown
7. The Crystalline Lotus
8. The White Swan

For the fulfillment of life

9. The Golden Sun
10. The White Iris
11. The Double Star (a five-pointed star in a seven-pointed star)
12. The Golden Sun enclosing a White Iris

The All-Embracing
13. The Blazing Golden Sun


1. Transforming the Suffering of Man

We find ourselves at the beginning of the Aquarian Age. This means
that the heart chakra of the Creation (the Creator) is opening, turning
this age into an era of love that will support mankind and all of life
to flourish. Some years ago, an important mutation in the conscious-
ness of man opened the door for him to become a cosmic human
with a thirteen-fold cosmic consciousness and thirteen chakras (see
fig. 1). Through this cosmic consciousness, the cosmic human will
be able to manifest and express the laws of the heart: the laws of
Love and Unity.

Through the thirteen-fold consciousness of the cosmic human, all

universal information relating to the Aquarian Age will be understood
and used to the fullest. This information teaches man how to work
with the power of creation, which emanates from the Creation’s heart
center, by means of his thirteen-fold consciousness. This is of
utmost importance, because this initial state of the Aquarian Age is
accompanied by rather turbulent times.

The Aquarian Purification

The start of the Aquarian Age is also called the ‘Aquarian Purification’.
This is a time when the total transformation of man’s life and life
on Earth is put into effect. Everything that is not in alignment with
the intention of the cosmic human and living from the heart will be
gradually demolished. This demolition process is accompanied by
turbulent times that are already felt by all of us today.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that evolution is no lon-

ger driven by karma. Karma is linked to the solar plexus of the
Creation (the Piscean Age) and not to the heart center (the Aquarian
Age). As a result, the enormous remainder of karmic debt that the
Creation is bearing, will be cleared out. With the start of the Aquarian


Figure 1:

The Chakras of the Cosmic Human

D e chakra’svan de kosm ische m ens

13 m utatiechakra chakra
12 form atiechakra chakra
11 nchakra chakra
10 fysechakrachakra
09 pituitary
9 hypof ysechakra chakra

08 cosmic flow chakra

8 kosm isch
doorstrom ingschakra
07 throat
7 keelchakra chakra

11 nchakra chakra
09 pituitary
9 hypofysechakra chakra

07 throat
7 keelchakra chakra

06 thymus
6 thym uschakra chakra

5 harheart
05 tchakra chakra

4 m ilspleen
04 tchakra chakra
03 solar
3 zonnevlechtplexus

2 heisacral
02 chakra

01 root chakra


Age all karmic load of mankind and life in general is lifted slowly
but surely and reflected back to us. This could cause major suffe-
ring. However, that the cosmic human holds the ability to transform
(neutralize) the remainder of the karmic debt, thus preventing this
karma from turning into suffering! This can be done by means of the
power of creation that is released within himself.

The transformation of suffering

Today, karma is reflected back to man. At the same time, the heart
chakra of the Creation sends the power of creation to him, which he
is able to ground and use through his thirteen-fold consciousness.
The power of creation set into motion by man,? can then be directed
to the remainder of karmic debt, which will be settled as a result.
By connecting karma to the pure positive nature of the power of
creation, karma can no longer exist. The pure positive nature of
Universal Love, which lies within the power of creation, neutralizes
the negative nature of karma immediately.

A short time ago, man discovered that he does not only have access
to the power of creation through his consciousness, but also that he
can use this power to neutralize the remainder of the karmic debt!
Besides neutralizing his own karma, he can also transform the kar-
mic debt of plants, animals, the Earth, the Creation, the whole of
mankind, all of life, and so on! Therefore, the cosmic human’s slo-
gan now is:

Suffering is no longer necessary!

Meditation, the path to transformation

Meditation offers us the possibility to connect with our higher cons-
ciousness, in which the power of creation is released, through our
higher selves. This requires practice. Visualizing any of the universal
symbols mentioned in this chapter will help us to enter a meditative
state in a safe and direct way. Safe, because we focus directly on
the heart chakra of the Creation, which released these thirteen uni-
versal symbols. They are the keys, available to all of us, to open the
thirteen creative powers that lie within the Creation.


The thirteen-fold Creation

Man is given the opportunity to become aware of the fact that every-
thing in the entire Creation is thirteen-fold. For example, there are
thirteen spheres in the Creation. As a result, the Creation consists of
thirteen chakras and there are thirteen powers at work within the
power of creation. These thirteen creative powers offer the cosmic
human thirteen levels of transformation through his thirteen chak-
ras. Every level of transformation is linked to one of the thirteen
karmic levels, which can be transformed by the above-mentioned
thirteen creative powers.

The thirteen universal symbols of transformation

The thirteen universal symbols of transformation were released to
activate the creative powers. By visualizing a symbol first and then
placing it in your heart (during your visualization), the transformations
are activated to do their healing work through your heart chakra.

Because the thirteen universal creative powers are connected with

the thirteen spheres of the Creation, all life forms on all levels of the
Creation can be helped to neutralize their karma. By sending the
activated power to a life form through your heart chakra after placing
the symbol in your heart, you make it easier for that life form to
achieve its life purpose by transforming its karma! In this way, you
can support plants, animals, angels, devas, etcetera.

It is obvious that the symbols of transformation can be very valuable

to life. First, the symbols will be discussed one by one. Then, it will
be explained how to use them.

Thirteen Transformations and their Specific Attributes

The thirteen symbols of transformation are divided into three cate-
gories. Four symbols are connected to the level of individual life;
four symbols will support us to transform life in general and four
symbols will help us to achieve life fulfillment. The thirteenth sym-
bol, the all-embracing power, activates the Universality of Life in
everything that is touched by it.


Symbols supporting individual life:

1. The White Rose

The White Rose is the symbol of Universal Love. It
represents the Christ energy. This symbol is in parti-
cular used for healing your aches and illnesses and
has the ability to settle all karma that causes any kind
of illness.

2. The Crystalline Diamond

The Crystalline Diamond is the symbol of Universal
Light. It is connected with consciousness. Visualizing
the Diamond stimulates your consciousness and takes
us to a higher cosmic life purpose.

3. The White Lily

The pure White Lily is the symbol of Universal Life. It
is the guardian of your life purpose. Visualizing this
symbol helps us to see your life purpose more clear-
ly. The obstacles that keep us from achieving your
life purpose are transformed in this way.

4. The Ark (a boat)

The Ark is the symbol of Universal Being. When invo-
ked, the Ark safeguards your life or the life of the one
for whom you activated the symbol. This symbol does
this by transforming negative individual karma.


Symbols supporting life in general:

5. The Grail (a chalice)

The Grail can be visualized as a chalice, a cup on a
base. It transforms all karma that is not directly linked
to individual karma, such as family karma, karma of
a people or a group of persons who are connected
by fate. Transforming group karma settles any difficult
mutual karmic bond.

6. The Crystalline Crown

The Crystalline Crown supports the growth of group
consciousness. For example, it stimulates the collective
consciousness of the people in a country. For instan-
ce, visualizing this symbol is to the benefit of the
Dutch, the Pakistanis, the Somalis or the Colombians.

7. The Crystalline Lotus

The Crystalline Lotus supports the development of the
life purpose of a specific life form or group, such as
the crocodile. In this way, it outlines the life purpose
of áll crocodiles more clearly. This is also the case for
a specific group of people, for instance the Papuans.
It supports their cosmic purpose and offers them a
better understanding of it.

8. The White Swan

The White Swan safeguards and supports life. Trans-
forming karma on this level takes life – or a life form –
to its higher evolutionary destiny.


Symbols supporting the fulfillment of life:

9. The Golden Sun (a still sun, no flames)

The Golden Sun supports the fulfillment of every
individual life that is touched by it. For example, it
fulfills your own life or that of your family members,
neighbors, animals or crops.

10. The White Iris

The White Iris fulfills every life that is connected to a
group – and therefore has a group consciousness. Bij
transforming group-karma, for example, the White Iris
helps the disabled, the single parents, the hungry, the
sad, but also the communists or the Palestinians.

11. The Double Star

The Double Star (a five-pointed star in a seven-poin-
ted star) brings the life of entire kingdoms of nature
or complete fields of life to fulfillment by neutralizing
their karma. For example, you can transform karma
that belongs to the mineral kingdom, the plant king-
dom, the animal kingdom, the angels and the devas.

12. The Golden Sun enclosing a White Iris

This symbol safeguards and fulfills all life in the Creation
that is connected to a sphere. This symbol moves an
entire sphere in the Creation. By visualizing this sym-
bol, you help transform karma that was created by
this sphere and its life forms.


13. The Blazing Golden Sun

The Blazing Golden Sun is the highest symbol of trans-
formation. It covers all universal symbols. Visualize
anything that is searching for fulfillment inside a
Blazing Golden Sun. The power of the Universality of
Life will take care of any human being or any life form
by settling its karma on all levels.

How to work with these Symbols 1

1. Working to develop your consciousness

After visualizing a symbol of transformation and placing it in your
heart, you can allow the invoked power to stay there for a while
to do its work. In this way, you help your consciousness to grow.
By each time visualizing a higher symbol in the course of the months,
your consciousness will develop further every time (see chapter 4:
Chakras and higher consciousness).

2. Working to ease aches and illnesses

Visualize the White Rose, place it in your heart and connect its
power that is released in your heart, to your aches and illnesses. In
this way, the White Rose will neutralize your karma and as a result
it will ease your pain. By repeating this on a regular basis, you
finally will neutralize all karma that is linked to the illness, and the
illness will gradually heal.

3. Working for your environment

Visualize a Golden Bowl and in it all the people, all life forms or
situations from your environment that need transformation. Then,
visualize the universal symbol of your choice and place it in the
Golden Bowl. Request and focus on the transformation of their
karma or the karma that is the cause of the situation that you have
placed in the bowl. After that, release it again.

4. Working selflessly for your environment

Visualize the symbol of transformation of your choice and place it
in your heart. Now, send out the creative power that is released in


your heart to your environment with no specific request in mind

(selflessly). This energy itself will meet the karma that wants to be

No matter how you work with a symbol, it will always be to the bene-
fit of the world or the person with which it is connected. Eventually,
transformation will neutralize every single bit of karma in the Creation.
There is only one condition: you have to use it!

Mastering your fate

It is very important that man begins to understand that he can master
his fate through transformation. It is a good thing that he starts to
realize that he created his own karma and therefore his illnesses
and suffering. Even better would be that he begins to see that he
has the power to use transformation to break through this vicious
circle of suffering, illnesses and aches, bad luck and misfortune!
The beauty of all this is that he can do this by means of a very sim-
ple meditation/visualization.

This attribute of the Aquarian Age will soon change our view on life
completely. In the Aquarian Age, the suffering, waiting, passive
human being will be replaced by the cosmic human who puts a hold
to his suffering and takes on a new and happier fate. All obstacles
are gone; the Aquarian evolution has started. Together with the
purification that this evolution has set into motion, our fate will
also be transformed!


2. Thirteen Chakras and their Attributes

The Thirteen Chakras
From the onset of the Creation until 1985, the involution took place.
During that time individual life forms developed and man grounded
his lower self in matter. In the Piscean Age (0-2000) he also star-
ted distinguishing and exploring his lower self. He was given the
opportunity to understand that he was more than matter alone.2 He
became aware of the fact that the Spirit brings matter into motion.

The seven chakras of the Piscean Age

In this age, every human being had a seven-fold consciousness and
was called the ‘earth human’. Because the earth human had a seven-
fold consciousness, he had seven chakras, which in this book are called
the ‘Piscean chakras’. These are the seven chakras that are com-
monly referred to in literature and that are all located on the spine
(see fig. 2).

The purpose of the chakras

Which function do the chakras have for us? Chakras are wheels, ener-
gy centers that translate the cosmic energy in a correct way from
one level of consciousness to a lower level of consciousness. This
allows the cosmic energy to enter matter through the chakras and
to be perceived by our everyday consciousness. In other words, a
chakra is a cosmic transformer that translates energy from a higher
field of consciousness to a field with a lower frequency. We can also
approach this from another perspective: we can enter a higher field
of consciousness from a lower field of consciousness via a chakra.
The chakras allow the physical human being to access his higher
spiritual dimensions.

2 . T H I R T E E N C H A K R A S A N D T H E I R AT T R I B U T E S

Figure 2:

The Chakras of the Earth Human

The Piscean Chakras
D e chakra’svan de aardem ens

7 krcrown
7 chakra
6 third
6 voor eye
hoofdc chakra

5 kee
5 lchakrachakra

4 har
4 chakra

3 solar plexus
3 zonnevlechtchakra

2 sacral
2 hei chakra

1 root chakra


The increasing importance of the chakras

Now that the Aquarian Age is beginning and the human spirit
(consciousness) is developing at an incredible pace, the chakras are
becoming very important. After all, they are the gateways to man’s
higher fields of consciousness that need to be consulted in order
to carry out the universal tasks that are released by his spirit.

