5-Design, maintenance and diagnostics of aircraft and gas turbines (АКІ)
5-Design, maintenance and diagnostics of aircraft and gas turbines (АКІ)
5-Design, maintenance and diagnostics of aircraft and gas turbines (АКІ)
Aero Engines
Mohammad Fakhar
Volianska L.G. PhD, Assosiate Professor
Educational and Research Aerospace Institute
National Aviation University
Kiev. Ukraine
[email protected]
Abstract – The aim of this work is to study the possibility of combining gearbox with a novel clutch system enabling
using a converted gas-turbine engine for the mobile power both twin and single engine operation, was chosen. Its
Gas turbine engines which has spent flight service life
can be used for terrestrial objectives in the energetics.
Turboprop (turboshaft) aircraft (helicopter) engine is the
simplest to use as gas-turbine power plant, because in this
engine, mechanical energy is transmitted on the outer shaft
and can be used directly.
Such gas turbine power plant is indispensable for using
in these cases, when:
Fig.1. Turboshaft engine PT6
– it is necessary to solve the problem of electrical and
thermal energy, supply to a town or production plant - the
modularity of the blocks allows to create any variants
depending on the needs of its consumers; compact size, weight, modular design, high efficiency and
the presence of outer shaft (for the mechanical energy
– economic efficiency is important; modern gas turbines transmission) make this turboshaft engine as a good choice
have efficiency up to 40% in simple cycle, high efficiency to use for terrestrial purposes.
of plant provides the possibility of producing cheaper
The engine consists of two sections that can be easily
electricity and heat generation and short payback period;
separated for maintenance: a gas generator supplies hot gas
– it is industrial development of new areas of people's lives to a free power turbine. A two-shaft configuration consisting
and the natural features of these territories have great of a multi-stage compressor driven by a single-stage
importance; operation of the plant is ensured in the range of compressor turbine and an independent shaft coupling the
ambient temperatures from -50 to +50 ºС when the adverse power turbine to the output shaft. The starter has to
weather conditions like humidity, rain, snow effect (the accelerate only the gas generator, making the engine easy to
level of stress and thermal condition of the aviation engine start, particularly in cold weather. Air enters the gas-
parts almost has no analogues among the products of generator through an inlet screen into the low-pressure axial
mechanical engineering); compressor. The air then flows into a single-stage
centrifugal compressor, through a reverse flow combustor,
– it is necessary the automation of control plants; gas turbine and finally through a single-stage turbine that powers the
stations on aircraft engines is very maneuverable, and compressors. Hot gas from the gas generator flows into the
require a small time to start from cold condition to full load, power turbine, the gas generator speed is around 36,000
can be automated and controlled remotely. rpm. For turboprop use, this powers a two-stage planetary
output reduction gearbox, which turns the propeller at a
II. JUSTIFICATION OF THE CHOICE OF ENGINE speed of 1,900 to 2,200 rpm. The exhaust gas then escapes
As a power drive for the mobile power plant the through two side-mounted ducts in the power turbine
turboshaft engine PT6T-3D (PT6 family), fig.1, fig.2, which housing. The turbines are mounted inside the combustion
consists of two PT6A power sections coupled to a chamber, reducing overall length.
As a result, the rotational speed of the gas generator
rotor is around 36000 rpm which is far less than the limited
value of this engine and also other parameters as total gas
temperature before turbine compressor (1363 K), on the
other word this engine is proper to be used as gas turbine
It should be noted that in addition to electricity,
electricity generating plant produces heat. According to
experts at transporting heat long distances the loss is up to
40...50%. Therefore, the location of power plants close to
the consumer is important; considerably smaller losses of
energy will be when high power capacity plants are replaced
by small, placed close to the consumer. This makes gas
Fig.2. PT6A cross section
turbines of small and average power perspective.
The article proposes to use a spent flight resource engine
as a mobile power station in remote areas and areas
ON THE BASIS OF THE CONVERTED ONE POWER recovering from natural disasters. The use of mobile plants
SECTION OF PT6T-3D TURBOSHAFT ENGINE(PT6A) is the best solution for the electricity supply for people
The turboshaft engine PT6T-3D which consists of two living in areas prone to natural disasters. It is very important
PT6A power sections is the engine for which studies and to make a mobile power station more portable and easy to
calculations of the main characteristics were performed. use in emergency situations.
The engine main components are a compressor which At the end the estimation of the ability to provide
consists of 3-stage axial and 1-stage centrifugal flow electricity for residential usage of this engine is
compressor, combustors which has Annular reverse-flow approximately around 1550 families per month.
with 14 Simplex burners and turbine that has 1-stage gas
generator power turbine with 1-stage free power turbine REFERENCES
(independent 'free' power turbine with shrouded blades
Forward facing output for fast hot section refurbishment).
[1] “Thermodynamic and gas-dynamic calculations of aircraft turbine
By performing thermodynamic and gas dynamic engines”, Methodical de for writing the course paper Compilers: V.V.
calculations we have recalculated the performance details of Yakimenko, L.G.Volyanska, V.V. Panin, I.I.Gvozdetsky Kyiv: NAU,
this engine as a gas turbine plant which are the followings:
[2] “Type-certificate data sheet” No. IM.E.059 for Pratt & Whitney
• Maximum power output is around 670921 kW; Canada PT6T series engines.
[3] Philip P. Walsh and Paul Fletcher “Gas turbine performance”, second
• Overall pressure ratio is 6.3; edition 2004. ISBN 0-632-06434-X .
