Blade Angle Wind Turbine

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Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis

Wind Turbine

Article · April 2017

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajme.20170302.12


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4 authors, including:

Mohamed Khaled Moustafa Ibrahim

Pharos University Zagazig University


Ahmed Abdel Gawad

Zagazig University


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American Journal of Modern Energy
2017; 3(2): 23-37
doi: 10.11648/j.ajme.20170302.12

Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small

Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine
Mohamed Khaled1, Mostafa Mohamed Ibrahim2, Hesham ElSayed Abdel Hamed2,
Ahmed Farouk Abdel Gawad3
Demonstrator in the Higher Institute of Engineering at El Sherouk City, Cairo, Egypt
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

Email address:
[email protected] (M. M. Ibrahim)

To cite this article:

Mohamed Khaled, Mostafa Mohamed Ibrahim, Hesham ElSayed Abdel Hamed, Ahmed Farouk Abdel Gawad. Aerodynamic Design and
Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine. American Journal of Modern Energy. Vol. 3, No. 2, 2017, pp. 23-37.
doi: 10.11648/j.ajme.20170302.12

Received: May 9, 2017; Accepted: May 25, 2017; Published: June 30, 2017

Abstract: The wind turbine blades are the main part of the rotor. Extraction of energy from wind depends on the design of
the blade. In this paper, a design method based on Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory is explained for small horizontal–
axis wind turbine model (HAWT) blades. The method was used to optimize the chord and twist distributions of the wind
turbine blades to enhance the aerodynamic performance of the wind turbine and consequently, increasing the generated power.
A Fortran program was developed to use (BEM) in designing a model of Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT). NACA
4412 airfoil was selected for the design of the wind turbine blade. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of HAWT
blade cross section was carried out at various blade angles with the help of ANSYS Fluent. Present results are compared with
other published results. Power generated from wind turbine increases with increasing blade angle due to the increase in air–
velocity impact on the wind turbine blade. For blade angle change from 20° to 60°, the turbine power from wind has a small
change and reaches the maximum when the blade angle equals to 90°. Thus, HAWT power depends on the blade profile and its

Keywords: Renewable Energy, HAWT Design, Blade Element Momentum Theory, Airfoil Aerodynamic, Blade Angle

The objectives of this study are: (i) using BEM theory for
1. Introduction aerodynamic design of the HAWT blades and performance
A wind turbine is a generic term for machines with analysis of the existing blades, (ii) building a computer
rotating blades that convert the kinetic energy of wind into program using this method to design a small HAWT rotor,
useful power. The basic idea has been around for a long time (iii) studying the effect of blade angle on the turbine output
but modern wind turbines are a far from the original designs. power.
Modern turbines evolved from the early designs and are
typically classified as one or more blades. Most of the 2. Literature Review
turbines used today have three blades. The rotational speed is
a very important design factor. Turbines operating at a Kulunk and Yilmaz [11] explained a design method based
constant rotor speed have been fomenting up to now, but on blade element momentum (BEM) theory for horizontal–
turbines with variable rotational speed are becoming axis wind turbine (HAWT) blades. The method was used to
increasingly more common with the desire to optimize the optimize the chord and twist distributions of the blades. They
captured energy, lower stress, and obtain better power applied their method to generate a 100kW HAWT rotor.
quality. There are many different wind turbine classes, but Their computer program estimated the aerodynamic
two stands out as the best known: the vertical– axis turbine performance of some existing HAWT blades.
(VAWT), and the horizontal–axis turbine (HAWT) [1]. Tenguria et al. [16] designed a horizontal–axis wind
turbine blade with the help of Glauert's optimal rotor theory
24 Mohamed Khaled et al.: Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine

and developed a computer program for getting the chord, ( 2 MW ) . Three different chordwise installation positions of
thickness and twist distributions while maintaining the lift vortex generators were designed according to transition and
coefficient constant throughout the blade. The wind turbine separation lines at the blade root. Calculation results showed
blade was divided into 19 sections and each section had the that the blade aerodynamic power increased by 0.6% . It can
same length. Blade is modeled with ANSYS with airfoil be seen from the vorticity contours in the different
NACA 634–221. First analysis of the blade was done with downstream spanwise position of vortex generators that it is
the spar of square shape and for validation their results were not appropriate to install vortex generators with the same size
compared with experimental work. A new shape of spar of in different positions of blades. Their results indicated that it
combined shape (box and cross) was used for a second is feasible to improve aerodynamic power by applying vortex
analysis and the results showed that the deflection of cap and generators to large variable propeller shaft wind turbines.
web reduces at both root and transition segment. Mostafa et al. [15] studied the dynamic behavior of
Chandrala et al. [3] carried out a study concerning the aerodynamic, mechanical and electrical parts of customized
aerodynamic efficiency of wind turbine blade when tested in variable–speed variable–pitch wind turbine equipped with a
wind tunnel. They selected NACA 4420 airfoil for analysis. permanent magnet synchronous generator. They investigated
CFD Analysis of HAWT blade was carried out at various Aeolos 50 kw wind turbine, drive train, and permanent
blade angles with help of ANSYS CFX. Their computational magnet synchronous generator using simulating program
results were compared with experimental results. They stated Matlab/simulink. Two controllers for blade pitch angle and
that HAWT efficiency is highly–dependent on the blade torque generator were investigated to guarantee the output
profile and its orientation. power almost constant. Their strategy appeared better than
Kale and Sapali [10] determined the blade parameters, classical approaches according to rotor speed and output
such as chord and thickness distributions along the blade for power.
one mega–watt (MW) wind turbine on the basis of strength Derakhshan and Tavaziani [5] investigated aerodynamic
and aerodynamics. The blade geometry was based on the performance of wind turbines. Flow around wind turbine was
modified NACA 63-621 and FX 66S-196 series profiles. The simulated with Navier-Stokes equations using three
cylindrical profile was selected near the blade root for easy difference turbulence models (Spalart–Allmaras, K − ε and
connection with rotor hub and to assure the structural SST K − ω ) and results were compared with experimental
strength on the inner part of blade. data. According to numerical results, at 5 m s to 10 m s
Chaudhary and Roy [4] presented the design and wind speeds (low speeds), the three turbulence models had
optimization of the rotor blade performance for a 400W similar predictions in power. But at higher wind speeds,
small wind turbine at the lower values of operating wind K − ε predicted with more accuracy, thus, K − ε is the best
speed based on blade element momentum theory (BEM). The between the three models. Based on their results, they
main focus was on the relationship between solidity, pitch suggested K − ε Launder Sharma turbulence model using
angle, tip speed ratio, and maximum power coefficient. In Hakimi precondition for the prediction of performance of
their study, airfoil SG 6043 was selected. Their studies were horizontal–axis wind turbines.
conducted for variable chord and twisted blade with solidities Based on the above literature survey, it is clear that there is
in the range of 2% to 30% and blade numbers 3, 5, 7, 12, and a need for showing the effect of blade angle of another airfoil
15 with rotor diameter of 2 m. These values of blade profile, increasing the range of blade angles between 0° and
geometry parameters that were generated in MATLAB were 90°, and illustrating the distributions of pressure coefficient
exported to Q–Blade software. To give results in terms of and vorticity around airfoil profile.
power coefficient curve ( C P − λ ) . Hence, maximum power
coefficient was obtained for the solidity in the range of 3% to 3. Blade Design Procedure
12% for a number of blades of 3, 5, and 7.
Kumar et al. [12] changed the wind turbine blade material This section describes the calculation method for wind
from epoxy glass to epoxy carbon to improve the wind turbine blades, which can be used to design the wind turbine
turbine performance. The modeling and the static and blade using BEM theory.
dynamic structural analysis was carried out by using ANSYS BEM theory equates two methods of examining how a
software. The static analysis results indicated that epoxy wind turbine operates. The first method is to use a
carbon material undergoes the minimum deformation of momentum balance on a rotating annular stream tube passing
729 mm as compared to the other material epoxy glass. The through a turbine. The second is to examine the forces
Minimum Von-misses stress of 0.035 MPa was observed in generated by the aerofoil lift and drag coefficients at various
epoxy carbon material as compared to the other material. sections along the blade. Figure (1) shows the overall flow
From strength and stiffness point of view, epoxy carbon situation, relationship of the various angles and velocities at
materials performing better than the other material the wind turbine blade [17].
considered in their work.
Hu et al. [9] studied numerically the feasibility of
improving blade power by applying vortex generators to
large variable propeller shaft horizontal–axis wind turbines
American Journal of Modern Energy 2017; 3(2): 23-37 25