During the Aquarian Age, the higher self of the Creation will reveal
itself and will release its impulses to man. The limited earth human
is not able to receive and understand these impulses very well. After
all, the earth human is only equipped to live from the Creation’s
lower self. However, a number of years ago our consciousness went
through an important mutation. The earth human became the cos-
mic human, who has access to thirteen fields of consciousness and
has thirteen chakras, with which he can interpret the impulses
coming from the Creation’s higher self.

The six Aquarian chakras

In 1996, man received an additional set of six chakras and this time
they were not all located on the spine (see fig. 1: chakra 4, 6, 8,
10, 12 and 13). They are referred to as the ‘Aquarian chakras’. With
these new chakras the cosmic human became whole. In 1997, these
chakras were enforced and prepared for their task.

In 1998, the Piscean chakras were raised to their Aquarian level. In

other words, their Aquarian attributes were activated. These cha-
kras kept their old attributes, but at the same time all qualities that
the Aquarian human (cosmic human) needs to exist were activated.
This process is similar to the process that Earth went through in 1999.3

Our Universal Tasks

Currently, the cosmic human is complete and his Aquarian attributes
are fully activated. This means that we can already function as cosmic
humans. We are able to understand the laws of the Creation’s higher
self – the laws of Love and Unity – and can recognize the Plan of

2 . T H I R T E E N C H A K R A S A N D T H E I R AT T R I B U T E S

Creation in them. We will be called upon to take on our universal

tasks, to help in carrying out this Plan using our thirteen chakras.

Whereas the earth human only lived for himself and his manifestation
in the physical, the cosmic human is learning to be of service to his
companions, to Earth and Creation. We are learning to be of service
based on the principles of the Spirit (God) and to assist in the imple-
mentation of the laws of Love and Unity in life. The cosmic human
assists with the integration of the Spirit into matter by integrating his
and the Creation’s higher self into the lower self. The Earth?

The Revelation of the Christ and the Divine

In our higher self we meet the Christ. Through our higher self we
learn to reveal the Christ, in order to raise matter to a higher plane.
In our highest self we meet the Creator and through it we can assist
in the revelation of the Divine in matter. This is part of the univer-
sal tasks of man. Man will reveal the Christ and the Creator and
ground Spirit in matter in this way.

The cosmic human is given a sophisticated instrument to carry out

these tasks. This instrument will be revealed step by step to allow us
to play our first tunes on it! This will bring life into alignment with
the divine purpose. We will neutralize any kind of resistance from
the physical through our being in order to to facilitate Spirit’s inte-
gration in matter. A new phase of evolution has begun. The cosmic
human has started his work and we will be able to recognize him
in ourselves and in others. We have the honor to explore our thir-
teen chakras so that we can discover step by step what we can
mean to life when we use your new thirteen-fold consciousness.

The Spiritual Attributes of the Thirteen Chakras

In this part of this chapter some information on the spiritual attri-
butes of the thirteen chakras of the cosmic human is revealed:


1. The root chakra (the White Rose)

Acceptance of life and of yourself.
Manifestation and realisation in matter.
Integration of the Spirit into matter.
The transforming of matter into Spirit.

2. The sacral chakra (the Crystalline Diamond)

Desire, longing.
Sexual needs.
Taking responsibility; feelings of guilt.
Attracts the Spirit and transforms it.

3 The solar plexus (the White Lily)

Control over one’s personality.
Acknowledgement, decisiveness and willpower.
Mental thinking.
Emotions bound to the personality.
Transforms rigidity, dogma.
Transforms denseness into enlightenment.

4. The spleen chakra (the Ark)

Surrender and discernment.
The seat of the akasha of the personality (blueprint).
Attracts cosmic energy.
Focuses on universal guidance.
Protects against comic energy of a too high intensity.
Shields against astral influences

5. The heart chakra (the Grail)

Inner life, clairsentience.
The gift of healing.
Trust and self-confidence.
Creative and transformative organ.
Reveals the Christ.

2 . T H I R T E E N C H A K R A S A N D T H E I R AT T R I B U T E S

6 The thymus chakra (the Crystalline Crown)

Gateway to the cosmic human.
Gateway to the Universal World Government.
Nourishes the heart with the power of creation.
Stimulates the heart to use the power of creation.

7. The throat chakra (the Crystalline Lotus)4

Individual expression, creativity.
Divine expression, reveals the Creator.
Integrates one’s life plan and one’s cosmic plan.
The supportive center of the cosmic human.
Communication and inner communication (clairaudience).
Feeds the mind (thinking) with mysticism.

8. The cosmic flow chakra (the White Swan)4

Seat of the akasha of the soul.
Flow of the highest self of the Creation into the physical.

9 The pituitary chakra (the Golden Sun)

Insight and universal insight.
Universal discernment.

10. The pineal chakra (the White Iris)4

Seat of our mystical abilities.
Access to the akasha of the Source.
Inner viewing.

11. The crown chakra (the Double Star)

Connection with the state of Being, I Am.

12. The transformation chakra (the Golden Sun enclosing a White Iris)
Seat of the divine akasha.
Carries and directs the power of the Christ.
The ability to transform, neutralize karma.
Accepting grace.


13. The transmutation chakra (the Blazing Golden Sun)

Carries and directs the power of the Creator.
The ability of transmutation (re-creation).


3. Thirteen Chakras and our Health

Chapter 2 explained that the energy of the Source is transported
from our higher to our lower levels of consciousness – by means
of the chakras. The chakras function as transformers that constantly
change the energy to a lower level of vibration. Each of the thirteen
fields of consciousness of the cosmic human (his light-beings) has
its own level of vibration.

The energy of the Source is fully accessible and available to us through

these fields of consciousness, but only when we are very pure. How-
ever, if we are not fully conscious yet, our spiritual self is still very
dense due to the karmic load. This makes it more difficult for the
power of the Source to enter our body completely, which results in
frequent illness. This is why it is relevant to discuss the connection
between body, consciousness (spirit), karma and the role our cha-
kras play in this process.

Chakras, Body and Consciousness

Our levels of consciousness are connected to our body through the
physical component of the chakras. The chakras pass the power of
our consciousness on to our body, which in this way feeds itself
with thirteen levels of spiritual energy. It is through the chakras
that the system of meridians in our body is fed. This system trans-
ports the spiritual energy through our body, providing every organ
and every body function with this energy. Acupuncture for example
mapped out the system of meridians in our body, enabling the acu-
puncturist to treat any obstructions in our body’s energy system.

In other words, our physical body is provided with energy that ori-
ginates from our consciousness. The spiritual organ that houses our
consciousness and that can conduct the energy from our conscious-
ness is called the ‘spirit’. The power of our mind depends on the


state of our consciousness, which is free of karma at best, which

means that we would have completely manifested the Source into
the physical. The inspired information that has been disclosed so far
indicates that the chakras function as gateways between our body
and spirit. It would be clearer to say that:

The chakras are gateways that pass the state of our consciousness,
through our spirit, on to our body.

The saying ‘a sound mind (in this case ‘spirit’) in a sound body’
could be translated as ‘a high state of consciousness means a sound
body’. This clearly shows that it is very important for our physical
health to start developing our consciousness. It will improve our
physical health immediately. In short, developing our consciousness
stimulates our body’s health!

The Aquarian impulse, collective awakening

The Aquarian evolution focuses its impulse on our consciousness,
developing it very rapidly. This allows us to develop our Aquarian
attributes – revealing the Christ and the Creator in the physical world –
and to ground love and unity in the physical.

In the long run this rapid development of our consciousness, which has
just started, will have a very positive effect on our health. Unfortunately,
in the short run it means that we will have to clear all karma very
quickly, exactly because of this rapid evolution that we are going
through. The Aquarian impulse creates a vibration that releases karma
from all our levels of consciousness, after which it reaches our body
through our spirit and chakras, where it manifests itself in the form
of aches and illnesses!

Until recently, we could develop our consciousness at our own pace.

We would notice if our process enfolded too fast, through changes
in our emotional state and an increase in physical ailments. If we
meditated less frequently, we would find our balance again. The
start of the Aquarian evolution, however, set into motion the pro-
cess of collective awakening from within. We are all awakening,
whether we want to or not! This explains why our karma is being


cleared at such a very fast pace and why our body – and the world! –
is under such pressure. In the long run, we will become much heal-
thier, but in the short run our health will be under extra pressure!

Developing our Consciousness through Transformation

Since we are collectively being moved by the Aquarian impulse,
many of us will soon choose the path of awaking, driven by our
increasing aches and illnesses. For this reason this mechanism was
embedded deeply into our sub-consciousness at the start of the
Piscean Age. If the path of awakening set about by the Aquarian
impulse speeds up the clearing of our karma even more, we could
end up in a vicious circle and even succumb to the process of clea-
ring our karma! This is the reason why a new way of developing
our consciousness was released at the beginning of the Aquarian
evolution: we, the cosmic human, will develop our consciousness
through transformation (see chapter 1: Transforming our Suffering).

This new way of developing our consciousness shows us the way

how to neutralize (transform) our karma. It explains to us that we
can transform our karma by using the creative power, which lies
deep within our consciousness and can be retrieved by means of our
chakras, in cooperation with our spirit. Transformation will enable
us to cast off our karmic load in a safe, efficient and fast way and
thus restore our health! This is possible because transformation
directly neutralizes all karma in our spirit, without the need for it
to manifest in our body. In this way, the answer to any physical
ailment still remains developing our consciousness, but this time in
a more modern and efficient way!

Chakras, obstructions and transformation

It is important to know how each of the thirteen chakras are rela-
ted to the organs and physical ailments. In addition, it is useful to
know how to recognize an obstruction in your chakras and how it
affects your body, behavior and life. This information on the cha-
kras of the cosmic human can be found in columns two and three
of table 1 on page 34 and 35. Alternatively, we can also use our phy-


sical ailments as a starting point and deduce from there what we

need to work on in our consciousness developing process. We will
certainly succeed if we take the spiritual attributes of the chakra’s
into account, which are discussed in the previous chapter. Equipped
with this knowledge we will then be able to work on developing
our consciousness in a more focused way.

In order to work on developing our consciousness in the new way,

it is also necessary to know which symbol belongs to which chakra
(table 1, column 4). The name of the symbol that corresponds to
each of the mentioned chakras is the exact transformation symbol
that has the ability to transform all karma that lies in the field of con-
sciousness that belongs to that particular chakra. By visualizing this
symbol (during our meditation) we call upon the chakra and trans-
form the obstruction(s) in the field of consciousness to which it is
connected. The creative power that the field of consciousness could
release if it is completely pure, will be activated by this symbol and
this power has the exact ability to neutralize all karma that is still
present in that field!

We proceed as follows:

1. Visualize the symbol that corresponds to the chakra for some time.
2. When the connection is established, you ask for the transformation
of the karma that blocks the corresponding field of consciousness.
3. Then, release the symbol.

Using the chakras on a deeper level

The thirteen chakras of the cosmic human are especially designed to
ground the power of creation from the Source into the physical by
means of our spirit. This is not only to the benefit of our health, but
also to the health of all other organism in the Creation! You see, we
will first start with clearing our own organisms from karma and den-
seness. The next step in the process of developing our conscious-
ness – when we have discovered the unique effect that the creative
power has on our body and life – will be that we discover that we
cannot only create (maintain) a healthy life for ourselves, but also
for all other life forms in the Creation.


When we stop focusing our attention exclusively on ourselves (our

chakras are facing inwards) but start focusing on what is outside of
ourselves, our chakras will reverse. With these reversed chakras, we
will be able to exert the creative power that our spirit attracts to the
healing of everything around us. In this way, we will be able, besides
healing ourselves, to heal the people around us, our (domestic) ani-
mals and subsequently all life that surrounds us, using the creative
power, the positive flow from our spirit.

Our thirteen chakras together form a healing instrument that does

not only keep our own body healthy, but that will also reveal our
universal tasks as soon as our consciousness has opened up the way
for this. Due to this instrument, we will be able to heal the society
around us, all other life forms in the Creation and life itself. We even
will help to put the evolution to move into the right direction.

The self-regenerating ability of life

We received a thirteen-fold consciousness and have thirteen chakras.
This system allows us to work using the self-regenerating ability of
life that lies within the consciousness of all-that-is. We can use the
healing power of life in such a way that it can do its healing work
everywhere in the Creation. We can ground the Spirit’s essence into
the physical and through our own health issues we will become aware
of how to do it.