[4] “Maintenance manual turboprop gas turbine engine model(s) pt6a-6
• Air mass flow is approximately 2.5 kg/s; series and -20” Issued 4 July 1973, Pratt & Whitney Canada.
• Specific fuel consumption is around 0.44 kg/kW/h; [5] Leff, H. S. “Thermal efficiency at maximum power output: New
results for old engines” AmerJ Phys. 55, (1987).
[6] LIAN Xiao-chun, WU Hu, Elements of Aero-engine. Xi'an
“Northwestern Polytechnical University Press, 2008”.
Comparative analysis of modern turboprop engines
of two well-known firms
Sokur Andrew
Gvozdetsky I. I. PhD, Associate Professor
Educational and Research Aerospace Institute
National Aviation University
Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
Annotation – the work is devoted to the consideration of the several hundred meters per second, depending on the state of
problem of increasing the wear resistance of the elements of the the surface. High concentration of energy in a rapidly moving
aircraft. In the paper, the use of the vacuum-arc method is cathode spot causes a short-term, local heating of the surface
proposed. in the zone of its influence, followed by its rapid cooling,
Erosion - the destruction of metal or metal products, due to the which contributes to increasing the mechanical strength of the
action of mechanical factors or electrical discharges. parts, improving their corrosive-resistive properties and other
properties of the product, and also provides cleaning of the
surface from various contaminants. Performing the cleaning
I. INTRODUCTION and processing of the surface of the product, applying coatings
on the basis of vacuum arc discharge allows combining these
The most affordable reserve for saving energy, materials processes in one technological cipher and thereby implement
and other types of resources is an increase in the life of an integrated approach to modifying the surface of metal
products and process equipment. This is achieved by products, which ensures high economic efficiency of the
providing the working surface of products with high strength vacuum arc method.
characteristics, corrosion and other operational properties
appropriate physical and chemical treatment and coating. By IV. CONCLUSIONS
changing the traditional methods of surface treatment and
applying coatings on it become vacuum, ion-plasma Consequently, the vacuum arc used in the technological
technology. systems of film spraying and massive coatings is characterized
by a low burning discharge level, a high current density in the
cathode bonding region, a high plasma concentration in the
cathode region, and the generation of high-speed plasma jets
from a cathode spot.
Unlike traditional methods of cleaning, treatment and Vacuum technology allows to make the process of coating
deposition of coatings, vacuum ion-plasma technologies, the "closed" and completely eliminate contact with the
primarily based on vacuum arc discharge, are more cost environment. From this point of view it can be considered
effective, efficient and environmentally friendly. The ecologically pure. This is the great advantage of vacuum
influence of a vacuum arc discharge on the surface of a metal technology before the "open" methods of coating (metal
product, a cathode, is carried out in the region of cathode spraying, electrolytic deposition, etc.).
spots, formed on its surface and creates an environment for the
existence of a vacuum arc discharge. REFERENCES
III. MAIN PART [1] Electroplating // Project guidelines: industry sector guidelines.
Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook – July 1998.
A cathode spot is characterized by a small time of
[2] D.M. Mattox. The History of Vacuum Coating Technology //
existence (10-4 s), a high current density (10-9-10-10) A/m2, and Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2002, 48 p.
a temperature of ~ (3-4) 103 K at a cathode spot size of ~ 10- [3] Bulat VE, Esterlis M.H. // Physics and chemistry of material
6 m. The process of formation of new cathode spots instead of processing. 1987.№3.P.49-53
the ceased existence is represented by their chaotic [4] Zimin A.D. Adhesion of films and coatings. M .: 1977. 352 p
displacement on the surface of the cathode at a speed up to
The Concept of Propfan Engine
Abstract – This report is about advantages and disadvantages thickness of about 0.02) supercritical or specially designed
of propfan engine. It describes the difference between propfan profiles are used. This makes it possible to delay the wave
engines and other modern aircraft engines. crisis by large Mach numbers of streams.
Keywords—propfan; propeller; increased thrust; efficiency. Thus, the newly formed concept of PFE can be considered
a further development of TPE and TFE versions of the gas
The propfan engine is considered very promising, but in
turbine engine. For example, the turboprop engine, turbofan
actual operation in the world there is only one type of it – the
and propfan can be compared by their thrust efficiency (fig.1).
D-27, installed on the only one type of aircraft – An-70[1].
The thrust efficiency is the ratio of the useful thrust power
It significantly reduced the gap in the parameters between expended directly on the movement to the available engine
turboprop (TPE) and turbojet engines (TJE). TJE with a large power. In propfan engines, it directly depends on the
degree of bypass ratio, or turbofan engines (TFE), having a efficiency of the propeller.
sufficiently high thrust with significantly better fuel efficiency
than TJE, allowed to make economical cruising flights at high
subsonic speeds of 750-900 km/h.
Nevertheless, in terms of fuel consumption, they still could
not compete with the TPE in the range of speeds in the field of
their application (as well as in terms of thrust efficiency in this
area). Therefore, for a long time there was a certain temptation
for engineers, which was to "teach" the turboprop engine to fly
faster and to add speed efficiency to its fuel efficiency, that is,
maximally bring it closer to the TFE.
The used type of propeller is called the propfan (PF). This
unit differs from the conventional TPE propeller in that it
works with a sufficiently high efficiency to a flight Mach
number of at least 0.8-0.85. This is achieved in two ways.
Firstly, the circumferential velocity decreases, which has a
beneficial effect on the flow around the tips of the blades.
