ASTM B127 Monel PDF
ASTM B127 Monel PDF
ASTM B127 Monel PDF
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This specification2 covers rolled nickel-copper alloy 3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard—The
(UNS N04400)* plate, sheet, and strip. terms given in Table 1 shall apply.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as the standard. The other values given are for information TABLE 1 Product Description
only. Width, in.
Product Thickness, in. (mm)
2. Referenced Documents Hot-rolled plateA ⁄ and over (Table 5 and Table 6)
3 16 (Table 8)B
2.1 ASTM Standards: Hot-rolled sheetA 0.018 to 0.250 (0.46 to 6.4), incl (Table 7) (Table 10)
Cold-rolled sheetC 0.018 to 0.250 (0.46 to 6.4), incl (Table 7) (Table 10)
B 164 Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar, and Cold-rolled stripC 0.005 to 0.250 (0.13 to 6.4), incl (Table 7) (Table 10)
Wire3 A
Material 3⁄16 to 1⁄4 in. (4.8 to 6.4 mm), incl, in thickness may be furnished as
E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials4 sheet or plate provided the material meets the specification requirements for the
E 10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materi- condition ordered.
Hot-rolled plate, in widths 10 in. (254 mm) and under, may be furnished as
als4 hot-finished rectangles with sheared or cut edges in accordance with Specification
E 18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell B 164, provided the mechanical property requirements of this specification are
Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials4 met.
Material under 48 in. (1219 mm) in width may be furnished as sheet or strip
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to provided the material meets the specification requirements for the condition
Determine Conformance with Specifications5 ordered.
E 76 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Copper
Alloys6 4. Ordering Information
E 112 Test Methods for Determining the Average Grain
4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include
the following information:
E 140 Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals4
4.1.1 Alloy—Name or UNS number (see Table 2).
F 155 Test Method for Temper of Strip and Sheet Metals for
Electronic Devices (Spring-Back Method)7
TABLE 2 Chemical Requirements
2.2 Military Standards:8
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage Product (Check) Anal-
Composition,% ysis Variations, under
MIL-STD-271 Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Element min or over max, of
Metals Alloy N04400 the Specified Limit of
Nickel, minA 63.0 0.45
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B-2 on Copper 28.0 to 34.0 0.15 under min-
Nonferrous Metals and Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee 0.20 over max
B02.07 on Refined Nickel and Cobalt and Their Alloys. Iron, max 2.5 0.05
Current edition approved Aug. 10, 1998. Published October 1998. Originally Manganese, 2.0 0.04
published as B 127 – 39 T. Last previous edition B 127 – 93a{1. max
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications, see related Specifi- Carbon, max 0.3 0.02
cation SB-127 in Section II of that code. Silicon, max 0.5 0.03
* New designation established in accordance with ASTM E527 and SAE J1086, Sulfur, max 0.024 0.005
Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS). A
Element shall be determined arithmetically by difference.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.04.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. 4.1.2 ASTM designation, including year of issue.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.
7 4.1.3 Condition—See 6.1, 6.2, and Appendix X1.
Discontinued—See 1983 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.04.
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700 4.1.4 Finish—See Appendix X1.
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS. 4.1.5 Dimensions—Thickness, width, and length.
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B 127
4.1.6 Quantity. the requirements for mechanical properties prescribed in Table
4.1.7 Optional Requirements: 3. Sheet and Strip—Whether to be furnished in coil, in 6.2 Deep-Drawing and Spinning Quality Sheet and Strip—
cut straight lengths, or in random straight lengths. The material shall conform to the requirements for grain size Strip—Whether to be furnished with commercial slit and hardness properties prescribed in Table 4.
edge, square edge, or round edge. 6.2.1 The mechanical properties of Table 3 do not apply to Plate—Whether to be furnished specially flattened deep-drawing and spinning quality sheet and strip.
(7.7.2); also how plate is to be cut (see 7.2.1 and 7.3.2).
7. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
4.1.8 Fabrication Details—Not mandatory but helpful to
the manufacturer. 7.1 Thickness and Weight: Welding or Brazing—Process to be employed. 7.1.1 Plate—For plate up to 2 in. (50.8 mm), inclusive, in Plate—Whether material is to be hot-formed. thickness, the permissible variation under the specified thick-
4.1.9 Certification—State if certification or a report of test ness and permissible excess in overweight shall not exceed the
results is required (see Section 15). amounts prescribed in Table 5.
4.1.10 Samples for Product (Check) Analysis—Whether For use with Table 5, plate shall be assumed to
samples for product (check) analysis should be furnished (see weigh 0.319 lb/in.3(8.83 g/cm3).
5.2). 7.1.2 Plate—For plate over 2 in. (50.8 mm) in thickness, the
4.1.11 Purchaser Inspection—If the purchaser wishes to permissible variations over the specified thickness shall not
witness the tests or inspection of material at the place of exceed the amounts prescribed in Table 6.
manufacture, the purchase order must so state indicating which 7.1.3 Sheet and Strip—The permissible variations in thick-
tests or inspections are to be witnessed (see Section 13). ness of sheet and strip shall be as prescribed in Table 7. The
thickness of strip and sheet shall be measured with the
5. Chemical Composition micrometer spindle 3⁄8in. (9.5 mm) or more from either edge
5.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as to for material 1 in. (25.4 mm) or over in width and at any place
chemical composition prescribed in Table 2. on the strip under 1 in. in width.
