Affidavit of Loss G

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Republic of the Philippines )

City of Dipolog                    ) S.S



I, GEMMA GAMOLO, Filipino of legal age, and a resident of Pob. Sibutad, Zamboanga

del Norte, after having duly sworn in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state that:

1. That I am the pledgor of M-LHUILLIER PAWNSHOP-Sibutab Branch for the

following item(s)

Amount of Loan: 19,000 Description: YG Necklace w/out Pendant

Date Pawned: January 20, 2020 Grams: 12.10
Receipt No: 0063-2020-00048

2. That sometime on March 2020 my pawned tickets was lost in my possession and
inspite diligent efforts to locate, the same could not be found;

3. That I have not sold, transferred or alienated the said list pawn ticket

4. I shall assume responsibility or liability if in any event, I will use these documents
for whatever illicit transactions;

5. As such, i am executing this affidavit of loss to attest to the truth of the foregoing
and to support the application for the issuance of new Pawn ticket at M-

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed our hands this___________ at Dipolog

City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN to before me this_______________ at Dipolog City,

Philippines, with affiant exhibiting to me her Valid PRC No. 0460028.

Doc. No. ___

Page No.____
Book No.III
Series of 2020

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