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Who Together With Her Husband Pierre, Began Investigating The Phenomenon Recently Discovered by Becquerel)

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Medical Physics Mcqs

sievert (symbol:Sv) it is a derived unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of
Units (SI) and is a measure of the health effect of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human
body. The sievert is used for radiation dose quantities such as equivalent dose, effective dose,
and committed dose. The scientific unit of measurement for radiation dose, commonly referred
to as effective dose, is the millisievert (mSv). Other radiation dose measurement units include
rad, rem, roentgen, and gray(Gy).

Gray (symbol:Gy) The gray is a derived unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International
System of Units. It is defined as the absorption of one joule of radiation energy per kilogram of

Rad (symbol:rad) The rad is a deprecated unit of absorbed radiation dose, defined as 1rad =
0.01 Gy = 0.01 J/kg

Roentgen equivalent man(symbol: rem) it Derived from the phrase Roentgen equivalent man,
the rem is defined as the dosage in rads that will cause the same amount of biological injury as
one rad of X rays or gamma rays. (Note: 1Sv=100rem and 1mSv=100mrem)

The becquerel (symbol Bq)it is the SI derived unit of radioactivity. One becquerel is defined as
the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. The
becquerel is therefore equivalent to an inverse second, s−1. The becquerel is named after Henri
Becquerel, who shared a Nobel Prize in Physics with Pierre and Marie Curie in 1903 for their
work in discovering radioactivity. (The term radioactivity was actually coined by Marie Curie,
who together with her husband Pierre, began investigating the phenomenon recently discovered
by Becquerel)

1. Which of the following is an example of electromagnetic radiation?

a) Radio waves
b) Light waves
c) Gamma rays
d) All of the above
2. The half value layer for Cobalt 60 is the same as the half value layer for Iridium 192
a) True
b) False
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
3. One source of natural radiation is
a) Iridium 192
b) Cobalt 60
c) Cosmic radiation
d) Nuclear power plants
4. Which of the following would be the most effective shielding material?
a) Wood
b) Paper
c) Concrete
d) Tungsten
5. In general, the denser the material
a) The more radiation is reflected
b) The better shielding it will provide
c) The lower the atomic number
d) The faster the exposure time
6. X-rays were discovered in 1895 by
a) Robert Conrad
b) Marie Curie
c) Pierre Curie
d) Wilhelm Roentgen
7. If a person received a radiation dose of 10 rem to the entire body (above background), his
or her risk of dying from cancer would increase by one percent to a high of
a) 5%
b) 10%
c) 15%
d) 21%
8. All people have radioactive isotopes inside their bodies
a) True
b) False
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
9. A dosimeter which is off scale would be considered
a) Fully charged
b) Fully discharged
c) Broken
d) Transparent
10. At what radiation level will an alarm ratemeter begin to sound?
a) 200 mr/hr
b) 300-400 mr/hr
c) 450-500 mr/hr
d) 700-1000 mr/hr
11. The Curies discovered a radioactive element which they called
a) Uranium
b) Cobalt
c) Pitchblende
d) Radium
12. Depending upon the ratio of neutrons to protons within its nucleus
a) An isotope is always unstable
b) An isotope is always stable
c) An isotope can be stable or unstable
d) The x-ray source can emit a wide variety of energy levels
13. Which of the following is packaged in a light proof, vapor proof envelope?
a) Alarm ratemeter
b) Survey meter
c) Geiger counter
d) Film badge
14. Prolonged exposure to heat can effect
a) Alarm ratemeter
b) Survey meter
c) Geiger counter
d) Film badge
15. Which of the following is a rate measuring instrument?
a) Film badge
b) Survey meter
c) TLD
d) All of the above
16. Radium could be used to radiograph casting as thick as
a) 2 inches
b) 4 inches
c) 6 inches
d) 12 inches
17. How long after the Roentgen’s discovery, were radiation burns detected?
a) 1 day
b) 1 month
c) 6 month
d) 6 years
18. When the distance from the source of radiation is doubled, the amount of radiation
received will be
a) Doubled
b) Tripled
c) Reduced by 1/2
d) Reduced by ¼

19. What are the two types of radiation?

a) Particulate and electromagnetic
b) Alpha and Beta
c) Alpha and Gamma
d) Positive and negative
20. What does a collimator do?
a) It reduces the exposure time by ionizing the radiation before it hits the film
b) It holds the film in place during an exposure
c) It provides shielding from radiation
d) There is no such thing as a collimator
21. In the 1920's, what was used to personnel monitor individuals in order to determine their
radiation exposure?
a) Film badge
b) Geiger counter
c) Alarm ratemeter
d) Ionization chambers
22. Radiation is a form of
a) Atomic waveform
b) Energy
c) Decayed plutonium
d) Active isotopes
23. Which of the following has the longest wavelength?
a) Radio waves
b) Proton rays
c) Gamma rays
d) Beta rays
24. Which of the following have a positive charge?
a) Alpha particles
b) Beta particles
c) Gamma rays
d) Only A and B
25. The time required for one half of the amount of unstable material to degrade into a more
stable material is called
a) Half-time
b) Half-life
c) Half value layer
d) Half-sign
26. Which of the following have both energy and mass?
a) Alpha particles
b) Beta particles
c) Gamma rays
d) Only A and B
27. Which of the following have no charge?
a) Alpha particles
b) Beta particles
c) Gamma particles
d) Only A and B
28. A symptom from an overexposure to radiation which occurs years later is called
a) Somatic effects
b) Biological effects
c) Latent effects
d) Genealogy effects
29. Which of the following has the most material penetrating power?
a) Iridium 192
b) Cobalt 60
c) Cobalt 59
d) Iridium 191

