Petroleum Production Technology: Week 1 Lecture 1
Petroleum Production Technology: Week 1 Lecture 1
Petroleum Production Technology: Week 1 Lecture 1
Tubing Head (‘Bean’) Gas
Pressure Pressure
Flow line Oil
Oil produced
as Single Reservoir Pressure
Oil Zone
Bottom Hole
Dr. Mofazzal Hossain
Associate Professor – Petroleum Production Technology
Building 613: ARRC Building (Technology Park), Room 6H21 Week 1
Email: Lecture ‐1
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 1
Unit Objectives & Contents
The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of petroleum production technology; it’s
application to subsurface petroleum production systems; and design and optimization of
petroleum production systems.
For PG Students
An introduction to petroleum production systems including new technology, surface production
facilities and operation;
reservoir inflow and well outflow performance concepts at various bottomhole conditions; tubing
performance analysis, design and selection;
basic well completion design concepts and familiarization of downhole completion equipment;
design and analysis of artificial lift systems including gas lift, and pump lift; design, analysis and
optimization of total petroleum production systems using conventional and nodal analysis.
For UG
An introduction to petroleum production systems including reservoir’s inflow performance and
well’s outflow performance concepts, formation damage mechanisms, and nodal analysis;
Basic well completions including options, types, properties, and selection based on producing
scenarios, and familiarization of different downhole completion equipment;
An overview of artificial lift systems including technologies, equipment and fundamental
mechanisms of each system, and artificial lift selection criteria;
Analysis and optimization of total petroleum production systems using conventional and nodal
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Unit learning outcome
Expected unit learning outcome (UG)
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Unit learning outcome
Expected unit learning outcome (PG)
1. Explain the fundamental principles of the different units; Illustrate different components
and interfaces; and identify factors influencing the performance of a petroleum production
system (CLO1, CLO2, T3)
2. Apply various techniques to analyse and evaluate the performance of various units of a
petroleum production systems ( CLO1, CLO2, T4)
3. Select and analyse different well completions configurations including wells with artificial lift
systems; identify advantages and disadvantages; and evaluate factors influencing the
optimal designs and operations(CLO2, CLO4, CLO5,T5)
4. Explain discipline knowledge to demonstrate broad understanding for the design and
development of a optimum petroleum production system, revise current industry practices
and recommend feasible options (CLO2, CLO3, CLO5, T5)
5. Design an optimum production systems using nodal analysis concepts (CLO2, CLO5, CLO9,
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1. Production optimization using Nodal analysis by H. Dale Beggs,
OGCI and Petro‐skills Publications, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2003
2. Petroleum Production Systems, By Michael J. Economides, et
al, Prentice Petroleum Engineering Series, 1994
3. Petroleum Production Engineering – A computer Assisted
Approach, by Boyun Guo, et al, Elsevier Science and
Technology Books, February 2007
4. Surface Production Operations, by Arnold, K., and Stewart, M.
(2nd Ed., Vol 1 and Vol 2), Gulf Publishing Company, 1999.
You may some of these books in
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Learning Activities
Lectures – every Tuesday 3 – 5 PM
Theory, concepts, broad discussion
Tutorial/Workshop – Friday 2‐4PM Noon on need basis (as
provided in unit outline)
• Tutorial will be based on problem solving, discussion, answering
• Group project (3‐4 members for PG and 4‐5 for UG)
• Every group needs to be committed with their work
• Expected to be proactive, have sense of self responsibilities
• Expected to resolve any issue through discussion with group
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 10
Introduction and Overview
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Oil produced
as Single Reservoir Pressure
Oil Zone
Bottom Hole
Pressure • What is the key driving force?
q • What is the key output of this system?
31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 12
Production Technology (PT)
Petroleum Production Engineering covers diverse and broad based
discipline, closely associated with the maintenance, operation and
management of number of wells in a petroleum producing field.
It interfaces with drilling, reservoir engineers, as well as well
intervention specialists.
