Taxation I Syllabus PDF
Taxation I Syllabus PDF
Taxation I Syllabus PDF
College of Law
1. Taxation Defined
2. Theory and Bases of Taxation
2.1 The Life-blood theory
2.2 Necessity Theory
2.3 Benefits Protection / Reciprocity Theory (Doctrine of
Symbiotic Relationship)
2.4 Jurisdiction Over Subjects and Objects
6. Doctrines of Taxation
6.1 Imprescriptibly of Taxes
6.2 Prospectivity of Tax Laws
6.3 Doctrine of Equitable Recoupment
6.4 Compensation or Set-Off
6.5 Compromise
6.6 Taxpayer’s Suit
6.7 Inapplicability of Estoppel Against the Government
6.8 Means of Escape from Taxation
6.9 Double Taxation
7. Limitations of Taxation
7.1 Inherent Limitations on the Power of Taxation
7.2 The General Constitutional Limitation on Taxation
8. Stages of a System of Taxation
9. Tax Laws
10. Tax Credit v. Tax Deductions
1. Overview
2. The Bureau of Internal Revenue
3. Jurisdiction, power, and functions of the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue
4. Sources of Internal Revenue
2. Income
2.1 Definition and nature
2.2 When income is taxable .
i. Existence of income
ii. Realization and recognition of income
2.3 Tests in determining whether income is earned for tax
i. Realization test
ii. Economic benefit test, doctrine of proprietary interest
iii. Severance test
2.4 Tax-free exchanges
2.5 Situs of income taxation
3. Gross income
3.1 Definition
3.2 Concept of income from whatever source derived
3.3 Gross income vs. net income vs. taxable income
3.4 Classification of income subject to tax
i. Compensation income
ii. Fringe benefits
iii. Professional income
iv. Income from business
v. Income from dealings in property
vi. Passive investment income
vii. Annuities, proceeds from life insurance or other types
of insurance
viii. Prizes and awards
ix. Pensions, retirement benefit or separation pay
x. Income from any source
3.5 Exclusions and exemptions
i. Rationale
ii. Taxpayers who may avail
iii. Distinguished from deductions and tax credits
8. Withholding taxes
8.1 Concept
8.2 Creditable vs. withholding taxes
8.3 Duties of a withholding agent