5.2 If a product (check) analysis is performed by the 7.2 Width or Diameter :
purchaser, the material shall conform to the product (check) 7.2.1 Plate—The permissible variations in width of rectan-
analysis variations prescribed in Table 2. gular plates and diameter of circular plates shall be as
prescribed in Table 8 and Table 9.
6. Mechanical and Other Requirements 7.2.2 Sheet and Strip—The permissible variations in width
6.1 Mechanical Properties—The material shall conform to for sheet and strip shall be as prescribed in Table 10.
TABLE 3 Mechanical Properties for Plate, Sheet, and Strip (All Thicknesses and Sizes Unless Otherwise Indicated)
Condition Tensile Strength, min, psi Yield StrengthA (0.2 % in 2 in. or Rockwell Hardness
(Temper) (MPa) offset), min, psi (MPa) 50 mm, or (B Scale)B,C
4D, min, %
Hot-Rolled Plate
Annealed 70 000 (485) 28 000 (195) 35 ...
As-rolledD,E 75 000 (515) 40 000 (275) 25 ...
Hot-Rolled Sheet
Annealed 70 000 (485) 28 000 (195) 35 ...
Cold-Rolled Sheet
Annealed 70 000 to 85 000 (485 to 585) 28 000 (195) 35 ...
Quarter-hard ... ... ... 73 to 83
Half-hard ... ... ... 82 to 90
Hard 100 000 (690) 90 000 (620) 2 ...
Cold-Rolled Strip
Annealed 70 000 to 85 000 (485 to 585) 28 000 (195) 35F ...
Skin hard ... ... ... 68 to 73
Quarter-hard ... ... ... 73 to 83
Half-hard ... ... ... 82 to 90
Three-quarter-hard ... ... ... 89 to 94
Hard 100 000 (690)F 90 000 (620) 2F ...
Spring temper ... ... ... 98 min
Yield strength requirements do not apply to material under 0.020 in. (0.51 mm) in thickness.
For Rockwell or equivalent hardness conversions see Hardness Conversion Tables E140.
Caution should be observed in using the Rockwell test on thin material, as the results may be affected by specimen thickness. For thicknesses under 0.050 in. (1.3
mm), the use of the Rockwell superficial or the Vickers hardness test is suggested.
As-rolled plate may be given a stress-relieving heat treatment subsequent to final rolling.
As-rolled plate specified “suitable for hot forming” shall be furnished from heats of known good hot-malleability characteristics (see X1.2.2). There are no applicable
tensile or hardness requirements for such material.
Not applicable for thickness under 0.010 in. (0.25 mm).
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B 127
TABLE 4 Grain Size and Hardness for Cold-Rolled, Deep-Drawing, and Spinning Quality Sheet and Strip
Calculated Diameter of Corresponding
Rockwell BA,B
Thickness, in. (mm) Average Grain Section, max ASTM Micro-
Hardness, max
mm in. Grain Size No.
Sheet (56 in. (1420 mm) Wide and Under)
0.050 (1.3) and under 0.075 0.0030 4.5 76
Over 0.050 to 0.250 (1.3 to 6.4), incl 0.110 0.0043 3.5 76
Strip (12 in. (305 mm) Wide and Under)C
0.005D to 0.015 (0.13 to 0.38), incl 0.022 0.0009 8E 76E
Over 0.015 to 0.024 (0.38 to 0.61), incl 0.060 0.0024 5.5 76
Over 0.024 to 0.125 (0.61 to 3.2), incl 0.075 0.0030 4.5 76
For Rockwell or equivalent hardness conversions see Hardness Conversion Tables E140.
Caution should be observed in using the Rockwell test on thin material as the results may be affected by specimen thickness. For thicknesses under 0.050 in. (1.3
mm), the use of the Rockwell superficial or the Vickers hardness test is suggested.
Sheet requirements in Table 4 apply to strip thicknesses over 0.125 in. (3.2 mm), and for all thicknesses of strip over 12 in. (305 mm) in width.
For ductility evaluations for strip under 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) in thickness, the spring-back test such as described in Test Method F 155 is often used and the manufacturer
should be consulted.
Accurate grain size and hardness determinations are difficult to make on strip under 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) in thickness and are not recommended.
NOTE 1—All plates shall be ordered to thickness and not to weight per square foot. No plates shall vary more than 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) under the thickness
ordered, and the overweight of each lotA in each shipment shall not exceed the amount given in the table. Spot grinding is permitted to remove surface
imperfections, such spots not to exceed 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) under the specified thickness.
Permissible Excess in Average Weight,B,C per Square Foot of Plates for Widths Given in Inches (Millimetres)
Expressed in Percentage of Nominal Weights
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) 48 to 60 60 to 72 72 to 84 84 to 96 96 to 108 108 to 120 120 to 132 132 to 144 144 to 160
Under 48 (1220 to (1520 to (1830 to (2130 to (2440 to (2740 to (3050 to (3350 to (3660 to
(1220) 1520), 1830), 2130), 2440), 2740), 3050), 3350), 3660), 4070),
excl excl excl excl excl excl excl excl incl
⁄ to 5⁄16 (4.8 to 7.9), excl
3 16 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 ... ... ...
