Report of Investigation: (Contin - Uation.)

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The document discusses an interview with Sean Casey Reid where he provides information about his previous drug trafficking activities with Naron Celestine, Tillman Bradley, and others.

The interview is about Sean Casey Reid providing information to DEA agents about his previous drug trafficking activities with Naron Celestine, Tillman Bradley III, and associates.

Reid discusses purchasing cocaine from Celestine initially in 9 ounce quantities and later in kilogram quantities on a monthly basis. He also received cocaine from Tillman Bradley III and an individual known as 'Mello' occasionally.

U.S. D..

epartment of Justice
Drug 'Enforcement Administration


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REID had given him to pay for a kilogram of cocaine which CELESTINE had

previously given REID on consignment.

3. S/A Schmidt asked REID about his drug trafficking relationship with
Naron CELESTINE. REID stated that he had rst purchased cocaine from
CELESTINE approximately one year after CELESTINE was released from prison
after his conviction on a weapons charge. REID stated that he initially
purchased nine ounce quantities of cocaine BeL approximately every three
weeks from CELESTINE. REID stated that he paid CELESTINE $8000 for nine
ounces of cocaine BCL at that time.

4. REID stated that he purchased nine ounce quantities of cocaine from

CELESTINE for approximately five to six months. REID stated that he then
began to purchase kilogram quantities on a monthly basis from 'CELESTINE.
According to REID, the kilograms that CELESTINE sold were very pure so
REID was able to "put a lot of cut" on the kilograms. REID explained that
he was able to add baking sqda to the cocaine and turn one kilogram of
pure cocaine into a kilogram and a half of adulterated cocaine. REID '
stated that some of the kilograms 'JJhich CELESTINE sold him had shapes
impressed into them. REID stated that kilograms with either scorpion or
star shape impressions were very good cocaine.

5. REID stated that during the period he was purchasing cocaine from
CELESTINE, he actually received it from either CELESTINE himself or from
Tillman BRADLEY III. REID stated that he also dealt during this period
with an individual who he knew as "MELLO" AKA LAMONT LNU. REID stated that
he waS introduced to "MELLO" by CELESTINE. According to REID, "MELLO" said
that he was CELESTINE's cousin and was from out of town. According to
REID, "MELLO" charged $500 ss per nine ounce quantity than CELESTINE
did. REID stated that he purchased nine ounce quantities of cocaine from
"MELLO" approximately two or three times.

6. REID stated that'he heard that the police raided a house located off
the Old Seward Highway past Dimond Boulevard where "Mello" was staying and
det~ined him. REID stated that "MELLO" was released after this raid.

7. According to REID, CELESTINE providec;i him with cocaine on consignment

occa.sionally. ~EID stated that CELESTINE would accept payment for a


(Jul. 1996) Dr~g Enforcement Administration'

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration,

Neither il nor jts contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned,

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

U.S.l!epart:nent of Justice
1. Program Code 2. Cross Related Files 3. File No.
f ~', r - 1
(t~ •

File , ~ . '~ 'J .

5. By: Mark J Schmidt, SA 6. File Title


7.0 Closed ~ Requested Action Completed 8. Date Prepared

o Action Requested By: 01-13-2010
9. Other Officers: S/A Alan Lopez

10. Report Re: Interview of Sean Casey REID on 12/04/2009


On 12/4/2009., Sean Casey REID was interviewed by DEA in Anchorage, AK.

REID provided information regarding his previous drug trafficking

acti vi ties with' Naron CELE;STINE, Tillman B.RADLEY, Steven L. RILEY and

others. tJ AR60 a:k5-tIf)G It YI" cokl


1. On 12/4/2009, Anchorage D.O. S/.A Mark J. Schmidt 'and S/A Alan Lopez

interviewed Sean Casey REID in Anchorage,AK regarding his previous drug

distributioL activities with Naron CELESTINE and his associ~tes. REID

stated that he had, recei ved no direct threats since the arrest o f _
earlier in, 2009. REID stated that Ron CELESTINE"
Naron rother had recently retu'rned to Anchorage.
Additionally, stated that he had recently seen another associate of
Naron CELESTINE's known as "A-RAH", REID stated that "A-RAH" haa been
involved in music prodUction with·CELESTINE .

.2. S/A $chmjdt <asked REID j f he knew 'T'jJlman BRADLEY III,. REID replied
that hE: knew Tillman BRADLEY III and described him as a "do-boy" for ,
CELESTINE. REID stated that BRADLEY made cocaine deliveries at CELESTINE's
direction and then retrieved the cash drug proceeds from CELESTINE's
customers. REID estimated that he had received kilqgram quantities of
cocaine from BRADLEY on four or five occasions. REID stated that all of
this cocaine carne from Naron CELESTINE. According to REID sometime in 2004
or 2005, BRADLEY fled with approximately $22,000 to $23,000 in cash which

DEA Form - 6
(Jul. 1996)

This·report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8/94 mal' be used .

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7 "
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:Drug Eruorcement Administration

i 3. File TIlle


Page 3 of 6

5. Program Code 6. Date Prepared


portion of the coc9ine and give the balance to REID on consignment. REID
stated that he usually paid off CELESTINE for this cocaine within one to
two weeks.

B. REID stated that he obtained kilogram quantities of ,cocaine from

CELESTINE for approximately one year until ,CELESTINE was robbed by several
different unidentified individuals. REID stated that he had heard that.
CELESTINE lost $250,000 to robberies in 2005 or 2006. REID stated that
somet~me during this period, CELESTINE asked him for $100,000 so that
CELESTINE could obtain more cocaine from his unidentified source of
supply. REID stated that even though he had this amount of money
available, he refused CELESTINE's request and, as a result, CELESTINE no
longer supplied him with cocaine. REID stated that he then be obtaining
cocaine from and his associate,

9. S/A Schmidt asked REID if he knew anyone named _ . REID replied

that ~ an individual narned "MellowN. REID stated'

t h a t _ was not the same indi T LNU AKA "MelloN, ,

CELESTINE's cousin. REID stated that he had attended high school with

_REIDdescribed _ _ as a "small time Coke dealer" who sold to

~rs. '

10. REID stated that he knew Mike INGRAM AKA "Money Mike(/. According to
REID, he gambled with INGRAM but never did any drug trans'actions with him.
SEID stated that Naron CET.ESTINE often attended the dice when .h.e,
(REID) gambled with INGRAM.
. ­
11. S/A Schmidt showed REID ~ series of REID identified a
photograph of Tillman BRADLEY III. REID of Ron
E. REID identified a photograph of ' as
REID identified a photograph of St "LAMONT"

12. REID identified a photograph of as , ' _ , a "guy"

he knew om the Sea Galley restauran ot Ch~ghtclub.
REID stated that _ was sexually attracted to REID's wife and spoke
rude~y to her abo~. REID stated that _ dresses and acts like a


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated Dutside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.


(v.s. ~partment of Justice

Drug 9nforcementAdministration


! 3. File TItle
Page 4 of 6
5. Program Code 6. Date Prepared
! 01-13-2010

"pimp". REID stated t h a t - ' drove' a beat up Yellowish brown Chevrolet

pickup truck. REID stated that he had seen1llllllt gambling with Mike

13. REID identified a photograph of REID stated that

this individual was different from stated that iIIIIIIL
ecified real estate prope es. stated that he was ~
s involved in drug trafficking~ REID further stated that he had
known ince they went . school . REID stated that he
had· se '. driving a REID stated that he
thought owned ding in the
Mountainview n orhood on Mumford Street between Thompson Avenue and
Price Street. REID stated that he typically sawtllllltat the Sea Galley
restaurant on Friday and Saturday nights. 0 \,
/Jct(ple:i,~ t o( K \ \-f'f :
14. REID was a photograph of~ '''''',,'',~. . REID was unable
identif REID identifIed aphbtograph of
D stated that _ u s e d to sell

15. REID stated that he' had last seen in approximately mid-
November 2009 at the Anchor Bar An orage. According to R E I D , _

.8t.O him,that
l he _ w o u l d "hook him up" later. REID state~

. . stateme~ted that he would sell cocaine to REID in the

. uture. .


1. REID, Sean Casey - Per SOl, Obtained kilogram

q u a n t i t o f cocaine from Naron CELESTINE and Tillman BRADLEY III in 2004
a'nd 2G05;Obtained quarter kil'ogram quantit s of cocaine from Steven L.
RILEY in Anchorage, AK; Associate of Michael INGRAM,
....... a '.

~,- Black male; Per SOl;' Associate of Naron

~ho was' involve~n music production.


