Sophia Murphy - Learning Styles Multiple Intelligence Profile Assignment 1

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EDU210 Foundations of Education

Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligence Profile Assignment

Educating all students is an important goal of effective teachers. Using a variety of teaching strategies and
methods that will address all learning styles ensures all students will enhance their understanding of new
material. The better we know our student’s areas of strengths in learning the more effective we can become in
facilitating classroom learning opportunities. It is also important for us to be aware of our own learning
preferences. Understanding our preferred styles of learning or intelligences allows us to utilize our strengths
while challenging ourselves to explore other styles of learning.

Take the following surveys and discover ​your​ preferred learning styles and intelligences. With this information
write a reflection paper answering in following:
● What does this information mean to you as a future teacher?
● How will knowing this information about yourself affect your future students?
● Explain how you might address teaching students with various styles of learning and provide two
examples of classroom activities that you will use to enhance the learning of all your students.

This reflection should be a minimum of one page/500 words in length. This assignment should be typed and
ready to turn in with copies of both your survey results on the due date discussed in class and listed on your

Use the websites listed below to complete your:

Learning Styles Profile Survey

Your Results: Reflective 3, Intuitive 1, Visual 7, Sequential 3

Multiple Intelligence Survey

Your Results: Body movement (kinesthetic) 4, Self(intrapersonal) 3.43, Social(Interpersonal) 3.43

Learning Styles Reflection

Your Name Here: Sophia Murphy

Today’s Date Here: September 17th, 2020

This information I learned by taking these tests about myself has an impact on me as a future teacher.

It showed me my personal skills and strengths and how I learn best. The learning styles profile survey showed

me that I learn best in situations that use visuals. When I see how it can be applied in the real world I tend to

grasp that better than listening to facts and taking notes. As well as the multiple intelligence survey where my

top intelligence was bodily kinesthetic. I like to move around and be active rather than falling under the musical

or naturalist category.

These surveys have shown me that my number one strength might be another person's weakness and

vice versa. I plan to use this information to figure out how each one of my future students learn best and plan

activities accordingly. I want to have a variety of activities so each of the intelligences is being used each day.

Some of my future students might work best taking notes while some might be visual learners. I want to make

sure everybody's needs are met so we can all learn to the best of our abilities. I love the variety of intelligences

there are because people can fall under multiple of them. My future students and I can put our strengths together

and help each other grow in our weaker areas.

Teaching students with various learning styles can be challenging at times but it allows you to learn

about your students on a deeper level. I most likely will get some students that work best alone and some that

work best with group work. I would accommodate this by having options if you want to work in groups or not.

One example of an activity I could put together to accommodate all students is a simple math worksheet. This is

good for the interpersonal and intrapersonal because this can be done solo or collaborative. For the visual

learners and bodily kinesthetic learners we could find objects like blocks to show addition and subtraction. This

could be both hands on and an activity for students that learn best with pencil and paper. Another activity could

be reading time. Same goes for this activity as you can read alone or in a small group. There are picture books

for the visual learners and chapter books for the verbal/linguistic students. There are books about plants/animals
for the naturalists and music books for the musical learners. In conclusion there are activities for all

intelligences in the classroom that can be incorporated in a variety of ways.

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