We are a consciousness developing cell that is part of the self-rege-

nerating ability of life. We are the creative instrument that can heal
all that lives. Being healthy means being conscious. Health is per-
meated by Spirit. Health is the purpose of life and at the same time
health shapes the purpose of life!

Table 1: The Chakras of the Cosmic Human
Chakra Body function Obstruction / anomaly Symbol
13. Transmutation Keeping the body together Unaware of the incarnation task The Blazing Golden un
Chakra Connective and supporting tissue
12. Transformation Lymphatic system Unaware of the cosmic task The Golden Sun
Chakra Mucousmembranes enclosing a White Iris
Liquid balance
Cell functioning, osmosis
11. Crown Chakra Brain, nervous system Disconnected from the inner The Double Star
Memory guidance and its universal messages
10. Pineal Chakra Pineal gland and its (spiritual) Lack of universal (mystical) insight. The White Iris

hormones Inability to place oneself in a larger

09. Pituitary Chakra Eyes, ears, nose, paranasal sinuses Lack of deeper insight in life. The Golden Sun
Pituitary gland and its hormones Lack of life motivation
Regulation of the endocrine glands Depression
08. Cosmic Flow Alignment of the organs with Disconnected from impulses The White Swan
Chakra each other from the subconscious
Meridian system, biorhythm

07. Throat Chakra Throat, voice Inability to express yourself The Crystalline Lotus
Skin Poor communication with others
Lungs and bronchi Cut off from your inner guidance
Thyroid gland Lack of creativity
Table 1: The Chakras of the Cosmic Human
Chakra Body function Obstruction / anomaly Symbol

06. Thymus Chakra Thymus gland, thymus hormones Not open for change The Crystalline Crown
Immune system, resistance Rigidity, dogma
05. Heart Chakra Heart Disruption in your emotional life The Grail
Blood circulation Lack of self-trust/self-respect
Blood pressure Inability to give or receive
04. Spleen Chakra Spleen, bones, bone marrow, blood Cut off from the (cosmic) energy The Ark
Forming of blood platelets Lack of zest for life
Filter of cosmic energy Lack of inspiration

03. Solar Plexus Digestion Hyperactivity, hyper emotionality The White Lily
Stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder being restrained, devotion to duty
Pancreas, insulin production. too attached to the mind
Urinary bladder and urethras Egoism
Muscles, motor system
02. Sacral Chakra Sex organs Sexual disorder and excesses The Crystalline Diamond
Sex hormones Wanting too much, overestimation of
Irresponsible behavior
Feelings of guilt
01. Root Chakra Spine. Excessive attachment to matter The White Rose
Kidneys, adrenal glands Addiction
Cortisone production Rejection of yourself, matter and life
Not being grounded
Hatred, aggression towards others

4. Chakras and Higher Consciousness

The Path to Higher Consciousness
The previous chapter explaind how we can cleanse our consciousness
through the use of our thirteen chakras by following the signs from
our physical ailments. In this way we clear our consciousness from
karma. Hence, diseases (aches and illnesses) have become indica-
tors that help us to develop our consciousness.

Developing our consciousness as our first priority

Of course, there is no need for us to wait until we become ill to
follow our path of spiritual growth. We can start developing our
consciousness right now, as a precaution and because it is impor-
tant to our life! In this way, we prevent ourself from becoming ill
and from being forced to grow. Preferably we be the one who sets
the pace of our consciousness developing process; otherwise the
Aquarian evolution will dictate the pace for you from within by crea-
ting diseases. It is better for us to go with the flow instead of being
forced to grow. It is a sign of Aquarian vision if we immediately
take the initiative to transform our own and life’s karma.

Intended developing your consciousness

How do you develop your consciousness intended? You can utili-
ze the universal symbols that were released to transform karma
(chapter 1: Transforming the Suffering of Man). These symbols
correspond to the names of the chakras; in fact, they act as the
gateways to the chakras. Starting with the root chakra (1st) and
ending with the transmutation chakra (13th) these symbols are: the
White Rose, the Crystalline Diamond, the White Lily, the Ark, the
Grail, the Crystalline Crown, the Crystalline Lotus, the White Swan,
the Golden Sun, the White Iris, the Double Star, the Golden Sun
enclosing a White Iris and the Blazing Sun respectively.


By visualizing these symbols one by one in the given order, you

move from one chakra to the other and thus, from one level of
consciousness to the next (see chapter 7: Universal Meditation and
Universal Guidance). You touch every level of your consciousness
successively with the power of creation that is represented by each
symbol, allowing your consciousness to develop. Moreover, if you
request transformation of the karma that is contained in each level
of consciousness, you intentionally cleanse your consciousness – and
your chakras! – bringing about a tremendous growth from within.

How to begin?
Initially, it is advisable to start your meditations by visualizing the
White Rose. The exact duration of this phase depends on the level
of consciousness you were at when you started this journey. This is
different for each individual. It can last from several weeks to a couple
of months. Through the White Rose you connect your conscious-
ness with the Universal Love, which is the first and lowest creative
power. When you meditate on a regular basis, visualizing the
White Rose, your consciousness will slowly be cleansed and will
eventually be raised to the level of Universal Love.

In time, you can start your meditations by visualizing the Crystalline

Diamond, which will activate the second creative power, the Universal
Light, in your consciousness. Your next step is to visualize the
White Lily, the Universal Life, etcetera. Slowly but surely, your cons-
ciousness will be cleared completely by following this method and
its level of vibration will be raised substantially.

Inner guidance
It is important to allow this process to be guided by your intuition. If
you feel that you are ready for the next step, take that next step. If
you feel that it is better for you to wait, stop with the meditations for
some time. This will give you the space needed to process your
growth. Allow your intuition to guide you; it will activate your higher
self. If a symbol comes to mind spontaneously during your medita-
tion, visualize that symbol, your intuition has guided you to it. It is
preferable to follow your inner guidance than to meditate merely as
a routine from the mind. Meditation should never be an obligation!


Energy boost or feat of strength?

Sometimes, during a single meditation (about 10 - 15 minutes in total),
you will feel the urge to shift your focus from one symbol to the
other – in the order mentioned earlier. In that case, you can first visua-
lize the symbols up to the Golden Sun and if you are more advan-
ced, you can continue with the symbols up to the Blazing Sun. In
this way, you create an extra powerful cleansing for yourself, which
will allow your consciousness to grow at an accelerated pace. This
is for instance necessary to break through a strong obstruction.

On the other hand, if you notice that you have too much to deal
with, it is better to stop your (rather powerfully cleansing) medita-
tions for a while. In this case, you need to deal with the issues that
have arisen and give them a place in your life. Give yourself some
more time and do not continue to meditate overzealously out of a
sense of duty!

Let your intuition guide you in this process and allow yourself some
more space, so that your deeper inner self can be activated. Your
intuition always deserves to get priority over your mind and sense
of duty. Be aware of the signs of your inner guidance, which is
being activated precisely because you are cleansing your conscious-
ness. And last but not least, allow your inner guidance a place in
your (daily) life.

A meditation pattern for the conscious human being

By acting accordingly, the following guidelines for your medita-
tion can be given:

1. Meditate regularly, focusing on developing your consciousness.

2. Alternate (or complement) this with transformations that are
brought about by any aches and illnesses or situations that take
place in your personal life.
3. Also perform transformation on behalf of all life that surrounds
you. This is brought about by situations that happen in life in
general or in society.
4. Take breaks from meditating for a short period of time if neces-


From Microcosm to Macrocosm

By cleansing your chakras and the corresponding fields of cons-
ciousness, these fields will slowly become transparent and you will
gradually gain mastery over them. When you have reached this
state of mastery, the now transparent fields of consciousness will
lead the consciousness of higher organisms on to you. Your human
consciousness will connect with the consciousness of higher orga-
nisms, who will gradually release their consciousness into yours.

Earth Initiations
You are a human being, you live on Earth. Therefore, Earth’s cons-
ciousness will be the first part of higher consciousness (divine cons-
ciousness) that presents itself through your transparent fields of
consciousness. After we have gained mastery over our personality
(fields), we can embark upon the process of Earth Initiations, in
which we are taught how to integrate Earth’s consciousness into ours.
During these initiations, we learn to ground the energy of the cons-
ciousness of the Spirit of Earth into the physical – by using our cle-
ansed chakras. Thus, we become servants of this Spirit and gain
access to the inner government of the planet: the Planetary Hierarchy.

Initiations at higher levels

After some time – after the higher fields of consciousness have
become transparent – the process of Sun Initiations will start. We
are guided to integrate the Spirit of the Sun, the Sun Logos, into our
consciousness in order to ground it into the physical through our
chakras. By means of these Sun Initiations we serve the Sun Logos
and we are granted access to the inner government of the solar
system: the Sun Hierarchy.

In time – after even higher fields of our consciousness have beco-

me transparent – our consciousness will connect with the Spirit of
the Universe. As a result of the Universal Initiations, we will be
able to ground the power of this Spirit into the physical by using
our thirteen chakras. This is how we can participate in the inner
government of the Universe by means of our consciousness.


By allowing the vibrations of these higher organisms to enter our

consciousness, we will bring about a stronger unity between Earth
and Sun, Sun and Creation, etcetera. We will be able to meet and
integrate into our consciousness all higher divine organisms that
determine life in the Creation. The next step is that the heightened
vibrations of our consciousness will radiate back to life through our
chakras to develop life itself.5

The Guardianship of Life, Evolution and the Creation

The above mechanism has positioned the cosmic human inside the
Guardianship of Life. He has the ability to connect the higher orga-
nisms in him with each other and bring them into alignment with
their divine destiny. Because of this connection, energy and inspi-
ration can be passed on from one organism to an other. Hence, he
will take part in the Guardianship of Evolution.

Because man eventually allows evolved divine organism to enter

his consciousness, it will become all-embracing. He will embrace
the entire Creation and its Spirit, the Creator, will be released into
his consciousness. He will use his consciousness to assist the Creator
in carrying out the Plan of Creation. And as he has the ability to
reveal both the Christ and the Creator through his chakras, he will be
the executive organ in this process.6

The deepened functioning of the chakras

As soon as man has cleared his consciousness, and as a result his
fields of consciousness have become transparent, the transforma-
tive task of his chakras will be raised to a higher level. His chakras
will not only sustain his life as a human being, but they will also
help to sustain all life forms in the Creation by passing on the hig-
hest vibrations.

Once man has srtinged the chain of his consciousness in such way
that it reaches high up to the spheres, his chakras will be the con-
necting links that transport the power of creation from above to
below and from below to above. Thus, life in the Creation will be rai-
sed to a vibrational level that was intended by the Creator (the


The missing link

Man plays his universal instrument, using his thirteen chakras. He
allows the power of creation to run from high above, through all
fields of consciousness, to ground it into the physical. Next, he
sends this power back through the Creation, to high above. This is
how man has become the link between spirit and matter. He is the
missing link that completes the chain of evolution, by connecting
the first link to the last. As a result, it will never be possible for life
in the Creation to be lost!

The human being as an evolving principle

Man protects life; he is the cosmic safeguard of life.7 He is the evol-
ving principle that protects and safeguards all of life. He does this
with his ability to retrieve the power of creation from high above,
bring it down, ground it deeply into matter and then send it up
again. By doing so, we will take life to a state of Utopia, the final
destination of the evolution.

Man’s thirteen chakras play a crucial role in carrying out these tasks,
which are very important to life. These thirteen universal transfor-
mers can transform the highest information from the Creation and
conduct it to the deepest and darkest caverns of the physical.
Directed by his free will, and once more by using his chakras, life
will be lifted from the bowels of hell to the highest of heavens!


5. Chakras and Epidemic Diseases

We have entered a new phase in the evolution process. The higher
self of the Creation has been activated; and its vibrations now
touch all aspects of life. This event has set an enormous purifica-
tion into motion, which is called the Aquarian Purification. During
this purification, every being that is alive in the Creation will have
to free itself of all karma. Each life form, including us human
beings, is called upon to live from the perspective of its higher self.
The Creation’s lower self will release its grip on life, called karma!

As a result of the involution process into the physical, all of our fields
of consciousness are loaded with karma. The previous chapter dis-
cussed how you can remove this karma from your consciousness
intentionally. Unfortunately, not everybody is willing to work on
him or herself. Many people aren’t even aware of the fact that this
is at all possible. Nor do they know what is happening in the more
subtle layers of life. Nevertheless, these people will have to trans-
form their karma; because, as I have already explained in chapter
3: The Thirteen Chakras and Your Health, the Aquarian evolution
includes every one of us and ‘forces’ us, in a certain way, to clear
ourselves of our karma.

