3 - GR.129329
3 - GR.129329
3 - GR.129329
ESTER M. ASUNCION, petitioner,
CLINIC and DR. WILFRIDO JUCO, respondents.
In her petition filed before this Court, Ester Asuncion prays that the Decision, dated
November 29, 1996, and the Resolution, dated February 20,1997, of the public
respondent National Labor Relations Commission, Second Division, in NLRC CA.
011188 which reversed the Decision of the Labor Arbiter, dated May 15, 1996 be set
On August 9, 1994, the private respondent, Medical Director Wilfrido Juco, issued a
memorandum to petitioner charging her with the following offenses:
1. Chronic Absentism (sic) – You have incurred since Aug. 1993 up to the
present 35 absences and 23 half-days.
2. Habitual tardiness – You have late (sic) for 108 times. As shown on the record
Petitioner was required to explain within two (2) days why she should not be terminated
based on the above charges.
Three days later, in the morning of August 12, 1994, petitioner submitted her response to
the memorandum. On the same day, respondent Dr. Juco, through a letter dated August
12, 1994, dismissed the petitioner on the ground of disobedience of lawful orders and for
her failure to submit her reply within the two-day period.
This prompted petitioner to file a case for illegal termination before the NLRC.
In a Decision, dated May 15, 1996, Labor Arbiter Manuel Caday rendered judgment
declaring that the petitioner was illegally dismissed. The Labor Arbiter found that the
private respondents were unable to prove the allegation of chronic absenteeism as it
failed to present in evidence the time cards, logbooks or record book which complainant
signed recording her time in reporting for work. These documents, according to the Labor
Arbiter, were in the possession of the private respondents. In fact, the record book was
mentioned in the notice of termination. Hence, the non-presentation of these documents
gives rise to the presumption that these documents were intentionally suppressed since
they would be adverse to private respondent’s claim. Moreover, the Labor Arbiter ruled
that the petitioner’s absences were with the conformity of the private respondents as both
parties had agreed beforehand that petitioner would not report to work on Saturdays. The
handwritten listing of the days when complainant was absent from work or late in
reporting for work and even the computerized print-out, do not suffice to prove that
petitioner’s absences were unauthorized as they could easily be
manufactured.2 Accordingly, the dispositive portion of the decision states, to wit:
On appeal, public respondent NLRC rendered the assailed decision which set aside the
Labor Arbiter’s ruling. Insofar as finding the private respondents as having failed to
present evidence relative to petitioner’s absences and tardiness, the NLRC agrees with
the Labor Arbiter. However, the NLRC ruled that petitioner had admitted the tardiness
and absences though offering justifications for the infractions. The decretal portion of the
assailed decision reads:
However, respondents Mabini Medical Clinic and Dr. Wilfrido Juco are jointly and
solidarily ordered to pay complainant Ester Asuncion the equivalent of her three
(3) months salary for and as a penalty for respondents’ non-observance of
complainant’s right to due process.
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration which the public respondent denied in its
Resolution, dated February 19, 1997. Hence, petitioner through a petition
for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court seeks recourse to this Court and raises
the following issue:
Although, it is a legal tenet that factual findings of administrative bodies are entitled to
great weight and respect, we are constrained to take a second look at the facts before us
because of the diversity in the opinions of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC. 5 A
disharmony between the factual findings of the Labor Arbiter and those of the NLRC
opens the door to a review thereof by this Court. 6
In the case at bar, there is a paucity of evidence to establish the charges of absenteeism
and tardiness. We note that the employer company submitted mere handwritten listing
and computer print-outs. The handwritten listing was not signed by the one who made
the same. As regards the print-outs, while the listing was computer generated, the entries
of time and other annotations were again handwritten and unsigned. 11
We find that the handwritten listing and unsigned computer print-outs were
unauthenticated and, hence, unreliable. Mere self-serving evidence of which the listing
and print-outs are of that nature should be rejected as evidence without any rational
probative value even in administrative proceedings. For this reason, we find the findings
of the Labor Arbiter to be correct. On this point, the Labor Arbiter ruled, to wit:
In IBM Philippines, Inc. v. NLRC,13 this Court clarified that the liberality of procedure in
administrative actions is not absolute and does not justify the total disregard of certain
fundamental rules of evidence. Such that evidence without any rational probative value
may not be made the basis of order or decision of administrative bodies. The Court’s
ratiocination in that case is relevant to the propriety of rejecting the unsigned handwritten
listings and computer print-outs submitted by private respondents which we quote, to wit:
"It is true that administrative and quasi-judicial bodies like the NLRC are
not bound by the technical rules of procedure in the adjudication of cases.
However, this procedural rule should not be construed as a license to
disregard certain fundamental evidentiary rules. While the rules of
evidence prevailing in the courts of law or equity are not controlling in
proceedings before the NLRC, the evidence presented before it must at
least have a modicum of admissibility for it to be given some probative
value. The Statement of Profit and Losses submitted by Crispa, Inc. to
prove its alleged losses, without the accompanying signature of a certified
public accountant or audited by an independent auditor, are nothing but
self-serving documents which ought to be treated as a mere scrap of
paper devoid of any probative value."