⁄ to 3⁄8 (7.9 to 9.5), excl
5 16 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 ... ...
3⁄8 to 7⁄16 (9.5 to 11.1), excl 7.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5
7⁄16 to 1⁄2 (11.1 to 12.7), excl 6.0 7.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0
1⁄2 to 5⁄8 (12.7 to 15.9), excl 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5
5⁄8 to 3⁄4 (15.9 to 19.0), excl 4.5 5.5 6.0 7.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0
3⁄4 to 1 (19.0 to 25.4), excl 4.0 4.5 5.5 6.0 7.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5
1 to 2 (25.4 to 50.8), incl 4.0 4.0 4.5 5.5 6.0 7.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0
The term “lot” applied to this table means all of the plates of each group width and each group thickness.
The permissible overweight for lots of circular and sketch plates shall be 25 % greater than the amounts given in this table.
The weight of individual plates shall not exceed the nominal weight by more than 11⁄4 times the amount given in the table and Footnote B.
TABLE 6 Permissible Variations in Thickness for Rectangular Plates Over 2 in. (51.0 mm) in Thickness
NOTE 1—Permissible variation under specified thickness, 0.01 in. (0.3 mm).
Permissible Variations, in. (mm), over Specified Thickness for Widths Given, in. (mm)
36 to 60 60 to 84 84 to 120 120 to 132
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) To 36 (915), 132 (3350)
(915 to 1520), (1520 to (2130 to (3050 to
excl and over
excl 2130), excl 3050), excl 3350), excl
Over 2 to 3 (51.0 to 76.0), excl ⁄
1 16 (1.6) 3⁄32 (2.4) 7⁄64 (2.8) 1⁄8 (3.2) 1⁄8 (3.2) ⁄
9 64 (3.6)
3 to 4 (76.0 to 102.0), incl ⁄
5 64 (2.0) 3⁄32 (2.4) 7⁄64 (2.8) 1⁄8 (3.2) 1⁄8 (3.2) ⁄
9 64 (3.6)
length in feet (0.04 mm multiplied by the length in centime- edge is given, it shall be understood that edges such as those
tres). resulting from slitting or shearing will be acceptable.
7.4.2 Straightness for coiled material is subject to agree- Sheet shall have sheared or slit edges.
ment between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Plate shall have sheared or cut (machined, abrasive-
7.5 Edges: cut, powder-cut, or inert-arc-cut) edges, as specified.
7.5.1 When finished edges of strip are specified in the 7.6 Squareness (Sheet)—For sheets of all thicknesses, the
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B 127
TABLE 7 Permissible Variations in Thickness of Sheet and Strip (Permissible Variations, Plus and Minus, in Thickness, in. (mm), for
Widths Given, in. (mm)
Hot-Rolled Cold-Rolled
Specified Thickness, in. (mm)
48 (1220) and Over 48 to 60 48 (1220) and Over 48 to 60
Under (1220 to 1520), incl Under (1220 to 1520), incl
0.018 to 0.025 (0.5 to 0.6), incl 0.003 (0.08) 0.004 (0.10) 0.002 (0.05) 0.003 (0.08)
Over 0.025 to 0.034 (0.6 to 0.9), incl 0.004 (0.10) 0.005 (0.13) 0.003 (0.08) 0.004 (0.10)
Over 0.034 to 0.043 (0.9 to 1.1), incl 0.005 (0.13) 0.006 (0.15) 0.004 (0.10) 0.005 (0.13)
Over 0.043 to 0.056 (1.1 to 1.4), incl 0.005 (0.13) 0.006 (0.15) 0.004 (0.10) 0.005 (0.13)
Over 0.056 to 0.070 (1.4 to 1.8), incl 0.006 (0.15) 0.007 (0.18) 0.005 (0.13) 0.006 (0.15)
Over 0.070 to 0.078 (1.8 to 2.0), incl 0.007 (0.18) 0.008 (0.20) 0.006 (0.15) 0.007 (0.18)
Over 0.078 to 0.093 (2.0 to 2.4), incl 0.008 (0.20) 0.009 (0.23) 0.007 (0.18) 0.008 (0.20)
Over 0.093 to 0.109 (2.4 to 2.8), incl 0.009 (0.23) 0.010 (0.25) 0.007 (0.18) 0.009 (0.23)
Over 0.109 to 0.125 (2.8 to 3.2), incl 0.010 (0.25) 0.012 (0.31) 0.008 (0.20) 0.010 (0.25)
Over 0.125 to 0.140 (3.2 to 3.6), incl 0.012 (0.31) 0.014 (0.36) 0.008 (0.20) 0.010 (0.25)
Over 0.140 to 0.171 (3.6 to 4.3), incl 0.014 (0.36) 0.016 (0.41) 0.009 (0.23) 0.012 (0.31)
Over 0.171 to 0.187 (4.3 to 4.8), incl 0.015 (0.38) 0.017 (0.43) 0.010 (0.25) 0.013 (0.33)
Over 0.187 to 0.218 (4.8 to 5.5), incl 0.017 (0.43) 0.019 (0.48) 0.011 (0.28) 0.015 (0.38)
Over 0.218 to 0.234 (5.5 to 5.9), incl 0.018 (0.46) 0.020 (0.51) 0.012 (0.31) 0.016 (0.41)
Over 0.234 to 0.250 (5.9 to 6.4), incl 0.020 (0.51) 0.022 (0.56) 0.013 (0.33) 0.018 (0.46)
Cold-Rolled StripA,B
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) Widths 12 in. (305 mm) and under,
plus and minus
Up to 0.050 (1.3), incl 0.0015 (0.04)
Over 0.050 to 0.093 (1.3 to 2.4), incl 0.0025 (0.06)
Over 0.093 to 0.125 (2.4 to 3.2), incl 0.004 (0.10)
Measured 3⁄8 in. (9.5 mm) or more from either edge except for strip under 1 in. (25.4 mm) in width which is measured at any place.
