Guia 2 Ingles Grado 7
Guia 2 Ingles Grado 7
Guia 2 Ingles Grado 7
Área: ingles
Guía: 1
Alumno: Joel Fabián Flórez Cardozo
Grado: 7-7
Florencia - Caquetá
1. Read the poster for a campaign to encourage teenagers to live healthy lives. Match the
heading (1-3) with the examples (a-c).
How to be a healthy teen
Here area some tips that can help you to grow into a healthy adult
1) Keep active and take a break b) Develop the habit of doing physical
activities you enjoy. E.g. running,
swimming or riding a bike. Get enough
sleep: your body needs eight hours of
sleep a night.
2) Good personal hygiene c) Have a shower every day. Wash your
hair regularly. Brush your teeth twice a
day. Keep your nails short: fingers and
3) Eat healthy food a) Eat a balanced diet that includes fruit
and vegetables. Avoid sugars and
starches. Cut out fast foods. Drink lots of
2. Write>> work with a partner. Complete the chart (1-9) with the tips in exercise 1.
4. Speak>> with a partner talk about the things you can do to have a healthy life
No se puede desarrollar sin un compañero
5. Listen>> Listen to a nutritionist explaining what a healthy balanced diet is and why it’s
important. Match the nutrients (1-5) with their functions (a-e).
1. Protein ------------------------ c. increases your body mass: helps your muscles to grow
2. Vitamins and minerals---------------d. Help your body grow properly and fight diseases
3. Fibre ------------------------------------------------- a. helps the body digest food
4. Carbohydrates ------------------------------------ d. give your body energy
5. Fats --------------------------------------- b. help the body absorb minerals and store energy
6. Read>> Read the chart and match the nutrients (1-5) with the types of food (a-e).