Azevedo Et Al. (2020) (RBMET)

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Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, v. 35, n. 1, 81 88, 2020



Effect of the Plastic Cover on the Productivity and Profitability of Vineyard

in the São Francisco River Valley, Brazil

Pedro V. de Azevedo1, Carlos A.C. dos Santos2,6 , Paulo C. da S. Lima3,

Mário de M.V.B. Ramos Leitão3, Gertrudes M. de Oliveira4, Raphael Abrahão5
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil.
Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande,
Campina Grande, PB, Brazil.
Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, PE, Brazil.
Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Juazeiro, BA, Brazil.
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.
Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA.

Received: 21 May 2019 - Accepted: 1 September 2019

Data from field experiments conducted in vineyards table grape variety of Festival in Petrolina-PE, from October/2009 to
November/2010, were used to evaluate the influence of the plastic cover on productivity and economic profitability of the
viticulture in the São Francisco River Valley. Three treatments were studied: uncovered canopy (UC), plastic cover placed
at 50 cm above the canopy (PC50), and a plastic cover placed at 100 cm above the canopy (PC100). The results indicated
that the increased supply of radiative fluxes at the height of the berries in the treatment PC100 contributed to higher pro-
ductivity, while treatment PC50 had the lowest offer of irradiative fluxes at the height of berries and much lower pro-
ductivity. The yield obtained in the treatment PC100 exceeded 11 t ha-1 and 12.3 t ha-1 to those of treatments at UC and
PC50, respectively. Treatment PC100 also had the lowest amounts of defects of berries, which contributed to higher total
revenue. By contrast, treatment PC50 had markedly lower productivity, which represented considerable economic losses.
Keywords: Vitis vinifera L, variety Festival, table grape, physical and commercial productivity, benefit/cost ratio.

Efeito da Cobertura Plástica na Produtividade e Rentabilidade de Parreirais

na Região do Vale do São Francisco
Dados de experimentos de campo conduzidos em parreirais de uva de mesa da variedade Festival, em Petrolina-PE, no
período de outubro/2009 a novembro/2010, foram usados para avaliar a influência da cobertura plástica sobre o micro-
clima, produtividade e impacto econômico de parreirais. Foram estudados três tratamentos: sem cobertura (SC); com
cobertura plástica posicionada a 50 cm acima do dossel (CP50); e com cobertura plástica posicionada a 100 cm acima do
dossel (CP100). Os resultados indicaram que a maior oferta de fluxos radiativos na altura das bagas no tratamento CP100
contribuiu para uma maior produtividade, enquanto que o tratamento CP50 teve a menor oferta de fluxos radiativos na
altura das bagas e uma produtividade bem menor. A produtividade obtida no tratamento CP100 superou em 11 t ha-1
àquela do tratamento SC e em 12,3 t ha-1 a do tratamento CP50. O tratamento CP100, também foi o que apresentou as
menores quantidades de defeitos graves e leves, o que contribuiu para uma maior receita total. Em contra partida, o trata-
mento CP50 teve uma produtividade acentuadamente menor, o que representou prejuízos econômicos consideráveis.
Palavras-chave: Vitis vinífera L, variedade Festival, uva de mesa, produtividade física e comercial, relação benefício/

Autor de correspondência: Carlos A. C. dos Santos, [email protected].

