A Full Pack Review Designed To Help Baccalaureate Students Prepare For The National Exam
A Full Pack Review Designed To Help Baccalaureate Students Prepare For The National Exam
A Full Pack Review Designed To Help Baccalaureate Students Prepare For The National Exam
Chahid Elhocine
A. Match Collocations & Fill in the blanks:
Equal lessons 1. ________________ help illiterate people to learn how to read and write.
Culture background 2. When you visit another country, you often experience _____________.
Private service 3. ______________________ empowered the status of women in Morocco.
Family classes 4. _____________________ involves all school qualifications and diplomas.
Literacy shock 5. Due to the lack of _________________________, it’s hard to find a job.
Negative opportunities 6. _______________________ is the main concern of world organizations.
Sustainable engineering 7. _______________________ help students to get high marks in the exam.
Educational development 8. Active citizens never hesitate to participate in _____________________.
Genetic code 9. ____________________ has improved Moroccan agriculture noticeably.
Community stereotypes 10. _________________ about women is an obstacle to social development.
B. Complete with Compound Adjectives from the list:
known - speaking - sighted - minded - star - handed - going - fashioned - time - rooted - hearted - lit
Deeply - ___________ Well - ____________ Old - _____________ Brightly - _________
Left - ______________ Short - ____________ Easy - ____________ Kind - ____________
Part - ______________ Five - _____________ English - __________ Absent - __________
1. My father finds it difficult to read the newspapers, He is ______________________.
2. Moroccans are ________________________ and tolerant towards other cultures
3. America and Canada are among ________________________ countries.
4. Our teacher is an ________________________ man.
5. Karim writes with his left hand. He is ________________________.
6. Sara studies at school and works. She has a ______________________ job.
7. Moroccan cuisine is ____________________________ for its very delicious dishes.
8. Sara couldn’t understand the lesson because she was ___________________________.
9. To concentrate, you should study in __________________________ places.
10. Last night, we stayed in a __________________________ hotel.
11. Mr Brown still has that ___________________________ car.
12. In our culture, some traditions are ___________________________.
In Morocco, a huge number of children are homeless. Thousands of young girls from
poor families are sent to work as maids in cities. However, they are often ill-treated and
exploited; which makes them run away and live in the streets. Also, many young boys
leave their houses due to family problems and poverty. Some of them work hard to earn
some money and others survive by begging from rich people. Street children live a
difficult life; very often full of danger. Moroccan associations like “Bayti” make
considerable efforts to reintegrate these homeless children into families and schools.
Homeless children live happily in the streets. Abused : __________________
Why do children leave their houses? Them : __________________
Brain drain parallels the term Capital flight, which refers to the growing
number of highly skilled people emigrating to Europe or North America. In
other words, its mobility of experts from underdeveloped countries to
developed ones. The wide horizons and advancement in new information
technologies have drawn waves of Moroccan experts and graduates to
move to Europe in search of their fortune. This summer, more than 150
Moroccan engineers obtained European Visas, especially in Germany.
