Back-EMF Sensorless Control Algorithm For High Dynamics Performances PMSM
Back-EMF Sensorless Control Algorithm For High Dynamics Performances PMSM
Back-EMF Sensorless Control Algorithm For High Dynamics Performances PMSM
Abstract— In the paper a low time consuming and cost be submitted to Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) coming
sensorless control algorithm for high dynamics performances from external sources, producing an error in measurement that
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) both surface may be significant for feedback control. Sensorless drives are
or internal permanent magnet mounted for position and speed
estimation is introduced discussed and experimentally validated. a viable solution for all the mentioned situations in which the
This control algorithm is based on the estimation of rotor speed presence of a speed/position sensor is an element of weakness
and angular position starting from the back electromotive force in the drive.
space vector determination without voltage sensors by using the Various sensorless control techniques have been developed
reference voltages given by the current controllers instead of the for Brushless DC and Brushless AC machines and many
actual ones. This choice obviously introduces some errors that
must be vanished by means of a compensating function. are still in development. All the solutions proposed during
The novelties of the proposed estimation algorithm are the the last years have advantages and drawbacks and cannot be
position estimation equation and the process of compensation of considered resolutive for the widest range of applications and
the inverter phase lag that also suggests the final mathematical for the different types of motors. References [1]-[26] give an
form of the estimation. idea of the manifolds of the proposed solutions and of the
The mathematical structure of the estimation guarantees a
high degree of robustness against parameters variation as shown development during long time of the state of the art issued to
by the sensitivity analysis reported in the paper. sensorless control of Brushless drives.
Experimental verifications of the proposed sensorless control Fundamentally two big families of sensorless control for
system have been made with the aid of a flexible test bench for IPMSM are issued. The first develop the difference of saliency
Brushless Motor Electrical Drives. The test results presented in between direct and quadrature axis and the rotor position
the paper show the validity of the proposed low cost sensorless
control algorithm and, above all, underline the high dynamic information is derived from the signal conditioning of the
performances of the sensorless control system also with a reduced currents output due to the injection of high frequency voltage
equipment. on the stator winding (see e.g. [5],[6],[7]). In this way the
Index Terms— Brushless machines, Synchronous motor drives, machine is used itself as a resolver device. Signal injection on
Transducers, Control equipments the stator is effective and allows the control of the IPMSM
also at standstill, but it is quite complicated and require great
attention in the design of the control system and of the signal
conditioning system to extract rotor position. The latter is
Copyright (c) 2009 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, Permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi de Palermo. Downloaded on April 27,2010 at 10:56:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.
Power ///
we refer as the “current offset term”) is the angle of the same
vector computed in the dqo reference frame.
- - dq/abc
PWM Eq. 4 presents two singularities when eSα or iq approach
Iq Converter
zero crossings. These singularities can be easily managed
because the function arctan(.) converges to ±π/2 when its
Id=0 - (actual) argument diverges to ∞. In general, in high level program-
est ming languages the singularity elimination is managed within
the preprocessor directives and math libraries (namely the
abc/dq “math.h” library for C and C++). For the same eq. 4 the
usage of the four quadrant inverse tangent function (seldom
ω est named atan2 in the field of technical computing) is a suitable
Speed and position
estimation v*a,v*b,v*c alternative to the simple arctan(.) function.
(reference) Eq. 4 gives only an early and rough estimation term to be used
in the control system.
ia,ib,ic In the following it is presented how to realize a satisfactory
Fig. 1. Electrical drive machine blocks diagram with sensorless control for estimation that allows to control the drive also during transient
Equation (4) shows clearly as the rotor position depends on
delay time response due to power switches commutations and the quadrature current iq .
