5 Pipe Loops Versus Compression: 2785 - C005.fm Page 177 Friday, April 1, 2005 3:30 PM
5 Pipe Loops Versus Compression: 2785 - C005.fm Page 177 Friday, April 1, 2005 3:30 PM
5 Pipe Loops Versus Compression: 2785 - C005.fm Page 177 Friday, April 1, 2005 3:30 PM
In this chapter we will explore the need for installing pipe loops in order to increase
the throughput in a gas pipeline. Looping will be compared to another means of
increasing pipeline capacity, such as installing compressor stations. The advan-
tages and disadvantages of looping pipes vs. adding compressor stations will be
without loop
with loop
nd co
800 psig
Consider an existing pipeline that is currently limited by the operating pressure that
is close to the MAOP of the pipeline. Suppose the capacity of an NPS 16 pipeline
is 100 MMSCFD and the discharge pressure at the originating compressor station is
1440 psig, as shown in Figure 5.2. It can be seen that, at the given flow rate and
discharge pressure, the delivery pressure is 800 psig. If the pipeline flow rate is
increased to 120 MMSCFD without changing the originating pressure of 1440 psig,
the increased flow will cause greater pressure drop and, hence, the delivery pressure
at the pipeline terminus will drop to some value such as 600 psig. The reduced
delivery pressure may or may not be acceptable to the customer receiving the gas.
However, we cannot increase the discharge pressure at the beginning of the pipeline
to compensate for the drop in delivery pressure because the pressure is already at
the MAOP level. How can we increase the flow rate and still provide the same
delivery pressure as before? By installing an intermediate compressor station as
shown in Figure 5.2, we can pump the increased volume approximately halfway and
then boost the pressure at the new compressor station to the same MAOP level for
ultimate delivery to the pipeline terminus at 800 psig, as before. This is illustrated
in Figure 5.2.
Thus, we have been able to achieve the increased pipeline capacity of 120
MMSCFD by installing an additional compressor station at approximately the half-
way point along the pipeline. Suppose we want to increase the flow rate further
without changing the discharge pressure or the delivery pressure. It is clear that we
could install additional intermediate compressor stations as needed to achieve the
increased throughput, while maintaining the same delivery pressure. This is illus-
trated in Figure 5.3, where two additional compressor stations have been installed
to increase the pipeline throughput while maintaining the desired delivery pressure
at the pipeline terminus.
1440 psig
800 psig
Dover Leeds
NPS 16 pipeline
= ini
28 tia
8. lQ
41 =
M 18
M 8.4 800 psig
800 psig
Windsor Avon Hart Cardiff
m.p. 0 m.p. 37.55 m.p. 57.33 m.p. 100
NPS 16 pipeline 100 mi long
Example 1
A natural gas pipeline is 100 mi long and is constructed of NPS 16 and 0.250 in.
wall thickness and runs from Windsor to Cardiff, as shown in Figure 5.4.
2. Determine the requirement for two expansion scenarios. The phase 1 expansion
will increase pipeline throughput by 50 MMSCFD and phase 2 will increase through-
put by another 50 MMSCFD. In each case, calculate the number of compressor
stations and HP required. The gas flow velocities must be checked to ensure that they
are within erosional limits.
3. Also estimate the approximate cost for each of these cases, using an overall installed
cost of $2000 per HP for the compressor stations.
4. Compare these expansion cases using pipe loop instead of compression. Thus, for
phase 1, instead of building intermediate compressor stations, calculate the amount
of pipe loop needed to reduce the pressure drop at the higher flow rate. Similarly,
for the phase 2 flow rate, calculate the looping necessary to maintain pressures without
adding compressor stations. Estimate the cost of the expansion scenarios using pipe
loops instead of compressor stations, based upon an overall installed cost of $500,000
per mile of loop.
