Module 2 Packet: College OF Commerce
Module 2 Packet: College OF Commerce
Module 2 Packet: College OF Commerce
Welcome to Module 2
In this module, we will discuss the different components and the line items that comprise the statement of
financial position. During the discussion, you should be able to actively participate by giving examples of
transactions and determining the elements and its proper classification for presentation in the statement
of financial position. This symbol that is shown across the printed discussion represents an
important point for discussion or appreciation/appraisal by the student. At the end of this module, you will
be answering multiple choice questions and straight problems focusing on the proper classification of
accounts and preparation of the statement of financial position.
Virtual time: During your class schedule (either Monday or Tuesday)
Phone or Messenger: Every Thursday from 8am to 11am and 1pm to 4pm
By the end of this module, the students will be able to:
1. Discuss the recognition and measurement requirement for each of the line items that comprise the
statement of financial position
2. Classify and present the elements of the statement of financial position in accordance with
international standards and other acceptable accounting practices.
3. Prepare a properly classified statement of financial position using the Philippine Financial Reporting
Standards format as well as the IFRS format.
1. Graded recitation through interactive participation in a question and answer format during discussion
2. Problem solving games (points awarded to the first 5 students who can submit the correct answer
and solution)
3. Individual Submission and discussion of homework or learning tasks through research online
4. Summative examinations in multiple choice question format
A. Assigned Review and 1. Read the components and elements of the 0.5 hours
Reading statement of financial position
Read 2. Discuss your appraisal of the nature of each of 2.0 hours
1. Conceptual the components and their respective
Framework on recognition (classification) and measurement of
2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 15 and ELEC 1 (Intermediate Accounting) | College of Commerce |
University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines Page 1 of 22
1. Valix, C. T., Peralta, J. F. & Valix, C. A. M. (2019). Conceptual framework and accounting
standards. 2019 edition. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. FIL 657.0218 V173c 2019
2. Valix, C. T., Peralta, J. F. & Valix, C. A. M. (2019). Intermediate accounting : volume one.
2019 revised edition. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. FIL 657.044 V173c 2019 v. 1
3. Valix, C. T., Peralta, J. F. & Valix, C. A. M. (2019). Intermediate accounting : volume two.
2019 revised edition. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. FIL 657.044 V173c 2019 v. 2
4. Valix, C. T., Peralta, J. F. & Valix, C. A. M. (2019). Intermediate accounting : volume three.
2019 revised edition. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. FIL 657.044 V173c 2019 v. 3
5. Cabrera, M. E. B. & Cabrera, G. A. B. (2019). Financial accounting and reporting
fundamentals. 2019-2020 edition. FIL 657.48 C117f 2019
6. Millan, Zeus Vernon B. Intermediate Financial Accounting III. Baguio City: Bandolin
Enterprise 2016
Why is it required to classify assets and liabilities as either current or noncurrent in the
statement of financial position?
There is a need to distinguish the elements of assets and liabilities between current and
noncurrent because of the application of the principle of going concern under the conceptual
framework of financial reporting.
Business entities must be evaluated on their continued indefinite operations based on how they
will be able to financially sustain their operations on both short term and long term basis, hence
the requirement for the presentation of current and noncurrent assets and liabilities.
What is requirement of the accounting standard on the current and noncurrent distinction and
PAS 1, paragraph 60, provides than an entity shall present current and noncurrent assets, and
current and noncurrent liabilities, as separate classifications in the statement of financial position.
What are the components and elements of the statement of financial position?
Pas 1, paragraph 54, states that as a minimum, the statement of financial position shall include
the following line items:
1. Cash and cash equivalents
2. Financial assets
3. Trade and other receivables
4. Inventories
5. Property, plant and equipment
6. Investment in associates using the equity method
7. Intangible assets
8. Investment property
9. Biological assets
10. Total assets classified as held for sale and assets included in disposal group classified as held
for sale
11. Trade and other payables
12. Current tax asset and liability
13. Deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability
14. Provisions
15. Financial liabilities (other than 11 and 14)
16. Liabilities included in disposal group held for sale
17. Noncontrolling interest
18. Share capital and reserves
Can we still add separate line items other than those enumerated in paragraph 54?
