Teaching - Style - Questionnaire

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Teaching Style Questionnaire.

What is your Teaching style? Read each question below. Reflect upon your teaching
style, and chose what is most evident for you.

 Don’t worry. There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers.

 Answer the questions based on what you think tends to be true about yourself.
 You may feel there is more than one answer that tends to be true about yourself.
That is possible. Try to choose the one that is more frequent and/or evident about
 By choosing one answer, it does not mean that you are totally excluding the others
or that the others are completely untrue. Answers just indicate stronger tendencies
about you.

Teaching Style Instrument (adapted from Guará-Tavares, 2004).

1. During classes, you would rather have your students interact

a) With many even the ones they do not know so well
b) With few that they know well

2. You are
a) Realistic
b) Imaginative

3. You would prefer to teach something if you have students

a) Discuss it with their classmates
b) Read about it
c) Play a game about it

4. During class you would rather that your students

a) Speak a lot
b) Be quiet

5. You are more attracted to

a) Sensate people
b) Creative people

6. The activities you enjoy most are

a) Songs, audiotapes
b) Pictures, videotapes
c) Moving around, touching things

7. You are more motivated

a) From the beginning to the middle of the class
b) From the middle to the end of the class
8. You would prefer to
a) explain words and grammar rules to students
b) encourage students you to discover words and grammar rules by yourself

9. You would rather teach by using

a) music
b) written exercises
c) presentations

10. When you have a problem you would prefer to

a) Look for others to talk about it and ask for help
b) Be alone to think about it

11. You would prefer to have classes that

a) Follow a clear, systematic plan
b) Do not necessarily follow a clear, systematic plan

12. During classes you would rather

a) Explain things orally
b) Explain things on the board
c) Explain things by using objects, making you move, play games

13. You usually know

a) Most students’ names
b) Few students’ names

14. You are the type of teachert who would rather learn have activities
a) presented in a step-by-step way
b) presented in a flexible way

15. You would rather

a) Give oral instruction
b) Write down instructions
c) Give a model or example of what students have to do

16. You are usually

a) Interested in knowing something about your students’life
b) Not interested in knowing something about your students’life

17. When you have to do a task, you would rather

a) Think of one or two ways of doing it
b) Think of many different ways of doing it

18. When you teach, you would rather

a) use to music
b) as students to underline or highlight the important parts of texts that they read
c) Have some breaks

19. In the classroom, you would prefer to have students

a) Work alone or in pairs
b) Work in pairs or in groups

20. You are the type of person who

a) Pays attention to facts and details
b) Pays attention to possibilities, imagination and ideas

21. When you prepare lessons you would rather

a) Have some kind of soundtrack inspiring you
b) Pay close attention to the text you read and highlight the most important parts
c) Take a break once in a while to exercise yourself or do something else

22. When you develop your ideas you would rather

a) Discuss them
b) Think about them quietly

23. You are more inclined to be

a) Practical
b) Original

24. You are the type of teacher who would rather

a) Like to listen to background instrumental music when you prepare lessons
b) Like to prepare lessons in a room that has lots of posters and pictures
c) Get impatient when you sit for too long during your lesson planning

25. You usually

a) Try to do lots of things at once
b) Try to do a thing at a time

26. You would prefer to write about

a) Things that are more abstract and figurative
b) Things that are more concrete and literal

27. In the classroom the activity you enjoy using the most with your students is
a) Listening to the sounds and voices of parts of a movie and ask students to try to describe
the situation (without seeing the images)
b) Seeing parts of a movies, without listening to the sounds, and ask students to try to
imagine what they are talking about
c) Watching the beginning of a movies (sounds and imagines) and ask students to write an
end to the movies in groups

28. You are more inclined to be

a) Open
b) Reserved

29. In your class you would rather have activities that involve
a) Understanding the present reality
b) Imagining future possibilities

30. You would prefer to learn about someone’s life

a) Listening to this person talk about his/her life in an auditorium
b) Reading the book that this person wrote about his/her life
c) Interviewing this person

Início da Chave resposta

1st Set of 2nd Set of 3rd Set of

Questions Questions Questions
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29 30

Most Answers “A” Most Answers “B” Equal number of “A”

and “B”:
1st Set of Extrovert Introvert Extrovert/introvert
2nd Set of Sensor Intuitive Sensor/intuitive
3rd Set of Auditory Visual Auditory/visual
3rd Set of Most Answers Equal number of “A”
Questions “C” and “C
Kinesthetic auditory/kinesthetic
Equal number of “B”
and “C”
Fim da chave resposta.

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