Experts immigrate to underdeveloped countries. Immigration: __________________
Why did technology experts leave Morocco? Ones : __________________
A. Circle the right Answer:
1. I offered helping / to help my father in farm work. 6. I am learning speaking / to speak English.
2. I miss going / to go to the beach. 7. She suggested going / to go to the museum.
3. She admitted stealing / to steal the money. 8. John thinks about climbing / to climb trees.
4. Laura dreams of living / to live in London. 9. Leila enjoys reading / to read love stories.
5. I don't want leaving / to leave yet. 10. They are afraid of losing / to lose the match.
B. Put the verbs in the correct form: Past Perfect - Future Perfect
1. Susan turned on the radio after she _______________________ (wash) the dishes.
2. Jack _______________________ (visit) the doctor by next Thursday.
3. Sami _______________________ (watch) TV before they went to bed.
4. By 8’oclock tonight, Sana _______________________ (do) her homework.
5. I passed the exam because I _______________________ (study) harder.
6. By next Monday, I _______________________ (finish) all my exams.
7. By next year, I _______________________ (live) in Rabat for ten years.
8. When I arrived at the cinema, Leila _______________________ (already/buy) the tickets.
C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Phrasal Verbs:
Put out - Try on - Sit down - Get on - Take off - Find out - Hurry up - Look up
1. You are at home now. ___________ your shoes! 5. Why don't you_____________________?
2. She wants to ____________________ the truth. 6. I will ____________________ the train now.
3. Where can I __________________ the sweater? 7. _________________ the word in a dictionary.
4. ____________________! We are late. 8. The firemen _____________________ the fire
D. Fill in the gaps with Perfect Modals: E. Choose the right Pronoun:
Could have, Might have, Should have, Must have, Shouldn’t have Who, Whom, Where, Which, Whose
1. Laura is very shocked. You ______________ told her the truth. 1. Coronavirus, ___________ broke out in
2. You ________________ revised your English lessons yesterday. china, came from animals.
3. Ahmed did not come today. He _____________ missed the bus. 2. I met Mrs. Hudson _________ husband
died in an accident.
4. John got high marks. He _________________ worked harder
3. The man ________ I met last night was
5. The ground is muddy. It __________________ rained last night. my uncle John.
F. Rewrite the Sentences as indicated:
1. My sister cleans the house every day. The house ______________________________
2. I failed in the exam because I didn’t study hard. If _____________________________________
3. I arrived very late at the airport. If only__________________________________
4. "We're going to the cinema." My friends said My friends said _________________________
5. Samir said, "I will send the report tomorrow." Samir said ______________________________
6. The artist began the show. The show ______________________________
7. The teacher gave Leila an excellent mark. An excellent mark _______________________
8. Graham Bell invented the Telephone. The telephone __________________________
9. I woke up late. So, I missed the bus. If _____________________________________
10. I wasted all my money on Casino. I wish _________________________________
11. "Where is my hat?” Ahmed asked me. Ahmed asked me ________________________
12. "You have to do your best", my teacher said My teacher told m________________________
13. The government will make strict laws. Strict laws ______________________________
14. My student has suggested a clever idea. A clever idea ____________________________
15. I didn’t go to work because I was sick. If _____________________________________
16. I didn't sleep very well last night. If only _________________________________
17. The policeman must solve the murder. The murder _____________________________
18. The students wrote the lesson. The lesson ______________________________
19. My mother washed all the dishes All the dishes ___________________________
20. “Do you smoke?” The doctor asked. The doctor asked ________________________
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Linking words.
Despite – In order to – Although - However - Whereas - But - Because – Moreover - As a result - That’s why
1. ___________________ he is rich, he lives in a small house.
2. Adam is a bad student, ___________________ he gets high marks.
3. ___________________ the cold weather, I went to school.
4. I was sick. ___________________ I went to school.
5. I could not pass the exam ___________________ I cheated.
6. I work very hard ___________________ have a good job.
7. I was very late for work. ___________________ I took TAXI.
8. Tom is rich, ___________________ Jack is poor.
9. He spent all his time on Facebook. ___________________ he failed in the exams.
10. The report is badly written. ___________________, it contains a lot of mistakes.
B. Join the sentences using Linking words:
1. Kyle is an intelligent student. He doesn’t like school. (However)
2. He confronted his boss over a salary raise. He lost his job. (Consequently)
3. My grandfather is 70 years old. He is still strong enough to work. (But)
4. Kamal is a professional guitarist. He is a talented singer. (Besides)
5. Our house was too small. We moved to a bigger one. (That’s why)
6. She wasn’t ready enough. She passed the test. (Although)
7. He had been smoking for a long time. He got lung cancer. (As a result)
8. Sana was very sick. She didn’t want to miss school. (Despite)