Secondly, the aerodynamic characteristics of the blades as a Fig.1 Probable fields of application of engines, depending
whole are changing in terms of improving their flow around on the thrust efficiency.
with relatively high flight M numbers (it is meant the relative
speed for the blades). It can be seen that for TPE high values of thrust efficiency
The circumferential speed is reduced by increasing the are achieved at low flight M numbers, and at M>0.65 their
number of blades. There can be 8-12 blades and even more value drops sharply. In TFE thrust efficiency increases with
(against 3-5 in conventional TPEs). The same method allows the increase of the M number, but its maximum value remains
significant reduction of the diameter of the prop, and hence about 15% lower than that of the TPE. In PFE, for M = 0.8,
the same efficiency can be obtained as for TPEs at M = 0.6
it’s mass – up to 40-50%. At the same time, the specific power
taken from 1m2 of area swept by the screw can be increased and to provide at M = 0.8 the efficiency is 15% higher than for
by 2.5-3 times in comparison with the ordinary prop of TPE, TFE. Propfan engine is a compromise between turboprop
that is, the propfan turns into a heavily loaded effective unit. engine and turbofan engine.
Abstract – This article is based on formation of steam is obtained from a pump.In creation of steam the part where
injected gas turbine cycle, defining its role as an additional it is super heated prior to injection ,the two important
parameter in simple turbine cycle and its outcome efficiency boundries are needed tobe considered, the temperature of
performance in comparison to simple cycle, where decline in steam in saturated vapour form and the turbine outlet
emissions are also concerned.
temperature because this is the gas used for heating. Also
Keywords – Aircraft; Passenger Cabin; Passenger Seat during the process it should be noted that the net power
Design; Head Injury Criterion; Comfort. output has been kept constant by injecting water
independent with the variation of ambient temperature.
INTRODUCTION [2].Similar observations have been considerd for the
thermal efficiency deviation. This is due the additional
STIG (Steam injected gas turbine) is based on an idea vapor mass injected which in result stabilizes the net power
that the high temperature exhaust gas can be used to convert output and thermal efficiency (figures 2, 3).
water in steam which when combines with air-fuel mixture
in combustor improves the efficiency of GTP. Through
studies and research we have come to know that this steam
injected can amount from 10-20% of air mass flow acting as
an additional mass flow and helps to increase the air flow
through turbine which efficiently boosts the network of
turbine.A schematic diagram can be seen in figure 1[1].
Figure 2. Power with and without steam injection
Overall we can conclude and give the perspective about
STIG cycle that plays an important role in improving the
GTP performances. For this purpose detailed researches
have been made to improvise the real cycle of GTP with and
without Steam injection. Similarly to overcome different
challenges under hard climatic conditions. Most probably
the objective of present study is to improve the
performances of GTP used under Sahara conditions where
injecting suitable quantities of steam in the upstream of
combustion chamber. The suggested method has been
studied and compared with a simple cycle. Efficiency,
Figure 4. STIG efficiency for certain amount of injected however, is held constant when the ambient temperature
steam x increases from ISO conditions to 50°C.
If one would look at the efficiency as shown in figure
1.4, where region I and II meet the most efficient point can
be found. Here lays the SF which utilizes the most transfer
heat while still reaching the maximum temperature, hence
having the highest enthalpy. On both sides the efficiency [1] Author:AlexanderHaselhoff s1120891,A study on
drops rapidly. The reason for lower SFs being twofold: analysis of a mixed steam –gas aero derivative turbine, July
lowering the steam mass-flow goes at the expense of the 2015.
gained work reduction in the compressor. Additionally the [2] A. Bouam, S. Aïssani and R. Kadi, Gas Turbine
turbine outlet temperature decreases, likewise does the Performances Improvement usingSteam Injection in the
enthalpy of the injected steam which is accompanied by an Combustion Chamberunder Sahara Conditions,Oil & Gas
increase of fuel flow. The reason for higher SFs being that Science and Technology – Rev. IFP, Vol. 63 (2008), No. 2, pp.
despite the efficiency increase because of more steam, the 251-261,Institutfrançais du pétroleDOI: 10.2516/ogst:2007076
lower temperature/enthalpy of the injected steam decreases
the efficiency at a faster rate [1]. [3] F.J. Wang, J.S. Chiou,Performance improvement for a
simple cycle gas turbineGENSET––a retrofitting
Major precautions are to be taken while conducting the example,Applied Thermal Engineering 22 (2002) 1105–
procedure, specifically in creation of steam the water used 1115
has to be of high quality. This makes the process a bit
Modern Aircraft Passengers Seats
Kirill Maksimov
Maslak T.P., PhD, associate prof.
Educational and Research Aerospace Institute
National Aviation University
Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
Abstract—The article is devoted to the modern view on the head injury. In the first half of the 20th century, a passenger
passenger seats of aircraft, the development prospects according seat could withstand overload in 6g. Over time, in the second
to the trends, the influence of design on safety and on the solution half of the 20th century this number increased to 9g. Cabin
of the issue of technology development. seating systems are designed to withstand all operational
loads. The maximum of these loads are applied to the joints of
Keywords – Aircraft; Passenger Cabin; Passenger Seat Design; seat attachments, and to the attachments of the safety belts.
