Med3D: Transfer Learning For 3D Medical Image Analysis: April 2019

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Med3D: Transfer Learning for 3D Medical Image Analysis

Preprint · April 2019

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3 authors, including:

Kai Ma
Siemens Healthineers


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Sihong Chen∗1 , Kai Ma1 and Yefeng Zheng1

Tencent YouTu X-Lab, Shenzhen, China
arXiv:1904.00625v4 [cs.CV] 17 Jul 2019

The performance on deep learning is significantly affected by volume of training data. Models pre-
trained from massive dataset such as ImageNet become a powerful weapon for speeding up training
convergence and improving accuracy. Similarly, models based on large dataset are important for the
development of deep learning in 3D medical images. However, it is extremely challenging to build a
sufficiently large dataset due to difficulty of data acquisition and annotation in 3D medical imaging.
We aggregate the dataset from several medical challenges to build 3DSeg-8 dataset with diverse
modalities, target organs, and pathologies. To extract general medical three-dimension (3D) features,
we design a heterogeneous 3D network called Med3D to co-train multi-domain 3DSeg-8 so as to make
a series of pre-trained models. We transfer Med3D pre-trained models to lung segmentation in LIDC
dataset, pulmonary nodule classification in LIDC dataset and liver segmentation on LiTS challenge.
Experiments show that the Med3D can accelerate the training convergence speed of target 3D medical
tasks 2 times compared with model pre-trained on Kinetics dataset, and 10 times compared with
training from scratch as well as improve accuracy ranging from 3% to 20%. Transferring our Med3D
model on state-the-of-art DenseASPP segmentation network, in case of single model, we achieve
94.6% Dice coefficient which approaches the result of top-ranged algorithms on the LiTS challenge.

1 Introduction
Data driven approaches, e.g. deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN), recently have achieved state-of-the-art
performance on different vision tasks, such as image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, etc. It
is known that one of the fundamental facts contributing to such success is the massive amount of training data with
detailed annotations. Suppose taking natural image domain for example, the ImageNet dataset [1] consists more than
14 million images with over 20 thousand categories and MS COCO dataset [2] collects more than a million images with
rich instance segmentation annotations.
In the medical imaging domain, however, it is extremely challenging to build a sufficiently large 3D dataset due to the
intrusive nature of some medical imaging modalities (e.g. CT), the prolonged imaging duration as well as the laborious
annotation in 3D. As a consequence, there has not been a large-scale 3D medical dataset that is publicly available
to train baseline 3D DCNNs. To avoid the inferior performance caused by training networks from scratch using a
small set of data, some studies [3, 4] converted 3D volume data to 2D and leveraged the pre-trained 2D models from
ImageNet [1]. Although this solution gains better performance than training from scratch, there still a big gap due to the
abandoned 3D spatial information. Some other methods tried to utilize the 3D spatial information by initializing with
networks trained from the Kinetics dataset [5]. However, the 3D information captured by the temporal video data and
the medical volume is so different that there exists a strong bias for learning a 3D medical image network transferred
from natural scene videos.
In this work, we try to solve the aforementioned problems from two aspects, building a large 3D medical dataset, and
training a baseline network with such data that can be transferred to solve other medical problems. In the first step, we
collect many small-scale datasets from different medical domains with various imaging modalities, target organs and
pathological manifestations, to build a relatively large 3D medical image dataset. In the second step, we establish an

[email protected]
Ground Med3D Kinetics Train from Scratch




Figure 1: Visualization of the segmentation results of our approach vs. the comparison ones after the same training

encode-decode segmentation network called Med3D that is heterogeneously trained with the aforementioned large-scale
3D medical dataset. A multi-branch decoder is also proposed to tackle the incomplete annotation problem. We also
transfer the extracted universal encoder of Med3D to lung segmentation, nodule classification and LiTS challenge [6],
compared to 3D models based on the Kinetics video dataset and models trained from scratch. Experiments have
demonstrated that the efficiency for training convergence and accuracy based on our proposed pre-trained models (see
Fig. 1).
The contributions of our work are summarized as follows: (1) We propose a heterogeneous Med3D network aiming
for 3D multi-domain medical data, which can extract general 3D features even in the case of large differences of data
domain distribution. (2) We transfer backbone of the Med3D model to three new 3D medical image tasks. And, we
confirmed the effectiveness and efficiency of Med3D with extensive experiments. (3) To facilitate the community to
reproduce our experimental results and apply Med3D to other applications, we will release our Med3D pre-trained
models and relative source code1 .