82 Azevedo et al.

1. Introduction States, such as the State of Paraná (Genta et al., 2010) and
the State of São Paulo (Lulu et al., 2005; Pedro Jr. et al.,
Grape is one of the fruits that have been most promi-
2007; Colombo et al., 2011).
nent in the semiarid region of São Francisco River Valley
Since 2004, the use of plastic covering arose from
(SFRV), Northeast of Brazil (NEB), with increasing
the need to use a protective mechanism against the instal-
export volume (Hirsch, 2005). It is highly demanded by
lation of fungal diseases, which began to occur in the
European countries and the United States, motivating
vineyards of the São Francisco Valley region. However,
exporters to invest in the expansion of cultivated areas and
the phenomenon of splitting of some varieties of grape
employment of technology, crop management, and packa-
berries before or during harvesting has occurred in specific
ging. Since the prices obtained in the foreign market are
locations, associated to the occurrence of intense rainfall,
superior to those of the domestic market, guaranteeing
high temperatures and low incidence of solar radiation
higher economic profitability to the activity. Thus, the
(Palma et al., 1999; Vieira et al., 2008). According to
requirements of the producers, the new conditions, and the
Silva et al. (2011) and Leitão et al. (2017), the plastic
prospecting of new demands have been successfully adap-
cover provides a significant increase in air temperature on
ted to the market in which they operate (Vitti et al., 2008).
the canopy and acts as a physical barrier to the air move-
The support of Brazil’s insertion in the international
market of table grapes is exclusively attributed to the
Therefore, due to the strategic economic and social
increase of its cultivation, following technological stan-
importance of the vineyards for the region, the plastic
dards of high technical and economic efficiency from the
cover has been considered and recognized in studies on
production phase to the processing and marketing. These
sustainability and competitiveness of table grape growth
procedures make the quality of the grape compatible, cost
as an essential mechanism that must be improved. Thus,
of production, and sales price at levels satisfactory to the
this study aimed to study the influence of the plastic cover
maintenance of the competitiveness of the activity (Araujo
on productivity and economic profitability of vineyard in
and Correia, 2006). The table grape growth also plays an
the SFRV region, assessing the effects of the height of the
important social role in the region (SFRV) and generates
plastic cover on the microclimate and productivity of
labor occupation in the ratio of 5 men day-1 ha-1 (Azevedo
vineyards and the loss caused by defects in the berries.
et al., 2012). It is composed mostly of women given the
specificities of management operations in the field phase
and the improvement of products that require specific 2. Material and Methods
manual skills and high concentration.
The semi-arid climate of the SFRV guarantees a high 2.1. Experimental area
competitive differential to the other grape-producing
regions of Brazil since it presents stable conditions The research was conducted in a vineyard of the
throughout the year and allows the harvesting of up to table grape variety superior seedless, seedless Festival or
three annual crops, whereas irrigation is used (Hirsch, simply Festival on the Águia do Vale Farm (9°6’14” S,
2005). In the region, the production system is planned to 40°29’52” W; 360 m), located in the Irrigation Project
harvest during the periods from April to June and from “Maria Teresa”, Petrolina City - Pernambuco State
October to December, when major market windows occur throughout the phenological phases of maturation and har-
in importing countries, mainly in Europe and the United vesting for the period from September 19 to October 12,
States (Vitti et al., 2008). 2010. The vineyards were conducted in the trellis system
and planting on 0.5 m height ridges and planting spacing
The protected cultivation of the grape, like other
of 3.5 x 2.0 m, as described in Leitão et al. (2017). It was
crops, is used worldwide, mainly in European countries of
used a plastic cover of low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
the Mediterranean region (Rana et al., 2004; Leitão et al.,
film, 160 mm thick, transparent and 3 m wide. The irriga-
2017). In general, the plastic cover is used for improving
tion system used in the vineyard was drip irrigation, with
the thermo-hygrometric conditions when the atmospheric
the application of weekly irrigation depth obtained to the
conditions are unfavorable to the plant growth and devel- flow of the irrigation system (2.67 mm h-1), based on crop
opment, mostly adverse weather parameters, such as coefficient (Kc = 0.8) and reference evapotranspiration
radiation, temperature, wind, and precipitation (Olmstead (ET0, in mm) obtained from the weather station in Tim-
et al., 2001; Silva et al., 2011b). In Brazil, the plastic baúba Farm, located 13 km away from the experimental
cover of vineyards was introduced to the State of Rio area, and the local rainfall (R = 777.2 mm year-1).
Grande do Sul, which has a cold climate with rainfall, Each plot consisted of three rows of plants, two of
strong winds, and hail at the time of grape maturation. them covered with the same clear plastic used by produ-
These conditions can cause cracks and diseases (Santos cers in the region, willing and fixed on the canopy trellis in
et al., 2004; Chavarria et al., 2007, 2009; Leitão et al., chapel format. The period of vineyard coverage occurred
2017). The plastic cover has also been employed in other during the stages of maturation and grape harvest, as is
Effect of the Plastic Cover on the Productivity and Profitability of Vineyard in the São Francisco River Valley, Brazil 83