30. Which of the following is the most penetrative radiation?

a) Neutrons
b) Alpha particles
c) Beta particles
d) Both (b) and (c)
31. The half-life of Cobalt 60 is approximately
a) 74 days
b) 74 years
c) 5 days
d) 5 years
32. The half-life of Iridium 192 is approximately
a) 74 days
b) 74 years
c) 5 days
d) 5 years
33. Electromagnetic radiation acts like a stream of small “packets” of energy called
a) Protons
b) Alpha kickers
c) Photons
d) Beta spikes
34. Which of the following have a negative charge?
a) Alpha particles
b) Beta particles
c) Gamma particles
d) Only A and B
35. The less time spent near a radioactive source or an x-ray tube
a) The more dosage the radiographer will receive
b) The higher the rem count
c) The lower the life expectancy
d) The less radiation dose will be received
36. Which of the following is a personal monitoring device?
a) Alarm ratemeter
b) Survey meter
c) Geiger counter
d) Film badge
37. Which of the following has the shortest wavelength?
a) Radio waves
b) Light waves
c) Gamma rays
d) Alpha rays
38. Which of the following are the two most common industrial gamma-ray sources?
a) Ir 192 and Beryllium 54
b) Radium and Beryllium
c) Cobalt and Iridium
d) X-ray and Lead
39. The strength of a radiation source is called
a) Sequence radiation
b) Refraction
c) Activity
d) Curies
40. Who discovered natural radioactivity?
a) Wilhelm Roentgen
b) Marie Curie
c) Henri Becquerel
d) None of the above
41. The most significant source of man-made radiation exposure to the average person is
a) Gamma rays
b) Beta rays
c) Medical procedures
d) Alpha rays
42. The primary risk from occupational radiation exposure is the increased risk of
a) Cancer
b) Blindness
c) Abrasions
d) None of the above
43. Increasing the distance from the source of radiation
a) Will reduce the amount of radiation received
b) Will increase the amount of radiation received
c) Will not change the amount of radiation received
d) Will result in the need of a slower speed film
44. When radiation interacts with a cell wall or DNA
a) The cell becomes energized
b) The radiation shifts to a different waveform
c) The cell becomes radioactive
d) The cell either dies or becomes a different kind of cell such as a cancer cell
45. Which of the following produces a permanent record of radiation exposure?
a) Alarm ratemeter
b) Survey meter
c) Geiger counter
d) Film badge
46. The current lifetime risk of dying from all types of cancer in the United States is
a) 5%
b) 10%
c) 15%
d) 20%
47. TLD stands for
a) Thermo luminescent Dosimeter
b) Thermal Latent Distance
c) Time Life Dosimeter
d) Translucent Latent Dosimeter
48. Some of the most common effects of ionizing radiation are:
a) Inhibition of cell division
b) Alteration of membrane permeability
c) Chromosome aberrations
d) All of the above
49. X-rays were discovered in 1895 by
a) Robert Conrad
b) Marie Curie
c) Pierre Curie
d) Wilhelm Roentgen
50. If a technician has been working with an isotope and the dosimeter reads “off scale”:
a) All work should be stopped immediately and the film badge should be turned in
b) It should be re-zeroed and work should resume
c) The assistant should take the rest of the radiographs
d) There is a high chance that the radiographer will get cancer
51. Gamma rays are produced by
a) Radioactive atoms
b) Bremstrahlung
c) K shell disintegration
d) Television sets
52. The advantages of a TLD over other personnel monitors is its
a) Resistance to heat
b) Sensitivity to alpha particles
c) Linearity of response to dose
d) Ability to activate an audible alarm
53. The dislodging of one or more electrons from an atom is called
a) Ionization
b) Refractology
c) Half-life
d) Isotope
54. Who is authorized body to regulate the ionizing radiations in Pakistan:
a) Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA)
b) Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
c) kahuta research laboratories (KRL)
d) All of the above
55. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) limiton effective dose
averaged over 5 years for the occupational radiation worker is
a) 1 mSv/year
b) 5mSv/year
c) 10Sv/year
d) 20 mSv/year

56. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) limit for a member of the
General public is
e) 1 mSv/y
f) 5mSv/y
g) 10Sv/y