It is a business driven responsibility but is based on an integrated
understanding of reservoir engineering and well engineering systems
A Production Technologist (PT) always seeks for achieving optimum
performance from a production system
PT always seeks innovative solution for maximizing the oil and gas
production by reducing the cost; improving the performance and
efficiency; and trouble shooting and problem solving
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 13
Petroleum field Units
Here are some key units that are
The oil and gas industry uses
used in the industry
a diverse set of units, you will Oil flow rate / volume
rarely get to use “pure” SI – Barrels (bbl)
units you might have learnt at • 1 bbl = 0.158 m3
31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 14
Production Engineering and its association and interfacing
Reservoir Inflow performance
(Reservoir Engineering) Reservoir
Well flowing performance
(Wellbore, completion, tubing Production
Drilling and
performance) Artificial lift,
Well completion and Workover stimulation
Techniques – Cleaning, Well
repairing, remedial action etc
Productivity Enhancement ‐ Well Technology Well and
Stimulation, and Artificial Lift monitoring Tubing
Surface Processing (Chemical Diagnosis and Performance
Changes and Mechanical Design)
and Surface
Remedial processing
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An overview of Petroleum Production
Introduction to
• Well productivity
• Well completion
• Well Stimulation
• Horizontal Well
• Fundamental concept of system analysis
• Review of reservoir fluid properties and various
correlation (self‐study – strongly recommended to
study by yourself to recap your previous knowledge)
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 16
Well Productivity
Productivity = f(pressure loss
occurs in different
For natural flowing well,
31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 17
Pressure Drop Components (natural flow, open hole )
PTH = 1000 psi (145 kPa)
• Pressures drops every
stage in its flow path during
PSURF = 400 psi (58 kPa) the production of reservoir
• Large proportion of
300 psi pressure drops inside the
(43.5 kPa) OIL
PPT = 3000 psi
(435 kPa) CHOKE completion tubulars and
CHOKE = 300 psi
(43.5 kPa) surface facilities
For Natural Flowing Well:
Pres = 2000 psi (290 kPa)
85~90% of pressure
PRES = 6000 psi (870 kPa) drops due to Reservoir
& Tubing
PWF = 4000 psi (580 kPa)
31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 18
Pressure Drop Components
0 ft
Shallow Well
– >90% Press drop across
Reservoir & Tubing
Deep Well
– 80‐90% Press drop across
ΔPTBG = 60% Tubing only
ΔPRES = 40%
Deviated Well
– 90‐100% Press drop
across Tubing only
10,000 ft
ΔPTBG = 73% ΔPTBG = 96%
ΔPRES = 27% ΔPRES = 4%
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Effect of change of pressure and temperature
LIQUID Critical
Pressure, psia
20 0
Separator Vol % Liq.
100 200
Temperature, oC
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 20
7050 20
Well Completion
Historically, the major portion of production technology
activities is associated with the engineering and installation of
the downhole completion equipment
The completion string is a critical component of the production
To be effective, it must be efficiently designed, installed and
The completion must consider and specify how the reservoir
fluids will enter the wellbore from the formation
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 21
Well Completion – simple example
Simple well completed with: Tubing
– carries fluid to surface
Subsurface Safety Valves (SSSV)
– shut in well in emergency
Side Pocket Mandrels (SPM)
– point of injection for gaslift
Circulation Devices (SSD’s)
– communicate between tubing and
– isolate production zones
– installation of flow controls
Flow Couplings
– protect tubing from internal erosion
Blast Joints
– protect tubing from external erosion
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 22
Well Stimulation
Well stimulation techniques refer to activities for:
improving the degree of inter‐connection between the pores
removing any impediments to flow, such as fine particles blocking the pore
providing a large conductive hydraulic channel, which will allow the
wellbore to communicate with a larger conductive area of the reservoir
(high conductivity)
Improving the well productivity/enhancing reservoir’s production
All of these are achieved via enhancing mainly the reservoir
In general, three principal techniques are used in well stimulation
matrix acidizing
acid fracturing ; and
propped hydraulic fracturing
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Horizontal Wells
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Systems Analysis Concepts
Pressure System Analysis Plot
Pwh Rate, qo
Vertical Lift or
Solution Rate
Rate, stb/d
Flowing Pressure
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 25
Petroleum production systems
Possible pressure losses in a complete systems
Reservoir Pressure
Pressure drop increments
for the maximum flow rate:
IPR p Reservoir
Pressure, p
p Tubing
Pressure Separator Pressure
flowline Pressure p Choke
Choke Pressure
p Flowline Minimum Separator Pressure
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 26
Total System Optimization – Nodal Analysis
Reservoir Pressure
PR 5 Pressure drop increments
p Reservoir for the maximum flow rate:
Pressure, p
2 Flowline
Minimum Separator Pressure
Production Rate, q
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31 July 2018 possible or desired system production rate
Thank you
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Self‐Study – Strongly recommended to study these
materials, especially masters student must
Review of Reservoir Fluid Properties –
Recommended for Self study
Properties of oil and gas – notes available on
Recommended Book for additional reading:
Petroleum Production Systems by Economides, Chapter 3 and 4
Or Reservoir Engineering Handbook by T. Ahmed – Chapter 1
and 2 (This book can be downloaded from
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 29
Petroleum Fluid ‐ Rough Classification
1. Natural gas
Gas phase at surface condition.