Standard sheet tolerances apply for thicknesses over 0.125 in. (3.2 mm) and for all thicknesses of strip over 12 in. (305 mm) wide.
angle between adjacent sides shall be 906 0.15° (1⁄16 in. in 24 same thickness and condition, except for plates weighing over
in.) (1.6 mm in 610 mm). 500 lb, in which case only one specimen shall be taken.
7.7 Flatness: 9.2 Test Material Selection:
7.7.1 There shall be no flatness requirements for “deep 9.2.1 Chemical Analysis—Representative samples shall be
drawing quality,” “spinning quality,” or “as-rolled,” sheet and taken during pouring or subsequent processing.
strip (see X1.4) Product (Check) Analysis shall be wholly the re-
7.7.2 Standard flatness tolerances for plate shall conform to sponsibility of the purchaser.
the requirements prescribed in Table 12. “Specially flattened” 9.2.2 Mechanical Properties, Hardness, and Grain Size—
plate when so specified, shall have permissible variations in Samples of the material to provide test specimens for mechani-
flatness as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the cal properties, hardness, and grain size shall be taken from such
purchaser. locations in each lot as to be representative of that lot.
(Hardness and grain size required only on the products as
8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance specified in Table 3 and Table 4.)
8.1 The material shall be uniform in quality and temper,
smooth, commercially straight or flat, and free of injurious 10. Number of Tests
imperfections. 10.1 Chemical Analysis—One test per lot.
8.2 Sheet, Strip, and Plate—Sheet, strip, and plate supplied 10.2 Mechanical Properties—One test per lot.
in the conditions and finishes as listed in the appendix may be 10.3 Hardness—One test per lot. (Required only as speci-
ground or machined to remove surface imperfections, provided fied in Table 3 and Table 4.)
such removal does not reduce the material below the minimum 10.4 Grain Size—One test per lot. (Required only as speci-
specified dimensions. Surface eliminated depressions shall be fied in Table 4.)
faired smoothly into the surrounding material. The removal of
a surface imperfection shall be verified by the method origi- 11. Specimen Preparation
nally used to detect the imperfection. 11.1 Tension test specimens shall be taken from material in
the final condition (temper) and tested transverse to the
9. Sampling direction of rolling when width will permit.
9.1 Lot—Definition: 11.2 Tension test specimens shall be any of the standard or
9.1.1 A lot for chemical analysis shall consist of one heat. subsize specimens shown in Test Methods E 8.
9.1.2 A lot for mechanical properties, hardness, and grain 11.3 In the event of disagreement, referee specimens shall
size testing shall consist of all material from the same heat, be as follows:
nominal thickness, and condition. 11.3.1 Full thickness of the material machined to the form Where material cannot be identified by heat, a lot and dimensions shown for the sheet-type specimen in Test
shall consist of not more than 500 lb (227 kg) of material in the Methods E 8 for material under 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) in thickness.
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B 127
TABLE 8 Permissible Variations in WidthA of Sheared, Plasma-Torch-Cut, and Abrasive-Cut Rectangular PlateB,C
Permissible Variations in Widths for Widths GIven, in. (mm)
Over 30 to 72 (760 to Over 72 to 108 (1830 Over 108 to 144 (2740 Over 144 to 160 (3660
Specified Thickness Up to 30 (760), incl
1830), incl to 2740), incl to 3660), incl to 4070), incl
+ − + − + − + − + −
3⁄16 to 5⁄16, excl ⁄
3 16 ⁄
18 ⁄
14 ⁄
18 ⁄
38 ⁄
18 ⁄
12 ⁄
18 ... ...