Head Injury Criterion; Comfort. During the certification/crash tests the all loads to the system
are multiplied by the 9g force acceleration. And the main task
INTRODUCTION of the tests is the measurement of crash impact to the head and
The design of modern passenger seats must meet safety impact to the articulations of anthropomorphic test device.
requirements, be comfortable, understandable for use, light in Head injury criterion (HIC) must be analyzed and measured
weight, not too expensive and possible for production. To by the next formula [2]:
satisfy all demands to the cabin seating systems, a team of
design experts has to understand all given requirements and
deliver the ideal customized solution for the best passenger
seat design. Designers group has to provide advanced
HIC = (t 2 − t1 )
t − t a(t )dt
1000 ,
2 1 t1
construction implementation, to use lightweight materials, to
provide clear and functional seat usage for good experienced where the head impact is described by a(t): a(t) – resultant
and comfortable flight. acceleration of the head center of gravity in g’s; t1 – initial
integration time, expressed in seconds; t2 – final integration
Over time, the interior design of the passenger cabin time, expressed in seconds. Unfortunately, the increases of
becomes more practical, convenient and safe. The main safety loads are associated with disasters and there is no possibility
requirements to the passenger cabin are survivability at fire, as to model all loads during the tests.
well as the quick and safe evacuation, safe evacuation during
ditching, safe evacuation during emergency landing. To provide maximum comfort during flight the design of
According to these, the design of passenger seat directly the seat has to provide efficient means of operation by
affects on survivability of occupants. Survivability in a fire is replacing manual seat control leavers and buttons with a touch
ensured by the use of modern refractory materials, the screen control panel. To improve passenger flight experience,
presence of fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and fire electrical assist and full power configurations are available to
extinguishing systems. An important aspect of survival is the use. Features of the given seat series can include: electric
correct arrangement of passenger seats that will not impede assist track and swivel and floor tracking release. Optional
evacuation and conform to all necessary standards. features can include full electric recline, leg rest and lumbar.
Also, the designers have to think about strength In conclusion, it should be noted that the design and
requirements to the passenger seats to provide the certification development of passenger seats of the aircraft is very
or so called crash tests. The supporting frames and seats responsible and difficult task even for a team of experienced
attachment joints are the weak points of the system, and they specialists. Compliance with standards and safety
don’t have to reduce the total strength of the system and for requirements, providing comfort and accessibility for
other hand they have to give the possibility to change seat passengers as well as following modern trends in the
pitch for the necessary cabin layout. The certification tests passenger seats deign are necessary elements of the modern
include the static and dynamic tests of a new type of seat, and passenger seats design process.
crash tests with anthropomorphic test device for the
measurement of Head Injury Criterion (HIC). REFERENCES
The passenger seat is designed and calculated in such a [1] Upright position of Seat Backs, FAA safety bulletin, USA.
way as to protect the passenger from head injuries. Federal [2] https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC25.
Aviation Administration [1] regulates standards that provide 562-1b.pdf
the necessary design conditions to protect passengers from a
Static Characteristics Of Pressure Regulating Valve
From Hydrodynamic Point Of View
Masharipova S.E.
Educational and Research Aerospace Institute
National Aviation University
Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
Rspr − p dF Rfr = 0 . (b)
In equation (a), (b) the integral can be expressed as [1] V.S. Butko, V.P. Bocharov Hydrostatics. Hydrostatics and
hydrodynamics: lectures synopsis/ V.S. Butko, V.P. Bocharov. – K.:
follows: NAU, 2008. - 52 p.
Гідропневмоприводи та гідропневмоавтоматика. Підручник / В.О.
p dF = ppump F − ppump dF ,
pump Федорець, М.Н. Педченко, В.Б. Струтинський та інш. За ред. В.О.
F F1 Федорця. – К.: Вища школа, 1995. – 463 с.
[3] Бутько В.С. Динаміка та регулювання гідропневмосистем. –К.:
НАУ, 2003. – 64 с.
Modernization Of The Gas Turbine Engine By
Application Of Advanced Working Cycle With
Isothermal Expansion In Turbine Section
Kononova A.V.
Scientific supervisor: Volyanska L.G.
Educational and Research Aerospace Institute,
National Aviation University,
Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
Annotation – the work is devoted to the consideration of modern In addition to cars, Wankel's engine has been successfully
piston engines, directly to Wankel engines. The original used in trucks, boats, electric generators, golf carts, lawn
construction of the Wankel engine, the principle of operation and mowers, snowmobiles and motorcycles. The aviation industry
its work is proposed in the work. Also, the cycle of this engine is also showed interest in the engine, because it is small and
considered in the paper, and its comparison with the Otto cycle, more easily serviced than piston engines. However, the usage
which also corresponds to the four-stroke process. of the Wankel engine was limited by the relatively high fuel
consumption and exhaust emissions of the engine.After many
years of research, Wankel found a solution for a new type of
Keywords – Wankel engine, rotor, Wankel cycle, four-stroke cycle
of the engine, shaft, epithrooidal body, rotor-piston engine,
engine. Unlike the simple piston engine, when the piston
injection, suction, exhaust, compression. performs linear motion, the Wankel engine uses a so-called
piston rotating in the combustion chamber.