conditions, C L , design and α design , such that ( CL CD )design is

at a maximum value for each blade section using Q–blade
The flow around the wind turbine blades starts. At inlet to
the blade, the flow is not rotating. At exit from the blade row,
the flow rotates at rotational speed ω . That is, over the blade
row wake rotation has been introduced. The average
rotational flow over the blade due to wake rotation is
therefore (ω 2 ) . The blade is rotating with speed ( Ω ) . The
average tangential velocity (that the blade experiences) is
therefore  Ω r + ω r  . [7]
 2 
Because the pressure on the suction side of a blade is
lower than that on the pressure side, air tends to flow around
the tip from the lower to upper surface, reducing lift and
hence power production near the tip. This effect is most
Figure 1. Velocities for blade element at radius r [17]. noticeable with fewer, wider blades. A number of methods
have been suggested for including the effect of the tip loss.
These two methods give a series of equations that can be The most straight forward approach to use is one developed
solved iteratively. Blade element theory relies on two key by Prandtl [1]. According to this method, a correction factor,
assumptions: F , must be introduced into the previously discussed
a) There are no aerodynamic interactions between equations. This correction factor is a function of the number
different blade elements. of blades, the angle of relative wind, and the position on the
b) The forces on the blade elements are solely determined blade. Based on Prandtl’s method:
by the lift and drag coefficients.    ( B 2 ) 1 − ( r R )    
Consider a blade with N division elements as shown in 2     
F =   cos −1 exp  −   (1)
figure (2), each one of the blade elements experiences a π     ( r R ) sin ϕ   
    
slightly different flow as they have a different rotational
speed ( Ω r ) , a different chord length ( C ) and a different F is always between 0 and 1. This tip loss correction
twist angle (θ ) . factor characterizes the reduction in the forces at a radius ( r )
along the blade that is due to the tip loss at the end of the
The tip loss correction factor affects the forces derived
from momentum theory. Thus, equations become: [1]

dQ = 4π F ρ U Ω a \ (1 − a ) r 3dr (2)

dT = 4 FπρU 2 a (1 − a ) π r dr (3)

a / (1 − a ) = σ CL 4F λr sin ϕ (4)

a (1 − a ) = σ CL cos ϕ 4F sin 2 ϕ (5)

Figure 2. The Blade Element Model [14]. 4 F sin ϕ ( cos ϕ − λr sin ϕ )

CL = (6)
Blade element theory involves dividing up the blade into a σ ( sin ϕ + λr cos ϕ )
sufficient number of elements and calculating the flow at
each one. Overall performance characteristics are determined 1
by numerical integration along the blade span. In practice, 4 F sin 2 ϕ (7)
the flow is slightly turned as it passes over the airfoil. Thus, 1+
σ CL cos ϕ
in order to obtain a more accurate estimate of airfoil
performance; the average flow conditions at inlet and exit are 1
used to estimate performance. Then, obtain and examine the a/ =
4 F cos ϕ (8)
empirical curves for the aerodynamic properties of the airfoil 1+
at each section (the airfoil may vary from the root to the tip), σ CL − 1
i.e., CL vs. α , CD vs. α . Choose the design aerodynamic
26 Mohamed Khaled et al.: Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine

 3 \  CD  Where α design is again the design angle of attack at which
CP = ∫  F λr a (1 − a )  1 − cot θ  d λr (9)
λr2 λ   CL   C L , design is obtained.
Now, the parameters such as chord–length and twist
The aerodynamic design of optimum rotor blades from a distribution along the blade length are known and in this case
known airfoil type means determination of the geometric lift coefficient and angle of attack have to be determined
parameters such as chord length distribution and twist from the known blade geometry parameters.
distribution along the blade length for a certain tip-speed This requires an iterative solution in which for each blade
ratio at which maximum power coefficient of the rotor exists. element the axial and angular induction factors are firstly
For this reason, the change of the power coefficient of the taken as the values which were found for the corresponding
rotor with respect to tip-speed ratio should be figured out in designed blade elements and then determined within an
order to determine the design tip speed ratio, λd , acceptable tolerance of the previous guesses of induction
corresponding to which the rotor has a maximum power factors during iteration. Applying the design procedure
coefficient. The blade design parameters will then be explained, a Fortran program was written to design wind
according to this tip speed ratio. [8] turbine blade for two different types of airfoils.
A general relationship can be obtained between optimum
relative wind angle and local tip-speed ratio which will be
applicable for any airfoil type [1]
4. Analytical Model
The first step of wind blade design is to select the airfoil
∂  2
sin ϕ ( cos ϕ − λr sin ϕ )( sin ϕ + λr cos ϕ )  = 0 (10) profile and obtain its design parameters. Figure (3) shows the
∂ϕ  NACA 4412 airfoil which is selected as an airfoil profile for
a small wind turbine. [13]
Equation (10) reveals after some algebra [1]
Lift and drag coefficients for NACA 4412 aerofoil are
shown in Figure (4) and the ratio of lift coefficient to drag
2  1 
ϕi = tan −1   (11) coefficient ( C L C D ) is shown in Figure (5). This plot
3  λr ,i 
  obtained from Q–blade program which shows that for low
values of angle of attack the aerofoil successfully produces a
Having found the solution of determining the optimum
relative wind angle for a certain local tip-speed ratio, the rest large amount of lift with little drag. At around α = 150 a
is nothing but to apply the equations from Eq. (6) to (9), phenomenon known as stall occurs where there is a massive
increase in drag and a sharp reduction in lift.
which were derived from the blade-element momentum
The design point must be selected to achieve maximum lift
theory and modified including the tip loss factor, to define
coefficient and minimum drag coefficient [6]. So, select the
the blade shape and to find out the maximum power
design point at maximum ratio of lift coefficient to drag
coefficient for a selected airfoil type. Dividing the blade
length into N elements, the local tip speed ratio for each coefficient ( CL CD )max imum . From Figure (3), choose the
blade element can then be calculated as: design point for NACA 4412 airfoil as shown in table (1).

ri Table 1. Design Parameters for NACA 4412 airfoil.

λr ,i = λ (12)
R Parameter Design Value
Also, the tip loss correction factor for each element can be Angle of attack α design = 5.850
calculated as:
Lift coefficient C L,design = 1.1106
   ( B 2 ) 1 − ( r R )     C D,design = 0.00828
2      Drag coefficient
F =   cos−1 exp  −   (13)
π     ( r R ) sin ϕ    Ratio between lift and drag ( CL CD ) = 134.13
     coefficient design

Chord-length distribution can then be calculated for each In the previous section, the design of a HAWT blade was
blade element by using the equation (14) explained and the solution method has been shown via the
derived equations from BEM theory for NACA 4412 airfoil
Ci =
8π ri Fi sin ϕi cos ϕi − λr ,i sin ϕi ) (14)
blade. The method of determining blade shape for optimum
B CL ,design sin ϕi + λr ,i cos ϕ ) performance of a turbine was developed. The geometry and
configuration of the designed rotor is summarized. Table (2)
Where C L , design is chosen such that the glide ratio is shows that the rotor uses NACA 4412 airfoil profile at
inboard, mid-span and outboard stations of the blades. The
minimum at each blade element. The twist distribution can NACA 4412 profile is also uniquely defined by its
easily be determined by using equation (15).
θ i = ϕ i − α i , design (15)
American Journal of Modern Energy 2017; 3(2): 23-37 27

Table 2. Design blade for NACA 4412 airfoil. at 32.5 times that of the chord length, and the width was
Parameter Value Parameter Value determined at 25 times that of the chord length as shown in
Hub radius 0.035 m Maximum chord 0.068710 m Figure (15). [2]
Tip radius 0.35 m Maximum chord station 0.073293 m
Blade length 0.315 m Number of blades 3 0.25
Airfoil profile NACA 4412 Designed wind speed 6 m/s
Mid–span airfoil NACA 4412 Output power 27 W
Tip airfoil NACA 4412 Tip speed ratio 5 0.15

Figures (6) – (8) show the blade geometry at the wind 0.1
speed of 6 m/s and the output power of 27W. Figure (6)

Y(i) /Chord
shows the change of the airfoil chord length relative to the
rotor tip radius from blade hub to blade tip. It is clear that the
airfoil chord length is decreased from hub radius (hub -0.05
chord=0.068710 m) to tip radius (tip chord=0.003 m).
Figure (7) shows the change of relative wind angle through
the blade length. The relative wind angle changes from hub -0.15
radius (42.29°) to tip radius (7.61°). Figure (8) shows the -0.2
change of blade twist angle of blade through the blade length.
The blade twist angle changes from hub radius (36.440) to tip -0.25
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
radius (1.72°). X(i) /Chord
Figure (9) shows both axial and radial induction factors Figure 3. NACA 4412 airfoil profile.
along the blade length. Axial induction factor has a small
increase from (0.298346) at blade hub to (0.332332) at blade 1.6 Lift Coefficient
tip. Angular induction factor decreases from (0.542757) at Drag Coefficient
blade hub to (0.009121) at blade tip. 1.4