The Origin of the Main Epidemic Diseases

If we take a look at the way that the Aquarian evolution touches
life, we see that it focuses its vibrations on the root chakra (1st
chakra) of life first, stimulating the root chakras of all life forms
(including us human beings) to be cleared. Even the most solid,
densest karma that is found in the root chakra will be cleared and
will find its way into the physical through this chakra. For us
human beings, this means that the body will be directly damaged
by any karma that is not transformed, because any karma that is
not dealt with will inevitably be stored in our cells. If too much of


this karma is diverted to the body and hence stored in the cells,
the cells loaded with this karma will start to grow rampant and
become cancerous.

Cancer is a disease of the root chakra. People are being diagnosed
with cancer in massive numbers. As a result of the accelerated clearing
of any karma at the level of the root chakra, cancer has become
the most important epidemic disease. In order to survive, we are
forced by this disease to let go of our attachment to the physical
on a large scale and embark upon our path of spiritual growth and
neutralize all karma. This is exactly what is now being asked of us!

Rheumatism is also a disease of the root chakra. This disease is con-
nected with a deep feeling of self-rejection that keeps us from
accepting love for who we are. Since the process of integrating
Spirit into the physical has started and as we are an important instru-
ment in that process – mankind is called upon in large numbers to
allow Universal Love to enter life. Any karma that is connected
with the pattern of not being able to accept love, which causes
rheumatism, will be cleared on a large scale. Because of its large
scale occurrence, rheumatism is also considered to be a epidemic

Because we are bound to the physical, we are very susceptible to
any form of addiction. Being addicted means that the physical
slowly gets a grip on the human being, who is bound to the mate-
rial world. Addiction as such cannot be considered a disease and
in fact do not belong to this category. Addictions are rather conside-
red to be a disruption in our social behavior. However, addictions in
all kinds and forms are so common that they can be labeled as a
kind of social disease in our society. This is why it is mentioned
here in the category of epidemic diseases of the root chakra.
Hence, all addiction patterns and the karma connected to it need
to be transformed!


The awakening of the higher self has put into motion a thorough
cleansing of the Creation’s entire lower self. Therefore, it is not
only the root chakra of life that needs to be cleared of karma but
the process also includes the sacral chakra (2nd) and the solar
plexus (3rd). Some time after the cleansing of the root chakra began,
the Aquarian vibrations also started affecting the sacral chakra and
solar plexus and their corresponding fields of consciousness. One
of the diseases resulting from the cleansing of the sacral chakra is
AIDS. AIDS is caused by karma that is created by a lack of respon-
sibility and excessive sexual desire. This disease has affected so
many people that it may be considered to be a epidemic disease.

An excessive desire and want that is not connected with sexuality,

causes us to become increasingly worked up, with stress and strain
as a result. Although many people in the Western world are stress-
ed, stress is not considered to be a epidemic disease from a global

Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are linked to the solar plexus, the third
chakra, which is connected with our personality (our ego), where
many obstructions can be found. Some of these obstructions are
mentioned in table 2: Chakras and Epidemic Diseases (page 50).
The karma of this chakra needs to be cast off on a global scale.
Because our efforts to transform this chakra are not sufficient, these
diseases have spread throughout the world and can therefore be
considered to be epidemic diseases.

By cleansing the first three chakras, the Creation’s lower self will
be completely freed of karma. The epidemic diseases mentioned
earlier, serve as instruments in this transformation process.

Diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, and hence linked to the solar
plexus. It is one of the diseases of which the incidence rate keeps
increasing steadily. Diabetes is not so much caused by our exces-
sive sugar intake, but rather by being over-emotionalism and our


attachment to matter. Due to that attachment and over-emotionalism,

we continue to be bound to the impulses of our lower self.

As a result, it is not possible for us to ground the higher self’s

impulse, i.e. the Aquarian impulse. The pancreas, which channels
the Aquarian impulse into the physical, becomes dysfunctional,
causing diabetes. The fear of the new, the fear of the Aquarian
impulse, together with our over-attachment to matter are the cau-
ses of the increasing number of diabetics. By now, diabetes can be
considered to be an epidemic disease.

Asthma (Chronic Non-specific Respiratory Diseases)

In the Netherlands alone, about 1.6 million people (10% of the
population) suffer from asthma (chronic non-specific respiratory
diseases), a disease linked to the heart chakra. Therefore, it should
be labeled as an epidemic disease. People who have difficulties
expressing their emotions and who find it difficult allowing the
impulses of their higher selves (i.e. the Aquarian impulse) into their
lives are susceptible to asthma. It is a disease that affects people
who still function at the level of the earth human. It is linked to the
Piscean form of the lower self and therefore we need to transform
these vibrations as well.

New Epidemic Diseases

In chapter 4: Chakras and Higher Consciousness the importance of
working on your spiritual growth, through the use of transformation,
has been explained already. In doing so, you prevent yourself from
being forced by a disease to clear your karma in a way that may
be too fast and even fatal to you. The fact that many epidemic disea-
ses have developed into real epidemics is a clear sign that this, in
fact, is happening. Unfortunately, the main epidemic diseases will
spread even further. In addition, many new epidemic diseases are
emerging! After all, we have a number of new chakras that are
accompanied with new levels of consciousness, which will demand
our attention.


sal energy. We can use that energy to replenish the life energy that
we have lost and to clear any obstructions in the spleen chakra.
Thus, we will learn to allow the higher energies of the Creation to
flow through us, so that we can use these energies to reverse our
materialization if it was taken too far. As a result, we will be able to
take on our universal tasks as cosmic humans.

In short, ME is a new disease that has the potential to become a

epidemic disease, because it serves a higher purpose in the evolu-

Having discussed the spleen chakra, we continue with the fifth chak-
ra: the heart chakra. Because we are becoming an instrument of
creation in the Aquarian Age, the heart is turning into a creative
organ. We must, however, first become aware of this fact! In order to
do that, we first need to embark upon our path to spiritual growth.
If we don’t do that, we might never discover that we can create
through our heart chakra. In order to stimulate our spiritual
growth, it is being pointed out to us – in a very unpleasant way –
that developing our consciousness and taking responsibility for our
lives is a pre-requisite.

A new disease was born: dementia. Dementia is related to any form

of evasive or escapist behavior. The deepest spiritual cause of this
illness is a strong resistance against spiritual growth, not wanting
to take responsibility and refusing to see the purpose and higher
tasks that we are being asked to serve and carry out in life. Any-
body who does not take on this process at a young age is more
likely to develop dementia later in life. Just look at how many people
become demented these days – with or without it being caused by
Alzheimer desease! In other words, dementia could already be con-
sidered an epidemic disease.

Auto-immune diseases
The thymus chakra (6th), which corresponds to our immune system,
is linked to auto-immune diseases. These will become more com-
mon in the future and new auto-immune diseases will be discovered.


ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If the spleen chakra (4th) is not functioning well, it can cause chro-
nic fatigue. It means that the life energy is obstructed and cannot
flow freely into the body. You become exhausted and you can
develop Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or also called the Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This disease is becoming very common,
although regular medicine hardly acknowledges it. That does make
sense, however. The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disease linked
to one of the Aquarian chakras that has taken its place in the order
of life only recently.

ME (or CFS) develops in people who have gone too far in their
involution process and who have not yet been able to direct their
personal evolution towards the Source. Because they have descen-
ded too far into the materialization process, it is difficult for them
to allow the life energy to flow through them.

Until recently, the cosmic life energy was transported directly from
the heart chakra to the solar plexus. Now that the cosmic human
is being born in every one of us and we are given new, universal
tasks to carry out, we will have to be able to support higher ener-
gies. The spleen chakra was placed between the heart chakra and
solar plexus to transform and filter that higher energy. People who
already had difficulties allowing the life energy to flow freely from
the heart chakra to the solar plexus, will experience even more dif-
ficulties now.

A person who has gone too far in the involution process and who is
in the beginning stages of ME, will not even recognize the presen-
ce of the Creation’s higher self within himself. This way, his beco-
ming a cosmic human is being obstructed as well, making it even
more difficult for the life energy to flow freely. This explains why
ME will affect more and more people. It is becoming the next
major epidemic disease.

ME was not created by the need to clear all karma, but by the fact
that we need to learn that it is necessary that we work on ourselves
and focus on the Creation’s higher self, which contains the univer-


At present, we notice that many people are affected by all kinds of

allergies. Also, the new disease ADHD, which has been associated
with food intolerances, will become very common. The number of
people with any kind of food intolerance will increase as well.

All of this is a result of the need to clear any obstructions in the

thymus chakra. This chakra functions as the door to the cosmic
human. Every human being will need to develop into a cosmic
human during the Aquarian Age. This means that we will need to
clear any obstructions in (or on the way to) the thymus chakra, on
a very large scale if needed. All of this is creating a new category
of epidemic diseases: the auto-immune diseases.

The whiplash syndrome corresponds to the throat chakra (7th) – in
cooperation with the cosmic flow chakra (8th) and the pineal chak-
ra (10th). From a spiritual point of view, whiplash is caused by the
fear to surrender to inner guidance (7th). Furthermore, it is related
to the fear of opening up to the higher dimensions of conscious-
ness (8th) and the higher gifts contained therein (10th). In short,
we could state that whiplash can occur when the inner mystical
connection with the Source does not function well or is blocked
from opening up. That inner mystical connection is positioned in
the back of the head and formed by the three abovementioned

Now that we are becoming cosmic humans, it is very important

that the inner mystical connection opens itself in order for us to
bear our universal tasks. Because the Aquarian evolution has set in
only recently, this syndrome has not taken on the form of an epi-
demic yet. However, the number of cases is increasing visibly. Can
we consider it to be a new epidemic disease? It is up to us, human
beings, not to let it happen.

The plagues of humanity today

Six or seven of the above diseases can already be considered epi-
demic diseases. Nevertheless, we cannot call every one of these
illnesses a plague, but it will not take long before we will do so! The


reason is that the seven-fold earth human is clearing his karma and
the thirteen-fold cosmic human is taking his place. The main epi-
demic diseases function as tools, bridges to achieve this. That is
why we could define them as follows:

Epidemic diseases are diseases that affect a large population on Earth,

because they serve a higher purpose of evolution.

We can summarize the epidemic diseases as shown in table 2:


Table 2: Chakras and Epidemic Diseases

Chakra Epidemic disease Cause

01. Root Chakra Cancer Extreme attachment to the physical
Rejection of the physical and of
life itself.
Rheumatism Rejection of yourself.
Blocking the love for yourself.
02. Sacral Chakra Aids Extreme attachment to sexual desires.
Not taking responsibility.
03. Solar Plexus Cardiovascular Extreme attachment to emotions.
Ratio; excessive personal control.
Motivation through a sense of duty.
Diabetes Blocking the Aquarian impulse.
04. Spleen Chakra ME: Chronic Fatigue Going too far in the process of
Syndrome (CFS) involution.
Failure to accept the cosmic energy.
Inability to surrender.
05. Heart Chakra Asthma Inability to express oneself emotinally.
(Chronic Non-specific Inability to open up to one's higher
Respiratory Diseases) self.
Dementia Evasive or escapist behavior
Lack of commitment to personal
Not taking responsibility for one's life.
06. Thymus Chakra Auto-immune diseases: Not accepting the Cosmic Human
allergies, food intole- within oneself.
rance, ADHD, Being stuck in rigidity and dogma.
color intolerance
07. Throat Chakra Whiplash Fear of opening up the inner mystical
08. Cosmic Flow Chakra connection.
10. Pineal Chakra Blocking inner guidance.
Resistance against the higher dimen-
sions of consciousness and their higher
09. Pituitary Chakra Currently unknown Currently unknown
11. Crown Chakra Currently unknown Currently unknown
12. Transmutation Chakra Currently unknown Currently unknown
13. Transmutation Chakra Currently unknown Currently unknown


The Creation’s Wish List

An overview of what has been presented in table 2 clearly shows in
which areas the Creation wants to make changes. It is as if the
Creation has made a wish list with everything that the Creator
would like us human beings to change. If you take a closer look
at some elements and compare them with the Aquarian attributes
of the corresponding chakra (Chapter 2: The Thirteen Chakras and
Their Attributes), it becomes clear where life wants to take us.

- At the level of the root chakra for example, any karma related
to an extreme attachment to the physical can be cleared. As a
result, the Aquarian attribute of this chakra – transforming mat-
ter into Spirit – is activated.

- At the level of the sacral chakra, any karma related to an extre-

me physical want and desire can be released. After this chakra
is cleared, its Aquarian attribute – drawing Spirit to the physi-
cal – will become available. As a result, you can start asking
your Spirit to connect to and affect your life.

- At the level of the solar plexus, any form of egoism, any attach-
ment to emotions, glorification of the mind and personality
control with its attachment to obligations and duties can be
released. This will lead you to the freedom of your spirit, which
is typical of the Aquarian Age.

