A Latest Review of 4G and 5G Mobile Wireless Networks Techniques in Wi Fi Networks Architecture and Challenges

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IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 4, Issue 5, October 2015

ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420 www.IJCSN.org

Impact Factor: 0.417

A Latest Review of 4G and 5G Mobile Wireless

Networks Techniques in Wi-Fi Networks
Architecture and Challenges
Umesh Seghal, 2 Vimal Dev
GNA University FCS
Phagwara , Punjab 144401, India

Abstract - Wireless technologies have become increasingly can say a mobile is a radio, because it also radiates
popular every day in business as well as in personal lives. electromagnetic waves or radio waves just like a radio. In
Wireless technology provides us many benefits like the process of communication, man has seen a number of
portability and flexibility, increased productivity, and lower changes. The technology creation, revolution and
installation costs. The IEEE 802.11 specification (ISO/IEC evolution of the wireless mobile had started since the
8802-11) is an international standard describing the
early of 1970s. In the modern world of communication
characteristics of a wireless local area network (WLAN).
The name Wi-Fi (short for "Wireless Fidelity", sometimes system, cellular telephone began as a simple concept. The
incorrectly shortened to Wi-Fi) corresponds to the name of increased demand for cellular services has caused cellular
the certification given by the Wi-Fi Alliance, formerly telephone systems to evolve in to complicated networks
WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance), the and internet comprised of several types of cellular
group which ensures compatibility between hardware communication systems. The cellular concept is used in
devices that use the 802.11 standard. Today, due to misuse some full-duplex systems like standard cellular telephone
of the terms (and for marketing purposes), the name of the services (CTS), personal communications systems (PCS),
standard is often confused with the name of the certification. and personal communication satellite system (PCSS).
In this paper we are discussing about the wireless network
challenges and IEEE 802.11 Standards and WEP protocol.
Currently the 4G’s concept is marching towards the Technologies like frequency modulation (FM) and
standardization phase. So time has come to introduce a new frequency shift keying (FSK) were used previously in
technology in which we can connect to multiple wireless cellular communication system. FM was used for voice
technologies, networks, terminals and applications, all and FSK was used for transporting controlling and
simultaneously and can also switch between them. This signaling information. Now days some advanced digital
latest technology is named as 5G. communication techniques like Quadrature phase shift
keying (QPSK), Minimum shift keying (MSK) are used in
Keywords - WI-FI, WEP, SSID, MAC, Wi MAX, DoS wireless cellular communication system and also some
new frequency bands has been assigned by Federal
1. Introduction Communication Commission (FCC). Presently, the use of
landline has come to an end. We are now actually living
Wi-Fi is the name of the popular wireless networking in the era of convergence. The word convergence denotes
technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high- merging of technologies, domain and discrete IT systems.
speed internet and network connection. The Wi-Fi The basic part of convergence is digitization which is
alliance, the organization that owns the wi-fi (registered accomplished through Analog-to-Digital Converters
trade mark) term specifically defines Wi-Fi as any (ADC).
wireless local area network (WLAN) products that are
based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics 2. Related Work
Engineers' (IEEE) 802.11 standards." Mobile is a radio
terminal that can be moved during operation or it may be Wireless is in everywhere like-More devices are using Wi-
attached to a fast moving vehicle or portable hand set. We Fi:- Cell phones, Digital cameras, Printers ,Scanners
IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 4, Issue 5, October 2015
ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420 www.IJCSN.org
Impact Factor: 0.417

