Determination of Density and Viscosity of Lubricating Oils: de La Salle University

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Gokongwei College of Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department

Engineering Thermodynamics Laboratory

Final Laboratory Report

Experiment # 6
Determination of Density and Viscosity of Lubricating Oils

Group Name N3P Section EA1


1. Cellona, Kimberley B. Content (50%)
2. Dar, Lloyd Ross M. Presentation (25%)

3. Javier, Mona Lyndsay Relevance (25%)

4. Lopez, Maristela Ann F. Total (100%)

5. Soriano, Elijah Jeremie D. Percentage Equivalent

26 June 2018 3 July 2018

Date of performance Date of Submission

Dr. Lawrence P. Belo

Engineering Thermodynamics Laboratory

Determination of Density and Viscosity

of Lubricating Oils
Kimberley B. Cellona, Lloyd Ross M. Dar, Mona Lyndsay Javier,
Maristela Ann F. Lopez, Elijah Jeremie D. Soriano
Department of Chemical Engineering, Gokongwei College of Engineering, De La Salle University,
2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 1004, Philippines


AY 2017–2018 | Term 3 In this experiment, the densities and viscosities of lubricating oils sphinol, shell, and
petrolube were measured. Density was measured using erlenmeyer flasks,
Final Laboratory Report
Experiment # 6 hydrometers, and a Westphal balance, while viscosity was determined through a
Date Performed: June 26, 2018 viscosimeter, which measured the time it took to fill a beaker with 60 mL of flowing
Date Submitted: July 3, 2018 oil. Results of the experiment show that the densities measured by the three methods
are relatively precise, with errors that may be attributed to inconsistencies in reading
hydrometer, Westphal balance, density, measurements. The experiment verified the inverse relationships of density and
viscosity, viscometer viscosity and of viscosity and temperature for lubricating oils.

I. INTRODUCTION relative to the density of water at the same temperature

[2]. An Erlenmeyer may be used to precisely determine
The use of lubricating oils is very important in order the density of a liquid. The Erlenmeyer is a round glass
to maintain engines and transmissions and enhances the flask fitted with a stopper. Water is first tested as a
vehicle's performance by reducing the friction produced standard before testing a different liquid sample [3].
as the parts of an engine slide past each other.
Lubricating oils are also applied to minimize corrosion in A hydrometer, shown in Fig. 1, may also be used to
metallic parts apart from reducing friction and heat determine specific gravity and density. The glass bulb is
dissipation [1]. In this experiment, students were immersed into the liquid and depth at which it floats
introduced to the most important physical properties of indicates the specific gravity of the liquid [4]. Lastly, the
lubricating oils and how these properties were measured. Westphal balance consists of an adjustable stand, a
The objectives of this experiment are to determine the levelling screw, a small sinker that is immersed into the
density and viscosity of various lubricating oils using liquid sample, a thermometer, and a beam. The sinker is
Erlenmeyer method, hydrometer, Westphal balance and suspended onto the end of the beam using a thin piece of
Saybolt Universal Viscosimeter as well as to observe the wire. The beam is divided into ten equal sections where
effect of temperature on the viscosity of the oil [1]. U-shaped riders are hung. The riders are placed onto the
beam until the pointer of the beam is aligned with that of
One of the most important physical properties of a the stand's, and the density of the liquid is taken [5].
lubricating oil is its density. Density is the mass of a
certain volume of a substance and be calculated using Another important physical property of lubricating
Eq. 1. oils is its viscosity. Viscosity is the measure of a fluid's
internal resistance to flow. This internal resistance or
friction, becomes apparent when a layer of fluid is made
ρ= (1) to move in relation to another layer. The greater the
v friction, the greater the amount of force required to cause
this movement, it is called shear. Shearing occurs
where m is the mass and v is the volume. Specific
whenever the fluid is physically moved or distributed, as
gravity, on the other hand, is the density of a liquid
in pouring, spreading, spraying, mixing, etc. Highly
viscous fluids, therefore, require more force to move than x is the length, v is the velocity, μk is the kinematic
less viscous materials. viscosity, and ρ is the density [8].