Not much imagination is needed to interpret the given lists and

tables and to understand what to let go of and which Aquarian
attributes will replace them. It goes without saying that the above
list is far from complete. The Aquarian attributes of life will slowly
reveal themselves in the near future. It is only then that we will
fully understand why and in which facets of life change is needed;
and also, we will learn to understand how the Aquarian Purification
works. We will be able to follow the process closely and move
along with it, which is in our own best interest.


By now you probably understand the importance of working on
(or accelerating) your spiritual growth. By clearing your fields of
consciousness of all karma intentionally through your chakras, you
can save yourself a lot of misery. Furthermore, by mastering these
fields you can contribute to the smooth course of life and evolu-
tion (see chapter 4: Chakras and Higher Consciousness). Through
the use of your thirteen chakras you cannot only gain mastery over
your own destiny, but also over the Creation itself!

Chakras, the guardians of the divine will

Through your chakras, the Creator can bring about his ówn mastery
of life! In other words, you can also be involved in this process,

Chakras are wheels, transformers, that allow the divine will to flow
through life and activate it.

Chakras are mini creations whose task it is to manifest the smaller

and larger creations (the micro- and macrocosm) of life; because
both hold the same universal truth! As it is in the microcosm, so it
is in the macrocosm.

Chakras are wheels that work as the guardians of the divine will.
They have the ability to translate the divine will of a higher orga-
nism to the level of a lower organism in its purest form. A chakra
is the most refined organ that has ever been created by life. It
reflects life itself!

We should treat our chakras with utmost care. And it is very impor-
tant that we make their existence and their functioning widely
known, because it is about time for the world of orthodox, regular
medicine to become aware of that so that it too can see and fathom
the crown jewels of life in their wonderful setting!


6. Chakras and Light-beings

Our Light-beings
A field of consciousness that is connected to a chakra is also cal-
led a light-being. The cosmic human has thirteen chakras, which
means that he also has thirteen light-beings. The Creation consists
of thirteen spheres. Each of the thirteen light-beings resides in one
of these spheres. This explains why the human consciousness can
become all-embracing: each light-being that is fully developed will
encompass a sphere of the Creation.

In every sphere of the Creation one of the thirteen of life’s powers

of creation is active. Therefore, every one of the thirteen light-
beings can be a conduit for one of the thirteen powers of creation
in its complete and pure form, but only if the light-being is fully
developed and cleared of all karma – meaning that you have gai-
ned complete mastery over this field of consciousness and have
become completely transparent.

The thirteen universal transformers

We have access to the light-beings by using the symbolic name of
the corresponding chakra. Therefore, the light-beings carry the same
name (symbol) as the chakras. Every light-being resides in one of
the Creation’s spheres, which are ruled by one particular power of
creation. As a result, both the sphere and the corresponding power
of creation have the same symbolic name as well. For example, the
symbol of the White Rose refers to the root chakra, but it can also
be used to indicate our lowest light-being, the lowest sphere of the
Creation and the lowest power of creation: Universal Love. As we
have said before: as it is in the microcosm, so in the macrocosm.

In other words, it is no surprise that the White Rose (Universal Love)

can be used to clear all karma, any obstructions in this sphere, this
light-being and in this chakra. Considering the fact that there are


twelve levels of karma – the thirteenth level, the Source, is free of

karma – the symbolic names of the chakras can also be used to
transform all karmic levels of the Creation. The symbols that cor-
respond to the chakras, the light-beings, the spheres and the
powers of creation are of such a universal nature – because they
also have the ability to transform karma – that they are considered
to be the thirteen universal transformers of life!

The involution
During the involution – this is the period of time in which we were
earth humans – we were able to bring only seven of our thirteen
light-beings into the physical. At that time, our spiritual body con-
sisted of seven light-beings and we only had access to seven chak-
ras. In short, we had a seven-fold consciousness that we could use
to shape the physical. At least, that was the case in the most ideal

Not every human being was at peace with himself and with the fact
that he had to leave the Source and live in the physical and in dua-
lity in order to ‘involve’. Many of us experienced primal traumas
during our first incarnation: traumas such as fear of living, guilt,
rejection and a resistance against life or duality. Not everybody was
eager to leave the Source to go and live in the physical and take on
considerable responsibilities as a cosmic human later on. Respon-
sibilities such as guarding the well-functioning of life, the Creation
and the evolution!

Due to the primal traumas many of us sabotaged our involution

process. These people refused to ground their light-beings into the
spheres of the Creation and abandoned their light-beings, which
were left behind, high up in the spheres of the Creation – high up
in their aura, their light structure. This causes them to live in the
physical with a weakened spiritual body that is not working well
and is not being properly nourished by the cosmic energy. They are
unable to fully ground the cosmic impulse in the physical, which
results in the fact that they are drifting aimlessly. These people lack
any decisiveness and strength and have very poor grounding.


The evolution
Now that the involution of the Creation has come to an end and
the evolution of Spirit in the physical field has begun, the six
Aquarian light-beings, which help to shape and develop Spirit in the
physical field, are released into the human consciousness. This
important mutation of our consciousness has created the cosmic
human with his thirteen chakras and thirteen light-beings.

Today, we, as seven-fold earth humans, stand before the task of

accepting our Aquarian light-beings. By walking the path of spiritual
growth we are given the opportunity to acknowledge our cosmic
nature. The next step is to integrate our cosmic being into our earth
being. This process can be compared with the process of integra-
ting Spirit into matter. In this case, we allow our higher spirit, which
holds the Christ and the Creator, into our material being. After this
process is completed, we will be able to carry out the Plan of
Creation, which holds the universal tasks of the cosmic human.

The traumatized human being

You probably understand that this integration process is not easy
to complete for everybody. Where it was possible for someone
who rejected the physical, to survive as an earth human and to
accept his nature as such just barely, it will be a different story when
that same person will have to start seeing himself as a divine instru-
ment in the physical field. Even more so when that person begins
to realize that he will assist in carrying out the Plan of Creation!
This could lead to a strong resistance against his own higher origin.
Therefore, it is no surprise that this origin is often rejected. This
person refuses to accept the light-beings that make him a cosmic
human and refuses to ground these bodies into the physical.

The earth human, who had great difficulty accepting his incarna-
tion into the physical, will be faced with even more difficulties now
that he will have to accept that he is a divine incarnation in the
physical. He may even lose his balance because of the extra pres-
sure that is put on his spiritual body – he has to make space for
six more of these light-beings! His already instable spiritual body


might become dissociated, which could considerably affect the

way he functions in the physical world.

The Consequences of an Instable Spiritual Body

1. Partial dissociation between the higher and lower self
In the spiritual body of the earth human who left part of his light-
beings in the higher spheres of the Creation due to a traumatic rejec-
tion of himself or a rejection of the physical world, a wedge or par-
tial dissociation between the higher and lower self may occur – if
that trauma is profound enough or because the releasing of the
cosmic human puts extra pressure on his spiritual body. As a result,
the higher self is prevented from making itself present in the lower
self, causing that person to feel very lost in his lower self for it is
now very difficult for the cosmic impulse to reach that person.

From a cosmic point of view this person is drifting aimlessly and
almost exclusively relies on the impulses of his personality. He is
not strong enough to maintain himself easily. And because of the
fact that his spiritual body is partially dissociated – and as a result
is very open – he will easily fall victim to negativity, which is eager
to abuse this situation. Such a person is slowly pushed into a state
of psychosis by dark interference. In short: if several light-beings
have not completed the involution process, the spiritual body
becomes dissociated and vulnerable to dark interference, which
causes psychosis!

Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is also caused by a partial dissociation in the spi-
ritual body. A person, who rejects the physical, tries to live in the
higher self in an artificial way by denying the lower self. He tries to
maintain himself in a state of euphoria (experiencing the Source),
but he always sinks back to the level of the lower self because his
consciousness is not ready yet. He feels himself being swallowed
by the physical, which is not properly fed by light due to the partial


dissociation in his higher self. This poor circulation of light causes

him to feel depressed and to enter a state of gloominess.

2. Total dissociation between the higher and lower self: schizophrenia

The dissociation between the higher and lower self can become
totally due to a complete rejection of life and the physical world.
In that case, a person will become schizophrenic. Because there is
no connection whatsoever between the higher and lower self, this
person either lives at the level of his lower self or at the level of
his higher self, but he is never whole, he is never one. He is com-
pletely cut off from the cosmic guidance of his lower self. He has
lost all sense of reality that is part of living life in the physical (also
read 5b).

3. A (partial) dissociation between earth human and cosmic human

If there is a strong obstruction towards the cosmic human, the spi-
ritual body can become (partially) dissociated on another level as
well. This dissociation is located at the level of the thymus chakra
(6th), the gate towards the cosmic human. This person deactivates his
light vehicle totally or partially at this level, to make (almost) sure that
he will never have to live at this spiritual level with all its spiritual
attributes. This person feels such a strong resistance that it causes
his spiritual body to break down.

4. A blocked access to the Source

A person who has taken his feeling of self-rejection too far and
denies that the Source is present in himf as a result, can create a
(partial) dissociation at the level of the gate to the Source. This way,
he blocks himself from becoming equal to the Source, because he
simply does not feel worthy.

5. Developmental disruptions during the incarnation process

If a person very strongly rejects the life that awaits him, he will be
born but he does not enter into the process of incarnation that
takes place before birth and in the first four months of his life. He
refuses to incarnate: he refuses to ground himself and conse-
quently refuses also a number of his light-beings to enter in the


physical. Depending on the seriousness of the problem, this per-

son can sabotage the development of several levels of his being:

a. For instance, this person can refuse to develop the akasha of

his personality. He blocks the fourth light-being (the Ark, con-
nected to the spleen chakra) from connecting to the physical.
As a result, he lacks the akasha in which all personality data
are recorded. He will not be able to communicate with life that
surrounds him and he will be autistic.

Sometimes a person, who has developed a healthy personality

structure, does not allow that personality to ground itself.
Again, he refuses to accept his incarnation in the physical field.
This person will experience a lack of strength and decisiveness
because he is unable to recognize himself in anything. He does
not know who he is; he does not have a point of reference for
his personality.

b. Another possibility is that a person refuses to build the akasha

of his soul (the eighth light-being: the White Swan, connected
to the cosmic flow chakra). He blocks the akasha in which his
soul data are recorded. This person lives without a point of
reference for his soul. Moreover, if this person withdraws more
of his light-beings into the higher levels of his aura, he will not
be able to open up to the cosmic flow, the cosmic impulse. He
will lack a sense of reality; both in the physical and in spirit.
Such a person will be born with schizophrenia and will beco-
me part of the group of schizophrenic patients who are most
difficult to treat (also read 2).

c. If a person blocks his divine akasha (the twelfth light-being: the

Golden Sun encompassing the White Iris, connected to the
transformation chakra), he does not feel his cosmic reality. He
is not able to receive the highest universal information. As a
result, he will never be able to grow spiritually and therefore
he will never become a cosmic human. He will never be able
to shape his life according to his cosmic purpose. His life will


be characterized by his anger towards the Source, his trauma

of primal rage.

There are many forms of developmental disturbances. It is good to

know that they exist, even though at this point in time this subject is
not yet discussed exhaustively! This is not necessary for a chapter
on chakras and light-beings. It is enough to realize that our spiritual
body can be damaged and that many things can go wrong during
the construction and coherence of the light-beings. In addition, it
is good to understand that the most serious psychiatric disorders can
be explained by these principles of light-beings. In the near future,
we will even find that these disorders can effectively be treated in a
spiritual way!

Traumas experienced during your lifetime

Not everybody with a damaged spiritual body has fallen victim to
a primal trauma suffered during his first or current incarnation.
Only the most serious cases belong to this category. In the course
of many lives, you can suffer from serious ‘ordinary’ traumas that
cause damage as well. Moreover, the spiritual body of people who
are doing well, can be damaged by an intense trauma that they
experienced during this lifetime. These last two forms of damage
are less deep and are therefore easier to heal.

It is also important to understand that sustained psychological pres-

sure, doubt, insecurity or evasive behavior can undermine a person
in such a way that eventually his spiritual body breaks down and
his light-beings withdraw into higher levels. Also, drug abuse can
cause disruptions in the spiritual body. In other words, these peop-
le are eligible for healing their spiritual body – which is called
‘light-being healing’ – as well.

The Way Back

Just like in every spiritual healing modality, the way back begins
with transforming the karma of the deeply rooted obstruction(s)
that cause(s) this condition of the spiritual body. Only when most


of the obstructions and karma have been cleared, the spiritual

structure can be rebuilt. Only after a stage of recovery, which is
brought about by transformation, the light-beings can be restored
to their place in the spiritual body. This process consists of the fol-
lowing steps:

The light-being healing

1. Open your hands and hold them above the crown chakra of the
person asking for help.
2. Connect to the first light-being by visualizing a White Rose.
3. Allow the light-being to build itself in your hands.
4. Move your hands apart a little bit.
5. Pull the light-being down – with care – from above the person’s
head, slowly along the sides of his body until your hands touch
the ground. It is as if you are dressing this person in a large
sweater that you slowly pull down over his head.
6. If you feel any resistance and if the light-being does not want to
engage any further, visualize a Golden Rose (which is a trans-
mutation symbol that transmutes the obstruction that you have
ran into). Then, continue to pull down the light-being slowly.

