Lexium 28 Servo Drives and BCH2 Servo Motors
Lexium 28 Servo Drives and BCH2 Servo Motors
Lexium 28 Servo Drives and BCH2 Servo Motors
October 2018
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Presentation Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives and BCH2 servo motors
1 8
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3 4 5 10
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18 15
14 14 15
Application Function Blocks (AFB)
Compact / Hardwired / Logic Controller Modicon M241
Solution Breakdown
1 Compact NSX circuit breaker 11 Harmony XB4/XB5 Control & signaling
2 IEM32 energy meter units
3 Phaseo switch mode power supply 12 Preventa XCS safety switch
4 Modicon TM4 Ethernet switch module 13 Altivar 32 variable speed drive
5 Modicon M241 logic controller 14 Lexium 28 Servo Drive, BCH2 servo motor
6 Modicon TM3 functional safety module 15 Telemecanique sensors®: proximity &
7 Modicon TM3 I/O expansion module photoelectric sensors, limit switch, encoder
8 Harmony XALK emergency stop 16 Zelio Relay solid-state relay
9 Magelis STO/STU HMI 17 TeSys D switch connector fuse
10 Harmony XB5R wireless and batteryless 18 TeSys GV2L magnetic circuit breaker
pushbutton, configurable access point 19 TeSys GV2M/3P D.O.L. / reversing starter
Presentation Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives and BCH2 servo motors
Lexium 28 & BCH2: optimized servo Servo range with best-in-class performance
bundles for compact machines The predefined servo bundles of Lexium 28 servo drive & BCH2 servo motor
are optimized for easy integration & commissioning in your machine. It
includes standard interfaces, embedded safety function and DC-bus sharing.
>> CANopen / CANmotion and EtherCAT
>> Pulse Train
Reduce your time to market
>> Automatic tuning and motor identification
>> PLC open motion library
Increase profitability
>> Designed for optimized & cost effective solutions
>> Drive embedded safety function: Safe-Torque-Off
Improve efficiency
>> Energy efficient because of DC-bus sharing
>> Predefined servo bundles to fit each machine type
Simplify integration & maintenance
LXM28Appp servo drives
>> Standard fieldbus interface CANopen / CANmotion
>> Pulse-train-input (PTI) and Pulse-train-output (PTO) interfaces
>> Digital input interface to control simple movements directly by the servo drive:
Position sequence mode
>> Analog input interface +/-10 V for speed control mode
LXM28Eppp servo drives
>> Standard fieldbus interface EtherCAT
>> Pulse-train-output (PTO) interface
>> Digital input interface for sensor signals such as fast capture signals, limit switches
and homing sensors
>> Servo drive embedded safety function Safe-Torque-Off (STO)
Achieve benchmark performance while increasing profitability
Lexium 28 and Lexium BCH2, the optimized servo bundle for motion control
>> Cost effective
>> Energy efficient
>> Embedded safety
Intuitive commissioning & EcoStruxure Machine Expert - One software for commissioning
programming and programming
EcoStruxure Machine Expert is the universal programming software for machines
automated by EcoStruxure Machine controllers. Simple navigation that requires only
fewer clicks delivers a more efficient engineering process. The programming,
visualization, and commissioning are handled in just one intuitive tool. SoMachine
software includes a 21 day free trial. After this period a license is required to continue
to benefit from SoMachine. It can be installed from a DVD.
Please consult on our web site www.schneider-electric.com
Presentation Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives and BCH2 servo motors
The Lexium 28 range is defined by AC-servo drives LXM28 for combination
with AC-servo motors BCH2.
bb The Lexium 28 range offers predeterminated combinations to suit the requirements
of motion control applications, and optimize installation’s performance.
-- The combinations of servo motors with servo drives are based on the power class:
both servo motor and servo drive have the same power class.
-- The bundle of a servo drive with its related servo motor is designed to cover a
nominal power from 0.05 kW up to 4.5 kW (0.067 up to 6.03 hp) with 200..240 V
mains supply voltage.
bb The Lexium 28 servo drives are delivered without EMC filter, the EMC immunity is
reached with additional EMC filter.
bb The Lexium 28 servo drives have degree of protection IP 20.