5⁄16 to 1⁄2, excl ⁄
14 ⁄
18 ⁄
38 ⁄
18 ⁄
38 ⁄
18 ⁄
12 ⁄
18 ⁄
58 ⁄
1⁄2 to 3⁄4, excl 3⁄8 1⁄8 3⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄2 1⁄8 5⁄8 ⁄
18 ⁄
34 ⁄
3⁄4 to 1, excl 1⁄2 1⁄8 1⁄2 1⁄8 5⁄8 1⁄8 3⁄4 1⁄8 7⁄8 1⁄8
1 to 11⁄4, incl 5⁄8 1⁄8 5⁄8 1⁄8 3⁄4 1⁄8 7⁄8 1⁄8 1 1⁄8
3⁄16 to 11⁄4, incl 18 ⁄ 18 ⁄ 18 ⁄ ⁄
18 18 ⁄ ⁄
18 18 ⁄ ⁄
18 18 ⁄ ⁄
3⁄16 to 2, excl 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0
2 to 3, incl 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0
4.8 to 7.9, excl 4.8 3.2 6.4 3.2 9.5 3.2 12.7 3.2 ... ...
7.9 to 12.7, excl 6.4 3.2 9.5 3.2 9.5 3.2 12.7 3.2 15.9 3.2
12.7 to 19.0, excl 9.5 3.2 9.5 3.2 12.7 3.2 15.9 3.2 19.0 3.2
19.0 to 25.4, excl 12.7 3.2 12.7 3.2 15.9 3.2 19.0 3.2 22.2 3.2
25.4 to 31.8, incl 15.9 3.2 15.9 3.2 19.0 3.2 22.2 3.2 25.4 3.2
4.8 to 31.8, incl 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Over 31.8 to 69.8, incl 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2
4.8 to 50.8, excl 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0
50.8 to 76.2, incl 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0
Permissible variations in width for powder-cut or inert-arc-cut plate shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
Permissible variations in machined, powder-cut, or inert-arc-cut circular plate shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
Permissible variations in plasma-torch-cut sketch plates shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
The minimum sheared width is 10 in. (254 mm) for material 3⁄4 in. (19.0 mm) and under in thickness and 20 in. (508 mm) for material over 3⁄4 in. (19.0 mm) in thickness.
The minimum abrasive-cut width is 2 in. (50.8 mm) and increases to 4 in. (101.6 mm) for thicker plates.
These tolerances are applicable to lengths of 240 in. (6100 mm), max. For lengths over 240 in (6100 mm), an additional 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) is permitted, both plus and
The tolerance spread shown for plasma-torch cutting may be obtained all on the minus side, or divided between the plus and minus side if so specified by the
11.3.2 The largest possible round specimen shown in Test be rounded as indicated, in accordance with the rounding
Methods E 8 for material 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) and over. method of Practice E 29.
Rounded Unit for Observed
12. Test Methods Test or Calculated Value
12.1 Determine the chemical composition, mechanical, and Chemical composition, hardness, nearest unit in the last right-hand place
other properties of the material as enumerated in this specifi- and tolerances (when expressed offigures of the specified limit. If two
cation, in case of disagreement, in accordance with the in decimals) choices are possible, as when the digits
dropped are exactly a 5 or a 5 followed
following methods: only by zeros, choose the one ending in
Test ASTM Designation an even digit, with zero defined
as an even digit.
Chemical analysis E 76 Tensile strength and yield strength nearest 1000 psi (6.9 MPa)
Tension E8 Elongation nearest 1 %
Brinell hardness E 10 Grain Size:
Rockwell hardness E 18 0.0024 in. (0.06 mm) or larger nearest multiple of 0.0002 in. (0.005 mm)
Grain size E 112 less than 0.0024 in. (0.06 mm) nearest multiple of 0.0001 in. (0.002 mm)
Rounding E 29
Rounding procedure E 29 13. Inspection
Spring-back F 155
13.1 Inspection of the material shall be as agreed upon
12.2 The measurement of the average grain size may be between the purchaser and the supplier as part of the purchase
carried out by the planimetric method, the comparison method, contract.
or the intercept method described in Test Methods E 112. In
case of dispute, the “referee” method for determining the 14. Rejection and Rehearing
average grain size shall be the planimetric method. 14.1 Material that fails to conform to the requirements of
12.3 For purposes of determining compliance with the this specification may be rejected. Rejection should be reported
specified limits for requirements of the properties listed in the to the producer or supplier promptly and in writing. In case of
following table, an observed value or a calculated value shall dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the producer or
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TABLE 9 Permissible Variations in Diameter for Circular Plates
Sheared Plate
Permissible Variations Over Specified
Specified Diameter, in. (mm) Diameter for Thickness Given, in. (mm)A
To 3⁄8 (9.5), incl
20 to 32 (508 to 813), excl ⁄ (6.4)
Plasma-Torch-Cut PlateB
Permissible Variations in Specified Diameter for Thickness Given, in. (mm)C
Specified Diameter, in. (mm) Thickness, max, in. ⁄
3 16 to 2 (4.8 to 50.8), excl 2 to 3 (50.8 to 76.2), incl
(mm) + − + −
19 to 20 (483 to 508), excl 3 (76.2) ⁄
12 (12.7) 0 ⁄ (15.9)
58 0
20 to 22 (508 to 559), excl 23⁄4(69.8) 1⁄2 (12.7) 0 5⁄8 (15.9) 0
22 to 24 (559 to 610), excl 21⁄2(63.5) 1⁄2 (12.7) 0 5⁄8 (15.9) 0
24 to 28 (610 to 711), excl 21⁄4(57.3) 1⁄2 (12.7) 0 5⁄8 (15.9) 0
28 to 32 (711 to 812), excl 2 (50.8) 1⁄2 (12.7) 0 5⁄8 (15.9) 0
32 to 34 (812 to 864), excl 13⁄4(44.5) 1⁄2 (12.7) 0 ... ...
