Satyanaga2019 Article MeasurementOfASoil-waterCharac
Satyanaga2019 Article MeasurementOfASoil-waterCharac
Satyanaga2019 Article MeasurementOfASoil-waterCharac
Article in Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A: Applied Physics & Engineering · May 2019
DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1800593
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Measurement of a soil-water characteristic curve and
unsaturated permeability using the evaporation
method and the chilled-mirror method#
Alfrendo SATYANAGA, Harianto RAHARDJO†‡, There has been a wide interest among research-
Zhe Hao KOH, Haneena MOHAMED ers studying unsaturated soil mechanics in exploring
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Techno- alternative and faster methods to evaluate SWCC for
logical University, Singapore 639798, Singapore
E-mail: [email protected] engineering practice. Merayyan and Miller (2006),
Peters and Durner (2008), Schindler et al. (2010a, 2010b, 2015), and Peters et al. (2015) focused on the
measurement of SWCC using only the evaporation
1 Introduction method with HYPROP. Leong et al. (2003) and
Mantri and Bulut (2014) focused on the measurement
Fredlund and Rahardjo (1993) indicated that the of SWCC using only the chilled-mirror method. The
behavior of unsaturated soil is significantly dependent SWCC obtained from the dew point method was
on its soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC). There accurate for high suction ranges but was observed to
are many conventional methods for determining have much variability at low suction ranges.
SWCC. Tempe and pressure plate apparatuses are The simple evaporation method was first de-
commonly utilized in the laboratory to measure it veloped by Wind (1968) and measured the moisture
(Zhan et al., 2007; Fredlund et al., 2012; Rahardjo et content and tension in soil during the evaporation
al., 2012; Cai et al., 2014). A Tempe cell is used to process to obtain the coefficient of permeability of the
generate SWCC up to 100 kPa since it is provided soil. Schindler (1980) modified this method to sim-
with 1 bar (1 bar=1×105 Pa) high air-entry disc (Kas- plify the process using two tension shafts for the
sim et al., 2012; Rahardjo et al., 2019). A pressure measurement of suctions. In this study, SWCC tests
plate cell (provided with a 5 or 15 bar high air-entry were performed based on the concept of an evapora-
ceramic disc) is used to establish SWCC at suction tion method using HYPROP. HYPROP was utilized
ranges from 100 to 1500 kPa in combination with for SWCC measurements up to 100 kPa soil suction.
SWCC tests using the Tempe cell. These methods are The results are analysed using an interpolation
known to be reliable for SWCC determination; method by taking the average suction value from
however, they are tedious and time consuming measurements recorded in two tensiometers at dif-
(Fredlund, 2007). ferent depths. The assumption was made that linear-
ization errors were insignificant so that interpolation
Corresponding author can be done accurately, as proven in previous inves-
# Electronic supplementary materials: The online version of this
article ( contains supplemen- tigations (Peters and Durner, 2008; Peters et al.,
tary materials, which are available to authorized users 2015). One of the advantages of the HYPROP test is
3849-2525; Harianto RAHARDJO, that it can simulate the natural evaporation process
8320-9170 which provides the closest representation of in situ
© Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of
Springer Nature 2019 evaporation (Wind, 1968). During the experiment, the
Satyanaga et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2019 20(5):368-374 369
Table 2 Fitting parameters of SWCC obtained from For the conventional method, the Tempe cell has
Tempe and pressure plate tests a ceramic plate with an air-entry value of 1 bar which
Specimen a (kPa) m (kPa) s r (kPa) can measure suction up to 100 kPa. The pressure plate
80S20K 8 100 3.00 1000 cell has a ceramic plate with an air-entry value of
50S50K 15 120 2.00 5000 15 bar which can be used to control suction up to
20S80K 40 150 1.75 5000 1500 kPa. This allows the development of SWCC for
the range of suctions between 0 and 1500 kPa.
However, because the ceramic disk has an air-entry
value limited to 15 bar, the conventional method
cannot be used to control suctions greater than
1500 kPa, and hence it has to be estimated from the
best fitting SWCC.
Figs. 1–3 indicate that the shapes of SWCC of
the three different soil mixtures as measured using the
conventional Tempe and pressure plate apparatuses
are similar to those obtained from measurements
using HYPROP and WP4C. In addition, the best fit-
ting parameters of SWCCs from the conventional
Fig. 1 SWCC of soil mixture of 80S20K Tempe and pressure plate apparatuses are of ap-
proximately the same value as those of SWCCs from
HYPROP and WP4C. This indicates that the evapo-
ration method combined with the chilled mirror hy-
grometer is a suitable alternative for measuring
From Figs. 1–3, it can be observed that the two
SWCCs are similar, especially in the suction range of
0–100 kPa. For suctions greater than 100 kPa, there
are slight differences between the two SWCCs which
may be due to the lack of data for certain suctions
between those methods. The differences between the
SWCC from the Tempe and pressure plate apparat-
Fig. 2 SWCC of soil mixture of 50S50K uses and the SWCC from HYPROP and WP4C for
Satyanaga et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2019 20(5):368-374 371
specimens 80S20K are larger than the difference for permeability results from HYPROP are reliable. For
other soil specimens. However, the rates of differ- the 50S50K specimen, the modified Triaxial per-
ences are still acceptable since the air-entry value meameter results are also located close to the
(8 kPa), inflection point (100 kPa), and standard de- HYPROP and statistical method results, further con-
viation (3) of the SWCC from the Tempe and pressure firming the results from HYPROP and the statistical
plate apparatuses are close to the air-entry value method.
(10 kPa), inflection point (80 kPa), and standard de-
viation (2.5) of the SWCC from HYPROP and
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Schindler U, Durner W, von Unold G, et al., 2010b.
线。4. 采用 Satyanaga et al. (2017)公式,对实验
Evaporation method for measuring unsaturated hydraulic
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