Material working application bb BCH2 motors provide a nominal torque from 0.16 Nm to 28.6 Nm and a nominal
speed of from 1,500 to 3,000 rpm, depending on the model. They are suitable for a
wide variety of applications due to the different levels of motor inertia offered.
Compact range
The compact dimensions of Lexium 28 servo drives mean they fit very easily into
small spaces, thus reducing the size of the installation and the cost of the equipment.
bb Material working (multi-axis machines, cutting machines, etc.)
bb Material handling (conveying, palletizers, warehousing, etc.)
bb Assembly line (clamping, etc.)
Material handling application bb Packaging
bb Printing
bb Winding and unwinding
Multi-loader tool
Packaging application
The Multi-loader tool enables configurations to be copied from a PC or a servo drive
and loaded onto another servo drive. The servo drives do not need to be powered-up
(see page 10).
bb LXM28Appp servo drives have digital and analog I/O as standard, an interface
for CANopen/CANmotion fieldbus and an encoder interface for BCH2 servo motors.
bb LXM28Eppp are controlled through the field bus interface EtherCAT.
The servo drives incorporate numerous functions, including auto-tuning, position,
speed, torque control.
LXM28Appp drives can be used with drive embedded “position sequence mode”,
controlled through digital input signals.
This open communication concept enables integration into numerous different
Textile application control system architectures.
Presentation Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives and BCH2 servo motors
Combinations Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives and BCH2 servo motors
Lexium 28Appp Lexium 28Eppp 1 1.34 3,000 3.18 2.34 9.54 7.03 BCH2LH103ppp6C 2.4 Low
(1 and 1.5 kW)
1 1.34 2,000 4.77 3.51 14.3 10.54 BCH2MM102ppp6C 6.63 Medium
1 1.34 2,000 4.77 3.51 14.3 10.54 BCH2HM102ppp6C 8.53 High
LXM28AU15M3X 1.5 2.01 2,000 7.16 5.28 21.48 15.84 BCH2MM152ppp6C 9.7 Medium
Description Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives
(1) Removable spring terminals are supplied with each Lexium 28 servo drive.
References, Lexium 28 & Motors
dimensions and weight Lexium 28 servo drives
References Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives
Connection accessories, accessories
Connection accessories
Designation Use Description Length Unit Weight
m/ft reference kg/lb
Daisy chain Between LXM28A and Equipped with 2 0.1 / 0.33 VW3M7101R01 0.150/
connection of the LXM28A drives, connectors 0.220
DC-bus Between LXM28E and
(sold in lots of 5) LXM28E drives
VW3M7101R01 VW3M7102R150 Designation Use Description Length Reference Weight
m/ft kg/lb
Shielded cable Between LXM28A and This cable can be 15 / 49.21 VW3M7102R150 3.650/
for Daisy chain LXM28A drives, used with DC-bus 8.047
connection of the or etween LXM28E and connector kit
DC-bus LXM28E drives VW3M2207
Designation Use Description Unit reference Weight
DC-bus connector kit LXM28A, LXM28E 10 connectors for creating VW3M2207 0.050/
VW3M4C21 VW3M4C23 extension cordsets 0.110
for the CN6 DC-bus interface
For 3 kW and 4.5 kW 3 connectors: 1 for CN5, 1 for CN7, VW3M4C24 0.120/
(4.02 hp and 6.03 hp) drives and 1 for CN8 interfaces (sold in lots of 2) 0.264
I/O connector LXM28A, LXM28E SUB-D 50-pin connector for CN1 VW3M1C12 0.100/
I/O interface (sold in lots of 3) 0.220
I/O terminal block LXM28A, LXM28E Terminal block + Cordset VW3M1C13 0.380/
module Composed with 2x SUB-D 50-pin 0.838
connectors type VW3M1C12, and
one 0.5 m /1.640 ft. cable,
2 for CN1 I/O interface connection
Designation Use Description Length Reference Weight