The computer print-outs, which constitute the only evidence of petitioners, afford
no assurance of their authenticity because they are unsigned. The decisions of
this Court, while adhering to a liberal view in the conduct of proceedings before
administrative agencies, have nonetheless consistently required some proof of
authenticity or reliability as condition for the admission of documents.
In Jarcia Machine Shop and Auto Supply, Inc. v. NLRC,14 this Court held as incompetent
unsigned daily time records presented to prove that the employee was neglectful of his
Indeed, the DTRs annexed to the present petition would tend to establish private
respondent’s neglectful attitude towards his work duties as shown by repeated
and habitual absences and tardiness and propensity for working undertime for
the year 1992. But the problem with these DTRs is that they are neither originals
nor certified true copies. They are plain photocopies of the originals, if the latter
do exist. More importantly, they are not even signed by private respondent nor by
any of the employer’s representatives. x x x.
In the case at bar, both the handwritten listing and computer print-outs being unsigned,
the authenticity thereof is highly suspect and devoid of any rational probative value
especially in the light of the existence of the official record book of the petitioner’s alleged
absences and tardiness in the possession of the employer company.
We find that private respondents failed to present a single piece of credible evidence to
serve as the basis for their charges against petitioner and consequently, failed to fulfill
their burden of proving the facts which constitute the just cause for the dismissal of the
petitioner. However, the NLRC ruled that despite such absence of evidence, there was
an admission on the part of petitioner in her Letter dated August 11, 1994 wherein she
In reversing the decision of the Labor Arbiter, public respondent NLRC relied upon the
supposed admission of the petitioner of her habitual absenteeism and chronic tardiness.
We do not subscribe to the findings of the NLRC that the above quoted letter of petitioner
amounted to an admission of her alleged absences. As explained by petitioner, her
alleged absences were incurred on Saturdays. According to petitioner, these should not
be considered as absences as there was an arrangement between her and the private
respondents that she would not be required to work on Saturdays. Private respondents
have failed to deny the existence of this arrangement. Hence, the decision of the NLRC
that private respondent had sufficient grounds to terminate petitioner as she admitted the
charges of habitual absences has no leg to stand on.
Neither have the private respondents shown by competent evidence that the petitioner
was given any warning or reprimanded for her alleged absences and tardiness. Private
respondents claimed that they sent several notices to the petitioner warning her of her
absences, however, petitioner refused to receive the same. On this point, the Labor
Arbiter succinctly observed:
The record is bereft of any showing that complainant was ever warned of her
absences prior to her dismissal on August 9, 1994. The alleged notices of her
absences from August 17, until September 30, 1993, from October until
November 27, 1993, from December 1, 1993 up to February 26, 1994 and the
notice dated 31 May 1994 reminding complainant of her five (5) days absences,
four (4) half-days and tardiness for 582 minutes (Annex "1" to "1-D" attached to
respondent' Rejoinder), fail to show that the notices were received by the
complainant. The allegation of the respondents that the complainant refused to
received (sic) the same is self-serving and merits scant consideration. xxx 17
The Court, likewise, takes note of the fact that the two-day period given to petitioner to
explain and answer the charges against her was most unreasonable, considering that
she was charged with several offenses and infractions (35 absences, 23 half-days and
108 tardiness), some of which were allegedly committed almost a year before, not to
mention the fact that the charges leveled against her lacked particularity.
Apart from chronic absenteeism and habitual tardiness, petitioner was also made to
answer for loitering and wasting of company time, getting salary of an absent employee
without acknowledging or signing for it and disobedience and insubordination. 18 Thus, the
Labor Arbiter found that actually petitioner tried to submit her explanation on August 11,
1994 or within the two-day period given her, but private respondents prevented her from
doing so by instructing their staff not to accept complainant’s explanation, which was the
reason why her explanation was submitted a day later. 19
The law mandates that every opportunity and assistance must be accorded to the
employee by the management to enable him to prepare adequately for his
defense.20 In Ruffy v. NLRC,21 the Court held that what would qualify as sufficient or
"ample opportunity," as required by law, would be "every kind of assistance that
management must accord to the employee to enable him to prepare adequately for his
defense." In the case at bar, private respondents cannot be gainsaid to have given
petitioner the ample opportunity to answer the charges leveled against her.
From the foregoing, there are serious doubts in the evidence on record as to the factual
basis of the charges against petitioner. These doubts shall be resolved in her favor in line
with the policy under the Labor Code to afford protection to labor and construe doubts in
favor of labor.22 The consistent rule is that if doubts exist between the evidence presented
by the employer and the employee, the scales of justice must be tilted in favor of the
latter. The employer must affirmatively show rationally adequate evidence that the
dismissal was for a justifiable cause.23 Not having satisfied its burden of proof, we
conclude that the employer dismissed the petitioner without any just cause. Hence, the
termination is illegal.
Having found that the petitioner has been illegally terminated, she is necessarily entitled
to reinstatement to her former previous position without loss of seniority and the payment
of backwages.24