Profile Guide: How To Go From Zero To 100,000 Followers On Instagram
Profile Guide: How To Go From Zero To 100,000 Followers On Instagram
Profile Guide: How To Go From Zero To 100,000 Followers On Instagram
Having a link in your bio is a great way to promote your services or products. You can link
to other social media as well. Other possibilities are links to a discount code for your store
or even an eBook. We recommend always having one call to action in your bio.
You can shorten the link and have a word after the / for instance:
The small area below your username has to be exciting. Because this is the area that people
will scan quickly and decide whether to follow or not.
You should make your bio have a brief description of your brand, what your brand stands
for. For Instagram making things more exciting can increase the amount of followers. By for
example adding icons or smileys and hashtags.
Close off your bio with the CTA like mentioned before. Example below:
Stories are an excellent way to engage with your audience on a consistent basis.
Stories can be made in various formats, such as videos or pictures. You can show sneak
peaks at new products or anything exciting that you are doing within your business.
But remember, always include a call to action. It can be as simple as telling people to check
out your site link.
As you may know already. Your stories will stay up to 24 hours on your profile, but after that
they'll disappear. Fortunately there is a way to keep the stories. You can save them by turning
them into highlights. You can even categorize your content nicely or use each highlight for
a different product, turning your Instagram pretty much into a shop. (Linking from the
story/highlight to a product link.)
We suggest to start researching popular hashtags within your niche. It'll give a great ROI in
the long run. You can use up to 30 hashtags per post. But it's mostly important to choose
quality hashtags rather than using quantity.
Now you want to choose hashtags that all have a different reach.
This way there's a chance for each hashtag to reach a larger audience. If one doesn't work,
the other one might. But again make sure to study good hashtags in your niche to increase
your success.
Additionally, we suggest adding 4 dots and then adding the hashtags to make sure you’re
the hashtags are hidden from first sight.
When uploading a photo to Instagram, people prefer things to be not too perfect. Making
it look real like a daily life photo, or a product you are using will create more engagement.
We suggest to try out different techniques to see what works for your niche.
While you do want to post consistently. Posting lower quality posts can hurt your brand as
well. You would want to post something that helps people, solve people their pain points
or something that makes them happy. A good way to see what a quality post is, is by looking
at your competition or industry leaders within your niche.
An often made mistake is that people try to reach too many different audiences and have
too many different themes. People follow you most of the time for one or two things, so it's
best to stick to that theme. People prefer clarity and an easy to look at profile page. Choose
colors that are brand specific. And if you use a filter, make sure all your photos use it. Having
a coherent and brand specific design is key here.
Content Calender
A content calendar is an excellent way to plan your Instagram content. It makes you think
ahead and plan accordingly. This way you can also plan for each holiday or special
occasion. Last minute random posts can work, but something that is organized most of the
times works best.