In 1954, an engine with a rotating piston was built. The
I. introduction first "Wankelmotor" type DKM 54 was launched in
1958.Traditional piston Wankel engines have many parts that
Wankel engine – an internal combustion engine running on quickly accelerate and slow down. The applied acceleration
gasoline, which uses a triangular rotor or a rotating part to forces must not exceed a certain value and, therefore, set the
obtain mechanical energy. In traditional internal combustion engine speed limit (rpm). The new idea was to replace the
engines, instead of the rotor, pistons are used (solid cylinders linear reciprocating motion with rotational motions. This
move inside a tight-fitting body). Wankel engine has a weight, concept is implemented in the so-called rotary piston engine
vibrates much less than reciprocating engines, has several DKM (Drehkolbenmotor). This design has the following
moving parts and can operate relatively quietly and smoothly advantages over piston engines: improved silent running,
on different types of fuel. The engine is named after the compact design, no valve drive mechanism, smoother flow of
German engineer Felix Wankel for his contribution to the energy, lower weight. The rotating piston performs a double
development of the engine in the 1950s. movement: it rotates around its center, and the center rotates
around the center of the body. Three vertices of the rotating
piston move along the wall of the body. A later design of the
II. Main part KKM type (Kreiskolbenmotor) is a kinematic change of the
DKM type. In a KKM type engine, a convex triangular rotor
Wankel engine produces a rotational motion, directly rotates inside a static epitrochoidal body. Inlets and outlets are
driving the main propeller shaft, instead of feeding the pistons, provided in the housing wall. In the cells between the rotor
which are indirectly driven by the main propeller shaft. The and the wall, a four-stroke cycle (inlet - compression -
rotor of the Wankel engine is enclosed in an oval body. expansion - exhaust) is performed. The size of the camera
Although all three points of the triangular rotor remain in depends on the motion of the rotor.
close contact with the shell wall, the space remains between
the sides of the rotor and the wall of the housing. When the The Japanese manufacturer of cars Toyo Kogyo Mazda
rotor rotates, gasoline is drawn into the housing through the was the unique company which was engaged in development
inlet and is caught between one side of the rotor and the wall of the engine.
of the housing. It contracts when the rotor continues to rotate.
In 1982, Wankel developed a new rotary piston engine,
The captured gas is then transferred through the spark plug
using a new two-stroke cycle.
and ignited, releasing the energy that moves the rotor. The
rotor moves the exhaust gas and air into the discharge channel,
quickly unloading it from the housing. Each of the three sides
of the Wankel engine rotor constantly controls the shaft. When
the rotor moves one third of the distance around its center, the
main drive shaft rotates one complete revolution.
III. conclusion
In this article the Rotary-piston Wankel engine is
proposed. The engine is commonly referred to as a rotary
engine, although this name also applies to other completely
different designs, primarily aircraft engines with their
cylinders arranged in a circular fashion around the crankshaft.
All parts rotate consistently in one direction, as opposed to the
common reciprocating piston engine, which has pistons
violently changing direction. The four-stage cycle of intake,
Fig.1 Construction of Wankel engine compression, ignition, and exhaust occur each revolution at
each of the three rotor tips moving inside the oval-like
epitrochoid-shaped housing, enabling the three power pulses
per rotor revolution. The rotor is similar in shape to a
Reuleaux triangle with sides that are somewhat flatter.
[1] Construction and principles of work of piston
[2] The last development (Mazda: Renesis), mazda.com/
[3] The history of engines.112–120, 2015.
[4] Wankel-ag.de (нем.) (англ.)
[5] Иван Пятов. РПД изнутри и снаружи
[6] Конструкция и принцип работы роторного двигателя:
Fig.2 Wankel engine in detail анимация (видео)
Kompanets Andrii
Sviatoslav Yutskevych, PhD, assoc. prof.
Educational and Research Aerospace Institute
National Aviation University
Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
There were discussed recommendations of FAA and IATA
for carry-on bag size. These recommendations have
“regulatory approach” and are aimed on necessary level of
onboard baggage load for already existing overhead bins
dimensions providing.
Analysis of low-cost carriers’ preferences for bags' length,
total length and volume shown some semblance and
distinction in requirement for carry-on bags size. Operators
from some regions have typical recommendation for bags size.
Fig. 1. Number of low-cost airlines vs. preferable length of carry-on bags Due to that these carriers provide a standard requirement for
luggage. This standards awareness will be useful for aircraft
It’s clear that most popular in low-cost airlines length for and aircraft equipment designers. Such “adaptive approach”
luggage are 55 cm (more preferable in Europe) and 56 cm (in for overhead bins could give flexibility for passenger cabin
Asia). Also it is necessary to notice that there is no preference layout designing
for luggage length in North America. Four airlines choose
length of 61 cm. From the point of view of world statistic 36%
of operators prefer length of bag equal to 55 cm and 45% REFERENCES
prefer 56 cm.
Next do comparison with volume of luggage L×W×D [1] [Electronic source] AC 121-29B - Carry-On Baggage. (July 24, 2000) –
(cm3). Analyzing the data on fig.2 we could recognize that Access mode: URL:
Asian's operators prefer 46368 cm3 instead of European's https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC121
operators use 44000 cm3, and 56000 cm3 volumes.
[2] [Electronic source] Certification Specification CS-25. Large Airplanes.
Amendment-19 – Access mode: URL: https://www.easa.europa.
[3] Pang, Liping, Qin, Yue, Liu, Dong, Liu, Meng 2014 Thermal comfort
assessment in civil aircraft cabins Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,
Volume 27, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 210-216.
[4] Vink P. (2011) Aircraft interior comfort and design. CRC Press, 107 p.
[5] [Electronic source] Airlines to Address Carry-On Bag Dilemma –
Access mode: URL: http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2015-06-
[6] [Electronic source] Clarifies Cabin OK Initiative – Access mode: URL:
[7] [Electronic source] Boeing's new Space Bins for the 737 hold 50%
more bags – Access mode:
Abstract – Criteria for the selection of the aircraft cargo equipment to the primary structure. The loads usually are
systems components are considered. It is shown that the cargo exerted to the frames of the cabin and then are distributed
medium range airplane requires usage of telpher as a overhead throw the aircraft structural components. Thus the structural
cargo equipment and winch as a floor cargo equipment. It is components require special reinforced design.
shown, that the cargo systems must be integrated into the One more aspect is adequate selection of the loading
primary structure. machines parameters, for example the weight of the motor
depends on the winch or telpher required power, thus the
Keywords – cargo aircraft; overhead loading equipment;
excessive power leads to the undesirable increase of the
floor loadinf equipment.
system weight.