In this way, the light-being called the White Rose is restored to the
person asking for help. At this point, two things can happen:

a. If this process took a lot of effort, stop the light-being healing

here and continue to restore the rest of the light-beings during
a healing session some weeks later, after another thorough

b. If this process was smooth, go back to step 1 and visualize the

Crystalline Diamond this time. In this way, you are helping the
second light-being to restore itself.

Repeat this process, following the order of the universal transfor-

mers (transformation symbols). If the process stops at a certain
point, allow your client to go home and return some weeks later
for the next healing session, during which the remaining obstruc-


tions are transformed first before resuming the light-being healing

where you left off.

7. Visualize a Golden Crown in the final stage of the light-being

healing (maybe after several sessions). Again, allow this symbol
to build itself in your open hands and pull it down just like you
did with the light-beings. The Golden Crown is the symbol that
corresponds to the Ark of Preservation, the higher self of the
Creation. It is our protection, our guardian that watches over us.
This way, you ‘wrap a blanket of protection’ safely around your

Not being grounded
The light-being healing that is described above, is very suitable for
people who are not grounded. Due to their underlying insecurity,
also they go through life with a damaged spiritual body trying their
very best to hold on. This light-being healing will help them to be
more decisive and energetic and to learn how to say ‘no’. They will
learn to make choices and to accomplish and create things in their

Anybody who feels un-grounded and does not know where to turn
for help, can give himself a light-being healing. You can do this by
standing up, holding your hands above your head and visualizing
a White Rose that you allow to build in your hands. Then, move
your hands apart a little bit and bring them down intentionally
along the sides of your body until you reach the floor and ground
the light-being. If you feel any stagnation, visualize the Golden
Rose to transform the obstruction, etcetera.

There is no need to repeat the grounding process of the light-
beings that you have already grounded. In some cases, however, a
person has difficulties keeping the light-beings in place. For them
it is necessary to repeat the transformation process and light-being


healing. Several sessions are needed in order for their spiritual

body to be healed. It is good to keep in mind that once the spiritual
body has been healed, your client will usually need help to steer
his life into the direction that he chooses.

Sometimes a person, who was once healed, falls back into his old
pattern due to particular circumstances. In this case, it is often pos-
sible to ground several light-beings at the same time. Visualize the
Ark and ground it according to the method described above. Then,
continue as follows: the Golden Sun, the Blazing Golden Sun and
the Golden Crown.

Psychiatric patients
You should know that it is very important for psychiatric patients
to continue their treatment with a regular doctor. Please under-
stand that a psychiatric patient should never stop taking his medi-
cation just because you tell him to do so! The light-being healing
should only be performed in addition to the treatment. If all these
requirements are met, you will be surprised to see the progress a
patient can make after completing the light-being healing. Very
often, it is only then that the regular treatment catches on. If you
have any doubts about you being the right person to perform this
healing, it is wise to look for an experienced spiritual healer who
is willing to integrate the light-being healing into his own healing

Light-being healing and dementia

A person who suffers from dementia is slowly withdrawing his
light-beings from the physical field while still alive. Usually demen-
tia is preceded by a period of geriatric depression during which a
person indicates being tired of life. The next step is that he will try
to withdraw from life by disconnecting his light-beings increasingly
from the physical field. In this way, this person forces a slow, unti-
mely transition to the spheres. This person is calling back his spirit
from life prematurely! This explains why somebody suffering from
dementia becomes less and less present here on Earth.


First, a demented person withdraws the light-beings from his per-

sonality. His personality structure disappears and he loses his sense
of decorum. Secondly, he withdraws his soul’s light-beings. He loses
his soul’s point of reference and becomes virtually non-communi-
cative. In the end, very few aspects of this person remain in the
physical field. His spiritual being has withdrawn itself almost com-
pletely into the higher levels of the aura and is waiting there for
the line of life to break when this person's cosmic time comes to
elapse at last.

Please understand that, during the early stages of dementia, you

need to make a person aware of the fact that he is trying to make
an untimely escape from life. This could keep this person to stay
present for a longer period of time. Moreover, you can help this
person by restoring his light-beings repeatedly to where they
should be: in the physical field! This will slow down the process of
dementia considerably.

Chakras, light-beings and diseases

All of humanity’s diseases can be explained by the chakra theory.
All psychological disorders will be understood as the light-being
theory is further developed. One thing is certain: the entire human
pathology can be mapped out based on the chakras and the cor-
responding light-beings, because:

Disease is caused by an upset consciousness.

Disease is the inability of a consciousness to manifest itself properly

in the physical field.

Disease is the inability of Spirit to express itself properly in the phy-

sical field.

A disease can be caused by a defective chakra, which is the result

of a karma-based obstruction or a corresponding field of conscious-
ness that has withdrawn itself and, hence, cannot function properly
either. By healing this defect by means of a light-being healing and
a transformation of the connected karma, the chakra is brought


back to its pure state and can do its work properly again. As far as
‘karma’ is concerned, the consequences of your own actions cause
the chakra to be defective. However, if the light-beings have with-
drawn themselves, the cause can almost always be found in a deeply
rooted (primal) trauma.

Mastery of your fate

Everybody can master his own fate; everyone can reach the level
of mastery. Every human being will be able to ground Spirit in the
physical field by clearing and healing his own spiritual body. Out of
necessity, we have been looking for tools that speed up this process
and make this path easier to walk. The process of transformation
was given to us some years ago; the light-being healing as well. In
addition, this book sheds more light on how our chakras function.

New and powerful tools are being released to us at this time. It is

up to you to make good use all of the possibilities. Self-activation
and independence are keys in this process: so, call upon your uni-
versal transformers. And, above all, you will learn to truly love
yourself in a universal way – with the help of your own dedication
and efforts!


7. Universal Meditation and Universal Guidance

The previous chapters offer you a new modality to work with the chak-
ras that is entirely based on the Aquarian attributes of the chakras. This
modality is tuned to the new, universal skills of the cosmic human,
which can be expressed by means of the thirteen chakras. These skills
have always been mentioned in connection with the visualization
of the chakras’ symbolic names and with meditation. This chapter
discusses the role of the universal transformers in meditation itself
and in the communication with the universal guidance.

Universal meditation
Visualizing the universal transformers will take you to your spirit’s
fields in a universal – and hence safe – way. The universal trans-
formers lead you directly into your spirit in order for you to meet
the Christ and the Creator (the Source) and activate the creative
energy of life. This method of meditation is called ‘universal medi-

As explained before, the universal meditation can be used to

strengthen yourself physically, to heal your spiritual being, to allow
your consciousness to grow and to transform your karma. Now, it
may be added that you can receive spiritual guidance through this
universal meditation! The universal transformers are very strong
conductors that can turn the human spirit towards the inner Source
in a very pure way. Along that path, you will only meet the Masters
of Love and Wisdom, the Christ and the Creator, who together are
called the ‘Universal World Government’.

Visualizing the universal transformers prevents you from leaving

your spiritual being during your meditation, which would cause
your spirit to drift into space. There, it could be contacted by enti-
ties, amongst others. These entities could be trustworthy, but too


often they are of a lesser nature! By starting your meditation accor-

ding to the universal method, you protect yourself from ending up
in the world of entities or in even lower fields of the Creation. The
universal transformers hold a universal safeguard that takes you to a
path that will lead you directly to the Source within and the corres-
ponding universal guidance.

The danger of non-universal meditation

If you follow a non-universal method to tune your meditation and
– as a result – you encounter an entity, it is possible that you will
be ‘inspired’ by that entity. In other words, you become a medium
for this entity. If you establish this form of contact (channeling),
you make yourself dependent on the entity. This could have a fairly
good, but also very bad result. If such an encounter turns out well,
you make contact with an entity of a higher consciousness than
yourself and you could learn something from it, but only as much
as the entity has to offer. The knowledge that is passed on to you
is limited by the level of the entity’s consciousness. This conscious-
ness is not equal to the Source’s because, if it had been, the entity
would not be found in these fields of life. If it turns out the wrong
way, however, you attract lower entities from the lower fields of
the Creation. They will certainly ‘inspire’ you, but they will not hesi-
tate to deceive you either, which has its consequences.

If your spiritual being is not very strong (stable), it is not without

risks to open yourself to outside impulses during a meditation if
you are not well-focused. It is possible that you do connect with a
good entity at first, but opening yourself up to the world outside
your spiritual being is seen by less positive entities as an invitation
to bombard your already weak spiritual being with their vibrations,
causing you to become even weaker.

As soon as the impairment has been accomplished, these entities

will deceive you with their ‘inspiration’ to lead you astray. They will
claim that you are being guided by a ‘high angel’ for example, but
in fact they are deceiving you and you – in your turn – will be very
well on your way of becoming psychotic – due to your weakening
spiritual being (see chapter 6: Chakras and Light-beings). It is beyond


any doubt that contact with entities (called mediumship) is not with-
out dangers for people who are not that strong, spiritually!

Universal guidance
You can avoid this kind of problems by following the universal
meditation method. The universal symbols and their built-in safety
lead you to the Source directly. You do not go outside of your spi-
ritual being and you do not call upon anybody to interfere with
your life! You will only be guided, through your higher self, by the
Christ and his Masters of Love and Wisdom and by the Creator. In
other words, you will be guided by the Universal World Government.

Therefore, the nature of this universal inspiration is of a completely

different quality than the inspiration offered by an entity with only
a limited human consciousness. However, it could take longer to
truly receive universal messages when you are following this path.
After all, you will not be able to sit at the same table as the Christ
and the Creator right away. You can reach that point by walking
your path of spiritual growth, which you can speed up by the method
described above (see chapter 4: Chakras and Higher Consciousness).
An entity of a lesser nature is easier to find of course!

The New Universal Messenger

The higher self as intermediary
It might be a comfort to know that the higher self will have been
taking care of you long before the higher universal guidance reveals
itself within you. During the time that you are separated from this
inner guidance, the higher self will act as a translator and pass on
the cosmic impulses from the Source to you in the form of an inner
knowing, an inner whisper. At first, this guidance (inspiration) will
be very personal, but later on the messages will become increas-
ingly universal.

The path of inner reflection

At an even later stage, you will be trained to work, as a mystic
(using your inner mystical connection), with information from the


Universal World Government (which will still be translated by the

higher self). You will be taught to retrieve information from the
akasha of the Source by inner reflection. It is from here that you will
receive your universal, mystical messages to share them world-wide.

As you can see, this is a new way of passing on universal information

that has become possible since the cosmic human was revealed
within us. We have been given six new fields of consciousness, six
new light-beings. They are the missing links that connect us to the
Source and make it possible for us to read the akasha of the Source
directly. And, as you have probably understood already, we can con-
nect to it in a safe way if we use the universal transformers. Later
on, when our consciousness has grown considerably and our inner
mystical connection has become very well-trained, we will no lon-
ger need these symbols to act as inductors and for protection.

Medium versus mystic

If you look at both aspects the way we have done, you might get
the feeling that mediumship is considered to be inferior whereas
being a mystic is of a higher rank. The only thing that can be said
about this is that mediumship and being a mystic relate to each
other as a Piscean attribute relates to an Aquarian attribute. Please
understand that there is no judgment here. A new road of univer-
sal communication has been opened, which is made possible by
the new consciousness structure of the cosmic human. In addition,
this new road involves fewer risks for us.

From above it has been decided that universal information will no

longer be passed on through mediumship in the Aquarian Age, but
rather through the inner mystical connection.8 This is recorded in
the Aquarian blueprint and is true for this and all subsequent ages.
At the beginning of the Aquarian Age, mediumship will slowly but
surely become an inferior practice, because the Source will stop
using it as a universal channel – as opposed to earlier times!

Now that the Aquarian blueprint has been put in place complete-
ly and the Aquarian Age was heralded on Ascension Day in 2000,
many channels are being asked to release their guides, mentors,


entities, angels, and so on in order for them to embark upon their

inner mystical path. For the same reason the Source is now encou-
raging the guides and mentors, who were appointed from above,
to help their protégés to stand on their own two feet as quickly as
possible and show them the way to the Source within and the cor-
responding universal guidance. Only an as yet unconscious human
being, a young child (until the beginning of puberty) and a person
with a damaged spiritual being will still be accompanied by a men-
tor (guide). However, the mentor is asked to withdraw as soon as
that person awakens to his own higher self, which will be his guide
from that moment on.