2 Related Work

Sun et al. [7] have shown that the greater the amount of data, the better the performance of deep learning networks. In
natural images, people have been building lots of large-amount datasets for decades, such as ImageNet [1], PASCAL
VOC [8], MS COCO [2], etc., which include abundant annotations on millions of images. Pre-trained models based
on these large-scale datasets can extract useful general features which are widely used in classification, detection,
and segmentation tasks. Studies [9, 10, 11, 12, 13] have repeatedly proved that pre-trained models can accelerate the
training convergence speed and increase the accuracy of the target model.
Similarly, large-scale dataset and corresponding pre-trained models are important in medical imaging applications.
Over the past decade, over 100 challenges [14] have been organized within the area of biomedical image analysis [15,
16, 17, 18, 19]. Most of these challenges are 3D semantic segmentation tasks, and the data magnitude is limited which
are generally in the tens or hundreds, much fewer than natural images. Therefore, each dataset is too small to stably
pre-train a 3D model for transfer learning. In this work, we aggregate many small 3D datasets to build a large 3DSeg-8
dataset for pre-training. In view of the limited dataset and the absence of 3D medical image pre-trained model, Han et
al. [3] sliced 3D data from three axes for the purpose of using a model pre-trained from natural image; Yu et al. [4] tried
to analyze the third dimension with a temporal approach in recurrent neural network [20] and transfer models based on
Pre-trained models and relative source code has been made publicly available at

3DSeg-8 Med3D Segmentation Results

Convolution Layers

Transfer Up-sample

Lung Nodule Dataset Fully-connected Layer

Classification: Malignancy

Figure 2: Framework of the proposed method.

natural scene video [21] to 3D network. However, such methods still cannot fully leverage the structural information
of the third dimension. Most of the studies on 3D medical imaging such as [22, 23, 24] prefer to train a small 3D
convolution neural network from scratch.
Pan and Yang [25] have indicated that the more similar the data distribution between source domain and target domain,
the better the transferring effect. According to the above observation the above defects, we believe that the pre-trained
model based on 3D medical dataset should be superior to natural scene video in 3D medical target tasks. Due to the
lack of large-scale 3D medical images, co-trained models based on multi-domain 3D medical image dataset may be a
solution. Training network cross different domains simultaneously is a challenging task. Duan et al. [26] proposed a
data-dependent regularizer based on support vector machine for video concept detection. Hoffman et al. [27] introduced
a mixture-transform model for object classification and Nam et al. [28] presented a domain adaptation network for
video tracking. Since the pixel presentation and range of pixel value of medical imaging on different domains are
completely different, the above methods for natural images cannot be directly applied onto the medical imaging.

3 Method
The motivation of our work is to train a high performance DCNN model with a relatively large 3D medical dataset,
that can be used as the backbone pre-trained model to boost other tasks with insufficient training data. To reach this
target, we design a processing workflow with three major steps, as shown in Fig. 2. In the first step, we collect several
publicly available 3D segmentation datasets called 3DSeg-8 from different medical imaging modalities, e.g. magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), with various scan regions, target organs and pathologies.
We then normalize all the data with the same spatial and intensity distributions. In the second step, we train a DCNN
model, namely Med3D, to learn the features. The network has a shared encoder and eight simple decoder branches for
each specific dataset. In the last step, the extracted features from the pre-trained Med3D model are transferred to other
medical tasks to boost the network performance. Details of each step are explained in the following sections.

3.1 Data Selection and Normalization

Our data is collected from eight different 3D medical segmentation datasets and we refer the composed dataset as
3DSeg-8 for later convenience. The reason why we select data from segmentation datasets rather than classification
ones are mainly two folds: firstly, unlike the natural image analysis that can learn general feature representations from
thousands of object categories, the medical imaging analysis operates on a confined body region that has much less
object classes. Learning from a small set of classes in a classification task may lead to a poor generalization. Secondly,
the classification label turns to be much weaker supervision information for 3D medical data compared to natural image
labels, as the label may only correspond to a tissue/organ existing in a small portion of the volume data, which may
hamper the learning process of the neural network. Therefore, we select data from those eight segmentation datasets
and believe that learning the tissue/organ differences from the segmentation task could result in better representative
The original volume data of 3DSeg-8 is from different modalities (MRI and CT), distinctive scan regions (e.g. brain,
heart, prostate, spleen, etc.) as well as multi-centers, which create a large variety of data characteristics, such as the