Demand of using of both type of equipment may be
I. INTRODUCTION substantiation by next reasons: a) give possibility load most
Purpose of this work is substantiation of the aircraft types of cargo faster than winch, b) improve possibility to
overhead and floor cargo system components on the base of load monolithic cargo with not standard geometrical
airworthiness requirements and Pros and Cons comparison dimension. But winch is more effective in case of loading
[1]. This list is based on experience of design and operation wheeled objects. All this measures give possibility increase
of cargo airplanes, with taking into account requirements for economic efficiency of airplane by way of decreasing time
loading and unloading systems, requirements for integration for loading of cargo. Additionally it may decrease required
of equipment with elements of aircraft primary structure. sizes of equipment by effective spread of cargo between
telpher and winch.
As a typical object for analysis and synthesis of the
recommended list of equipment, the airplane with 10 tons Disadvantages of this scheme is: a) increasing of
payload has been considered. This airplane, as many of equipment which required of maintenance, b) increasing of
modern cargo planes, represents high-wing monoplane with total price of airplane.
cargo ramp in aft part of the fuselage. As the plane refers to
the cargo category, the possibility to use it for civil and III. CONCLUSIONS
military purposes must be taken into account as well.
It can be stated that selection of the cargo overhead and
floor equipment requires multi problems analysis. This
II. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF THE AIRCRAFT analysis comprises: a) analysis of the current successful
OVERHEAD AND FLOOR CARGO SYSTEMS cargo planes design and experience of operations; b) needs
Selection of the aircraft cargo overhead and floor cargo of civil and military transportations; c) functional analysis;
equipment first of all is based on the analysis of similar d) stress-strain analysis and proof of strength for primary
planes, being in operation. Among the most close analogues aircraft structure.
the Ukrainian transport An-26 [2] and well-known Il-76 are
choosen. The first plane features winch with possibility to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
increase capacity by application of block and tackles. The The author thanks lectures of the Aircraft Design
second one has a set of telfers. Both machines are demanded Department for the advices, recommendations and valuable
in the processes of loading, thus combining these machines
the opportunities to load wheeled and unwheeled object
becomes realistic.
At the same time, while selecting cargo equipment, the
structural aspects require analysis. It is important because
[1] CS-25.
the loads from the cargo transmits to the cables, from the
[2] Cargo cabin and equipment of An-26. [web-site] / Cabins of airplane
cables to cargo machine, and finally, from the cargo and their equipment. http://an-26.com/An-26/Chapter-3.php
Method for the investigation of the rolling texture
influence on metal fatigue.
Volokh Alexandr Klimenko Olga
Karuskevich M.V. Dr. of science, professor Karuskevich M.V. Dr. of science, professor
Educational and Research Aerospace Institute Educational and Research Aerospace Institute
Nation Aviation University Nation Aviation University
Kiev Ukraine Kiev, Ukraine
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract – The paper deals with the development of the Aircraft repair practice includes procedure of recovering
experimental method for the study the effect of rolling direction by installation of patches on the spot with different kinds of
on fatigue properties of D16AT alloy. The results of the study, damage. The skin patch component participates in the reaction
carried out according to the discussed below method can be used on applied operational loads and transition of the loads throw
for the improvement of the aircraft skin repair procedure when
the structure is damaged by corrosion, fatigue cracks, dents, and
the structure. The stress-strain state of the aircraft skin is
even shooting. Thus, expected results are valuable for civil and complex. This complexity is resulted from the action of wide
military aviation. spectrum of loads of different nature: bending of the fuselage,
twist of the structure, pressurization. At the same time the
Keywords – Aircraft; damage; patch; anisotropy; deformation complexity exacerbates by the anisotropy of skin metal sheets
relief. and anisotropy of patches.
Thus, the correct installation of the patches on damaged
aircraft skin requires knowledge regarding the influence of
I. Introduction rolling anisotropy on metal fatigue under the different mode of
As a result of different external factors the aircraft It proposed to use computer aided method for the metal
structure deteriorates as a whole or partly, in most trouble surface inspection and quantitative assessment of the fatigue
zones. Some defects, for instance corrosion and fatigue are damage by the parameters of surface deformation relief.
accumulated gradually with time, while some of them, like As a material for test the widely used aluminum alloy
damage by shooting are not predictable in certain moment. D16AT has been selected. The specimens were cut from the
One of the commonly used practice intended to keep 1.0 mm thickness sheet along the rolling direction, at 45 o to
bearing capacity of the damaged component is an rolling direction and at 90o to rolling direction.
installation of patches. This method is widely used for The cyclical loading is carried out by special test machine
repair of aircraft skin. Two factors need to be analyzed for for bending of compact specimens.
correct performing of the repair: 1 – stress-strain state of the The level of stresses chosen to be close to the operational
component in the trouble zone; 2 – data concerning stresses in aircraft fuselage skin, namely 120.0 MPa.
anisotropy of the repair patch. The first task can be solved The computer aided method for surface relief monitoring
by conventional nowadays Finite Elements method. To and correspondent fatigue damage assessment is described in
solve second task the method being under the development details in works [1-3].
and presented in this paper will be recommended.