traditionally done by local farmers. Field experiments obtained values. This measure provides an estimate of the
were conducted in three treatments: uncovered canopy degree of precision of the estimated average data. Thus,
(UC), a plastic cover positioned at 50 cm above the the average standard error was used as the measure for
canopy (PC50), and a plastic cover placed at 100 cm comparison of treatment, given by:
above the canopy (PC100). The early harvest was deter-
mined following the schedule established by the manage- rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ment of property that took as parameters the market SSD
s= ð3Þ
demand and the minimum level of concentration in the N −i
berries soluble solids content (Brix ≥ 14%). It was
reviewed regularly during cultivation both in the labora-
tory of producer’s cooperative as in own vineyard with a where s is the standard deviation, SSD the sum of squares
digital refractometer (ATAGO, model PAL-1 Digital of differences and N the number of observations.
Pocket Refractometer, USA). Financial income (Fi) was determined considering
The climatic conditions were monitored through the two different marketing scenarios:
following instruments: air temperature sensors (HMP45, Scenario 1: When the beneficiation operations fully
Campbell Scientific, Logan-UT, USA), psychrometers complied with the technical regulation of identity and
(Vaisala, Helsinki, Finland), anemometers (R. M. Young, grape quality, regarding the elimination of severe and
Traverse, Michigan, USA), net radiometers (CNR1, Kipp minor defects, as recommended by the Normative Instruc-
& Zonen, Logan-UT, USA), photosynthetically active tion nº 1 of February 1st, 2002 (Brazil, 2002);
radiation (PAR), Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometer Scenario 2: When the bunches with defects (imma-
(PSP) (Eppley, Newport, RI, USA), equipped with solar ture grapes rot on stems and profound damage) were taken
filters (Eppley, Newport, RI, USA) and pluviometer (Tip- to be marketed in a transparent plastic bag of 500 g called
ping Bucket Rain Gauges, Texas Electronics, Dallas-TX, “begging bowl” very commercialized in the European
USA). All these sensors were connected to automatic data market.
acquisition systems (CR23X and CR1000, Campbell Sci- This form of market production, unlike packages of
entific, Logan-UT, USA), programmed to perform read- 5 kg boxes, enables even bunches defects can be partially
ings every 2 seconds, generate hourly and daily averages recovered by removing the portion with the imperfection
and daily extreme values (Azevedo et al., 2012; Leitão of the bunches to minimize losses caused by climate and
et al., 2017). phytosanitary variations that interfere with harnessing the
productivity of vineyards:
2.2. Methodology
The net radiation (Rn) is given by the sum of the
shortwave and longwave radiation balances, based on the Fi = p:q ð4Þ
Eq. (1) (Leitão et al., 2017):

Rn = ðK↓ − K↑Þ þ ðL↓ − L↑Þ ð1Þ where p (R$ kg-1) is the average annual price and q (kg)
the quantities of grapes marketed effectively.
where K↓ is incident shortwave radiation; K↑ is the reflec- The economic evaluation of the results was obtained,
ted shortwave radiation; L↓ is the long-wave radiation that considering the calculation of total revenue based on phy-
arrives on the canopy emitted by the plastic cover and/or sical production, which made it possible that the number
atmosphere, and L↑ is the longwave radiation emitted by of defective grapes was quantified monetarily and its cor-
the canopy surface. All components of the radiation bal- porate impact on the economic analysis. From compar-
ance were measured with the CNR1. isons of total revenue, total cost, and economic
Productivity (P) was obtained, taking as a reference productivity, the following indexes of economic efficiency
an estimated population of plants by 1 ha, as follows: were obtained:
Benefit/cost relation (RB/C):
P = np :Pp ð2Þ
where np is the number of plants per hectare, and Pp is the RB=C = ð5Þ
physical productivity obtained as the weight of bunches
and loose berries of each plant.
Statistical analysis of productivity data for each where Rt is the total revenue (R$) and Ct the total annual
treatment was performed using the SAS (Statistical Ana- cost of the grape variety Festival (R$) provided by the
lysis System) software, from the determination of the owner of the property that hosted the experiments, con-
standard deviation about the arithmetic mean of the verted to cost per hectare.
84 Azevedo et al.

