Exam Form Fill Up 2020 21
Exam Form Fill Up 2020 21
Exam Form Fill Up 2020 21
In pursuance of the UGC Guidelines dated 29-04-2020, UGC Revised Guidelines
dates 06.07.2020 and UGC Standard Operating Procedure dated 08-07-2020, this is for
information of all concern that in the greater interest of the students’ academic progression
career prospects and completion of courses, the North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) has
initiated for an exclusive and student friendly Examination procedures. To begin with we shall
start the form fill up process for (B.A. & B.Sc.) 2nd and 4th semester regular Examination’s
from 12th to 19th August, 2020 through online mode in college website (www.nlc.ac.in).
The fees structure for the both semesters is given below.
Fee for 2nd Sem: Rs. 450/-
Fee for 4th Sem: Rs. 450/-
The dates for form fill-up of 6th Sem and related back examinations will be notified
Copy to:
1. The Vice principal (Sr.) N. L. College (Autonomous) for information.
2. The Controller of Examinations, N. L. College (Autonomous) for information.
3. The Dy. Controller of Examinations, N. L. College (Autonomous) for information.
4. Information for uploading college website.
5. Office file/Account/S.A, N. L. College (Autonomous).