There are two classifications of fluids namely, purely

In the Saybolt Universal Viscosimeter, lubricating
viscous fluids and viscoelastic fluids. Purely viscous
oil is allowed to overflow and is collected in a flux.
fluids are fluids that do not possess any solid-like elastic
The time it takes to collect 60mL of the oil is recorded
behavior and do not undergo reversible deformation
as the efflux time, and the absolute viscosity of the
when shear stress is removed while viscoelastic fluids are
liquid can be calculated by using Eq. 4.
those that exhibit elastic recovery from deformations
during flow. Purely viscous fluids are further classified as
time-dependent and time independent fluids. Time- Bρ
μo =Atρ− (4)
independent fluids are those fluids that shear stress t
depends only on the instantaneous shear rate [6]. There
are two types of time-independent fluids, Newtonian and where A and B are constants and t is the efflux time in
Non-Newtonian Fluids. Newtonian fluids, are fluids that seconds [8]. A is taken as 0.00000237 and B is taken
obey the Newton’s Law of Viscosity, which states that, as 0.00194 to give the absolute viscosity in lb/ft-sec.
the shear stress between adjacent fluid layers is
proportional to the velocity gradients between the two Viscosity is important in the study of oils. The
layers. The ratio of shear stress to shear rate is a constant, effectiveness of lubricating oil depends on its
for a given temperature and pressure, and is defined as viscosity. The oil should be sufficiently viscous so that
the viscosity or coefficient of viscosity [7]. On the other it would easily be applied on compact surfaces, and
hand, non-Newtonian fluids do not follow Newton’s law not so viscous as to hinder the motion of the moving
of viscosity and which viscosity varies with shear rate or parts of the machine [1]. In addition, the viscosity of
shear rate history. Non-Newtonian fluids are classified as
lubricating oil fluctuates inversely with temperature,
Bingham plastic, dilatant, or pseudoplastic. Bingham
which is why temperature should always be reported
plastics are fluid for which a finite stress is required
together with viscosity measurements. Viscosity of
before continuous deformation occurs. Dilatant, also
lubricants can also be altered by contamination,
known as shear-rate thickening fluids, increases viscosity
oxidation, thermal degradation, or by improperly
as shear rate increases. On other hand, pseudoplastic,
also known as shear-rate thinning fluids, decreases mixing with another lubricant of a different viscosity.
viscosity as shear-rate increases. Regular oil analysis is critical to monitoring the
lubricant’s viscosity as well as the other aspects of its
Two types of viscosity are absolute or kinematic, and condition [9].
dynamic viscosity. Absolute or dynamic viscosity is the
tangential force required to slide two layers against each II. METHODOLGY
other and can be expressed mathematically in Eq. 2. On
the other hand, kinematic viscosity is the absolute 2.1 Materials and Reagents
viscosity divided by the density and is expressed The materials used for this experiment include:
mathematically in Eq. 3. Erlenmeyer flasks, 100mL; beakers, 100 mL;
analytical balance; graduated cylinders, 250 mL; set
x of hydrometers, Fig. 1; Westphal balance, Fig 2; and
μo =σ (2) thermometers. The liquids studied, shown in Fig. 3,
were water and lubricating oils from commercial
brands namely Sphinol, Petrolube, and Shell.
μk = (3)

where μo is the absolute viscosity, σ is the shear stress,

Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
Figure 1. Hydrometers.

Figure 4. Saybolt viscometers.

2.3 Experimental Procedure

The experiment is divided into two subsequent parts:
determination of density, and the determination of
viscosity among different liquids.
Figure 2. Westphal Balance
In the first part, there were three methods used to
determine the density of lubrication oils, with water used
as the reference. The first method was the Erlenmeyer
method. Four Erlenmeyer flasks were cleaned then
weighed individually. Afterwards, the mass of the flasks
containing 100 ml samples of water, Sphinol, Shell, and
Petrolube were measured. The differences in mass were
obtained and recorded as the mass of the fluid. There
were used to calculate the density of the liquid. Table 3
Figure 3. Liquids used in the experiment. From left
lists the data obtained using this method.
to right: water, Sphinol, Shell, and Petrolube
lubricating oils.
Second, the Hydrometer method made use of 250 ml
of each liquid measured separately in graduated
2.2 Equipment
cylinders. Based on the density calculated from the first
The laboratory equipment used in this
method, the appropriate hydrometer was selected and
experiment are Saybolt viscosimeters shown in Fig.
used to measure the density of each liquid. Table 4
4 below. Saybolt viscometers are used to measure
contains the data obtained using this method.
viscosity along with the effect of temperature
variation. Saybolt viscosity tests are by far the most
For the last method, the Westphal balance was used.
common because they are the standard for petroleum
The clear cup of the Westphal balance was filled with
oils. The great majority of instruments for
each of the four liquids until the mark. After that, the
determining viscosity are of the efflux type. This
bulb was immersed into the liquid. Different weights
type of instrument consists of a tank fitted with a
were placed onto the beam of the balance until it reached
small orifice. The time it takes for the quality of oil
equilibrium, and then density was recorded at the point
to flow through may be used to determine the
where the pointers were aligned. The data obtained for
viscosity. The higher the viscosity of the fluid, the
the method are listed in Table 5.
longer is the time taken [10].