It is condensed into a liquid under compression for
convenient transportation and storage.
2. Crude oil
wide range of colour, viscosity, density, and impurity.
API gravity, °API = 141.5 / ( specific gravity) ‐ 131.5
for water, °API = 10.
Fluid becomes lighter as API gravity increases.
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 30
Components of Petroleum Fluids
Contain mostly hydrocarbon (HC) such as
C1, (Methane)
C2 (Ethane)
C3 (Propane)
C7+ including some % of non‐hydrocarbons such as:
Sulfur compounds (most common)
Oxygen compounds
Nitrogen Compounds
Carbon dioxide
Metals, Salts
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 31
Reservoir Fluid Classification
Depending on components (light or heavy) gravity,
GOR and so on, one can classify reservoir fluids into
five categories
1. Dry gas
Light Components dominant Higher
heavy components dominant, higher
2. Wet gas
GOR, higher API gravity
3. Retrograde condensate gas
4. Light oil (volatile oil)
specific gravity
5. Heavy oil (black oil)
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 32
Oil Properties
Basic Oil properties include:
Solution GOR; and
Oil density and Viscosity;
Formation Volume Factor
Compressibility Factor
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 33
Solution GOR, Rs
Solution GOR (Rs ) = Vgas/Voil (scf/stb) – PVT property
Which measure the amount gas (in scf) available in 1 stock tank bbl
Empirical correlation based on PVT (analysis), the solution GOR ,Rs
can be approximated by using
where g = Gas gravity
oAPI = API gravity , and
p = pressure in psi, and
t = temperature oF,
Note that solution GOR is often used for volumetric oil and gas calculations in
reservoir engineering. It is also used as a base parameter for estimating other
fluid properties such as density of oil.
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 34
Density of Oil
Because of gas content, density of oil is pressure dependent. The density of oil
at standard condition is evaluated by API gravity.
The relationship between the density of stock tank oil and API gravity is given
o = function (P,T, g, GOR, compositions)
Several correlations are available
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Density (cont)
Ahmed (1989) presented the following expression for the density of oil:
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 36
Formation Volume Factor (B)
Bg = Volume of gas in Reservoir condition (Vr)/Volume of gas in standard condition (Vsc)
Gas Expansion Factor, Eg = 1/Bg
The volume change of crude oil upon production (i.e., transportation from a reservoir to surface.)
Bo [rb/stb] = vol of oil at res condition/ vol of oil at STB = (mass of 1 STB + mass of gas evolved from 1STB)
/ mass of 1 res. bbl
“1 stock‐tank barrel of oil occupies Bo barrels of oil at reservoir conditions”
This implies that Bo includes the concept of Rs in calculation.
The volume change of water upon production, rb/stb
Bw [rb/stb] = vol of water at res / vol of water at STP.
“1 stock‐tank barrel of water occupies Bw barrels of water at reservoir conditions” – Very close to 1.
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 37
Note that
Bubble‐point pressure (Pb)
A function of solution gas‐oil ratio (Rs), gas gravity, stock‐tank(ST) oil gravity, and
Solution Gas‐Oil Ratio (Rs)
A function of bubble‐point pressure, gas gravity, ST oil gravity, and temperature
(the same as Pb)
Oil Formation Volume Factor (Bo)
Below bubble point pressure (BBP):
A function of solution GOR, gas gravity, ST oil gravity, and temperature.