III. Preliminary test results
Rolling anisotropy and its
II. As the experimental part of the work has been just began
influence on metal fatigue requires the preliminary results are limited by the data related to the
fatigue life of specimens cut along the rolling direction,
exploring perpendicular to rolling direction, and with angle 45 o to the
Rolling anisotropy is the property of metal being rolling direction. The first results reveal the strong relation
directionally dependent, which implies different mechanical between the rolling direction and number of cycles to failure.
properties in different directions. The quantitative relations of Thus, the specimen cut along the rolling has failed after the
fatigue strength and rolling direction require special attention 540 000 cycles of loading, the specimen cut perpendicular to
because components of aircraft made of rolled materials need the rolling direction has failed after the 320 000 cycles of
high level of durability. The problem is exacerbated by the loading, and specimen cut with 45o angle to rolling has failed
multiaxial mode of mechanical loading. after 380 cycles.
These preliminary results confirm the value of further References
investigation with more detailed analysis. The surface relief
[1] Karuskevich M, Karuskevich O, Maslak T, Schepak S. 2012.
expected to be excellent tool for the exploring the process of Extrusion/intrusion structures as quantitative indicators of accumulated
fatigue damage for different rolling conditions. fatigue damage, Int J Fatigue, 39:116–121.
[2] M.V.Karuskevich, Ignatovich S.R., Menou A., Maruschak P.O. Fatigue
IV. Conclusions sensor for aircraft structural health monitoring, Symposium on aircraft
materials (ACMA 2012): сonference, 9-12 May 2012: abstracts. - Fez
It is shown by preliminary tests of D16AT specimens (Morocco), 2012. – P.20 –21.
under the cyclical loading the rolling texture influences fatigue [3] M.V.Karuskevich, S.R. Ignatovich, Т.P. Maslak, A. Menou, P.О.
damage of this alloy sheets. Further experiments should Maruschak. Multi-purpose fatigue sensor. Part 2. Physical backgrounds
include monitoring of surface deformation relief to inspect for damages accumulation and parameters of their assessment/“Frattura
ed Integrita Strutturale” - 2016 № 38, P. 205-214.
details of the fatigue process at the stage of fatigue crack
For Development of Simulation Program of
Passengers Enplaning on Narrowbody Aircraft
Abstract – This article deals with the problems of simulation II. Problem statement
program development for passengers boarding narrow body
(single aisle fuselage) aircraft. There were described different Nowadays there are a lot of simulation programs for
parameters that could effect on the rate of passengers enplaning passenger aircraft evacuation in emergency situation. Some of
and aircraft time on the ground. them have option that allows to carry out aircraft enplaning.
This is high cost certified products that can afford to pay only
Keywords – aircraft; behaviour; boarding; enplaning; aircraft design organization with high budgets.
passengers; turnaround time.
There were analyzed open access references that allows us
to develop basic algorithm for simulation program for
I. Introduction boarding passengers [2-6].
The International Air Transport Association (IATA)
expects doubling of passengers to travel in 2035 by III. Main part
with 2016 and number of air travelers will be near of the 3.8 Estimation of minimum size of grid cell that will be
billion [1]. Some existing airports will be redesigned and covered by passenger during simulation is the key problem for
ground operation of others should be adopted to such any model. It is possible to see that mean size for grid that is
significant increasing of travelers. As result, the turnaround filled up by passenger is equal in more cases to
time for airplanes will be reduced. 400×400 mm [3].
The full turnaround time includes: On Fig.1 the grid cell model for a narrow body airplane is
- disembarkation and boarding of passengers, shown. Grey cells are main aisle route and magenta cells are
- replacement of the crew, simplified routs to seats.
- servicing the galleys,
- cabin servicing,
- unloading and loading compartments,
- refuelling the airplane,
- servicing toilets,
- servicing potable water.
A short turnaround is usually reduced to passengers and
compartment replacement. Sometimes it also involves
refuelling with the assistance of a fire brigade and servicing of
the cabin.
The theoretical duration of a full turnaround for a B737-
900 is 45 minutes, while in case of a short turnaround, it is Fig.1. Simplified passenger cabin model
only 23 minutes [2]. According to Rayanair requirements a
turnaround should be not more than 30 minutes. "Passenger" sliding from cell to cell in main aisle is
performed by the program time delay that is formed by
Therefore prediction of turnaround time could help to movement rate - 1,0...1,5 m/sec [2].
organize maintenance procedures and reduce air company's
costs. This difference could be explained by the passenger's age
and some other limitations in movement that will be explained
According to CS-25 requirements [7] a representative
passenger load of persons in normal health must be used as
follows gender/age groups:
1) At least 40% of the passenger load must be females.
2) At least 35% of the passenger load must be over 50
years of age.
3) At least 15% of the passenger load must be female and
over 50 years of age.
This is typical representative passenger load for evacuation
test that should be carried out in 90 seconds through half of all
existed doors.
But change in this representative load has an influence on
the time. As example the evacuation from Boeing 737 Flight
LS117 took an estimated 3 minutes and 38 seconds Fig. 2. Key factors for boarding time estimation
(approximately in 2,5 times slowly than required). The
analyses shows that there were 42% passengers over 60 years.
Then, analyses of evacuations through Type-III exits [8] There were analyzed different factors, that determine
give us information about rate of movement through boarding time. The more predictable parameters are gender
passageway between rows of seats. In our cases it will be and age data that could be obtained during boarding. Also the
movement by magnet color cells with purpose of seat weather condition and type of carry-on luggage should be
occupation. For 40 years and older passengers movement rate taken into account.
is twice slower than for 20-40 years passengers group.