Point leveling or balance (Pn): 2010; Comiran et al., 2012; Leitão et al., 2017). As a
result, there was a marked reduction in productivity. On
Ct the other hand, the higher values of radiative fluxes in
Pn = ð6Þ 2009 took place in the UC treatment, which had the high-
est P (26.8 t ha-1), followed closely by PC100 treatment
where Ps is the annual average value of the sale and the (26.4 t ha-1). However, in 2010, the values of radiative
margin of safety (Ms) given as: fluxes observed to PC100 treatment, and P were much
higher than in other treatments. The production obtained
ðCt − Rt Þ in PC100 treatment exceeded 11 t ha-1 that of UC treat-
Ms = ð7Þ ment and 12.3 t ha-1 at the PC50 treatments. These results
show that the increased supply of radiative fluxes in the
PC100 treatment contributed to increasing P. This fact
3. Results and Discussion reinforces the idea that, in the region of the SFRV, the
The data presented in Table 1 indicate that, under the height of the plastic cover is critical to generating favor-
canopy, the lower values of radiative fluxes (Rn and PAR) able microclimate conditions for the table grape vegetative
and productivity (P) occurred in the PC50 treatment. This growth and productivity. However, the PC50 is tradition-
is associated with the climatic conditions generated by the ally used in the region, contributing to a significant reduc-
plastic cover positioned at a shorter distance above the tion in productivity and considerable economic damage to
canopy, which contributed to the reduction of short-wave producers.
radiation, net radiation and particularly of photo-
synthetically active radiation (Amarante et al., 2007; Con-
ceição and Marin, 2009; Mota et al., 2009; Cardoso et al., 3.1. Productivity analysis
The average values of physical, marketable, and dis-
Table 1 - Average daily of net radiation (Rn), photosynthetically active carded productivities are shown in Table 2. The first
radiation (PAR), observed for the grapes variety Festival under the fol- experimental campaign (2009) revealed that the PC50
lowing treatments: uncovered canopy (UC); a plastic cover positioned at
50 cm above the canopy (PC50); and a plastic cover placed at 100 cm
treatment had the lowest physical productivity (9.8 t ha-1)
above the canopy (PC100) throughout maturation and harvest; leaf area and commercial productivity (9.4 t ha-1), which is equiva-
index (LAI) and productivity (P). lent to about one-third of the productivity of the other pro-
Treatment First experiment (2009) cedures. The UC treatment showed higher physical
productivity (26.8 t ha-1), the second most considerable
Rn (W m ) PAR (W m-2) LAI (m2 m-2) P (t ha-1)
commercial productivity (24.2 t ha-1) and the highest dis-
UC 29.1 23.1 8.5 26.8 carded productivity (2.4 t ha-1). These results indicate that
PC50 23.7 18.8 6.6 9.8 the change in the microclimate caused by the height of the
PC100 25.2 20.8 6.8 26.4 plastic cover above the canopy has generated variations in
Treatment Second experiment (2010) physical productivity and the occurrence of defects in
bunches and berries, influencing the marketable product.
Rn (W m ) PAR (W m-2) LAI (m2 m-2) P (t ha-1) In the second experimental campaign (2010), the highest
UC 60.1 35.1 6.6 19.1 grape physical productivity was found to the PC100 treat-
PC50 38.0 20.7 5.9 17.8 ment (30.9 t ha-1), followed by UC (19.0 t ha-1) and PC50
PC100 109.2 58.9 3.8 30.1 (17.8 t ha-1) treatments (Table 2), respectively. However,
when considering economic productivity (scenario 1) due