inverter control algorithm time consumption. It is worthwhile In eq. (4) evaluation of eSα and eSβ come out from the
to observe that better performances are obtained if rotor actual motor voltages, but in the real estimation scheme,
position and speed determination would be committed directly only the reference voltages given by the current controller
to the determination of the back EMF space vector e~S and not va∗ , vb∗ , and vc∗ are used so that eq. (4) is effectively used
to the determination of the flux space vector. This is essentially with e∗Sα = vα∗ − Riα and e∗Sβ = vSβ ∗
− Riβ . This
due to the absence of flux signals integrator. Furthermore, choice avoids the usage of voltage probes, but, in this way,
elimination of analog integrators improves the benefits in the term arctan[e∗Sβ /e∗Sα ] is clearly only approximated. The
analog circuitry for the absence of components suffering for actual motor voltages lag the reference voltage because of
thermal drift [16]. the presence of the delay introduced by the power converter
Assuming a balanced tree-phase system, the expression of [13],[14],[22].
the back EMF space vector e~S components is: In order to gain an affordable estimation process without
voltage probes, the effect due to actual voltage lag must be
· ¸ obviously compensated. Let T the lag time introduced by the
~ j inverter and:
e~S = v~S − RiS = eSα + jeSβ = va − √ (va + 2vb ) −
· ¸ 3 µ ¶
j vβ − Riβ
− R ia + √ (ia + 2ib ) = va − Ria + F(vα , vβ ) = arctan (5)
vα − Riα
1 the first term of eq. (4) i.e. the argument of e~S in the α − β
+ j √ [(va + 2vb ) − R(ia + 2ib )] (3)
3 reference frame. In eq. (5) the reference voltages vα∗ , vβ∗ are
substituted to the actual ones with the reference ones vα , vβ . A
in which:
relation between actual and reference voltage may be written
va , vb , ia , ib are, respectively, the voltages and the currents
in the form:
of phases “A” and “B”;
i~S is the space vector of the stator currents;
eSα and eSβ are, respectively, the components along the vα∗ = vα + δvα
stationary real and imaginary axis of the back electromotive vβ∗ = vβ + δvβ (6)
force space vector e~S .
The argument of the back EMF clearly is not the real rotor in which the variations δvα , δvβ are due to the phase differ-
position. The real rotor position is given by the difference ence.
between the argument of ~eS in the stator reference frame and Now, after substitution, considering a well known calculus
the argument of the same one in the rotating dqo frame. formula for the increment of functions, we can write:
A simple analysis on the machine model at steady state
∂F ∂F
with id = 0 gives the following expression for correct rotor F(vα∗ , vβ∗ ) = F(vα , vβ ) + δvα + δvβ (7)
position: ∂vα ∂vβ
· ¸ · ¸ and developing the partial derivatives of the incremental term
eSβ λP M ∂F ∂F
θ = arctan − arctan (4) ∂vα δvα + ∂vβ δvβ we get:
eSα Lq i q
(δv i − δv i ) R − δvα vβ + δvβ vα
where arctan [eSβ /eSα ] is the phase of the e~S vector in the ³ αβ ´ β α (8)
stationary reference frame and arctan[λP M /Lq iq ] (to which R2 i2α + i2β − 2R (iα vα + iβ vβ ) + vα2 + vβ2
Copyright (c) 2009 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, Permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi de Palermo. Downloaded on April 27,2010 at 10:56:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.
vα∗ = vα + δvα = vα − vβ ωT
vβ∗ = vβ + δvβ = vβ + vα ωT (10)
In this way our previous expansion of (8) reduces to: Fig. 2. Position offset at steady state as a function of speed and current.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.
To establish this control loop we consider that the estimated
direct current iˆd = iα cos(θest ) + iβ sin(θest ) is forced to
zero at steady state only when θest = θ. The PI regulator maximum speed [rpm] 4000
so introduces a further correction term on θest vanishing the rated current [A] 3.6
phase rated voltage [V] 77
steady state position error. Taking the presence of the PI into rated torque [Nm] 1.8
account, the ultimate estimator equation form is: Number of poles 6
Stator phase resistance [Ω] 2.21
Direct axis inductance [mH] 9.77
vβ∗ − Riβ V dθest Quadrature axis inductance [mH] 17.94
θest = arctan( )−T +
vα∗ − Riα E dt permanent magnet flux [Wb] 0.084
Z Friction Torque [Nm] 0.04
λP M
− arctan( ) − kp iˆd − ki iˆd dt (17)
where kp and ki are the proportional and integral PI parame- C HARACTERISTICS OF THE DPS 30 POWER ELECTRONIC INVERTER .