Such data inputting in simulation programs allows to
So, the age of passengers is one of the most important predict the airplane turnaround time. This time is one of the
parameter that should be taken into account as factor that important from point of view of operator's efficiency factor.
affects rate of boarding because it vary in 1.5...2 times.
This information could be monitor by the operator during REFERENCES
pre-flight check-in of the passengers. [1] [Electronic source] IATA Forecasts Passenger Demand to Double Over
The next factor is height of passengers. There were carried 20 Years – Access mode: URL: http://www.iata.org/pressroom/
out test in Tupolev Tu-154 airplane that shows that the tall
[2] Artur Kierzkowski, Tomasz Kisiel, “The Human Factor in the Passenger
passenger could put his typical carry-on 55×35×20 cm Boarding Process at the Airport”. Procedia Engineering, 187, 348 – 355,
luggage on 20-30 % faster than a small one. 2017.
Unfortunately operators haven't such data. This problem [3] Fang Zhi-Ming, Lv Wei, Liu-Dong, Song Wei-Guo, “Study of Boeing
777 evacuation using a finer-grid civil aircraft”. Transportation Reseach
could be solved by using the statistical data of person's height Procedia, 2, 246-254, 2014.
from region to region in the World [9]. Or, as long term [4] R. John Milne, Alexander R. Kelly, “A new method for boarding
project this data could be collected by different operators with passengers onto an airplane”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 34,
the agreement of passengers during registration or ticket 93-100, 2014.
booking. [5] Andrew Best, Sean Curtis, David Kasik, Christopher Senecas, Tim
Sicora, Dinesh Manocha, “Ped-Air: a simulator for loading, unloading,
Some other significant factor that must be taken in account and evacuating aircraft”. Transportation Research Procedia, 2, 273-281,
is weather that cause wear by passenger additional clothes. 2014.
Taking of the jacket or coat will take up to 5 seconds, while [6] Simo K. Ekman, Michael Debacker, “Survivability of occupants in
taking of the jacket of sweater will take up to 10 seconds. commercial passenger aircraft accidents”. Safety Science, 104, 91-98,
Than passenger need time to place this things in compartment. 2018.
The high occupancy of an aircraft limits the possibility for [7] [Electronic source] Certification Specification CS-25. Large Airplanes.
finding a place for storing their outerwear during the flight. Amendment-19 – Access mode: URL: https://www.easa.europa.
Next, some operators could use instead of random [8] [Electronic source] Aircraft Evacuations Through Type-Ill Exits –
passengers boarding back-to-front, block by block or other Access mode: URL: www.dtic.mil/get-tr-doc/pdf?AD=ADA297286
sequences [2]. [9] [Electronic source] Human Height – Access mode: URL:
Summarization of main factors are represented on fig.2.
Rotary-piston engine of Wankel (part ІІ)
Afanasievskaya Vladislava
Okhmakevich V. M., senior teacher
Educational and scientific Aerospace institute,
National Aviation University,
Kiev, Ukraine
[email protected]
Annotation – the work is devoted to the consideration of modern Theory, design and principles of work:
piston engines, directly to Wankel engines. The original
construction of the Wankel engine, the principle of operation and
its work is proposed in the work. Also, the cycle of this engine is Internal combustion engine: a mixture of fuel air ignites,
considered in the paper, and its comparison with the Otto cycle, and the explosion directly drives the engine.
which also corresponds to the four-stroke process.
Moreover, the engine shows a high power-to-weight ratio stroke D: The rotating rotor displaces the exhaust gases
and an unusually good torque curve at all engine speeds. into the exhaust port.
The famous Mazda engineers solved the main problems of
these engines
1)exhaust In principle, Wankel engines must be perfect and suitable for
2)toxicity light aircraft, being light, compact in shape, less vibrationless,
and with a high power-to-weight ratio.
3) inefficiency.
Due to the compact size and the high power to weight ratio of
A. There are two types of RCE a Wankel engine, it has been proposed for electric vehicles
as range extenders to supplies supplementary power when
• KKM Kreiskolbenmotor or planetary rotation motor electric battery levels are low. Small Wankel engines are
(PLM), distinguished by one stationary peripheral being found increasingly in other applications, such as go-
housing. The rotor moves in an orbit and propels an karts, personal water craft, and auxiliary power units for
eccentric shaft. This is easier to manufacture, cool, aircraft.
and maintain than DKM. Intake and exhaust passages
are better. Better cooling is achievable. It is more III. conclusion
compact. Modern rotaries are KKM types.
In conclusion it`s necessary to emphasize that the Wankel
• DKM Drehkolben Maschine or single-rotation rotary engine is a very interesting and well-known.
engine (SIM), the first RCE, has the distinctive
There is a great history of an engine and also some very
feature of an inner rotating housing and rotor moving interesting facts about it. Wankel engine has many advantages
in circular motion around a fixed central shaft. This as well as many disadvantages. These engines surely have
requires disassembling the motor to change spark their place in this world.
plugs (three), perhaps the main reason it was
discarded. However, DKM is the smoothest of the References
two, and high rates beyond 25,000 rpm are possible. [1] Construction and principles of work of piston
Bearing loads are lighter.
[2] The last development (Mazda: Renesis),mazda.com/
[3] The history of engines.112–120, 2015.
In the car world, Mazda has had a great success with two-
[4] Wankel-ag.de (нем.) (англ.)
rotor, three-rotor, and four-rotor cars. Private racers have also
[5] Иван Пятов. РПД изнутри и снаружи
had success with stock and Mazda Wankel-engine cars.
[6] Конструкция и принцип работы роторного двигателя:
анимация (видео)