m/ft kg/lb
I/O PTI connection LXM28A, Equipped with one 1 / 3.28 VW3M1C10R10 0.100/
cordsets LXM28E SUB-D 50-pin 0.220
connector for
connection on CN1 2 / 6.56 VW3M1C10R20 0.200/
VW3M1C10Rpp VW3M1C20Rpp interface (drive side), 0.441
and open end
(controller side) 3 / 9.84 VW3M1C10R30 0.300/
(item 1) 0.661
STO connection LXM28A, LXM28E Equipped with one 1 / 3.28 VW3M1C20R10 0.100/
VW3M2501 cordsets Molex 4-pin connector 0.220
for connection on
CN9 interface (drive 2 / 6.56 VW3M1C20R20 0.200/
side), and open end 0.441
(controller side)
(item 2) 3 / 9.84 VW3M1C20R30 0.300/
Designation Use Description WxH Unit reference Weight
mm/in. kg/lb
Application name To be inserted onto a It contains 38.5 x 13 / VW3M2501 0.100/
plate dedicated slot on the top of information about the 1.516 x 0.512 (sold in lots of 50) 0.220
the servo drive servo drive
Presentation, Lexium 28 & Motors
references Lexium 28 servo drives
Configuration tools
Designation Description Reference Weight
USB/RJ 45 cordset bb For connecting a PC to the TCSMCNAM3M002P 0.160 /
device (Lexium 28) 0,353
bb Length: 2.5 m (8.2 ft.)
bb Equipped with a USB connector
(PC end), and an RJ 45 connector
(Device end)
Presentation, Lexium 28 & Motors
references Lexium 28 servo drives
Options: braking resistors for servo drives
To optimize the size of the braking resistor, the DC-buses on Lexium 28 servo drives
in the same installation can be connected in parallel.
Machines with high inertia, driving loads, and machines with fast cycles.
2 6.56 VW3A7603R20 1.080/
3 9.84 VW3A7603R30 1.200/
400 0.53 18,100 0.75 2.46 VW3A7604R07 1.420/
2 6.56 VW3A7604R20 1.470/
3 9.84 VW3A7604R30 1.620/
72 200 0.26 9,600 0.75 2.46 VW3A7606R07 0.930/
2 6.56 VW3A7606R20 1.080/
VW3A770p 2.381
3 9.84 VW3A7606R30 1.200/
400 0.53 24,700 0.75 2.46 VW3A7607R07 1.420/
2 6.56 VW3A7607R20 1.470/
3 9.84 VW3A7607R30 1.620/
Note: The total continuous power dissipated in the external braking resistor(s) must be less
than or equal to the nominal power of the Lexium 28 servo drive.
Presentation, Lexium 28 & Motors
References Lexium 28 servo drives
Communication on CANopen/CANmotion fieldbus with
LXM28Appp servo drives
Modicon M241
logic controller
CANopen fieldbus
Modicon M241
logic controller
Altivar Machine
LXM28Appp LXM32Mppp, Altivar Process TeSys Quickfit
LXM32Appp ATV900
Presentation, Lexium 28 & Motors
References Lexium 28 servo drives
Communication on EtherCAT fieldbus with LXM28Eppp
servo drives
EtherCAT fieldbus
Altivar Machine
LXM28Eppp LXM28Eppp
Altivar Process
LXM28Eppp servo drives can be directly connected to EtherCAT fieldbus using the
RJ 45 connectors. The communication function provides access to the servo drive’s
configuration, adjustment, control, and monitoring functions..
Description Length Reference Weight
m (ft) (1) kg/lb
ConneXium cordsets: conforming to EIA/TIA-568, category 5, and IEC1180/EN50173,
class D, standards
Straight shielded twisted pair cordsets 2 (6.56) 490NTW00002 –
Equipped with 2 RJ 45 connectors
5 (16.40) 490NTW00005 –
12 (39.37) 490NTW00012 –
15 (49.21) 490NTW00012U –
Presentation, Lexium 28 & Motors
references Lexium 28 servo drives
Additional EMC input filters
Designation Max. nominal power Line Reference Weight
Combination current kg/lb
Single-phase supply voltage
Additional EMC input 50 W to 750 W (0.067 to 1.00 hp) servo 9 VW3A4420 0.600/
filters for Lexium 28 drives 1.323
servo drives 1x EMC filter and a single Lexium 28
servo drive
(1) Standard IEC/EN 61800-3: EMC immunity and conducted and radiated EMC emissions:
- Category C3 in environment 2: industrial premises.