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration,

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned,

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

..... _ _..._ - - - - - ­
R.p<"led Date
4501 ELNORE RD 11/06/2009
ALASKA 99507
Nature of Call


Nalure 01 Cal!
I Oe;~~
! Loca\1I;m ICilY Bea!
Ollice, I
An'gnmen I Entered by
I o934/KENNEDY ,ALVIN IDE'rEC'rIVES 'l:HE~... I O~.34
I Assignrrum! ' App"""ng OfflC&f I ApJiioVal Dal!> . Approval Tlme

On November 6. 2009. I conducted an interview with GIIl!Jory Pellum concerning his knowledge of a shooting that
.Jordan SHANHOLTZER may have been involved in bad; in 2006.
I advised Pellum that there were rumors floating about says he (Pellum) took possession of a firearm his son
may havo used In a. shooting and got someone to either I.ake it out of statn, or destroy it. Pellum advised that this
was not tnJe and thot he has no idea why people would lJo saying that Petlum stated he has nevor seen his son
with a gun because he always checked his son for weapons because he was on probation and did not want to get
"caught-up" in any of his sons activities. Pellum stated flat he knew that he son had a gun and that he had "funk"
with people. Pellum stated that he has provided inforrm::tion to me in the past concerning his son's gang ties and
activities he furth(~r stated that he heard things about fig'lts at the Totem Theater in Muldoon. Pellum further
related that he provided information concerning his because he wanted to keep him alive because he would rather
have him incarcerated rather than dead. Pellum advised thelt he believes the rumors are coming from "Cole's
people" because they know he is the reason Cole was arrested. Pellum made no further statements.
Attach to Original

Report Qtlicer /(1 Prir:ledAt

Io934/KENNEDY, ALVIHY 102/10(2010 12:13 I Page 1 of 1

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; U.S. Department of Justice

"Dr,');gEnforcement Administration


1. Program 2. Cross

5. By: Mark J Schmidt, SA

At: ANCHOR.!l,.GE, AK :f.:;,';l::/::~;~;i ',:
7. •
o B.
9. Other Officers: TFO Monique Doll, APD Det. Al Kennedy, AUSA Stephan Collins

10. ReportRe: Interview of Michael Ingram on 12/15/2009


On 12/15/2009, DEA, APD and USAO personnel interviewed Michael INGRAM.

INGRAM provided information regarding the drug trafficking activities of

Naron CELESTINE, Greg PELHAM, ! and other

associates. ~ C ,~,."", Alar•• IItIsltlNS

DETAILS co ~AIl0() ee,\6\i~~_C6i-cl
1. Reference is made to DEA-6, RG-04-0013 by S/A Nathaniel Clementson
dated 10/09/09 RE: Arrest of Michael INGRAM.

2. On 12/15/2009, Michael INGRAM was interviewed by S/A Mark J. Schmidt,

TFO Monique' Doll, APD Det. Al Kennedy and AUSA Stephan Collins at the U.S.
Attorney's Office in Anchorage, AK. INGRAM was accompanied by his
attorney, Rex Butler, and paralegal, Stephanie Butler. AUSA Collins
advised 'INGRAM that any statements he (INGRAM) made during the course of
this proffer interview could not be used against INGRAM.

3. INGRAM initially stated that the drugs and cash proceeds ,:t:rom the C2.'-i
incident with which he (INGRAM) was charged belonged to Naron CELESTINE.
INGRAM explained that Greg PELHAM's brother was a friend of INGRAM's.
4. INGRAM stated that he had known that CELE~INE was distributing drugs
in the 1990s but had not actually. seen him with drugs until much later.
INGRAM stated that he had first met CELESTINE sometime in the 1990s.
According to INGRAM, sometime after CELESTINE got out of jail in the

(JuJ. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither It nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8194 may be used. c(~'



- - - - -_ _ _ _ _---'1_ ..
U.S. Department of .
,.Enforcement AdmInIstratIOn



19 90s, CEL INE had INGRAM repair one of his vehicles and paid him cash
for this work. ING~ stated that he did various kinds of work on
CELESTINE's vehicles including repairs, paint jobs and detailing jobs.
INGRAM specifically recalled that he had painted CELESTINE's Ford Bronco
green, that he had painted CELESTINE's Chevrolet Impala, and that he had
repaired Tara CELESTINE's car at Naron CELESTINE's direction.

5. S/A Schmidt ask~d INGRAM if he had ever modified any vehicles for
CELESTINE so that they would have concealed compartments. INGRAM stated
that he never put concealed compartments into any of CELESTINE's vehicles
~or had he ever seen any concealed compartments in any of those vehicles.
INGRAM then recalled that he had painted three vehicles for CELESTINE and
had charged CELESTINE $5000.00 to $6000.00 per job. INGRAM stated that
CELESTINE always paid him in cash. INGRAM further stated that the money
which CELESTINE paid him was a mixture of $10, $20, and $100
denominations. INGRAM stated that he might still have business records
pertaining to the work he did for CELESTINE.

6. INGRAM stated that he (INGRAM) used to promote musical shows and after
hours parties with a group called the AMERICAN AFRO SOCIETY. INGRAM stated
that he and his associates worked the doors and did security work during
these events. INGRAM stated that he saw CELESTINE at these events
occasionally. Additionally, according to INGRAM, he (INGRAM) hosted
gambling parties but CELESTINE did not attend these events. INGRAM
characterized the gambling parties as honest games with no violence and no

7. INGRAM stated that in approximately 2004 or 2005, he heard that

CELESTINE was again distributing drugs. INGRAM stated that sometime in

2005 he for the first time actually saw CELESTINE with drugs himself.

8. INGRAM stated that prior to the incident on 4/20/2006 in which he was

charged, he (INGRAM) received a call from Greg PELHAM asking him for
drugs. INGRAM stated that he was reluctant to do the drug transaction with
PEL~ however CELESTINE had also contacted him and asked if PELHAM still
wanted drugs. INGRAM then stated that he had never told CELESTINE that the
drugs he was as king for we re for PELHAM. INGRAM stated that he kept
CELESTINE and PELHAM apart. INGRAM stated that all he had told PELHAM was


(Jut 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is ~he property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither it nor Its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8194 may be used.

24 c , I

U.S. Department of Justice
Dr ~'3 .enforcement Administration



that he would see i f his source had drugs aVailable to sell. INGRAM stated
that PELHAM asked him for drugs frequently. INGRAM stated that on one
occasion, CELESTINE asked him if "his guy" (PELHAM) still wanted drugs.

9 INGRAM stated that on 4/20/2006, CELESTINE's Impala sedan was being
repaired at INGRAM's business, and that he (INGRAM) had not been expecting
that CELESTINE would be present during the drug transaction with
INGRAM stated that CELESTINE "just showed up" during the transaction. )

- - ­
10. The investigators showed INGRAM a surveillance video recording of the
transaction on 4/20/2006. INGRAM stated that door #7 was the customer door
to his business. INGRAM identified a black male with long hair who was
wearing blue jeans, a check long sleeve shirt and a yellow t-shirt as his
brother Marvin INGRAM. INGRAM stated that the cocaine was located in a
desk inside his shop on the other side of the building.

11. INGRAM then described the portion of the recording which showed the
arrival of Greg PELHAM at the shop and stated that he (PELHAM) was there
in order to buy cocaine from him (Michael INGRAM). INGRAM described the
portion of the recording which showed PELHAM waiting at the doorway to the
shop while CELESTINE entered the 'shop. PELHAM then described the portion
of the recording in which Marvin INGRAM closed the door to the shop.

12. INGRAM then stated that CELESTINE knew that the transaction with
PELHAM was going to occur and that he (CELESTINE) had brought the cocaine
for PELHAM to INGRAM's shop 'that day. INGRAM st~d that CELESTINE was on
l;+is cellular telephone during this tran*S"actiQll.. INGRAM stated that
CELESTINE knew PELHAM and that PELHAM and CELESTINE had spoken when they
were present together just prior to the drug transaction. According to
INGRAM, CELESTINE told him that he (CELESTINE) had known PELHAM for many
years. INGRAM could not recall if CELESTINE told him that he (CELESTINE)
had distributed drugs to PELHAM previously.

13. According to INGRAM, on 4/20/2006 when they were inside of his

business, he, PELHAM, and CELESTINE went to the desk where the cocaine was
stored inside of an orange bag. INGRAM stated that he wanted to have the
orange bag back so he gave the cocaine to PELHAM. PELHAM stated that he


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8194 may be used.

u.s. .Department of Justice
Dr~g Enforcement Administration
~'''~': -1.
"A'< -.' ~~ . '1'i"'J~;



6. Date Prepared

did not receive any money from this transaction. INGRAM then stated that
he had only "hooked up" PELHAM with CELESTINE.

14. INGRAM stated that on 4/20/2006 before the transaction took place,
CELESTINE had placed the cocaine inside of a desk in INGRAM's business and
then had corne back outside of the business. INGRAM stated that CELESTINE
told him that he (CELESTINE) "put that over there". INGRAM stated that
prior to the transaction, he and CELESTINE waited around outside his
business smoking marijuana.

15. INGRAM stated that he had sold Boost'Mobile cellular telephones to

CELESTINE and other associates. INGRAM explained that he had purchased
these cellular t ephones from an unidentified individual in Seattle, WA
and did not keep any records regarding to whom he sold which telephones.
INGRAM stated that he .sold all of these cellular telephones over a six
month period. According to INGRAM, CELESTINE usually purchased three or
four of these Boost Mobile cellular telephones at a time. INGRAM stated
tnat CELESTINE purchased a total of twelve of these cellular telephone
from him.

16. According to INGRAM, during the transaction on 4/20/2006, PELHAM

placed the money for the cocaine on the desk in the business and CELESTINE
picked it up. INGRAM stated that he (INGRAM) did not touch the money and
that PELHAM took the drugs. INGRAM stated that he and PELHAM then walked
out of the business. INGRAM stated that when he returned inside the
business later, the money from the transaction was gone and he was not
sure whe~e CELESTINE put it.

17. INGRAM stated that he only knew of CELESTINE having c'ocaine for PELHAM
during that occasion. INGRAM stated that he spoke with PELHAM by telephone
a the transaction.

18. INGRAM stated that CELESTINE .occasionally met with other people at his
(INGRAM's) shop. INGRAM stated that he told CELESTINE not to meet with
people at his shop. INGRAM stated that1sometimes CELESTINE would be
outside of his shop smoking marijuana but that he (CELESTINE) had no
legitimate business meeting with people outside of INGRAM's shop. INGRAM


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8194 may be used.

u.s. Department of Justice
Dr~lg Enforcement Administration



stated that he did not think that he had ever set anyone else up to obtain
drugs from CELESTINE.