spatial resolutions in 3D and range of pixel intensities. To mitigate the data variation problem that may hamper the
network training process, we process the data with a pre-processing module that accomplishes the spatial and intensity
distribution normalization.
Spatial Normalization. Medical volumes are common with heterogeneous voxel spacing resulting from different
scanners or different acquisition protocols. Such spacing refers to the physical distance between two pixels in an image
which is almost completely different from domain to domain. More importantly, such spacing information can not be
learned from CNN. Spatial normalization (i.e., resampling volumes to a fixed resolution) is often employed to reduce
the effect of voxel spacing variation. To avoid over interpolation, we interpolate each volume to the median spacing
according to the respective domain so as to keep the spatial characters of target in each domain. In domain j, the
spacings from each axis of x, y and z in the ith image can be defined as spaxi,j where ax belongs to x, y, z. The median
spacings of the jth domain data is calculated as:

spax ax ax ax
med,j = fmed (sp0,n , sp1,n , ..., spNj ,n ),

where fmed denotes the median operation and Nj presents the number of data in jth domain. And, the new image size
i,j can be calculated from size in original image sax,i,j as below:

0 sax,i,j
sax,i,j = × spax
med,j . (1)

Since the target organ of each domains a different proportion of the whole image, after spacing normalization, we
randomly crop the region with size varies from two times of the target bounding box to the whole volume for ensuring
that targets are fully contained in the training data.
Intensity Normalization. Under different imaging modalities, the range of pixel values of medical images varies
significantly. To eliminate the side-effect of pixel value outliers, especially for the CT modality (eg. metal in CT), we
sort all the pixel values in each image and truncate the intensities to the range of 0.5 to 99.5 percentiles. Due to the
different intensity range from various domains, we further normalize intensity value vi to vi using the mean vm and
standard deviation vsd in an individual volume as:

0 vi − vm
vi = . (2)

3.2 Med3D Network

The current popular pre-trained networks, such as ResNet [29] and pre-activation ResNet [30], haven been proven
to be effective to transfer to other vision tasks, as they offer a universal encoder, covering both low- and high-level
features that are also helpful in other domains. Therefore, in the design of Med3D network, we leverage the existing
feature extraction architecture of the mature networks and focus on exploring the optimal way to train Med3D with
our unique 3DSeg-8 data. As the goal is to learn universal feature representations by training a segmentation network,
the common encode-decode segmentation architecture is adopted, where the encoder can be any basic structures. In
this work, we adopt the family of ResNet models as the basic structure of the encoder and do minor modifications
to allow the network to train with 3D medical data. One big difference between 3DSeg-8 data and data in natural
image segmentation tasks is that the multi-organ segmentation annotations are missing2 where only the particular
organ/issue of interest in each dataset is annotated as the foreground class and others are left to be the background. For
example, only liver segmentation masks are available in the liver/tumor dataset and the nearby pancreas is marked as
the background [6]. Similarly, only the pancreas is marked as the foreground in the pancreas/tumor dataset [33]. Such
incomplete annotation information could confuse the network and the training process does not converge.
Since it is technically impossible to detailedly annotate the complete organ atlas in large-scale 3D medical data, we
propose a multi-branch decoder to tackle the incomplete annotation problem. As shown in Fig. 2, we connect the
encoder with eight specific decoder branches, where each one of them corresponds to one particular dataset of 3DSeg-8.
At the training stage, each decoder branch only processes the feature map extracted from the corresponding dataset
and the rest branches do not participate in its optimization process. Moreover, each decoder branch share the same
architecture of using one convolution layer to combine features from the encoder. To compute the differences between
the network output and the ground truth annotation, we directly up-sample the feature map from the decoder to the
There exists 3D medical dataset with multi-organ segmentation annotations with small amount of data such as TCIA (53
samples) [31] and BTCV [32] (47 samples).

Input Coarse Segmentation Coarse Segmentation Result

Med3D Backbone


Refine Segmentation Refine Segmentation Result

Med3D Backbone Concat

3D ASPP Decoder

Figure 3: Framework of the liver segmentation.

original image size. Such simple decoder design allows the network to focus on training a universal encoder. At the test
stage, the decoder part is removed and the remained encoder can be transferred to other tasks.