Table 2 - Physical and commercial productivity and discarded grapes from vineyards with uncovered canopy (UC); a plastic cover positioned at 50 cm
above the canopy (PC50); and a plastic cover placed at 100 cm above the canopy (PC100) treatments, in the municipality of Petrolina-PE.
Treatment Productivity (t ha-1)

First experiment (2009) Second experiment (2010)

Physical Commercial Discarded (*) Physical Commercial Discarded (*)

Scenario 1 (*) Scenario 2 (**) Bunch Bulk

UC 26.8 24.2 2.4 19.0 15.6 16.7 1.1 2.3
PC50 9.8 9.4 0.4 17.8 15.4 16.3 0.9 1.5
PC100 26.4 25.2 1.1 30.9 27.0 28.0 1.1 2.8
*Total elimination of grapes with severe defects (cracked and berry stems with a disease); **Partial removal of grapes with a severe defect, taking advan-
tage of the composition in 1 kg packs, not observing the Normative Instruction nº 1 of February 1st, 2002 (Brazil, 2002).
Effect of the Plastic Cover on the Productivity and Profitability of Vineyard in the São Francisco River Valley, Brazil 85

to a significant increase in bulk berries, the difference derived from the marketing of products as it occurs, where
between it and the UC and PC50 treatments increases to the owner is paid based on the average annual price of one
42.2% and 42.9%, respectively. kilogram of grape in the corresponding market (national or
The highest difference in discarded productivity was international). The physical production refers to the phy-
recorded in the form of bulk, while in bunches mode siological production of the plant which, after having
values were nearly identical. The PC100 treatment showed benefited from the elimination of severe and minor
the most substantial amount (bunch + bulk) discarded pro- defects, is marketed in specific markets according to its
ductivity (3.9 t ha-1), followed by UC (3.4 t ha-1) and the standard: grapes without defects are exported or marketed
PC50 (2.4 t ha-1) (Tables 2 and 3). The impact of these in the national market in supermarket chains, and the local
losses on commercial productivity was higher in scenario vinegar industry or peddlers purchase defective grapes.
1 conditions. Thus, the average physical productivity of The average annual price of 1 kg of grapes in the
PC100 treatment (30.9 t ha-1) was statistically more sig- domestic or international market of R$ 4.00 and the grapes
nificant than that from the other treatments (UC and sold under vineyards industrial and local fairground R$
PC50), which were not statistically different from each 0.30. Prices reported by the Agricultural Cooperative of
other. This result makes it possible to infer that in the Juazeiro-BA - ACJ.
PC100 treatment, the height of the plastic cover above It is observed in Table 3 that in the first experimental
canopy positively influenced the physical productivity, campaign (2009), the highest total revenue (R$
and significantly increased the production, compared to 101,344.00) was generated by PC100 treatment and the
UC and PC50 treatments. It should be mentioned that in lowest (R$ 37,656.00) for the PC50 treatment. The UC
both scenarios, the average values of commercial products treatment, although it had a slightly higher physical pro-
are the most critical focus of the assessments, and they ductivity (26.8 t ha-1) against (26.4 t ha-1) in the PC100,
represent the commercial terms grape compatible with and had a total revenue (R$ 97,670.00) which is 3.6%
Normative Instruction nº 1 of February 1st, 2002 (Brazil, lower. It has resulted in the difference between the
2002). The performances regarding the productivity of the volumes marketed in the vinegar industry and peddlers
treatments covered in the two experimental campaigns (2.4 t ha-1) to (1.1 t ha-1) in the UC and PC100 treatment
indicate that the PC100 treatment had much higher pro- (Table 3), respectively. In the second experimental cam-
ductivity than the PC50 treatment. Therefore, the height of paign (2010), for the marketing scenario 1, the highest
the plastic cover on the vineyard canopy influenced both revenue collected (R$ 100,967.00) was also obtained in
in physical productivity as ruled in quantity as well as PC100 treatment. The UC and PC50 treatments showed
directly to the economic production. smaller and slightly revenue differences from each other R
$ 58,596.00 and R$ 57,628.00, respectively. It is also
observed that most revenues for the PC100 treatment
3.2. Economic profitability resulted significantly from its higher physical productivity
The evaluation of the economic cost-effectiveness of (30.9 t ha-1) against UC (18.9 t ha-1) and PC50 (17.8 t ha-1)
Festival grape cultivation for both experimental cam- treatments (Tables 3 and 4), respectively. Proportionally,
paigns is shown in Tables 3 and 4. Revenue amounts are there was also a smaller number of defects in the PC100