Assume a transmission factor of 20, gas flow temperature of 80°F, and compressibility
factor of 0.85 throughout. Additional data are as follows: gas gravity = 0.6, ratio of
specific heats = 1.4, base temperature = 60°F, and base pressure = 14.7 psia. The
compressor isentropic efficiency = 0.8, and the mechanical efficiency of the com-
pressor driver is 0.95.
1. First, determine the initial capacity, considering one compressor station at Windsor
providing the pressure of 1440 psig needed for delivery pressure of 800 psig at Cardiff.
Using General Flow Equation 2.4, we calculate the initial capacity, Q, of the pipeline
as follows:
520 1454.72 − 814.72
Q = 38.77 × 20 (15.5)2.5 = 188,410,280 SCFD
14.7 0.6 × 540 × 100 × 0.85
1.40 1 + 0.85 1 1454.7 1.40
HP = 0.0857 × 188.41 (540) − 1 = 6357
0.40 2 0.8 814.7
BHP required = = 7064
Checking gas velocities using Equation 2.26, the gas velocity at Windsor is
2. Next, we will calculate the compressor station requirement for the phase 1 flow
rate of
Q = 188.41 + 50 = 238.41 MMSCFD
Assume that an additional compressor station is needed for this flow rate. This will
be located at Avon at a distance of L miles from Cardiff, such that a discharge pressure
of 1440 psig at Avon will produce a delivery pressure of 800 psig at Cardiff. We will
calculate the value of the pipe length, L , using General Flow Equation 2.4 as follows:
520 1454.72 − 814.72
238.41 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (15.5)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 540 × L × 0.85
Solving for L, we get
L = 62.45 mi
Next, calculate the suction pressure at Avon using 1440 psig at Windsor and consid-
ering a pipe length of 37.55 (100 − 62.45) mi between Windsor and Avon.
r= = 1.30
This is a satisfactory compression ratio for a centrifugal compressor.
The HP required at Windsor and Avon for phase 1 will be calculated using
Equation 4.15.
1.40 1 + 0.85 1 1454.7 1.40
HP = 0.0857 × 238.41 (540) − 1 = 8044
0.40 2 0.8 814.7
Therefore, the BHP required at Windsor for phase 1 = = 8468.
Similarly, the HP required at Avon is
Therefore, the BHP required at Avon = = 3659.
The total compressor HP required at both compressor stations for the phase 1 flow
rate of 238 MMSCFD is
8468 + 3659 = 12,127 HP
Therefore, the incremental HP for phase 1 is
∆HP = 12,127 – 7064 = 5063 HP
3. This represents the additional compressor HP required for phase 1 for the extra
50 MMSCFD flow rate. The cost of this incremental HP, based on $2000 per installed
HP, is
Next, check the gas velocity at the increased flow rate in phase 1 from Equation 2.26.
This velocity is acceptable, since it is less than the erosion velocity of 58.94 ft/s
calculated earlier. The velocity at Windsor at the higher pressure of 1440 psig will
be lower and, hence, less than the erosion velocity.
520 1454.72 − 814.72
288.41 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (15.5)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 540 × L × 0.85
520 1454.72 − P22
288.41 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (15.5)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 540 × 19.78 × 0.85
r= = 1.21
Before determining the location of the Jenks compressor station between Windsor
and Avon, calculate the suction pressure at Avon, assuming Jenks doesn’t exist and
that the Windsor compressor station pumps directly into Avon, as in phase 1.
The suction pressure at Avon, considering 1440 psig at Windsor, is calculated using
General Flow Equation 2.4:
520 1454.72 − P2 2
288.41 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (15.5)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 540 × 37.55 × 0.85
r= = 1.59
Therefore, for phase 2, we will need only two compressor stations besides Windsor,
Avon at milepost 37.55 and Hart at milepost 57.33.
Next, calculate the total HP required at Windsor, Avon, and Hart at phase 2 flow
1.40 1 + 0.85 1 1454.7 1.40
HP = 0.0857 × 288.41 (540 ) − 1 = 9731
0.40 2 0.8 814.7
Therefore, the BHP required at Windsor for phase 2 = = 10,243.
