Indolence of The Filipinos

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Angel Mae L.

Soriano BSA – 2 July 10, 2020 Rizal MTWThF; 3:40 – 5:20 PM

In this society, stereotyping and having misconceptions towards other people is inevitable.
It become a natural habitat for people to label a certain person because one is in a particular group.
The works of Rizal, Alatas and Said talks about the Filipinos being labeled as indolent and
Orientalism of the Western group. The parallelism of their works denotes to the idea of defending
their citizens and nation from people who mislead them with names which basically, they are not.
For them, groups, ethnicities and nations who were branded with names like indolent, terrorist and
etc. has to do with their experiences and not by their identity. For that reason, it is significant to be
clarified by these stereotypes and misconceptions.

In order for these stereotypes and misconceptions be clarified, it is best to follow the idea
of Jose Rizal which is to promote national consciousness because if a person is aware of his or her
identity, then the say of the outsiders is not important. In addition, education is a tool to clear all
the stereotypes and misconceptions because through this, awareness will be achieved and people
will learn to protect themselves from the people who created biased and judgmental classifications.
Basically, it’s hard to stop the idea of stereotyping but it is good to take into consideration the idea
of Said which is to relate yourself with others so that one will understand thyself and others.
Consequently, this idea is helpful in clarifying all the misconceptions because relating yourself to
others means sharing and knowing the experiences of others so that each one will have a common
understanding towards each identity. For example, Filipinos being called indolent, according to
Jose Rizal indolence had been abused and misused but it indeed exist and Filipinos are labeled
such because of variety of factors such as the climate, lack of education, the lack of support towards
agriculture, commerce and trading from the government, the devastating experience under the
Spanish regime and many more. The factors proved that each nation have different experiences
and not all countries have competent and honest government and going back to the example, the
factors and experiences that the Filipinos lived in would tantamount by the reason that Filipinos
are not actually indolent and they are only defined as indolent because of their history.

The efforts of clarifying of stereotypes and misconceptions matter because in this way all
nations will be united. In addition, these collective efforts would give every nation a chance to
give pride to their culture, literature and history without being judged by other nations. Lastly, the
goal of these efforts will be achieved and the “stereotypes” and “misconceptions” will end.

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