Linear Scalable Dispersion Codes For Frequency Selective Channels
Linear Scalable Dispersion Codes For Frequency Selective Channels
Linear Scalable Dispersion Codes For Frequency Selective Channels
carrier are given by the column vector sν = of the linear inner code Cν ; a different Cν is used
(sν [1], sν [2], ..., sν [M ])T ; the complex scalar sν [i] de- for each OFDM subcarrier. Coding across the tones
notes the symbol transmitted by the i-th antenna. In is required to exploit the inherent frequency diversity
one timestep the antenna i transmits one OFDM sym- of the frequency selective channel. We first consider
bol that is derived by frequency interleaving, serial- the situation that the outer coding is done across all
parallel conversion and IFFT of the vector s(i) = OFDM subcarriers, i.e. NL = NS .
(sν=1 [i], s2 [i], ..., sNS [i])T (Fig. 1). The M elements of the vector sν are transmitted
The (N × 1) receive vector rν of subcarrier ν fol- by the M OFDM modulators in Fig. 2. The system
lows to transmits NU ≤ rank (H) symbols over one OFDM
√ subcarrier in one timestep. We refer to NU as the
rν = SNR · Hν · sν + wν (2)
number of spatial subchannels to be used for spatial
where the (N × M ) matrix Hν is the discrete Fourier multiplexing. The remaining spatial dimensions can
transform of the MIMO channel H at the frequency be used by the code achieving an additional diversity
ν, SNR is the average signal-to-noise-ratio at each Rx gain.
antenna and wν is complex-valued AWGN at the ν-th Due to the code concatenation we have the possi-
subcarrier. bility to optimize two decoupled linear block codes.
1) Coding for pure transmit diversity (MISO case): At the frequency ν the M elements of the vector sν are
In the MISO case the receiver uses only one Rx an- transmitted over M antennas; due to this inner code cν
tenna, N = 1. The channel matrix Hν becomes a row every element is a phase-shifted variation of the scalar
vector hνH with M elements. For only one Rx an- bν .
tenna no spatial multiplexing is possible, i.e. NU = 1 b) Design of the outer code: A suitable cost
and NL = NC . The matrix Cν and the vector bν be- function for the outer code is the fading averaged pair-
come a column vector cν and a scalar bν , respectively. wise probability (PEP) of message error. The PEP of
The vectors cν (ν ∈ [1, 2, ..., NL ]) are of dimension two different input symbol vectors a(1) and a(2) is the
(M × 1) and are used to drive the Tx antenna array probability that a(1) is transmitted and the Rx decides
(normalized to maintain the total transmit power). erroneously in favor of a(2) :
After linear signal processing of the received signal
vector of subcarrier ν - given by (2) - follows the esti- P [a(1) → a(2) ] = P [â = â(2) |a(1) ] (7)
mation of bν to (superscript H : conjugate transpose): The inner code and the MISO channel (i.e. the re-
b̂ν = SN R · cH H shaped equivalent SISO channel zν ) are modelled as a
ν · hν · hν · cν · bν + wν (3)
Rayleigh fast fading channel x with variance σx2 ; the
The scalar equivalent fading coefficients are matrix Dx = diag(x) is a diagonal matrix of dimen-
zν = cH H sion (NC ×NC ) with the elements of vector x on the
ν · hν · hν · cν (4)
main diagonal:
Without CSI at the Tx the inner code vector is inde-
pendent of the current realization of the channel vec- r = Dx R · a + w = Dx · b + w (8)
tor. If the elements of hν are random variables, zν
with b = R · a (Fig. 2).
is a random variable for any ν, when viewed over all For a given channel realization Dx the PEP is given
channel realizations. If the channel is not frequency by [8]
selective (hν = h), a frequency invariant inner code s
cν = c does not allow to exploit a Tx diversity gain; d2ED
P [â = â (2)
|a , Dx ] = P [b(1)
x → b(2)
x |Dx ] = Q 2
since in this case follows from (4) that all NC transmit 2σw
symbols bν of one OFDM symbol are affected by the (9)
with σw2 is the variance of AWGN w, d
same fading coefficient z. Therefore no Tx diversity ED = k∆bx k
gain can be achieved. But if cν is frequency variant the Euclidian distance of bx = Dx R · a(1) and
(e.g. two different subcarrier use two different Tx an- bx = Dx R · a(2) . All pairs (i, j) of input symbol
tennas), different transmit symbols bν are affected by vectors leading to the same ∆bx show the same PEP.
different fading variables. A diversity gain due to the Using the relation Q(x) ≤ 12 · e−x /2 we get an upper
Tx antenna array is possible (even if the channel is bound 2
not frequency selective); but it requires an appropriate 1 − d4σED 2
P [∆b, Dx ] ≤ · e w (10)
outer code that has to be optimized for diversity gain 2
in fast fading. One element ∆bx [i] of the vector ∆bx has the vari-
An equivalent situation was found for the optimiza- ance λi = σx2 · |∆b[i]|2 , the corresponding eigenvalue
tion of the space-time LSD codes for flat fading in [6]. of the matrix Λbx bx . Averaging over the Gaussian dis-
As shown there we can optimize the inner code with tributed random realizations of ∆bx we get an upper
respect to the outage capacity of the channel available bound for the fading averaged PEP for a given ∆b:
for the outer code. An appropriate objective function " #
for the outer code is the fading averaged pairwise error 1 Y 1
probability (PEP). P [∆b] ≤ · λi
2 +1
i=1 4·σ 2 w
a) Design of the inner code: According to [6]
for Rayleigh fading channels h a good set of inner Clearly a repetition code of rate N1C minimizes
coding vectors is given by the first M columns of the the objective function, the fading averaged PEP, it
(NL ×NL ) discrete Fourier matrix F: achieves full diversity in fast fading; but the spectral
cν = F[ν, 1 : M ]T (5) efficiency is low. Therefore spectral efficiency is a
reasonable constraint for the optimization: a high di-
with versity gain should be reached at code rate rC = 1.
1 To require R to be unitary is another sensible con-
F[k, l] = √ · e−j·2π(l−1)(k−1)/NL . (6)
NL straint. So the Euclidean distance and thus the error
performance on an AWGN channel is maintained; this 0
4−QAM: [NC, NU, N, M] = [32, 1, 1, 2]
response of a cyclic chirp filter. The columns are −3 AWGN 5
−3 L=10
increases too. In addition to the spatial Rx and Tx
(M, N, NU) = (6, 6, 6) diversity gain a frequency diversity gain is achieved
(shown in Fig. 5 for L = NL ).
−5 L=5
−4 −2 0 2 4 6 The considered combination of LSD codes and
E / N [dB]
b 0 OFDM leads to space-frequency - or space-time-
Fig. 4. Combination of spatial multiplexing and frequency di-
frequency - coded MIMO OFDM. The code construc-
versity tion allows to exploit spatial, temporal and frequency
4−QAM: (N , N, M) = (30, 6, 6)
diversity. A rich tradeoff between spatial multiplexing
0 C
10 to increase the data rate and diversity to improve the
−1 NU=6, L = 1
link reliability is possible while using a large number
of antennas with reasonable complexity.
NU=6, L = 5
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