Landscape Notes
Landscape Notes
Landscape Notes
GARDENS: To hide ugly features, architectural defects like exposed
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES: pipes, ducts, service yards, etc
Owners comfort and convenience Growing materials unlike building materials
Simplicity Overall growth of a plant like annual or biannual or
Variety but too much is not desirable perennial etc
Minimum cut and fill and natural grading Ultimate size of the plant, form or shape like round,
Suspense and surprises - fresh vistas, disclosing new interest conical, spreading crown
etc Colour of the flowers, fragrance
Avoid long and straight path to reduce monotonous and Foliage like evergreen or deciduous
boring effect Patterns like drooping, weeping, clumps, feathery,
Judicious and careful use of plant material vertical, horizontal, transparent etc.
Colour and contrast Perennial plant materials and overall maintenance
Site characteristics and surroundings
Annuals and biannual are restricted
Hastening in planning to be avoided
Unwanted and ugly feature to be screened or eliminated
Essential and most expected
Ground cover for walk, play
Binds the soil
4) CONVENIENCE/ SAFETY Outdoor natural carpet
5) EASE OF MAINTENANCE Colour - visually pleasing and attractive
6) FLEXIBILITY. Prevent dust
Design will be effective and impressive. Outdoor activity like play, party etc
The three essential portions DOOB GRASS: Common, requires mowing and regular
a) APPROACH maintenance
b) SERVICE AREA BERMUDA GRASS: Common, soft, attractive, maintenance
APPROACH: (PUBLIC ZONE) MEXICAN or KOREAN GRASS: Soft clumps, undulating surface,
Well designed to give an overall picture of the garden no mowing
Area which creates impression to the people who visits KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS: Broad leaf blades, spreading habit,
Gate to the main entrance may be considered as public unusual green colour
Direct, shortest & very attractive space STEPS:
Drive way to the garage Undulating or sloping areas
Walk way to the rear side entrance is private and service zone Choice of materials like stone, brick, wood, concrete etc
Waste disposal, pots storage, manure yard, utility, kitchen Blend well with the landscape
garden, nursery etc WALKS AND PATHS:
properly located and hidden Essential features
Screen by fence, hedge etc Skeleton connecting all the important features
OUTDOOR LIVING (SEMI-PUBLIC ZONE) Variety of material choice like brick, gravel, stone,
Extension of the interior space concrete, wood etc
Maximum area Patterns with combination of materials
Recreational areas, enjoyment zones Edges - beautiful groundcovers, dwarf shrubs, annual
Aesthetics, pleasing design and details beds etc
Garden elements are lawns, terraces, flower beds, fountains, FENCES AND GATES:
paving, rocks, trees, shrubs, ground covers, climbers, seating, Essential for boundaries, screening, security etc
steps etc. Variety of materials and combination
Plants as hedges
THE GARDEN FEATURES Thorny shrubs, plants not eaten by animals etc
PLANT MATERIALS: Immediately noticed before entering
Major and essential material Very attractive and pleasing
Various functions like Ornamental, simple, functional
To provide shade from sun glare, ARCHES AND PERGOLAS:
To improve micro climate, Enhance beauty
To mark boundary or zones like kitchen garden, private & Acts as covered link to connect different parts
public zone etc Colourful climbers
To soften architectural harshness Various designs and materials
The shrubs act as transition between vertical wall and the WALLS:
horizontal ground. Essential feature
Enhance beauty of architecture like To separate different parts
a tree in front of a solid wall Level differences - retaining walls
As focal point Material choice is plenty like brick; stone, concrete,
Cascading creeper, plastered finish etc
Landscape Design – Prof. B S Jagadeesha Chandra, Architect, Landscape Architect, MSRIT
He created very creditable landscapes in the English manner Donnel garden has become one of the most beautiful modern
but with care to emphasise the particular qualities of each garden in the world. (The genius of the California garden thus
site. lies in the combination of numerous concepts and traditions
Frederick Law Olmsted 1856 and recognition of local conditions. Landscape architects from
First to coin the term landscape architect in 1858. Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, and Switzerland produced a
Landscape is very much essential for human morality, health European synthesis with equally distinctive results.
and happiness. Other Landscape Architects
Strongly advocated the informal and natural style by San Francisco became the home of many of the best-known
recognising the constraints and potentials of each site. landscape offices in the country. In addition to Church and
Emphasised nature and natural looks, with soft edges, curving Eckbo, Royston, William, Halprin, Osmundsun, and others
lines as a contrast to urbanism either for a single building or a designed gardens in the bay area in the 1940s and 1950s. A
whole city. second exhibition in 1948 at the San Francisco museum of art
According to him Landscape architecture includes designing of showed the development in style and form and also the wider
urban spaces, traffic systems, university campuses, private ranges of project being handled by landscape architects in
estates etc. California.)
