Ilium Cut Flower: Production Under
Ilium Cut Flower: Production Under
Ilium Cut Flower: Production Under
L ILIUM one of the most important bulbous flowers, shade will be beneficial. 2kg/100m2 at least one week before plantation. Later on After Harvesting, the
belongs to Liliaceae family and is commercially grown Sowing/Planting: during the first three weeks when the stem rooting takes lilies are usually sorted
in India for cut flowers. Recently, this crop has become place, no additional fertilizers are required. Good root by number of flower buds
As a thumb rule, the bigger the bulbs, more is the stem development is important at this stage.
popular in many states of India. per stem and length of
length and the number of flower per stem. Bulbs less than
Three weeks after plantation:- Calcium Nitrate @ 1 the stem. The leaves from
Lilies have a very good demand in the flower market as 10-12 cm in circumference should not be used for flower
kg/100m2 the bottom 10-15 cm of the stem should be removed to
cut flower and pot plants. Out of the different types of production in Oriental hybrid lilies, where as bigger bulbs
improve the keeping quality of the flowers.
lilies, Oriental and Asiatic hybrid lilies and Asiatic hybrid (as big as 22-24 cm) should be planted for production of Six week after plantation :- Potassium nitrate @ 1
lilies and to some extent, the Easter and tiger lilies are the Asiatic lilies. kg/100m2 Nutrient Deficiency:
most popular ones as they are excellent cut flowers. The If plants show symptoms of weekness during growing 1) Iron (Fe):
popularity of these lilies is gradually increasing in India. period due to Nitrogen deficiency then a top dressing of Symptoms:
Some varieties resistant to leaf scorch should preferably Ammonium Nitrate@ 1 kg/100 m2 can be applied up to
be selected for commercial cultivation. The leaf tissue between
three weeks before harvesting.
the veins of young leaves
Lily is a common name used for several different plant Irrigation: becomes yellowish-green,
species. But day lily, calla lily, toad lily, and surprise lily
Irrigation is one of the most important factors that promote particularly in plants with rapid
are not “true lilies.” True lilies are members of the genus
growth in the cultivation of lilies. Soil is watered before growth. The greater the iron
Lilium. They originate from underground bulbs and
Planting Density: planting the bulbs. After planting the bulbs water is deficiency the more yellow the leaves look.
produce large, showy blossoms in the summer. True
lilies are excellent plants for almost any garden situation. given liberally so that the soil properly adheres to the Control:
Bulb Size Bulbs/m2 Planting Distance (cm) bulbs and roots. Since the stem roots develop in the
They are not only versatile and durable, they also offer Soil should be well drained with low pH level
gardeners a wide variety of heights, flower forms, and 8 -10 cm 49 15 X 15 top soil, it is essential that this top (30cm) soil should
be kept continuously moist. However, there should not Chelated- Fe should be applied @ 2-3 gm/m2
colours. In fact, their presence in the garden is so striking 10 - 12 cm 42 16 X 15
be any water stagnation. During the dry spell, the water before planting and maximum 2 gm / m2 after
that they are often called the “Queen” or “Grande Dame” 12 - 14 cm 36 16 X 18 planting.
of the summer garden. consumption may be as high as 10 litres/m2/day.
14 - 16 cm 36 16 X 18
Staking: 2) Nitrogen (N):
Varieties Planting Depth:
Staking is an important Symptoms:
It is important, that the bulbs are healthy and should have operation in lilly cultivation The whole leaf becomes
well formed and healthy roots before planting because the to keep the plants erect. lighter in colour and this is
water and nutrient absorption during the first three weeks The most practical way
Brindisii Brunello Courier Serrada often more noticeable when
is dependent on these roots. When the shoot emerges to support the crop is plants are about to bloom.
Soil and Climate: the so called stem roots start to develop on the stem just by using netting which The plant often seems rather light green in appearance.
Soil with good texture and proper drainage is preferred. above the bulb. These stem roots instead of bulb roots should be gradually raised as the plants grow in height so Soil with a low nitrogen level produces a crop with stems
The soil should be light and porous but rich in organic will soon start supplying water and nutrients to the plant. as to get long stems during harvest. which are lighter in weight with less number of flower
matter. Lilies are sensitive to high concentration of salt In order to get excellent quality flowers, the stem roots
Harvesting: buds. The foliage in the vase will turn yellow more quickly.
which adversely affects the plant growth. The soil used for should be allowed to develop pr operly. The depth of
planting should be 10 – 12 cm winter. Flowers are ready for Control:
cultivation of lilies, has to be in good structure particularly
harvesting between 90- Always apply sufficient quantity of nitrogen,
the top layers and should also be kept well drained during
120 days after planting. preferably based on the results of soil sample.
the entire growing period. Maintaining the correct pH of
the soil plays a major role in the root development and As soon as first bud shows If the nitrogen deficiency is diagnosed during
uptake of nutrients. It is advisable to maintain a pH of 6 to distinct colouration, the cultivation apply an additional rapid action
7 for the Asiatic and longiflorum hybrid groups and a pH lilies should be harvested. If this is done at a premature nitrogen fertilizer. However, bear the risk of leaf
of 5.5 to 6.5 for the oriental hybrids. stage, the buds will not develop properly. Cutting too late scorch in mind during this procedure and make
i.e. when the bulbs have opened fully will cause damage sure the crop is always washed off thoroughly.
For good plant growth and quality flower production, the to the flowers during transit. Cut stems should be placed
night temperature should be around 10-150C and the day Fertigation: in cold water immediately after harvesting. If necessity ABNORMALITIES:
temperature should be 20-250C. Higher temperature will Since lilium is a bulbous crop, most of its nutrients are arises, the flowers can be stored at 2-50C for a week Leaf Scorch:
produce a dwarf crop with less number of flower buds per already present in the bulb itself. Lilium is a very salt or so. Sucrose @ 5% + HQS @ 200 ppm significantly
stem. The plant should not be grown under direct sunlight. Leaf scorch occurs when there is a disturbance in the
sensitive crop and therefore one should take care while increases the vase life of the flowers. balance between absorption and evaporation of water.
In summer months, due to high light intensity, the plants