57. All of the following are modes of energy loss for beta particles EXCEPT
a. annihilation
b. excitation
c. ionization
d. pair production
58. The current Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulation for occupational
exposures state that persons under 18 years old may receive
a) 100 mrem/year
b) 5000 mrem/year
c) one-tenth of the maximum permissible adult occupational dose limit
d) one-half of the maximum permissible adult occupational dose limit
59. Containers of radioactive material must be labeled with which of the following
a) Radionuclide(s) present, quantity, or radiation levels
b) Instructions for handling the radioactive material
c) Personnel authorized to use the material
d) Instructions for decontamination procedures to follow if spilled
60. Which of the following is required for all three types of Broad Scope licenses?
a) Establishing administrative controls over operations that involve radioactive material
b) Naming all Authorized Users on the license
c) Listing radioactive materials that are under the direct control of the Radiation Safety
d) Monitoring of the radiation safety program by the Radiation Safety Committee
61. For a gauge that contains radioactive materials requiring a Specific License, who is required to be
includedon the applicable license?
a) Manufacturer
b) User
c) Manufacturer, RSO, Authorized Users
d) Anyone who works near the device/gauge
62. What is the best recommended shielding for mixed beta and gamma emitters?
a) Thick lead
b) Concrete
c) Plexiglas with lead or other high z material
d) Aluminum foil with lead or other high z material

63. Shielding against beta radiation may be complicated because

a) beta radiation usually cannot be completely absorbed
b) deceleration of beta particles produces neutrons
c) beta particles are scattered by shields
d) deceleration of beta particles produces more penetrating x-rays
64. Which of the following is a factor in x-ray production?
a) High voltage electrons from an anode
b) Electrons striking a cathode, such as tungsten
c) Electrons slowing down when they strike a target and convert to x-rays
d) Gamma rays, which typically have energy levels less than 10 KeV
65. Some organs exhibit a threshold response to radiation effects, which is called a(n)
a) stochastic effect
b) non-stochastic effect
c) genetic effect
d) acute effect
66. Which of the following instruments would be best for quickly locating a source that contains I-
125 (X-ray energies 27 to 35 keV)?
a) Pressurized ion chamber
b) Survey meter with a sodium iodide (NaI) detector containing a 1 mm thick crystal
c) Survey meter with a pancake G-M probe containing a 1.7 mg/cm2 mica window
d) Survey meter with a ZnS probe
67. Removable radioactive contamination can be described as material which
a) has activity that is below 2,000 dpm
b) presents no hazard when personal protective clothing is removed
c) can be easily decontaminated from exposed surfaces
d) can be transferred from one location to another
68. Which type of meter is best for detecting high energy β?
a) G-M detector
b) Nal detector
c) Open window gas-proportional counter
d) ZnS scintillation detector
69. Which of the following personal protective clothing should be removed first to reduce the
potential forpersonal contamination?
a) Tape from pant legs and sleeves
b) Coverall/lab coats
c) Rubber boots
d) Outer layer of double gloves
70. A minimum detectable activity (MDA) is the smallest activity capable of being detected at the
95% confidence level for a given sample. This allows 5% probability of making a Type 2
error.What is a Type 2 error?
a) Mistaking a low sample count as background
b) Mistaking the half-life to be an exact number for every atom in the sample
c) Making an incorrect assumption on the number of allowable standard deviations
d) Making an arithmetic error in the calculation
71. After dismantling a mixing tank, a level gauge (radioactive source) will be shipped back to
themanufacturer. What is the best instrument to use to determine the transportation index for the
a) Any geiger counter with a pancake probe
b) A thin window NaI detector
c) An ion chamber which reads in mR/hr
d) A liquid scintillation counting unit calibrated to read in cpm per Bq
72. Which of the following defines low level radioactive waste?
a) Waste that emits low levels of ionizing radiation
b) Waste that contains less than 0.1 MBq/g of radioactive material
c) Waste that contains naturally-occurring or accelerator-produced radioactive material
d) Waste that contains source, special nuclear, or byproduct materials that are acceptable for
disposal in a land disposal facility
73. Federal laws that govern training of workers in radioactive material license facilities
generallyrequire training for
a) all personnel who work in the vicinity of licensed materials
b) workers who are likely to receive more than 100 mrem of occupational dose
c) ancillary personnel
d) on-site contractors who are likely to receive more than 1 mrem of occupational dose
74. What signs and postings are mandatory in licensed facilities?
a. Safety posters. They generally contain all the information that is required.
b. PNRA Requirements, procedures, where to find regulations and any violations must be
posted conspicuously.
c. No specific postings are required, as long as workers have complete information in a
formatthat is available to them.
d. None of the above.
h) 20 mSv/y

75. Cobalt 60 is produced by

a) Exposing Cobalt 59 to high energy x-rays
b) Changing the number of protons in the nucleus
c) Converting an element to a compound
d) Adding an extra neutron

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