Figure (10) shows tip losses correction factor along the 1.2 0.2
blade length. Tip losses correction factor is almost constant

Drag Coefficient
Lift Coefficient

(its value equal unity) along the blade from hub to 80% of 1
blade height. But near blade tip, it decreases from (0.919721) 0.8
at 80% to (0.394651) at blade tip. 0.12
Figure (11) shows local thrust coefficient along the blade 0.6

length. local thrust coefficient is almost constant (its value 0.08

equal 0.8) along the blade from hub to 80% of blade height.
But near blade tip, it decreases from (0.8) at 80% to 0.2
(0.350624) at blade tip.
Figure (12) shows solidity ratio along the blade length. It 0
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
is clear that the solidity ratio is decreased from (0.937335) at Angle of Attack (Degree)
blade hub to (0.012732) at blade tip.
Figure 4. Lift and drag coefficients.
Figure (13) shows power coefficient with tip speed ratio.
The power coefficient is increased with increase of the tip 140
speed ratio till it reaches the maximum value (0.536671) at 130
tip speed ratio (5), then power coefficient decreases with 120
increase of the tip speed ratio. 110
Figure (14) shows three views for three–dimensional wind
Gluide Ratio (CL/CD)

turbine blade profile. 90

5. Effect of Blade Setting Angle 70

(Computational Investigation) 50

5.1. Geometry and Grid Generation 40

Aerofoil NACA 4412 was modeled with chord length 20
equal unity. Structured grids (C – type) were used in airfoil 10
modeling for comparing of the accuracy of the simulation 0
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
results. Angle of Attack (Degree)
To allow the air flow to be fully expanded, the length of
computational domain using structured grid was determined Figure 5. Ratio of lift coefficient to drag coefficient.
28 Mohamed Khaled et al.: Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine

0.13 0.55
Axial Induction Factor
0.12 0.5 Angular Induction Factor
Chord Ratio (C(i)/Rtip)


Induction Factors
0.08 0.35

0.07 0.3
0.06 0.25
0.02 0.1

0.01 0.05
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Radius Ratio (r(i)/Rtip)
Radius Ratio (r(i)/Rtip)
Figure 6. Airfoil chord distribution along the blade length. Figure 9. Induction factors along the blade length.

44 1
Relative Flow Angle (Degree)

Tip Losses Correction Factor


12 0.3

8 0.2

4 0.1

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Radius Ratio (r(i)/Rtip) Radius Ratio (r(i)/Rtip)
Figure 7. Airfoil relative wind angle along the blade length.
Figure 10. Tip losses correction factor along the blade length.
40 1

36 0.9

Twist Blade Angle (Degree)

Local Thrust Coefficient

28 0.7

24 0.6

20 0.5

16 0.4

12 0.3

8 0.2

4 0.1

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Radius Ratio (r(i)/Rtip) Radius Ratio (r(i)/Rtip)
Figure 8. Airfoil twist angle along the blade length.
Figure 11. Local thrust coefficient along the blade length.
American Journal of Modern Energy 2017; 3(2): 23-37 29









Figure 15. Computational domain of NACA 4412 airfoil.(Not to Scale).
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 To generate grid – independency of the solution,
Radius Ratio (r(i)/Rtip)
computations were carried out for a wide range of the grid
Figure 12. Solidity ratio along the blade length. size (from 90,000 to 500,000 cells) at blade angle. The
judging parameters were the lift and drag coefficients.
0.55 From figure (16), it is clear that there is no change of the
0.5 values of the lift and drag coefficients after the grid size of
450,000 cells.
Power Coefficient (Cp)









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tip Speed Ratio (TSR)
Figure 13. Power coefficient with tip speed ratio.

Figure 16. Mesh Sensitivity.

