To Be or Not To Be: E-Teaching in The Graduate School in A Philippine Perspective
To Be or Not To Be: E-Teaching in The Graduate School in A Philippine Perspective
To Be or Not To Be: E-Teaching in The Graduate School in A Philippine Perspective
2, April 2012
Abstract—E-teaching is an innovative teaching strategy The study enhanced the curriculum by the development of
using the e-learning technology to empower both learners and the e-teaching program to support important principles of
teachers thus providing opportunities for superior learning education: that it should have a program based on an
experiences. The study enhances the education practice of those
understanding and assessment of the working environment
teachers handling different graduate programs specifically
those offered by Lyceum of the Philippines University - and conditions of the present generation; that it should have a
Batangas. This study focused on assessing and analyzing the program that is both practical and effective; that it should
different important factors pertaining to the readiness and bring the school closer to the students; that it should provide
inclination of the teachers. This involves introduction of opportunities for all the types of learners because learners are
e-teaching on the part of the teachers and e-learning on the part not the same; and that it should encourage to develop creative
of the graduate students to their respective programs of study. and effective teaching.
The findings revealed that the graduate school teachers are
aware of their vital role in developing effective delivery of The readiness of the graduate school in integrating
instruction and their openness on the active participation in e-teaching program in the delivery of instruction was
conducting classes in an online learning environment. Also, the determined by assessing the (1). Computer skills; (2)
university is ready to take the e-teaching program as a mode of experience on the online environment and qualifications; (3).
instruction for the Graduate School. teaching styles and habits needed to teach online; (4)
teaching and commitment and 5). online teaching methods of
Index Terms—E-learning, e-teaching, online learning,
the teachers.
technology in education.
Another primary concern of this study was how
I. INTRODUCTION technology can be applied to learning, rather than the use of
the technology itself. It aimed to promote the value-added,
According to, e-learning in the self-directed learning outside the classroom. Technology can
Philippines is a “technologically-supported learning, which play a key part in terms of linking classroom activity and core
includes the use of electronic media such as the Internet, reading through online information, discussion and formative
personal computers, phone bridging, audio and videotape, testing of what has been learned [4]. Technology and online
video teleconferencing, satellite broadcast, mobile phones, learning is important to the future of higher education. It
personal digital assistants, and other related technologies to maximizes the opportunities it brings to increase the quality
enhance teaching and learning.” of learning and the student experience [6]. Some advantages
E-learning is already integrated in some areas in the of online learning can be stated as follows: (1) no classrooms
academe and the industry, but they are mostly confined to the or other onsite facilities that are needed; (2) students do not
Internet. Local e-learning is also possible through the use of need to travel to the university and no parking is needed; (3)
low-cost, high-quality, and custom-designed development it is possible to reach student markets anywhere in the
tools [3]. country; and (4) an infinite number of students can be
In this study, E-teaching is a method of teaching that uses serviced at no significant extra cost.
e-learning to enhance the learning of the graduate students. It
offers modular courses wherein most of the lessons will be
conducted online to cater to the needs of students who cannot II. E-TEACHING AND E-LEARNING
attend regular classes due to demand of work in most places
E-teaching and e-learning are technologies that can be
in the country.
used by any educational institution as an enhancement in the
The graduate school, as a venue for advancement of
services offered by their respective school website [6]. The
learning, continues to uphold the molding of the curriculum
Lyceum of the Philippines University can have an in-house
in proper shape in order to meet the challenges of the times
development of the technology through this research. There
and make education more responsive to the students that it
is no need to outsource programmers from outside or get the
serves [1].
services of software consultancy companies in order to
deliver the service. There is a developed on-line learning
Manuscript received February 16, 2012; revised March 27, 2012. technology of the College of Computer Studies as one of the
Rosaly B. Alday was with the University of the Philippines (e-mail: pioneer college out of the 10 colleges of the university, which
[email protected]).
Ma. Maureen R. Pascual is with the currently working as a faculty
is MyLyceumTechlearn, a product of another institutional
member of College of Computer Studies Department in Lyceum of the research, which will be the e-learning to be used [2].
Philippines University, Batangas. There are a lot of advantages in using e-learning in the
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2012
in-school and off-school settings in the Philippines. It allows equipment and/or purchase new software if
interactivity between the lesson and the learner. The needed?
Do you believe that high-quality learning can 62.50
individualization of each learner is enhanced. The take place without interacting with students
cost-effectiveness can be seen on it since the reproduction face-to-face?
and distribution of learning materials is considered to be Is discussion an effective teaching strategy for 75.00
your subject matter?
inexpensive. Its novelty allows the learners to deal on Do you believe it is important to structure 87.50
interesting lessons allowing them to become well motivated activities so that students can learn from each
and receptive to ides provided. The integrity of each lesson other?
Do you believe increased learning can occur 100.00
can be maintained since the computer allows the delivery of
when work/life/knowledge experiences are
uniform information in a sequential manner based on the shared among peers?
needs of the learners, anytime and anywhere [10].
Electronic communication has reduced the world into a TABLE II: ON-LINE TEACHING METHOD
global village. The speed of information exchange between Methods In Favor
distant locations is in real time. Most higher learning Online chatting between student 75.00
institutions worldwide operate in the online environment to Online chatting between student and teacher 87.50
educate students and professionals alike [5]. Students no Online chatting between students & other 87.50
outside class
longer have travel to the source of their education. Online Online chatting between student and teacher 90.00
education comes to the student. An Internet connection can Discussion board between students 90.00
put you into a classroom anywhere in the world [8]. Discussion board between students and other 87.50
Discussion board between student and teacher 75.00
Email between student 100.00
III. THE PARTICIPANTS Email between student and teacher 100.00
Assignment posted online 87.50
The survey was conducted to the teachers of the Graduate Submit work electronically 90.00
School of the Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas,
second semester SY 2009 – 2010. The study determined the
readiness of the said teachers in terms of computer skills
assessment; experience on the online environment and
qualifications; attitudes toward teaching and learning in the
online environment; teaching style and habits needed to teach
online; teaching and commitment; and online teaching
method. The readiness will serve as the basis for the
introduction of E-teaching in the graduate school of the
Lyceum of the Philippines University in Batangas City.
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