Bo above BPP can be calculated using the compressibility of oil.
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 38
Note that
Total Formation Volume Factor (Bt)
A function of solution GOR (Rs), gas gravity, ST oil gravity, pressure
and temperature.
Isothermal compressibility of oil (Co)
Above Bubble Point Pressure (BPP):
A function of Rs, gas gravity, ST oil gravity, pressure and temperature
Below BPP:
A function of Rs@ BPP (or Rsb), ST oil gravity, pressure and
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 39
Notes on Physical Properties of Oil
1. Specific weight or gravity: Oil gravity or some time called specific gravity
represents the weight of oil relative to the weight of water. Mathematically,
go = o/w (oil density/ water density)
Specific gravity of crude oil some time measures in terms of API number
API number = 141.5/ o ‐13.5
API number for water is 10. And the higher the API number means lighter
the oil relative to water and better quality
2. Colour:
The darker, the heavier components and the worse quality.
3. Viscosity:
The more viscous means more heavier components and the worse quality
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Notes on Physical Properties
4. Gasoline contents: The more, better the quality
5. Non‐hydrocarbon contents (especially sulphur): The less, the
6. Heavy‐component contents (wax, asphalten): The less, the better
7. Pour point ‐
Lowest temperature for the oil to flow at given pressure
Light components + paraffins flow easily, so the lower the better quality.
8. Cloud point
Temperature at which liquid‐phase oil becomes solidified
Light components + paraffins are not solidified easily, so the lower the better.
Note: All these indices primarily concern about impurities, light‐oil
contents, and paraffin contents.
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 41
Physical Properties (cont)
Importance of molecular size and structure
Viscosity of a crude oil is affected by molecular size and structure of the
hydrocarbon compounds.
Rule of thumb: Large or complex hydrocarbons exhibit higher viscosity.
Viscosity also affected by the amount of volatile components (i.e., stock tank
oil vs. reservoir oil). This implies viscosity of crude oil is a function of P, T,
and composition
Therefore molecular size and structure (i.e., composition) can affect phase
behaviour (i.e., bubble‐point pressure, gas‐liquid equilibrium, flash test) and
physical properties (i.e., density, viscosity, compressibility) significantly.
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 42
Oil Density
Oil Density Calculation
Method 1:‐Ideal Solution Approach
j j
Assumptions: xM
No force between molecules, j j
No heat loss/ no volume loss upon mixing
Xj – mole fraction of j component, and Mj – molecular weight of j
Density of liquid with various components can be estimated from the
above equation. “weighted average”
Note that estimation of density of liquid phase at reservoir P and T is more
difficult because the components do not behave as an ideal solution.
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 43
Oil viscosity
Various correlations are available. Standing correlations are very popular
For dead oil,
For saturated crude oil oil,
For unsaturated crude oil
pb is bubble point pressure, and mb is viscosity
at bubble point (i.e. – saturated oil viscosity)
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 44
Natural Gas Viscosity
Simplest way to use weighted average method when the compositions are
known. 1/ 2
yM gj j wj
g at low pressure (near atmospheric pressure)
y M j
1/ 2
Note that the calculation requires viscosity of pure gases at the same pressure and
Alternatively use table or correlation such as Carr‐Kobayashi‐Burrows Correlation:
For this correlation, the specific gravity (g) or molecular weight is required
(“apparent molecular weight”)
Step to follow:
‐. Read the viscosity at 1 atm (g1) as a function of T and g.
‐. Read viscosity ratio (g/ g1) as a function of pseudo‐reduced properties
(graph depending on g ) g
‐. Calculate the viscosity using g g1
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Natural Gas Viscosity
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Natural Gas Viscosity
(g/ g1)
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Correction for impurities
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Dempsey Correlation for Gas viscosity
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PVT Analysis
Ideal Gas Properties
Ideal Gas Law
n = moles of gas = mass (m)/ molecular weight(Mw)
R = ideal gas law constant or universal gas constant
=10.732 psia ft3/(lb mol R)
= 8.314 kPa m3/(kg mol K)
P V = ( m / Mw ) RT
P v = RT / Mw
P / = RT / Mw ; = P Mw / (RT)
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 50
PVT Analysis
Ideal Gas Properties
Note that
1: Unit of the temperature must be either K or R.