19. INGRAM stated the he used marlJuana, grew marijuana, "hooked up"
people with marijuana. INGRAM also stated that he smoke a large amount of

20. INGRAM then stated that he was sure that he had "hooked" others up
with CELESTINE so that they could obtain drugs from him. INGRAM estimated
that he arranged for three or four other people to obtain cocaine from
CELESTINE. INGRAM stated that he had put his brother Charles TOPPS and his
nephew, Mario HOSKINS, in contact with CELESTINE so that they could obtain
cocaine. INGRAM stated that he did not participate in any of TOPPS' and
HOSKINS' drug transactions with CELESTINE. INGRAM stated that he also
introduced a black male known as ·SPOON to CELESTINE so that ~SPOONfl II

could obtain cocaine. INGRAM stated that "SPOON" and CELESTINE did
eventually meet up and conduct drug transactions.

21. INGRAM recalled that sometime during this time period, CELESTINE had
brought up a "short kid" from Kansas City to Anchorage to work with him.
According to INGRAM, this individual was approximately 25 YOA who wore
"flashy" clothes. INGRAM stated that this individual was someone who
CELESTINE AKA "Cole" grew up with in Kansas City. Additionally, INGRAM
stated that on one occasion CELESTINE told him that he was waiting on UPS
so INGRAM believed that CELESTINE used UPS to bring up coc.aine or send out
cash drug proceeds.

22. INGRAM stated that he did not remember handling the money during the
4/26/06 cocaine transaction. INGRAM stated that he had been smoking
marijuana that day. INGRAM stated that he recalled that the transaction
that day took place in the work bay area of his shop but did not recall
the cocaine coming out of his car which was located in the work bay.
According to INGRAM, he recalled that the cocaine for the transaction came
from the desk' 'in the shop.

23. INGRAM stated that on one occasion, he saw CELESTINE'with a black

handgun. INGRAM explained that on this occasion, he was at the Crazy Horse
II cl.ub in the Muldoon neighborhood in Anchorage. INGRAM stated that he


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither It nor its contents may be cflSseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

........... ../

U.S. D::partment of Justice

Drug Enforcement Administration

Page 6 of 8
5. Code

met CELESTINE in the parking lot of that club and that he saw the black
handgun in the console of CELESTINE's vehi . INGRAM stated that .he did
not think that CELESTINE was violent but that CELESTINE does talk a lot
about beiny violent. Accoraing to INGRAM, INE's "mouth overloads his

24. INGRAM stated that he had heard that CELESTINE was robbed during a
drug transaction with an individual known as "GUCCI MANE". Note: DEA
Intelligence information indicated that "GUCCI MANE" in the alias for
Radric 'Delantic DAVIS. According to INGRAM, "GUCCI MANE" was a rap music
performer from Atlanta, GA whose agent is his aunt. INGRAM stated that
CELESTINE told him that the transaction i~volved a quantity of "perp"
which INGRAM described as high quality marijuana from the Humboldt County
region in California. INGRAM stated that one pound "perp" typically is
sold for $6000 to $7000 in Alaska. INGRAM stated that CELESTINE told him
that "GUCCI MANE" took $80,000.00 which was supposed to be for "perp" in
approximately 2006 or 2007 but never gave CELESTINE the marijuana. INGRAM
stated that he laughed at CELESTINE over this incident. INGRAM stated that
CELESTINE told him "what goes around comes around".

25. INGRAM stated that he had heard from CELESTINE about another robbery
in which a male stole a piece of CELESTINE's jewelry. INGRAM stated on one
occasion a.t INGRAM's shop, CELESTINE told him that a young male pulled a
gun on CELESTINE and took his gold chain. CELESTINE told INGRAM that he
attempted to fight this male and the male's pistol discharged a round
which grazed CELESTINE's head. CELESTINE stated that the male then ed.
INGRAM stated that CELESTINE and other associates also told him about the
shooting of this same male at the Sports Authority in Anchorage in 2009
however, INGRAM could not remember who told him what.


1. INGRAM, Michael Terrance ­ Associate of Naron

CELESTINE who brokered cocaine other tra in
Anchorage, AK; Involved in marijuana cultivat~on and distribution in
Anchorage, AKi Ran .gamb1ing parties in Anchorage, AK.


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither It nor Its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

--­ Previous edition dated 8194 may be used.

"-------_..... /


4 )
Plaintiff, )
5 )
vs. )
6 )
NARON CELESTINE, a/k/a "Cold", )
7 a/k/a "Cole", a/k/a Keith )
Madden", a/k/a "James K. Smith",)
LAMONT RILEY, a/k/ a "Mont", )
9 a/k/a "Mellow", )
10 Defendants.)
11 )

14 jLC·
* * * * *
* * * * *

19 Anchorage, Alaska
December 17, 2009
20 2:25 p.m.






R & R C0 URT REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982


- ----_/
2 '


2 JURY FOREMAN: Sir, would you stand and raise

3 your right hand, please?

4 (Oath administe


6 JURY FOREMAN: For the record please tell us

7 your full name, and I last name for us, and give your

8 city of residence?

9 A Sean Casey Reid. R-e-i d. Anchorage, Alaska.

10 JURY FOREMAN: . Sean. And how do you spell

11 Sean?

12 A S-e-a-n.


14 MR. COLLINS: And if yourll just make sure to

15 speak closer to that microphone.


17 Q Mr. Reid, I'm going to some questions about

18 some things in your past. And 11m to, first of

19 all, ask you do you have any ony ctions?

20 A No.

21 Q Have you ever been convict of c involving

22 shonesty such as a false statement or like

23 ?

24 A No.

25 Q Were you - or was your residence the ect of a


(907) 277-0572/fax 274-8982


------------------~'~ ..
----~jj~ ..~,----,. ..~r----------------~


1 search by law enforcement earlier this year?

2 A Yes.

3 Q And what was discovered during that search? Was

4 cocaine found?

5 A Yeah.

6 Q Have you - "has either the State of Alaska or the

7 United States filed any charges against you regarding

8 that event?

9 A No.

10 Q Since that search have "you made yourself available to

11 cooperate with law enforcement?

12 A . Yeah.

13 Q And what's the -­ what's your hope that your

14 cooperation will earn you if anything?

15 A Just whatever to help me reduce any time I get - I get

16 charged with anything.

17 Q Have you entered into any formal written document with

18 the United States with regard to your cooperation?

19 A No.

20 Q And how about the State of Alaska?

21 A No.

22 Q Has anybody told you that you're going to receive a

23 certain sentence or you're not going to get any

24 charges?

25 A No.

R & R C0 URT REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982



1 Q Have you - I'll rephrase my question. Do you know a

2 person by the name of Naron Celestine who might also be

3 known as Cold or Cole?

4 A Yes.

5 Q And do you know a person who is known as Tillman

6 Bradley, III?

7 A Yes.

8 Q And how about a person by the name of Steven Lamont

9 Riley or maybe Mont or Mellow?

10 A Yes.

11 Q Let's begin with Mr. Celestine, for how long nave you

12 known him?

13 A Twenty years maybe.

14 Q And the -­ so how old were you when you met him?

15 A I think 11, 12, in that area.

16 JURY FOREMAN: Mr. Reid, you need to speak into

17 that big mic there .....

18 A Oh, okay.

19 JURY FOREMAN: ..... for us, we can't hear you.

20 A Okay.

21 Q (By Mr. Collins) So it's fair to say you've known him

22 a substantial period of time?

23 A Yes.

24 Q And during the years what have you known Mr. Cole to -

25 Mr. Celestine to do for a living?

R & Reo U R T REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-B982



1 A 1 drugs.

2 Q Have you ever bought drugs from him?

3 A Yes.

4 Q What kind of drugs?

5 A Coca

6 Q Cocaine powder or was it crack?

7 A Powder.

8 Q When d that begin?

9 A Like 2003 probably there.

10 Q And how did that -­ how did it begin? I mean just out

11 of the blue or is this like a long range .....

12 A No, I just I asked about it, I knew did so I

13 asked him about it and said yeah.

14 Q Why would he agree to sell you cocaine?

15 A I dontt know why he agreed, but he agreed. I mean he

16 knows -­ I mean knows of me, so .....

17 Q Did you have a family story of drugs in your family?

18 A Yes.

19 Q And who were the people involved -­ I mean who

20 were .....

21 A My parents.

22 Q And how old were you when they started?

23 A Probably before I was born.

24 Q When you and Mr. Celestine formed this agreement, I

25 mean how what quantities are we talking about?


(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982



6 I

1 A It started out wi ounces and ended up wi a

2 kilo.

3 Q When you say you st ed off with nine ounces we're

4 talking nine ounces at a time?

5 A Yes.

6 Q How much did it cost you to get this first nine ounces?

7 •'ll.. $8,000 .

8 Q Was that a good ce?

9 A Yes.

10 Q When you received did it come individually

11 packaged In grams or ounces or I mean how was it

12 packaged?

13 Q Nine -­ just all in one package, nine ounces.

14 Q And was it packaged a icular way or by a

15 particular method?

16 A Sometimes in -­ just in a and tape and sometimes in

17 freezer -­ ziplock -­ not z lock, freezer bags, vacuum

18 seal bags.

19 Q Oh, vacuum seal bags?

20 A Yeah.

21 Q What was the quality I ?

22 A It was good.

23 Q Did you say you bought ounces the first time.

24 Was that the first and only time you bought nine ounces

25 or did you continue buying ounces?