Table 3 - Physical productivity (Pp), commercial productivity (Pc) for internal/external markets (Mi/e) and industry/peddlers (Mi/p) and total revenue (Rt)
grape variety Festival estimated by hectare for uncovered treatment (UC) and covered with plastic (PC50) and (PC100), harvested in the falls of 2009 and
2010, in Petrolina-PE.
Treatment First experiment (2009)

Pp (t ha-1) Pc (t ha-1) Rt (R$ 1,00)

Mi/e Mi/p Mi/e Mi/p Total

UC 26.8 24.2 2.4 96.936 734 97.670
PC50 9.8 9.4 0.4 37.541 115 37.656
PC100 26.4 25.3 1.1 101.003 340 101.344
Treatment Second experiment (2010)
-1 -1
Pp (t ha ) Pc (t ha ) Rt (R$ 1,00)

Mi/e Mi/p Mi/e Mi/p Total

UC 18.9 15.6 3.4 57.573 1.023 58.596
PC50 17.8 15.4 2.4 56.894 734 57.628
PC100 30.9 27.0 3.9 99.797 1.169 100.967
86 Azevedo et al.

Table 4 - Economic evaluation of the grape variety Festival, based on physical productivity (Pp), economic productivity (Pe), total cost (Ct), benefit/cost
ratio (Rb/c), leveling point (Pn) and margin of safety (Ms).
Treatment First experiment (2009)
-1 -1
Pp (t ha year ) Pe (R$ 1.00) Ct (R$ 1.00) Rb/c Pn (t ha-1 year-1) Ms
UC 26.8 97.670 2.44 0.55
PC50 9.8 37.656 43.800 0.89 10.9 0.16
PC100 26.4 101.344 2.41 0.57
Treatment Second experiment (2010)
-1 -1
Pp (t ha year ) Pe (R$ 1.00) Ct (R$ 1.00) Rb/c Pn (t ha-1 year-1) Ms
UC 18.9 58,596 1.41 0.26
PC50 17.8 57,628 44,100 1.38 11.9 0.23
PC100 30.9 100,967 2.37 0.56