3.3 Transfer Learning

Our goal is to establish a general 3D backbone network that can be transferred to other medical tasks to gain better
performance than training from scratch. To validate the effectiveness and versatility of the established Med3D network,
we conduct three different and thorough experiments in segmentation and classification domains.
Lung Segmentation. Med3D only sees different tissues in the local receptive fields and is never surpervised by lung
annotation. In order to verify whether the features generated by the Med3D are universal in the lung segmentation task
on large receptive fields (whole human body), we transfer encoder part from Med3D as the feature extraction part and
then segmented lung in whole body followed by three groups of 3D decoder layers. The first set of decoder layers
is composed of a transposed convolution layer with a kernel size of (3, 3, 3) and a channel number of 256 (which is
used to amplify twice the feature map), and the convolutional layer with (3, 3, 3) kernel size and 128 channels. The
remaining two groups of decoder layers are similar to the first group excep doubling the number of channels per layer
of network progressively. Finally, the convolution layer in the (1, 1, 1) kernel is employed to generate the final output
and the number of channels corresponds to the number of categories.
Pulmonary Nodule Classification. To further verify the versatility of Med3D on non-segmentation tasks, as shown in
Fig. 2, we transfer the encoder part of Med3D to the nodule classifier as a feature extractor, and the average pooling
operation and fully-connected layer with (1, 1, 1) kernel size is added to classify the results. Different to human organs
(e.g., spleen and pancreas), a pulmonary nodule is a micro-structure with a much smaller size. Furthermore, pulmonary
nodules are in character with blurred boundaries, large deformation of shape and rich texture information which are
quite different compared with normal human organs. Transferring the Med3D model to the pulmonary nodule task can
help to examine whether the features produced by Med3D are also versatile for microscopic tissue or not.
LiTS Challenge. To evaluate the performance of Med3D pre-trained model in practical applications, we apply the
Med3D model to the liver segmentation in the LiTS competition [6]. The liver is a common site of primary tumor
development. Low intensity contrast to liver tumor and adjacent tissues presents a big obstacle to accurately segment
the liver. The liver is a single connected area the same as left atrium. Inspired by the method from first place winner of
the 2018 3D Atrial Segmentation Competition [34], we employ the two-stage segmentation network to segmenting liver.
As illustrated in Fig. 3, firstly, we roughly segment liver in the whole image to obtain the region of interest (ROI) of the
target. In this stage, we transfer the backbone pre-trained from Med3D as the encoder part, followed by a convolution
layer with (1, 1, 1) kernel and the number of channels is two (liver vs. background). After resizing image, we input the
image to coarse-segmentation network for extracting features with 32 times downsampling. Then, we upsample the
feature map to the original image size by a bi-linear interpolation method.
Secondly, we crop the liver target area according to the result from first stage and sub-segment the target again so
as to obtain the final liver segmentation result. This stage is mainly focused on careful liver contour segmentation.
In order to obtain more dense scale information in the feature map and obtain a larger receptive field, we embed the

Table 1: Details of 3DSeg-8 where “Tumours" and “Tissue" represent segmentation of lesions and components in an
organ (“Organ").
Dataset #Cases Modality Target Type
Brain [19] 485 MRI Tumour
Hippo [33] 261 MRI Tissue
Prostate [33] 33 MRI Tissue
Liver [6] 131 CT Organ
Heart [36] 100 MRI Tissue
Pancreas [33] 282 CT Organ/Tumour
Vessel [33] 304 CT Tissue/Tumour
Spleen [33] 42 CT Organ

backbone pre-trained from Med3D into the state-the-of-art DenseASPP segmentation network. This network connects
a set of atrous convolutional layers in a dense way which generates multi-scale features that not only cover a larger
scale range, but also cover that scale range densely without significantly increasing the model size. And, we replace
all the 2D kernels with the corresponding 3D version. Since there is inevitably bias between ground truth and liver
target prediction in the result from the first step, in order to increase robustness of the fine-segmentation model, we
perform a random expansion liver target area and then process it with two augmentation methods including rotation and

4 Experiments
In this section, we conduct several experiments to explore the performance of the proposed Med3D models. First, we
show detailed settings of the experiments and some comparison results with different dataset settings. Next, we transfer
the pre-trained Med3D encoder to initialize networks of other medical tasks and compare the results with training-from-
scratch networks and pre-trained networks with Kinetics data. Finally, we concatenate the pre-trained Med3D encoder
with DenseASPP [35] network and demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance on the liver segmentation task using a
single model.