Having finished the three methods, the second part of

experiment involved the use of the Saybolt Universal
Viscosimeter. 60 ml samples of Sphinol, Shell, and
Petrolube were prepared in beakers separately. Prior to
pouring each liquid into the Saybolt viscometers, the
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
beakers were heated to 60oC (left viscometer) and 90oC determined to be the least accurate from the experiment.
(right viscometer) in the viscometers as shown in Fig. 4. Nonetheless, the percent errors are relatively low, at most
The time elapsed for all of the oil to flow from the orifice of 4%.
was recorded. Table 5 lists the results obtained.
Table 2. Comparison of evaluated densities of water with
The ambient temperature recorded for the duration of literature value at 25oC.
the experiment was 25oC.   Density (g/cm3)  
Method Average Theoretical Error (%)
Erlenmeyer 0.9962 0.08826
Hydrometer 0.9950 0.9971 0.2086
Westphal balance 0.9540 4.321
The densities evaluated from the different methods
performed are summarized in Table 1, wherein Petrolube
Thus, the densities from the Erlenmeyer method were
was found to be the most dense lubricating oil, followed
used in evaluating the kinematic and absolute viscosities.
by Sphinol and Shell respectively. At a glance, the data
The evaluated viscosities corresponding to different
can be recognized to follow the fact that the densities of
temperatures are then listed in Table 6. From the table,
oils are lower than that of water. Further, it can be
absolute viscosities can be observed to have higher
observed that the standard deviations are low in value for
values than kinematic viscosities. This can be traced to
each liquid, indicating that the densities determined from
Eq. 3, which indicates the relationship between the two
different for each liquid are relatively close to each other,
wherein the former viscosity will be divided by density,
demonstrating low variation from the mean. Therefore, it
which, for the liquids used in the experiment, are of
can be inferred that the different methods are appropriate
values less than 1. The resulting quantity, the kinematic
in determining densities of fluids, wherein the variance
viscosity, therefore, results to be of higher value. In
observed across each method may be attributed to the
addition, the liquids may also be observed to have
inherent errors for each equipment and method, along
become less viscous as the temperature was raised. Thus,
with human inaccuracies or bias in performing the
in order to determine the relationship between viscosity
procedure and reading proper measurements.
and temperature, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 are made to illustrate
the absolute and kinematic viscosities plotted against
Table 1. Summary of densities for different liquids using
different methods at 25oC. temperature, respectively.
Density (g/cm3)
Westphal Standard
Erlenmeyer Hydrometer Average 0.035
Liquid balance Deviation
Water 0.9962 0.9950 0.9540 0.9817 0.02403 f(x) = − 0 x + 0.05
Sphinol 0.8546 0.8910 0.8320 0.8592 0.02977
Absolute Viscosity (lb/ft-s)

Shell 0.8839 0.8715 0.8320 0.8625 0.02710 f(x) = − 0 x + 0.05

Petrolube 0.9700 0.9003 0.8630 0.9111 0.05432

To further verify, the accuracy of the methods is 0.015

determined, using the data obtained for water as the f(x) = − 0 x + 0.02
reference, by evaluating the percent error between the
average density from each method and the value from 0.005
literature at the same temperature. Water is used as the 0.000
reference as all the other liquids are commercial products 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

from different manufacturers consisting of mixtures of Temperature (oC)

different oils and other impurities, which do not have Sphinol Linear (Sphinol)

reference data available. Thus, for water, the results are Figure 4. Absolute viscosity of lubricating oils against
listed in Table 2. It can be observed from the calculated temperature.
data that the most accurate method among the three was
the Erlenmeyer method, followed by the use of
hydrometers, while the Westphal balance method was
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
0.0006 from the experiment may be observed to have failed to
follow this. Sphinol, Shell, and Petrolube, respectively
f(x) = − 0 x + 0
Kinematic Viscosity (ft2/s)

0.0005 were found to be increasing in density, while also

f(x) = − 0 x + 0
0.0004 increasing in kinematic viscosity.