34 to 38 (864 to 965), excl 1 ⁄2(38.1)
1 1⁄2 (12.7) 0 ... ...
38 to 40 (965 to 1020), excl 11⁄4(31.8) 1⁄2 (12.7) 0 ... ...
40 to 140 (1020 to 3560), incl 3 (76.2) 1⁄2 (12.7) 0 5⁄8 (15.9) 0
No permissible variations under.
Permissible variations in plasma-torch-cut sketch plates shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
The tolerance spread shown may also be obtained all on the minus side or divided between the plus and minus sides if so specified by the purchaser.
supplier may make claim for a rehearing. with the specification number, alloy, condition (temper), heat
number, manufacturer’s identification, and size. The markings
15. Certification shall not have a deleterious effect on the material or its
15.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a performance and shall be sufficiently stable to withstand
manufactuer’s certification shall be furnished to the purchaser normal handling.
stating that material has been manufactured, tested, and in- 16.2 When applicable, each bundle or shipping container
spected in accordance with this specification, and that the test
shall be marked with the name of the material, condition
results on representative samples meet specification require-
(temper), this specification number, alloy, size, consignor and
ments. When specified in the purchase order or contract, a
consignee address, contract or order number, and such other
report of the test results shall be furnished.
16. Product Marking information as may be defined in the contract or order.
16.1 Each plate, sheet, or strip shall be marked on one face
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TABLE 11 Permissible Variations in LengthA of Sheared, Plasma-Torch-Cut,B and Abrasive-Cut Rectangular PlateC
Permissible Variation in Length for Lengths Given, in. (mm)
Over 450 to
Specified Thickness Up to 60 Over 60 to Over 96 to Over 120 to Over 240 to Over 360 to
540 (11 430 Over 540
(1520), 96 (1520 to 120 (2440 to 240 (3050 to 360 (6096 to 450 (9144 to
to (13 716)
incl 2440), incl 3050), incl 6096), incl 9144), incl 11 430), incl
13 716), incl
+ − + − + − + − + − + − + − + −
3⁄16 to 5⁄16, excl ⁄
3 16 ⁄
18 ⁄
14 ⁄
18 ⁄
38 ⁄
18 ⁄
12 ⁄
18 ⁄
58 ⁄
18 ⁄
34 ⁄
18 78⁄ ⁄
18 ... ...
5⁄16 to 1⁄2, excl ⁄
38 ⁄
18 ⁄
12 ⁄
18 ⁄
12 ⁄
18 ⁄
12 ⁄
18 ⁄
58 ⁄
18 ⁄
34 ⁄
18 78⁄ ⁄
18 1 1⁄8
1⁄2 to 3⁄4, excl 1⁄2 1⁄8 1⁄2 1⁄8 5⁄8 1⁄8 5⁄8 1⁄8 3⁄4 1⁄8 7⁄8 1⁄8 11⁄8 1⁄8 13⁄8 1⁄8
3⁄4 to 1, excl 5⁄8 1⁄8 5⁄8 1⁄8 5⁄8 1⁄8 3⁄4 1⁄8 7⁄8 1⁄8 11⁄8 1⁄8 13⁄8 1⁄8 15⁄8 1⁄8
1 to 11⁄4, incl 3⁄4 1⁄8 3⁄4 1⁄8 3⁄4 1⁄8 7⁄8 1⁄8 11⁄8 1⁄8 13⁄8 1⁄8 15⁄8 1⁄8 ... ...
3⁄16 to 11⁄4, incl 18 ⁄ ⁄
18 18 ⁄ ⁄
18 18 ⁄ 18⁄ 18 ⁄ ⁄
18 18 ⁄ ⁄
18 18 ⁄ ⁄
18 ... ... ... ...
Over 11⁄4 to 23⁄4, incl ⁄
3 16 ⁄
18 ⁄
3 16 ⁄
18 ⁄
3 16 18⁄ ⁄
3 16 ⁄
18 ⁄
3 16 ⁄
18 ⁄
3 16 ⁄
18 ... ... ... ...
3⁄16 to 2, excl 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0 12 ⁄ 0 12⁄ 0 ⁄
12 0
2 to 3, incl 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0 58 ⁄ 0 58⁄ 0 ⁄
58 0
4.8 to 7.9, excl 4.8 3.2 6.4 3.2 9.5 3.2 12.7 3.2 15.9 3.2 19.0 3.2 22.2 3.2 ... ...
7.9 to 12.7, excl 9.5 3.2 12.7 3.2 12.7 3.2 12.7 3.2 15.9 3.2 19.0 3.2 22.2 3.2 25.4 3.2
12.7 to 19.0, excl 12.7 3.2 12.7 3.2 15.9 3.2 15.9 3.2 19.0 3.2 22.2 3.2 28.6 3.2 34.9 3.2
19.0 to 25.4, excl 15.9 3.2 15.9 3.2 15.9 3.2 19.0 3.2 22.2 3.2 28.6 3.2 34.9 3.2 41.2 3.2
25.4 to 31.8, incl 19.0 3.2 19.0 3.2 19.0 3.2 22.2 3.2 28.6 3.2 34.9 3.2 41.2 3.2 ... ...
