Shakedown and Ratcheting Directives PDF
Shakedown and Ratcheting Directives PDF
Shakedown and Ratcheting Directives PDF
Arturs Kalnins
Professor of Mechanics
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Lehigh University
Bethlehem PA 18015-3085 USA
Email: ak01
ASME B&PV Code directives for shakedown and Application of cyclic loading to pressure vessels may
ratcheting evaluation are reviewed. The objective is to result in fatigue failure and incremental growth in
assess their effectiveness when executed with plastic dimensions (ratcheting). Both are unacceptable physical
finite element analysis (FEA) and to propose procedures conditions from which a vessel must be protected.
when they are inadequate. At first, they are applied to Directives for protection against fatigue failure on
cases involving cyclic primary loading only, for which plastic basis are given in the ASME B&PV Code [1]
shakedown is evaluated. It is found that FEA is not (henceforth the Code). Two tasks are involved: (1)
suitable to determine whether plastic shakedown is calculation of the maximum strain range that is being
achieved for a given loading. An alternate approach based cycled, and (2) demonstration of plastic shakedown I at
on physical grounds leads to the conclusion that if only the location at which the strain range is maximum. The
primary loading is cycled, and if the loading does not shakedown requirement does not address failure but a
exceed the design limit load, plastic shakedown is always condition required for the use of strain-based fatigue
achieved. Then the directives are applied to cases in design curves.
which cyclic thermal or other displacement-controlled
Code directives for protection of vessels against
loading is superimposed on primary loading with a mean,
ratcheting failure by plastic analysis offer no guidance on
which may lead to ratcheting. Three ratcheting measures
how they are to be executed. The Code provides rules for
are applied to a thermal transient example. It is found that
the protection of vessels from thermal stress ratchet for
FEA is not suitable for establishing the absence of
loading that consists of a steady pressure on which cyclic
ratcheting of a vessel for a given loading by requiring
thermal bending stresses are superimposed. These rules
zero growth of its dimensions. The ratcheting check is
need not be satisfied if ratcheting is evaluated by plastic
modified by specifying an acceptable limit on the
analysis. The execution of this analysis forms the major
increments of the ratcheting measure that are predicted by
part of this paper.
plastic FEA within a specified number of cycles, which
makes it practical for design purposes. A decision is
required on an acceptable growth of the diameter of a t The term "plastic shakedown" describes cyclic behavior
vessel that would not endanger the serviceability of the at a point that results in alternating plasticity. This is to
vessel during its life. distinguish it from the classical definition of shakedown to
linearly elastic behavior.
One Cycle Cycle No. 1 contains the effect of the initial load up
starting with zero residuals. Complete cycling begins with
600 the second cycle. For pressures of 11 MPa and above, the
400 results identify a stress redistribution phase that is
followed by a steady-state phase. For P=10.3 MPa, the
.~ 200 steady state is not apparent at the end of the 10th cycle. As
I'- ,~ the pressure is decremented from 13 MPa, the steady
o A A
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 values decrease. This trend suggests the following
Time scenario. If pressure were reduced from 11 MPa in small
decrements, the transition to the steady value would be
pushed to higher cycle numbers and the steady values will
continue to decrease. The scenario is illustrated by
Figure 4: Temperature-time history
plotting the hoop strain increments at the ends of the 2
3to, and 10th cycles in Figure 5.