This velocity is acceptable, since it is less than the erosion velocity. The velocity at
higher pressures will be well within the limits.
4. In the preceding analysis, we accomplished the increase in flow rates for phase 1
and phase 2 by adding intermediate compressor stations. The capital cost for phase 1
expansion was $10.13 million and for the phase 2 expansion was an additional
$18.71 million.
Next, we will explore the two expansions by installing pipe loops without additional
intermediate compressor stations.
For phase 1, assume that L miles of the pipe near Cardiff will be looped. The reason
we picked this section is because in Chapter 3, we found that looping close to the
downstream end is more beneficial than looping near the upstream end, as long as
the flowing temperature was constant. Following the methodology of Chapter 3, we
will determine the equivalent diameter of the pipe loop as follows:
Assuming the loop to be of the same diameter as the main piping and L1 = L2, using
Equation 3.18, we get
Const1 = 1.0
Therefore, the equivalent diameter, using Equation 3.17, is
1/ 5
1 + 1 2
De = D1 = 1.32 D1 = 1.32 × 15.5 = 20.46 in.
Considering L miles of pipe of inside diameter 20.46 in., calculate the upstream
pressure at the beginning of the loop as shown in Figure 5.5. The downstream pressure
at Cardiff is 800 psig, and the upstream pressure P is unknown. Using General Flow
Equation 2.4,
520 P 2 − 814.72
238.41 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (20.46)2.5 (5.1)
14.7 0.6 × 540 × L × 0.85
There are two unknowns, P and L, in Equation 5.1. We need another equation to
solve for both variables. For this, the pipe segment from Windsor to the start of the
loop will be examined.
Considering 1440 psig at Windsor, calculate the downstream pressure P at the begin-
ning of the loop for a pipe length of (100 – L). Using General Flow Equation 2.4,
1454.72 − P 2
238.41 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (15.5)2.5 (5.2)
14.7 0.6 × 540 × (100 − L ) × 0.85
800 psig
Loop - 50.03 mi
800 psig
Windsor Cardiff
m.p. 0 m.p. 100
NPS 16 pipeline 100 mi long
Eliminating P from Equation 5.1 and Equation 5.2, we solve for L as follows:
L = 50.03 mi
Substituting this value of L in Equation 5.1 and solving for P,
P = 976.76 psia = 962.06 psig
Therefore, for phase 1, without an intermediate compressor station, flow increase can
be achieved by looping 50.03 mi of pipe upstream of Cardiff.
For phase 2, at a flow rate of 288.41 MMSCFD, similarly calculate the amount of
pipe loop needed, without adding any intermediate compression.
1454.72 − P 2
288.41 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (15.5)2.5 (5.4)
14.7 0.6 × 540 × (100 − L ) × 0.85
Eliminating P from Equation 5.3 and Equation 5.4, we solve for the loop length L as
L = 76.26 mi
P = 1130 psig
se 2
SCF 800 psig
800 psig
Windsor Cardiff
m.p. 0 m.p. 100
NPS 16 pipeline 100 mi long
Thus, for phase 2 the total incremental cost of additional looping over phase 1 and
increased HP at the Windsor compressor station is
($38.13 – $25.02) + $3.55 = $16.66 million
The costs of the initial case and the two expansion scenarios for the compressor
station option and the pipe loop option are summarized in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2.