R & R C0 URT REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982



1 A Yeah, I bought a couple -­ I bought nine ounces a

2 couple of times. I don't know exactly now many times,

3 but more than four or five probably.

4 Q And how would you pay for it, did you pay for it up

5 front or did you - did he front ~t to you?

6 A Yeah, I paid for it up front.

7 Q So you believe in about 2003 or 2004 you started?

8 A Yes.

9 Q And he did - you and he did about three or four or

10 four or five transactions?

11 A Yeah, roughly. I mean I don't know exactly how many,

12 but I mean it was a few, a couple/ five, six, seven, I

13 don't even know/ in that area. I don't know exactly

14 how many times.

15 Q And what time frame? Are you talking about like once

16 every six months, once every year or what?

17 A Every two -­ every two or three weeks.

18 Q And so you did these four to six times, what then -

19 what quantities would you buy then?

20 A After the nine?

21 Q Yeah.

22 A A kilo.

23 Q And how much was he charging a kilo?

24 A 27, 28, 26, it depends, sometimes, just in tha: range.

25 Q And was that a good price?

R & Reo U R T REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982



-:::.: 1 A Yes.

2 Q And what was the quality like?

3 A It was good.

4 Q So how many kilos did Y9u buy?

5 A I - I don't know how many I bought, but ~~ite a few,

6 quite a few.

7 Q I mean was it more than one?

8 A Yes.

9 Q Was it more than two?

10 A Yes.

11 Q Was it more than 10?

12 A Probably -­ I wouldn't say - I couldn't say more than

13 10, but probably between five and 10.

14 Q Between five and 10. And the same, you paid up front

15 and then .....

16 A Well, he -­ at that point then he fronted it to me.

17 Q And did he charge you extra for fronting or was .....

18 A No .

19 Q . . . . . it just a flat rate?

20 A Just a flat rate.

21 Q The -­ so you began in about 2003, 2004 and did there

22 come a time when you stopped dealing with Mr.

23 Celestine?

24 A Yes.

25 Q And when was that?

R & Reo U R T REP 0 R T E R S

. 811 G STREET
(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982


'----~-------"---' -'--l---------~----·
- ,-----_/


This document constitutes the entire agreement between the defendant and the

government, and no other promises or inducements have been made, directly or indirectly, by any

agent of the government, including any Department of Justice attorney, concerning any plea to be

entered in this case or the agreements, recommendations or stipulations contained herein. In

addition, the defendant states that no person has, directly or indirectly, threatened or coerced the

defendant to do or refrain from doing anything in connection with any aspect of this case,

including entering a plea of guilty. The defendant's agreements, recommendations and

stipulations as set forth above are made in exchange for the United States' agreements,

recommendations and stipulations set forth in this document.

The defendant acknowledges that the defendant has voluntarily entered into both this plea.

and these agreements, recommendations and stipulations. The defendant further acknowledges

that this guilty plea is made of the defendant's own free will because the defendant is, in fact,

guilty of the conduct specified in sections four and five above.



The defendant agrees that if, between the time of signing this document and the

sentencing, the defendant engages in any criminal activity, the government shall be released from



u.s. DE ~ment of Justice

Dr ,g Ertforcement AdmiIristratiOD


1, PrDgram Code 2. Cross Related Files 3. File No. 14. G-DEP Identifier
5, By: Al vin Kennedy, TFO 6, File Title

At Anchorage I Alaska HERNANDEZ, Seirgio

7. DClosedL Requested Action Completed 0 I 8. Date Pr.epared

oAction Requested By: 0 04/13/05
g, Other Officers: TFO Eliezer Feliciano, Randall Cavanaugh, Defense Attorney

10. Report Re: Interview 0 HERNANDEZ



On 4-7-05, TFO Alvin Kennedy and TFO Eliezer Feliciano interviewed S rgio
HERNANDEZ who was accompanied by his attorney Randall Cavanaugh at the
Anchorage DO.


1. HERNANDEZ advised that he was released from j I on September 25,

2003. He stated that he met Naron CELESTINE (hereafter referred to as
COLD) four days later. HERNANDEZ said that he would hang out at COLD's
recording studio on Mumford.

2. HERNANDEZ stated that when he got out of jail, he had a Gateway check
which he spent with someone else. He stated that COLD told him that he
(COLD) had whatever he needed. HERNANDEZ stated that he dealt with COLD
from that point forward. He stated that he met with COLD everyday or
every other day.

3. HERNANDEZ stated that his first purchase from COLD was for three
ounces which COLD charged him $1000 per ounce u~il~~e bought his first
kilogram of cocaine in early November 2003 fo~ ~2!000. He stated he paid
~2 000 u on receipt and paid the remaining $~OOO two days later. He
stated that from t e e got out 0 ]al until the en ecernber
2003, he purchased five or six kilograms of cocaine, he.thought that he
sold one kilogram every ten days or so. HERNANDEZ said the price for the
kilograms dropped to $30,000 after he made a couple of purchases.

11. Distribution: 12. Signature (Agent) I 13. Date

Division Sea t t l e 4-13-05
Alvin Kennedy, TFO
District 14. Approved (Name and Title) 15. Date
Mark Payne, GS 4-13-05


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration
arnk, 4-13-05
This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8194 may be used.

:e: c
U.S. D tment of Justice
D~'agEnf"rcement Administration

1. File No, 2. G-DEP Identifier

3. File TItle
(Continuation) HERN_~DEZ, Seirgio
Page 2 of 6
5. Program Code I 6. Date Prepared

I 04/13/05

4. HERNANDEZ stated they always met at Carr's Jewel Lake or Jewel Lake
Bowl, until he told COLD that he (COLD) was on probation and that he
(COLD) was taking an unnecessary risk. He stated that at that time Clyde
ALLEN (hereafter referred to as ROME) started del ring cocaine for COLD.
HERNANDEZ stated this occurred in December of 2003. HERNANDEZ said that
in December 2003 Steven Lamont RILEY (hereafter re rred to as MONT)
came to Anchorage.

5. HERNANDEZ said he is not sure where COLD keeps his cocaine. He stated
that when COLD had t studio on Mumford, ·he would sometimes keep it
there. He ated that once he was waiting for cocaine at studio when
a white female walked into the residence carrying a backpack and met with
COLD in a back bedroom before she I the residence. HERNANDEZ believes
that she lives somewhere on the Hillside. HERNANDEZ stated that this time
he recei powder cocaine from COLD and that it was wrapped in nine ounce
quantities and was wrapped in clear tape with white lines in it.

6. HERNANDEZ stated that as COLD made more money, he became more

noncha:ant, and that RILEY started to run the business more. COLD talked
about retiring. HERNADEZ said that was in and out of jail in 2004,
which kept him from dealing with COLD. He said that in April of 2004,
~ l' tt:l-~ ~ r: tl=R;-- .:eus-r 1'1 8 i' l»••
------------- ---------
7. HERNANDEZ was asked about the organization. He stated that
believes that ICY. (Aaron BEARD) is the leader because is his source
that COLD is using. HERNANDEZ said that ICY and his wi SUGAR has a
whore house Fairbanks which SUGAR runs. HERNANDEZ related that COLD
and MONT are on the $ame level under ICY, and that Ron C (Ronnell CONWAY)
who is the brother to COLD would be next in line. He stated that ROME
acted as muscle until he stole money from COLD in October 2004. HERNANDEZ
:;;'id d that tiil+liJ lHG AH'r (Joseph Anthony IlENDRICffSON) , took over as
iriLH.CJ e llDtil he nrKNDRIcKSON) moved to Las vQg:§s.
8. HERNANDEZ stated that COLD supplied of Anchorage, especially a r

Ameen ABDUL-JILLIL was arrested. HERNANDEZ said that he knows COLD
supplied BEBE, CASEY (Sean Casey REID), ROME, PELLE, TONY, PEZIO, Special
K, CC (Shawn CLOYD) and Byron WILLIAMS.


(JuL 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration,

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used,

'-.... ,/
1,1. S. Department of Justice
Drug En'furcement Administration
1. File No. 2. G-DEP Identifier
3. File Title
(Continuation) HERNANDEZ, Seirgio
Page 3 of 6
5. Program Code IS. Date Prepared

9. HERNANDEZ stated that once he got arrest for domestic violence, COLD
did not deal with him as much. He stated COLD keeps contact to a minimum
after a person has been arrested. HERNANDEZ advised that he got out of
jail on 4-16-04 and did not do anything. HERNANDEZ stated that he went
back to jail in May 2004 and was not released until January 2005.

10. HERNANDEZ stated that once he got out of jail, he contacted llman
BRADLEY so that he could get rid of a truck he (HERNANDEZ) had. HERNANDEZ
s d he was trying to get money, but COLD - offered him tjfteen
P4.== """",,,,,ounces
~ -, of
cocaine for the truck. HERNANDEZ said he felt he was getting ripped off
by COLD and settled for 22 ounces of crack cocaine for the vehicle.

11. HERNANDEZ stated that COLD distributes twenty kilograms a ~Qel"

HERNANDEZ said that he believes that in a six month period COLD sold
approximately iIii!t:. kilograms of cocain:=. !!"'...... tNLND!!:.E S La ~~:::he ~ked
~- i ite "1:" fe:~=r' W '0'£ m")r"Z51~~·ecrs·:i"6ns. HERNANDEZ stated that each
kilogram yielded 45 ounces. The cocaine was cooked with Creatine which is'
purchased at the GNC store. HERNANDEZ said that an unknown black female
is the main cook for COLD, but he does not know her. HERNANDEZ said that
he remembers going to COLD's house when he was met outside by COLD who
told him (HERNANDEZ) if he went into the house he would get a positive
urinalysis. HERNANDEZ said he went into the residence and witnessed 20
kilograms being broken down.