Kelvin: K = 273 + C
Rankin: R= 460 + F
C = (5/9)(F‐32)
2: The value of universal gas constant (R) can vary widely depending on
the units. Some examples are;
R = 10.732 psia ft3 /( lbmol R)
R = 8.3145 kPa m3 /( kgmol K)
R = 82.057 atm cc /( gmol K)
3: The pressure in the equation should be in absolute pressure.
Absolute pressure = gauge pressure + atmospheric (or, surrounding) pressure
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PVT Analysis
Real Gas Properties
Real Gas Law
Z = compressibility factor or gas deviation factor
P v = ZRT / Mw
P / = ZRT / Mw ; = P Mw / (ZRT)
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 52
PVT Analysis, Z-factor
Real Gas Properties (Z‐factor)
Z reflects the relative volume of a real gas compared with that of an
ideal gas
If a real gas compresses more than an ideal gas: Z<1
If less than an ideal gas: Z>1
If equally to an ideal gas: Z=1
Z- factor
Z= fn(P, T, Comp)
Pressure, p
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 53
PVT Analysis, Z-factor
Real Gas Properties
Note that Z = function of (P,T, composition)
Need tremendous amount of experimental work to evaluate the Z
factor for mixtures
One empirical way to reduce the number of variable is using reduced
pressure (Pr ) and reduced temperature (Tr).
In such case, Z = function of (Pr,Tr)
In other words, Z factor can be represented as a function of Pr and Tr
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 54
PVT Analysis, Z-factor
Properties of Gas Mixtures (approximation)
Calculation steps (when compositions are available:
1. Use the concept of the weighted average! (i.e., molecular wt. of gas mixture), the pesudo critical
and reduced properties of a multi-component mixture can be estimated as:
2. Use standard correlations, such as given by Standing and Katz chart for a natural gas mixture
- excellent for actual natural gases and pure paraffin hydrocarbons.
- works well even with some amount of contaminants,
for example <20% of N2 and <10% of H2S+CO2.
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Katz chart
• Note this chart work very well
for gas having hydrocarbon
components (sweet gas)
• Could be used for gas with
minor non‐hydrocarbon
components like CO2 and
H2S, Nitrogen
• Sour Gas ‐ when as 100 cft
gas contains 1 grain of H2S
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When the composition of natural
gas is not available, the pseudo‐
critical pressure (Ppc) and
temperature (Tpc) can be
estimated from Standing
Correlations based on gas gravity
For Natural Gas Systems
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 57
Z – in presence of non‐hydrocarbon gases (H2S and CO2)
• Standing Correlations work very well for natural gas with very low
H2S <3%, N2 <5%, and CO2
• Correction required for H2S and CO2
Wichert and Aziz (1972) correction – very popular and widely used
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 58
Z – in presence of non‐hydrocarbon gases (H2S and CO2), cont.
Correlations with impurity corrections for mixture
pseudo‐critical pressure and temperature are also available (Ahmed,
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 59
Z‐Factor calculation procedure
2. Calculate,
Ppr = P (given)/Ppc and
Tpr = T(given)/Tpc
3. Use Standing chart to calculate z‐factor ‐ this not
very convenient for computer programming
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31 July 2018 Production Technology by Dr. M. M. Hossain 60
Correlation of Z‐ factor, for natural gas
Brill and Beggs (1974) correlation based on standing and Kartz (1954)
Calculate Ppr and Tpr
following same
procedure discussed
in previous slide
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Correlation of Z‐ factor, for natural gas (cont)
Hall and Yarborough (1973) – seems more accurate, but need to solve iteratively:
Where Y has to be solved iteratively from following
= 0
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Calculation of Gas density and formation volume factor
Gas density,
Where MWa is molecular weight of air = 28.97 ~29,
R is Universal Gas constant. R = 10.732 psia ft3 /( lb‐mol oR)
Gas formation volume factor
Bg = Vres/Vsc =(znRT/p)/(zscnRTsc/psc)
Bg = 0.0283 zT/p in res ft3/SCF = 0.00504 zT/p in rb/scf
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