ters. Input phase rated voltage (at 50 Hz) [V] 230
Before the PI tuning it is mandatory to add a pole in the DC Link voltage [V] 310
origin of the complex plane with the aim to obtain a system Output max power [kW] 6.5
of the second type. This ensures that the position estimation Output max current (peak) [A] 30
Output max current (RMS) [A] 21
error θ − θest vanishes. In order to ensure stability to the PWM carrier frequency [kHz] 20
control loop the Routh Criterion is applied to the determinant Maximum braking power [W] 3200
of the approximated closed loop transfer function. The Routh
polynomial is a function of the kp and ki parameters. In this
way it is possible to establish a relational bound between these board with a sampling frequency of fs = 10kHz while the
parameters whose numerical determination is after made with down sample factor was chosen as n = 10.
the traditional methods of the control system theory. The output signals of the PWM generator that come out
The estimator block diagram is shown in Fig. 3. from the dSPACE board are then directly fed to the drivers of
the IGBT switches.
III. E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS In Table I and II the nameplate and per phase parameters
A. Description of the test bench. of the IPMSM and the electrical characteristics of the IGBT
power converter are respectively reported.
In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed sen-
sorless control system a flexible test bench has been built and
set up. B. Results and discussion.
The electrical drive test bench is constituted by [17], [18]: Various tests have been made in order to validate the
• an internal permanent magnet synchronous motor; proposed estimation algorithm. In particular the results of the
• a controlled hysteresis brake; following tests are herein after reported:
• a dSPACE (digital Signal Processing And Control Engi- 1) step change in motor speed from 400 rpm up to 4000
neering) board; rpm (nominal speed) and back again to 400 rpm;
• a resolver (used only for comparison purpose). 2) sudden application of a 1.8 Nm load torque while the
In particular, the dSPACE, based on floating point micropro- motor run at 4000 rpm speed;
cessors allows the fast implementation, verification and real- In order to improve the strictness of the tests, the used PI
time simulation of algorithms; the control system here used is parameters in currents and speed control loops have been
implemented on the DS1103 board which is equipped with two locked to the values tuned with the sensored version of the
processors: a master Power PC 604E and a Texas Instruments electrical drive. It is clear that a PI re-tuning, taking the
slave DSP of the type TMS320F240, characterized by cycle presence of estimator into account, could reach a further
frequencies respectively of 400 kHz and 80 MHz. improvement of the performance in sensorless control.
The controlled hysteresis brake is a Magtrol - INC. model In the next figures dashed lines are used for the estimated
HD-705-8 (6 Nm) and the resolver is a MAGNETIC BLQ-41 rotor position and speed while solid line are used for the
used only to measure the real rotor position to be compared measured ones.
with the estimated one to verify the effectiveness of the Fig. 5 shows a comparison between the estimated speed
estimation. The test bench view is shown in the picture of and the measured one by the resolver of the test bench for
Fig. 4. verification purpose. Estimated and real motor speed are in
The basic drive module under test, composed of a tangential good accordance. Furthermore, the electrical drive shows a
flux IPMSM and an insulated-gate-bipolar-transistor (IGBT)- very good performance in settling and rise time. The maximum
based converter (the DPS 30) controlled by the dSPACE that estimation error did never exceeded 35 rpm during transient
manage the converter according to the id = 0 field-oriented and become lower (a small oscillation with about 2 rpm peak
control strategy. value) at steady state. Fig. 6 shows instead real and estimated
The sensorless control algorithm, including the speed and rotor position. It is evident that at steady state there is no
the current loops, has been fully implemented on the dSPACE estimation error and during the transient a small error appears
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi de Palermo. Downloaded on April 27,2010 at 10:56:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.
V, + e + +
atan 1/s
- -
RI -
IIR Filter atan
I , Lq Iq
e e 2
v v 2
Iq I d =0
Id -
, +
k p 1/s
dq s
ωreal, ωest
0.5 1 1.5 2
time [s]
Fig. 4. The Test bench for IPMSM electrical drive machine. Fig. 5. Comparison between real (solid line) and estimated (dashed line)
speed during the execution of test n. 1.
as it can be seen by the little shifting between the two curves. 3 real
The estimation error vanishes within two cycles.
