Advisory No 20 02 S 2020
Advisory No 20 02 S 2020
Advisory No 20 02 S 2020
Series of 2020
In the interest of the public, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) hereby clarify the following provisions under DTI-
DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2020-04-A, Series of 2020:
The provision of shuttle services shall be read consistent with Inter-Agency Task
Force (IATF) Resolution No. 69 dated 07 September 2020, thus:
In case the private establishments are unable to financially sustain the provision of
shuttle services, they may adopt alternative arrangements, such as cost-sharing,
partial vouchers for use of Transport Network Vehicle Services, and other
alternative arrangements to facilitate the transportation needs of their employees.
ii. Employers may contract the services of Public Utility Vehicles (PUV) to
subsidize public transport operations.
Further, the isolation rooms may be outside the establishments, provided that they are
within the control of the employer, i.e. the facility is readily available when necessary,
provided further, that a temporary holding facility for employees and visitors with
symptoms, or following further assessment required after responding to the health
declaration form, shall be set up within the immediate vicinity of the workplace
and/or building.
Finally, a shorter lockdown period of less than 24 hours for disinfection (disinfection
time of three (3) to four (4) hours) is allowed, provided that the safety of employees
is ascertained as provided under the company policy and/or OSH program allowing
safe entry of employees, provided further that, a certificate of return to work from the
specialists/cleaners/disinfecting agents is secured.
Be guided accordingly.
12 September 2020.