0.0003 Lastly, individual observations from the experiment

0.0002 f(x) = − 0 x + 0 are as follows:
(1) To measure the density of the lubricating oils using
the hydrometer, it is helpful to have an idea of the
0.0000 density of each oil so that the appropriate
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 hydrometer scale to use will be known, minimizing
Temperature (oC) trials and washing of materials (Cellona).
Sphinol Linear (Sphinol)
(2) Although there were different methods to determine
Figure 5. Kinematic viscosity of lubricating oils against the liquids' densities, they all resulted in precise
temperature. measurements. The Saybolt Viscosimeter,
meanwhile, was only used on one trial, since
From the graphs, linear relationships are fitted for prolonged usage of the equipment would sustain
each liquid and for each type of viscosity, revealing heat; thus, lessening the liquids' viscosities (Dar).
Petrolube as the most viscous while contrasted by (3) The lubricating oil with the highest density,
Sphinol as the least viscous among the three. However, Petrolube, was determined to have the highest
these perfectly linear trendlines are simply results of only kinematic viscosity. The data from the experiment
two data points (for 60oC and 90oC) obtained for each was not able to follow the inverse relationship
liquid, as allowed by the timeframe and equipment between density and viscosity (Javier).
during the procedure. It is important to note, therefore, (4) Different methods for determining the viscosity of
that while the actual relationship between temperature the same fluid will only yield similar values, but not
and the viscosity of the oil may follow a decreasing exactly the same value for a given liquid. The
trend, as explained by the increase in kinetic energy of experiment therefore illustrated that the accuracy of
the molecules which helps overcome the internal measurements obtained in laboratory experiments is
resistance between molecules and allows them to flow also determined by the approach or method
across each other easier, the relationship may not employed. Comparison of data with literature values
necessarily be perfectly linear as illustrated by the figures is therefore necessary in order to verify the accuracy
as the graphs are only in the context of two data points, of the data obtained or the method used (Lopez).
as these will always define a straight line. (5) The viscosity of the lubricating oils decreases with
the increase of temperature. In addition, the
Further, from the equations, it can be noted that the lubricating oil becomes appears to become thinner
slopes used in the equations are very small in magnitude when the temperature increases (Soriano).
or nearly zero, which denote nearly horizontal linear
relationships. This signifies that the temperature change IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
followed in the experiment (from 60 oC to 90oC) was able
to affect the viscosity only very delicately, and not to a In this experiment, the densities and viscosities of
pronounced extent. Alternatively, this observation can be lubricating oils sphinol, shell, and petrolube were
viewed as indicative of the sensitivity of the viscometers measured. The densities measured by these methods were
used. relatively close to each other, having percent errors at
most of 4.3%, with errors that may be attributed to
Relating the two quantities, based from Eq. 3, the inconsistencies in reading measurements. Kinematic
densest lubricating oil is expected to also exhibit a high viscosity was then calculated and plotted against
value for kinematic viscosity. Comparing data from temperature. Based on the graphs, kinematic
Table 1 and Table 6 (illustrated in Fig. 5), the results
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
viscosity yielded an inverse relationship with the spindle rotation). For density, another instrument is
temperature, validating the trend in literatures. the oscillation-type density meter, wherein the density of
Moreover, with increasing density, the viscosity of the liquids is determined by measuring the frequency and
lubricating oils decreases, also agreeing with the inverse duration of vibration of a U-tube filled with a sample.
relationship between the two as presented in literature.
The use of pycnometers instead of Erlenmeyer flasks 3. Enumerate other types of lubricating oils, their
would have resulted to more accurate densities. properties, and major uses.

V. ANSWERS TO GUIDE QUESTIONS There are two primary types of lubricating oils,
which are mineral oils and synthetic oils. The former is
1. What are the units and significance of absolute retrieved from natural sources, such as crude oil, while
viscosity, kinematic viscosity, Saybolt universal the latter is manufactured by man. Lubricants are
viscosity, and Saybolt Furol viscosity? primarily used for vehicular operations, due to the
efficient movement of the pistons, in turn having less fuel
The units of absolute viscosity and kinematic consumption [10].
viscosity are centipoise (cP) and Stokes (St) or kg m -1s-1,
respectively. Saybolt viscosity, on the other hand, is 4. What are greases? What are the important physical
measured in terms of time, specifically the time it takes properties of these materials and how are these
60 mL of a petroleum product to flow through a Saybolt measured?
universal or Furol viscosimeter. Measurement of
viscosity is important in different process industries Grease is another type of lubricant, which is present
primarily for controlling rate of flow of the liquid and either as a solid to semifluid lubricant. Grease is
determining the power input or equipment necessary to composed of three components. First is the base oil,
transfer especially for petroleum industries. which compromises its bulk, and is typically derived
from mineral oil. Second is the thickener that provides
2. Enumerate and describe briefly other instruments (not the solid or semifluid characteristic of grease. Lastly,
mentioned in the discussion) used in determining additives are included to modify existing greases, based
densities and viscosities of liquids. on the desired outcome [11]. The important physical
properties for grease is its viscosity, wherein the
consistency of the oil is based primarily on the base oil
Other measurements to measure viscosities of
used. Meanwhile, the determination of its density is also
liquids are: Ostwald viscometer (to measure kinematic
of importance; hence, hydrometers are used to measure
viscosity by measuring the time it takes for a Newtonian
the density of grease. Flash point is likewise determined
liquid to flow from one mark to the other in a bulb) and
using specific equipment, such as the Cleveland open cup
rotational viscometer (to measure the viscosity of
and the Pensky-Marten Closed Cup test [13].
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids, wherein a motor-
powered spindle measures the resistance of the fluid to