In an existing pipeline for a given flow rate, we can calculate the HP required based
upon the number of compressor stations, their suction and discharge pressures, and
flow rate. Suppose we are interested in reducing the HP required and, hence, the annual
operating cost of the pipeline. If the flow rate is not reduced, the only way power
consumption can be reduced is to reduce the overall pressure drop between compressor
stations. If the pipeline is 100 miles long and at a flow rate of 100 MMSCFD, an
origin compressor station and an intermediate compressor station are required, each
station operating at 900 psia suction and 1400 psia discharge pressures. The HP
required will depend upon the compression ratio of (1400/900) or 1.56. Since the flow
rate is constant, HP can be reduced by increasing the suction pressure or decreasing
the discharge pressure, both of which reduce the compression ratio. Since the objective
is to operate a gas pipeline at the highest possible pressure for efficiency, we will not
reduce the discharge pressure. That leaves us the option of only increasing the suction
pressure. Suction pressure can be increased by reducing the pressure drop in the
pipeline segment upstream of the compressor station. Since the flow rate and pipe
diameter are fixed, the pressure drop in a pipe segment can be decreased by installing
a pipe loop. Therefore, looping a segment of pipeline, thereby reducing the pressure
drop, will result in a decrease in HP and annual operating cost. We will illustrate this
using an example.
Example 2
A natural gas (specific gravity = 0.60) pipeline is 130 mi long and is constructed of
NPS 20, 0.500 in. wall thickness pipeline (MAOP = 1440 psig) that runs from
Anaheim to Ventura. At a flow rate of 300 MMSCFD, an intermediate compressor
at Brentwood (milepost 70) is needed. Calculate the total HP required for both
compressor stations. In order to reduce the power consumption by 30% at the present
flow rate, it is proposed to loop the pipeline. Calculate the extent of looping required.
For simplicity, use the General Flow equation with a transmission factor F = 20 and
compressibility factor of 0.90. The gas flow temperature is 60°F and base pressure
is 14.7 psia. The base temperature is 60°F. The delivery pressure required at Ventura
is 800 psig. The discharge pressure at Anaheim is 1440 psig, and the suction pressure
is 900 psig. Use 80% isentropic efficiency and 95% mechanical efficiency for com-
pressors. The gas specific heat ratio g = 1.4.
Using General Flow Equation 2.4, calculate the discharge pressure required at the
Brentwood compressor station for 800 psig delivery pressure at Ventura.
520 P12 − 814.72
300 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (19.0)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 520 × 60 × 0.9
r= = 1.59
1.40 1 + 0.9 1 1454.7 1.40
HP = 0.0857 × 300 (520 ) − 1 = 7876
0.40 2 0.8 914.7
BHP = = 8291
Similarly, calculate the compression ratio and BHP for the Brentwood compressor
r= = 1.127
The HP required at Brentwood is
BHP = = 2033
By looping the pipe segment between Anaheim and Brentwood using NPS 20 pipe,
the flow rate through each pipe will be one-half the inlet flow of 300 MMSCFD
at Anaheim.
The suction pressure at Brentwood is calculated using the General Flow equation as
520 1454.72 − P22
150 × 10 = 38.77 × 20
0.6 × 520 × 70 × 0.9 (19.0)2.5
14. 7
P2 = 1371 psia
Since this pressure is more than the discharge pressure of 1216 psia calculated earlier
for Brentwood, we conclude that the Brentwood station will not be needed if we loop
the entire 70 mi pipe segment from Anaheim to Brentwood. This would reduce the
total BHP required to 8291 from (8291 + 2033) calculated earlier for the Anaheim
and Brentwood compressor stations.
∆BHP = = 0.197, or 19.7%
8291 + 2033
Since the objective is to reduce the power consumption by 30%, we must do more
than just loop the pipe segment between Anaheim and Brentwood. We will recal-
culate the discharge pressure at Anaheim without the Brentwood compressor station,
such that the delivery pressure at Ventura is 800 psig. The reduced discharge pressure
at Anaheim due to the 70 mi pipe loop will reduce the compression ratio and,
hence, the HP at Anaheim.
Using the General Flow equation for the pipe segment between Anaheim and Brentwood,
the downstream pressure at Brentwood must equal the 1216 psia calculated earlier to
ensure 800 psig delivery at Ventura.