Presentation Lexium 28 & Motors
combinations Lexium 28 servo drives
Motor starters, Protection using fuses
Motor starters
The combinations listed below can be used to create a complete motor starter unit comprising a circuit
breaker, a contactor, and a Lexium 28 servo drive.
bb GV2P circuit-breaker provides protection against accidental short-circuits, disconnection and, if necessary,
bb LC1 contactor turns on and manages any safety functions, as well as isolating the servo motor on stopping.
GV2Ppp bb Lexium 28 servo drive controls the servo motor, provides protection against short-circuits between the servo
drive and the servo motor, and protects the motor cable against overloads. Overload protection is provided by the
servo drive’s motor thermal protection.
Servo drive Circuit-breaker (1) Contactor
Reference Nominal power Mains number Reference Rating Reference
kW hp of phases A (2) (3)
Mains supply voltage: 200…240 VAC 50/60Hz
LXM28AUA5M3X, 0.05 0.067 1 or 3 phases GV2P14 10 LC1K0610pp
LXM28AU01M3X, 0.1 0.13 1 or 3 phases GV2P14 10 LC1K0610pp
LXM28AU02M3X, 0.2 0.26 1 or 3 phases GV2P14 10 LC1K0610pp
LXM28AU04M3X, 0.4 0.53 1 or 3 phases GV2P14 10 LC1K09pp
LXM28AU07M3X, 0.75 1.00 1 or 3 phases GV2P14 10 LC1K09pp
LXM28AU10M3X, 1 1.34 1 or 3 phases GV2P14 10 LC1K12pp
LXM28AU15M3X, 1.5 2.01 1 or 3 phases GV2P16 14 LC1D18pp
LXM28AU20M3X, 2 2.68 3 phases GV2P20 18 LC1D32pp
LXM28AU30M3X, 3 4.02 3 phases GV2P20 18 LC1D32pp
LXM28AU45M3X, 4.5 6.03 3 phases GV2P21 23 LC1D65pp
(1) Circuit-breakers for single drive installation according to IEC 60364-5-52
(2) Composition of the contactors:
LC1 K06: 3 poles + 1 N/O auxiliary contact
LC1 Dpp: 3 poles + 1 N/O auxiliary contact + 1 N/C auxiliary contact
(3) Replace pp with the control circuit voltage reference given in the table below:
Volts a 220 230 240
LC1K 50/60 Hz M7 P7 U7
Volts a 220/230 230 230/240
LC1D 50 Hz M5 P5 U5
60 Hz M6 – U6
50/60 Hz M7 P7 U7
For other available voltages between 24 V and 660 V, or a DC control circuit, please contact our Customer Care Centre.
Protection using class J fuses (UL certification)
Servo drive Fuse to be placed upstream (A)
Reference Nominal power
kW hp
Mains supply voltage: 200…240 VAC 50/60Hz
LXM28AUA5M3X, 0.05 0.067 5
LXM28AU01M3X, 0.1 0.13 5
LXM28AU02M3X, 0.2 0.26 5
LXM28AU04M3X, 0.4 0.53 20
LXM28AU15M3X, 1.5 2.01 40
LXM28AU20M3X, 2 2.68 60
LXM28AU30M3X, 3 4.02 80
Lexium 28 servo drive + LXM28EU30M3X
BCH2 servo motor with fuse LXM28AU45M3X, 4.5 6.03 160
protection LXM28EU45M3X
Presentation, Lexium 28 & Motors
description BCH2 servo motors
Holding brake
BCH2 servo motors can be equipped with an electromagnetic holding brake.
Do not use the holding brake as a dynamic brake for deceleration, as this
will quickly damage the brake.
Integrated encoder
BCH2 servo motors are equipped with a 20-bit single-turn or a multi-turn
absolute encoder.
bb The encoders measure the motor angular position with a precision of ± 2.6 arc
minutes. The multi-turn absolute encoder also measures the number of motor turns.
bb The absolute encoders perform the following functions:
-- providing the absolute position of the motor so that flows can be synchronized
-- measuring the servo motor speed via the associated Lexium 28 servo drive (this
information is used by the servo drive’s position and speed controller)
-- sending data from the servo motor to the servo drive, it provides automatic
identification of the motor when the servo drive starts.