4.8 to 31.8, incl 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 ... ... ... ...
Over 31.8 to
69.9, incl 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 ... ... ... ...
4.8 to 50.8, excl 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0 12.7 0
50.8 to 76.2, incl 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0 15.9 0
Permissible variations in length for powder-cut or inert-arc-cut plate shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
The tolerance spread shown for plasma-torch-cutting may be obtained all on the minus side, or divided between the plus and minus sides if so specified by the
Permissible variations in machined, powder- or inert-arc-cut circular plate shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
The minimum sheared length is 10 in. (254 mm).
Abrasive cut applicable to a maximum length of 144 to 400 in. (3658 to 10 160 mm) depending on the thickness and width ordered.
The tolerance spread shown for plasma-torch-cut sketch plates shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
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TABLE 12 Permissible Variations from Flatness of Rectangular, Circular, and Sketch Plates
NOTE 1—Permissible variations apply to plates up to 12 ft (366 cm) in length, or to any 12 ft or longer plates.
NOTE 2—If the longer dimension is under 36 in. (914 mm), the permissible variation is not greater than 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm).
NOTE 3—The shorter dimension specified is considered the width, and the permissible variation in flatness across the width does not exceed the tabular
amount of that dimension.†
NOTE 4—The maximum deviation from a flat surface does not customarily exceed the tabular tolerance for the longer dimension specified.
Permissible Variations from a Flat Surface for Thickness and Widths Given, in. (mm)
48 to 60 60 to 72 72 to 84 84 to 96 96 to 108 108 to 120 120 to 144
Specified Thickness To 48 144
(1220 to (1520 to (1830 to (2130 to (2440 to (2740 to (3050 to
(1220), (3660)
1520), 1830), 2130), 2440), 2740), 3050), 3660),
excl and over
excl excl excl excl excl excl excl
⁄ to ⁄ , excl
3 16 14 ⁄
34 1⁄
1 16 1⁄
14 1⁄
38 15⁄8 15⁄8 ... ... ...
⁄ to 3⁄8, excl
14 ⁄
11 16 3⁄4 ⁄
15 16 11⁄8 13⁄8 17⁄16 19⁄16 17⁄8 ...
3⁄8to 1⁄2, excl 1⁄2 9⁄16 11⁄16 3⁄4 15⁄16 11⁄8 11⁄4 17⁄16 13⁄4
1⁄2to 3⁄4, excl 1⁄2 9⁄16 5⁄8 13⁄16 11⁄8 11⁄8 11⁄8 13⁄8
3⁄4to 1, excl 9⁄16 5⁄8 5⁄8 3⁄4 13⁄16 15⁄16 1 11⁄8
1 to 2, excl ⁄
12 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 11⁄16 11⁄16 11⁄16 3⁄4 1
2 to 4, incl 1⁄4 5⁄16 3⁄8 7⁄16 1⁄2 9⁄16 5⁄8 3⁄4 7⁄8
4.8 to 6.4, excl 19.0 27.0 31.7 34.9 41.3 41.3 ... ... ...
6.4 to 9.5, excl 17.5 19.0 23.8 28.6 35.0 36.5 39.7 47.6 ...
9.5 to 12.7, excl 12.7 14.3 17.5 19.0 23.8 28.6 31.7 35.0 44.4
12.7 to 19.0, excl 12.7 14.3 15.9 15.9 20.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 34.9
19.0 to 25.4, excl 12.7 14.3 15.9 15.9 19.0 20.6 23.8 25.4 28.6
25.4 to 50.8, excl 12.7 14.3 14.3 14.3 17.5 17.5 17.5 19.0 25.4
50.8 to 101.6, incl 6.4 7.9 9.5 11.1 12.7 14.3 15.9 19.0 22.2
† Editorially corrected.
The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the
inquiry, contract, or order, for agencies of the U.S. Government.
S1. Referenced Documents TABLE S3.1 Mechanical Properties for Quarter-Hard Cold Rolled
S1.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date
Tensile Strength, min, psi (Mpa) 78 000–85 000 (538—586)
of material purchased form a part of this specification to the Yield Strength, min, psi (Mpa) (0.2% offset) 45,000 (310)
extent referenced herein. Federal Standard No. 102, No. 123, Elongation in 2 in., 50 mm, or 4D, min, % 20
No. 182, and Military Standard MIL-STD-129.
S2. Chemical Composition S4. Nondestructive Tests
S2.1 The material shall conform to the composition limits S4.1 When specified by the purchaser, each piece of each lot
specified in Table 2 except as specified in Table S2.1 shall be inspected. The purchaser shall specify if one or both
tests are required.
S3. Mechanical Properties S4.2 Ultrasonic Tests:
S3.1 Mechanical property requirements for quarter hard S4.2.1 General Requirements:
cold-rolled strip 1⁄4 in. thick and less shall be as specified in S4.2.1.1 Ultrasonic testing shall be performed in accordance
Table S3.1. with MIL-STD-271 as modified by the requirements specified
TABLE S2.1 Chemical Requirements S4.2.1.2 Acoustic compatibility between the production ma-
Element Composition Limits, % terial and the calibration standard material shall be within 75%.