Thus, the grid consisted of 450,000 quadrilateral cells. A

large number of grid cells was concentrated around the
aerofoil surface to capture the pressure gradient accurately in
the boundary layer. This is because the adverse pressure
gradient induces flow separation. Stall occurs when
separation region extends. In the far–field region, the mesh
resolution becomes progressively coarser since the flow
gradients approach zero. The meshing overview is shown in
Figure (17).
Pressure far-field boundary condition was used in the
computational domain which is large enough. Aerofoil was
treated as stationary–wall boundary condition with no slip
Figure 14. Three–dimensional views of wind turbine blade. shear condition. Unsteady simulations were carried out with
viscosity 1.7894 × 10 −5 kg m.s , air density, and wind speed
6 m s . Shear-stress transport ( SST ) K − ω model was used
30 Mohamed Khaled et al.: Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine

because it absorbs both the property of good accuracy in the shows the counters of velocity at zero blade angle for NACA
near-wall region of standard K − ω model and nice precision 4420 airfoil [3]. Comparing figure (18b) with figure (18d),
in the far field region of K − ω model [6]. the change of velocity has the same trend and results of
NACA 4412 are really acceptable in comparison to the result
of NACA 4420 [3].
Figure (19) shows the vorticity, velocity, and pressure
coefficient contours for the airfoil profile of the wind turbine
blade at 100 blade angle. The vortex that appears behind the
airfoil is bigger than that of zero blade angle. The change of
pressure and velocity around the airfoil is more than that of
zero blade angle.
Figure (20) shows the vorticity, velocity, and pressure
coefficient contours for the airfoil profile of the wind turbine
blade at 200 blade angle. The vortex generated behind the
airfoil covers a large area. Figure (20d) shows the counters of
velocity at 22.50 blade angle for NACA 4420 airfoil [3].
Comparing figure (20b) with figure (19d) the distribution of
Figure 17. NACA 4412 meshing using structured grid.
velocity has the same trend and results of NACA 4412 are
5.2. Computational Results and Discussions generally acceptable in comparison to the results of NACA
4420 [3].
Figures (18) – (27) show the vorticity, velocity, and Figure (21) – (27) show the vorticity, velocity, and
pressure coefficient contours for the profile of the wind pressure coefficient contours for the airfoil profile of the
turbine blade at different blade angles compared with wind turbine blade at different blade angles. The vortex
velocity contours of [3]. generated behind the airfoil is covers a larger area as the
Figure (18) shows the vorticity, velocity, and pressure blade angle increases. By increasing the blade angle, the
coefficient contours for the airfoil profile of the wind turbine change of pressure and velocity around airfoil increases.
blade at zero blade angle. The vortex generated behind the Comparing the results with the results of NACA 4420 airfoil
airfoil is very thin due to zero blade angle. As expected, [3], the change of velocity has the same trend and results of
pressure on the upper surface is less than the pressure on the NACA 4412 are acceptable in comparison of the result of
lower surface but velocity on the upper surface is higher than NACA 4420 [3].
the velocity on the lower surface of the airfoil. Figure (18d)

Figure 18. Blade Angle = 00 .

American Journal of Modern Energy 2017; 3(2): 23-37 31

Figure 19. Blade Angle = 100 .

Figure 20. Blade Angle = 200 .

32 Mohamed Khaled et al.: Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine

Figure 21. Blade Angle = 300 .

Figure 22. Blade Angle = 400 .

American Journal of Modern Energy 2017; 3(2): 23-37 33

Figure 23. Blade Angle = 500 .

Figure 24. Blade Angle = 600 .

34 Mohamed Khaled et al.: Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine

Figure 25. Blade Angle = 700 .

Figure 26. Blade Angle = 800 .

American Journal of Modern Energy 2017; 3(2): 23-37 35

Figure 27. Blade Angle = 900 .

π  Rt2 − Rh2  = π ( 0.35 ) − ( 0.035)  = 0.381 m 2

From Figures (18) – (27), velocities are obtained for 2 2
different blade angles. Power produced from the wind is  
given by the following: Vw = wind speed is taken as 6 m s .
(1) Wind power can be calculated from the following (2) Maximum generated power may be obtained from the
equation: wind turbine can be calculated from the following equation:
PW = ρ V3A (16) Pmax =
ρ V 3 A×
2 2 27
where: PW = power produced from the wind Table (3) was obtained from the calculations of wind
ρ = air density is taken as 1.225 kg m 3 power and maximum generated power may be obtained from
A = wind turbine projected area = the turbine with respect to velocity.
Table 3. Wind power and maximum power for different blade angle.