Therefore, considering half the total flow rate through each NPS 20 pipe section of
the loop,
520 P12 − 12162
150 × 10 = 38.77 × 20
14.7 0.6 × 520 × 70 × 0.9
P1 = 1310 psia
r= = 1.432
The revised HP at Anaheim is calculated as
BHP = = 6319
= 0.39 or 39%
8291 + 2033
This is well above the 30% reduction in power required. If we reduce the loop pipe
length slightly from 70 mi, we will realize the required 30% reduction. This is left
as an exercise for the reader.
( )
20 = C P12 − P22 D 2.5 (A)
and at 30 MMSCFD,
( )
30 = C P12 − P22 Deq 2.5 (B)
Deq = D(1.5) 2.5
If the initial pipe size of DE was 12.00 in. inside diameter, we need an equivalent
diameter of
Deq = 12 × (1.5) 2.5 = 14.11 in.
Next, we need to determine the loop diameter required that will produce the
equivalent diameter just calculated. Since the pressure drop in each pipe loop is the
same, if Q1 and Q2 represent the flow rates in the main pipe and loop respectively,
Q1 + Q2 = 30 (5.5)
30 Q1 Q2
= 2.5
= (5.6)
Deq (12) ( D)2.5
where D is the loop diameter to be calculated and the main pipe is 12.00 in. diameter.
Solving for Q1, we get
Q1 = 30 = 20.01 MMSCFD
9.99 30
D (14.11)2.5
Solving for D, we get
9.99 2.5
D= × 14.11 = 9.09 in.
Therefore, by looping the entire length DE of the existing 12 in. diameter pipe
with a pipe having an inside diameter of 9.09 in., we will maintain the same pressure
at all points as before.
A slightly different case of looping is one in which the inlet flow at A needs to
be increased so that the increased volume can be delivered at B, while keeping all
pressures the same as before. Suppose the delivery volume at B needs to be increased
to 30 MMSCFD, without changing other deliveries or receipt. The inlet volume at
A will increase from 60 MMSCFD to 70 MMSCFD, and the delivery volume at B
will increase from 20 MMSCFD to 30 MMSCFD. We will loop the section AB
such that the pressure at A and B remain the same as before, so that the volumes
and pressures at all points downstream of B remain the same. This will be illustrated
by calculating the pressures and the size of the pipe loop required in the next
Example 3
wall thickness; CD is NPS 10, 0.250 in. wall thickness; and DE is NPS 12, 0.250 in.
wall thickness. The delivery pressure at E is fixed at 600 psig. The pipe lengths are
as follow:
AB = 12 mi
BC = 18 mi
CD = 20 mi
DE = 8 mi
The gas gravity is 0.60, and the flow temperature is 60°F. The compressibility factor
and transmission factor can be assumed to be 0.85 and 20, respectively, through-
out the pipeline. The base pressure and base temperature are 14.7 psia and 60°F,
First, the pressures at A and B must be calculated for the initial flow rates. Starting
at E, for a delivery pressure of 600 psig at E, the pressures at D, C, and B will be
calculated sequentially. Applying the General Flow equation for the 8 mi section DE
of inside diameter 12.25 in. and at a flow rate of 20 MMSCFD,
520 PD2 − 614.72
20 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (12.25)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 520 × 8 × 0.85
520 PC2 − 618.022
10 × 10 = 38.77 × 20
14.7 0.6 × 520 × 20 × 0.85
520 PB2 − 623.04 2
40 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (12.25)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 520 × 18 × 0.85
520 PA2 − 651.90 2
60 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (13.5)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 520 × 12 × 0.85
Therefore, the pipe section AB, when flowing 60 MMSCFD of gas, has the following
PA = 677.45 psia
PB = 651.90 psia
520 677.452 − 651.90 2
70 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 ( D)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 520 × 12 × 0.85
D = 14.36 in.