4.1 Experiment details

3DSeg-8 dataset. 3DSeg-8 is an aggregate dataset from eight public medical datasets. It covers different organs/tissues
of interest with either CT or MR scans, as shown in Table 1. From each member dataset, we randomly select 90%
data to form the training set, and the rest 10% as the test set. To improve the network robustness, we utilize three data
augmentation techniques, including translation, rotation and scaling with the following settings: translating the data
in any direction within 10% margins of the target bounding box; rotating the data within [-5, 5]; and scaling the data
within [0.8, 1.2] times of the original sizes.
Network archietecture. We adopt the ResNet family (layers with 10, 18, 34, 50, 101, 152, and 200) and pre-activation
ResNet-200 [30] architecture as the backbone of Med3D networks. To enable the network to train with 3D medical
data, we modify the backbone network as follows: 1) we change the channel number of the first convolution layer from
3 to 1 due to the single channel volume input; 2) we replace all 2D convolution kernels with the 3D version; 3) we set
the stride of the convolution kernels in blocks 3 and 4 equal to 1 to avoid down-sampling the feature maps, and we use
dilated convolutional layers with rate r = 2 as suggested in [37] for the following layers for the same purpose; and 4)
we replace the fully connected layer with a 8-branch decoder, where each branch consists of a 1x1x1 convolutional
kernel and a corresponding up-sampling layer that scale the network output up to the original dimension.
Training. As each member dataset has a different number of training data, we take all the training data from the largest
dataset and randomly augment the rest to generate an evenly distributed a balanced training dataset. We optimize
network parameters using the cross-entropy loss with the standard SGD method [38] where the learning rate is set to
0.1, momentum set to 0.9 and weight decay set to 0.001.
Impact of training data magnitude. Sun et al. [7] have found that the performance of vision systems increases
logarithmically with the number of training data. To evaluate the impact of training data size in the medical imaging
domain, we train a Med3D network (ResNet-152 backbone) with 10%, 20%, 40%, 80% and 100% of the training data
separately and use the same test set to compare the performance. As can be seen from Fig. 3, the highest Dice scores
for all tasks are obtained when the training data utilization is 100%. When the amount of training data is only 10% or
20%, the model performance drops sharply due to the overfitting issue. When the number of training data grows, all the

Training Med3D with Different Data Magnitude




Brain Heart
0.2 Hippocampus Pancreas
Prostate Vessels
Liver Spleen
10% 20% 40% 80% 100%
Training Samples (#)

Figure 4: Random sample 10%, 20%, 40%, 80%, 100% of training data and train Med3D.

Table 2: Train Med3D on single domain, two domains, four domains and eight domains.
One Two Four Eight
Brain [19] 54.67% 54.81% 54.83% 55.41%
Hippo [33] 89.41% 89.45% 89.76% 90.86%
Prostate [33] 72.58% 72.94% 73.29% 75.07%
Liver [6] 88.12% 88.75% 90.01% 90.11%
Heart [36] 86.73% 88.16% 89.74% 91.05%
Pancreas [33] 72.66% 73.81% 74.08% 74.33%
Vessel [33] 53.98% 54.12% 54.49% 54.51%
Spleen [33] 91.33% 92.08% 92.67% 93.80%

experiments show the same improvement trend, which indicates that the performance of Med3D and the magnitude of
training data are also correlated.
Impact of training set variety. We also set up a set of comparative experiments to investigate the Med3D performance
with data from a various number of datasets. For example, we train Med3D with a solo member dataset and compare
the results with the ones from two, four and eight member datasets. We use different colors to label the group settings
for the experiments with two and four member datasets. As shown in Table 2, Med3D reaches the highest performance
when all the member datasets are used in training. This is because data varieties can provide complementary information
and improve overall performance.