treatment (12.6%), while in PC50 and UC treatments were For the second experimental campaign (2010), the
13.7% and 21%, respectively. In general, the PC100 treat- indexes “benefit/cost” and “margin of safety” were ana-
ment, as compared to the other treatments, contributed to lyzed separately (Table 4) and reflect productivity differ-
the increase in productivity and defects reduction. The ences resulting from the treatment discovered and covered
PC100 treatment generated favorable microclimate condi- with plastic sheeting. In this case, the total revenue was
tions (Leitão et al., 2017) to increase productivity, which calculated based on economic revenues not considering
provided that this treatment had the highest total revenue 100% of real productivity and based on a single average
for all treatments. selling price, a factor that must be considered when asses-
The productivity values, revenues, costs and eco- sing interpretation to economic results. Thus, the benefit/
nomic indices presented in Table 4 indicate that the cost varied in proportion to productivity, the most sig-
change in rates (benefit/cost and safety margin) reflects nificant amount determined in the PC100 treatment.
productivity differences resulting from the different treat- Therefore, for the PC100 treatment, for every R$ 1.00
ments. They are analyzed separately considering the eco- invested was calculated a return of R$ 2.37, which is
nomic income rather than revenue based on physical 43.2% higher than the average calculated for the UC and
productivity. For the first experimental campaign (2009), PC50 treatments. For safety margin values were deter-
the benefit/cost was proportional to productivity, with the mined PC100 = -0.56, UC = -0.26, and PC50 = -0.23,
highest value (2.44) obtained on UC treatment. This indicating that even with a reduction of up to 56% in the
means that for every R$ 1.00 invested in the total cost of average grape price, the PC100 treatment would still have
this treatment, there was a return of R$ 2.44. For the revenue equal to the costs. For the other two treatments,
PC100 treatment, the benefit/cost was very close (R$ the margin on average would drop to 24%. These results
2.41); and, for the PC50 treatment was significantly indicate that treatment with plastic sheeting positioned at
reduced by R$ 0.89. As a result, the margin of safety for 100 cm above canopy height was the only alternative eco-
the PC50 treatment showed the worst index (0.16) nomically viable of the three treatments studied. These
(Table 4), indicating that the coverage positioned 50 cm results may be related to prevailing climatic conditions
above canopy height had economic productivity below the during the second cultivation period, which showed little
leveling point. Thus, the PC50 treatment was economic- cloudiness and higher temperatures (Leitão et al., 2017),
ally deficient, i.e., so that it equaled the revenues to costs; causing more favorable conditions for the development of
the sale price of grape kilograms should be 216% higher the plant in the PC100 treatment than that found in the
than the average market price practiced at the time (2009). PC50 treatment.
The highest safety margins were cleared in UC treatment The indices shown in Table 5 indicate that in the
(-0.57) and PC100 (-0.55), an adjustable safety belt con- second experiment (2010) for trading done in the “begging
cerning fluctuations in the price of grape practiced by the bowl”, the PC100 treatment compared with the UC and
market kilogram. Therefore, any price drop in the grape PC50 treatments appeared to be an alternative economic-
kilogram that does not exceed 57% and 55%, respectively, ally very viable. Therefore, as discussed in the analyses
still maintain the economic viability of PC100 and UC carried out based on Table 4, the prevailing climatic con-
treatments. Therefore, the results of this first experimental ditions associated with marketing method, showed that the
campaign indicate that the PC50 treatment presented itself treatment PC100 was economically more profitable. Thus,
as an uneconomic cultivation alternative, while the UC considering the scenario 2 (Table 5), the total revenue for
and the PC100 treatments have proved to be economically the PC100 treatment (R$ 104,557.98) was 41.1% excee-
viable. ded the average income calculated for UC and PC50 treat-
Effect of the Plastic Cover on the Productivity and Profitability of Vineyard in the São Francisco River Valley, Brazil 87

Table 5 - Total revenue from one hectare of grape variety Festival, based on scenario 2, for the discovered (UC), covered (PC50) and (PC100) treatments,
calculated for the second experimental campaign in 2010, in Petrolina-PE.
Treatment Pp (t ha-1) Pc (t ha-1) Rt (R$)

Mi/e Mi/p Mi/e Mi/p Total

UC 18.9 16.7 2.3 61,683.41 689.78 62,373.19
PC50 17.8 16.3 1.5 60,352.90 453.66 60,806.56
PC100 30.9 28.0 2.8 103,705.31 852.67 104,557.98

ments (R$ 61,589.88). These results show that the physi- Technological Development (CNPq) for the Research Pro-
cal productivity of PC100 (30.9 t ha-1) was decisive in ductivity Grant (Grant N. 304493/2019-8). The support of
obtaining this increased revenue since the income estab- the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the Uni-
lished with sales to the vinegar industry and peddlers,
versity of Nebraska is also appreciated.
which paid only R$ 0.30/kilogram of grape, were practi-
cally insignificant.

4. Conclusions
Amarante, C.V.T.; Steffens, C.A.; Mota, C.S.; Santos, H.P.
The evaluation of the influence of the plastic cover
Radiação, fotossíntese, rendimento e qualidade de frutos
on productivity and economic profitability of table viti- em macieiras ‘Royal Gala’ cobertas com telas antigranizo.
culture in the São Francisco River Valley region shows Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, v. 42, n. 7, p. 925-931,
that: 2007.
1. The plastic cover positioned at 100 cm above canopy Araújo, J.L.P.; Correia, R.C. Análise do custo de produção e
(PC100) treatment provides a higher supply of radia- rentabilidade do cultivo da uva fina de mesa sem
tive fluxes, higher physical productivity and fewer sementes produzida na região do Submédio São Fran-
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