Ethical Committee Form
Ethical Committee Form
Ethical Committee Form
Para A
3. Name, address and registration number of breeder from whom animals acquired (or to
be acquired) for experiments mentioned in parts B and C
CCSHAU Farm (Dept. of Animal Breeding). If not available, than from local
4. Place where the animals are presently kept (or proposed to be kept)
Duration of Experiment:
(The appropriate protocols form for the research proposal - Part B in the case of
experiments using animals other than non human primates, part C for use of non-
human primates – to be duly filled in, signed and appended to this form)
Name and Designation of Chief Investigator
*Applicable only for application to be submitted to CPCSEA
Part B
2. Chief Investigator:
b. Designation: Professor
7. Study Objectives {The Aims of Study (and why they are important) to be
explained briefly using non-technical terms as far as possible}
Pathobiological and Immunological Studies on Chlorpyrifos Toxicity and its
Interaction with Salmonella infection in Broiler Chickens. Haematological,
Biochemical, Immunological and Pathological studies will be undertaken.
8. Animal required:
a. Species: Broiler chicken
b. Age/Weight/Size: Day-old
c. Gender: Either sex
c. Numbers to be used (Year-wise break-ups and total figures needed to be given):
d. Number of days each animal will be housed: Approx. 8-9 weeks
9. Rationale for animal usage:
a. Why is animal usage necessary for these studies?
Use of birds is necessary to investigate Pathobiological and Immunological
Studies on Chlorpyrifos Toxicity and its Interaction with Salmonella infection in
Broiler Chickens.
b. Why are the particular species selected required?
f. Have similar experiment(s) been made by any other organization/agency? If so, their
results in your knowledge
In my knowledge, no.
Tentative protocol for the research project is enclosed. Withdrawal of blood from heart
at regular intervals and sacrificing of 5 birds at each interval from each subgroup.
11. Does the protocol prohibit use of anaesthetic or analgesic for the conduct of painful
procedures (any which cause more pain than that associated with routine injection, or
blood withdrawal)?
a. List and description of all such surgical procedures (including methods of asepsis):
Naturally dead and sacrificed birds will be disposed off properly away from
post-mortem room. Birds will be euthanized by dislocation of atlanto-occipital joint.
14. Animal transportation methods if extra-institutional transport is envisaged:
15. Use of hazardous agents (use of recombinant DNA-based agents or potential human pathogens
requires documented approval of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). For each category, the
agents and the biosafety level required, appropriate measures and the mode of disposal of
contaminated food, animal, wastes and carcasses must be identified).
e. Any other (give name): -
Copy of IBC approval to be attached in case hazardous agents are used.
d. Recombinant DNA: -
Investigator’s declaration
1. I certify that I have determined that the research proposal herein is not unnecessarily duplicative of
previously reported research.
2. I certify that all individuals working on this proposal, and experimenting on the animals, have been
trained in animal handling procedures.
3. For procedures listed a. Radionuclides: -
b. Biological Agents: -
under item 11, I certify that I have reviewed the pertinent scientific literature and have found no valid
alternative to any procedure described herein which may cause less pain or distress.
4. I will obtain approval from the IAEC/CPCSEA before initiating any significant changes in this study.
5. Certified that performance of experiment will be initiated only upon review and approval of scientific
intent by appropriate expert body {institutional scientific Advisory Committee/funding agency/other
body (to be named)}.
6. Institutional Biosafety Committee’s (IBC) certification of review and concurrence will be taken
(Required for studies utilizing DNA agents of human pathogens).
7. I shall maintain all the records as per form (Form D).
Date: Name of Investigator
1. Body weight gain: Birds will be weighed on days 14, 17, 21, 28, 35, and 42 of the
2. Clinical signs and mortality: Birds will be closely observed daily for clinical signs
and mortality, if any.
5. Viable bacterial cell count in Salmonella infection: Viable bacterial cells will be
counted in broiler chicken at 0, 3, 7, 14, 21 & 28 days post infection.
6. Pathological studies
a. Gross changes: Gross lesions, if any, will be recorded during post mortem
examination of the birds sacrificed or died naturally.
b. Histopathological changes: The formalin fixed tissues will be processed for
paraffin embedding technique. The sections will be stained with haematoxylin
and eosin for histopathological interpretation (Luna, 1968).