Blade Angle Velocity (V ) Wind Power ( PW ) Maximum Generated Power

0 5.835 46.360 27.473
10 5.910 48.172 28.546
20 6.000 50.406 29.870
30 6.025 51.039 30.245
40 6.045 51.549 30.548
50 6.053 51.754 30.669
60 6.10 52.969 31.389
70 6.31 58.630 34.744
80 6.43 62.039 36.764
90 6.70 70.187 41.592
36 Mohamed Khaled et al.: Aerodynamic Design and Blade Angle Analysis of a Small Horizontal–Axis Wind Turbine

Figure (28) shows the change of air velocity impact the 75

Wind Power
blade at different blade angles. It is clear that the air velocity 70 Maximum Generated Power
increases with the increase in blade angle from (5.835 m/s) at
(0°) to (6.7 m/s) at (90°). From angle (20°) to (60°), the 65
increase in velocity is small; from (6 m/s) to (6.1 m/s), then,
air velocity increases sharply with the increase of the blade
angle. The air velocity reaches the maximum value when

Power (W)
blade angle equals to (90°).
Figure (29) shows the change of wind power at different 50
blade angles. It is clear that the wind power increases with
the increase in blade angle from (46.36 W) at (0°) to (70.187
W) at (90°). From angle (20°) to (60°), the increase in wind 40
power is small; from (50.406 W) to (52.969 W), then, wind
power is increases sharply with the increase of the blade 35
angle. The wind power reaches the maximum value when 30
blade angle equal to (90°).
Figure (30) shows the maximum power that may be 25
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
generated by the turbine [3] which has the hub diameter of Blade Angle (degree)
0.3375 m, blade length of 10.7 m, NACA 4420 airfoil profile
and wind speed of 16 m s . Figure 29. Power at different blade angles.

Comparing Figure (29) and (30), the present study gives 2200
the power at different angles which increases with the
increase of blade angle. For blade angle change from 20° to
Maximum Generated Power (kW)

60°, the wind power has a small increase and reaches the 2000
maximum when blade angle equals to 90°. This change of 1900
power with the blade angle is near from that of other
published data [3].
6.6 1400
6.5 1300
6.4 1200
Velocity (m/s)

6.3 1100
6.2 1000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
6.1 Angle of Blade (degree)
6 Figure 30. Maximum power that may be generated from wind turbine of [3].

6. Conclusions
5.7 In this paper, a horizontal–axis wind turbine blade with
NACA 4412 profile was designed and analyzed for different
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 blade angles and wind speeds. CFD analysis was carried out
Blade Angle (degree)
using ANSYS Fluent software. The vorticity, velocity and
Figure 28. Air velocity impact the blade at different blade angles. pressure distributions at various blade angles were discussed.
The present results are coinciding with the published data of
others. From results, it is seen that the wind power is
increased by increasing the blade angle due to the increase in
air velocity impacting the wind turbine blade. For blade angle
change from 200 to 600, the wind power has a small increase
and reaches the maximum when blade angle equals to 900.
Thus, HAWT output power depends on the blade profile and
its orientation.
American Journal of Modern Energy 2017; 3(2): 23-37 37

A Area of wind turbine rotor Q Rotor torque
a Axial induction factor at rotor plane Rtip Tip radius of wind turbine rotor
/ Angular induction factor r (i ) Local radius of any point on the blade
B Number of blades of a rotor T Rotor thrust
C Blade chord length U Freestream velocity of wind
CD Drag coefficient of an airfoil α Angle of attack
C (i ) th
Blade chord length for the i blade element α design Design angle of attack
CL Lift coefficient of an airfoil ϕ Angle of relative wind velocity with rotor plane
C L , design Design lift coefficient of an airfoil λ Tip-speed ratio of rotor
CP Power coefficient of wind turbine rotor λr ,i Local tip-speed ratio for the ith blade element
CP,max Maximum rotor power coefficient ρ Air density
F Tip-loss factor σ Solidity ratio
F (i ) Tip-loss factor for the ith blade element θ Blade setting angle (blade twist angle)
N Number of blade elements Ω Angular velocity of wind turbine rotor
P Power output from wind turbine rotor

of Aerospace Engineering Vol. 2016, Article ID 6531694, 11

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