Test 2 is really significant because the motor works under
θreal θest [rad]
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi de Palermo. Downloaded on April 27,2010 at 10:56:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.
3 real
est 5
θreal θest [rad]
∆ ω [rpm]
−3 −20
4100 real
est i v − vα i β
SR = R ³ ´ α β =
4000 R2 i2a + i2β − 2R (ia va + iβ vβ ) + vβ2 + vα2
V I sin(ϕ)
ωreal ωest
3900 = R (19)
V 2 − 2RV I cos(ϕ) + R2 I 2
that can be further simplified in:
R S sin(ϕ)
SR = (20)
3700 3 |E|2
where the symbols used are the same of eq. 14 and where
3600 S = 3V I is the machine apparent power.
Eq 20 shows that the sensitivity function SR is very small
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 at high speed when the back EMF reaches its highest values
time [t] and in each case results to be small at near unity power factor
(sin(ϕ) ' 0) that is assured by the id = 0 control.
Fig. 8. Comparison between real (solid line) and estimated (dashed line) A similar calculation lead to the sensitivity function on
rotor speed during the execution of test n. 2.
quadrature inductance SL :
dTL λP M Lq iq
This is a confirmation of the effectiveness and of the proper S L = Lq = −¡ 2 2 ¢ (21)
dLq Lq iq + λ2P M
action of the introduced offset terms.
from which it can be deduced that sensitivity to variation vs
IV. S ENSITIVITY TO PARAMETER VARIATIONS . quadrature inductance is smaller at high mechanical loads.
An estimation at the rated values for the motor under test
As eq. 16 shows the estimation process depends on the
shows that for a parameters variation of 100% the estimation
values of the stator resistance R and of quadrature inductance
error amount is about 1%. The proposed estimation process
Lq . In order to investigate the robustness of the estimation vs
appears to be very robust against parameters variation.
the parameter variations the relative sensitivity functions have
been calculated. It is clear that in the same equation the term
TR = arctan(eβ /eα ) depends only on the resistance while the V. C ONCLUSIONS
current offset term TL = arctan(λP M /Lq iq ) depends only on In this paper a low time consuming and low cost sensor-
the quadrature inductance. less control algorithm for PMSM without voltage probes for
The sensitivity function related to resistance variation is position and speed estimation was introduced, discussed and
defined as: experimentally verified.
The sensorless control system is based on the back electro-
dTR motive force space vector estimation. The use of the back EMF
SR = R (18)
dR space vector is advantageous respect to any other system using
Developing this formula the following form is obtained: flux estimation because of the integrator elimination avoiding
Copyright (c) 2009 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, Permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi de Palermo. Downloaded on April 27,2010 at 10:56:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.
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Copyright (c) 2009 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, Permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi de Palermo. Downloaded on April 27,2010 at 10:56:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.
Industrial Electronics, Volume 55, Issue 6, June 2008 Page(s): 2525 - Cosimo Rando received the M.S. and Ph.D. de-
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Giuseppe Ricco Galluzzo received the Electri-
cal Engineering degree from the University of
Palermo, Palermo, Italy. During 1992-2001, he
was an Associate Professor of Electrical Drives at
Fabio Genduso received the M.S. and Ph.D. de- the University of Palermo, where, since Septem-
grees in electrical engineering from the University ber 2001, he has been a Full Professor of Elec-
of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 1999 and 2004, trical Drives. His research involves the fields of
respectively. In 2005, he joined the Department mathematical models of electrical machines and
of Electrical Electronics and Telecommunications drive systems control and diagnostics.
Engineering, University of Palermo, as a Re-
searcher. His research interests include power
conversion, electrical drives, power electronics
control, mathematical modeling and simulation of
electrical machines and power conversion systems
and renewable energies.
Copyright (c) 2009 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, Permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi de Palermo. Downloaded on April 27,2010 at 10:56:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.