,PDAs, Video game controllers, Televisions, Speakers, the information not being opened by third person and it
etc. [5]. should reach in the same format as it was sent by the
sending party. Authentication: The parties sending or
3. Wireless Networks Challenges receiving messages make sure that, who they say they are,
and have right to undertake such actions.
After a brief introduction to 5th generation wireless
systems, this section briefly outlines the evolution of 3.2 WEP
mobile communication technology from 1G to 5G.In [3],
the authors have described that, the First generation The original encryption protocol developed for wireless
cellular system (1G) were analog telecommunications networks. As its name implies, WEP was designed to
standards introduced in the 1970s. Here the voice channel provide the same level of security as wired networks.
used frequency modulation, and they used frequency However, WEP has many well-known security flaws, is
division multiple access (FDMA) techniques. The major difficult to configure, and is easily broken.
disadvantages of 1st generation wireless systems are poor
voice quality, poor battery quality and large phone size. 3.3 WPA/WPA2
2G was introduced in 1980s.[9] The 2G systems were
Introduced as an interim security enhancement over WEP
digital and were oriented to voice with low speed data
while the 802.11i wireless security standard was being
services. 2G used GSM technology and GSM stands for
developed. [4] [12,14]Most current WPA implementations
global system for mobile communication. It is a circuit
use a presoaked key (PSK), commonly referred to as WPA
switched, connection based technology, where the end
Personal, and the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP,
systems are devoted for the entire call period. Therefore, it
pronounced tee-kip) for encryption. WPA Enterprise uses
causes low efficiency in usage of bandwidth and
an authentication server to generate keys or certificates.
resources. Generally GSM enabled systems don’t support
Based on the 802.11i wireless security standard, which
high data rates and they are generally unable to handle
was finalized in 2004? The most significant enhancement
complex data like video. Next comes 2.5G. 2.5G is not an
to WPA2 over WPA is the use of the Advanced
officially defined term rather it was invented for
Encryption Standard (AES) for encryption. The security
marketing purpose.
provided by AES is sufficient (and approved) for use by
the U.S. government to encrypt information classified as
3G stands for 3rd generation wireless system. It has the
top secret — it’s probably good enough to protect your
capability to handle complex data like video and also it
secrets as well.WPA2 have the 4 main key factors:-
supports high data rates. Generally 3G wireless systems
use Code Division Multiple Access Technique (CDMA).
1. Mutual authentication
The 3G technology adds multimedia facilities to 2G
2. Strong encryption
phones by allowing video, audio, and graphics
3. Interoperability
applications. Apart from that, 3G promises increased
4. Ease to use.
bandwidth, 384 kbps when the device holder is walking,
128 kbps in a car and 2 Mbps in a fixed application. 4G
These are the 4 main advantages of WPA2. WPA and
stands for 4th generation wireless system. It has been
WPA2 use the cryptographic hash function for data
lunched in many countries. In 2009 IMT-A specified the
integrity. WPA and WPA2 both provides the key
requirements for 4G standards. A 4G system is expected
management and replay detection. The fundamental
to provide a comprehensive and secure based solution to
aspect of Wireless Networks in maintaining security is to
laptop and mobile devices. Such as internet access,
maintain Confidentiality where the receiver should
gaming services and streamed multimedia may be
receive the actual transmitted information from the
provided to users. The technologies like Coded
sender. The message authentication provides integrity to
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (COFDM),
both sender as well as receiver. The Wireless Link should
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) and link
be always available and should be secured from outside
adaptation are used in 4th generation wireless system.
world like malicious attacks as well as DoS Attacks
(Denial of Service Attacks). There are basically two
3.1 Confidentiality
common attacks which compromise the security and
authentication mechanism of Wireless Networks i.e.
Allow only the authorized person to read the encrypted
Message Reply Attack and Man in the Middle Attack.
messages or the information. Integrity: It is defined as
The Message reply attack acts principally on the
IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 4, Issue 5, October 2015
ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420 www.IJCSN.org
Impact Factor: 0.417

