Mos Comprehnsice MCQ
Mos Comprehnsice MCQ
Mos Comprehnsice MCQ
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1. freely supported beam with symmetrical point load about mid span
2. freely supported beam with symmetrical uniformly distributed load about mid
3. simply supported beam with ud l over middle l/2
4. simply supported beam with symmetrical varying load about the mid span
7. A solid shaft of diameter ‘D’ carries a twisting moment that develops maximum shear
stress τ. If the shaft is replaced by a hollow one of outside diameter D and inside diameter
(D/2), then the maximum shear stress would
1. 1.067 τ
2. 1.143 τ
3. 1.333 τ
4. 2 τ
8. A circular shaft can transmit a torque of 5 kNm. If the torque is reduced to 4 kNm then
the maximum value of bending moment that can be applied to the shaft is
1. 1 kNm
2. 2 kNm
3. 3 kNm
4. 4 kNm
9. An over hanging beam having span of l between the supports and overhangs of l1 on each
side of supports carries a u.d.l. of w/unit length. The condition for points of contraflexure
to occur between the supports will be
1. l = 2l1
2. l > 2l1
3. l < 2l1
4. l < l1
10. An overhanging beam having equal overhang on either side of supports carrying
concentrated loads at free ends will be subjected to
1. maximum shearing stress and constant bending stress
2. bending stress varying linearly from support to mid section and constant shearing
3. constant bending stress between the supports and no shearing stress
4. constant shearing stress between the supports and no bending stress
11. For the same internal diameter, wall thickness material and internal pressure, the ratio of
maximum stress, induced in a thin cylindrical and thin spherical pressure vessel will be
1. 1/4
2. 1/2
3. 2
4. 4
12. If a bending moment M applied on a shaft causes a maximum bending stress of
magnitude equal to that of maximum shearing stress caused by a torque T then M/T is
1. 1/2
2. 1
3. 2
4. 4
13. A shaft is subjected to a maximum bending stress of 80 N/mm2 and maximum shearing
stress equal to 30 N/mm2 at a particular section. If the yield point in tension of the
material is 280 N/mm2 and maximum shear stress theory of failure is used, then the factor
of safety obtained will be
1. 2.5
2. 2.8
3. 3.0
4. 3.5
14. If σY is the yield strength of a particular material, then the distortion energy theory is
expressed as
15. A closely coiled helical spring is acted upon by an axial force. The maximum stress
developed in the spring is τ. Half of the length of the spring is cut-off and the remaining
spring is acted upon by the same axial force. The maximum stress in the spring under the
new condition will be
1. τ/2
2. τ
3. 2 τ
4. 4τ
16. A 3 m long steel cylindrical shaft is rigidly held at its two ends. A pulley is mounted on
the shaft at 1 m from one end, the shaft is twisted by applying torque on the pulley.
The maximum shearing stress developed in 1 m and 2 m lengths are respectively τ1 and
1. 4
2. 2
3. 1
4. 1/2
17. A circular solid shaft is subjected to a bending moment of 400 kNm and a twisting
moment of 300 kNm. On the basis of maximum principal stress theory the direct stress is
σ and according to maximum shear stress theory the shear stress is σ. The ratio σ/τ is
18. In a pressurized thick cylinder the internal and external radii are r1 and r2 respectively.
The radial displacement at any r, r1 < r < r2 is u. The radial strain, εrr is
4. u r
19. A plane stressed element is subjected to the state of stress given by
1. 50 kgf/cm2
2. 100 kgf/cm2
3. 50 kgf/cm2
4. 150 kgf/cm2
20. Consider the following statements:
State of stress at a point when completely specified enables one to determine the
4. 1 and 2
5. 2 and 3
6. 3 and 1
7. 1, 2 and 3
21. State of pure shear in a biaxial state of stress is given by
22. When two mutually perpendicular principal stresses are unequal but alike the maximum
shearing stress is represented by
1. the diameter of the Mohr's circle
2. half of the diameter of the Mohr's circle
3. one-third of the diameter of the Mohr's circle
4. one-fourth of the diameter of the Morh's circle
23. A circular cross-section shaft of dia. d is subjected to a B.M., M and a torque T.
24. The principal stresses at a point are
1. 25 MPa
2. 40 MPa
3. 60 MPa
4. 70 MPa
25. The Poisson's ratio of a material which has Young's modulus of 120 MPa and shear
modulus of 50 GPa is
1. 0.1
2. 0.2
3. 0.28
4. 0.3
26. If permissible stress in plates of joint through a pin as shown in the given figure is 100
MPa then the width w will be
1. 25 mm
2. 20 mm
3. 18 mm
4. 15 mm
27. Plane stress at a point in a body is defined by principal stresses 3σ and σ. The ratio of
normal stress to the maximum shearing stress on the plane of maximum shear stress is
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
28. The state of plane stress in a plate of 100 mm thickness is given as σxx = 100 N/mm2,
1. 200 N/mm2
2. 100 N/mm2
3. 90 N/mm2
4. zero
29. When a thin cylinder of diameter ‘d’ and thickness ‘t’ is pressurized with an internal
pressure ‘p'
32. In a beam over hanging equally on two sides of simple supports and loaded by a u.d.l.
over entire length, the shearing force at mid span will be
1. zero
2. minimum
3. maximum
4. either maximum or minimum
33. In a beam over hanging equally on two sides of simple supports and loaded by
concentrated load at each end, the zero shearing force will occur
1. at mid section
2. over entire length between supports
3. over overhangs
4. at supports
34. The load on a simply supported beam of span L varies linearly from zero at one end to
w/unit length at the other. The maximum B.M. is
35. Circumferential stress in a cylindrical steel boiler shell under internal pressure is 80 MPa.
Young's modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio are respectively 2 × 105 MPa and 0.28.