Paragraph 55 provides that additional line items, headings and subtotals shall be presented on
the face of the statement of financial position when such presentation is relevant to the
understanding of the financial position of an entity.
What is the requirement to add separate line items other than those enumerated in paragraph 54?
Judgement on additional line items are based on the assessment of the following:
a. Nature and liquidity of assets
b. Function of assets within the entity
c. Amount, nature and timing of liabilities
Is there a format prescribed by the standard in presenting the components and line items thereof in
the statement of financial position?
PAS 1, paragraph 57 provides that the standard DOES NOT PRESCRIBE the order or format in
which line items are to be presented.
What are the common formats used in practice in the preparation and presentation of the
statement of financial position?
The format is actually an expansion in good presentation form of the accounting equation “asset
equals liability plus equity”.
The two (2) customary forms are:
a. Report format
Sets forth the three (3) major section in a downward sequence of assets, liabilities and
b. Account format
Assets are shown on the left side and the liabilities and equity on the right side
Other formats may be equally appropriate provided the distinction is clear in accordance with
paragraph 7 of the preface of IAS 1.
The format as illustrated in the appendix of IAS 1 is the following order:
Noncurrent assets
Current assets
Noncurrent liabilities
Current liabilities
This format is used in other jurisdiction such as the United Kingdom.
What is cash ?
Cash is classified as current asset as it does not need any conversion.
These include cash on hand, petty cash fund and cash in bank.
Cash includes coins, currency, money orders, checks, and bank drafts
It is important to note that these must be unrestricted in use, meaning available anytime for
use in the operation of the business entity and for the payment of current obligations.
How are the terms “realized, sold or consumed” applicable in current asset classification?
This categorization is referred to when properly classifying trade receivables, inventories and
prepayments as current assets.
The current asset classification is based on the expected realization, sale or consumption
which is within the normal operating cycle or one year, whichever is shorter.
Why is operating cycle important in the preparation of the statement of financial position?
The normal operating cycle is significant as it is the basis of determining the proper
classification of assets into either current or noncurrent.
How is the operating cycle applied to the different types of business entities?
For trading companies, the operating cycle is the average period of time that it takes to
acquire the merchandise inventory, sell the inventory to customers and ultimately collect cash
from the sale.
For manufacturing companies, the operating cycle is defined as the period of time between
the acquisition of materials entering into a process and their realization in cash or an
instrument that is readily convertible into cash.
What comprises the minimum line items required under the standard that must be presented as
current assets in the statement of financial position?
PAS 1, paragraph 54 provides the guidance on the minimum line items under the current
assets as follows:
a. Cash and cash equivalents
b. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, such as trading securities and other
investments in quoted equity instruments
c. Trade and other receivables
d. Inventories
e. Prepaid expenses
What are property, plant and equipment or formerly known as fixed assets?
a. PAS 16, paragraph 56 for the definition as follows:
Property, plant and equipment are
a. tangible assets (meaning with physical substance)
b. held by an entity for use in business such as use in production or supply of goods
and services, held for rental to others or for administrative purposes,
c. and are expected to be used over a period of more than one period or year as may
be applicable (depending on the normal operating cycle).
b. Are there assets with the same characteristics as defined above that are not classified as
property, plant and equipment?
Assets held for sale, including land, or held for investment are not included in the
classification of property, plant and equipment.
c. What are the examples of assets that are classified as property, plant and equipment?
a. Land
b. Land improvement
c. Building
d. Machinery
e. Ship
f. Aircraft
g. Motor vehicle
h. Furniture and fixture
i. Office equipment
j. Patterns, molds and dies
k. Tools
l. Bearer plants
What is an investment?
We refer to the definition of investment according to the IAS as follows:
This is an asset held by an entity for the
a. accretion of wealth through capital distribution, such as interest, royalties,
dividends and rentals,
b. for capital appreciation or for other benefits to the investing entity such as those
obtained through trading relationship.