Carbon 0.2 max. If the acoustic compatibility is within 25%, no gain compen-
Sulfur 0.015 max. sation is required for the examination. If acoustic compatibility
Aluminum 0.5 max.
Lead 0.006 max.
difference is between 25% and 75%, a change in the gain or dB
Tin 0.006 max. controls shall be accomplished to compensate for the differ-
Zinc 0.02 max. ences in acoustic compatibility. This method cannot be used if
Phosphorous 0.02 max.
the ultrasonic noise level exceeds 50% of the rejection value.
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S4.2.2 Calibration: shall be so located than their subsequent removal will not
S4.2.2.1 Longitudinal Wave—The longitudinal wave test impair the suitability of the material for its intended use.
shall be calibrated on a flat-bottomed reference hole of a given S4.3 Liquid Penetrant Inspection:
diameter in accordance with Table S4.1 for specified material S4.3.1 Procedure—Liquid penetrant inspection shall be in
thickness drilled either into the piece to be tested or into a accordance with MIL-STD-271.
separate defect-free specimen of the same size (within 6 1⁄8in. S4.3.2 Surface Requirements—The surface produced by hot
(3.18 mm)), shape, material, and condition, or acoustically working is not suitable for liquid penetrant testing. Therefore,
similar material. Holes are to be drilled to midsection and the liquid penetrant testing will not be applicable to products
bottom of the hole shall be parallel to the entrant surface. The ordered with a hot finished surface.
ultrasonic test instrument shall be adjusted so that the response S4.3.3 Acceptance Criteria—Linear defects revealed by
from the reference hole shall not be less than 25% and not more liquid penetrant inspection shall be explored by grinding or
then 75% of screen height. other suitable means. Depth of defects shall not exceed the
S4.2.2.2 Recalibration—During quality conformance in- dimensional tolerance of the material.
spection, any realignment of the search unit that will cause a
decrease in the calibrated sensitivity and resolution, or both, or S5. Quality Assurance
any change in search unit, couplant, instrument settings, or S2.1 Responsibility for Inspection—Unless otherwise speci-
scanning speed from that used for calibration shall require fied in the contract or purchase order, the manufacturer is
recalibration. Recalibration shall be performed at least once per responsible for the performance of all inspection and test
8 h shift. requirements specified. Except as otherwise specified in the
S4.2.3 Procedure—Paragraph S4.2.3.1 describes the re- contract or purchase order, the manufacturer may use his own
quirements for plate. Sheet and strip shall be excluded from or any other suitable facilities for the performance of the
these requirements. inspection and test requirements unless disapproved by the
S4.2.3.1 Plate—Plate shall be inspected by the longitudinal purchaser at the time the order is placed. The purchaser shall
wave technique using the contact or immersion method. For have the right to perform any of the inspections or tests set
contact, the scanning shall be on a 24 in. grid and one diagonal forth when such inspections and tests are deemed necessary to
in each grid. For immersion, the scanning shall be continuous assure that the material conforms to prescribed requirements.
on a 12 in. grid. For either method, the search shall be
expanded to determine the full extent of any rejectable indica- S6. Identification Marking
tion if the material is to be offered on a waiver basis. S3.1 All material shall be properly marked for identification
S4.2.4 Acceptance Criteria: in accordance with Fed. Std. No. 182 except that the ASTM
S4.2.4.1 Longitudinal Wave—Any material that produces specification number and the alloy number shall be used.
indications equal to or larger than the response from the
reference hole, or that produces a complete loss of back S7. Preparation for Delivery
reflection shall be rejected. Material shall be tested using a S4.1 Preservation, Packaging, Packing:
square, rectangular, or circular transducer having an effective S4.1.1 Military Agencies—The material shall be separated
area of one square inch or less, but no dimension shall be by size, composition, grade, or class and shall be preserved and
smaller than the diameter of the reference hole. In the event of packaged, Level A or C, or packed, Level A, B, or C as
disagreement on the degree of back reflection loss, it shall be specified in the contract or purchase order.
determined by the contact method using a 1 to 1–1⁄8in. (25.4 to S4.1.2 Civil Agencies—The requirements of Fed. Std. No.
28.6 mm) diameter transducer or one whose area falls within 102 shall be referenced for definitions of the various levels of
this range. packaging protection.
S4.2.4.2 Reference Notch Removal—If reference notches or S4.2 Marking:
flat-bottomed holes are made in the material to be tested, they S4.2.1 Military Agencies—In addition to any special mark-
ing required by the contract or purchase order, marking for
TABLE S4.1 Ultrasonic Testing Reference Hole for Plate shipment shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
Material Thickness, in. (mm) Hole Diameter, in. (mm) S4.2.2 Civil Agencies—In addition to any special marking
Up to and including 4 (102) 1⁄4(6.4)
required by the contract or purchase order, marking for
Over 4 (102) 1⁄2 (12.7)
shipment shall be in accordance with Fed. Std. No. 123.
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(Nonmandatory Information)
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
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