authentication and authentication key formation researchers are working on it and they are searching for
protocols. The Man in the Middle Attack (MiTM) attack the best protocol which can provide security as much as
occurs on that security mechanism which doesn’t provide possible. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave
mutual authentication. Various other attacks like Session Access – should be capable of around 40 megabits per
Hijacking, Reflection attacks are there which affects the second with a range of 30 miles. It is one of the closest
security mechanism of Wireless Networks. IEEE helped technologies to meet the standards of true 4G and as it
in securing the wireless networks by providing the basic develop should surpass the 100MB/second which is the
measures for securing wireless network and it also 4G standard. Mobile WiMAX allows the use of high
provide CIA factors by disabling SSID, use of MAC i.e. speed data transfers and is the main competition for the
Media Access Control address filtering and WPA/WPS 4G LTE services provided by cellular carriers. The major
protection mechanism. The recent developments in wireless networks are not actually lying to anyone about
computer technology and software developments notice 4G, they simply stretch the truth a bit. A 4G phone has to
that these mechanisms have network vulnerable attack. comply with the standards but finding the network
So, due to these vulnerabilities WiMax standards comes resources to fulfill the true standard is difficult. You are
into existence, for solving the short comings of 802.11 buying 4G capable devices but the network is not yet
wireless networks [4]. WiMax is the new advancement in capable of delivering true 4G to the device. Your brain
the wireless network. WiMax is still undergoing knows that 4G is faster than 3G so you pay the price for
development and still the securing problems are not being the extra speed.
decreased by WiMax technology. It also has some
drawbacks like it lack mutual authentication and is References
suspected to relays attacks, spoofing of MAC address of
Subscriber Station (SS) and PMK authorization [1] Robert J.Boncella, Wireless security: an overview,
vulnerabilities. we can summarize the applications. Washburn University [email protected].
[2] Prof. Anand Nayyar, " Security Issues on Converged Wi-
Fi & WiMAX Networks ", Department of Computer
1. One can be able to feel her kid’s stroke when he/she
Science, K. L. S. D College
is in her mother’s womb. Ludhiana ,[email protected].
2. One can be able to perceive his/her sugar level with [3] Paul Asadoorian, " Wireless network security ", GCIA,
his/her mobile. GCIH. Contributions by Larry Pesce, GCIA , GAWN
3. One can be able to charge his/her mobile with his/her PaulDotCom.
own heartbeat. [4] Paul Asadoorian, " Wireless network security? ", GCIA,
4. One can be able to view his/her residence in his/her GCIH, GAWN PaulDotCom.
mobile when someone enters. [5] Rakesh M Goyal and Ankur Goyal, " Securing Wi-Fi
5. The mobile will ring according to our mood. network (10 steps of diy security) ".
[6] Sheila Frankel Bernard Eydt Les Owens Karen Scarfone,
6. One can be able to pay all bills in a single payment
" Establishing wireless robust security networks: a guide
with his/her mobile. to IEEE 802.11i ".
7. One can get the live share value. [7] Sangram Gayal And Dr. S. A. Vetha Manickam, "
Wireless LAN security today and tomorrow ".
4. Conclusions [8] Sangram Gayal And Dr. S. A. Vetha Manickam, "
Wireless LAN security ".
Wi-Fi security is not an easy task. Wireless network [9]http://compnetworking.about.com/od/wirelesssecurity/a/intro
security is more difficult than wired network security. The duction-to-wifi-network-security.htm
future is becoming more and more difficult to predict with
l.enWireless network security 802.11, Bluetooth and
each passing year. So we should always expect an handheld devices by Tom Karygiannis, Les Owens.
increasing pace of technological change. In this paper, the [11] A. A. Name, "Conference Paper Title", in Conference
main importance is on 5G mobile phone concept and its Name, Year, Vol. x, pp. xxx-xxx.
architecture which is going to be a new mobile revolution [12] http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/wireless-
in mobile market. The 5G technologies incorporate all security-protocols-wep-wpa-and-wpa2.html.
type of advanced features which makes 5G mobile
Umesh Sehgal, Assistant Professor in GNA University,
technology most powerful and in huge demand in near
Phagwara.He has completed M.Phil, MCA, M.Sc (CS).He had 14
future. There are many protocols or standards or we can years of Teaching Experience.
say technologies for wireless network security but every
protocol has its demerits, until now there is no protocol Vimal Dev, Assistant Professor in GNA University, Phagwara.He has
which can provide security 100% or near about it. Many completed M.Tech, B.Tech. He had 01year of teaching experience.

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