The equivalent diameter of the looped line AB must be 14.36 in. to keep pressures
the same as calculated. From Equation 3.17 and Equation 3.18, the diameter of the
loop can be calculated, knowing the equivalent diameter just calculated.
1 + Const1 2 5
14.36 = 13.50
Const1 = 5.99
5.99 =
D2 = 6.6 in.
Therefore, the pipe section AB must be looped with a pipe of inside diameter 6.6 in.
for the entire length of 12 mi. We could also increase the loop diameter and reduce
the pipe length that is looped to get the same effect. For example, increasing the loop
diameter to 10 in. will reduce the length of looping needed. Suppose we decide on
an NPS 10, 0.250 in. wall thickness pipe for the loop length of L mi. upstream of B.
The equivalent diameter will be calculated using Equation 3.17 and Equation 3.18.
Const1 = = 1.9908
1 + 1.9908 2 5
De = 13.50 = 15.89 in.
The pressure at the start of the loop will be calculated from General Flow Equation 2.4:
520 P 2 − 651.90 2
70 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (15.89)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 520 × L × 0.85
Next, consider the unlooped portion of pipe AB from A to the starting point of the loop.
520 677.452 − P 2
70 × 10 6 = 38.77 × 20 (13.5)2.5
14.7 0.6 × 520 × (12 − L ) × 0.85
Eliminating P from Equation 5.7 and Equation 5.8 and solving for L, we get
L = 5.71 mi
Therefore, by looping the existing NPS 14 pipe from A to B with an identical NPS
14 pipe, 5.71 mi long (measured upstream from B), the pressures will be the same
as before the increased delivery volume at B.
We discussed two ways to increase the throughput of a gas pipeline: using interme-
diate compressor stations and installing pipe loops. With intermediate compressor
stations, the flow rate can be increased to fully utilize pipe MAOP. However, adding
compressor stations causes increased capital cost as well as annual operating and
maintenance costs. On the other hand, by installing a pipe loop, the effective diameter
of the pipe is increased, resulting in a lower pressure drop. Therefore, additional flow
rate can be realized without installing an intermediate compressor station. Looping
an existing pipeline causes increase in capital but very little increase in operating
and maintenance costs compared to installing intermediate compressor stations. We
also discussed how the HP required can be reduced by installing a pipe loop. On
distribution piping, an example of increasing delivery rate to certain locations using
pipe loops, without changing pipe pressures in the rest of the pipeline, was also
1. A natural gas pipeline from Compton to Merced is 100 mi long and is constructed
of NPS 14, 0.250 in. wall thickness. The pipeline elevation profile is essentially
flat. The MAOP of the pipeline is 1280 psig. The gas delivery pressure at Merced
is 600 psig. What is the maximum pipeline throughput with an origin compressor
station at Compton? The gas gravity is 0.6 and gas flowing temperature is 80°F.
Use the Colebrook equation for pressure drop with a friction factor of 0.01. The
compressibility factor can be assumed to be constant at 0.88. If the flow rate
increases by 50 MMSCFD, calculate the increased HP required at Compton and
the HP required at an intermediate compressor station at Vale. Instead of the
intermediate compressor station at Vale, a portion of the pipe is looped. What
length of NPS 14 loop will be needed? The base pressure and base temperature
are 14.7 psia and 60°F, respectively. The compressor isentropic efficiency = 0.8,
and the mechanical efficiency of the compressor driver is 0.95.
2. A natural gas (specific gravity = 0.60) pipeline is 120 mi long and is constructed
of NPS 20, 0.500 in. wall thickness (MAOP = 1000 psig), and runs from Akers
to Coburn. At a flow rate of 250 MMSCFD, an intermediate compressor at
1. Mohitpour, M., Golshan, H., and Murray, A., Pipeline Design and Construction,
2nd ed., ASME Press, New York, 2003.
2. Engineering Data Book, 10th ed., Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK,
3. Pipeline Design for Hydrocarbon Gases and Liquids, American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York, 1975.