4.2 Transfer learning experiments

In the previous experiments, we have investigated the Med3D performance (ResNet-152 backbone) on the 3DSeg-8
dataset. The results demonstrate that the Med3D achieves the best segmentation performance when trained with the
full 3D medical dataset that consists of eight domains. In this section, we explore the pre-trained Med3D network’s
performance on an unseen dataset, to validate the transferable capability of the learned features.
The 3DSeg-8 dataset consists of organs/tissues from eight different datasets that have moderate scale variations. To
clearly reveal that the pre-trained network is generalized to be scale and task invariant, we conduct two experiments
with data from lung regions, the lung segmentation Visceral dataset [18] and pulmonary nodule malignancy dataset
LIDC [40, 17]. We also compare results of using pre-trained Med3D with the ones of using pre-trained Kinetics model
(Kin) [39], and the ones of training from scratch (TFS).
Lung segmentation task. We select the Visceral dataset because it includes abundant lung scans with four different
imaging modalities/protocols which are unenhanced whole body CT, contrast enhanced abdomen and thorax CT,
unenhanced whole body MR T1 and contrasted enhanced abdomen MR T1. There are 80 volumes in total and we pick
72 volumes for training and 8 volumes for testing. Both training and testing dataset contains 4 modalities.

Table 3: Results of transfer Med3D to lung segmentation (Seg) and pulmonary nodule classification (Cls) with Dice and
accuracy evaluation metrics, respectively.
Network Pretrain Seg Cls
TFS 71.30% 79.80%
Med3D 87.16% 86.87%
TFS 75.22% 80.80%
3D-ResNet18 Kin [39] 83.21% 82.83%
Med3D 87.26% 88.89%
TFS 76.82% 83.84%
3D-ResNet34 Kin [39] 85.82% 83.84%
Med3D 89.31% 89.90%
TFS 71.75% 84.85%
3D-ResNet50 Kin [39] 87.11% 74.75%
Med3D 93.31% 89.90%
TFS 72.10% 81.82%
3D-ResNet101 Kin [39] 88.32% 74.75%
Med3D 92.79% 90.91%
TFS 73.29% 73.74%
3D-ResNet152 Kin [39] 88.61% 75.76%
Med3D 92.33% 90.91%
TFS 71.29% 76.77%
Med3D 92.06% 90.91%
TFS 70.66% 74.75%
Med3D 93.82% 91.92%

3D-ResNet10 3D-ResNet18 3D-ResNet34 3D-ResNet50

TFS 5 Kin Kin 4 Kin
4 4
Med3D 3 Med3D 3 Med3D



3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1 1
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Epoch Epoch Epoch Epoch
3D-ResNet101 3D-ResNet152 3D-ResNet200 3D-PreResNet200
Kin Kin 3 TFS 4 TFS
4 TFS 3 TFS Med3D Med3D
Med3D Med3D 3




2 2
2 2

1 1 1 1
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Epoch Epoch Epoch Epoch

Figure 5: Training curve for lung segmentation.

Lung segmentation task. We select Visceral dataset as it includes abundant lung segmentation annotations for the data
in 4 different modalities. There are 80 volumes in total. We pick 72 volumes for training and 8 volumes for testing.
Both training and testing data contains 4 modalities. During training, we use same segmentation architectures (ResNet
family) for all comparison candidates. The major difference comes from the way how we initialize the segmentation
network, using pre-trained Med3D, pre-trained Kin or TFS. When training with pre-trained models, we optimize the
model parameters with Adam [41] starting from the 0.001 learning rate, while the learning rate of TFS is set to 0.01.
As illustrated in Table 3, all the results follow the same pattern that Med3D networks perform much better than Kin
networks, and TFS networks are the worst. This confirms our initial assumption that there is a gap between 3D
information captured by the temporal video data and the medical volume. To gain the best performance on 3D medical
data, it is better to start with features capturing information about human physiological structures.
The sub-graphs in Fig. 5 demonstrate training curves of the segmentation task initializing differently. It can be seen
that, with a certain amount of data and sufficient training iterations, all three networks converge to have stable losses.
However, Med3D networks can push the loss even lower than the other two and show a much faster convergence speed.

3D-ResNet10 3D-ResNet18 3D-ResNet34 3D-ResNet50
TFS 8 Kin 40 Kin Kin
10 Med3D TFS 30 TFS TFS
6 Med3D Med3D Med3D



4 20 2
2 10
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60
Epoch Epoch Epoch Epoch
3D-ResNet101 3D-ResNet152 3D-ResNet200 3D-PreResNet200
Kin 3 Kin TFS TFS
8 TFS TFS 60 Med3D 6 Med3D
6 Med3D 2 Med3D
40 4



1 20 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80
Epoch Epoch Epoch Epoch

Figure 6: Training curve for pulmonary nodule classification.