12. HERNANDEZ stated that he knows that COLD used to ship cocaine to
Anchorage in vehicles which had a secret compartment near the gas tank.
HERNANDEZ does not believe that COLD still has those vehicles. HERNANDEZ
said that has heard that COLD now uses the post office to get packages,
or he (COLD) sends them to someone's residence.

13. HERNANDEZ ated that COLD has a couple of "soldiers" who do the
dirty work for him, HERNANDEZ stated that he only knows them as "DZ" and
"DB" aka Diamond.

14. HERNANDEZ was shown a series of photographs. In the first group

HERNANDEZ identified Naron CELESTINE (COLD), Aaron BEARD (ICY), Ronnell
CONWAY (Ron C), llman BRADLEY and Steven RILEY who were I on the same


(JuL 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

'--.... ./
U.S. Department of Justice
DrugEnforcement Administration

1. File No. j 2. G-DEP Identifier

3. File Title
(Continuation) HER..J\lllj>lDEZ, o
Page 4 of 6
5. Program Code 6. Date Prepared
I 04/13/05

photograph. In the second group HERNANDEZ identified amond BARRETT

(DBl, Shawn CLOYD (CC or C-rider) whom is violent and Lisa WALKER who
HERNANDEZ said does muling for CLOYD. HERNANDEZ identified the following
individuals; Mich KISH who he says is hanging with Pesia (Kapesia
GRAY), Miko SHANE who is also from Kansas City, Sean Cas REID who
purchased ~e kilogra~s from RILEY prior to HERNANDEZ being arrested.
REID·recently purchased a condo and is currently dating ChrisMALALIE.
REID drives a new white Dodge Durango. HERNANDEZ also identi ed Kapesia
GRAY (PESIA), who deals with KISH and Mike LANGDON who live in Seattle and
owns a party bus. LANGDON deals cocaine and Ecstacy. LANGDON and JILLIL
are close friends.

15. HERNANDEZ stated that most of the dealers here town hang out at
the "Office Lounge" which is located at 545 E. Northern Lights Blvd., "The
Whaler Bar" which is located at 171 Muldoon Road and "Teasers u which is
located at 156 Muldoon Road.

16. HERNANDEZ was asked if he knew Tim ALEX. He stated that ALEX is
JAMAR's dad and that he sells cocaine and deals with Bernard MULLEN.
JAMAR supposedly stole $30,000 from ALEX two years ago.

17. HERNANDEZ was asked if he knew Edwin MATOS. He stated that MATOS
sells cocaine the Dominicans and that he Is cocaine to the
Albanians who use to own the Phillips Restaurant on Debarr road.


1. HERNANDEZ was asked where the proceeds from the cocaine trafficking
was going. He stated that they purchas T&C Fine Cuisine in Mt. View,
"Third Wall Entertainment" is his record company, jewelry, a house in Las
Vegas and another house in Anchorage and numerous vehicles a Ford
Excursion, a Plymouth Prowler, and two Suburban's a green one and a black

2. HERNANDEZ stated that there may be problems between COLD and RILEY
because one Ilion dollars of drug money is supposedly missing.


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

--_or,. --------..
Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

U.S. Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration


1. Program Code 2. Cross Related Files . . ...... , ..:. '.' :----- .:
~ ~, ~ " ,
File - ....
- • 4 ,

. ,

5. By: S/A Mark J. Schmidt 6. RleliUe

• I (',' '
At: Anchorage, Alaska
, :'/', ' , # \ ~; 1
_1 (. '

District Office

7. D Closed D Requested Action Completed B. Date Prepared

D Action Requested By: 03/19/09
9. Other Officers: APD Det. Al Kennedy -'
10. Report Re: Interview of Sean Casey REID on 02/11/2009


On 02/11/09, DEA and APD investigators interviewed REID at the

Anchorage D.O. REID ,provided infonnaNion re
activities of his sources of supply . and
Naron CELESTINE along with numerous ot er crlIDina


1. On 02/11/2009, Anchorage District Office (ADO) S/A Mark J. Schmidt and

Anchorage Police Depar~ment (APD) Dete~s;.'vV:~Pe.l/=t;f1~dy interviewed Sean
Casey REID at the ADO. REID stated that supplled the cocaine which
DEA and APD seized from his residence in .' 20'09. REID stated that he
had converted some of the cocaine from _ into cocaine base ("crack")
which. was also seized by law enforcemen~at timefCQ>Co.'I,f)
.,.. !=aUtr,d 1>1 'i-to(}jC
.• 2. REID stated that he first met _ _ at a park by Wendler Junior High
School in Anchor during the summer 05 or 2006. According to REID,
_ _ was w i t h ' . REID stated that he had grown
up wlth _ _ _ _ ln . stated t h a t _ knew that he
(REID) was lnvolved in drug distribution. REID ~at _ _ told
him that _ _ had cocaine availab.le to sell. .

3. REID stated that he began to purchase cocaine from REID stated I11III'.
that his first cocaine purchas~ from ~ was nine ounces of cocaine
HCL for $6000.00. REID stated that this cocaine was, of good quality and

12. Signature (Agent)

S/A Mark J.
14. Approved (Name and liUe)
Richard T. Jones
Group Supervisor
(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration
This report Is the property of the Drug EnforcementAdminlstration.

Neither Hnor Its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.


Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

U.S. Department of J USlice
Drug Enforcement Administration

1. No.
( Continuation)
e 2 of 10
5. Program Code 6.

had not been diluted. REID eventually worked his way up to purchasing
kilogram quantities of cocaine from According to REID, he paid
$25,000.00 per kilogram of cocaine

4. REID stated that eventually he met s brother, a black male

known as IIIIIIII REID stated that was a mediocre rap music solo
performer~ Based on REID's descr1pt on and an identification of a
photogr .
which was obtained from a My Space account belonging
it 1S suspected that _ is actually

5. According to REID, at some point after

had to

return to Seattle, WA to serve a jail sentence. As a began

be supplied cocaine by tIIIIIi. REID stated that had a residence

in a duplex or triplex ~d behind the the intersection

of and Anchorage. REID

stated that neighbor at that location was 73 , another


trafficker who subsequently went to jail.

6. REID stated that the most cocaine he obtained from 2 on one

occasion was three kilograms. REID stated that on that. occasion, he paid
$25,000.00 per kilogram for the cocaine. REID stated that he purchased
three kilogram quantities of cocaine fr9m ~ every other month until
approximately April or May 2008. Ac!cording to REID, at that point, _ _
told REID that he (. . . . . . .) had to turn himself into custody in Seattle,
WA in drder to serve a sentence on all unspecified charge:

7. According to REID, around April or May 2008, j£ . _ alsb got. out of

custody iri Washington and again began to supply cocaine to REID in Alaska .
. REID stated that he began to purchase kilogram quantities of .cocaine from
~ for $36,000.00. REID described the ~alit~ of the
supplied to him as terrible. REID stated that the cocaine
half good and half bad.

8 . According to REID, the cocaine he obtained from - . after April/May

2008 did not convert well to cocaine base. REID stated that he had learned
.to keep more baking soda in the cocaine base he converted by not using as
in the process.


(Jul. :tesS) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report Is !he property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither It nor Its contenIs.may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

U.S. Dep&r-tment of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration

1. File No.


3. File TItle
Page 3 of 10
5. Program Code 6. Date Prepared

9. REID stated that the quantity and quality of cocaine he was able to
obtain from ~ began to decline just as left to serve his
incarceration. stated that both & &
often told him
that they could not obtain cocaine themselvestduring this period. REID
described this period as the "worst dope ..drought ... which he (REID) had ever

10. "REID stated that as this "dope drought" worsened,· he (REID) had to pay
his hills using drug proceeds saved from his previous trafficking.
According to REID, he made minimal profits from the drugs he obtained from
, . 7 during this period.
li. According to REID, 3 2 was last at REID's residence in Anchorage
sometime in approximately early December :e008. REID stated that on that
occp-sion, '3 was driving a _ _ rental vehic . REID
stated that . . . - i s a "square /' and is probably not affiliated with any
organized criminal gang.

12. REID stated that he (REID) had never left Alaska in order to obtain

drugs. According to REID, he never met • or £ hin Seattle, WA.

13. REID stated that he had no contact with L 2 & since the search .~
warrant was executed on REID's residence in early January 2009. REID
stated that he owed 9$15 / 000.00 from a previous cocaine purchase.
REID stated that LilL. was aware that REID s house had been searched by 1

law enforcement.

14. According to REID J ~is cQcaine source of supp~y before. was

Naron CELESTINE AKA "COLE". REID stated that he had purchased five or six
ounpe quantities of cocaine from CELESTINE for $900.00 per ounce. REID
stated that he purchased five or six ounces of cocaine from CELESTINE
every week or every other week.

15. REID stated that he last saw CELESTINE approxim~tely·two or three

weekends previously in approximately late .January 2009. According to REID,
he saw CELESTINE by himself in the House of Rock club in Anchorage. REID
stated that CELESTINE told him,that he (CELESTINE) was "dry now" meaning


(Jul. 1996} Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is !he property of the Drug Enforcement Administration..

Nei1her It nor Its contents may be disseminated outside the ageB:y to which loaned.

Previous editfon dated 8194 may be used.