1 Description
BCH2 servo motors, with a 3-phase stator and a rotor with rare earth based
permanent magnets, consist of:
1 Connector for the power cable
2 Connector for the encoder cable
3 3 Casing with RAL 9005 opaque black paint coating
4 Smooth or keyed shaft end (depending on the model)
4 5 4-point axial mounting flange (Flange is mechanically compatible for mounting
with Asian style servo motors).
References Lexium 28 & Motors
BCH2 servo motors
Battery 3.6 V For BCH2 motors with multi-turn absolute encoder and battery VW3M9BATT 0.050/0.110
compartment VW3M8BATC
Dimensions and weight Lexium 28 & Motors
BCH2 servo motors
BCH2MB013ppp5C 100 40 1.57 40 x 58.5 x 100 1.57 x 2.30 x 3.94 40 x 58.5 x 130 1.57 x 2.30 x 5.12 0.560 1.23 0.770 1.70
BCH2LD023ppp5C 200 60 2.36 60 x 78.5 x 104 2.36 x 3.09 x 4.09 60 x 78.5 x 140 2.36 x 3.09 x 5.51 1.020 2.25 1.500 3.31
BCH2LD043ppp5C 400 60 2.36 60 x 78.5 x 129 2.36 x 3.09 x 5.08 60 x 78.5 x 165 2.36 x 3.09 x 6.50 1.450 3.20 2.000 4.41
BCH2LF043ppp5C 400 80 3.15 80 x 98.5 x 112 3.15 x 3.88 x 4.41 80 x 98.5 x 152 3.15 x 3.88 x 4.41 2.000 4.41 2.800 6.17
BCH2HF073ppp5C 750 80 3.15 80 x 98.5 x 138 3.15 x 3.88 x 5.43 80 x 98.5 x 178 3.15 x 3.88 x 7.01 2.900 6.39 3.700 8.16
BCH2LF073ppp5C 750 80 3.15 80 x 98.5 x 138 3.15 x 3.88 x 5.43 80 x 98.5 x 178 3.15 x 3.88 x 7.01 2.800 6.17 3.600 7.94
BCH2LH103ppp6C 1000 100 3.94 100 x 145.6 x 153.5 3.94 x 5.73 x 6.04 100 x 145.6 x 180.5 3.94 x 5.73 x 7.11 4.600 10.14 5.100 11.24
BCH2LH203ppp6C 2000 100 3.94 100 x 145.6 x 198.5 3.94 x 5.73 x 7.81 100 x 145.6 x 225.5 3.94 x 5.73 x 8.88 6.700 14.77 7.200 15.87
BCH2MM031ppp6C 300 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 147 5.12 x 6.92 x 5.79 130 x 176 x 183 5.12 x 6.92 x 7.20 7.000 15.43 8.200 18.08
BCH2MM052ppp6C 500 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 147 5.12 x 6.92 x 5.79 130 x 176 x 183 5.12 x 6.92 x 7.20 7.000 15.43 8.200 18.08
BCH2MM061ppp6C 600 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 147 5.12 x 6.92 x 5.79 130 x 176 x 183 5.12 x 6.92 x 7.20 7.000 15.43 8.200 18.08
BCH2MM081ppp6C 850 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 187 5.12 x 6.92 x 7.36 130 x 176 x 216 5.12 x 6.92 x 8.50 9.600 21.16 10.900 24.03
BCH2MM091ppp6C 900 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 163 5.12 x 6.92 x 6.42 130 x 176 x 198 5.12 x 6.92 x 7.80 7.600 16.76 8.800 19.40
BCH2MM102ppp6C 1000 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 147 5.12 x 6.92 x 5.79 130 x 176 x 183 5.12 x 6.92 x 7.20 7.000 15.43 8.200 18.08
BCH2HM102ppp6C 1000 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 147 5.12 x 6.92 x 5.79 130 x 176 x 176 5.12 x 6.92 x 6.92 7.000 15.43 8.200 18.08
BCH2MM152ppp6C 1500 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 167 5.12 x 6.92 x 6.57 130 x 176 x 202 5.12 x 6.92 x 7.95 7.600 16.76 8.800 19.40
BCH2MM202ppp6C 2000 130 5.12 130 x 176 x 187 5.12 x 6.92 x 7.36 130 x 176 x 216 5.12 x 6.92 x 8.50 9.700 21.38 11.000 24.25