The magnitude of circumferential strain in the boiler shell will be
1. 3.44 × 10–4
2. 3.84 × 10–4
3. 4 × 10–4
4. 4.56 × 10–4
36. Consider the following statements:
If at a section, distant from one of the ends of the beam, M represents the bending
moment, V the shearing force and w the intensity of loading, then
4. 1 and 2
5. 1 and 3
6. 2 and 3
7. 1, 2 and 3
37. A cantilever beam having 5 m length is so loaded that it develops a shearing force of 20T
and a bending moment of 20 T-m at a section 2m from the free end. Maximum shearing
force and maximum bending moment developed in the beam under this load are
respectively 50T and 125Tm. The load on the beam is
1. 25T concentrated at the free end
2. 20T concentrated at the free end
3. 10T/m udl over entire length
4. 2T/m udl over entire length and 5T concentrated at free end
38. A beam having uniform cross-section carries as uniformly distributed load of intensity q
per unit length over entire span and its mid span deflection is δ. The value of mid span
deflection of the same beam when the same load is distributed with intensity varying
from 2q per unit length at one end to zero at the other is
1. δ/3
2. δ/2
3. δ
4. 2δ
39. The bending moment equation as a function of distance x measured from the left end, for
a simply supported beam of span L (meter) carrying a uniformly distributed load of
intensity w N/m will be given by
40. According to maximum shear stress theory of failure, permissible twisting moment in a
circular shaft is ‘T’. The permissible twisting moment in the same shaft as per the
maximum principal stress theory will be
1. T/2
2. T
3. T
4. 2 T
41. A rectangular section beam subjected to a bending moment varying along its length is
required to develop same maximum bending stress at any cross-section. If the depth of
the section is constant its width will vary as
1. M
3. (1/M2)
4. (1/M)
42. If the rod fitted snugly between the supports shown in the figure is heated to raise
temperature by 20°C, the stress induced in the rod is
1. 0.07945 MPa
2. – 0.07945 MPa
3. – 0.03972 MPa
4. 0.03972 MPa
43. The distribution of shearing stress across a cross-section of a beam is expressed as
5. 1 alone
6. 1 and 3
7. 1, 2 and 4
8. 2, 3 and 4
48. Match Lists I and II
53. Match List I and II and select the correct answer using codes given below the lists.
2. Torsion of a circular shaft
3. Thin cylinder subjected to internal pressure
4. The tie bar subjected to tensile force
54. Codes:
58. Match List I (elastic properties of an isotropic elastic material) with List II (Nature of
strain produced) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II
A. Young's modulus 1. Shear strain
B. Modulus of rigidity 2. Normal strain
C. Bulk modulus 3. Transverse strain
D. Poisson's ratio 4. Volumetric strain
59. Codes:
63. Match four correct pairs in Lists I and II
A. Strain rosette 1. Critical speed
B. Beams 2. Mohr's circle
C. Section modulus 3. Coil spring
D. Wahl's stress factor 4. Flexural rigidity
E. Fatigue 5. Endurance limit
F. Somerfeld number 6. Cone section
64. Codes:
68. For a cantilever beam of length ‘L', flexural rigidity ‘EI’ and loaded at its free end by a
concentrated load W, match List I with List II and select the correct answer
List I List II
A. Maximum bending moment 1. WL
B. Strain energy
C. Maximum slope
D. Maximum deflection
69. Codes:
73. Permissible bending moment in a circular shaft under pure bending is M according to
maximum principal stress theory of failure. According to maximum shearing stress
theory of failure the permissible bending moment in the same shaft is
1. M/2
3. M
4. 2M
74. If the bending moment diagram for simply supported beam is of the form given below,
the load acting on the beam is
1. a moment applied at C
2. equal moments applied at A and B in opposite directions
3. a udl over entire length of the beam
4. a concentrated load at C accompanied by equal and opposite moments at A and B.
75. A beam is simply supported at its ends and is loaded by a couple at the mid span as
shown in the figure. The shear force diagram is given by
List I List II
(End condition of column) (Lowest critical load)
A. Both ends hinged 1. π2 EI/l2
B. Both ends fixed 2. 2π2 EI/l2
C. One end fixed and other hinged 3. 4π2 EI/l2
D. One end fixed and other free 4. π2 EI/4l2
79. Codes:
83. Equivalent lengths of following columns are given below. Select the correct combination.
1. Both ends hinged
2. One end hinged other end fixed
3. Both ends fixed
4. One end free and other fixed
5. I – l, II – l/ , III – l/2, IV – 2l
6. I – l, II – l/ , III – l/ , IV – 2l′
7. I – l, II – l/ , III – 2l, IV – 4l
8. I – 2l, II – , III – l/2, IV – 4l
1. (b)
2. (c)
3. (a)
4. (c)
5. (c)
6. (c)
7. (a)
8. (c)
9. (b)
10. (c)
11. (c)
12. (a)
13. (b)
14. (a)
15. (b)
16. (d)
17. (c)
18. (a)
19. (c)
20. (d)
21. (a)
22. (b)
23. (a)
24. (c)
25. (b)
26. (b)
27. (b)
28. (d)
29. (d)
30. (b)
31. (d)
32. (a)
33. (b)
34. (a)
35. (a)
36. (a)
37. (c)
38. (c)
39. (d)
40. (b)
41. (a)
42. (b)
43. (b)
44. (c)
45. (c)
46. (d)
47. (a)
48. (a)
49. (c)
50. (b)
51. (b)
52. (a)
53. (c)
54. (a)
55. (d)
56. (d)
57. (a)
58. (c)
59. (a)