U.S. Department of Justice

Drug Enforcement Administration

1. No.

3. File Title
4 @Mmie

( Contilluatioll)
Page 4 of 10
5. Program Code 6. Date

·that he did not have cocaine. REID stated that CELESTINE asked him about a
recent raid on REID's house by law enforcement. REID stated that he told
CELESTINE that the issue was related to an IRS tax problem. REID stated
that CELESTINE later told him that he (CELESTINE) would supply REID with
cocaine when he obtained more.

16. REID stated that he was unsure what type of vehicle CELESTINE drove or
where he lived. According to REID, in the past, CELESTINE was often with
. REID stated that he was unsure to whom else
CELESTINE supplied cocaine. REID added that CELESTINE was currently
residing in Atlanta, GA and that he only returned to Anchorage to
distribute cocaine or obtain cocaine.

17. REID stated that money seized from him by law enforcement in
California previously was actually intended to pay expenses related to his
wife's surgery. REID also stated that he had divided up his money among
the others t-raveling with him .to California to keep law enforcement from
seizing it. REID stated that a total of approximately $36,000.00 belonging
to him and his wife, Kris REID, was seized by law enforcement in
California. REID stated that the money was divided up among the four
members of his group. REID stated that no one~else· traveled with them down
to California.

18. REID stated that he did have friends in Arizona from his previous time
there who obtain cocaine for him. REID stated that his friend, Zt
3 could obtain cocaine in Arizona for REID. REID stated
that telephone number was listed in REID's telephone under the
name ~ S/A Schmidt located the name . . . . . . . . . . . in the telephone
with the corresponding number of . REID stated that·.S. . . . . .
:ould act as a middleman wi th unspecified sources of'i.:supply to get
cocaine for REID.
III (;;. lJc j'ftS r;;5 h
19. REID stated that he had obtained cocaine from when they
were both in high school. REID stated that he could normally obtain
cocaine from $£. 110wever ~ad recently been frightened of law
enforcement attention. Acc.ording to REID, & I fled Anchorage after his
last D. U. I. arrest. REID stated that he did not know what~a: i was doing


(Jut. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report Is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither It nor Its contenIs may be disseminated outside !he agency to which IQaned.

Previous edition dated 8194 may be used.

---------­ -~--.--
'Drug'Enforcement Administration

1. File No.


(ContinuatiLlll )


currently be<;ause • • is secretive. REID stated that he did not know to

whom S£ supplied cocaine.
li (/jJr::.A. --.:'::":"'"- - - - - - - - - - - ­
20. REID stated that e does not deal with
/ to REID, 5 T!always hangs out with his brother, _ _
( wi th other unidentified w.e.
REID stated that .S was always trying
I to cheat others, or rob them, or sell them fake drugs. REID stated that
l~' 4... I» was
gambled with'SZ
a" edI
a.nd was "shady". REID stated that he had prev"iously
at unspecified recreations centers and clubs where
.......$ had cheated. '
. - C J? (d e.,t . .
21. REID stated that he had heard. from unspecified sources that _ was
the force behind some ll..T1specified killings. REID further stated that he
had heard that C . . . a had an attempted murder case against him in Kansas
\ Ci ty, MO. REID also heard that. 'ewas involved in seven or eight
unspecified murder cases in Kansas city.

22. REID stated that he had aWl::r1

WA area named (Ii
. . . . .whom REID flew down to visit occasionally. REID stated that he also
ti; t~~tt"'aitle,
knew and used to be a friend of his. According to REID, he,
"".previously were friends and had planned to start ~p a
business in the Seattle, WA area. REID stated that the
deal went bad and the three had a falling out.

23. REID stated that C • previously had a drug conviction. REID also
stated that~ells cocaine as an adjunct to his .
business. Riff~d that he last talked wi in January 2009
when he attempted to borrow some money from

24. REID stated that he did not know any MDMA or heroin distributors. REID
also stated that he did not know any Mexican traffickers. REID stated that
he did not have any contacts in law enforcement who assisted him in his
drug trafficking business.

25. REID stat-ed that he knew

REID speculated that Kris REID probably to AGRON in the
past. REID stated that he did not think


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report eo the property of the Drug Enforcement AdminIstration.

Neither it nor It.c; !:lO!*nIs may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8194 may be used.


U.S. Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration

. Fie No.


3. FieT!IIe
(Continuation) _ , FbI
Page 6 of 10
5. 6. Date Prepared

since_was released from federal custody. According to REID, " •

was currently in jail due to a charge against him.

26. ~ID stated that a named who worked

at the car radio shop on Muldoon Road used to distribute cocaine. REID
stated that he was unsure if
. continued to 'distribute cocaine.
REID stated that he never purchased any drugs from

27. REID stabed that sometime in late January 2009 1 I the half

contacted REID regarding an att~pt to recover

which had been seized by law enforcement.
According to REIDI told him that they needed to contact APD Det.
Eli Feliciano to attempt to retrieve vehicle.

28. . is a friend of his wi Kris REID. REID

stated that worked somewhere at the Anchorage airport. REID
stated that ~and Kris,REID had purchased a Waverunner personal
watercraft together in the past. REID stated that Kris REID and~
subsequently traded this Waverunner in on a SeaDoo Jetboat (ExhibJ.t N-54)
which was subsequently seized by DEA. According to REID, Kris REID and
each put in unspecified amo~~ts to purchase the SeaDoo Jetboat.
s,tated that the transaction was Kris REID's business and that he did
not know the details of the 'boat purchase.

29. REID stated that last boyfriend was ~ an individual

from Atlanta l GA. Prior to & Al1derson had a relationship with ' - . .

_ _ . REID stated that

was ........ II'

~le who was currently in ja .

2006 or 2007, ~had a dispute with~over,.

t.o REID,
boy~riend prior to .......... REID stated that


30. REID stated that did not have any ownership interest in any
of the vehicle which DEA seized from REID. REID further stated that the
purchase of the SeaDoo Jet Boat (ExhibitN-54) was initially financed
through the Eagle River SeaDoo shop during the summer of either 2006 or


(Jut. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration,

Neither It nor Its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

PmYious edition dated 8194 may be used.

_----------~~-~---I-----"] ......- .....,-~--.----r----- ---­

U.S. Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration

3. File Title
(Continu.ation) t
Ci DW : 'W*'8

Date Prepared

31. REID stated that Ben TAYLOR is one of his neighbors. REID stated that
TAYLOR was angry over the seizure of REID's property by DEA. AS a result,
TAYLOR was attempting to get the property back to REID by claiming that
some of the vehicles be'longed to him. REID stated that Ben TAYLOR has no
ownership interest in any of the property or vehicles seized from REID by
DEA. ."

32. REID stated that his Yamaha "road bike" (Exhibit N-46) 'ViaS purchased
for him by Kris REID. According to REID, this motorcycle was supposed to
have been s'old to John VASQUEZ. REID stated that VASQUEZ paid a one
thousand dollar, down payment but never paid off the balance of the cost so
REID kept the motorcycle. '

33. REID stated that the Yamaha "dirt bike" (Exhibit N-47) belonged to

Kris REID's brother lZenneth MALAY. According to Sean REID, the "dirt

bike" was pu'rchased for an unknown sum from an unidentified seller in the

Mat-Su Valley by Kris REID for MALAY's birthday.

34 ,REID stated that Kris REID put their residence, 7201 East 6 th Av~ue in
Anchorage, in the name of her brother, Kenneth MALAY. REID stated that he
had no legitimate income to show how he could pay for the residence, REID
told Kris REID that he did not want of their assets in his name because he
had no job to show legitimate income.

35. REID stated that all of his (REID's) jewelry was obtained from LONG
PHUNG JEWELRY fa jewelry store Tocated across from the Sears Mall in
Anchorage. According to REID, LONG PHUNG JEWELRY sold REID a gold teeth
cover for $2000 to $3000. REID further stated that he had either purchased
his jewelry from LONG PHUNG JEWELRY wi th· cash or obtained it by trading in
his other j e w e l r y , ' )':


1. REID, Sean Casey -

quantities of cocaine , and


(Jut. 1996) Drug Enforcement Administration

This report Is 1he property of tile Drug Enforcement Administration.

Nel1her it nor its contenls m~y be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edftlon dated B/94 may be used.

"-­ _-----,/
/ ­

Uriited States Attorney

Special Assistant U.S. Attorney
Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse
222 West Seventh Avenue, #9, Room 253
Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7567
Tel: (907) 271-5071
Fax: (907) 271-1500
E-mail: Christine. [email protected]

Attorney for Plaintiff



UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Case No. 3:08-cr-00066-TMB

Plaintiff, )
a.k.a. "Bone", )
Defendant. )
This document contains an addendum to the plea agreement entered into

between the defendant and the United States. This addendum is to be separately

filed under seal with the Court. The parties agree the United States may disclose a

copy of this addendum to the United States Probation Office without the need for a

future order from the Court authorizing the disclosure.

jiiii ,
The following is to be incorporated into Section II of the defendant's plea


Cooperation Agreement

1. I, TERRY LEE LOVINGOOD, agree to cooperate in all federal, state

and local investigations and prosecutions as requested. Pursuant to this

agreement, federal law enforcement officers or an authorized representative of the

United States Attorney's office will conduct as many debriefings of me as they

deem necessary and productive. I will fully arid truthfully disclose all information

concerning all individuals associated with the subject being inquired about,

including any statements such individuals made to me concerning their activities

and associations. I will provide complete and truthful information about any

assets I or the others about whom I am agreeing to provide information may have

obtained from criminal activity. I will help identify and locate these forfeitable

assets- even if they are held under nominee names and wherever they may be in

the world- and I will assist in obtaining the forfeiture of those assets in behalf of

the United States. I will not contest the forfeiture of any of my assets subject to

criminal or civil forfeiture. I will not to refuse to answer any questions asked of

me. I agree to provide truthful and complete information at all times.

u.s. v Lovingood
3:08-cr-00066-TMB Page 2 of 10


2. During any debriefings, I agree to totally disclose all relevant

information. I understand the United States will consider it a material breach of

this agreement if I simply answer all questions truthfully but fail to disclose

relevant information because, in my belief, no one asked precisely the right

question. I also agree to turn over to the United States any evidence in my

possession or control that is relevant to the inquiries of law enforcement.