Climatic conditions, human health and comfort, close
relationship between house and garden are the important TAXONOMY
facts to be considered. Identification, nomenclature and classification of both plants
An East Coast tradition was developed in practice and taught and animals.
at Harvard University and other schools of landscape With reference to plants, it is known as plant taxonomy or
architecture. systematic botany.
In Stanford campus (1889) design, the landscape elements UNITS OF TAXONOMY
included, architectural forms, arcades, courtyards etc to SPECIES
compensate the effects of heat and wind. The lawns were SUB SPECIES
avoided and the drought tolerant species suited to the climate GENUS/ GENERA
were adopted. His other projects include Central park at New FAMILY
York, Yosemite valley at California etc. SUBFAMILY
Thomas church ORDER
One of the earliest qualified landscape architect who studied SUBORDER
at Berkeley and Harvard. He set up his practice in 1930. His CLASS
work was extremely influenced the profession of landscape PHYLUM OR DIVISION
architecture especially the domestic garden, small or large, in PLANT KINGDOM
California and elsewhere. Initially the garden forms were
traditional with clipped hedges and eclectic motifs. Domestic SYSTEMS OF CLASSIFICATION
gardens cannot be natural if it was to serve as an extension to NATURAL SYSTEM –
the house. Their scale and use called for hard surfaces, Using all important character of plants in relation to natural
screens to separate the areas, and design forms that would condition
increase their apparent size. The vital function of an urban PHYLOGENIC SYSTEM –
garden is to provide space for privacy and the function of the Based on bytogenic and phylogenic evidences.
house has to be extended in to the garden. The garden space Not very easy with available knowledge.
of modern architecture must contain the features like,
Outdoor entertaining, games, children's play, hard surfaces, Many taxanomists have developed mixed form of systems
ground cover plants etc using simple and interesting shapes. If based on both above.
there is shortage of space, the front open space itself can be In Engler and Prantil system flowering plants are classified on
used for a private space by using walls, fences etc as screen basic evolution of flowers. There are 14 divisions and the 14
from outside. division is EMBRYOPHYTA SYPHONOGAMA (All seeded plants).
Church developed a theory based on cubism, that a garden These are further subdivided in to Gymnosperm and
should have no beginning and no end and that it should be Angiosperm.
pleasing when seen from any angle, not only from the house. The details are as below.
Asymmetry, simple forms, lines and shapes were regarded as Plant kingdom --- 14 subdivisions
more restful to look at and easier to maintain. th
14 subdivision - - - embryophyta syphonogama - - -
Form, shape and pattern in the gardens were provided Gymnosperms (7 classes) & angiosperms (covered or enclosed
through paving, walls, and trained plants. seeds)
ANGIOSPERMS - - - MONOCOT & DICOT Each subdivided with
Donnel garden at Sonoma order, family, subfamily etc.