BCH2MR202ppp6C 2000 180 7.09 180 x 245 x 169 7.09 x 9.65 x 6.65 180 x 245 x 203 7.09 x 9.65 x 7.99 13.000 28.66 18.000 39.68
BCH2HR202ppp6C 2000 180 7.09 180 x 245 x 168 7.09 x 9.65 x 6.61 180 x 245 x 203 7.09 x 9.65 x 7.99 13.000 28.66 18.000 39.68
BCH2MR301ppp6C 3000 180 7.09 180 x 245 x 202 7.09 x 9.65 x 7.95 180 x 245 x 235 7.09 x 9.65 x 9.25 18.500 40.79 23.000 50.71
BCH2MR302ppp6C 3000 180 7.09 180 x 245 x 202 7.09 x 9.65 x 7.95 180 x 245 x 235 7.09 x 9.65 x 9.25 18.500 40.79 23.000 50.71
BCH2MR352ppp6C 3500 180 7.09 180 x 245 x 202 7.09 x 9.65 x 7.95 180 x 245 x 235 7.09 x 9.65 x 9.25 18.500 40.79 23.000 50.71
BCH2MR451ppp6C 4500 180 7.09 180 x 245 x 235 7.09 x 9.65 x 9.25 180 x 245 x 279 7.09 x 9.65 x 10.98 23.640 52.12 28.000 61.73
Presentation, Lexium 28 & Motors
references BCH2 servo motors
Options: holding brake, integrated encoder
Option: GBXpppppK planetary gearboxes
Holding brake
Lexium 28
If a servo motor has a holding brake, it is necessary to give an appropriate control logic
(HBC, Holding Brake Controller), which releases the brake when power is supplied to
the servo motor and immobilizes the servo motor shaft when it is stationary.
The holding brake controller amplifies the braking control signal (Digital output)
transmitted by the Lexium 28 servo drive, so that the brake is deactivated quickly. It
then reduces this control signal so as to decrease the power dissipated by the holding
Integrated encoder in BCH2 servo motors
The standard measurement device is a 20-bit single-turn absolute encoder
integrated in BCH2 servo motors. This measurement device is particularly suited to
Lexium 28
the Lexium 28 range of servo drives.
Use of this interface enables:
bb Automatic identification of BCH2 servo motor data by the servo drive
bb Automatic initialization of the servo drive control loops, thus simplifying
installation and drive commissionning at the machine
References Lexium 28 & Motors
BCH2 servo motors
Connection components
Power MIL connector kits BCH2pH/pM motors (flange size: 100/130 mm) VW3M5D2A 0.300/
(item 4) with or without brake 0.661
References (continued), Lexium 28 & Motors
selection BCH2 servo motors
Connection components
Selection of motor connector kit, or encoder connector kit, according to BCH2 motor type
Motor Motor power cable connector kit Encoder Motor power cable Encoder cable
Without brake With brake connector kit Without brake With brake
BCH2LD023ppp5C VW3M5D1AR15 VW3M8D1AR15
BCH2MM061ppp6C VW3M5D2A VW3M5D2A
BCH2MM091ppp6C VW3M8D2A
BCH2MR202ppp6C VW3M5D4AR30 VW3M5D4FR30
BCH2HR202ppp6C VW3M5D4AR50 VW3M5D4FR50
BCH2MR302ppp6C VW3M5D6AR30 VW3M5D6FR30
BCH2MR352ppp6C VW3M5D6AR50 VW3M5D6FR50
Index Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives and BCH2 servo motors
Product reference index
Index (continued) Lexium 28 & Motors
Lexium 28 servo drives and BCH2 servo motors
Product reference index
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