3. I understand this agreement does not provide me with immunity for

making false statements to the government or giving untruthful testimony under

oath at any judicial proceeding. I can not and will not falsely implicate an

innocent person in the commission of a crime, or exaggerate the involvement of

any person in the commission of a crime in order to appear cooperative, nor will I

falsely minimize the involvement of any person in the commission of a crime in

order to protect that person. I understand that providing false or incomplete

information or testimony during any judicial proceeding, including the grandjury,

will be a material breach of this agreement. Furthermore, I am aware that

providing false or misleading information or testimony at any time will subject me

to a possible separate prosecution as well as additional punishment for perjury,

giving false statements, or obstruction ofjustice. I agree any and all statements I

u.s. v Lovingood
3:08-cr-00066-TMB Page 3 of 10


a downward departure is not appropriate or does not follow the departure

recommendations made by either the United States or me.

10. On the express condition that I do not breach this plea agreement, and

do not provide false or misleading information or testimony, the United States

agrees it will not directly use against me any statements or information I have

provided pursuant to this cooperation agreement in any federal criminal

proceeding, and will not use these statements or information contrary to the policy

set forth in U.S.S.G. § 1B 1.8.

11. I understand this agreement does not provide any form of immunity to

me against any prosecution for any future criminal acts.

- - ~-~

I knowingly and voluntarily accept these additional terms and agree that

they are to become part of the plea agreement I have previously entered accepted.
. ,. .. / )
.. !
~ / j .

DATED: t£://{>7/~
{ z;

I have consulted with the defendant about the effect of this addendum to the
plea agreement and know of no reason why he is not competent to accept this
addendum as part of his plea agreement.

DATED: ______________
Attorney for Terry Lee Lovingood

u.s. v Lovingood
3:08-cr-00066-TMB Page 9 of 10

# "

.' / I ~t'
\ I ~' i

"~ ..'.
, ',"il


United States Attorney


Assistant United States Attorney

Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse

222 W. 7tlt Avenue, #9, Room 253

Anchorage, AK 99513-7567

(907) 271-5071

Attorneys for Plaintiff




Plaintiff, )
v. )
Defendant. ) UNDER SEAL

DATE: July 5, 2005

Assistant United States Attorney


intended to supercede the language that follows this subsection. It merely sets

forth a summary for the benefit ofthe court.

The defendant agrees to plead guilty to Count 1 of the indictment filed in

this case, which charges him with distribution of more th~ 50 grams of a mixture

or substance containing a detectable amount of cocaine base ("crack"), a

Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(l) and

(b)(l)(A). In exchange for the defendant's plea, the United States agrees to

recommend an adjustment for acceptance ofresponsibility; not to seek enhanced

statutory penalties against the defendant; and not to bring any additional charges

relating to the conduct charged and descnbed in the Indictment.

The defendant also agrees to cooperate with the United States in the

investigation and prosecution of others. If the United States moves for and the

court grants a substantial assistance departure, the court cannot impose a sentence

less than 50% of the low end of the otherwise applicable guideline range.

B. This document contains the complete plea agreement between the

United States and the defendant, CLYDE 1. ALLEN. No other agreement,

understanding, promise, or condition exists between these two parties. The

CLYDE 1. ALLEN Plea Agreement

Page 2 of 29

'- _--_
.... # " .... ./
B. Limits on Departures

Unless specifically set forth in this plea agreement, the. defendant agrees he

will not seek any downward departures under the U.S.S.G. or any other authority.

The only downward departure' allowable under this agreement is a potential

departure due to substantial assistance, pursuant to U.S.S.G. § SKI.I. This

section does not prohibit the defendant from arguing for the application of any

downward guideline adjustments to the court's sentence calculation.

C. Cooperation

1. The defendant agrees to cooperate in all federal, state and local

investigations and prosecutions as requested of him. The defendant understands

and agrees a government motion for a substantial assistance departure is not a

reward for cooperating with the United States. Federal law enforcement officers

or an authorized representative of the United States Attorney's office will conduct

debriefings of the defendant pursuant to this agreement The defendant will fully

and truthfully disclose aUinformation concerning all individuals associated with

the subject being inquired about, including any statements such individuals made

CLYDE J. ALLEN Plea Agreement

Page S of 29
to the defendant concerning their activities and associations. The defendant will

not be pennitted to refuse to answer any questions asked of him.

2. The defendant agrees he must provide truthful and complete

information at all times. During any debriefing, the defendant agrees to totally

disclose all relevant information even if a question specifically seeking such

information is not asked. The United States will consider it materially misleading

and will consider it unsatisfactory if the deferidant simply answers all questions

truthfully but fails to disclose relevant information because, in his belief, no one

asked precisely the right question. The defendant also agrees to turn over to the

United States any documents in his possession or under his control that are

relevant to the inquiries of law enforcement. The defendant understands and

agrees that if he provides false or incomplete information or testimony during any

judicial proceeding, including grand jury, he will have materially breached this

agreement. The defendant is aware he subjects himself to prosecution for perjury,

giving false statements, or obstruction ofjustice ifhe provides false or misleading

information or testimony at any time, and he agrees his statements can and will be

used against him during any prosecution for these other offenses.

CLYDE J. ALLEN Plea Agreement

Page 6 of 29

» 4.
3. The defendant understands that ifhe falsely implicates an innocent

person in the commission of a crime, or exaggerates the involvement of any

person in the commission of a crime in order to appear cooperative, or if the

defendant falsely minimizes the involvement of any person in the commission of

a crime in order to protect that person, then the defendant will be in violation of

the plea agreement. It will also be a material breach of the defendant's obligation

to cooperate ifhe informs, directly or indirectly, any person that they are a target

of a government investigation. While this agreement is in effect, it will be a

material breach, if the defendant violates any local, state, or federal law.

4. The defendant agrees that his obligations under this agreement will

continue on beyond the time that the court imposes the sentence. The defendant

has a continuing obligation, if called upon, to testify truthfully before either a

grand jury. or a trial jury in one or more trials. A failure or refusal to do so will be

a material breach of this agreement and the United States, in its sole discretion,

may withdraw from this agreement and may reinstate prosecution against the

defendant on any charges arising out of the investigation in this matter, including

any charges the government has agreed to dismiss.

CLYDE J. ALLEN Plea Agreement

Page 7 of 29

Jf ,

enter into this agreement or to enter my plea. I understand the consequences of

my guilty plea. I understand that, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 862, I may lose or be

denied federal benefits, loans, grants, licenses, welfare, and food stamps as a

result ofbeing convicted of the offenses contained in the charging document. I

enter into this agreement knowingly and voluntarily. I therefore wish to enter a

plea of guilty to Count 1 of the Indictment, which charges me with Distribution of

more than 50 grams of cocaine base.

DATED: G.j;D/05'

As counsel for the defendant, I have discussed with him the tenns of this
plea agreement, have fully explained the charge(s) to which he is pleading guilty
and the necessary elements, all possible defenses, and the consequences of his
plea. Based on these discussions, I have no reason to doubt that the defendant is
knowingly and voluntarily entering into this agreement and entering a plea of
guilty. I know of no reason to question his competency to make these decisions.
If, prior to the imposition of sentence, I become aware of any reason to question
the defendant's competency to enter into this plea agreement or to enter a plea of

:~::Wil1 ~:atle: ;fonnilie oourt. ~~

Attorney for Clyde J. Allen

CLYDE 1. ALLEN Plea Agreement

Page 28 of 29

II '"



4 )
I/ Plaintiff, )
vs. )
6 )
NARON CELESTINE, a/k/ a 11 Cold 11 , )

7 a/k/a "Cole", a/k/a Keith )

Madden 11 , a/k/a "James K. Smith",)
LAMONT RILEY, a/k/a "MontH, )
9 a/k/a "Mellow", )
10 Defendants. )
* * * * *
* * * * *

19 Anchorage, Alaska
December 17, 2009
20 2:09 p.m.




'.+ ..:


R & Reo U R T REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572jFax 274-8982

ANCHORAGE. AlASK.n °'''501



2 JURy FOREMAN: Would our witness please stand

3 and se your hand?

4 (Oath administered)


6 JURy FOREMAN: For the record please state your

7 full name, spell your name for us, and g your city

8 res ?

9 A Michael Ingram. Last name is I n-g-r a-m.

10 JURy FOREMAN: And your city of residence?

11 A Anchorage, . 571 .....

12 JURy FOREMAN: We don1t the address.

13 A Oh.

14 JURy FOREMAN: Thanks.

15 A Uh-huh.

17 Q Would you 1 some water, Mr. Ingram?

18 A No, I 1m

19 Q Okay.

20 A ..... thank you.

21 Q Mr. Ingram .....

22 JURy FOREMAN: Mr. Ingram, that microphone, the

23 big one is for us and you have to be pretty close to it for us

24 to hear you.

25 A Oh.

R & Reo U R T REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982

1 Q Mr. Ingram, you've just taken the Oath to tell the

2 truth. I want to ask you some questions about

3 yourself. How long have you lived in Alaska?

