Aisha Ahmad
Aisha Ahmad
Aisha Ahmad
2016-Current Director, Islam and Global Affairs Initiative, Munk School of Global
Affairs, University of Toronto
2016-Currents Senior Researcher, Global Justice Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs,
University of Toronto
2011-2012 Research Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs,
Harvard Kennedy School, International Security Program Fellowship and
Initiative on Religion in International Affairs
2014 Connaught New Researcher Award, Elite Targeting and Network Fragmentation
in Islamic Insurgencies [principal investigator, three-year start-up funds $10K]
Scholarly Books:
Aisha Ahmad, Jihad & Co.: Black Markets and Islamist Power, Oxford University Press, New
York, forthcoming 2017.
Peer Reviewed Journals:
Aisha Ahmad, “Canadian Values and the Muslim World,” International Journal, Vol. 72, No.2
(Spring 2017), pp. 255-268
Aisha Ahmad, “Going Global: Islamist Competition in Contemporary Civil Wars,” Security Studies,
(Spring 2016), Vol. 25(2), pp. 353-384.
Aisha Ahmad, "The Security Bazaar: Business Interests and Islamist Power in Civil War
Somalia," International Security, Vol. 39, No. 3 (Winter 2014/15), pp. 89-117. Winner of
2017 Best Security Article Award by the International Studies Association.
Aisha Ahmad, “Agenda for Peace or Budget for War? Evaluating the Economic Impact of
International Intervention in Somalia” in International Journal, Vol. 67, No. 2 (Spring 2012)
pp. 313-331
Book Chapters:
Aisha Ahmad, “Canada in Somalia: Learning from the Legacy of Failed Intervention” in Canada
Among Nations (Centre for International Governance Innovation: Waterloo, ON), 2015.
Conference Papers:
Aisha Ahmad, “Women as the War Front: Islam, Jihad, and the Politics of Intervention,” Canadian
Political Science Association, Calgary, AB, June 2016.
Aisha Ahmad, “Female Bodies as the War Front in Jihadist Competitions,” International Studies
Association, Atlanta, GA, March 2016.
Aisha Ahmad, “The Logic of Perpetual Crisis: State Weakness in International Politics,”
International Studies Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2015.
Aisha Ahmad “Financing Failure: International Interventions as Resource Curse in Conflict and
Post-Conflict States” American Political Science Association: Chicago, MI, August 2013
Aisha Ahmad “The Boys: Understanding the Spread of Al-Shabaab and the Somali Civil War in the
Horn of Africa” International Studies Association: San Francisco, CA, April 2013
Aisha Ahmad “Holy Men and Money Lords: An Economic Explanation of Civil War
Outcomes in Somalia” African Studies Association Annual Meeting; New
Fieldwork in Somali Studies Panel: San Francisco, CA, November 18-22, 2010
Aisha Ahmad “Holy Warlords: The Rise of Islamist Movements in Failed States”
International Studies Association: New York, NY, February 15, 2009
Research in Progress:
Aisha Ahmad “Financing Failure: International Interventions as a Resource Curse in Conflict and
Post-Conflict States” (Under review)
Aisha Ahmad “The Logic of Perpetual Crisis: State Weakness in International Politics” (In
Aisha Ahmad “Jihadist Radicalization in Contemporary Civil Wars: Intervention Trigger Points and
Extremist Reactions” (In progress)
Other Publications:
Aisha Ahmad “Talking to the Enemy: Strategies for Initiating Peace Negotiations in Afghanistan” in
Policy Perspectives (Institute of Policy Studies – Pakistan); Special Edition on Afghanistan,
March 2007.
Aisha Ahmad “Evolving Patterns in Afghan Women’s Security: A Historical Analysis of Trends in
Vulnerability, Rape Prevalence, and Legal Rights” in Policy Perspectives (Institute of
Policy Studies) Volume 3, Number 1, November 2005.
Ibrahim Farah, Aisha Ahmad, and Daud Omar “Cross Border Weapons Proliferation in the Horn of
Africa: the case of Mandera, Kenya, Melkasufta, Ethiopia, and Bula Hawa, Somalia” in
Controlling Small Arms in the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region Project
Ploughshares: 2006.
Aisha Ahmad and Minelle Mahtani, "Trump immigration ban ushers in an age of academic
darkness", The Globe and Mail, 6 March 6 2017.
Aisha Ahmad and Daniel Douek, "Invisible red lines: How Trump’s mixed signals risk global war",
The Globe and Mail, 8 April 2017.
Aisha Ahmad, “The Strategic Value of Compassion” in The Globe and Mail, 20 November 2015.
Note: This piece was ranked as the top 15 most circulated news articles of 2015.
Assistant Professor:
2017 “Pluralism and Islam: The Future of Peace in Canada Amidst Growing
Islamophobia” Massey College, March 20, 2017.
2017 “Jihad & Co.: Black Markets and Islamist Markets” Queen’s University March 14,
2016 “The Forgotten War: Al-Shabaab in Somalia” Yale University, November 2016.
2016 “We Have Captured Your Women” ” Belfer Center for Science and International
Affairs, John F. Kennedy School, Harvard University, October 2016.
2015 “Road to Recovery: China, India and Pakistan's Role in Afghanistan's Post-NATO
Era”, Munk School, Asia Institute Event, March 11, Toronto, ON.
2015 “IS in a Global Context”, Canadian Association for Intelligence and Security
Studies (CASIS), January 15, Ottawa, ON.
2015 “The ISIS Attacks on Paris: What they mean for Immigration, Refugees, and
Security” Munk School Featured Event, November 18, Toronto, ON.
2015 “Canada Among Nations 2015 Book Launch” Munk School Event Panelist,
November 2, Toronto, ON.
2014 “The Boys: Ideological Extremism and Islamist In-Fighting in the Somali Civil
War” Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School,
Harvard University, March 20, 2014
2014 “Trade and Taliban: Business Interests and Political Power in Civil War
Afghanistan (1992-96)” Asia Institute, Munk School, University of Toronto,
December 4, 2013
2013 “The Economics of State Failure and State Formation”, Mogadishu University,
Somalia, February 21, 2013
2013 “Aid, Trade, and the Business of War: Field Notes from Afghanistan, Pakistan and
Somalia”, CCDS Lecture, University of Toronto, Scarborough, March 20, 2013
2012 “The Mosque and the Market: An Economic Explanation of Political Islam in Civil
War Somalia” Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade: March 23,
2012 in Ottawa, Canada
2012 “The Mosque and the Market: An Economic Explanation of Political Islam in
Somalia” Harvard Kennedy School: January 26, 2012 in Cambridge, MA, USA
2011 “Contemporary and Future Ideas and Approaches for Peacebuilding” Munk School
of Global Affairs, University of Toronto: on October 15, 2011 in Toronto, Canada
2009 “Transnational Civil Society and Climate Change Policy” University of Nairobi: for
the course Environment and Security on November 19, 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya
2009 “The Taliban and Neo-Taliban Insurgency in Pakistan and Afghanistan” Coro Civic
Center: on February 20, 2009 in Pittsburgh, USA
2008 Two-part lectures: “Women and insecurity in Afghanistan” and “Understanding the
Taliban and Neo-Taliban Insurgencies” Claremont Colleges on February 20, 2008
in Claremont, CA, USA
2006 “Canada's Role in Afghanistan Panel” NDP Panel with the Honorable Jack Layton:
on October 5, 2006 in Ottawa, Canada