Many channels have already indicated that they are (extremely)
confused. It is as if they are beginning to lose their grip on the old
and familiar road. They feel as if they are failing miserably, but in
fact they are being called from above to embark upon the next stage
of their work: the mystical stage, the Aquarian stage. However, in this
time of transition they go through a kind of no man’s land where
they have to let go of the old and learn to discern the new. This is
absolutely not an easy thing to do, which explains why they often
feel very lost.

The intentional search for universal guidance

In order to cut short the stage of confusion, it is advisable to start
meditating according to the universal method. This way, you speed
up your spiritual growth and you build a new connection within.
A new road will present itself: the road to the Source with the gui-
dance of the Masters of Love and Wisdom, the Christ and the Creator.

An experienced channel can speed up this process by starting his

mediation with a visualization of a Golden Sun, followed by a
Blazing Golden Sun and a Golden Crown. By using these univer-
sal symbols to tune your meditation, you show that you want to be
guided by the Universal World Government.


Here, the following remark needs to be made: if you step on this road
out of greed and a need to perform, your request will never be
honored. Only your total surrender will take you to that point, at
a time when your consciousness has sufficiently developed and is
ready for it! If this process runs smoothly, you will notice that your
external guidance withdraws itself (if it has not done so already)
and the universal guidance will begin to manifest itself from within,
through your higher self. This way, you will ultimately receive inspi-
ration from the akasha of the Source (the Creator).

The Universal Transformers

The universal transformers; the directors of the divine will
If you meditate by following the universal method, you allow the
universal transformers to take you to the Source. They will gradual-
ly pave this road using their transformation abilities, to help you
take one step closer every time. Being drawn to the Source, they
take you along with them and help you to go through the blueprint
(akasha) of the Source – once you have arrived there. That blue-
print holds the divine will that touches you at that very moment.
One time you will receive a flash of personal inspiration or a strong
flow of Love, at other times you will get a universal message in which
you will always recognize the divine will that you may ground and
shape in the physical field. This way, the universal transformers
awaken the divine will in everything that is alive. Therefore, they
are also called the ‘directors of the divine will’.

Universal transformers, preservers of the Creation

Our chakras, which have already been given the name of ‘guardians
of the divine will’ in chapter 5: Chakras and Epidemic Diseases, are
more than willing to allow the ‘directors of the divine will’ to pass
through. That is because the divine will preserves their beings, and
therefore your being and the Creation’s being. This explains why
the universal transformers are also called ‘the preservers of the
Creation’. They are the directors of the divine will that direct the cre-
ative power (which can carry out the will of the Creator) towards


life. Together, they make up the wing beat on which the Holy Spirit

Please understand that if you meditate according to the universal

method, you too are moved by the preservers of life whose task it
is to preserve yóur life as well. And because it is part of your cos-
mic task to preserve life in the Creation, you can move along with
the preservers of life to learn how to preserve life in the Creation
under the leadership of the Universal World Government. You
move along on the wing beat of the Holy Spirit who wants to be
omnipresent. This way, the Alfa and Omega will unite within your-
self, so that the Beginning will also find its End within yóu.


8. Suggestions for Meditation

This book offers you a beautiful view on the thirteen chakras, our
thirteen universal transformers. What can be done with them is
very impressive. Nevertheless, I do realize that this information
cannot be used if the foundation on which it is based – the ability
to meditate – is missing. That is why I would like to extend this
book with one more chapter. It is not only important for you to
know how to meditate in a safe and correct way, but also how to
prepare for it, how a meditation unfolds, how you should end it
and what you can expect from it. Only in this way, a beginner in
this area will be able to walk the universal path that is offered here.

Meditation and Preparation

Meditation is a process that you need to make yourself familiar with;
it has become something unnatural due to the ‘rush’ that marks our
society today. Hardly anyone makes time to relax anymore, let
alone to turn inside on ourselves. We do no longer have any affi-
nity with peacefulness and silence. Due to our tendency to be
overactive, we constantly keep ourselves occupied. However, that
which is most valuable in life comes to us when we are silent and
peaceful: love and the power of creation.

Creating silence and peacefulness

If meditating is still quite difficult for you because your thoughts
keep wandering, you could, for instance, go for a walk before going
into meditation. A walk in nature is relaxing, on the condition that
you do not embark upon any serious conversations, of course. Allow
nature’s peacefulness to touch you; let the murmuring waves or the
whispering wind prepare you for your meditation. If the weather
is nice, you could meditate outside, at least if you are not distur-
bed by anything there. If you prefer to meditate at home, do it at
a time when you know that you will not be interrupted and can sit


peacefully for a while. Switching off the telephone and doorbell is

a wise thing to do as well, so that you will not be disturbed at all.

Relaxing your mind

If you feel very stressed and do not want or are not able to go for a
walk, listening to some meditative or New Age music may help
you. Quiet classical music can relax your mind as well. Your wan-
dering thoughts and the day’s events slowly disappear and your mind
will begin to relax so that you can gradually turn in on yourself.

The meditation position

It is important to sit up straight during your meditation. Straighten
your spine so that the incoming energy can flow through your enti-
re body. Sit up straight and put your feet on the ground next to
each other, making sure that you are well grounded. Rest your hands
in your lap. Never cross your arms in front of your chest or sto-
mach, because that will close you off from what you would like to

You are advised not to lie down to meditate, unless you are bed-
ridden, in which case you have no choice. It is more difficult to
meditate when you lie down, because it is easier to fall asleep. In
addition, the incoming power of creation is more difficult to ground
that way.

Relaxing your body

Relax your entire body so that it does not distract you during the
meditation. Feel every muscle and relax them as much as possible.
Also make sure that your shoulders are not hunched, but relax
them as well. Release any tension in your jaws, tongue and neck.
Loosen any tight belts or collars. Close your eyes so that your sur-
roundings distract you as little as possible. Take some long and
deep breaths to increase your state of relaxation. You can start your
meditation now.

People who are familiar with yoga can do a yoga relaxation, pos-
sibly in combination with some breathing exercises, before starting
the meditation.


The Stages of a Meditation

A meditation consists of two stages: an active part – the visualization
– during which your transformation can take place, and a passive,
receiving, part – the silent meditation – during which the power of
creation can do its work with your body and spirit and you may
receive impulses from the universal guidance.

The visualization
Begin your meditation by visualizing the universal transformer of
your choice. Through this visualization, you form a direct connec-
tion with the Source within and you induce the universal power of
creation that represents the symbol that you have chosen.

Proceed as follows:

1. Focus on the symbol intensively.

2. In this way, your mind creates an image of that symbol.
3. Keep that image in your mind for a while.
4. Then, let it sink into your heart.

After some time, the images will fade spontaneously and you will
notice that it is more difficult to focus. This is a normal process.
There is no need to force you to keep focusing on the symbol. You
can release it after a short visualization. It has probably pulled you
within sufficiently to allow the meditation process to take place.

However, if you feel that you have allowed your thoughts to wan-
der too far, focus on the symbol again. Please do not get stressed
over it, because the restlessness that is created by this stress has the
opposite effect! Thoughts come and go, also during a meditation.
Moments that are truly free of thought are very short and scarce.

The inability to visualize

If you are not able to visualize the symbol, please know that thin-
king about it works as well. Your intention to visualize the symbol
already invokes the power of creation, which will be activated right
away. Your spiritual growth will be sped up and your pain will be


eased immediately; that is, if you can accept this comfort; that is an
entirely different matter altogether.

Buying a real white rose could help you visualize the White Rose.
Seeing this flower often could make it easier for you to connect with
the symbol. You could also put up a picture of a diamond, which clear-
ly shows that you are seeking the support of the creative power
that represents the Crystalline Diamond. However, if you really do
not succeed in visualizing any images – after repeated attempts –
and you just do not see anything, don’t worry!

The transformation
After visualizing the symbol of your choice for a while and after
having activated it in your heart, focus on the problem that you
would like to transform. By asking for its transformation, your heart
chakra will open and the creative power that you have activated
will begin to flow towards the karma that is linked to this particular
problem. The strong positive nature of the activated creative power
will neutralize this karma. If you want to transform other situations
or if the same situation needs transformation at a deeper level, you
can do that right after completing this stage.9

The silent mediation

Stop the active visualization after the transformation stage. In this
way, you will automatically enter a state of silent meditation. Now,
remain (inactive) in this silent, peaceful state for a while, allowing
the peacefulness – and above all the creative power that you acti-
vated – to sink in and do its work. This will energize you.

The silent meditation is meant to support your spiritual growth.

The activated creative power stimulates and strengthens your cons-
ciousness. It speeds up and smoothes the path of spiritual growth.
Moreover, the silent meditation creates a peaceful state that opens
up the door for inspiration from your inner guidance to come through.
This inspiration could be a feeling, an image, an inner whisper or
an inner knowing. Those who are more advanced in their spiritual
growth may even receive extensive universal messages during the
silent meditation.


Closing the Meditation

Releasing your inner focus
Considering the fact that your mediation can be very powerful
because of the creative power that is being activated, it is obvious
that it is important to close the mediation in a proper way. You do
not only need time to go deeper into your mediation, but also to
return slowly to the vibration frequency of your day-to-day level of
consciousness. In order to resurface from the meditation, you simply
release the inner focus that was created by the universal symbol
and you will automatically be drawn back to the surface. Nevertheless,
this process is much easier and quicker than the process of turning
in on yourself.

Reconnecting with your body

If you find it difficult to release your inner focus, it may help you
to concentrate on your fingers and toes and move them slightly.
After some time, straighten your legs and stretch your body. In this
way, you consciously reconnect with your body and with the rea-
lity of everyday life. Afterwards, it can be comforting to lie down
to allow the impressions of the meditation to sink in. This could
stimulate and encourage you to go back to the demands of your
day-to-day activities.

After a meditation, never hurry to answer the telephone or the

doorbell, because that could lead to a very unpleasant experience.
It could even cause a headache. You enter a meditation slowly and
you resurface from it slowly. In this way, you will benefit the most
from its healing effects; you will be able to remain in a peaceful
state longer and enjoy the acquired energy as much as possible.

General Suggestions
Duration of the meditation
Do not meditate for too long; a total of ten minutes is sufficient.
Take a couple of minutes to do the active visualization (and trans-
formation) and then, release the images to enjoy the activated


energy in silence for a minute or five. If you already have some

experience with meditations, you could extend the silent medita-
tion a little bit.

You remain conscious and alert

It is good to know that you will remain fully conscious and alert
during the meditation and that you will hear all the sounds around
you. Try to accept these sounds, because there is no place in our
society where it is absolutely still and quiet. If you do not pay
attention to the sounds, you will notice that they fade away after a
while. They will become part of your meditation pattern. You will
only notice them when they suddenly stop. However, if you are very
sensitive to sound, try to choose a quiet time of the day or use ear-
plugs. Nevertheless, please understand that meditation wants to be
integrated in your everyday life and sounds are part of that as well.

Meditation is not an obligation

Meditation must never become a routine or obligation. Please, do
not underestimate the power of a meditation induced by a univer-
sal transformer. Keep in mind that you are working with a creative
power! Although this power is very loving and is at work for your
own benefit, overexposure of your spiritual centers can result in
tiredness, extreme emotionality and oversensitivity. Therefore, it is
necessary to warn anybody who begins to see meditation and trans-
formation as a daily routine simply out of an excessive devotion to

Meditation has the best results if you feel like doing it. If your work
is based on your inner feeling, that feeling will become ever clea-
rer and it will tell you the right number of meditations you need.
Encouragement is only necessary for those who do not easily take
time to meditate because of their busy lives. A certain level of rou-
tine and discipline could help them to actually do it.

Do you need to meditate a fixed number of times?

Working with the universal power of creation two to three times a
week is enough to speed up your growth and ease your living con-
ditions considerably. In doing so, you can intentionally transform


your problems, speed up your spiritual growth or allow the power

of creation to flow through you selflessly and shine upon your sur-
roundings and Life itself where it will connect with any karma that
needs transformation.10

If you wish to meditate more often, apply the principle that you
stop meditating for a couple of days if you become overemotional
or oversensitive, allowing yourself the time to cope with everything
that meditating has brought to the surface. In that way, you will
regain your enthusiasm to start meditating again. In the end, you
will find the balance that fits you and your circumstances best.



