Mahendra College of Engineering: Programme Educational Objectives (Peos) Statements
Mahendra College of Engineering: Programme Educational Objectives (Peos) Statements
Mahendra College of Engineering: Programme Educational Objectives (Peos) Statements
Salem-campus, attur main road, minnampalli, salem -636 106.
To create value added, disciplined, high profile electronics and communication professionals for
successful careers in their related industry that makes them globally reputed.
II. To develop the students with a sound foundation in mathematical, scientific and
engineering fundamentals necessary to synthesize the technical core concepts focusing on
skill development and knowledge up gradation which will lead to technical innovations.
III. To practice and demonstrate the ability to use the domain knowledge and expertise
through periodic assignments , performances and projects to continuously prove the
functionality of electronics and communication engineering learning in social and
environmental aspects and to make allowances for further improvements.