What are the requisites for the currently maturing portion of a long-term debt to be classified
as current liability?
PAS 1 paragraph 72 which provides that a liability which is due to be settled within twelve
(12) months after the end of the reporting period is classified as current, even if:
a. The original term was for a period longer than twelve (12) months
Applicable only for that portion of the long-term debt that will due to be settled with
twelve (12) months after the end of the reporting period
b. An agreement to refinance or to reschedule payment on a long-term basis is completed
AFTER the end of the reporting period AND BEFORE the financial statements are
authorized for issue.
Note however that if the refinancing on a long-term basis is completed on or
before the end of the reporting period, the refinancing is an adjusting event and
therefore the obligation is classified as noncurrent.
Indicators for refinancing to be classified as current liability
What is the impact of the DISCRETION to refinance in the classification of the obligation to either
current or noncurrent liability?
We refer to PAS1 paragraph 73 which provides that if the entity has the discretion to
refinance or roll over an obligation for at least twelve (12) months after the reporting period
under an existing loan facility, the obligation is classified as noncurrent even if it would
otherwise be due within a shorter period.
Note that the refinancing or rolling over must be at the discretion of the entity
For practical application, the assumption for its classification as noncurrent liability is that
entities would normally choose to refinance a loan facility at a much longer term as a
financing benefit may be derived from the loan agreement that they would want always to
keep in case of financing requirements whether for operations or capital expenditures for
expansion projects.
Otherwise, if the refinancing or rolling over is not at the discretion of the entity, the
obligation is classified as current liability.
What are loan covenants?
Covenants commonly known as loan covenants are commitments or accountabilities often
attached to borrowing agreements which represent the undertakings imposed on the
borrower by the financing institution such as banks, etc. that must adhere to and/or be
complied with while the agreement is still unextinguished.
These covenants usually cover restrictions on the borrower such as applications for further
borrowings, paying dividends, maintaining specified level of working capital and so forth.
How does a breach of loan covenant affect the classification of an obligation?
When certain conditions set forth under the covenants in the borrowing agreement are
breached, a default situation arises and the liability becomes payable on demand.
What is the rule on default situation?
PAS 1, paragraph 74 states that such liability under default is classified as CURRENT
even if the lender has agreed, AFTER the end of the reporting period and BEFORE the
financial statements are authorized for issue, not to demand payment as a consequence
of the breach or default.
Paragraph 75 however states that the liability is classified as NONCURRENT if the
lender has agreed on or before the end of the reporting period to provide a grace
period ending at least twelve (12) months after the end of the reporting period.
What is a grace period?
o It is a period within which the borrower can rectify or cure the breach and during
which the lender cannot demand immediate payment.
Indicators for classification in case of breach or default on borrowing agreements
o Current once defaulted – general rule because a default means the lender requires
immediate payment to prevent further non compliance
Why is the current and noncurrent classification of components of the statement of financial
position important or relevant?
The classification of an asset or liability whether these are current or noncurrent has an impact
on the evaluation of the entity's liquidity (working capital) and solvency and is of
primary concern to most statement users.
What is equity ?
Equity is a general term that refers to the residual interest in the assets of the entity after
deducting all of the liabilities.
It is sometimes referred to net assets that is derived from the accounting question which is “total
assets minus liabilities”.
How does equity behave in relation to the entity’s performance ?
Equity is increased by profitable operations and contribution by owners.
Conversely, equity is decreased by unprofitable operations and distribution to owners.
What are the terms used in reporting the equity in the statement of financial position?
Generally, non distributable equity reserves refer to those items of equity other than
the aggregate par or stated value of share capital and retained earnings unappropriated.
What are examples of reserves
a. share premium reserve or additional paid in capital
b. appropriation reserve or technically known as retained earnings appropriated
c. asset revaluation reserve for revaluation surplus
d. other comprehensive income reserved
of the
1 2
a c
b d