The akasha is the archetype, the foundation on which the being
of the Creator (the Creation) is based. The akasha is the foun-
dation of life.
Akasha of the personality
The part of the blueprint that shapes the personality and in which
all impressions of the personality are recorded.
Akasha of the soul
That part of a person’s blueprint in which all impressions of the
soul are recorded.
Akasha of the Source
The blueprint of the Source.
Aquarian Age
The age between 2000 and 4000 AD, during which the heart
center of the Creator determines the driving force of the evolu-
tion and the laws of Love and Unity shape Life.
Aquarian Purification
The cleansing of the remaining karmic debt during the first two
to three hundred years of the Aquarian Age.
Aquarian human
The cosmic human.
Ark of Preservation
The Ark of Preservation is the Ark of the Covenant's higher self.
It gives directions to us human beings from the lower spheres
of the Creation. This explains why the Ark of Preservation gives
a more thorough explanation of the basic laws of life than the
Ark of the Covenant. It is a guideline for the Aquarian Age, the
Crystalline Age and the Age of Fulfillment.
Belonging to those areas of the Creation where there is no love.
Astral world
The area of the Creation upon which love has not yet shed its


Those who live in the astral world do not choose to live out of love.
The light structure in which our spiritual being shows (manifests)
Being (to be)
Enveloped by the perfect, fulfilled state of consciousness.
Manifesting the unity of life.
The original purpose that shapes a life form; the divine will.
The tasks and assignments of a life form are recorded in its blue-
Center of balance
The focal point of cosmic energy, which is the abdomen for the
earth human and the throat for the cosmic human.
Chakras are the connecting gates that translate the state of our
consciousness to our body through our mind.
Divine descendant; the first manifestation of the Creator.
Shifting from a higher consciousness frequency to a lower cons-
ciousness frequency. Condensing causes a being to absorb karma.
The field in which we carry, perceive and shape life in a way
the mind can understand.
Belonging to the non-physical form of life.
Cosmic assignment
A person’s ‘soul assignment’.
Cosmic consciousness
A thirteen-fold consciousness in which the Source can be mani-
Cosmic human
A cosmic human is a higher, divine human being with a thir-
teen-fold consciousness and thirteen chakras.
The Aquarian human.
Cosmic impulse
A touch from higher life forms.


Guidance and inspiration from higher life forms.

Cosmically conscious
A person is cosmically conscious if he has manifested the Source
in his consciousness.
The soul of the Creation.
Darkness consists of those creations that have a lower conscious-
ness than ours. However, they still belong to our spiral of evo-
lution. Love and light have not yet permeated these creations.
Divine akasha
The part of mankind’s blueprint that shapes our higher Spirit
(the god spark) and hold all cosmic information.
Division of Unity into a lower and higher identity.
Earth human
The human being who lives from the perspective of his lower
self; the human being up to the Piscean Age, who has a seven-
fold consciousness and seven chakras.
Being completely irradiated by God’s Spirit.
Shifting from a lower consciousness frequency to a higher cons-
ciousness frequency. During this process, a being will release its
A person who has crossed over to the other side.
The everlasting force that preserves life and stimulates progress
and growth.
Evolutionary principle
The principle that awakens our consciousness and moves us
towards evolution.
The state of consciousness in which the cosmic purpose has
been fulfilled completely.
Guardianship of Life
During the Aquarian Age the cosmic human is charged with the


universal task of the Guardianship of Life, which means that he

is responsible for guiding all life forms to their state of perfection,
which is recorded in their blueprints.
Guardianship of the Evolution
With the onset of the Aquarian Age the cosmic human was ent-
rusted with the universal task of the Guardianship of the
Evolution, which means that he has been given the responsi-
bility of leading the evolution to its destination (Utopia).
Higher being
The part of a being that is not individual.
The divine being; the divine force.
Higher self
The connection with the spirit.
The organ that houses our soul, protects us, safeguards us and
offers us our inner cosmic impulse.
Highest self
The highest part of a being that represents the highest divine
being, the highest divine force.
I am
The level of consciousness on which the perfect state of Being
is experienced.
Opening up a higher being (a higher consciousness) from above
after completing a process of spiritual growth.
Inner guidance
The universal guidance that inspires us through our mystical
Inner reflection
Consulting your higher consciousness through your mystical
The descent into the physical during which the development
process of life occurred. The condensing.
The sum of all actions created by the Laws of Cause and Effect.
Laws of Love and Unity
The laws that determine life for the higher and highest being of the
Creation. These laws belong to the Aquarian Age, the Crystalline


Age and the Age of Fulfillment.

Laws of cause and effect
The laws that determine life for the lower being of the Creation.
They belong to the past ages up to the Piscean Age.
Life assignment
The assignment of a person (of the personality) to be carried
out during his lifetime.
Life line
The ‘organ’ that conducts the universal energy and inspiration:
the inner mystical connection. The spiritual line that connects
us to all life forms on Jacob's ladder.
The breath of life; the creative energy.
One of our thirteen light-beings that carries one of the thirteen
fields of consciousness.
Lower self (being)
For human beings: the personality, individuality.
For the Creation: the physical, matter.
Life that is outside of us; its consciousness is of a higher level.
The radiation of the energy of the Christ or the Creator by human
A person who has reached a state of transparency, a state of
Masters of Love and Wisdom
The Masters of Love and Wisdom are the Cosmic Masters who
have taken seat on the Hierarchies of Life. They provide life
with cosmic energy, pass on universal inspiration and make up
the inner government for the being for which they work.
The physical.
Turning within to open up deeper fields of consciousness.
A channel who receives information from the consciousness of


entities who reside in the different spheres of the Creation.

Meridian system
The network of meridians that transports cosmic (spiritual) ener-
gy through the body.
Life that is inside of us and secondary to our consciousness.
A person who has gained access to the Source by consulting
his own higher consciousness.
The divine wisdom that holds Life’s truth.
Mystic connection
The inner connection between a person and the Source of Life
(the Creator).
Plan of Creation
The blueprint of the Creation that holds the Creator’s plan for the
Planetary Hierarchy
The inner government of Earth for which the Masters of Love
and Wisdom work under the leadership of the Universal Christ.
A lodge was opened in the Planetary Hierarchy for persons who
have reached Mastery over their Personality.
Power of creation
The power of the Source, the primal force from which every-
thing has come into existence.
Primal trauma
A trauma suffered upon leaving the Source, the first incarnation
of a person.
Self-regenerating ability of life
The healing force of life; the essence of life.
The eternal core of a human being, which holds the informa-
tion about all his past lives. In addition, the soul is a person’s
guardian who offers him his cosmic information. It is part of the
higher self.


The Creator.
Creation’s center from which all life is created; the life-giving
center from which everything in the Creation comes into existence.
Source of Life
A generic term for all beings that are higher than the Creator
and for whom we do not have a concept yet.
The non-physical, finer layers of life.
Spirit (Spirit)
God’s Spirit, the divine breath. The essence of life.
Spirit (spirit)
The spiritual organ that carries our consciousness.
Spiritual body
Our immaterial light-being.
Sun Hierarchy
The inner government of the solar system, in which the archan-
gels are active under the leadership of the Christ.
Sun Logos
The soul of the Sun, the solar system.
Surrendering the free will to the divine will.
To transform means that the power of creation, which can be
found within each person, is directed towards the negative
karma of human beings and life itself in order to neutralize it
by means of the purely positive nature of the power of crea-
Transformation is channeling the power of creation by means
of universal symbols in order to transform the karma of human
beings and life itself.
To transmutate means that a situation that is negative for a life
form is immediately recreated by means of the power of crea-
tion in order to change this negative situation into its original
life purpose, as is recorded in its blueprint.


Transmutation is stimulating our ability to transmutate (re-crea-
te) by means of universal symbols.
Being part of the Source of Life.
The deepest experience of the Source of Life.
Shaped by the Universality, the highest life.
Universal assignments
The assignments given from above. Examples of these assign-
ments for the cosmic human are: Guardianship of Life, Guardian-
ship of the Evolution and Guardianship of the Creation.
Universal Being
The force of Being, at the level of the Source of Life.
Universal guidance
Guidance from the Universal World Government, which con-
sists of: the Masters of Love and Wisdom, the Christ and the
Source (the Creator).
Universal Life
The force of Life at the level of the Source of Life.
Universal Light
Light and wisdom at the level of the Source of Life.
Universal Love
Love at the level of the Source of Life.
Universal mediation
A mediation in which you focus on the Source of Life. This book
uses universal symbols for this mediation.
Universal World Government
The spiritual world government, which is present on every step
of Jacob’s ladder in order to take care of life in all its forms.
The Universal World Government has the final responsibility
for life and monitors the implementation of the Plan of Creation
at all levels.
The members of the Universal World Government are the Masters
of Love and Wisdom, who have taken seat on the inspiring
hierarchies of life, the Christ and the Creator. When a person
reaches Mastery of his Personality, he will be admitted to the
Universal World Government as well. Inspired by the above-


mentioned universal guidance he will learn to work within the

Plan of Creation.
The strength of life that is present in everything alive.
The final destination of the evolution.
The total fulfillment of life.
Focusing your mind by means of a symbol.



1. For a more detailed description of the concept of ‘transformation’ see:

Sonia, Man in the Aquarian Age, ISBN 978-90-75343-21-2, Publishing
House De Gouden Kroon, Voorschoten, The Netherlands, 1rd edition
2000. Go to

2. The concept of distinguishing and exploring our lower self is discussed in

more detail in: Sonia, Man in the Aquarian Age, ISBN 978-90-75343-21-2,
Publishing House De Gouden Kroon, Voorschoten, The Netherlands, 1rd
edition 2000. Go to

3. The Earth with its seven-fold consciousness developed into the thirteen-
fold universal Earth. This resulted in the Piscean chakras of Earth to raise
to their Aquarian level in 1999, activating their Aquarian attributes.

4. The throat chakra (7th), cosmic flow chakra (8th) and pineal chakra (10th)
together make up the inner mystical connection. They form the channel
through which we receive universal information.

5. How we can participate in the guardianship of higher organisms than our-

selves, is explained in: Sonia, Man in the Aquarian Age, ISBN 978-90-
75343-21-2, Publishing House De Gouden Kroon, Voorschoten, The
Netherlands, 1rd edition 2003. Go to

6. In 1997, the revelation of the Christ was established in mankind. The

manifestation of the Divine took place on Easter 1999.

7. During the process of creation, the human being was sent along into the
Creation from above to be the cosmic safeguard of life. This was his incar-
nation assignment, which can be found – in many forms – in the different
universal tasks of the cosmic human.


8. Voor uitleg over hoe het proces van het leren werken via de innerlijke
mystieke verbinding in zijn werk gaat, kunt u lezen: Sonia, Werken van-
uit de akasha, ISBN 90-75343-17-5, uitgeverij De Gouden Kroon, Voor-
schoten, 1e druk 2001.

9. An exhaustive explanation of the transformation process can be found in:

Sonia, Man in the Aquarian Age, ISBN 978-90-75343-21-2, Publishing House
De Gouden Kroon, Voorschoten, The Netherlands, 1rd edition 2003. Go

10. Selfless transformation means that you do not direct the power of crea-
tion towards a specific problem determined by you. Instead, the divine
will can allow the power of creation to flow there where it is needed most.
This topic is discussed in detail in: Sonia, Man in the Aquarian Age, ISBN
978-90-75343-21-2, Publishing House De Gouden Kroon, Voorschoten,
The Netherlands, 1rd edition 2003. Go to


Publishing House De Gouden Kroon

Publishing House De Gouden Kroon was established in 1995 to

facilitate the spread of the Aquarian mysticism.

Also by Sonia:

- De puberteit, een bijna onmogelijke opdracht
- Van angst naar moed, het oertrauma van de mens
- Op weg naar de zon; een weg naar hoger genezen
- De mens in het aquariustijdperk
- Over dertien chakra’s gesproken!
- Omgaan met de psychotische patiënt
- Zaaien en Oogsten; aquariusgelijkenissen
- De grote veranderingen in de natuur
- Werken vanuit de akasha
- Een kleine introductie in transformatie
- Het Rad van Wedergeboorte
- De winter die niet mocht zijn

- In a nutshell, life as a process of growth
- An introduction to transformation
- Man in the Aquarian Age
- Thirteen chakras and the cosmic human being

- Una introducción sobre transformación
- El hombre en la Era de Acuario

- Une introduction à la transformation


- Uma introdução sobre transformação

The Gouden Kroon has printed a number of cards and posters by
Gea Hollestelle-Melinga. These beautiful cards have drawings of
the universal symbols which have been presented and described
in this book and could be very helpful using when meditating.

For more information on these cards and Sonia’s books see



Secretariat Sonia and the Sofia Foundation:

Van Beethovenlaan 69-b
2253 BE Voorschoten
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)71-5613964
Fax: +31-(0)71-5623915
E-mail: [email protected]

Publishing House De Gouden Kroon (The Golden Crown):

Van Beethovenlaan 69-b
2253 BE Voorschoten
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31-(0)71-562 22 81
Fax: +31-(0)71-562 39 15
E-mail: [email protected]



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