Pulmonary nodule classification task. LIDC dataset [40, 17] collected thoracic CT scans from 1,010 patients and
nodules of each CT scan were annotated by four radiologists. The malignance of the nodules was defined in five
levels, from benign to malignant according to the rules of LIDC-IDRI. We merge ‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘ as benign and ‘4‘, ‘5‘ as
malignancy for reducing subjective uncertainty suggested by [42]. The goal of this task is to compare the network
performance of using different initialization methods. We change the backbone network to a classification architecture
by attaching full connected layers to the encoder. We use 1,050 nodules for training and 99 nodules for testing. The
optimization parameters are consistent with the previous task.
As can be seen from Table 3, results based on pre-trained Med3D networks significantly surpass the ones based on
Kin and TSF. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the learned features of Med3D, which are also helpful for the
classification task. Moreover, when the network depth is gradually increased, the performance of Med3D also increases.
On the contrary, both Kin and TFS networks show declined performance when the network complexities are high.
Together with the evidence shown in Figure 6 that the training losses of different networks are reduced to a similar
level after long-enough training epochs, we can conclude that the extracted features from Med3D networks are better
generalized for the classification task with a small set of data, while the other two methods show overfitting issues.
Similar to Fig. 5, Fig. 6 also provides the training loss curves that reflect the network convergence speed and grade of
difficulty. As we can see from the figure, models trained from scratch have much higher fluctuation and converge much
slower than the ones initialized with Med3D pre-trained weights. Since this task is a simple binary classification task,
we can imaging that the network trained from scratch may have difficulties to converge for the complex classification

4.3 LiTS challenge

In the previous section, we have demonstrated that the pre-trained Med3D networks have much better effectiveness and
generalization for unseen data in both segmentation and classification tasks, compared to the networks pre-trained on
natural scene videos and the ones trained from scratch. It makes us wonder if the Med3D can further boost the network
performance on challenging tasks, such as LiTS challenge, where 3D networks trained from scratch usually have worse
performance than 2D or 2.5D approaches using pre-trained models on natural images.
The LiTS challenge dataset has totally 201 enhanced abdominal CT scans, which is further split to a training set with
131 scans and a test set with 70 scans. Only training data annotations are given to the public and the test ones are kept
private with the host. The task is to segment the liver and liver tumors. It is known as a challenging task for two reasons.
First, the number of training data is small. Second, the data is collected from different clinical sites with different
scanners and protocols, causing large variations of the data quality, appearance and spacing.
We set up the same segmentation network with ResNet-152 backbone and initialize it with the pre-trained Med3D.
During training, we normalize all data with the average spacing value of the training data as some volumes do not give
spacing information. We also normalize the intensity with a window width from -200 to 250 Hounsfield Unit. All the
training hyper-parameters are same as the previous segmentation experiments.
As shown in Table 4, the Med3D network achieves 94.6% Dice score without any post-processing, which is very
close to state-of-the-art networks using ensemble techniques [43, 44]. We also compare the Dice results with pure 3D
networks, such as V-net [23], Kin and TFS, and show that the Med3D outperforms those approaches with large margins.

Table 4: LiTS challenge results.
Method Dice ASSD Public
TencentX 96.6% 1.0 Unpublished
mastermind 96.6% 1.0 Unpublished
MILab 96.0% 2.8 Unpublished
3D AH-Net [43] 96.3% 1.1 Published
H-DenseNet [44] 96.1% 1.1 Published
V-Net [23] 93.9% 2.2 Published
Med3D 94.6% 1.9 -
Kin 89.6% 5.0 -
TFS 66.0% 30.4 -

Similarly, the average symmetric surface distance (ASSD) also reflects that Med3D has superior segmentation results
compared to other pure 3D approaches.

5 Conclusion
In this work, we build a large-scale 3D medical dataset 3DSeg-8 and propose a novel framework to train Med3D
networks with such data. The extracted features from Med3D networks are demonstrated to be effective and generalized,
and can be used as the pre-trained features for other tasks with small training datasets. Compared with networks trained
with natural videos or trained from scratch, the Med3D networks achieve superior results. We will release all pre-trained
Med3D models as well as the related code. In the future, we will continue to collect more 3D medical data to further
improve the Med3D pre-trained models.

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