Expression of affluence and a delight with indoor/ outdoor BINOMIAL SYSTEM OF NOMENCLATURE
living. Recognition plant by scientific name
show further sophistication in his approach and in the Common throughout the world
manipulation of form. Eliminates the disadvantages of common or local name
The form of the swimming pool, quite simple in plan is more Two parts, first part the generic name & second part spefic
complex and elegant when seen in perspective. The outline is name
derived from the meandering of the Sonoma River in the Example- Piscum sativum (Garden pea)
flatlands seen below. The aesthetic connection between pool Derived by Carlous Linneaus (Father of Taxanomy)
shape and, forms in nature is dynamic. The garden shows His famous book 'Systema Naturae' was publishin ed 1958
concern for the existing and surrounding environment. Thus
Landscape Design – Prof. B S Jagadeesha Chandra, Architect, Landscape Architect, MSRIT
Scientific names are long and difficult to remember Eg: Kaiga project at Karvar was selected based on the function
Each name has certain system, this helps to remember An observatory at Kavalur near Jolarpet was selected for the
The first part – Genus, species, vernacular name, person's proposal
name, family, subfamily etc OR
The second part – Discriptive, country name etc PROPOSE THE LAND USE BASED ON SITE CHARACTER AND
Both the parts comprises of Latin ANALYSIS
Examples A hill near a beach is proposed for a hill resort
Lagerstroemia flosreginae – Largestrom is a close friend of The site of old Central jail of Bangalore is proposed for a
Linneaus, flos= flower & reginae=queen i.e. "flower of the freedom park, why not for a city centre? or a commercial
queen". Common name – ‘Queen’s flower’ building?
Bahunia varigata – Bahune the botanist, Varigata is mixed Location of KRS dam and Brindavan Gardens
colour in flower or with white patches.
Tamarindus indica and Mangifera indica – Tamarindus and SITE ANALYSIS
Mangifera Latin version of tamarind and mango, indica is TO IDENTIFY AREA SUITED FOR BUILDING LOCATION
Indian origin Existing feature like vegetation, slope, water body etc
Michalia Champaka – Michel, the scientist's name and influences the proposal
Champaka is samskrith name. Examples
Daria Doulath adjacent to Cauvery river in Srirangpatna
SITE PLANNING GKVK Library, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
DEFINITIONS located on the topmost spot of the site (by Kanvinde)
Art & science of arranging the uses of portions of land Vidhana Soudha over high grounds, geographical centre of city
It involves Kovalam beach hotel along the slopes facing sea
Selection and analysis of site Hotel rooms of Murdeshwar facing sea
Organization of vehicular and pedestrian circulation, The old jail building is retained in Freedom Park
Development of visual and material concepts The exixting lake and hill of Lalbagh
Adjustment of site factors for the proposed use A steep hilly region of Chandigarh developed as a Rock Garden
It is a compromise between adaptations of the site TO ARTICULATE SPACES WITH IN SITE
To fit the program Imagine a site with a hill, a water body and steep as well as
OR medium slope areas
Adaptation of the program to suit site condition Hill side for rock garden, steep waterfalls, restaurant with
A process in which good view etc
Program requirement is provided, Water body zone for an aquarium, water sports, swimming
Located and connected to each other pool, lake side restaurant, boat house, boat club etc
With minimum destruction of land along with imagination and Steep sloped area – action to prevent soil erosion, natural
sensitivity based on site analysis greenery
Medium size projects like, Campuses, Housing colonies, Medium sloped area for buildings in levels, cascades, garden
Resorts etc in terraces etc
For a successful Architectural composition TO LOCATE OTHER USES LIKE – PARKING, SERVICE AREA,
ANALYSE THE SITE Parking – noise, Visual Segregation, Location Segregation
Along with SURROUNDINGS, ACCESS, LINKS ETC AND Service area – Noise, Functional requirement, Service building,
WHAT is known about the site service entry etc
HOW it is understood Recreation – Swimming pool, water sports, boating,
HOW both above are utilized is SITE PLANNING viewpoints etc near water, Play ground, play courts, skating
ring etc in flat areas, Rock climbing, trolley etc near steep
SURFACE DRAINAGE ETC Preservation – Hill, Lake
BELOW the site Changed – A part of lake, space behind the hill
GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, SOIL TYPES, BEARING CAPACITY OF Proposed – Glass house, topiary garden, nursery, aquarium
AROUND the site Are they harmonious?
SURROUNDING, APPROACH ETC Preserved – Heritage building
Changed – Major part of the site with gardens etc
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Proposed – Many new activities
PROPOSED USE Bangalore University campus – Site analysis helps to
Eg: A site was given to Bangalore University and it is understand the proposal, is it good, bad or improved??
developed based on the site character GKVK campus initially designed by Kanvinde & Rai
OR IIM campus, Bangalore
SEARCH A SITE SUITED FOR THE PROPOSAL Is it possible to do an analysis for Present race course?
Landscape Design – Prof. B S Jagadeesha Chandra, Architect, Landscape Architect, MSRIT