4 A About 25 years.

5 JURY FOREMAN: You're going to have to speak

6 into the mic.

7 A About 25 years.

8 MR. COLLINS: Can everybody hear?


10 A About 25 years.

11 JURY FOREMAN: There you go.

12 Q And what kind of work have you done?

13 A I have a snowplow business and also do mechanic work,

14 details, paint cars. And I used to do expediting

15 throughout Alaska for all the villages.

16 Q Mr. Ingram, is it true that you have been charged with

17 a single count of distribution of cocaine here in

18 Anchorage, Alaska?

19 A Yes, sir.

20 Q And you're testifying here today in the hopes that your

21 assistance may mitigate the sentence that you may

22 receive?

23 A Yes, sir.

24 Q Have you had the assistance of counsel in negotiating a

25 plea agreement with the government or are you doing

R & R C0 URT REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982



1 this with the antic ion pleading guilty? Have

2 you negotiated a ea agreement or are you just

3 intending to plead guil

4 A I don't really understand what you're asking me.

5 Q Have you signed a document, a plea agreement, a

6 cooperation agreement?

7 A No, sir.

8 Q Are you simply cooperating with the intention of

9 pleading guilty the future?

10 A Yes, sir.

11 Q Has anyone made any promises to you about what sentence

12 you might receive if you were to cooperate?

13 A No, sir.

14 Q Mr. Ingram, I'm going to ask you some questions about a

15 person by the name of Naron Celestine, do you know that

16 person?

17 A Yes, sir.

18 Q What -­ by what names other than Naron Celestine you

19 know this person?

20 A They 1 him Cold.

21 Q Is that I the temperature or C-o I e?

22 A It would be the temperature, yes, sir.

23 Q Okay. So it's like c-o-I-d?

24 A Naw, it's C-o-l-d and C-o-l-e.

25 Q Oh, so it's -­ he goes by two, okay?

R & R C0 URT REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-D572/Fsx 274-8982


1 A Wellt I never really had to spell itt but that's what I

2 know.

3 Q Okay. I mean do you know how he spells it or is

4 just everybody assumes it could be one of two ways?

5 A Yes t sir t I -­ I guess that's -­ I don't know how he

6 really do it. That's the name I've been heard -­

7 hearing for years and it was the only name I ever name

8 I ever knew him to recently.

9 Q Wellt speaking of that t I mean how long have you known

10 Mr. Celestine?

11 A Wellt I've had him -­ I didn't really know him. I've

12 seen him throughout the years t but I got to know him

13 within the last say seven years t maybe six.

14 Q And when you say you got to know him by that what do

15 you mean?

16 A Wellt he he -­ I fixed cars for him.

17 Q How many cars during the time over the last $even years

18 or so have you fixed cars for him?

19 A I would say at least three or five, six cars. Brake

20 jobs t tune-ups, paint jobs.

21 Q In April of 2006 t more specifically on April 20th t

22 2006 t was that the day that the distribution of cocaine

23 took place at your business?

24 A

25 Q Why don't you explain to the grand jury how that deal

R & R C0 URT REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982



1 took place, how did it get arranged?

2 A An informant Greg Pellet called me, kept asking me do

3 something for him and I told him if I see a dude got

4 something or doing anything, but it wasnlt my intention

5 to do it for me, but kept asking me 15, 20 times and

6 I finally asked the guy about it and that 1 s the way it

7 happened.

8 Q Well, letls walk through (ph) that. When you say

9 called you to get something for him, what are you

10 talking about?

11 A Well, he was asking me to plug him up with somebody

12 that had some cocaine.

13 Q And we1re talking about what, 500 grams, half key, half i

14 kilogram?

15 A He didn't -- there wasnlt no specification in the

16 beginning. He just kept asking me about it and then he

17 just - it just happened.

18 Q So - and it happened at your shop?

19 A Yes, sir.

20 Q Well, when he asked you to get -­ if you could supply

21 him with cocaine, who did you con­ - did you have

22 cocaine for sale?

23 ]{ No, sir.

24 Q Well, who did you contact to obta this cocaine?

25 A I told him I knew one guy that probably had something

R & R C0 URT REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax274-8982


---------~-----··---.,....----~z ...- ....,------r---

~~- ~~ .
t I

1 and I would ask him for him.

2 Q And who was that?

3 A And that was Cole.

4 Q Well, how did you know to contact Cole to find -­ you

5 know, to see if he had any cocaine?

6 A Well, it was obvious the way he carried his hisself and

7 always had a large volume of money so .....

8 Q So did you contact Cole and see if he had any cocaine?

9 A Well, he -­ he happened to just come by when I asked

10 him and .....

11 Q When you asked him was he -­ was he surprised that

12 you'd be asking him for cocaine or was he not - I mean

13 what was his reaction .....

14 A Well .....

15 Q ..... when you asked him for cocaine?

16 A It's been a long time, but he said no problem, you

17 know, basically.

18 Q And after Cole told you .....

19 A And .....

20 Q ..... . it would be no problem what'd you do?

21 A Well, when he -­ when Greg did call me back I told him

22 I'd -­ come by, And I'd - I'd mention - I told him

23 what was happening, you know.

24 Q And by that you meant that .....

25 A That .....

it 8f 'If' eo (J R T REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982


i2 2

1 Q ..... to go to your shop?

2 A Yes, well, once I told him,You know, he sa he'd --he

3 wanted it and I just told him I'd -- let me find out

4 what he going to do and when he did it, it just

5 transpired like that.

6 Q Well, where did it transpire?

7 A At my shop.

8 Q In your case d you receive a copy of a videotape

9 showing this transaction?

10 A Yes, sir.

11 Q I don't know, can you see the screen to my left?

12 A Yes, sir.

13 Q Does that look like the videotape you're familiar

14 with?

15 A Yes, sir.

16 Q What -- why don't you show -- tell us, what -- well,

17 it's a still photograph, but what do we see here?

18 A You see Greg Pellet, that's s car from the way it

19 looks it he's sitting the car.

20 Q And what's where is parked?

21 A In the front of my shop.

22 Q I'm going to step down and 1'1 reconnect my crophone.

23 11m going to ask you some questions this .....

24 A (Cough) Excuse me.

25 Q ape, all ght?

~ ::.:'
R & Reo U R T REP 0 R T E R S

(907) 277-0572/fax 274-8982

1 A Yes/ sir.

2 Q Mr. Ingram/ who is that that's getting out of the car?

3 A Greg Pellet.·

4 Q And to where is walking?

5 A To my front office door.

6 Q And where is he walking now?

7 A Over on the side of the mobile home.

8 Q And who is behind -­ or what was behind this mobile

9 home?

10 A A couple of chairs/ a barbecue grill/ and my brother/

11 Cole and I.

12 Q Who's this that we see now on the screen?

13 A That's my brother.

14 Q And where's he going?

15 A Inside. the shop.

16 Q And who's next?

17 A That is me.

18 Q And who is following you?

19 A Greg Pellet.

20 Q And that's the door to the -­ that's the man door to

21 your shop?

22 A Yes/ sir.

23 Q And is it open or closed?

24 A It's open.

25 Q who's this other person we now see on the screen?

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(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982



1 A 's Cole.

2 Q who's approached -­ who's door when Mr.

3 Celestine walked in?

4 A Pellet.

5 Q Now what happened inside your shop ? What was

6 transferred if anything?

7 A WeIll we went ins and went over to the corner where

8 the cocaine was.

9 Q And who received the cocaine?

10 A Greg Pellet.

11 Q Did have any money with him to pay this?

12 A Yes, s

13 Q And did that money end up?

14 A It was on the desk over by the paint si

15 Q Did you take the money?

16 A No, s

17 Q Who received the money

18 A Cole.

19 (Videot being played)

20 Q I'm goi to start up the deo again now. Who shut

21 the door?

22 A My brother.

23 Q And what we see now, is that the sign of your shop?

24 A Yes, sir.

25 Q And now we see the outside the building there's


(907) 277-0572/Fax 274-8982

* -.. . . ._.-r-···
---~- --~-- .......
----,-~--- ~"'_IIi~-

~.""+...+~ address, Alaska A-3 "lIftfIR B~l

Final EdItIon


at ."sge,.rln,
N,ow the medaW,~,,Iowned by
at ~CIInter
governmentandisiMMoie ina m\ ofatatat
. Qelestine, 40, wawntenced this June'2009
yean and eight m06 in prison for s~ng."
a cocaine ~ U.S. Ustrict
seI Holland ~o ~ C1Stine, , , ~Pllge~4,t~
, ..
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~~ner la1n~ts"ol' 'this ridtcut thing'in·death

the bIIIied on the costs oftbe metal. gems
and'iabor of the cu.stom-nl8de piece.
jlo)$an ". At some point, when the police~
.J~,wno~.nce«Idm' 002 done with it; the U.S. Marshal's Of­
.~ ~ will sell it ata public auctiOll, said
:Rochelle lJedike, a deputy U.S. mar­
slittinmthe sbal.
Because not I1Ul1lYpeople are like­
IJ • w.,t a .edal1foil. just Iilre that,
the murCler necklacemigbt nqt bring
a$UQg close to $l8O,OOO at auctioD,

.r.•. '.
Jennett said
.ridieulous~1t ~
" ' 1 - : D4sease.wbatsoever."
. . •.:.:.~
eoforcemijnt find Usa ..... 1IIiIIIIt at ldn.coll/c:ont.actI
.....or. . .7~ . .: ,tA

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