Course Outline Financial Accounting
Course Outline Financial Accounting
Course Outline Financial Accounting
Lecturer: Dr.Mwanzia
Email Address: [email protected]
Mobile: 0722366637
This module unit is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will
enable him/her measure the results of operations of an economic entity.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the students should be able to:
1. Explain the importance of keeping essential business records
2. Discuss how to prepare and interpret simple financial statements
3. Outline the need to prepare final accounts for business enterprise
Week 1 Introduction to Definition of terms used in Class attendance
Accounting accounting, users of accounting and participation
information,information needs,
qualities of good accounting
Week 2 Introduction to Nature of accounting Class attendance
accounting equation,Effects of business and participation
Instructional Materials:
These will include: tablet, smart board, LCD projector & computers, Flipcharts,
Course Evaluation
CATS/Assignments/presentations 30%
Final examination 70%
Total 100%
ii) Woods, F., & Sangster, A., (2015). Business Accounting 1 (11th ed.). USA:
Finacial Times/Prentice Hall ISBN: 978-0273759287; 027375928.
iii) Woods, F., & Sangster, A., (2015). Business Accounting 2 (13th ed.). England:
Pearson Education Limited. ISBN: 978-0273767923; 0273767924.
Core Journals
i) American Journal of Finance and Accounting. ISSN: 1752-7767
ii) Journal of Accounting and Taxation. ISSN: 2141-6664
ii) Weygandt, J., Kieso, D., & Kimmel, P. (2018). Financial Accounting. (10th ed).
United Kingdom: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-1119491637.
Recommended Journals
i) Research Journal of Finance and Accountancy. ISSN: 2222-2847
ii) Accounting Research Journal. ISSN: 1030-9616