[1] LBYCHED Manual [PDF Document]

[2] Available online at
[3] Available online at
[4] Available online at
[5] Virmani, O. P. & Narula, A. K. (1995). Applied chemistry: Theory and practice. New Delhi: New Age International.
[6] Viswanath, D., Dutt, N., Ghosh, T., Prasad, D., & Rani, K. (2007). Viscosity of Liquids. Dordrecht: Springer.
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
[7] Gupta, S. V. (2014). Viscometry for Liquids: Calibration of Viscometers. Dordrecht: Springer.
[8] Available online at
[9] Available online at
[10] Available online at
[11] Perry, R. H., & Green, D. W. (2008). Perry's chemical engineers' handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[12] McCabe, W. L., Smith, J.C., & Harriott, P. (1993). Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering. New York:
[13] Available online at


A. Raw Data
Table 3. Raw data and evaluated densities from Erlenmeyer method.
Mass (g)
Liquid Flask Flask and 100 mL of Liquid 100 mL of Liquid Calculated Density (g/ml)
Water 5 189.57 99.62 0.9962
Sphinol 9 178.55 85.46 0.8546
Shell 6 176.85 88.39 0.8839
Petrolub 87.5
e 5 184.55 97.00 0.9700

Table 4. Density readings from hydrometer.

Density (g/ml)
Liquid 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Average
Water 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995
Sphinol 0.891 0.891 0.891 0.891 0.891
Shell 0.872 0.872 0.871 0.871 0.8715
Petrolube 0.901 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.90025

Table 5. Density measurements from Westphal balance.

Liquid Density (g/ml)
Water 0.954
Sphinol 0.832
Shell 0.832
e 0.863

Table 5. Properties, constants, and conversion factor used to determine viscosity from Saybolt Standard Universal Viscometer.

Properties Volume of liquid (ml) 60

Length of capillary (ft) 0.0057917
Radius of capillary (ft) 0.04025
Constants A (ft2) 0.00000237
B (ft2) 0.00194
Conversion Factor
[12] From g/cm3 to lb/ft3 0.016018-1
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
Table 6. Raw data and evaluated viscosities from Saybolt Standard Universal Viscometer.
o Absolute Kinematic
Lubricating Oil Temp ( C) Time (s)
(lb/ft-s) (ft2/s)
Sphinol 60 114.39 0.013559 0.0002541
90 74.72 0.008063 0.0001511
Shell 60 221.88 0.028535 0.0005171
90 149.49 0.018834 0.0003413
Petrolube 60 232.46 0.032857 0.0005426
90 161.01 0.022378 0.0003695

B. Sample Calculations

 Density of water from Erlenmeyer method

m 99.62 g g
ρ= = =0.9962
v 100 mL mL

 Absolute viscosity for sphinol at 60oC

μo =A tρ−

lb (
( 0.00194 ft 2 ) 0.8546
cm3 ( ft 3
) 0.016018 g )
μo =( 0.00000237 ft 2 ) ( 114.39 s ) 0.8546 3
cm ( (
) 0.016018 g ft 3


) −
114.39 s

μo =0. 01356
ft ∙ s

 Kinematic viscosity for sphinol at 60oC

μk =

Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
0.013 56
ft ∙ s
μk =
(0 .8546 cmg ) 0.016018
ft 2
ft 3
μk =0.0 002541

C. Photos

Figure 5. Measuring the mass of flask and liquid for Erlenmeyer method.

Figure 6. Determining the density from hydrometer.

Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
Figure 7. Determining the density using Westphal balance.

Figure 8. Determining the viscosity using Saybolt Standard Universal Viscometer.

Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo

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